Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freetime"" "subject:"greentime""
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Význam slavení neděle / The Importance of Sunday´s ObservanceKUCHTA, Emil January 2007 (has links)
This literary work is dealing with an importance of a observance and honoring of Sunday as a free day. First part refers to the fact that in essential core of soever human being exist the cravings refering to an urge to transcendence and to periodically wrench himself free out of passing time. This can be filled for instance during the observances. In a folloving part is a progression of a significant sabbath day towards a Lord´s day delineated, also with characterization of what is a Judaic - Christian lore offering on Sundays. A closing third individually names and describes the constituent realms where the intrinsic cravings meet above named offer. In these passages is possible to descry the reasonability of Sunday celebration.
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Prevence vzniku závislosti na návykových látkách u žen ve věku starší dospělosti / Prevention of the Rise of Dependency on Addictive Substances in Older Adult WomenČMUGROVÁ, Žaneta January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation contains the general nature of physical and psychological changes in older adult women, a brief definition of most commonly abused addictive substances within the given target group and the factors that influence the rise of dependency on addictive substances. The typical causes for the rise of dependency in older adult women are analyzed in detail. The final part of the dissertation is dedicated to current possibilities for prevention of the rise of dependency in women in the afore-mentioned age. Herewith new forms of timely prevention are offered in the area of health services, media and free time based on influence of individual women´s attitudes.
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Zájmy mladšího školního věku a pubescentů v kontextu hodnotové orientace a využívání voného času / Interests Jung School and Teenagers in the Context Value Orientation and their Spare - timeRODOVÁ, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis talks about the interests of young school age children and teenagers in the context with the value orientation and the use of free time. The goal is to show some interests of the two age groups, which are typical due to the age of these children. Further the thesis focuses on the institution of ``Dům dětí a mládeže Pelhřimov{\crqq}, as an example of an organization, which offers many free time activity for school children. By means of such activity this institution not only motivates young people to develop their interests, but it also contributes to valuable free time spending. The researches that are mentioned in the thesis are focused on the chosen age groups. There is also a part describing a project: ,,Není nám to jedno (We do care),`` which is appointed to both of the chosen age groups and its task is to find out ways of free time spending of school children in the Czech Republic. The research shows the importance of public media in the life of young people. Therefore the last chapter is dedicated to the media and their influence on the free time of school children. Both the positive and the negative influence are shown.
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Volný čas žen v muslimském světě / Free Time of Women Living in the Muslim WorldKRUBOVÁ, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with alternatives and general features of spending the free time of women, who live in the muslim countries. For a better insight of the subject, there is the term muslim world explained at the beginning and there are described the sources of Islamic law, from which many of restrictions and rules for muslim women flow. In the following chaptures there are sketched concrete free time activites of muslim women, as for example sports, fashion, singing or travelling. The expressions of muslim authorities´opinions, whether the particular activities are convenient for women, are also linked to the themes. The work doesn´t compare free time activites between specific muslim countries, but it focuses on elements, that are in common for the majority of muslim women living in various countries.
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Vnitřní klima a možnosti řízených aktivit u klientů s mentálním postižením v zařízeních v ČR a USA. / The social atmosphere and possibility of guided activities clients with mental disabilities in CR and USA.ŠINKOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT The social atmosphere and possibility of guided activities clients with mental disabilities in CR and USA Finding out and contrasting a social atmosphere within the facilities in the Czech Republic (CR) and the USA as well as the possibilities of guided activities in there was the main objective of this thesis. The objective was met by observing the social atmosphere in organizations and analysing the responds of a questionnaire concerning the atmosphere. Following an interview with the facility{\crq}s management it can be stated that the American organization Road To Responsibility, Inc. does not offer 9 activities out of 36 referred to in the questionnaire (25%). On the other hand, Czech organizations do not make available 2 activities out of 36 activities listed in the questionnaire (5.5%). It can be therefore assumed that the hypothesis H1 - The US facilities provide a more extensive range of guided activities than the Czech ones - was NOT CONFIRMED. The questionnaire enquiries concerning the nature of the social atmosphere in organizations resulted in 10 points for the Czech ones as opposed to 12 points for those in the USA. Consequently, it can be stated that the hypothesis H2 - The awareness of the social atmosphere throughout the American Home Group system is higher than in the Czech facilities - was CONFIRMED. The research results concerning the H2 confirm that the US organizations look after their employees much more than in the CR. The Home Group system is similar to nursing homes in the CR. However, clients of all types and degrees of disability live there unlike in the CR. The Home Group{\crq}s task is to integrate disabled people into the society and afford them the opportunity to live a life most similar to a normal family life. The Home Group{\crq} houses are a part of a regular housing development and are not in any way separated. The life of American clients is more similar to the life of the intact population than the life of the Czech clients. In the CR, the clients are still considered sick patients who must be taken care of and be treated. The American clients do not meet medical therapies in such a way like in the CR and they are much more included in life similar to the life of the intact population. The Czech clients can satisfy most of their needs within the organization, therefore they do not feel the need to get out of the organization into the environment of majority population.
