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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Marché des logiciels : une confrontation entre logiciels propriétaires, libres et piratés. / Foss and pirated software competition for proprietary software

Attaya, Heger 05 February 2014 (has links)
Les analyses des marchés des logiciels ont longtemps été limitées à l'unique confrontation libre-propriétaire ou propriétaire-piratage. Cette thèse fournit à l'opposé une vision originale d'une confrontation articulée entre propriétaire-libre-piratage. L'analyse du marché des logiciels est réalisée premièrement à travers un descriptif économique et technique du produit "logiciel". Cette description est nécessaire pour saisir le comment et le pourquoi de la déclinaison du produit "logiciel" sous trois formes : propriétaire, libre et piraté. L'aspect technique est particulièrement substantiel puisqu'il permet de comprendre parfois l'impossibilité technique de délimiter le piratage informatique. Cette analyse est appuyée ensuite par un descriptif historique de la construction du marché et l'introduction des droits de propriété qui ont été un facteur déterminant pour la transformation des échanges. On identifie par la suite, les principaux acteurs (producteurs et diffuseurs) de ses trois déclinaisons du bien logiciel et leurs modes organisationnels. En parallèle aux entreprises éditrices de logiciel propriétaire et des communautés de logiciel libre (Hackers), une nouvelle catégorie d'acteurs développant du "matériel informatique libre" est identifiée (open hardware). L'accent est mis sur l'enchevêtrement des frontières entre les communautés libres et le groupe des pirates dont la distinction est complexe, puisque certaines pratiques de piratage sont de fait tolérées par le marché. Les pirates sont aussi considérés dans le cadre de cette thèse, selon leurs compétences techniques. Une typologie des pirates est donc proposée, distinguant les "utilisateurs" des "producteurs" de logiciels piratés (pirates passifs et pirates actifs). Notre analyse se poursuit ensuite avec des modélisations mathématiques et économétriques pour défendre la thèse que les trois déclinaisons du bien logiciel s'inter-influencent et que la concurrence sur le marché des logiciels est ternaire. Cette approche est originale en ce qui concerne les logiciels libres, car vu la récente nouveauté du phénomène, peu d'études de quantification ont été réalisé. Un théorème mathématique, largement utilisé en contrôle optimale, est sollicité pour analyser la façon dont les acteurs des logiciels propriétaires tiennent compte à la fois de la présence concurrentielle des logiciels piratés et celle des logiciels libres. Il est montré qu'une stratégie de tolérance du piratage peut servir favorablement le logiciel propriétaire sur le marché pour réduire "l'effet réseau" des logiciels libres et de renforcer l'effet de "lock-in" du propriétaire. Le modèle économétrique soutient également la thèse que la diffusion des logiciels libres impacte celle des logiciels piratés. La construction d'une base de données de pays à différents niveaux de développement, montre que les politiques gouvernementales en faveur des logiciels libres et l'intérêt de population locale pour linux, peuvent réduire les pratiques du piratage. Ce constat varie selon les catégories de pays étudiés (pays développés, émergents, en voie de développement et pauvres). Les résultats du modèle économétrique appuient ceux de la modélisation. / Publishers of proprietary software are confronted both by the onset of piracy practices and free/open software. So far, the obstacles faced by proprietary software have been presented in the literature by means of two distinct approaches :(i) the piracy/proprietary software (illicit competition), or (ii) the open source/proprietary software (licit competition) standpoints. In this thesis we propose an alternative approach of the software market, which focuses on the coexistence of competitive forces piracy practices and open software. The three forces are supported by di_erent actors, to which we add the new one of open hardware that consolidated the position of free software on the market. The new approach distinguishes also between sophisticated active pirates producers and casual passive pirate users. We emphasized that it is di_cult to distinguish between hackers and pirates, as piracy practices are sometimes tolerated by the market. Using an econometric and mathematics model we show the impacts that one in_icts over the other. The mathematical model investigates how changes in the _rm's anti-piracy policya_ect the number of pirates users, given that the free software network size increases if pirates become free software users. The proposed econometric model shows that government policies in favour of open source software and adoption of Linux by individuals tends to decrease software piracy. A majorempirical result concerns the emerging and developing countries where policies in favour of free software can in some speci_c cases reduce piracy.

