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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind Development: A Training Study

Benson, Jeannette Elizabeth 01 October 2007 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate the processes underlying the relation between executive functioning and false belief knowledge. We explored the hypothesis that children with advanced executive functioning skills are better equipped to capitalize on the experiences that are necessary to learn how to reason about others’ mental states. To examine this possibility, we recruited 3.5-year-old children with age-appropriate variability in executive functioning skills to participate in a training study designed to promote their performance on false belief tasks. We found that individual differences in executive functioning task scores strongly and consistently predicted the extent to which children benefited from false-belief training. Importantly, the relation between executive functioning and false belief improvement remained significant after controlling for age, initial performance on mental state reasoning tasks, language skills, and executive functioning improvement across the testing period. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that executive functioning skills influence the extent to which children are able to capitalize on relevant experience to better predict and understand others’ false-belief-based behaviour. This claim is discussed with respect to possible alternative explanations for our findings, and ensuing implications for understanding the interplay between neuromaturational factors and experience. / Thesis (Master, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-28 14:43:16.88

Níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa e o papel da inflamação crônica no transtorno bipolar

Dargél, Aroldo Ayub January 2014 (has links)
Evidências sugerem o envolvimento de um estado de inflamação crônica de baixo grau na fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar (TB). Os estudos apresentados nesta tese tiveram como objetivo explorar o papel da inflamação crônica nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos do TB através da avaliação dos níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa (PCR). A PCR é um marcador de inflamação sistêmica comumente utilizado na prática clínica, sendo considerado fator de risco para várias patologias, incluindo câncer e doença cardiovascular. O primeiro artigo, através de um estudo de meta-análise, teve como objetivo avaliar o tamanho de efeito da associação entre níveis de PCR em pacientes bipolares nas diferentes fases de humor (n=730) comparado a indivíduos controles (n=888). Pacientes bipolares apresentaram níveis de PCR significativamente elevados em comparação ao grupo controle, com moderado tamanho de efeito (effect size, ES = 0.39; 95% IC, 0.24 – 0.55; P < 0.0001). Níveis de PCR foram significativamente maiores em pacientes maníacos (ES = 0.73; 95% IC, 0.44 – 1.02; P < 0.001) e em eutímicos (ES = 0.26; 95% IC, 0.01 – 0.51; P = 0.04). O segundo artigo se propôs a revisar dados da literatura relacionados a biomarcadores periféricos potencialmente implicados na progressão do TB. Pacientes em diferentes estágios do TB apresentaram níveis alterados de marcadores de estresse oxidativo, neurotrofinas e de inflamação, incluindo a PCR, o que reforça a hipótese da inflamação crônica exercer um papel importante na fisiopatologia do TB. Em seguida, considerando a abordagem multidimensional no TB, o terceiro artigo avaliou a reatividade emocional como uma dimensão relevante para caracterizar pacientes bipolares apresentando sintomas subclínicos de humor durante a fase de remissão (N=613). Apesar de todos pacientes estarem em remissão, a maioria deles (68%) apresentou reatividade emocional anormal (hipo ou hiper-reatividade emocional). Esse estudo avaliou, também, o funcionamento psicossocial nesses pacientes e os níveis de PCR ultra-sensível como um possível marcador objetivo de hiper-reatividade emocional no TB. Os pacientes com hiper-reatividade emocional, em comparação aos pacientes com hipo- ou normal reatividade emocional, apresentaram prejuízo cognitivo e níveis de PCR significativamente mais elevados (P < 0.001). Esses resultados provêm de um estudo transversal e, portanto, conclusões sobre causalidade dessas associações não podem ser inferidas, já que outros fatores, além dos níveis de PCR, podem também contribuir para o estado inflamatório crônico observado nesses pacientes. Em suma, os resultados desta tese sugerem que a inflamação crônica de baixo grau, evidenciada pelas alterações nos níveis de PCR, parece estar implicada na fisiopatologia e na progressão do TB. Novas intervenções terapêuticas com alvo em mecanismos inflamatórios e na modulação dos níveis de PCR devem ser priorizados em estudos futuros. / Evidence suggests that chronic low-grade inflammation appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD). The studies presented in this thesis aimed at exploring the role of chronic inflammation in the BD pathophysiological mechanisms by assessing serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is a marker of low-grade inflammation widely used in clinical practice, and a risk factor for cardiovascular and malignant diseases. The first article, a meta-analysis, aimed at evaluating the effect size of the association between CRP levels in bipolar patients (n=730) compared to healthy subjects (n=888). Overall, CRP levels were significantly elevated in patients with BD versus controls (effect size, ES = 0.39; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.55; P < .0001). CRP levels were significantly higher in manic (ES = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.44 to 1.02; P < 0.001) and euthymic (ES = 0.26; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.51; P = 0.04). The second paper aimed at reviewing the scientific literature regarding peripheral biomarkers potentially implicated in the progression of BD. Bipolar patients within different disease’s stages presented altered levels of oxidative stress, neurotrophins and inflammatory markers, including PCR. These findings reinforce the hypothesis of the potential role of the chronic inflammation in BD pathophysiology. Regarding the multidimensional approach in BD, the third article assessed emotional reactivity as a major dimension for better characterizing remitted bipolar patients with subthreshold mood symptoms (N=613). Although all patients were in remission, most of them (68%) showed abnormal emotional reactivity (hipo- or hyper-reactivity). In addition, this study assessed the psychosocial functioning in these patients as well as the levels of high-sensitivty PCR (hsCRP) as an objective marker of emotional hyper-reactivity in BD. Patients with emotional hyper-reactivity had higher levels of PCR and cognitive impairment compared to patients with emotional hypo or normal emotional reactivity (P < 0.001). This was a crosssectional study of emotional reactivity, hsCRP levels and functional status in remitted bipolar patients, and no conclusions regarding the causality of these associations can be substantiated. Others factors could also be contributing to the chronic inflammatory state in these patients. In conclusion, the results of this thesis suggest that low-grade chronic inflammation, as evidenced by alteration in CRP levels, may be implicated in the pathophysiology as well as in the BD progression. Novel therapeutic interventions targeting inflammatory mechanisms and the modulation of CRP levels should be prioritized in future studies.

