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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buoy Geometry, Size and Hydrodynamics for Power Take Off Device for Point Absorber Linear Wave Energy Converter

Gravråkmo, Halvar January 2014 (has links)
Wave energy converters of point absorber type have been developed and constructed. Full scale experiments have been carried out at sea and electricity has been successfully delivered. Linear permanent magnet generators together with a subsea substation and buoys of various geometric shapes have been investigated theoretically and experimentally. The design has in large extent an electronic approach, keeping the mechanical part of it as simple as possible, due to the long life span and reliability of electric components. Because of the nature of a linear generator, the internal translator with permanent magnets has a limited stroke length which will be reached when the buoy is exposed to large wave heights. Internal springs at the top and bottom of the generator prevent the translator from hitting the generator hull. Inertial forces due to the mass and velocity of the translator and the buoy and its heave added mass compresses the spring. The added mass is a rather large part of the total moving mass. Simulations of a converter with a vertical cylindrical buoy and with a toroidal buoy were conducted, as well as real sea experiments with converters with cylindrical buoys of two different sizes and a toroidal buoy. The overloads are likely to affect the design and service life of the generator, the buoy and the wire which interconnects them. Buoy shapes with as much excitation force as possible and as little heave added mass as possible were sought. A toroidal buoy caused less overloads on the generator at sea states with short wave periods and relatively large wave height, but for sea states with very long wave periods or extremely high waves, the magnitude of the overloads was mainly determined by the maximum displacement of the buoy. Snap loads on the interconnecting wire, as the slack wire tensed up after a very deep wave trough, were found to be greater but of the same order of magnitude as forces during the rest of the wave cycle. During a 4 day period at various wave conditions, two converters with cylindrical buoys proved efficiency between 11.1 % and 24.4 %. The larger buoy had 78 % larger water plane area than the other buoy which resulted in 11 % more power production. Short wave period was beneficial for the power production. Infinite frequency heave added mass was measured for a cylindrical buoy at real sea and found to be greater than the linearly calculated theoretical added mass.

A semantics for aspects by compositional translation

Sanjabi, Sam Bakhtiar January 2008 (has links)
We analyse the semantics of aspect-oriented extensions to functional languages by presenting compositional translations of these primitives into languages with traditional notions of state and control. As a first step, we examine an existing semantic description of aspects which allows the labelling of program points. We show that a restriction of these semantics to aspects which do not preempt the execution of code can be fully abstractly translated into a functional calculus with higher order references, but that removing this restriction requires a notion of exception handling to be added to the target language in order to yield a sound semantics. Next, we proceed to show that abandoning the labelling technique, and consequently relaxing the so-called ``obliviousness'' property of aspectual languages, allows preemptive aspects to be included in the general references model without the need for exceptions. This means that the game model of general references is inherited by the aspect calculus. The net result is a clean semantic description of aspect-orientation, which mirrors recently published techniques for their implementation, and thereby provides theoretical justification for these systems. The practical validity of our semantics is demonstrated by implementing extensions to the basic calculus in Standard ML, and showing how a number of useful aspect-oriented features can be expressed using general references alone. Our theoretical methodology closely follows the proof structure that often appears in the game semantics literature, and therefore provides an operational perspective on notions such as ``bad variables'' and factorisation theorems.

Confronting unemployment in a street-level bureaucracy : jobcentre staff and client perspectives

