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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de la vidange d'une fonte verrière chauffée par induction / Modelling of the draining of a molten glass heated by induction

Lima da Silva, Marcio 16 May 2014 (has links)
Le présent travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de la mise au point d'un nouveau procédé de fusion d'oxydes dans un four chauffé par induction. Le procédé étudié met en jeu des fortes interactions entre des phénomènes électromagnétique, thermique et hydrodynamique dans un milieu fluide aux propriétés physiques fortement dépendantes de la température. L'objectif de la thèse est de modéliser le procédé en couplant étroitement le chauffage par effet Joule, le brassage mécanique et la vidange du four. La modélisation de l'évolution temporelle de l'interface entre le verre et l'air lors de vidange du creuset froid a été réalisée. S'agissant de la méthodologie, nous avons choisi de coupler deux logiciels : Flux® pour le calcul électromagnétique et Fluent® pour la thermo-hydraulique. L'évolution de la surface libre a été traitée par la méthode multiphasique « Volume-Of-Fluid – VOF », et l'agitation mécanique par les modèles « Moving Reference Frame » et « Sliding Mesh ». Nous avons d'abord considéré la vidange sans agitation mécanique d'une cuve remplie d'une huile silicone de haute viscosité. Ce modèle initial prend en compte des études de similitude hydraulique entre l'huile silicone et le verre. Puis nous avons superposé l'écoulement forcé crée par un agitateur mécanique et les phénomènes électromagnétique et thermique afin modéliser l'écoulement du bain de verre fondu. Le modèle final permet de fournir de diverses grandeurs, notamment des estimations pour le temps de vidange, le flux thermique et l'évolution temporelle du débit massique et de la température dans le four. / This thesis is part of the development of a new technology of oxides melting in a furnace heated by induction. The technology studied involves strong interactions between electromagnetic, thermal and hydrodynamic phenomena in a flow with physical properties strongly dependents of the temperature. The aim of the thesis is the modelling of the process by coupling closely the Joule heating, the mechanical stirring and the draining of the furnace. The modeling of the time evolution of the interface between glass and air during the emptying of the cold crucible was performed. Regarding the methodology, we chose to combine two scientific codes: Flux® for the electromagnetic calculation and Fluent® for thermal-hydraulics. The evolution of the free surface was treated by the multiphasic method "Volume -Of- Fluid - VOF" and the mechanical stirring by the “Moving Reference Frame” and the “Sliding Mesh”. First of all, we considered the draining of a tank filled with a silicon oil of high-viscosity without mechanical stirring. This initial model took into account studies of hydraulic similarity between the silicon oil and the glass. Then we superimposed the forced flow creates by the mechanical stirrer, the thermal and the electromagnetic phenomena in order to model the flow of the molten glass. The final model can provide various parameters, including the time needed to drain the furnace, the heat transfer flux and the time evolution of the mass flow rate and of the temperature inside de furnace.

Numerical simulation of the flow through an aqxial tidal-current turbine employing an elastic-free-surface approach. / Simulação numérica do escoamento através de uma turbina axial de corrente de maré utilizando uma metodologia de parede elástica para a modelagem da superfície livre.