Marcadores biológicos e nível de funcionalidade em pacientes bipolares

Rosa, Adriane Ribeiro January 2007 (has links)
Alterações em estruturas específicas do SNC, em particular, no sistema fronto-límbico, assim como a diminuição das células neuronais e gliais parece estar envolvida com a fisiopatologia do Transtorno do Humor Bipolar (THB). A glia exerce um importante papel no SNC, entre os quais, a produção de neurotrofinas, em especial, o Fator de Crescimento Neurotrófico derivado de Células da Glia (GDNF). Um marcado aumento dos níveis séricos de GDNF em pacientes deprimidos (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) e maníacos (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA) foi demonstrado neste estudo, sugerindo um possível envolvimento desta neurotrofina com o THB. Por outro lado, alterações nos fatores neurotróficos afetam os mecanismos de plasticidade sináptica, podendo contribuir para as deficiências cognitivas apresentadas pelos pacientes. Deficiências cognitivas, em especial, as falhas de memória são descritas, as quais influenciam a funcionalidade destes indivíduos, principalmente a nível ocupacional e social. As altas taxas de disfuncionalidade apresentadas pelos pacientes e a falta de padronização dos instrumentos usados nos estudos para avaliar funcionalidade, nos levaram ao desenvolvimento de uma escala. A Escala Breve de Funcionalidade (FAST) é um instrumento de rápida e fácil aplicação desenvolvida para usar em psiquiatria, em especial, paciente com THB. A FAST avalia objetivamente seis áreas específicas da funcionalidade, tais como autonomia, trabalho, cognição, relacionamentos interpessoais, finanças e lazer. A validação da escala foi realizada através de testes psicométricos, tais como: consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach’s igual a 0.909), validade concorrente comparada com a GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), test-retest (0.98; p<0.01), validade em detectar diferenças entre episódios agudos (maníacos: 40.44±9.15 e deprimidos 43.21±13.34) e períodos de remissão (18.55±13.19; F=35.43; p<0.001) e análise fatorial. Os resultados obtidos foram muito positivos, tornando o instrumento válido e prontamente disponível para o uso na prática clínica e investigação. Palavras-chave: transtorno do humor bipolar, GDNF, glia, neurotrofinas, funcionalidade, disfuncionalidade, escalas de funcionalidade. / Alterations in specific structures of CNS, in particular, fronto-lymbic system, and a reduction of neurons and glial cells appear to be involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Glial cells have an important role in the CNS, for example, the production of neurotrophins, especially, Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF). In this study, we showed a marked increased in the serum levels of GDNF in depressive (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) and manic bipolar patients (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA), which suggested that GDNF could be involved in the physiopathology of bipolar disorder. On the other hand, alterations in the neurotrophic factors hinder synaptic plasticity mechanisms, may result in cognitive impairment in bipolar patients. In particular, memory difficulties have been reported here, and these difficulties influence occupational and social functioning in these subjects. High rates of functional impairment showed by bipolar patients and a lack of standardization of the instruments available to assess functioning in the studies motivated us to development the scale. The Functioning Assessment Short test (FAST) is a rapid instrument and easy to apply developed to use in psychiatry, especially, bipolar patients. It assesses six specific domains of functioning, such as autonomy, occupational functioning, cognitive functioning, financial issues and leisure time. The validation of FAST was performed by psychometric tests such as internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.909), concurrent validity compared to the GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), validity as a discriminative measure to detect the difference between euthymic (18.55; F=23.59; p<0.001) and acute patients (manic: 38.50; depressive: 42.38; mixed: 43.21), factorial analysis and test-retest reliability (0.953; p<0.01). The FAST scale showed strong psychometric properties and it is now available for use in both clinical practice and investigation settings.

Níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa e o papel da inflamação crônica no transtorno bipolar

Dargél, Aroldo Ayub January 2014 (has links)
Evidências sugerem o envolvimento de um estado de inflamação crônica de baixo grau na fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar (TB). Os estudos apresentados nesta tese tiveram como objetivo explorar o papel da inflamação crônica nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos do TB através da avaliação dos níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa (PCR). A PCR é um marcador de inflamação sistêmica comumente utilizado na prática clínica, sendo considerado fator de risco para várias patologias, incluindo câncer e doença cardiovascular. O primeiro artigo, através de um estudo de meta-análise, teve como objetivo avaliar o tamanho de efeito da associação entre níveis de PCR em pacientes bipolares nas diferentes fases de humor (n=730) comparado a indivíduos controles (n=888). Pacientes bipolares apresentaram níveis de PCR significativamente elevados em comparação ao grupo controle, com moderado tamanho de efeito (effect size, ES = 0.39; 95% IC, 0.24 – 0.55; P < 0.0001). Níveis de PCR foram significativamente maiores em pacientes maníacos (ES = 0.73; 95% IC, 0.44 – 1.02; P < 0.001) e em eutímicos (ES = 0.26; 95% IC, 0.01 – 0.51; P = 0.04). O segundo artigo se propôs a revisar dados da literatura relacionados a biomarcadores periféricos potencialmente implicados na progressão do TB. Pacientes em diferentes estágios do TB apresentaram níveis alterados de marcadores de estresse oxidativo, neurotrofinas e de inflamação, incluindo a PCR, o que reforça a hipótese da inflamação crônica exercer um papel importante na fisiopatologia do TB. Em seguida, considerando a abordagem multidimensional no TB, o terceiro artigo avaliou a reatividade emocional como uma dimensão relevante para caracterizar pacientes bipolares apresentando sintomas subclínicos de humor durante a fase de remissão (N=613). Apesar de todos pacientes estarem em remissão, a maioria deles (68%) apresentou reatividade emocional anormal (hipo ou hiper-reatividade emocional). Esse estudo avaliou, também, o funcionamento psicossocial nesses pacientes e os níveis de PCR ultra-sensível como um possível marcador objetivo de hiper-reatividade emocional no TB. Os pacientes com hiper-reatividade emocional, em comparação aos pacientes com hipo- ou normal reatividade emocional, apresentaram prejuízo cognitivo e níveis de PCR significativamente mais elevados (P < 0.001). Esses resultados provêm de um estudo transversal e, portanto, conclusões sobre causalidade dessas associações não podem ser inferidas, já que outros fatores, além dos níveis de PCR, podem também contribuir para o estado inflamatório crônico observado nesses pacientes. Em suma, os resultados desta tese sugerem que a inflamação crônica de baixo grau, evidenciada pelas alterações nos níveis de PCR, parece estar implicada na fisiopatologia e na progressão do TB. Novas intervenções terapêuticas com alvo em mecanismos inflamatórios e na modulação dos níveis de PCR devem ser priorizados em estudos futuros. / Evidence suggests that chronic low-grade inflammation appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD). The studies presented in this thesis aimed at exploring the role of chronic inflammation in the BD pathophysiological mechanisms by assessing serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is a marker of low-grade inflammation widely used in clinical practice, and a risk factor for cardiovascular and malignant diseases. The first article, a meta-analysis, aimed at evaluating the effect size of the association between CRP levels in bipolar patients (n=730) compared to healthy subjects (n=888). Overall, CRP levels were significantly elevated in patients with BD versus controls (effect size, ES = 0.39; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.55; P < .0001). CRP levels were significantly higher in manic (ES = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.44 to 1.02; P < 0.001) and euthymic (ES = 0.26; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.51; P = 0.04). The second paper aimed at reviewing the scientific literature regarding peripheral biomarkers potentially implicated in the progression of BD. Bipolar patients within different disease’s stages presented altered levels of oxidative stress, neurotrophins and inflammatory markers, including PCR. These findings reinforce the hypothesis of the potential role of the chronic inflammation in BD pathophysiology. Regarding the multidimensional approach in BD, the third article assessed emotional reactivity as a major dimension for better characterizing remitted bipolar patients with subthreshold mood symptoms (N=613). Although all patients were in remission, most of them (68%) showed abnormal emotional reactivity (hipo- or hyper-reactivity). In addition, this study assessed the psychosocial functioning in these patients as well as the levels of high-sensitivty PCR (hsCRP) as an objective marker of emotional hyper-reactivity in BD. Patients with emotional hyper-reactivity had higher levels of PCR and cognitive impairment compared to patients with emotional hypo or normal emotional reactivity (P < 0.001). This was a crosssectional study of emotional reactivity, hsCRP levels and functional status in remitted bipolar patients, and no conclusions regarding the causality of these associations can be substantiated. Others factors could also be contributing to the chronic inflammatory state in these patients. In conclusion, the results of this thesis suggest that low-grade chronic inflammation, as evidenced by alteration in CRP levels, may be implicated in the pathophysiology as well as in the BD progression. Novel therapeutic interventions targeting inflammatory mechanisms and the modulation of CRP levels should be prioritized in future studies.

