Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ssw"" "subject:"wsw""
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Temperature Control in Friction Stir Welding Using Model Predictive ControlTaysom, Brandon Scott 01 June 2015 (has links)
Temperature is a very important process parameter in Friction Stir Welding (FSW), but until lately active control of temperature has not been practiced. Recently, temperature control via a PID controller has proven to be effective. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a control method that holds promise, but has not been attempted in FSW before. Two different model forms are developed for MPC and are evaluated. The first is a simple first-order plus dead time (FOPDT) model. The second is the Hybrid Heat Source model and is more complex; it combines the heat source method and a 1D discretized thermal model of the FSW tool. Model parameters were determined by fitting model predictions to actual weld data. The models were evaluated for their performance in modeled and unmodeled disturbances once the process was already at a quasi steady state condition and also were evaluated for control immediately after plunge. The FOPDT based MPC controller has very good performance and was comparable in performance to previously proven and well-tuned PID controllers. For small modeled disturbances the FOPDT controller settled within 1°C of the setpoint in 10s with almost no oscillations and only 2°C of overshoot. For large unmodeled disturbances, the FOPDT controller settled within 1°C of the setpoint in 30s with no oscillations and 16°C of overshoot. For the same disturbances, the PID servo controller settled in 30s with no oscillations and 9°C of overshoot, and the PID regulator controller settled in 15s but had almost a full oscillation and 13°C of overshoot.The Hybrid Heat Source MPC controller and the PID regulator controller were also able to control temperature within 5°C of the setpoint immediately after the plunge during the highly transient portion of the weld, which previously had been assumed to be too difficult to control. The PID regulator controller had a high degree of variability between the two runs (a settling time of 10s and 30s, and .5 and 4.5 oscillations before settling), but settled quickly and once settled was able to hold the temperature within 2°C of the setpoint. The HHS MPC controller on the other hand had far fewer oscillations (0 and 1 oscillation) before settling, but could only hold the temperature within 5°C of the setpoint. Both of these controllers performed far better than the FOPDT MPC and PID servo controllers.
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Investigation and modelling of friction stir welded copper canistersKällgren, Therese January 2010 (has links)
This work has been focused on characterisation of FSW joints, and modelling of the process, both analytically and numerically. The Swedish model for final deposit of nuclear fuel waste is based on copper canisters as a corrosion barrier with an inner pressure holding insert of cast iron. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is the method to seal the copper canister, a technique invented by The Welding Institute (TWI). The first simulations were based on Rosenthal’s analytical medium plate model. The model is simple to use, but has limitations. Finite element models (FEM) were developed, initially with a two-dimensional geometry. Due to the requirements of describing both the heat flow and the tool movement, three-dimensional models were developed. These models take into account heat transfer, material flow, and continuum mechanics. The geometries of the models are based on the simulation experiments carried out at TWI and at Swedish Nuclear Fuel Waste and Management Co (SKB). Temperature distribution, material flow and their effects on the thermal expansion were predicted for a full-scale canister and lid. The steady state solutions have been compared with temperature measurements, showing good agreement. In order to understand the material flow during welding a marker technique is used, which involves inserting dissimilar material into the weld zone before joining. Different materials are tested showing that brass rods are the most suitable material in these welds. After welding, the weld line is sliced, etched and examined by optical microscope. To understand the material flow further, and in the future predict the flow, a FEM is developed. This model and the etched samples are compared showing similar features. Furthermore, by using this model the area that is recrystallised can be predicted. The predicted area and the grain size and hardness profile agree well. Microstructure and hardness profiles have been investigated by optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Rockwell hardness measurements. EBSD visualisation has been used to determine the grain size distribution and the appearance of twins and misorientation within grains. The orientation maps show a fine uniform equiaxed grain structure. The root of the weld exhibits the smallest grains and many annealing twins. The appearance of the nugget and the grain size depends on the position of the weld. A large difference can be seen both in hardness and grain size between the start of the weld and when the steady state is reached. / QC20100719
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Modeling and Control of Friction Stir Welding in 5 cm thick Copper Canisters / Modellering och Reglering av Friction Stir Welding i 5 cm tjocka KopparkapslarNielsen, Isak January 2012 (has links)