Fernando Mattavo de Almeida 15 June 2018 (has links)
Together with the world economic growth is the increasing of energy generation demand. However, the upgrade of world power production capability could affect the environment negatively. Even the clean and renewable sources, such as hydroelectricity and wind powers have socio-economic and environmental disadvantages. For example, the required flooded area for a hydro power plant construction could devastate entire forests, and the installation of a wind farm power plant could affect migratory rotes of birds and generate high levels of noise. Hence, for the balancing of advantages and disadvantages of each power generation source, it is necessary to diversify, which requires investments in new power sources. In this context, the energy generation in the ocean is highlighted. The first point concerning the ocean energy is that there is no need of population removal from the installation area, such as the onshore based methods and the second point is that most of the population is concentrated in coastal areas. Therefore the production occurs near to the demand, decreasing the costs with energy distribution. The two main methodologies for harassing energy from oceans are based on gravity waves and in tides. And since the tidal cycles are governed mainly by the gravitational interaction between oceans, Moon and Sun, they are easily predictable, which increases the reliability of such systems. These works explores methodologies to analyse the power generation from a single axial tidal current turbine through a Steady State RANS methodology. Are discussed the effects of flow directionality, inlet velocity profile and turbulence levels and the results are compared with an experimental scheme. It is proposed an alternative methodology for free surface modelling in the CFD analysis. The usual methodology, VOF, it is based on a homogeneous, biphasic approach which requires an additional mesh refinement and is computationally expensive. This new methodology introduces an elastic wall approach in the free surface region in which the stiffness is calculated to provide the same restoring effect as gravity. In general, the results for open domain matched with the experimental results, validating the numerical model and the confined domain has shown a higher power and thrust coefficients if compared with the open domain, which is in accordance with the actuator disk theory approach. The elastic free surface presented convergence problems related to high Froude numbers and therefore to high deformations. However, a simulation with 10% of the original inlet velocity was performed, achieving reasonable results for both power and thrust coefficients evaluation. / O crescimento econômico mundial e o aumento na demanda pela geração de energia andam juntos. No entanto, uma maior capacidade de produção de energia poderia afetar negativamente o meio ambiente. Mesmo as fontes limpas e renováveis, como a hidrelétrica e a eólica acarretam em impactos socioeconômicos e ambientais. Por exemplo, a construção de uma usina hidrelétrica demanda uma imensa área alagada que pode devastar florestas inteiras e a instalação de uma usina eólica pode afetar a migração de certas espécies de pássaros e produzir altos níveis de barulho. Portanto, para equilibrar as vantagens e desvantagens devidas a cada meio de produção de energia, é necessária a diversificação, que demanda de investimentos em novas fontes. Neste contexto, a geração de energia nos oceanos é destacada. O primeiro ponto a respeito desta fonte é de que não há a necessidade de remoção da população na área de instalação, tal como os métodos de geração dentro do continente. O segundo principal ponto é a respeito da distribuição de energia. A maior parte da população mundial vive em regiões costeiras, diminuindo, portanto, a distância entre a produção e demanda, reduzindo assim, seus custos. As duas principais metodologias para se explorar a energia proveniente dos oceanos são: Energia de Ondas e Energia de Marés. E considerando que os ciclos de mare são governados principalmente pela interação gravitacional entre os oceanos, lua e sol, eles são facilmente previsíveis, o que aumenta a confiabilidade dos sistemas de geração de energia baseados em marés. Este trabalho explora as metodologias para analisar a geração de energia a partir de uma única turbina axial de corrente de maré através de uma metodologia baseada nas equações de Navier-Stokes com a média de Reynolds, analisadas em regime permanente. São discutidos efeitos da direção do escoamento, perfil de velocidades na entrada e nos níveis de turbulência. Os resultados são comparados com experimentos. É proposta uma metodologia alternativa para a modelagem da superfície livre com CFD uma vez que a metodologia atual é baseada em um escoamento bifásico que demanda de um refinamento adicional da malha e é computacionalmente caro. A nova metodologia usa uma parede elástica na região da superfície livre com a rigidez ajustada para se obter o mesmo efeito de restauração que a gravidade. De maneira geral, os resultados para o domínio aberto se aproximaram dos resultados experimentais, validando o modelo numérico e além disso, o modelo considerando confinamento da turbine mostrou maiores valores para os coeficientes de potência e empuxo, estando portanto, de acordo com a teoria do disco atuador. O modelo com a superfície livre elástica apresentou problemas de convergência, relacionados com números de Froude elevados, uma vez que isto se relaciona com maiores deformações na região da superfície livre. Uma simulação com 10% da velocidade original foi realizada, obtendo-se resultados coerentes para ambos coeficientes de potência e empuxo.

Simulação numérica de escoamentos tridimensionais com superfícies livres governados pelo modelo Giesekus / Numerical simulation of three-dimensional free surfaces flows governed by Giesekus model