Marcadores biológicos e nível de funcionalidade em pacientes bipolares

Rosa, Adriane Ribeiro January 2007 (has links)
Alterações em estruturas específicas do SNC, em particular, no sistema fronto-límbico, assim como a diminuição das células neuronais e gliais parece estar envolvida com a fisiopatologia do Transtorno do Humor Bipolar (THB). A glia exerce um importante papel no SNC, entre os quais, a produção de neurotrofinas, em especial, o Fator de Crescimento Neurotrófico derivado de Células da Glia (GDNF). Um marcado aumento dos níveis séricos de GDNF em pacientes deprimidos (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) e maníacos (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA) foi demonstrado neste estudo, sugerindo um possível envolvimento desta neurotrofina com o THB. Por outro lado, alterações nos fatores neurotróficos afetam os mecanismos de plasticidade sináptica, podendo contribuir para as deficiências cognitivas apresentadas pelos pacientes. Deficiências cognitivas, em especial, as falhas de memória são descritas, as quais influenciam a funcionalidade destes indivíduos, principalmente a nível ocupacional e social. As altas taxas de disfuncionalidade apresentadas pelos pacientes e a falta de padronização dos instrumentos usados nos estudos para avaliar funcionalidade, nos levaram ao desenvolvimento de uma escala. A Escala Breve de Funcionalidade (FAST) é um instrumento de rápida e fácil aplicação desenvolvida para usar em psiquiatria, em especial, paciente com THB. A FAST avalia objetivamente seis áreas específicas da funcionalidade, tais como autonomia, trabalho, cognição, relacionamentos interpessoais, finanças e lazer. A validação da escala foi realizada através de testes psicométricos, tais como: consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach’s igual a 0.909), validade concorrente comparada com a GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), test-retest (0.98; p<0.01), validade em detectar diferenças entre episódios agudos (maníacos: 40.44±9.15 e deprimidos 43.21±13.34) e períodos de remissão (18.55±13.19; F=35.43; p<0.001) e análise fatorial. Os resultados obtidos foram muito positivos, tornando o instrumento válido e prontamente disponível para o uso na prática clínica e investigação. Palavras-chave: transtorno do humor bipolar, GDNF, glia, neurotrofinas, funcionalidade, disfuncionalidade, escalas de funcionalidade. / Alterations in specific structures of CNS, in particular, fronto-lymbic system, and a reduction of neurons and glial cells appear to be involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Glial cells have an important role in the CNS, for example, the production of neurotrophins, especially, Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF). In this study, we showed a marked increased in the serum levels of GDNF in depressive (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) and manic bipolar patients (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA), which suggested that GDNF could be involved in the physiopathology of bipolar disorder. On the other hand, alterations in the neurotrophic factors hinder synaptic plasticity mechanisms, may result in cognitive impairment in bipolar patients. In particular, memory difficulties have been reported here, and these difficulties influence occupational and social functioning in these subjects. High rates of functional impairment showed by bipolar patients and a lack of standardization of the instruments available to assess functioning in the studies motivated us to development the scale. The Functioning Assessment Short test (FAST) is a rapid instrument and easy to apply developed to use in psychiatry, especially, bipolar patients. It assesses six specific domains of functioning, such as autonomy, occupational functioning, cognitive functioning, financial issues and leisure time. The validation of FAST was performed by psychometric tests such as internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.909), concurrent validity compared to the GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), validity as a discriminative measure to detect the difference between euthymic (18.55; F=23.59; p<0.001) and acute patients (manic: 38.50; depressive: 42.38; mixed: 43.21), factorial analysis and test-retest reliability (0.953; p<0.01). The FAST scale showed strong psychometric properties and it is now available for use in both clinical practice and investigation settings.