Wright, Sharon Elizabeth January 2003 (has links)
This thesis presents an account of the roles played by social actors in the implementation of unemployment policy in the UK. Lipsky’s (1980) theory of street-level bureaucracy has been adopted, updated to the contemporary context of the managerial state (Clarke & Newman, 1997) and developed in the specific case of the Jobcentre. The analysis is based on data collected during an ethnographic investigation of one case study Jobcentre office in Central Scotland. The methods consisted of six months of direct observation, interviews with 48 members of Jobcentre staff, semi-structured interviews with 35 users and analysis of notified vacancies and guidance documents. The argument is that front-line workers re-create policy as they implement it. They do so in reaction to a series of influences, constraints and incentives. Users therefore receive a service that is a modified version of the official policy. Users do not necessarily accept the policy that they are subjected to. They do not identify with the new managerialist notion of customer service because as benefit recipients they are denied purchasing power, choice and power. Unemployment policy is not delivered uniformly or unilaterally because front-line staff are active in developing work habits that influence the outcomes of policy. Policy is accomplished by staff in practice by categorising users into client types. This is significant because staff represent the state to the citizen in their interaction. Users are also active in accomplishing policy, whether they conform with, contest, negotiate or co-produce policy. Understanding what unemployment policy actually is, and what it means to people, depends on understanding these social processes by which policy emerges in practice.

Structure and Function of the Retina in Children Born Extremely Preterm and in Children Born At Term

Molnar, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Background: Optical coherence tomography (OCT), multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) and full-field electroretinography (ffERG) give important information about retinal structure and function. Purpose: To collect normative data of macular Cirrus Spectral domain (SD)-OCT assessments and of mfERG measurements of healthy children (papers I and II). To assess the macular thickness with Cirrus SD-OCT and the retinal function with ffERG in 6.5-year-old children born extremely preterm and in children born at term (papers III and IV). Methods: Study participants aged 5-15 years and living in Uppsala County were randomly chosen from the Swedish Birth Register (papers I and II). In papers III and IV, the study participants consisted of children born extremely preterm and children born at term – all were aged 6.5 years. In paper III, the children were living in Stockholm and Uppsala health care regions and, in paper IV, in Uppsala health care region only. Macular thickness was assessed with Cirrus SD-OCT and macular function with mfERG, using the Espion Multifocal system and DTL-electrodes. The retinal function was assessed with ffERG and DTL-electrodes, using the Espion Ganzfield system. Results: Altogether, 58 children participated in paper I and 49 children in paper II. In paper I, the repeatability and reproducibility of the OCT assessments were good. In paper II, the results of the mfERG measurements were in accordance with retinal cone density and there were no significant differences between the right and left eyes. In paper III, 134 preterm children and 145 children born at term constituted the study population. The central macular thickness was significantly thicker in the preterm group than in the control group. Within the preterm group, gestational age (GA), former retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and male gender were all important risk factors for an increased macular thickness. In paper IV, 52 preterm children and 45 control children constituted the study population. Significantly lower amplitudes and prolonged implicit times of the combined rod and cone responses, as well as of the isolated cone responses, were found in the preterm group when compared with the control group. In paper IV, there was no association between GA, ROP or male gender and the ffERG assessments. Conclusion: Normative data of Cirrus SD-OCT and mfERG assessments were reported. The results of the assessments were reliable. Children aged 6.5 years, born extremely preterm, had a significantly thicker central macula and both rod and cone function were significantly reduced in comparison to children born at term. ROP had an influence on retinal structure but not retinal function in the present cohorts. Our results suggest that retinal development is abnormal in children born extremely preterm. Long-term follow-up studies are necessary in order to evaluate the functional ophthalmological outcome in this vulnerable population of children growing up today.