Reginaldo Merejolli 17 October 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um método numérico para simular escoamentos viscoelásticos tridimensionais com superfícies livres governados pelo modelo constitutivo Giesekus. As equações governantes são resolvidas pelo método de diferenças finitas numa malha deslocada. A superfície livre do fluido é modelada por partículas marcadoras, possibilitando assim a visualização e localização da superfície livre do fluido. A equação constitutiva de Giesekus é resolvida utilizando as seguintes formulações: método de Runge-Kutta de segunda ordem (também conhecido como método de Euler modificado) e transformação logarítmica do tensor conformação. O método numérico apresentado é verificado comparando-se os resultados obtidos por meio de refinamento de malha para os escoamentos em um tubo e de um jato incidindo em uma placa plana. Resultados de convergência foram obtidos por meio de refinamento de malha do escoamento totalmente desenvolvido em um tubo. Os resultados numéricos obtidos incluem a simulação de um jato incidindo em uma caixa vazia e a simulação do inchamento do extrudado (dieswell) para vários números de Weissenberg utilizando diferentes valores do fator de mobilidade do fluido. Resultados adicionais incluem simulações do fenômeno delayed dieswell para altos números de Weissenberg e altos valores do número de Reynolds. Uma comparação qualitativa com resultados experimentais é apresentada. / In this work, a numerical method for simulating viscoelastic free surface flows governed by the Giesekus constitutive equation is developed. The governing equations are solved by the finite difference method on a staggered grid. The fluid free surface is approximated by marker particles which enables the visualization and location of the free surface fluid. The Giesekus constitutive equation is solved by the following techniques: second-order Runge-Kutta, conformation tensor and logarithmic transformation of the conformation tensor. The numerical method is verified by comparing the numerical solutions obtained on a series of embedding meshes of the flow in a tube and by the flow produced by a jet flowing onto a planar surface. Additional verification and convergence results are obtained by solving tube flow employing several meshes. Results obtained include the simulation of a jet flowing into a three dimensional container and the simulation of extrudate swell using several values of the Reynolds and Weissenberg numbers and different values of the mobility parameter a. Furthermore, we present results from the simulation of the phenomenon know as delayed dieswell using highWeissenberg and Reynolds numbers. Comparisons with experimental results are given.

Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects / Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects

Wrenninge, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities.

Optimisation et simulation du rotomoulage réactif / Optimization and simulation of reactive rotational molding

Riviere, Sylvain 05 December 2012 (has links)
Le rotomoulage réactif est un procédé de fabrication de pièces creuses en polymère où la synthèse du matériau intervient pendant la mise en œuvre. Cette méthode présente plusieurs avantages comparée à la méthode traditionnelle utilisant des poudres thermoplastiques : réduction du temps de cycle, utilisation possible de matériaux techniques, et baisse de la consommation d'énergie et du coût des matières premières. Cependant le rotomoulage réactif est plus complexe à mettre en œuvre car la polymérisation provoque un changement important et rapide de la viscosité. Une des solutions pour optimiser ce procédé est de simuler l'écoulement du système réactif pendant la mise en œuvre.Pour ce travail nous avons utilisé un polyuréthane thermodurcissable. Des analyses thermiques et rhéologiques ont permis d'étudier les phénomènes de gélification et de vitrification du matériau et le diagramme Temps-Température-Transformation a été établi. Le comportement rhéocinétique du système a également été modélisé.Le procédé a été simulé en utilisant un code de calcul basé sur la méthode « Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics » (SPH). Ce code a été développé par notre équipe et plusieurs améliorations ont été apportées au cours de cette étude. Pour effectuer des simulations plus réalistes en utilisant un plus grand nombre de particules, la première amélioration a consisté à accélérer la résolution des calculs. Ensuite l'évolution de la viscosité a été prise en compte grâce à l'utilisation d'un modèle rhéocinétique et une nouvelle condition limite a été développée pour simuler l'adhésion du polymère sur la paroi du moule. Les modifications nécessaires à la simulation d'écoulements 3D ont également été apportées au code SPH. / Reactive rotational molding is a process to manufacture hollow plastic parts where synthesis occurs during the shaping. This method has several advantages compared to traditional rotomolding using thermoplastic powders: shorter cycle time, possible use of high performance materials, and decrease of energy consumption and raw materials costs. However reactive rotational molding is more complex to implement mainly because of the important and quick change of viscosity occurring during polymerization. One of the solutions to optimize this process is to simulate the reactive system flow during processing.In this work we used thermoset polyurethane as reactive system. Thanks to thermal and rheological analysis, gelation and vitrification phenomena were studied and Time-Temperature-Transformation diagram was established. Material chemiorheological behavior was also modeled.The process has been simulated using a solver based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. This solver was developed in our research team and several improvements have been added during this study. To be able to simulate realistic flows with a high number of particles, the first improvement was to accelerate the resolution of calculations. Then the change of viscosity has been taken into account using a chemiorheological model and a new boundary condition was developed to simulate adhesion of polymer on the mold wall. To be able to simulate 3D flows, the needed modifications have been also added to the SPH solver.

