Spelling suggestions: "subject:"frisk"" "subject:"brisk""
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Stop and Frisk among College-Educated Police Officers in Suburban Western Pennsylvania: An Exploratory StudySwank, John F. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Stop-and-frisk has become a significant issue of debate in recent years with both the constitutionality and effectiveness of the practice coming into question. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has especially come under scrutiny for their stop-and-frisk program in recent years with researchers finding that minorities and the disadvantaged were being targeted by the NYPD during stop-and-frisk encounters. The majority of the research had focused on New York City, and thus there was little data on the use of stop-and-frisk in other jurisdictions. Moreover, there were few studies that examined officer characteristics, such as college education, agency size, etc., on stop-and-frisk and their effect on officers’ understanding of Terry v. Ohio and the legal standard of reasonable suspicion. It was important to understand what extralegal factors police officers were considering prior to stopping someone to ensure that they were not profiling suspects. Moreover, it was necessary to determine if the officers were following the law regarding what factors constitute reasonable suspicion. A qualitative research design in the form of a case study was utilized to explore how college-educated police officers in small to mid-sized agencies in suburban Western Pennsylvania describe the factors that lead to their decision to stop-and-frisk an individual. The participating police officers possessed either a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree with varying levels of rank and experience. The officers were interviewed in person and questioned regarding their stop-and-frisk practices as well as their understanding of the legal requirements necessary prior to conducting such encounters. A general inductive approach was utilized to analyze the data. NVivo software was utilized to identify categories and themes within the participant interviews consistent with a general inductive approach. A number of categories were identified in reference to how the officers described the legal and extralegal factors that led to their decision to stop-and-frisk when the interview responses were analyzed.
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Att finna vägar ur anorexi : återhämtning ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektivLindblom, Alinda January 2005 (has links)
<p>Studien behandlade anorexi och återhämtning. Syftet var att undersöka hur personer som varit sjuka i anorexi beskrev den egna återhämtningsprocessen. Studien begränsades till att behandla anorexi och inte ätstörningar. Källorna som användes innehöll såväl psykologisk-, medicinsk-, kulturantropologisk-, etnologisk- som återhämtningsforskning. En kvalitativ metod användes och urvalsgruppen bestod av fyra kvinnor med erfarenheter av anorexi och återhämtning. Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna var aktiva under sin återhämtning och berättelserna om återhämtning indelades i tre faser. En akut fas kännetecknades av att anorexin innebar ett hot mot personens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Resultatet visade vikten av att anhöriga och vårdpersonal agerade auktoritärt samt att personen nådde en botten och olika vändpunkter. I En andra fas fann personen vägar ur anorexin. Relationen till betydelsefulla professionella var då av stor betydelse samt viljan att bli frisk, envishet, motivation och förmåga att finna strategier. Slutligen kännetecknades en tredje fas av att intervjupersonen kommit en bit i sin återhämtning och den beskrevs då som en process med såväl tillbakagångar som framgångar. Analysen visade att återhämtningen kunde tolkas som en process där känsla av sammanhang förändrades och utvecklades.</p>
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Att finna vägar ur anorexi : återhämtning ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektivLindblom, Alinda January 2005 (has links)
Studien behandlade anorexi och återhämtning. Syftet var att undersöka hur personer som varit sjuka i anorexi beskrev den egna återhämtningsprocessen. Studien begränsades till att behandla anorexi och inte ätstörningar. Källorna som användes innehöll såväl psykologisk-, medicinsk-, kulturantropologisk-, etnologisk- som återhämtningsforskning. En kvalitativ metod användes och urvalsgruppen bestod av fyra kvinnor med erfarenheter av anorexi och återhämtning. Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna var aktiva under sin återhämtning och berättelserna om återhämtning indelades i tre faser. En akut fas kännetecknades av att anorexin innebar ett hot mot personens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Resultatet visade vikten av att anhöriga och vårdpersonal agerade auktoritärt samt att personen nådde en botten och olika vändpunkter. I En andra fas fann personen vägar ur anorexin. Relationen till betydelsefulla professionella var då av stor betydelse samt viljan att bli frisk, envishet, motivation och förmåga att finna strategier. Slutligen kännetecknades en tredje fas av att intervjupersonen kommit en bit i sin återhämtning och den beskrevs då som en process med såväl tillbakagångar som framgångar. Analysen visade att återhämtningen kunde tolkas som en process där känsla av sammanhang förändrades och utvecklades.