Friction stir welding has become a popular forging technique used in many applications. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) evaluates this method to seal the 5 cm thick copper canisters that will contain the spent nuclear fuel. To produce repetitive, high quality welds, the process must be controlled, and today a cascade controller is used to keep the desired stir zone temperature. In this thesis, the control system is extended to also include a plunge depth controller. Two different approaches are evaluated; the first attempt is a decentralized solution where the cascaded temperature controller is kept, and the second approach uses a non-linear model predictive controller for both depth and temperature. Suitable models have been derived and used to design the controllers; a simpler model for the decentralized control and a more extensive, full model used in the non-linear model predictive controller that relates all the important process variables. The two controller designs are compared according to important performance measures, and the achieved increase in performance with the more complex non-linear model predictive controller is evaluated. The non-linear model predictive controller has not been implemented on the real process. Hence, simulations of the closed loop systems using the full model have been used to compare and evaluate the control strategies. The decentralized controller has been implemented on the real system. Two welds have been made using plunge depth control with excellent experimental results, confirming that the decentralized controller design proposed in this thesis can be successfully used. Even though the controller manages to regulate the plunge depth with satisfying performance, simulations indicate that the non-linear model predictive controller achieves even better closed loop performance. This controller manages to compensate for the cross-connections between the process variables, and the resulting closed loop system is almost decoupled. Further research will reveal which control design that will finally be used. / ''Friction stir welding'' har blivit en populär svetsmetod inom många olika tillämpningar. På Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) undersöks möjligheten att använda metoden för att försegla de 5 cm tjocka kopparkapslarna som kommer innehålla det använda kärnbränslet. För att kunna producera repeterbara svetsar utav hög kvalité krävs det att processen regleras. Idag löses detta med en temperaturregulator som reglerar svetszonens temperatur. I detta examensarbete utökas styrsystemet med en regulator för svetsdjupet. Två olika lösningar har utvärderats; först en decentraliserad lösning där temperatur-regulatorn behålls och sedan en lösning med en olinjär modellprediktiv reglering (MPC) som reglerar både djup och temperatur. Passande modeller har tagits fram och har använts för att designa regulatorerna; en enklare modell för den decentraliserade regulatorn och en utökad, komplett modell som används i den olinjära MPC:n och som beskriver alla viktiga variabler i processen. Viktiga prestandamått har jämförts för de båda regulatorstrukturerna och även prestandaökningen med den olinjära MPC:n har utvärderats. Då denna regulator inte har implementerats på den verkliga processen har simuleringar av den kompletta modellen använts för att jämföra och utvärdera regulatorstrukturerna. Den decentraliserade regulatorn har implementerats och testats på processen. Två svetsar har gjorts och de har givit utmärkta resultat, vilket visar att regulatorstrukturen som presenteras i rapporten fungerar bra för reglering av svetsdjupet. Trots att den implementerade regulatorn klarar av att reglera svetsdjupet med godkänt resultat, så visar simuleringar att den olinjära MPC:n ger ännu bättre reglerprestanda. Denna regulator kompenserar för korskopplingar i systemet och resulterar i ett slutet system som är nästan helt frikopplat. Ytterligare forskning kommer avgöra vilken av strategierna som kommer att användas i slutprodukten.
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Studies On Friction Stir Welding Of Precipitation Hardenable Aluminium AlloysKumar, K 01 1900 (has links)
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an emerging solid state welding process. It has been a proven method for welding high strength aluminium alloys which were previously not recommended for conventional fusion welding. Since the invention of the process by The Welding Institute, United Kingdom, in 1991, a number of studies have been conducted on the material flow, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of friction stir welds. However, there is not enough conceptual background available on FSW process for physical understanding of the mechanism of weld formation. In addition to that, FSW welds of high strength precipitation hardenable aluminium alloys suffer from reduced joint efficiency due to overaging in the heat affected zone. In the present investigation, experimental analysis has been carried out to understand the mechanism of weld formation and parameter optimization for aluminium alloys 7020-T6 and 6061-T6. For this purpose the investigations have been made on both the process aspects and the material aspects.
The process aspects are analyzed with the objective of learning the mechanism to produce defect free welds. For this purpose experiments have been carried out to analyze the effect of FSW parameters, material flow and the frictional characteristics between the tool and base metal. Preliminary experiments are conducted on aluminium alloy 7020-T6 with different tool geometries to analyze the interaction of the tool with the base metal using a knee-type vertical milling machine. Then, the tool geometry which produced defect-free weld is used for further experimentation. The role of tool pin, shoulder and axial load on the formation of defect free weld is analyzed in an innovative experiment, where the tool and base metal interaction is continuously increased by continuously increasing the interference between the tool and base metal. In another experiment the initial abutting interface position with respect to the tool is continuously varied to study the interaction of the tool with the initial interface and to find the positional information where the initial interface is completely eliminated. Further, the tool metal interface condition is studied using a specially designed tribological experiment which simulates the FSW condition.
