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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prvotní ocenění dlouhodobých hmotných aktiv podle IFRS v porovnání s US GAAP a českými účetními předpisy / Initial measurement of property, plant and equipment according to IFRS in comparison of US GAAP and czech accounting legislation

Rybářová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about long-lived assets. The primary objective is to create the comprehensive view regarding specifics of initial measurement of production, plant and equipment and measurement of subsequent costs in accordance with IFRS in comparison of U. S. GAAP and czech accounting legislation. Specifics of measurement are based on kinds of acquisition. The diploma thesis is divided into three main sections. Features of long-lived asset according to IFRS, U. S. GAAP and czech accounting legislation are in the first section. The second section contains initial measurements of production, plant and equipment depended on types of acquisition primary in accordance with IFRS in comparison of U. S. GAAP and czech accounting legislation, one by one. The third section comprises measurement of subsequent costs.

Frikoppling eller samordning? : En studie om avskaffandet av sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning för K2 företag. / Decoupling or Coordination? : A study on the elimination of the link between accounting and taxation for K2 companies.

Andersson, Maria, Sellin, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en djupare insikt om hur en frikoppling mellan redovisning och beskattning skulle kunna se ut. Genom att undersöka hur revisionsbolagen ställer sig till SamRoBs förslag om en frikoppling, SOU 2008:80, och vilka konsekvenser ett avskaffande av det materiella sambandet kan medföra för K2-företagen vill vi skapa en djupare förståelse i diskussionen om en total frikoppling av det materiella sambandet för K2-företagen.</p><p>Uppsatsens undersökning utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har en analytisk ansats. Data består av primär- och sekundärdata som kritiskt granskas för att bedöma undersökningens giltighet och tillförlitlighet.</p><p>För att skapa förståelse kring sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning presenteras relevanta begrepp och teorier. Vidare redogörs för innehållet i utredningen SOU 2008:80.</p><p>Empirin presenterar respondenternas åsikter och synpunkter om utredningens, SOU 2008:80, förslag om en frikoppling mellan redovisning och beskattning. Respondenterna avser tre anställda från tre av de största revisionsbolagen i Sverige.</p><p>För K2 företag innebär en frikoppling i praktiken en samordning. Om SamRoBs förslag anpassas till K2 reglerna kommer det nya regelverket i längden innebära en förenkling för K2 företagen. I stora drag kommer inte revisorernas arbete att förändras även om dagens revisorer kan tycka att arbetsbördan blir tyngre.</p> / <p>The purpose of the thesis is to gain a deeper insight into a decoupling between accounting and taxation. By a study on the audit firms’ attitude concerning SamRoBs proposal on decoupling and what affects K2 companies may be facing are we intending to create a deeper understanding in the discussion of a total decoupling of the material relationship for K2 companies.</p><p>The study is based on a qualitative research and has an analytical approach. The data consists of primary and secondary data that is critically reviewed to assess the validity and reliability of the study.</p><p>In order to create understanding of the relationship between accounting and taxation relevant concepts and theories are presented. The contents of SOU 2008:80 will also be described.</p><p>The empirical data presents the respondents´ views and comments on the proposal, SOU 2008:80, for a decoupling between accounting and taxation. Respondents interviewed were three employees from three of the largest audit firms in Sweden.</p><p>The true meaning of decoupling for K2 companies in practice is coordination. If SamRoBs proposal is adapted to the K2 regulation a new framework will appear and in the long run involve a simplification for K2 companies. Broadly, the work of the auditing firms will not mean considerable changes even though current auditors may think the workload will increase.</p>

Frikoppling eller samordning? : En studie om avskaffandet av sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning för K2 företag. / Decoupling or Coordination? : A study on the elimination of the link between accounting and taxation for K2 companies.

Andersson, Maria, Sellin, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en djupare insikt om hur en frikoppling mellan redovisning och beskattning skulle kunna se ut. Genom att undersöka hur revisionsbolagen ställer sig till SamRoBs förslag om en frikoppling, SOU 2008:80, och vilka konsekvenser ett avskaffande av det materiella sambandet kan medföra för K2-företagen vill vi skapa en djupare förståelse i diskussionen om en total frikoppling av det materiella sambandet för K2-företagen. Uppsatsens undersökning utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har en analytisk ansats. Data består av primär- och sekundärdata som kritiskt granskas för att bedöma undersökningens giltighet och tillförlitlighet. För att skapa förståelse kring sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning presenteras relevanta begrepp och teorier. Vidare redogörs för innehållet i utredningen SOU 2008:80. Empirin presenterar respondenternas åsikter och synpunkter om utredningens, SOU 2008:80, förslag om en frikoppling mellan redovisning och beskattning. Respondenterna avser tre anställda från tre av de största revisionsbolagen i Sverige. För K2 företag innebär en frikoppling i praktiken en samordning. Om SamRoBs förslag anpassas till K2 reglerna kommer det nya regelverket i längden innebära en förenkling för K2 företagen. I stora drag kommer inte revisorernas arbete att förändras även om dagens revisorer kan tycka att arbetsbördan blir tyngre. / The purpose of the thesis is to gain a deeper insight into a decoupling between accounting and taxation. By a study on the audit firms’ attitude concerning SamRoBs proposal on decoupling and what affects K2 companies may be facing are we intending to create a deeper understanding in the discussion of a total decoupling of the material relationship for K2 companies. The study is based on a qualitative research and has an analytical approach. The data consists of primary and secondary data that is critically reviewed to assess the validity and reliability of the study. In order to create understanding of the relationship between accounting and taxation relevant concepts and theories are presented. The contents of SOU 2008:80 will also be described. The empirical data presents the respondents´ views and comments on the proposal, SOU 2008:80, for a decoupling between accounting and taxation. Respondents interviewed were three employees from three of the largest audit firms in Sweden. The true meaning of decoupling for K2 companies in practice is coordination. If SamRoBs proposal is adapted to the K2 regulation a new framework will appear and in the long run involve a simplification for K2 companies. Broadly, the work of the auditing firms will not mean considerable changes even though current auditors may think the workload will increase.