Analysis and Characterization of Residual Stresses in Pipe and Vessel Welds

Song, Shaopin 15 December 2012 (has links)
This research sought to establish residual stress distribution characteristics in typical pipe and vessel welds by carrying out a comprehensive parametric study using an advanced sequentially coupled thermo-mechanical finite element procedure. The parametric study covered vessel and pipe components with a ranging radius to thickness ratio from r/t=2 to 100, for thickness ranging from t=1/4” to 10”. Component materials varied from low carbon steel to high alloy steels, such as stainless steel and titanium alloy. Furthermore, a structural mechanics based framework is proposed to generalize through-thickness residual stress distributions for a broad spectrum of joint geometry and welding conditions. The results of this study have been shown to provide both a significantly improved understanding of important parameters governing residual stresses in pipe and vessel welds, as well as a unified scheme for achieving consistent residual stress prescriptions for supporting fitness-for-service assessments of engineering structures. Specific contributions of this investigation may be summarized as follows: (a) A welding heating input characterization procedure has been developed and validated to relate prescribed temperature thermal modeling procedure to conventional linear input definition. With this development, a large number of parametric analyses can be carried in a cost-effective manner without relying on the heat flux based weld pool model that can be exhaustive and time-consuming. (b) A set of governing parameters controlling important residual stress distribution characteristics regardless of joint types, materials, and welding procedures have been identified. These are characteristic heat input intensity and radius over thickness ratio. (c) A shell theory based residual stress estimation scheme has been developed to interrelate all parametric analysis results for circumferential girth welds, which can also be used to estimate residual stress distributions in both through-thickness and at any distance away from the weld, for cases that are not covered in the parametric study. (d) In a similar manner, a curve bar theory based residual stress estimation scheme has also been developed for longitudinal seam welds. These developments can significantly advance the residual stress profile prescription methods stipulated in the current national and international FFS Codes and Standards such as 2007 API 579 RP/ASME FFS-1 and BS 7910: 2011.

Modélisation de la plasticité cristalline et de la migration des joints de grains de l'acier 304L à l'échelle mésoscopique / Modelling of crystal plasticity and grain boundary migration of 304L steel at the mesoscopic scale