From the base metal point of view, due to the strain, strain rate and temperature imposed on the base metal during the process, the microstructure is altered. In precipitation hardenable aluminium alloys the strengthening precipitates are dissolved or overaged in the weld region depending on the peak temperature in the region, which reduces the joint efficiency. However, the dissolution and overaging are kinetic process. In order to analyze this time dependant softening behavior of the base metal 7020-T6 and 6061-T6, isothermal annealing and differential scanning calorimetric studies are performed.
In order to obtain FSW welds with maximum joint efficiency, the welding temperature should not exceed the “softening temperature” of the base metal. But, to produce defect free welds favorable material flow in the weld nugget is necessary. The material flow and consolidation depend on the process temperature. Hence, for a given tool to produce defect free weld there is a need for minimum temperature. If the weld formation temperature is less than the base metal softening temperature, the weld can be made with 100% joint efficiency. In order to optimize the FSW parameter which gives defect free weld with lowest possible temperature, an instrumented programmable FSW machine is designed and developed. The machine is designed in such a way that welding parameters – rotation speed, traverse speed and plunging depth – can be continuously varied from the start to end of the weld between given two values. This reduces the number of experimental trials, material and time.
Based on the experimental results the following conclusions are derived.
1.The minimum diameter of the pin required for FSW depends on the base metal and tool material property for a given set of parameters. If the pin diameter is insufficient for a given set of welding parameters, it fails during plunging operation itself.
2.There is a minimum diameter of the shoulder for a given diameter of the pin which produces defect free weld. The ratio of pin to shoulder to produce a defect free weld is not a constant value. It changes with tool geometry and process parameters.
3.Increasing the area of contact between the tool and shoulder for a given set of parameters increases the heat input and results in increased weld nugget grain size.
4.Initial abutting interface of the base metal is eliminated at the leading edge of the tool. However, new surfaces are generated due to interaction with the tool and the newer surfaces are consolidated at the trailing edge of the tool. Importantly, the weld strength is controlled by the defects generated due the improper elimination of newly generated surfaces.
5.Optimal axial load is required to generate the required pressure to consolidate the transferred material at the trailing edge of the tool and should be equal to the flow stress of the material at the processing temperature. The optimal axial load is 8.1kN for a tool having 20mm diameter shoulder with 6mm diameter frustum shaped pin.
6.Only the material that approaches the tool at the leading edge on the advancing side is stirred and the remaining material is simply extruded around the tool. Further, the initial abutting interface is completely removed only when it is located in the stirring zone, otherwise the initial abutting interface is not eliminated. In the present study the interface is completely stirred when it is located on the advancing side of the tool between 0.5mm away from the centerline and edge of the tool.
7.The temperature and pressure at the tool–base metal interface is above the temperature and pressure required for seizure to occur for given tool material (H13) and base metal (7020-T6). Hence, it is clear that during FSW the base metal transfers on to the tool and interaction occurs between transferred layer on tool and base metal. The coefficient of friction between the given tool material and base metal in FSW condition is in the range of 1.2 – 1.4.
8.The minimum temperature requirement for FSW of 7020-T6 is 400oC and 6061-T6 is 430oC. However, 7020-T6 and 6061-T6 softens at lower temperatures than that of the minimum FSW temperature. 7020-T6 softens 30% in 7min at 250oC, 4min at 300oC, 2min at 350oC and 1min at 400oC. After softening 30%, there is 10% recovery in hardness and the hardness remains constant thereafter. Whereas 6061-T6 softens gradually up to 47% in 7min at 350oC and 400oC, below the temperature of 250oC for 7020-T6 and 350oC for 6061-T6 there is no softening observed in 7min.
9.The maximum joint efficiency of the 7020-T6 weld is 82% and 6061-T6 weld is 60%.