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Examining the Potential for Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of Force During NYPD Stop and Frisk ActivitiesJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Since the 1990s, stop and frisk activities have been a cornerstone of the New York Police Department (NYPD). The manner in which the NYPD has carried out stop, question, and frisks (SQFs), however, has been a focal point of discussion, resulting in public outrage and two major lawsuits. Recently, the Federal District Court Judge ruled that the NYPD was engaging in unconstitutional stop-and-frisk practices that targeted predominately Black and Latino New Yorkers. Questions surrounding the NYPD’s SQF practices have almost exclusively focused on racial and ethnic disproportionality in the rate of stops without necessarily considering what transpired during the stop. This study will fill that void by examining the prevalence and nature of use of force during those stops, along with testing the minority threat hypothesis. By combining micro-level measures from the NYPD’s 2012 “Stop, Question, and Frisk” database with macro-level variables collected from the United States Census Bureau, the current study examines police use of force in the context of SQF activities. The results should help judges, policy makers, police officers, and scholars understand the nature of police use of force in the context of SQFs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Criminology and Criminal Justice 2015
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Stop and frisk, or stop and park? Fixed effects analyses of perceived scrutiny upon police vigorHeinzeroth, Robert, 0000-0002-0019-9481 January 2023 (has links)
Police have been the subject of increased scrutiny over the past several years, and there exists a contention that this increased scrutiny impacted officer behavior, resulting in diminished proactive policing as officers may be performing their duties less vigorously. The study examines the effect that changes in scrutiny, as measured in terms of public interest and local news coverage, had upon police officer vigor, as measured by monthly counts of pedestrian and vehicle stops. This research is unique in that it examines the effects of scrutiny emanating from local incidents separately from that related to high profile incidents that received considerable nationwide interest; the extant research is currently limited to the latter. A series of fixed-effects negative binomial regression models examine the impact of scrutiny upon vigor over time throughout all neighborhoods in the city of Philadelphia. The study finds that local and national scrutiny do not have the same impact upon officer vigor, as scrutiny emanating from national incidents generally results in increases in officer vigor, while scrutiny emanating from local incidents results in an increase in ped stops in the first month following the scrutiny, and then a subsequent decrease in both forms of vigor in the second month. This study of police officer decision-making across space and time has both theoretical and practical implications. / Criminal Justice
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Varför blir man frisk? En studie om självbildens, omgivningens och coachingens betydelse i en tillfriskningsprocessEmanuelsson, Anna, Larsen, Marita January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats är delvis ett samarbete med ett projekt inom Försäkringskassan. Deltagarna i projektet är mellan 19 och 30 år och erhåller alla aktivitetsersättning. Inom projektet är två coacher/aktivitetssamordnare anställda. Projektets syfte är att i ett långsiktigt perspektiv förbättra arbetsförmågan hos deltagarna. Vår förhoppning är att genom denna studie finna de framgångsrika komponenter eller ”nycklar” som kan underlätta vägledningssituationer med vilsna eller omotiverade sökande. På så sätt hoppas vi i framtiden kunna nå bättre framgångar i vägledningsprocessen. Vårt syfte är att få fördjupade kunskaper om coachingarbete och vikten av meningsfullhet. Vi har också för avsikt att öka vår förståelse för personers utveckling, omgivningens stöd, självbildens betydelse och coachingens effekt. Syftet med vår frågeställning; Varför blir man frisk, är att försöka klargöra vad det är som gör att vissa lyckas komma vidare i sin egna personliga utveckling.Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie gjord på sju intervjuer varav sex intervjuer med projektdeltagare och en med projektets två coacher. De teoretiska perspektiv som tas upp i studien är Abraham Maslows behovsteori, Carl Rogers klientcentrerade teori och Aaron Antonovskys teori om KASAM. Dessutom refererar vi till olika teorier om självbilden så som social kognition och rollteori. Därutöver redogör vi för teorier om omgivningen så som socialt stöd och Kurt Lewins teori om livsrum samt olika perspektiv på coaching. Studien har resulterat i en modell som visar sambandet mellan omgivningen, självbilden och coachingen i tillfriskningsprocessen. Vi har funnit att stöd från omgivningen, så som vänner, familj och djur, samt en meningsfull vardag med eget valda aktiviteter har en positiv effekt på tillfrisknandet. Att kunna se möjligheter, tro på individen samt stötta och peppa möjliggör för hjälp till självhjälp som också är nyckeln i tillfriskningsprocessen.
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Ledare av Guds nåde : En undersökning om aspekter av det karismatiska ledarskapetLindwall, Johan January 2024 (has links)
The thesis aims to present and evaluate Liselotte Frisk’s usage of the father of charismatic research, Max Weber’s, theories regarding charismatic leadership. It does this by examining, using textual analysis, chapters from two works meant to examine and categorize new religious movements. The two works are “Nya religiösa rörelser” and “De nya religiösa rörelserna-vart tog de vägen?”. Three specific New Religious Movements have been selected: the Osho-movement, the church of Scientology as well as Hare-Krishna. The study details Frisk’s usage of Weber’s theories based on an analytical model that in itself is based upon Weber’s own definition of what constitutes charismatic leadership. The study finds that while Frisk uses aspects of Weber’s theories, there are certain aspects that do not align. Rather than seeing this as a fault of Frisk in her application of Weber, it should, however, be seen as a sign of the fact that Weber’s theories are somewhat vague and difficult to adapt and use. There is a reason for why he has been challenged and questioned on his views and terminology concerning charismatic leadership when it comes to New Religious Movements. That being said, there are aspects of it that in the present author’s opinion are still worth to investigate and use when it comes to leadership in religious organizations.