Cruz Fabiano, Ana Laura 10 December 2013 (has links)
Les propriétés des matériaux métalliques sont très liées à leurs caractéristiques microstructurales. Par exemple il est bien connu que la taille de grains joue sur la limite élastique du matériau ainsi que sur ses capacités d'écrouissage. Ainsi, la compréhension et la modélisation de l'évolution de la microstructure d'un métal pendant un traitement thermomécanique est d'une importance primordiale afin de prédire finement son comportement ainsi que ses propriétés finales. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la modélisation, à l'échelle d'un agrégat polycristallin, de la plasticité cristalline, de la recristallisation statique et de la croissance des grains dans un contexte de mobilité et d'énergie d'interface isotrope. Un modèle à champ complet dans un cadre éléments finis (EF) est proposé. Les grains sont représentés grâce à un formalisme level-set. L'étude EF développée peut être divisée en trois grandes parties: la génération statistique de microstructures digitales, la modélisation de la plasticité cristalline et la modélisation de la migration des joins de grains en régime de recristallisation statique. Concernant la génération statistique des microstructures digitales, une étude comparative entre deux méthodes de génération (Voronoï et Laguerre-Voronoï) a été réalisée. La capacité de la deuxième approche à respecter une microstructure basée sur des données expérimentales est mise en valeur en 2D et en 3D. Dans une deuxième étape, la plasticité cristalline des matériaux métalliques est étudiée. Deux modèles d'écrouissage ont été implémentés et validés : un premier modèle considérant uniquement les densités de dislocations totales, et un deuxième modèle différenciant les dislocations statistiquement stockées (SSDs) des dislocations géométriquement nécessaires (GNDs). Afin de valider l'implémentation de ces deux modèles issus de la littérature deux cas ont été étudiés : le premier correspond à l'étude à chaud d'un essai de compression plane d'un acier 304L, et le deuxième correspond à l'étude d'un essai à froid de compression simple d'un oligocristal de tantale composé de 6 grains. Les résultats numériques obtenus sont comparés avec les données expérimentales des deux essais. La migration des joints de grains est étudiée dans le contexte des régimes de recristallisation statique et de croissance de grains. Par rapport aux travaux pre-existants dans un cadre level-set, l'accent est mis sur la prise en compte des forces capillaires. La croissance des grains pure est en effet développée dans le formalisme éléments finis/level set considéré, et des validations à partir de résultats analytiques connus sont présentées. De plus, un travail d'analyse de modèles de croissance des grains à champ moyen existant dans la littérature est réalisé. Deux modèles en particuliers sont étudiés : celui de Burke et Turnbull et celui de Hillert/Abbruzzese. En comparant ces modèles avec les résultats obtenus par l'approche en champ complet développée, il est mis en évidence que le modèle simple de Burke et Turnbull n'est pas approprié pour décrire la croissance de grains pour tout type de distribution initiale de taille de grains. La recristallisation statique est ensuite abordée, avec une prise en compte des deux forces motrices liées (i) aux gradients d'énergies stockées sous la forme de dislocations, et (ii) aux effets capillaires. L'influence des effets de capillarité apparaît comme fortement liée à la distribution spatiale des nouveaux germes. Finalement, les résultats des simulations réalisées en plasticité cristalline sont utilisés comme données d'entrée du modèle de recristallisation statique développé. La comparaison des prédictions obtenues comparativement aux résultats expérimentaux sur 304L permet d'illustrer la pertinence d'une approche de type SSD/GND afin de prédire les sites de germination potentiels. / Mechanical and functional properties of metals are strongly related to their microstructures, which are themselves inherited from thermal and mechanical processing. For example, the material grain size distribution plays an important role on the material yield limit and work hardening. The understanding of these microstructure evolutions during thermo-mechanical processes is of prime importance for a better prediction and control of the material mechanical properties. During this Ph.D., we have worked on the modelling of crystal plasticity, static recrystallization and grain growth at the mesoscopic scale in the context of isotropic mobility and interface energy. The full field model developed is based on a finite element formulation combined with a level set framework used to describe the granular structure. This Ph.D. thesis is divided in three main parts: statistical generation of digital microstructures, crystal plasticity modelling and grain boundary migration modelling. In what concerns the digital microstructures statistical generation, a comparative study between two methods (Voronoï and Laguerre-Voronoï) is presented. The ability of the second approach to respect a given grain size distribution is highlighted in 2D and 3D. Secondly, the metallic materials crystal plasticity is studied. Two hardening laws have been implemented and validated: the first one considering the total dislocation density and a second one that differentiates the statistically stored dislocations (SSD) from geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs). Two different tests cases are used in order to validate the implementation of both hardening laws in the considered crystal plasticity model. The first one corresponds to a planar hot compression test (channel die test) on a 304L stainless steel whereas the second one corresponds to a simple cold compression test on a tantalum olygocrystal composed by six different grains. The obtained results are compared to experimental data for both cases. Grain boundary migration is studied for static recrystallization and grain growth phenomena. Compared to previous work in the considered level-set framework, the focus is on the consideration of capillary forces. Indeed pure grain growth is developed in the considered finite elements/level set formalism and this algorithm is validated using well-known analytical results. Moreover, the results of the developed full field grain growth model are compared in 2D with several well-known mean field grain growth models (Burke and Turbull model and Hillert/Abbruzzese model). The results obtained illustrate that only the Hillert/Abbruzzese model accurately describes grain growth kinetics for all initial grain size distributions. The validity of the Burke and Turnbull model is, on the contrary, restricted to specific distributions. Static recrystallization is then discussed considering both driving forces: (i) internal energy gradient and (ii) grain boundaries capillarity effects. The influence of capillary effects appears to be strongly related to the spatial distribution of the new grains. Finally, the crystal plasticity numerical results are used as input data of the developed static recrystallization full field model. The comparison of the numerical predictions obtained with 304L experimental results allows illustrating the relevance of the SSDs/GNDs formalism used concerning the prediction of the nuclei potential position.

