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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Negative Emission Ammonia Fertilizer (urea) Process / Analys av negativa utsläpp från ammoniak gödsel (urea) processen

Alejo Vargas, Lucio Rodrigo January 2020 (has links)
As the world population keeps increasing, ammonia-based fertilizers like urea are essential to provide food security. However, the current fertilizer industry is based on fossil fuel feedstock (mainly natural gas), making the production process CO2 emission-intensive. More specifically, besides the CO2 emitted during the process, the CO2 captured in urea is also released into the atmosphere after the fertilizer is applied to agricultural soils. Thus, positioning the fertilizer industry among the top four industrial emitters globally. Hence, in order to meet the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 ºC and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, it is necessary to strengthen the carbon mitigation efforts in the current fertilizer industry. This can be achieved in different ways, such as using renewable biofuels and implementing technologies that can lead to zero/negative CO2 emissions. For that reason, the present study presents pathways to achieve a more environmentally friendly fertilizer production process. An overall analysis is performed if negative emissions can be achieved by replacing different fractions of natural gas (used as both feedstock and fuel) with biogas and biomethane and by capturing and storing the CO2 emitted from the process using chemical solvents as activated MDEA and MEA. The results obtained from the study revealed that negative emissions in fertilizer plant can be achieved by retrofitting an existing ammonia plant with a MEA based CO2 capture system (with a carbon capture rate of 90%) for the SMR burner flue gas, and by introducing 50% of biogas in the feedstock (alongside Natural gas), and 75% of biogas in the SMR burner fuel (alongside Natural gas). This initial approach would result in net negative emissions from urea's production and application and require approximately 0.5 kg of biogas per kg of urea produced in this case. Furthermore, the equivalent energy intensity for the negative emission urea plant would be 0.32% and 3.37% lower compared to the fossil fuel-based case without/with CCS, respectively. Ultimately, it is even possible to produce approximately 6% more urea product by replacing a particular fraction of natural gas with biogas. The reason for this increased production is due to the surplus of carbon dioxide by the introduction of biogas. It can be used along with the ammonia product going to storage in the fossil fuel-based case, where there was not enough CO2 to keep the feedstock molar ratio at the urea plant's inlet.

Energipotential för biogas i gödsel från svenska mjölkproducerande lantbruk : Med utgång från en gårdsbaserad biogasanläggning i Kalmar kommun / Energy potential for biogas in manure from Swedish dairy farms : Based on a farm-based biogas plant in Kalmar

Johannesson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
För att nå de klimatpolitiska målen arbetar såväl Sverige som EU aktivt mot en cirkulär ekonomi där varje resurs nyttjas så effektivt som möjligt. En del i det arbetet handlar om att lyfta fram hållbara energikällor för att succesivt fasa ut fossila bränslen. Ett etablerat förnybart energislag, som fått mer uppmärksamhet på senare tid, är biogas. Produktionen av biogas sker via rötning av biologiskt material och kan generera el och värme, men även uppgraderas till fordonsgas. Ett av alla substrat som kan användas för rötning är gödsel. Den här studien har till syfte att undersöka omfattningen av den outnyttjade energipotentialen i gödsel från mjölkproducerande lantbruk i Sverige. Därtill ger den en bild av hur mycket koldioxid från fossila energikällor som skulle kunna minska i och med tillvaratagandet av energin i gödsel. En gårdsbaserad biogasanläggning vid Fredrikslunds lantbruk i Kalmar kommun är utgångspunkten och beräkningar görs tillsammans med data från bland annat Jordbruksverket och Energigas Sverige. För beräkning av möjligheten till minskat koldioxidutsläpp från fossil källa görs jämförelse med eldningsolja som används vid de svenska kraftverken. Resultatet visar att det finns en betydande energipotential i gödsel från svenska mjölk- producerande lantbruk där majoriteten av den ännu inte nyttjas för biogas- produktion. Nya styrmedel har tillkommit med syfte att gynna en ökad biogasproduktion, vilket kan öka chanserna för att ta vara på energipotentialen. Att genom ökad biogasproduktion minska mängden utsläpp av koldioxid till atmosfären från fossila källor ses också som möjlig. Sammanfattningsvis är studien ett exempel på hur en befintlig resurs kan effektiviseras ytterligare, ett arbete som troligen kommer bli än viktigare framöver. / To reach the climate goals, Sweden and the European Union are working towards a circular economy where the resources are used as efficiently as possible. Part of that work is about highlighting sustainable energy sources to gradually replace fossil fuels. An established, renewable type of energy, which has received more attention recently, is biogas. Biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion of biological material. The produced gas can generate electricity and heat, but it can also be upgraded to compressed biogas and used as automotive fuel. One of the substrates that can be used for digestion is manure. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent of the energy potential in manure from dairy farms in Sweden. In addition, it gives an idea of how much carbon dioxide from fossil energy sources that could be reduced if the energy potential in manure were used. Data is received from a farm- based biogas plant at Fredrikslund's farm in Kalmar as well as Swedish statistics of agriculture and energy. To estimate the possibility of reduced carbon dioxide emissions from fossil sources, a comparison is made with fuel oil. The results show that there is a considerable energy potential in manure from Swedish dairy farms where the majority is not yet used for biogas production. Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere from fossil sources through increased biogas production is also seen as possible.