10. The reduction in joint efficiency is attributed to overaging of the material in the heat affected zone.
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Friction stir welding of copper canisters for nuclear wasteKällgren, Therese January 2005 (has links)
<p>The Swedish model for final disposal of nuclear fuel waste is based on copper canisters as a corrosion barrier with an inner pressure holding insert of cast iron. One of the methods to seal the copper canister is to use the Friction Stir Welding (FSW), a method invented by The Welding Institute (TWI).</p><p>This work has been focused on characterisation of the FSW joints, and modelling of the process, both analytically and numerically. The first simulations were based on Rosenthal’s analytical medium plate model. The model is simple to use, but has limitations. Finite element models were developed, initially with a two-dimensional geometry. Due to the requirements of describing both the heat flow and the tool movement, three-dimensional models were developed. These models take into account heat transfer, material flow, and continuum mechanics. The geometries of the models are based on the simulation experiments carried out at TWI and at Swedish Nuclear Fuel Waste and Management Co (SKB). Temperature distribution, material flow and their effects on the thermal expansion were predicted for a full-scale canister and lid. The steady state solutions have been compared with temperature measurements, showing good agreement.</p><p>Microstructure and hardness profiles have been investigated by optical microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Rockwell hardness measurements. EBSD visualisation has been used to determine the grain size distribution and the appearance of twins and misorientation within grains. The orientation maps show a fine uniform equiaxed grain structure. The root of the weld exhibits the smallest grains and many annealing twins. This may be due to deformation after recrystallisation. The appearance of the nugget and the grain size depends on the position of the weld. A large difference can be seen both in hardness and grain size between the start of the weld and when the steady state is reached.</p>
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Commande hybride position/force robuste d'un robot manipulateur utilisé en usinageet/ou en soudageQin, Jinna 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La problématique traitée dans cette thèse concerne la commande de robots manipulateurs industriels légèrement flexibles utilisés pour la robotisation de procédés d'usinage et de soudage FSW. Le premier objectif est la modélisation des robots et des procédés. Les modèles développés concernant la cinématique et la dynamique de robots 6 axes à architecture série et à flexibilité localisées aux articulations. Les paramètres du modèle dynamique et les raideurs sont identifiés avec la méthode à erreur de sortie qui donne une bonne précision d'estimation. La norme relative du résidu du modèle après identification est de 3,2%. Le deuxième objectif est l'amélioration des performances de la robotisation des procédés. Un simulateur a été développé qui intègre le modèle dynamique du robot flexible, les modèles de procédés et le modèle du contrôleur de robot y compris les lois de commande en temps réel des axes et le générateur de trajectoires. Un observateur non-linéaire à grands gains est proposé pour estimer l'état complet du robot flexible ainsi que les efforts d'interaction. Ensuite, un compensateur basé sur l'observateur est proposé pour corriger les erreurs de positionnement en temps réel. La validation expérimentale sur un robot industriel Kuka, montre une très bonne estimation de l'état complet par l'observateur. Un soudage FSW précis grâce à la compensation en temps réel de la flexibilité du manipulateur a pu être effectué avec succès.
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Estampagem incremental e soldagem FSW para fabricação de coletor solarSchreiber, Rafael Gustavo January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo inovador de coletor solar plano, com placa absorvedora fabricada por Estampagem Incremental e Soldagem FSW (Friction Stir Welding). Esta placa absorvedora é constituída de duas chapas de alumínio AA1200-H14 com espessura de 1 mm, estampadas e soldadas em simetria, a fim de que na união das chapas sejam deixados canais para passagem de água. Neste estudo foi realizada a caracterização do material por Ensaio de Tração e Ensaio Nakajima. Para determinação dos parâmetros de Estampagem Incremental foram realizados 16 experimentos com ferramenta de diâmetro df = 9,5 mm, variando a rotação de N = 50 rpm a 800 rpm e o incremento vertical de Δz = 2 mm a 0,2 mm, mantendo o avanço em = 250 mm/min. E também foram realizados 3 experimentos com ferramenta df = 22 mm, variando o incremento vertical de Δz = 2 mm a 0,5 mm, mantendo a rotação em N = 50 rpm e o avanço em = 250 mm/min. Para determinação dos parâmetros de Soldagem FSW foram realizados 4 experimentos com ferramenta de ombro de diâmetro 8 mm e pino roscado M3x0,5, mantendo a rotação em N = 1500 rpm e variando o avanço entre = 100 mm/min a 400 mm/min. Em seguida foi fabricado um protótipo de placa absorvedora de coletor solar com área de 0,12 m². Nos experimentos realizados foi constatado que é possível obter maiores deformações na Estampagem Incremental do que na Estampagem Convencional e que as deformações são mais elevadas quando se utiliza menores diâmetros, maiores rotações e menores incrementos verticais da ferramenta. Na Soldagem FSW não foi constatada influência na qualidade do cordão de solda em relação à variação do avanço da ferramenta. Neste estudo também se verificou que é possível fabricar protótipos de placas absorvedoras de coletores solares pelos processos de Estampagem Incremental e Soldagem FSW. No entanto, para coletores em tamanho comercial, novos estudos são necessários para melhorar a forma de fixação das chapas durante a Soldagem FSW. / This work presents an innovative model of flat plate solar collector, with absorber plate manufactured using Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) and Friction Stir Welding (FSW). This absorber plate consists of two AA1200-H14 aluminum sheets with a thickness of 1 mm, stamped and welded in symmetry, in order to leave channels for the passage of water. In this study the characterization of the material by Nakajima Test and Traction Test was performed. In order to determine the parameters of ISF, 16 experiments were performed with a tool of diameter df = 9.5 mm, varying the rotation speed of N = 50 rpm at 800 rpm and the step down of Δz = 2 mm to 0.2 mm, maintaining the feed rate at = 250 mm/min. Also, 3 experiments with tool df = 22 mm were performed, varying the step down of Δz = 2 mm to 0.5 mm, maintaining the rotation speed at N = 50 rpm and the feed rate at = 250 mm/min. For determination of FSW parameters, 4 experiments with 8 mm diameter shoulder tool and M3x0.5 pin were performed, maintaining the rotation speed at N = 1500 rpm and varying the feed rate from = 100 mm/min to 400 mm/min. A prototype solar collector absorber plate with a 0.12 m² area was then manufactured. In the experiments carried out, it was found that it is possible to obtain greater deformations in the ISF than in the Conventional Stamping and that the deformations are higher when using smaller diameters, higher rotations and smaller step downs of the tool. In FSW, no influence was observed in the quality of the weld bead in relation to the variation of the tool feed rate. In this study it was also verified that it is possible to manufacture prototypes of solar collector absorber plates by the processes of ISF and FSW. However, for commercial size collectors, further studies are needed to improve the way the plates are fixed during FSW.