"Técnicas de geoprocessamento aplicadas à análise morfométrica" / GIS techniques applied to morphometric analysis

Carlos Henrique Grohmann de Carvalho 05 May 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho, buscou-se o desenvolvimento e adequação de técnicas de análise morfométrica em Sistemas de Informações Geográficas. Como base de trabalho, foram utilizados os programas livres GRASS-GIS e a linguagem estatística R. Os parâmetros morfométricos estudados foram hipsometria, declividade, orientação de vertentes, perfis em varredura, densidade de lineamentos e de drenagem, rugosidade de relevo, isobases e gradiente hidráulico. A área de estudo localiza-se na borda leste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG), e possui unidades geomorfológicas distintas: um relevo montanhoso a oeste (Serra do Caraça), separado por uma escarpa de centenas de metros de terrenos caracterizados por dissecação fluvial, que abrigam em sua porção central, um planalto sustentado por conglomerados ferruginosos cenozóicos. O elemento principal da análise morfométrica é o Modelo Numérico de Terreno (MDT), que pode ser interpolado a partir de curvas de nível ou de pontos cotados. Há ainda a possibilidade de utilizar MDTs produzidos pela agência espacial americana (NASA), disponíveis gratuitamente via internet. A metodologia proposta envolve principalmente operações básicas de SIG, como conversão entre formatos vetorial e matricial, operações matemáticas simples em mapas raster e interpolação de valores pontuais em superfícies contínuas. Análise de superfícies de tendência foi realizada para verificar a possibilidade de uso do método em estudos de morfotectônica. Foram ajustadas superfícies polinomiais de 1º a 6º grau, e as significâncias estatísticas de cada polinômio e do incremento do grau polinomial foram verificadas com análise de variância. Os mapas morfométricos produzidos permitiram a identificação de estruturas provavelmente relacionadas com a configuração atual da paisagem. Os mapas de resíduos para as superfícies de tendência mais representativas possuem boa correlação com as estruturas inferidas. A metodologia proposta pode ser adaptada aos diversos pacotes SIG existentes no mercado. O uso de programas livres e de código aberto garante o acesso a todos, e sua crescente popularização abre novas perspectivas nesse campo. / This work aims on developing and adaptation of morphometric analysis in Geographic Information Systems. Free softwares GRASS-GIS and R statistical language were used as main applications. Studied morphometric parameters were hypsometry, slope, aspect, swath profiles, drainage and lineament density, surface roughness, isobase and hydraulic gradient. The study area is located in the eastern border of Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG), and has distinct geomorphological units: a mountainous relief to west (Serra do Caraça), separated by a scarp with hundreds of meters of fall from fluvial dissected terrains, with a flat plateau in its central portion, the Chapada de Canga. The main element for morphometric analysis is the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which can be interpolated form contours or scattered points. There is also the possibility of utilize NASA' s DEMs, freely available via internet. The proposed methodology deals mainly with basic GIS operations, like conversion between raster and vector, simple mathematic operations on raster maps and interpolation of discrete values into continuous surfaces. Trend-surface analysis was carried out o verify the possibility of use the method for morphotectonic studies. Polynomial surfaces from 1st to 6th degree were adjusted; the statistical significance of each surface and the significance of increasing polynomial degree were verified with analysis of variance. Produced morphometric maps allow identification of structures probably related with present-day landscape configuration. Residuals maps for most representative trend-surfaces keep good correlation with inferred structures. The proposed methodology can be adapted to the variety of GIS packages available in the market. The use of free and open-source softwares guarantees access to everyone, and its increasing popularization opens new perspectives in this field.

A pedagogia da migração do software proprietário para o livre: uma perspectiva freiriana. / The pedagogy of migration from proprietary software to free software: a freirian perspective.