Energy and nutrient recovery from dairy manure : Process design and economic performance of a farm based system

Celander, Filip, Haglund, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis assessed the technical and economic premises for installing systems that process manure in order to recover nutrients and inherent energy. The main purpose of recovering nutrients was to extract phosphorus from the manure, so as to be able to distribute more of the manure on the farm without exceeding the phosphorus regulation. Three other scenarios were included as reference; conventional manure handling, solid-liquid separation only and solid-liquid separation including energy recovery. Since most important parameters for modeling scenarios in agriculture are site-specific (e.g. soil type, crop rotation and manure composition), the thesis results were based on a case farm. The case farm is a 675 ha dairy farm with approx. 1400 milking cows, located in Östergötland, Sweden. As for the results, it was first concluded that the central characteristics of manure were the content of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The higher the DM content, the more fuel for energy recovery, and the higher the N:P-ratio, the more on-farm N can be utilized before having to consider the P regulation. The technical premises for farm-scale nutrient recovery were limited to commercial techniques from companies operating in Sweden, and included various possible processing methods, such as; pH modification, anaerobic digestion, coagulation-flocculation, precipitation, filtration and reverse osmosis. However, most methods were either too costly or simply not realistic to install on stand-alone farms, resulting in only two feasible options; struvite precipitation and secondary solid-liquid separation with a decanter centrifuge. The comparison in economic performance for all scenarios resulted as follows: nutrient recovery by struvite precipitation was the most profitable scenario of all, if struvite was allowed to replace mineral P fertilizer (i.e. end-product on-farm utilization). If not, it was more profitable to invest in only energy recovery, as nutrient recovery by secondary solid-liquid separation or struvite precipitation with end-product sales were not as profitable. However, the absolutely largest increase in profitability lies within investing in a primary solid-liquid separation. As for the case farm, this investment reduced costs by more than 2 MSEK, while any of the latter scenarios reduce costs by 0,1-0,2 MSEK. Furthermore, the possible utilization of the waste heat from energy recovery increased profitability by a factor of ten.

Gårdsbaserad biogas på Nya Skottorp : utvärdering och optimering av anläggningen och uppgradering av biogasen

Kalén, Jonas, Åkerlund, Nathan January 2013 (has links)
Biogas is an expanding sector within the broad field of agriculture and animal production. Small-scale biogas offers local combined power and heating production and the substrate is transformed into high-quality biological fertilizer. This bachelor thesis focuses on a pig farm in south-western Sweden, where biogas is produced from pig manure, evaluates and suggests ways of optimizing the process and investigates whether investing in an upgrading plant would be a feasible and more cost-efficient option. The results show that the biogas plant is working well, although the production differs from the original plans. This shows in turn that planning and examining the basic conditions before making the investment is of great importance, as well as monitoring and keeping detailed statistics of the running process. Logistical factors make optimizing the process through additional substrates difficult. The thesis shows that investing in a Biosling upgrading plant would be a profitable option, supposing that the upgraded gas is sold via the natural gas infrastructure. Furthermore, many farmers are interested in producing their own fuel for tractors and other machines, which offers more future alternatives for the upgraded biogas. However, biogas producers in Sweden today are not offered any particular subsidies, which makes it especially hard for small-scale producers.