Comportement visco-élastique effectif d'un thermoplastique thermostable renforcé par des fibres courtes / Homogenized thermomechanical behavior of a short fiber thermoplastic composite under cyclic and monotonic loadings

Burgarella, Boris 12 January 2018 (has links)
Le secteur des transports aéronautiques, navals et terrestres fait de plus en plus appel pour les pièces d'habitacles ou de structure à des composites techniques de type thermoplastique thermostable renforcé par des fibres courtes. Ces matériaux alliant légèreté et résistance présentent l’intérêt majeur d’une meilleure recyclabilité d’une facilité de mise en œuvre et de maintenance que les matrices thermodurcissables dans les composites classiques. Toutefois, le développement de modèles de comportement dans le but de dimensionner des structures reste un véritable challenge. L’objectif de cette thèse concerne la modélisation du comportement de ce type de composite soumis à des chargements monotone et cyclique. Une étude expérimental a permis la détermination du comportement de chacun des constituants du composite. Leur comportement a ensuite été utilisé dans un calcul d'homogénéisation en champs complet basé sur une méthode FFT. Le comportement du composite est ensuite modélisé à l'aide d'un modèle visco-élastique spectral. Finalement, l'évolution des paramètres de ce modèle est étudiée en faisant varier la microstructure du composite (taux de fibre, dispersion d'orientation) afin d'établir un méta-modèle permettant de prédire le comportement du composite rapidement, et efficacement. / Transportation industries uses more and more composite materials each year. These composite materials provide a good alternative to classic materials thanks to their good specific resistances and stiffness. Short fiber composite materials and well suited for automotive applications, thanks to their ability to be used in injection process inducing very short fabrication cycles. But, the modeling of the behavior of these materials remains a challenge to this day. In this PhD work, an experimental characterization of a PEEK / short glass fiber composite has been conducted. A precise study of the PEEK behaior have also been conducted. The PEEK behavior was then used in an full field homogenization method based on FFT to obtain an effective behavior of the composite. A visco-elastic model was then used to model its behavior. Finally, a meta-model is build to accelerate the modeling process by studying the variation of the composite behavior with its microstructure parameters.

Considerações sobre os métodos de dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas a frio com espuma de asfalto. / Considerations on the methods of structural design of cold recycled pavements with foamed asphalt.

Costa, Marcelo Oliveira da 29 February 2016 (has links)
A reciclagem profunda com espuma de asfalto tem sido uma alternativa de sucesso para a restauração de pavimentos degradados. Em relação às soluções tradicionais de reabilitação, como os recapeamentos, tem a vantagem de proporcionar a correção de defeitos em camadas inferiores, com a manutenção ou pequena elevação do greide da pista, além de ganhos ambientais, como um menor consumo de materiais virgens da natureza e redução do volume de material descartado. Entretanto, no Brasil não há método para dimensionamento estrutural para esta tecnologia, o que dificulta seu emprego. Para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple este tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional: guia da AASHTO de 1993 e Caltrans, dos EUA, TRL386 e TRL611, da Inglaterra, as duas versões do guia sul-africano TG2 e os métodos oriundos do Austroads, tanto o procedimento interino de 2011 como adaptações de órgãos da Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Observou-se divergência de opiniões quanto ao comportamento do material reciclado com espuma de asfalto. Alguns órgãos e autores consideram o comportamento do mesmo mais próximo às misturas asfálticas, sendo o mecanismo de falha o trincamento, e outros o definem como semelhante a um material granular modificado com alta coesão e ruptura devido às deformações permanentes. Correlaciona-se tal associação ao teor de espuma usualmente utilizado nas obras rodoviárias. Outros aspectos que se destacam para este tipo de base são o ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo devido à cura, mesmo com início da operação da rodovia e a importância da infraestrutura remanescente no dimensionamento. Tais fatos foram corroborados pelos estudos de caso e resultados do trecho experimental construído na Rodovia Ayrton Senna - SP 070, monitorado por meio de ensaios deflectométricos com FWD durante um ano. Como resultado do trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas a frio com espuma de asfalto utilizando dados deflectométricos que atende o método do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) e incorpora diferentes aspectos na análise mecanicista. Outras conclusões são a viabilidade técnica a longo prazo da solução mencionada e a importância do controle tecnológico, com ênfase para o monitoramento deflectométrico nos primeiros meses de operação do pavimento para averiguar a evolução da cura do material. / Full-depth pavement reclamation with foamed asphalt has been a successful alternative for the rehabilitation of degraded pavements. In relation to the traditional rehabilitation methods, such as overlays, it has the advantage of provide the correction of the lower layer\'s defects considering the maintenance of the road grade or slight increase of it. Besides that, there are environmental gains, with less consumption for virgin materials and reduction of discarded material volume. However, in Brazil there is no structural design method for this technology, which hinders its use. To develop a design procedure which includes this kind of solution, several international methods were studied, like AASHTO (1993) and CALTRANS, from the USA; TRL386 and TRL611, from England; TG2 guide, from South Africa; and methods derived from the Austroads were studied, both, the interim procedure 2011 and local departments adaptations from Australia and New Zealand. There are divergent opinions of the behavior of the recycled material with foamed bitumen. Some agencies and authors consider the behavior of it similar to the asphalt mixtures, and the failure mechanism cracking due to fatigue. Others define it as similar to modified granular material with high cohesion and disruption due to permanent deformation. Such association is related to the foamed asphalt content usually used in road works. Other aspects that stand for such basecourse material are the gain of strength over time due to cure, even with the beginning of the highway operation and the importance of the remaining pavement\'s layers in design process. These facts were corroborated by case studies and results of the test section built in Ayrton Senna Highway - SP 070, which was monitored through falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measurements for a year. As result of this work, it is proposed a procedure for the structural design of cold recycled pavements with foamed asphalt using deflectometer data that meets the method of paving manual of the Brazilian National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT). Other findings are the technical long-term viability of that solution and the importance of technological control, with emphasis on the deflection monitoring in early pavement operation to ascertain the evolution of the curing process.