Anderson Fernandes de Alencar 26 September 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação é resultado do trabalho de pesquisa no intuito de refletir acerca de uma proposta de migração do software proprietário para o software livre que contemple elementos do pensamento do filósofo Álvaro Vieira Pinto e do educador Paulo Freire. O trabalho discute, como fundamentos teóricos, as contribuições de Álvaro Vieira Pinto e Paulo Freire para o estado da arte da tecnologia no presente contexto por meio de suas reflexões acerca do conceito de técnica e tecnologia, das diversas atitudes frente à tecnologia, da crítica à dependência tecnológica, da apresentação da tecnologia como patrimônio da humanidade, na reflexão sobre uma possível \"práxis tecnológica\", de uma tecnologia a serviço das causas de emancipação e mudança social e na defesa por uma concepção de infoinclusão. O software livre também é apresentado como uma alternativa viável e coerente com o sonho de um outro mundo possível. São apresentados, ainda, o seu histórico e evolução, as razões filosóficas, técnicas e econômicas para o seu uso, as suas limitações e o software livre como movimento social. Como metodologia foi escolhido o estudo de caso da experiência de migração para software livre do Instituto Paulo Freire, instituição que Freire acompanhou desde a sua fundação. O pesquisador foi capaz de acompanhar toda a gênese da proposta, sua maturação, seu desenvolvimento e uma de suas últimas ações, não sendo possível acompanhar a experiência até o seu término por limitações temporais. Toda a experiência foi relatada nesta dissertação. No intuito de angariar elementos que viessem a dar corpo para uma nova proposta de migração e para a reflexão da própria experiência vivida, foram submetidos questionários aos migrantes, os quais deram fortes contribuições para se repensar a experiência bem como para pensar uma nova. Ao final, foi possível concluir que a experiência do Instituto está de acordo com os princípios freirianos que defende, que a experiência de migração para software livre é uma experiência essencialmente pedagógica, daí o necessário envolvimento dos educadores e o imprescindível papel da formação em todas as práticas da migração. / This dissertation is the result of research work aimed at considering a migration proposal from proprietary software to a free software that addresses elements of the thoughts of both philosopher Álvaro Vieira Pinto and educator Paulo Freire. This work discusses, as theoretical beddings, the contributions of Álvaro Vieira Pinto and Paulo Freire to the art of technology in the current context by considering their thoughts on technique and concepts of technology; various attitudes with respect to technology; criticism of technological dependence; and technology as a patrimony of humanity, a possible \"technological praxis\", a source of emancipation and social change, and a defense of an info-inclusion concept. Free software is also presented as a viable and coherent alternative, holding the dream of another possible world. Its description and evolution are presented, as well as philosophical, economical and technical reasons for its use, its limitations, and free software as a social movement. Concerning methodology, the Instituto Paulo Freire, institution Paulo Freire followed since its foundation, was chosen as a case study for the experiment of the migration to free software. The researcher participated in the experiment from the beginning of the proposal, and during its maturation, development and last actions. However, he was not able to participate in the experiment to the end due to time limitations. The entire experiment is reported in this research report. With the intent of acquiring elements that would bring strength to a new migration proposal and to an understanding of the experiment itself, questionnaires were submitted to all migrants, whose answers brought important contributions to the experiment. It was concluded that the Instituto Paulo Freire experiment was completed in accordance with the Freirian principles it defends. The migration experiment for free software is an essentially pedagogical experiment. This is why the participation of educators and expertise are essential for the migration.

Redes de microfones em tempo real: uma implementação com hardware de baixo custo e software de código aberto. / Real time microphone arrays: a low-cost implementation with open source code.