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Aplikace svařování třením v leteckých konstrukcích / Application of Friction Stir Welding in Aircraft StructuresŠrubař, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Slitiny hliníku řad 2XXX a 7XXX nejsou shledávány jako svařitelné s použitím tradičních metod svařování. Jsou však široce používány v leteckých a kosmických konstrukcích. Obvyklý způsob jejich spojování je pomocí nýtování. Nově vznikající technologie lineárního svařování třením rotujícím nástrojem (Friction Stir Welding - FSW) již ukázala slibné výsledky při svařování těchto slitin. V této práci jsme prozkoumali aplikace technologie FSW v leteckých konstrukcích zejména jako náhradu nýtování na panelech vyztužených stringery. Sestavili jsme výrobní postup pro daný panel a navrhli další kroky k jeho optimalizaci. Dále jsme sestavili znalostní bázi základních svařovacích parametrů a porovnali jsme nýtování a FSW na jednoduchém modelu využitím metody konečných prvků a s cílem identifikovat rozdíly v charakteru rozložení napětí v těchto vzorcích.
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A Simple Method for Evaluating Wear in Different Grades of Tooling Applied to Friction Stir Spot WeldingKennard, Kirtis Frankland 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this study tools consisting of a 5mm cylindrical pin and a 12mm shoulder held by a simple tool holder were used to compare the wear of 11 tooling materials. The objective was to determine if using these tools in a spot welding configuration to simulate friction stir welding could differentiate the potential performance of tooling materials. All tools were made of varying percentages of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), tungsten (W) and rhenium (Re). The materials are referred to herein as GV1, GV2, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9.The tools were run to 205 welds if they did not fracture first. The grades averaged the following quantities of welds before fracture failure GV-1:0; GV-2:200; G1:82; G2:204; G3:205; G4:205; G5:96; G7:102.73; G8:21.2; G9:38.5. Of the tools that ran the full 205 welds without chipping, the average calculated volume loss, which was the best indication of wear, was as follows G2:1.83%; G3:2.53%; G4:2.41%; G5:1.93%; and G7:2.30%.The study showed that G2 had the least wear and G6 had the most wear, of those tools that completed all 205 spot welds. Fracture was the failure mode of all grades with over 70% CBN content. It was found that small CBN grain size was not correlated to better wear performance, as has been seen in a prior study.
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Statistical Investigation of Friction Stir Processing Parameter RelationshipsRecord, Jonathan H. 14 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an emerging joining technology in which basic process understanding is still inadequate. Knowledge of FSW parameter relationships is needed to better understand the process and implement proper machine control. This study utilized a 3-factor, 3-level factorial design of experiments to investigate relationships between key process inputs and measured output parameters. All experiments utilized 7075-T7 aluminum and a threaded pin tool with a 25.4 mm shoulder diameter, 4.76 mm pin length, and 7.9 mm pin diameter. Spindle speed, feed rate, and tool depth were varied throughout 54 welds while X, Y, and Z forces, X torque, three tool temperatures, and motor power were measured. Empirical models were developed to relate outputs to inputs. The relationships between inputs and outputs are nonlinear and require, at a minimum, a quadratic equation to reasonably model them. These models were further analyzed to explore possible control schemes. Tool depth was found to be the most fundamental means of controlling weld forces and tool temperatures. This research describes the input/output relationships enumerated above for FSW as well as a discussion of possible control schemes.
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