Solução numérica do modelo Giesekus para escoamentos com superfícies livres / Numerical solution of the Giesekus model for free surface flows

Matheus Tozo de Araujo 25 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um método numérico para simular escoamentos viscoelásticos bidimensionais governados pela equação constitutiva Giesekus [Schleiniger e Weinacht 1991]. As equações governantes são resolvidas pelo método de diferenças finitas numa malha deslocada. A superfície livre do fluido é modelada por partículas marcadoras possibilitando assim a sua visualização e localização. O cálculo da velocidade é efetuado por um método implícito enquanto a pressão é calculada por um método explícito. A equação constitutiva de Giesekus é resolvida pelo método de Euler modificado explícito. O método numérico desenvolvido nesse trabalho é verificado comparando-se a solução numérica com a solução analítica para o escoamento de um fluido Giesekus em um canal. Resultados de convergência são obtidos pelo uso de refinamento de malha. Os resultados alcançados incluem um estudo da aplicação do modelo Giesekus para simular o escoamento numa contração planar 4:1 e o problema de um jato incidindo sobre uma placa rígida, em que o fenômeno jet buckling é simulado. / This work presents a numerical method to simulate two-dimensional viscoelastic flows governed by the Giesekus constitutive equation [Schleiniger e Weinacht 1991]. The governing equations are solved by the finite difference method on a staggered grid. The free surface of the fluid is modeled by tracer particles thus enabling its visualization and location. The calculation of the velocity is performed by an implicit method while pressure is calculated by an explicit method. The Giesekus constitutive equation is resolved by the explicit modified Euler method. The numerical method developed in this work is verified by comparing the numerical solution with the analytical solution for the flow of a Giesekus fluid in a channel. Convergence results are obtained by the use of mesh refinement. Results obtained include a study of the application of the Giesekus model to simulate the flow through a 4:1 contraction and the problem of a jet flowing onto a rigid plate where the phenomenon of jet buckling is simulated.

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Modeling of a Free Surface Flow

Marmier, Mathieu January 2023 (has links)
This project deals with the CFD modelling of a free surface flow. The aim is to develop and validate a fast and accurate numerical model for stratified two-phase flows. Volume of Fluid (VOF) multiphase model is employed. The purpose is to use the developed numerical model for the design of an element within a compact nuclear reactor.Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are conducted. Two free surface test cases are simulated to verify and ensure robustness of the model: a dam break and a vertical cylindrical obstacle set in a channel. From there, an optimization is performed in order to find the best compromise between accuracy and rapidity with the solver. The proper set of parameter models is found by carrying out extensive sensitivity studies and compare the solutions with available measurements.The obtained numerical results show a reasonable good agreement with the experimental data for the dam-break. Significant time savings are achieved thanks to the implemented optimization process while maintaining accuracy. The optimized model is then applied to the second test case and comparisons with experimental measurements are carried out. The same physical behavior of the flow as in experiments is captured with the simulations. The differences found between the simulation data and experiments are partly due to the difficulty to monitor experimentally with a high accuracy the highly non uniform regions within the flow.

Advanced Computational Modeling for Marine Tidal Turbine Farm

Li, Zhisong 05 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Laminar and turbulent analytical dam break wave modelling on dry-downstream open channel flow

Taha, T., Lateef, A.O.A., Pu, Jaan H. 26 September 2018 (has links)
Yes / A dam break wave caused by the discontinuity in depth and velocity of a flow is resulted from instantaneous release a body of water from a channel and classified naturally as a rapidly varied unsteady flow. Due to its nature, it is hard to be accurately represented by analytical models. The aim of this study is to establish the modelling differences and complexity echelons between analytically simulated explicit laminar and turbulent dry bed dam break wave free surface profiles. An in-depth solution to the free surface profile has been provided and evaluated by representing the reported dam break flow measurements at various locations. The methodology adopted utilizes the free surface profile formulations presented by Chanson 1,2, which are developed using the method of characteristics. In order to validate the results of the presented analytical models in illustrating the dam break wave under dry bed conditions, published experimental data provided by Schoklitsch 3, Debiane 4 and Dressler 5 are used to compare and analyze the performance of the dam break waves under laminar and turbulent flow conditions.