Flávio Conde 24 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a implementação prática de uma rede de microfones para ser utilizada em tempo real. A solução proposta envolve o uso de hardware de baixo custo e software de código aberto. Em termos de hardware, a rede de microfones utilizou dispositivos de áudio USB conectados diretamente a um computador pessoal (PC). Em termos de software, foram utilizados a biblioteca de código aberto Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) e o sistema operacional Linux. Algumas implementações foram realizadas na biblioteca ALSA para que fosse possível a utilização da rede de microfones dentro do Linux. Os algoritmos implementados na biblioteca ALSA foram o Delay and Sum, Generalized Sidelobe Canceller (GSC) e o Post-Filtering. Os aspectos teóricos dos principais algoritmos empregados nas redes de microfones foram abordados de forma extensa. Os resultados teóricos e práticos desta implementação são apresentados no final deste trabalho. Todo o desenvolvimento de software foi publicado na Internet para que sirva de base para futuros trabalhos. / This work presents the practical implementation of a microphone array to be used in real time. The proposed solution involves the use of low-cost hardware and open source software. In terms of hardware, the microphone array used USB audio devices connected directly to a personal computer (PC). In terms of software, it was used the open-source library Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) and Linux operating system. Some implementations were carried out in ALSA library to make it possible to use the microphone array within Linux. The algorithms implemented in ALSA library were the Delay and Sum, Generalized Sidelobe Canceller (GSC) and Post-Filtering. The theory of the main algorithms used in microphone array were discussed extensively. The results for the theoretical and practical implementation are presented at the end of this work. All software development was published on the Internet to serve as a basis for future works.

Geogebra: uma ferramenta dinâmica na aprendizagem da Geometria no Ensino Básic / GEOGEBRA: a dynamic tool for learning Geometry in Basic Education

Diniz, Joel Felix Silva 27 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-12T20:14:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseFelix.pdf: 6265594 bytes, checksum: 48acbac2d904802ef77b8b288ce66c57 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-12T20:14:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseFelix.pdf: 6265594 bytes, checksum: 48acbac2d904802ef77b8b288ce66c57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / This work proposes the rescue of the teaching of geometric constructions in Basic Education in a way diferent from traditional ones. Here is made use of new technologies, in particular GeoGebra free software is used instead of the static form of ruler and compass, especially in the development of concepts, properties and theorems of geometry, fundamental for understanding the steps of construction. It is also made a detailed survey of the contributions that ICTs propose for the improvement of mathematics teaching, as well as their contributions from PCNs that encourage the use of ICTs. A detailed study of GeoGebra software for Smartphones is done, to better develop this work in the classroom. The methodology used was experimental research, where a study was carried out with the software GeoGebra in version 5.0 and also in the version Grapher 3D, being applied in classes of 7 and 9 years of Elementary School and in a group of the 3rd year of High School . / Este trabalho propõe o resgate do ensino das construções geométricas no Ensino Básico de forma diferenciada das tradicionais. Aqui faz-se uso das novas tecnologias, em especial usa-se o software livre GeoGebra em substituição à forma estática da régua e do compasso, sobretudo, no desenvolvimento dos conceitos, das propriedades e dos teoremas de geometria, fundamentais para a compreensão das etapas de construção. Faz-se também um minucioso levantamento das contribuições que as TICs propõem para o melhoramento do ensino da matemática, bem como suas contribuições advindas dos PCNs que incentivam a utilização das TICs. Faz-se então um estudo minucioso do software GeoGebra para Smartphones, para melhor desenvolvimento deste trabalho em sala de aula. A metodologia utilizada foi de pesquisa experimental, onde realizou-se um estudo com o software GeoGebra na versão 5.0 e também na versão Grapher 3D, sendo aplicada em turmas do 7º e 9º anos do Ensino Fundamental e em uma turma do 3º ano do Ensino Médio.

Educação pública e opção pelo software livre nas escolas estaduais de Porto Alegre : um estudo sobre concepções de professores