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Alternativní pedagogika a její principy využitelné v pedagogice volného času / Alternative Methods of Pedagogic and their Usage in Free Time EducationKOVÁŘOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2009 (has links)
My work deals with the alternative pedagogy and its principles, which can be used at the free-time pedagogy. The work intents on the montessori pedagogy and waldorf pedagogy, because these two pedagogy systems are the most common in Czech Republic. It introduces the founders of both systems and the origin of the systems together with the characteristics needed for the understanding of the theme. Main goals of my work are the basic principles of both trends and their usage for free-time pedagogy, especially for the upbringing outside education. It rises up the relation between the teacher and the learner, stressing out the respect for the child.
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Mateřská centra / Mother Centres. Comparison of their Development in Germany and in the Czech RepublicKRAVAROVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with comparison of mother centers' development in Germany and in the Czech Republic. The first part defines mother centers, characterizes their principles and role in the society. In the next part the process of mother centers' establishment is described and problems which may occur. The main part of the thesis contains characterization of mother centers' development in Germany, where these centers were founded, and their development in the Czech Republic. A concrete example illustrates M-CENTER FOR YOUNG FAMILY in České Budějovice. German and Czech mother centers experienced similar progress and differ only in offers of activities. The last part of this work concentrates on the importance of mother centers for mothers, fathers, children and our society. Main benefit for mothers is the possibility to come out of isolation where they end up after their all-day-long care of babies. Mother centers significantly contribute to development of civil society.
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Možnosti využití vodicího psa / Field of application guide dogPILZOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The eyesight is one the most important human senses which supplies us with 80% - 90% of information about the surrounding world. It?s loss or a serious damage brings big and fundamental changes into life of the affected person and his surroundings. The social rehabilitation constitutes a very important vehicle for the re-integration of the visually impaired persons through it?s fundamental methods which are the re-education and making compensations for the lost sight. The compensation devices alone have a paramount importance in the lives of people with the visual impairment. At the present time, the market offers a lot of optical, non-optical or electronic gadgets for the visual compensation. The guide dog presents itself as one of the best working compensation solutions in the field of the space - orientation and movement. The first documentation about training dogs that would help the blind come from around year 1780 from a Parisian hospital for the blind. The account of the first trained guide dog come from the 80s of the 18th century; a blind Viennese Josef Reisinger himself has trained a guide dog then. The first news about training guide dogs in Czech Republic come from the years 1922 - 1924. In Czech Republic the guide dog training as a compensation help for the blind or visually impaired people has been established in 1991. This work is oriented at mapping out the possibilities of the entry of a guide dog into public buildings (restaurants, health clinics, schools, public offices etc) and it?s further use for the free-time activities from the point of view of the guide dog owners and of the public. Further, this work deals with the statistics of the number and the territorial division of guide dogs in South Bohemia between the years 2008 - 2011. While looking for the experience of the guide dog owners with their entering public buildings and organizing free time together with their dog, the individual in-depth interviews, the data from the focus groups and experiments have been used. To learn the views of the interviewees about their use of the guide dogs in public places, all the documentation obtained from the subjects who trained the guide dogs, the fact sheets from the focus groups and the individual in-depth interviews have been analysed. To learn the views of the public about the guide dogs entering public buildings and their use for their free time activities printed questionnaires had been used. This work may be used as a basis for the argumentation in the forming of the uniform conditions in the guide dog training in presenting them and in forming the proper laws for using the guide dogs by their owners. This work also shows the possibilities in use of the guide dogs in their free time.