Teknikutvärdering av Urintorkning i Pilotskala – ett Fältförsök i Finland : Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale - a Field Experiment in Finland

Karlsson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Av samtliga globala processer som reglerar jordsystemet är de biogeokemiska flödena av kväve (N) och fosfor (P) mest påverkade av mänskliga aktiviteter. Inerta former av N och P omvandlas till reaktiva former som sprids i miljön, där de orsakar eutrofiering och påverkar marina ekosystem negativt. Majoriteten av de reaktiva N- och P-formerna används för framställningen av mineralgödsel. Ett alternativt sätt att producera gödsel är att återvinna näringsämnena i avloppet. En teknik som återvinner näringsämnen i urin är basisk urintorkning. Teknologin stabiliserar urea med ett basiskt torkningsmedium och koncentrerar näringsämnena genom att evaporera vattnet i urinen. Slutprodukten är ett torrt gödsel i pulverform. I det här projektet testades urintorkningsteknologin för första gången i ett fältförsök. Ett system för urintorkning med kapacitet att förånga 40 kg urin dygn-1 m-2 konstruerades och integrerades i ett befintligt torrt sanitetssystem för användning under en period på tre månader. I projektet utvärderades 13 dygn av de 3 månaderna. Resultaten visade att 24 kg urin tillfördes systemet och att systemet kunde upprätthålla en kontinuerlig torkning av urinen. Efter torkningen återvanns majoriteten (97 %) av N i slutprodukten. På grund av att den tillförda mängden urin var liten blev växtnäringshalterna i slutprodukten och i torrsubstansen (TS) av slutprodukten låga. Systemet hade emellertid potential att torka mycket större kvantiteter urin. Om systemets fulla potential hade använts, det vill säga att torka 40 kg urin dygn-1 m-2, så hade särskilt N- och P-halterna ökat avsevärt. N-halterna hade även ökat ytterligare om torkningen hade utförts vid en lägre temperatur. Systemets energiförbrukning var hög, eftersom systemet hade en kontinuerlig energikonsumtion och även komponenter med hög effekt. I jämförelse med den konventionella avloppsvattenreningen och produktionen av mineralgödsel har systemet en hög energikonsumtion, men i jämförelse med en förbränningstoalett är systemets energiförbrukning likvärdig. För att minska energiförbrukningen kunde reglertekniska åtgärder utföras så att systemets energitillförsel upphör när systemet inte används. Systemets energiförbrukning får även ställas i relation till de problem som dagens system för livsmedelsproduktion och sanitet medför. Till skillnad från nämnda system möjliggör urintorkningsteknologin besparing av dricksvattenresurser, ett slutet kretslopp av näringsämnen och en minskad påverkan på miljön. / Of all global processes that regulate the earth system, the biogeochemical flows ofnitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most affected by human activities. Inert forms of N and P are converted into reactive forms that are dispersed in the environment, causing eutrophication and affecting marine ecosystems. The majority of the reactive N and P are used for the production of mineral fertilizers. An alternative way of producing fertilizers is to recycle nutrients from waste water. A technology that reuses nutrients in urine is alkaline urine drying. The technology stabilizes urea with an alkaline drying medium and concentrates the nutrients by evaporating the water in urine. The end-product is a dry fertilizer in powder form. In this master project, the alkaline urine drying technology was tested for the first time in field conditions. A system for urine drying with the capacity to evaporate 40 kg of urine day-1 m-2 was constructed and integrated into an existing dry sanitation system for use over a period of three months. The master project evaluated the system for 13 days of the 3 months. The results showed that 24 kg of urine was collected in the system, significantly less than what the system had been designed to dry. Furthermore, the results showed that the system functioned smoothly recovering 97 % of the urine-N in the end-product. The nutrient content in the end-product and the dry matter of the end-product was low due to the low amount of urine that was collected. However, the system had the potential to dry much larger quantities of urine. If the system would have been operated to function at full potential (drying 40 kg of urine day-1 m-2) the N- and P-content in the end-product would be much higher than that observed during the 13 days. Furthermore, the system if operated at lower temperatures has the potential to recover more N. The system’s energy consumption was high, as the system had a continuous energy consumption. In comparison with the conventional waste water treatment and the production of mineral fertilizers, the system has a high energy consumption, but compared to an incineration toilet, the system’s energy consumption is equivalent. In order to reduce the energy consumption, automatic control could be implemented so that the energy is switched off when the system is not used. The system’s energy consumption may also be set in relation to the problems that today’s systems for food production and sanitation entail. Unlike the aforementioned systems, the urine dehydration technology does not consume drinking water, it enables recycling of nutrients as well as a reduced impact on aquatic life.

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