O programa Mais Educação, uma proposta de educação em tempo integral? / The program Mais Educação (more education), a proposal of full-time education?

Santos, Alessandra Rodrigues dos 04 September 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve por objetivo identificar se o Programa Mais Educação (PME), programa do governo federal apresentado pelo MEC em abril de 2007 que se destina à educação básica é uma possibilidade de estimular e qualificar às iniciativas de educação pública para uma educação em tempo integral. Delimitou-se em focar no Programa Mais Educação para o ensino fundamental nos períodos de 2008 a 2013. Sua análise foi realizada a partir de estudo teórico sobre educação integral e educação em tempo integral, bem como pesquisa de documentos disponibilizados pelo próprio Ministério da Educação (MEC) em sites e diretrizes gerais, em especial foram analisados os relatórios do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) e do Censo Escolar (INEP) sobre o Programa Mais Educação e a Educação em Tempo Integral no Brasil de 2008 a 2013. Na perspectiva de compreender e identificar a concepção de educação subentendida nas propostas de ampliação do tempo de escolarização foram estudados alguns autores clássicos e contemporâneos que conceituam educação e educação integral. Foram abordados os preceitos legais das Constituições Nacionais e legislação da educação brasileira a partir da década de 1930. Dentre várias experiências de educação em tempo integral foram selecionadas algumas implantadas no Brasil a partir dos anos de 1950: o Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro, conhecido por Escola-Parque, em Salvador BA; o Centro Integrado de Educação Pública, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, o CIEP; o Centro Específico de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento do Magistério (CEFAM), em São Paulo; o Programa Bairro-Escola, em Nova Iguaçu, no Rio de Janeiro; Projeto Escola de Tempo Integral do Estado de São Paulo (ETI-SP) e a experiência do Centro Educacional Unificado, o CEU, no município de São Paulo (apesar de sua proposta não ser de ETI, sua organização e estrutura proporcionam a permanência do estudante no espaço escolar em período integral). Na perspectiva do financiamento da educação foram realizados cálculos que permitiram observar e comparar valor aluno ano do Ensino Fundamental em Tempo Integral do FUNDEB e do PME, permitindo a percepção de que o Programa ainda precisa superar desafios para se concretizar como fomento para implementação de escolas de tempo integral. / This thesis had the purpose of analyzing if the Program Mais Educação (PME) [more education], implemented by the federal government through the Ministry of Education (MEC) starting in April, 2007, intended for primary education is an opportunity to stimule and qualify public education initiatives for a full-time education. The research focused on the Program Mais Educação for primary education in period from 2008 through 2013. The starting point of analysis was a theoretical study of wholesome education and full-time education as well as the research of documents made available by the very Ministry of Education on websites and guidelines. Special attention was paid to the reports by the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE) and the School Census (by INEP) about the Program Mais Educação and Full-Time Education in Brazil from 2008 through 2013. In order to understand and identify the underlying concept of education in the proposals to expand the time schooling, the works of some classical and contemporary authors were reviewed in terms of how they define education and wholesome education. The legal precepts of the National Constitutions and the Brazilian educational legislation were covered, from the 1930´s on. Among several experiences of full-time education, some were selected as they had been implemented in Brazil from the 1950´s on: the Carneiro Ribeiro Education Center, known as the School-Park, in Salvador BA; the Integrated Center of Public Education, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, namely the CIEP; the Specific Center for Teacher Education and Improvement Training (CEFAM), in São Paulo; the Neighborhood School Program in Nova Iguaçu, RJ; the Full-Time School Project in the State of São Paulo (ETI-SP) and the experience of the Unified Educational Center, CEU, in the city of São Paulo (although it was not a proposal of being an ETI, its organization and structure allowed students to remain within the school premises full time). In the perspective of educational funding, calculations were made to observe and compare the value of each student in the Full-Time Elementary School in FUNDEB and PME, which led to the view that the Program still needs to overcome a number of challenges in order to become a real incitement for the implementation of full-time schools.