Marcadores biológicos e nível de funcionalidade em pacientes bipolares

Rosa, Adriane Ribeiro January 2007 (has links)
Alterações em estruturas específicas do SNC, em particular, no sistema fronto-límbico, assim como a diminuição das células neuronais e gliais parece estar envolvida com a fisiopatologia do Transtorno do Humor Bipolar (THB). A glia exerce um importante papel no SNC, entre os quais, a produção de neurotrofinas, em especial, o Fator de Crescimento Neurotrófico derivado de Células da Glia (GDNF). Um marcado aumento dos níveis séricos de GDNF em pacientes deprimidos (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) e maníacos (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA) foi demonstrado neste estudo, sugerindo um possível envolvimento desta neurotrofina com o THB. Por outro lado, alterações nos fatores neurotróficos afetam os mecanismos de plasticidade sináptica, podendo contribuir para as deficiências cognitivas apresentadas pelos pacientes. Deficiências cognitivas, em especial, as falhas de memória são descritas, as quais influenciam a funcionalidade destes indivíduos, principalmente a nível ocupacional e social. As altas taxas de disfuncionalidade apresentadas pelos pacientes e a falta de padronização dos instrumentos usados nos estudos para avaliar funcionalidade, nos levaram ao desenvolvimento de uma escala. A Escala Breve de Funcionalidade (FAST) é um instrumento de rápida e fácil aplicação desenvolvida para usar em psiquiatria, em especial, paciente com THB. A FAST avalia objetivamente seis áreas específicas da funcionalidade, tais como autonomia, trabalho, cognição, relacionamentos interpessoais, finanças e lazer. A validação da escala foi realizada através de testes psicométricos, tais como: consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach’s igual a 0.909), validade concorrente comparada com a GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), test-retest (0.98; p<0.01), validade em detectar diferenças entre episódios agudos (maníacos: 40.44±9.15 e deprimidos 43.21±13.34) e períodos de remissão (18.55±13.19; F=35.43; p<0.001) e análise fatorial. Os resultados obtidos foram muito positivos, tornando o instrumento válido e prontamente disponível para o uso na prática clínica e investigação. Palavras-chave: transtorno do humor bipolar, GDNF, glia, neurotrofinas, funcionalidade, disfuncionalidade, escalas de funcionalidade. / Alterations in specific structures of CNS, in particular, fronto-lymbic system, and a reduction of neurons and glial cells appear to be involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Glial cells have an important role in the CNS, for example, the production of neurotrophins, especially, Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF). In this study, we showed a marked increased in the serum levels of GDNF in depressive (F= 42.31; p=0.004; one-way ANOVA) and manic bipolar patients (F= 42.31; p=0.001; one-way ANOVA), which suggested that GDNF could be involved in the physiopathology of bipolar disorder. On the other hand, alterations in the neurotrophic factors hinder synaptic plasticity mechanisms, may result in cognitive impairment in bipolar patients. In particular, memory difficulties have been reported here, and these difficulties influence occupational and social functioning in these subjects. High rates of functional impairment showed by bipolar patients and a lack of standardization of the instruments available to assess functioning in the studies motivated us to development the scale. The Functioning Assessment Short test (FAST) is a rapid instrument and easy to apply developed to use in psychiatry, especially, bipolar patients. It assesses six specific domains of functioning, such as autonomy, occupational functioning, cognitive functioning, financial issues and leisure time. The validation of FAST was performed by psychometric tests such as internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.909), concurrent validity compared to the GAF (r=-0.903; p<0.001), validity as a discriminative measure to detect the difference between euthymic (18.55; F=23.59; p<0.001) and acute patients (manic: 38.50; depressive: 42.38; mixed: 43.21), factorial analysis and test-retest reliability (0.953; p<0.01). The FAST scale showed strong psychometric properties and it is now available for use in both clinical practice and investigation settings.