Zílio, Cátia January 2013 (has links)
A analogia entre receitas e softwares proposta por Stallman (2001) orienta esta dissertação que problematiza e visa a analisar as relações entre as concepções de educação de professores da Rede Pública Estadual de Porto Alegre e a opção pelo Software Livre, ou proprietários nas práticas pedagógicas. Embasada nos conceitos de Educação (Gramsci, 1989), opção autêntica (Freire, 1697) e tecnologia (Álvaro Viera Pinto, 2005), são analisados os dados obtidos por meio de questionário online enviado às 243 escolas da 1ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação; e, de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com seis professores que atuam em quatro dessas escolas e na Coordenação Pedagógica da Secretaria Estadual de Educação. Análise quantitativa e qualitativa articula o mapeamento das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação nas escolas e os relatos dos professores. Permite visualizar o contexto da pesquisa, no qual a utilização de Software Livre constitui uma imposição das políticas públicas. Ainda que os professores o considerem mais coerente com a concepção de Educação Pública, continuam a utilizar softwares proprietários. O estudo aponta a necessidade fundamental de aprofundar a discussão dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos das escolas, promover a articulação com as práticas pedagógicas de professores para a construção de uma opção autêntica pelo Software Livre, baseada nos princípios de liberdade e colaboração. / The analogy between receipts and software proposed by Stallman (2001) orients this dissertation that problematizes and analise the relationship between conceptions of education of teachers from the State Public Network of Porto Alegre and the option for Free Software in pedagogical practices. Grounded in the concepts of education, authentic option and technology, proposed by Gramsci (1989), Freire (1697) and Alvaro Vieira Pinto (2005) are analyzed the data collected through online questionnaire sent to 243 schools of the 1st Regional Coordination of Education and semi-structured interviews conducted with six teachers who work in four of these schools and in Pedagogical Coordination of the State Department of Education. The articulation between the mapping of Information Technology and Communication in schools and teachers' reports allows to view the research context, where the use of Free Software is an imposition of public policy. Even if teachers consider more coherent with the conception of Public Education. The study shows the to deepen the discussion of political-pedagogical projects in schools, to promote articulation with the teaching practices of teachers for the construction of a genuine option for Free Software, based on principles of freedom and collaboration.

Adoção, seleção e implementação de um ERP livre. / Adoption, selection and implementation of free ERP.

Correa, Juliano 15 December 2008 (has links)
Na década de 90, os Sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) alcançaram larga utilização, principalmente em empresas de grande porte, devido ao seu elevado custo. Em contrapartida, o interesse por sistemas livres data dos primeiros softwares desenvolvidos para computadores na década de 60 e 70 até os dias atuais com sistemas empresariais como os sistemas ERP. O problema desta pesquisa encontra-se em como adotar, selecionar e implementar um ERP livre. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é compreender e avaliar o processo de adoção, seleção e implementação de ERP livre. Para esta finalidade, o trabalho é dividido em duas partes: a parte inicial, baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica, apresenta como 3 capítulos iniciais a Introdução, Fundamentação Teórica e Metodologia. A parte final que apresenta a contribuição desta pesquisa, composta dos capítulos Modelo Inicial, Trabalho de Campo, Modelo Final e Conclusão. As contribuições do trabalho iniciam-se com a proposição pelo autor de um modelo inicial de ciclo de vida de ERP abrangendo estes processos considerando não haver distinções entre o modelo para um ERP proprietário ou livre. Refina-se este modelo inicial através da aplicação do método de pesquisa-ação em um trabalho de campo com a implantação de um ERP livre em uma organização brasileira. Como resultado deste trabalho obteve-se um modelo final de ciclo de vida de ERP independente do mesmo ser desenvolvido na forma de software livre ou proprietário. Identificaram-se também as diferenças nos processos de adoção, seleção e implementação entre ERP proprietário e livre. Encontraram-se conclusões que suportam as empresas a considerar ou não a inclusão do ERP livre nos processos de adoção, seleção e implementação. / In the 90s, the ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) have achieved wide use, especially in large-sized companies because of its high cost. By contrast, interest in free systems date of the first software designed for computers in the 60s and 70s until the present day with enterprise systems such as ERP systems. The problem of this research is on how to adopt, select and implement an ERP free. The objective of this work is to understand and evaluate the process of adoption, selection and implementation of ERP free. To this, work has two parts: the initial part, based on bibliographic research has 3 chapters: initial introduction, theoretical fundaments and methodology. The final part shows the contribution of this research composed of chapters: Initial Model, Work of Field and Final Model. Finally, present the conclusion. The contributions of work begin with the proposition by the author of an original model of the life cycle of ERP covering these processes considering no distinctions between the proprietary and free ERP. Initial model was refined using the method of action research with the adoption, selection and implementation of a free ERP in a Brazilian company. As result of this study, published a final model of the life cycle of ERP independent of development form (free or proprietary). Was identified also the differences between free and proprietary ERP in adoption, selection and implementation process. We found conclusions that support companies to consider whether or not the inclusion of ERP free in cases of adoption, selection and implementation.