Uso da sacarose para o alívio da dor: repercussão na amamentação materna durante a internação do recém-nascido a termo / Use of sucrose for pain relief: consequences on breastfeeding of fullterm newborns during hospitalization

Barbieratto, Bianca Jora 23 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Durante o período de internação, o recém-nascido (RN) é submetido a uma série de procedimentos dolorosos ou não, que podem incidir sobre o seu comportamento e sobre a confiança da mãe para o cuidado e para a amamentação materna. Temos como questionamento, se sacarose 25% que é oferecida como medida de alivio da dor em RN a termo internado em alojamento conjunto interfere negativamente na amamentação materna exclusiva durante a internação. Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre uso da sacarose 25% que é oferecida como medida de alívio dor aguda em RN a termo, e a amamentação materna durante a internação em alojamento conjunto. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo e analítico. A amostra foi constituída por 215 binômios cujo nascimento e internação ocorreram entre os meses de Junho a Setembro de 2017 em uma maternidade do interior paulista intitulada \"Amiga da Criança\". Os binômios foram incluídos no estudo somente após autorização da mãe, com assinatura de um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os dados foram coletados por meio do prontuário e planilhas especificas. Os RN foram divididos em dois grupos: RN expostos e não expostos ao uso da sacarose durante a internação. Como houve diferença estatística entre os grupos para o tempo de internação, para analisar a influência do uso da sacarose na amamentação durante toda internação, foi feita uma relativização das variáveis de aleitamento materno pelo total de dias de internação do RN. As associações foram verificadas pelo teste \"U\" de Mann-Whitney, com valor de p significativo para ? <= 0,05. Resultado: Dos 215 RN estudados durante toda internação, 111 (51,6%) RN foram expostos ao uso da sacarose. Foi utilizado sacarose para 188 (60,1%) dos procedimentos dolorosos, sendo que a mesma foi usada associada a outros métodos como o colo em 18 (5,7%) e sucção não nutritiva 64 (20,4%) dos procedimentos. Somando-se o uso isolado ou em associação a outras medidas, a sacarose foi utilizada 270 (86,2%) vezes sendo a medida mais aplicada na prática clínica da maternidade. No grupo que utilizou sacarose as médias de frequência de mamadas, uso de copo, translactação, tempo médio por mamada e amamentação assistida foram respectivamente: 7,9, 0,2, 0,5, 11,4 e 1,0 . No grupo que não utilizou a sacarose, respectivamente, as a médias das mesmas variáveis foram de 8,7, 0,03, 0,06, 18,6 e 0,8. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis de alimentação: frequência de mamada (p=0,03), utilização de copo (p=0,01), realização de translactação (p=0,00), tempo médio por mamada (p=0,00) e amamentação assistida (p=0,02). Conclusão: As associações dos dados encontrados comprovaram a hipótese do presente estudo, ou seja o uso da sacarose a 25% para alívio da dor aguda influenciou negativamente na amamentação materna do RN durante a internação, pois, o grupo de RN que recebeu esta substância adocicada durante os procedimentos de punção arterial, venosa e capilar, apresentou menor frequência de mamada, menor tempo médio por mamada, maior uso de complemento lácteo, mais necessidade de translactação e necessitou de mais amamentação assistida por um profissional de enfermagem, quando comparado ao grupo de RN não expostos a ela. Faz-se necessária a inclusão de medidas não farmacológicas com a