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Card[ing] Capital: A Political Sociological Analysis of the Police Practice of ‘Carding’ in TorontoLevins, Kyle 18 October 2019 (has links)
There has been a history of a strained relationship between the public and the police institution for decades; most recently as a result of documented high levels of arrest rates among marginalized communities. Stop and frisk practices have been active in the United States since the 1950s and have been studied academically in the United States since the 1990s. However, research concerning Canadian data is limited.
This project, using Bourdieusian concepts (field, habitus, capital, and doxa) with other resistance to change/police culture research, addresses the gaps in literature surrounding the practice of ‘carding’ in Canada by determining the forms of strategies and capital used by parties to defend and contest the police practice in the city of Toronto.
Using a form of Document Analysis, this project created inductive categories from reports and recommendations submitted by the Toronto Police, several activist groups, and the province of Ontario between the years of 2012-2015.
Findings from this paper were similar to previous literature; however, we saw an emotional argument surrounding the use of risk emerge through those justifying the police practice of ‘carding’. This emotional argument relied on a platform of fear and risk discourse, arguing that having limited faith in police not only goes against previously accepted practices, but places our communities in greater potential danger.
Furthermore, our findings showed that narratives presented by those contesting the practice of ‘carding’ saw legal and factual arguments emerge which were not seen in previous literature. These legal and factual arguments focused on Constitutionality and statistics to contest the practice of ‘carding’, rather than rely on emotional arguments as seen in previous literature.
This project allowed for a snapshot of the case in Toronto to help understand the issue in a Canadian context. Many themes developed were similar to previous literature; however, we saw a new emotional argument surrounding a risk discourse and those contesting ’carding’ have accessed the legal ‘field’ to express concerns. Directions for future research are presented at the end of this study.
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Notes on the Use of Surveillance in Public HousingOwens, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
The increasingly widespread use of surveillance as a cornerstone of crime control presents novel challenges to questions about personal autonomy, stigmatization, and the shape of social processes. In New York City, the end of stop-and-frisk policing meant the rise of “omnipresence,” built on a progression of the surveillance infrastructure. For residents of NYCHA public housing developments in New York City, the installation of highly visible surveillance structures provokes questions about the role of surveillance in increasing contact with the criminal justice system, as well about how use of these structures redefines spaces against a background of gentrification, a globalizing real estate market, and unbuffered income stratification.
This project uses ethnographic methods, including interviews and participant observation to explore the phenomenology of social processes undertaken by individuals in relation to surveillance structures and to interrogate the use of surveillance in public housing. Engaging with the work of Bourdieu, Lefebvre, Wacquant, Goffman, and Sassen, the dissertation explores social ordering, stigmatization, norm durability, and place-making among NYCHA residents. The experiences of residents of neighborhoods that are on both sides of the city-wide demographic shifts associated with gentrification are further contrasted, contextualizing their interactions at the macro and micro levels.
At the policy level, NYCHA housing becomes a focus of crime control measures as if containing public housing will address the root causes of crime. On the ground, however, cameras do not work to prevent crime, even when they are in good repair. Lights may make some individuals feel safer walking through courtyards late at night, but those same individuals fear that danger is just beyond the reach of the lights in the stairwells or playgrounds. If the cameras and lights fail to allay the fears of those in public housing, if their experiences with the system of surveillance have proven unsuccessful in preventing crime, giving the feeling of safety, or helping to solve crime, what is their purpose? This study posits that these structures are a spectacle. They are structures heavily laden with symbolism that reassure non-residents and residents alike of the neutralization of NYCHA residents. This symbolic dynamic ultimately stigmatizes NYCHA residents and pushes them further towards the systemic edge.
Among the theoretical implications of the dissertation’s conclusions are an enhanced understanding of the connections between the persistence of social inequality, the “terra non grata” of certain urban spaces, and the dismantling of the social welfare state. The practical implications of this work are significant and add to discourses around the function of technology in the creation of new types of barriers.
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A Grotesque and Gothic Corporeality : Queer Transgression in Closer and FriskBerggren, Elliott January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates how two novels by Dennis Cooper, Closer and Frisk, conceive of queer sexuality as transgressing heteronormative notions of moral standards, and how they challenge these by elevating their subject matters to an excessive degree. Drawing on the concepts of the grotesque and the Gothic, this thesis explores the aesthetics of Closer and Frisk, focusing in particular on the way corporeality figures as a central aspect of how these texts explore the ways in which the body becomes a site for Cooper’s discourses of transgression. Furthermore, drawing on Lee Edelman’s notion of the queer subject as inherently opposed to the value of every social form and structure, it is argued that the adverse representations of Cooper’s subjects work to add to this oppositionality. Thus, this thesis investigates how the queer expressions of desire in the texts are inextricable from the aberrant imagery of the body; the body as Gothically grotesque in the novels provides ways to configure alternative ways of conceptualizing the queer body and investigate its ties to transgression.
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