An Open Source Technoscape in India: Motivations, Manifestations, and Speculations

Srinivasan, Sumitra 21 August 2006 (has links)
My dissertation studies the political and corporate reasons behind the adoption of free and open source software technologies in a developing nation, India. This study also attempts to understand the significance of these grassroots technologies for India as it plays on a global arena. How do “free” and “open source software” movements develop in an Indian context and bridge digital divides? The core of the first chapter will establish the questions investigated in this study as well as the significance of this interdisciplinary project for India. It is also important to understand that the varied roles of governments and corporations supporting a new technology, are crucial to its success. Chapter 2 studies the motivations of the Indian government towards adopting free and open-source technologies. The motivations of the industry are different from governmental motivations. In chapter 3, the landscape of Indian software industry players and their reasons for supporting these software technologies are discussed. How do governmental and industry motivations translate? Are they successful and do they live up to their hype? Chapter 4 distinguishes between the hype and reality of the software landscape in India and presents a larger picture of the controversies surrounding software development, in general. A concluding essay of chapter 5 couches the entire project within the process of globalization, speculating its significance for sustainable global information flows.

Development Of Free/libre And Open Source Spatial Data Analysis System Fully Coupled With Geographic Information System

Kepoglu, Volkan Osman 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Spatial Data Analysis (SDA) is relatively narrower and constitutes one of the areas of Spatial Analysis. Geographic Information System (GIS) offers a potentially valuable platform for supporting SDA techniques. Integration of SDA with GIS helps SDA to benefit from the data input, storage, retrieval, data manipulation and display capabilities of GIS. Also, GIS can benefit from SDA techniques in which the integration of these techniques can increase the analysis capabilities of GIS. This integration serves for disseminating and facilitating improved understanding of spatial phenomena. How SDA techniques should be integrated with GIS arise the coupling problem. The complete integration of SDA techniques in GIS can be applied without the support of GIS vendor when the free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) development methodology is properly followed. This approach causes to interpret the coupling problem in a new way. This thesis aims to develop a fully coupled SDA with GIS in FLOSS environment. A fully coupled SDA in free GIS software as FLOSS system is developed by writing nearly 13,000 line Python code in 2.5 years. Usage of this system has reached to nearly 1600 unique visitors, 3000 visits and 8600 page views in two years. As the current status of development in GIS is considered, it is unlikely in commercial market to have full coupled SDA techniques in GIS software. However, it is expected to have more SDA developments in proprietary GIS software in the near future as there is an increasing trend for requesting more sophisticated SDA tools.

Diffusion Of Free And Open Source Software As Innovation: A Case Study Of Metu

Ozaygen, Altay S. 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the diffusion of free and open source software (FOSS) on desktop PCs at Middle East Technical University in Ankara (METU) is investigated within the framework of the diffusion of innovation theory. This thesis aims to propose some policies for the migration to FOSS on desktop PCs at METU. The research is conducted through two similar web-based surveys. The first survey was held during 27-28 September 2003 after the examination of exemption for the IS100 course. The second survey was held between 23 March and 24 May 2004 in the whole of the METU campus. This survey was open to all students and academic and non-academic staff with a METU network account. There were 402 participants in the first survey and 1224 in the second. As expected, Microsoft OS rules the desktop PCs within the METU campus. According to the surveys, there is a rather large PC user base which could potentially migrate to GNU/Linux system. In addition to a large amount of data, it has been found out that a migration to FOSS is welcomed greatly by the users if the process is explained on the basis of public economic gains. However personal migration is still difficult if the user is left alone to install any new OS. Activities which will eventually increase the awareness for FOSS at METU, change in the curriculum of the IS100 course, collaboration among METU FOSS users and creation of a software catalog with possible FOSS equivalent for METU courses are some of the propositions which will eventually help the migration process. Furthermore, different innovation-decision models are discussed based on the research findings.

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