participação da mãe em substituição à sacarose, uma vez que tratou-se de pesquisa em uma Maternidade Amiga da Criança / Introduction: During the period of hospitalization, full-term newborns (NB) undergo a series of painful procedures, which may affect his behavior and the mother\'s confidence in both taking care of and breastfeeding the baby. We question whether 25% sucrose, which is offered as a measure of pain relief in hospitalized NB infants, negatively interferes with exclusive mother\'s breastfeeding during hospitalization in rooming-in care. Aim: Verify the association between the use of 25% sucrose offered as pain relief in full-term newborns and exclusive mother\'s breastfeeding during hospitalization in shared rooms. Methods: This is a study based on observation, and it is transversal, descriptive and analytical study. The sample consisted of 215 binomials whose birth and hospitalization occurred between June and September of 2017 in a maternity hospital in the countryside of São Paulo, in a Child-Friendly Maternity. The binomials were included in the study only after authorization obtained from the mother, with the signing of a free and previously informed consent form. The data were collected through medical records and specific worksheets. The NB were divided into two groups: NB exposed and not exposed to the use of sucrose during hospitalization, respectively. There was a statistical difference between the groups due to the hospitalization period; thus, to analyze the influence of sucrose use on breastfeeding during all hospitalization, a relative analysis of the variables of breastfeeding by the total number of days of hospitalization of the newborn was made. Associations were verified by the Mann-Whitney \"U\" test, with a significant p value for ? <= 0.05. Results: From 215 NBs studied during all hospitalization, 111 (51.6%) were exposed to the use of sucrose. Sucrose was applied for 188 (60.1%) of the painful procedures, and it was used in association with other methods such as lap in 18 (5.7%) and non-nutritive suction in 64 (20.4%) of the procedures. Added the isolate use or in association with other measures, sucrose was used 270 (86.2%) times, being the most applied measure in clinical practice of maternity. In the sucrose group, the average of frequency of feeding, cupping, translactation, average time per feeding and assisted breastfeeding were respectively: 7.9, 0.2, 0.5, 11.4 and 1.0. In the nonsucrose group, the average of the same variables were 8.7, 0.03, 0.06, 18.6 and 0.8, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups for feeding variables: feeding frequency (p = 0.03), cup use (p = 0.01), translactation (p = 0.00), average time per feed (p = 0.00) and assisted breastfeeding (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The associations of the data confirmed the hypothesis of the present study, that is, the use of sucrose at 25% for acute pain relief influenced negatively the maternal breastfeeding of newborns during hospitalization, since the group of newborns who received this sugary substance during the venous and capillary puncture procedures, presented lower breastfeeding frequency, lower average time for breastfeeding, greater use of milky complement, higher need for translactation and required more breastfeeding assisted by a nursing professional, when compared to the NB group who was not exposed to it. It is necessary to include non-pharmacological measures with the participation of the mother instead of sucrose, since it was a research in a Child-Friendly Maternity

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