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Ser jovem na Cidade Tiradentes: um estudo exploratório. / Youth in Cidade Tiradentes: an exploratory study.Silvia Eri Hirao 11 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca conhecer as formas de vivência da juventude na Cidade Tiradentes a partir de olhares que perpassam as variadas dimensões de constituição do sujeito juvenil, sem localizar seu foco central nas instituições, que têm, em um novo cenário da condição juvenil, compartilhado sua exclusividade de esferas socializadoras e de referência identitária com outras formas de socialização e de construção de identidades. A metodologia utilizada valeu-se da aplicação de questionários e da realização de grupos focais com jovens residentes em Cidade Tiradentes, totalizando o levantamento das opiniões de 80 jovens. As falas discorreram sobre juventude, bairro, cotidiano, lazer, cultura, família, escola, amizade, trabalho, tráfico de drogas e projetos de futuro. A partir desses temas, foram identificadas questões que qualificam a construção de moratórias sociais muito específicas e que acompanham a pluralidade do conceito de juventude. A qualificação dessas moratórias mostra-se vinculada em grande medida às formas de percepção e de reação a julgamentos e a estigmas difundidos pela sociedade e freqüentemente absorvidos pelos jovens. Também se revelam como fatores condicionantes o usufruto do tempo livre; a ligação afetiva dos jovens com o distrito, sendo que aqueles que cresceram no local são muitas vezes aqueles que desejam permanecer; a questão do gênero, como propiciador ou limitador de práticas sociais e ocupação do espaço diferenciada; e a dimensão da moderação, caracterizando a possibilidade de liberdade que pode ser vivida e usufruída e que qualifica a condição juvenil na Cidade Tiradentes. / This work aims to understand the living conditions and the experiences of youth in Cidade Tiradentes, a poor district in the periphery of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It will provide a general overview on the theme by analyzing speeches of young people who took part in discussion groups organized especially for this work. This paper\'s approach considered a wide range of aspects that contribute to the constitution of a young person. It thus avoided focusing only on institutions (which used to be the main socializing space and the main provider of identity references for youth, but has recently been sharing this role with other actors). The methodology of this work included questionnaires and discussion groups, gathering the opinion of 80 young Cidade Tiradentes dwellers. The speeches comprised a variety of themes, such as youth, neighborhood, daily activities, leisure, culture, family, school, friendship, work, drugs and projects for the future. Through the analisys of youth speeches, it was possible to identify several aspects that build social moratoriums for these audiences. These moratoriums are strongly related to perceptions and reactions about judgments and stigma disseminated by the media and society. In addition, other components guiding youth development were identified: the use of free time; the affectionate relationship with the district (those who grew up there were also those who did not intend to move out of the district); gender, which plays an important role in defining social practices and the use of space; and the dimension of moderation, which refers to ways of free living in this district that characterize youth condition in Cidade Tiradentes.
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Lazer, educação informal e traços culturais do migrante brasileiro que permanece temporariamente no Japão - Diálogo de traços étnico-culturais e de lazer entre brasileiros no Japão e japoneses no Brasil / Leisure, Informal education and cultural features as for brazilian migrants who live temporarily In Japan: a dialog between the ethnic/cultural features as well as the leisure activities of brazilians in Japan and those of japanese in Brazil.Lucí Tiho Ikari 19 March 2007 (has links)
Pesquisa sociocultural qualiquantitativa descritiva sobre o lazer, educação informal e traços culturais de brasileiros que permaneceram temporariamente no Japão, em busca de melhores condições de vida. Inicia-se elaborando uma discussão conceitual e teórica do lazer e de suas funções, tempo livre, tempo liberado e desemprego, educação não formal e informal, e faz um recorte de traços culturais. Apresenta aspectos do desemprego no Brasil e na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, com breve relato circunstancial do movimento migratório de brasileiros para o Japão. Caracteriza o público alvo da amostra, com base na aplicação do questionário, e aborda a história de vida de brasileiros, mediante entrevistas gravadas, em fitas cassetes, com questões abertas padronizadas e estudo bibliográfico. Analisa as informações colhidas, apontando contribuições e impactos socioculturais de brasileiros na vida de japoneses. Esses resultados compõem o fio condutor nutrido com fatos semelhantes vivenciados pelos imigrantes japoneses no Brasil, anteriormente explanados na dissertação de mestrado, elaborando um diálogo sincrônico. Conclui-se que há evidências do imbricamento do lazer e educação informal na formação dos traços culturais dos migrantes brasileiros no Japão, assim como ocorreu com imigrantes japoneses no Brasil. / This research encompasses qualitative and quantitative social-cultural aspects as to leisure, informal education and cultural features of Brazilians who lived temporarily in Japan in search for better living conditions. Firstly, a conceptual and theoretical discussion deals with issues such as leisure and its roles, free time, liberated time and unemployment, non-formal and informal education, and it outlines those Brazilians cultural features. Additionally, it addresses unemployment in Brazil and in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo in the 80s and 90s, with a short circumstantial report on Brazilians migration to Japan. The target public which comprises the sample is assessed with basis on questionnaires, and their history is approached through interviews consisting of standardized open questions recorded in cassettes, and through a bibliographical study. An analysis of the information gathered is provided, showing the Brazilian contribution to the Japanese life and what its social and cultural impacts on the local people were. Such findings make up this study guideline, furnished with similar situations faced by Japanese immigrants in Brazil formerly reported in a master s thesis*, resulting in a synchronic dialog. It is apparent that both leisure and informal education have wielded considerable influence upon the cultural features of Brazilian migrants in Japan, likewise it happened to Japanese immigrants in Brazil.
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