Investigations on groundwater dewatering by using vertical circulation wells: Numerical simulation method development and field validation

Schaffer-Jin, Yulan 27 October 2014 (has links)
Die künstliche Grundwasserabsenkung stellt eine wichtige Maßnahme für die Entwässerung von Baugruben und bergbaulich genutzten Flächen dar. Eine erfolgreiche und zielgerichtete Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels setzt ein zweckmäßiges Design und die richtige Auswahl der genutzten Absenkungstechniken voraus. Dabei sind insbesondere die Dimension des abzusenkenden Bereichs, die Untergrundbeschaffenheit sowie zu erfüllende umweltschutzrechtliche Regelungen zu berücksichtigen. Zur Grundwasserabsenkung kommen üblicherweise verschiedene Ausführungen und Anordnungen von Pumpbrunnen zum Einsatz. Konventionelle Pumpbrunnen, welche für Absenkungsmaßnahmen eingesetzt werden, entnehmen Grundwasser aus dem Aquifer. Durch das fortwährende Abpumpen von in der Regel erheblichen Wassermengen können jedoch Umweltprobleme entstehen, und es ist mit zusätzlichen Entsorgungskosten für die Ableitung des geförderten Wassers zu rechnen. Im Gegensatz hierzu stellen vertikale Zirkulationsbrunnen (VCW) einen innovativen Ansatz dar, der eine lokale Grundwasserabsenkung ohne Nettowasserentnahme aus dem Aquifer erlaubt. Ein VCW kann als ein Einbohrlochsystem aufgefasst werden, bei dem im oberen Bereich eines Brunnens Wasser entnommen und dieses in einem separaten, weiter unten installierten Brunnenbereich wieder injiziert wird. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik erfordert die genaue Kenntnis der Faktoren, welche für die Grundwasserströmungsverhältnisse relevant sind und somit die Absenkung bestimmen. Traditionelle Berechnungsansätze vernachlässigen oft vertikale Grundwasserbewegungen und sind deshalb für die Beschreibung der komplexen Strömungsverhältnisse in unmittelbarer Nähe eines VCW nicht geeignet. Aus diesem Grund steht die systematische Untersuchung der Grundwasserströmung unter Berücksichtigung vertikaler Strömungskomponenten im Hauptfokus dieser Arbeit. Die Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich in erster Linie mit der Entwicklung einer geeigneten Simulationsmethode, mit der Evaluierung des Einflusses relevanter hydrogeologischer Parameter sowie mit der Durchführung und Auswertung von Pumpversuchen an einem Feldstandort. Die hier vorgestellte neue Simulationsmethode koppelt den sogenannten Arbitrary‐Lagrangian‐Eulerian‐(ALE)‐Algorithmus mit der Grundwasserströmungsgleichung. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit mehreren analytischen Lösungen verglichen und verifiziert. Das entwickelte numerische Modell berücksichtigt auch Vertikalströmungen und eignet sich somit zur Simulation der Grundwasserströmung in der Nähe von VCW. Folglich kann nun die Lage des Grundwasserspiegels, vor allem für ungespannte Grundwasserleiter, präzise berechnet werden. Nach erfolgter Kalibrierung des numerischen Modells anhand von Felddaten wurde eine Sensitivitätsanalyse relevanter Parameter im Hinblick auf die erzielte Absenkung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Grundwasserströmungssituation durchgeführt. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Grundwasserabsenkung proportional zur Pumprate, indirekt proportional zur hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit und fast unabhängig von der Anisotropie des Grundwasserleiters um den VCW ist. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass die Lage des oberen Entnahmepunktes einen größeren Einfluss auf die Absenkung als die Lage des darunter liegenden Injektionspunktes hat. Die Größe des von der Grundwasserzirkulation beeinflussten Bereiches hängt dagegen neben dem Abstand dieser beiden Punkte hauptsächlich auch von der Anisotropie des Aquifermaterials ab. Um den Einfluss der Hydrostratigraphie auf die Grundwasserströmung zu untersuchen, wurden die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Schichten genau charakterisiert. Hierfür wurden Direct‐Push‐, Pump‐, Injektions‐ sowie Zirkulationsversuche an einem Feldstandort durchgeführt. Zudem wurden Bohrkerne entnommen und mithilfe von Siebanalysen vertikale Korngrößenverteilungsprofile im Labor bestimmt. Die eingesetzten experimentellen Methoden stellen in Kombination mit numerischen Simulationsrechnungen eine gute Basis dar, um die Rolle der Schichtstruktur im Aquifer besser beurteilen zu können. Die Untersuchungen leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag für das zukünftige Design und den Betrieb von VCW für Grundwasserabsenkungszwecke in ungespannten Grundwasserleitern. Zudem zeigt die hier vorliegende Arbeit das große Potential dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik als vielversprechende Alternative zu konventionellen Absenkungsverfahren auf.

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