'n Maatskaplikewerkondersoek na gesinspatrone wat 'n kind met 'n serebrale gestremdheid en Bipolêre versteuring in optimale funksionering beperk (Afrikaans)

Kotze, Susanna Johanna 05 September 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine family patterns which limit the optimal functioning of the child in middle childhood with Bipolar Disorder and Cerebral Palsy. To achieve this goal a thorough literature study was performed with regard to the child with Bipolar Disorder and Cerebral Palsy. The nature, causes and state of these two conditions in the family were investigated. Cresswell's combined model of research namely the "dominant-less-dominant" model of investigation was used. The less dominant part of the research was quantitative where the "Hudson scale: Index of Parental Attitudes" was used. This is a standardised questionnaire that aims to measure the attitudes of parents. The qualitative part of the research produced more information regarding the above-mentioned aspects. Unstructured interviews with the family, as well as the multi-disciplinary team currently involved with the family were conducted. The "One shot case study" was used to determine the significance of negative family patterns. This is an in-depth study of a single unit and required that the researcher become part of the family and family activities for a specific period of time. From this specific family, patterns were identified which limit the child with Bipolar Disorder and Cerebral Palsy to optimal functioning. From the results it was clear that significant family patterns exist in this family which limit the child. The research question could therefore be answered and certain themes could be identified. With regard to dimensions of family functioning, significant patterns around affection, behaviour control, value transmission, structure, communication and external systems were identified which limit the child to optimal functioning. Through this the researcher comes to the conclusion that family functioning has a significant influence on the optimal functioning of the child with an affective disorder and disability. With these results in mind, it is important that families are guided in the handling of children with affective disorders and disabilities, so that these children too, can reach optimal functioning. / Thesis (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

The effects of PLEASE on the writing performance of high-school students with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder

Stavropoulou Kampoukou, Ino 22 July 2020 (has links)
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often require academic support to participate in the inclusive classroom. SRSD writing interventions have proven to be effective on this population. As there is a gap in the literature regarding the effectiveness of SRSD writing interventions on high-school students with ASD, this study employed a single-case design (SCD) to investigate the implementation of PLEASE paragraph-writing on two high-school students with high-functioning ASD. Response to intervention was assessed with pretest and posttest measures and with progress monitoring across intervention sessions. Data analysis included Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data (PNDs) and visual inspection of the line. Results indicated that PLEASE was very effective in improving the student’s writing and planning skills regarding theme development and organization, and draft-writing and self-monitoring respectively. Results of this study are discussed in relation to existing literature on SRSD, writing interventions, and ASD. Implications for educators and professionals working with high-school students identified with ASD and writing difficulties are discussed. / Graduate

Evaluation of a Small Group Executive Functioning Intervention with Fourth Grade Students

Moeller, Juliana Lynne 03 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Krivenko, Anna 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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