Odložená daň v konsolidované účetní závěrce při přechodu z US GAAP na IFRS / Deferred tax in the consolidated financial statements at the transition from US GAAP to IFRS

Zikirina, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the deferred tax issue in the context of changing the US GAAP accounting system to IFRS. First of all, it summarizes the theoretical approaches to recognition, measurement and reporting of deferred tax and examines the factors, which could affect its appearance in the individual and consolidated financial statements. Then this diploma thesis focuses on the comparison between the US GAAP and IFRS rules regarding deferred tax accounting. The output of this comparison is demonstrated in a form of analysis table pointing to the fundamental conceptual differences. Next part of the thesis presents the first IFRS adoption issue in relation to IFRS 1, where the effect of the first adoption on the presented deferred tax is accentuated. After all, the findings from the theoretical part of the diploma thesis are applied in the practical example of PJSC LUKOIL, which had to change US GAAP to IFRS in 2014 due to the new legislation requirement. This last part examines the differential attitudes of both accounting systems to deferred tax and presentation and significance of deferred tax at the first IFRS adoption.

ADOPTION OF IFRS BY ENTITIES IN CONSUMER PRODUCTS INDUSTRY / Adoption of IFRS by entities in consumer products industry

Karabut, Vitaliy January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is to prepare the opening statement of financial position according to the International Financial Reporting Standards. The theoretical part commences with the analysis of the current regulation of IFRS in the Czech Republic. Then follows the explanation of conditions and reasons for transition to IFRS. In the end of the theoretical part, the process of transition is explained as well as the application of IFRS 1. The practical part deals with the detail analysis of the individual line items of the statement of financial position according to the Czech GAAP. There also analyzed the relevant regulation of individual line items according to IFRS as well as performed adjustments required from the entity in order to transition to IFRS.

Oceňování a vykazování cenných papírů v ČR: komparace s mezinárodními pravidly / Measurement and reporting of securities in the Czech Republic; international principles comparison

Liptáková, Dana January 2008 (has links)
My thesis is concentrated on basic types of securities, their measurement and reporting, according to Czech legislation, International Financial Reporting Standards and US GAAP. I deal with origin occasions of individual accounting systems and their structure at the beginning of my thesis. Then I describe different classification of securities. The main part is about equity and debt securities. I use shares and bonds to show right way of measurement, recognition and reporting of securities, according to Czech legislation, IFRS and US GAAP. In conclusion I compare measurement and reporting methods of individual accounting systems and their influence on reports.

Úloha účetních informací v řízení finanční výkonnosti / The Role of Accounting Information in the Management of Financial Performance

Halíř, Zbyněk January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with an evaluation of a role of financial and managerial accounting in the management of financial performance. From the range of criterions, that indicate the development of performance, the profit was chosen. The basic approach of the thesis is the concept of financial performance in the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). The diction of U.S. GAAP is compared with the text of International Accounting Standards / International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS / IFRS) and the Czech accounting legislation. In addition, the thesis deals with the concept of financial performance and its role in the performance management system. In conclusion, the theoretical background is confronted with its practical application. The comparison is made with the assistance of the example of financial performance management in the company Škoda Auto, a.s.

Účetní výkazy dle IFRS a jejich srovnání s českými účetními předpisy / Financial statements according to IFRS and their comparison with Czech accounting legislation

Tereščenko, Dmytro Oleksandrovyč January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of the final thesis is to emphasise the transformation of financial statements prepared according to Czech accounting legislation to financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. There are two parts in the final thesis. The first part describes a complete set of financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, it is an obligatory part of the financial statements - Statement of financial position, Statement of comprehensive income, Statement of changes in equity, Statement of cash flows, summary of significant accounting policies, and other explanatory notes. The second part of the final thesis deals with an accuracy of the transfer Leases, Provisions and Deferred Taxes on Czech accounting legislation to International Financial Reporting Standards.

Dlouhodobý majetek ve světově uznávaných účetních systémech / Tangible assets in worldwide accepted accounting systems

Koukolíková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This work is focusing on accounting for tangible assets under IFRS and US GAAP. First chapter concentrates on the definition of an asset and on the measurement at recognition of tangible assets. Second chapter deals with the measurement after recognition of tangible assets. Third chapter is concerned with other problems connected with tangible assets, such as leases, depletion of an asset or disclosure. The last chapter contains a practical study which analyses the application of theoretical principles in practise.

Analýza rozdílů aplikace IFRS a US GAAP v ocelářském odvětví / Analysis of Differences of Application of IFRS and US GAAP in Steel Industry

Funďová, Lucia January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the problem of the modern world of differences among two of the most important standards in the world of financial accounting and reporting: IFRS and US GAAP. The main focus was on comparing and searching for the possible differences on the financial reports of US Steel, which has its basement in the USA and it is using US GAAP standards and its subsidiary in Slovakia using IFRS, within the steel sector. The concrete financial statements were analysed by the tools of financial analysis. Hypothetical scenarios were made on the basis of the results, which could have occurred during the decision making process and which were influenced by the differences among the applied standards. The main goal and important thought of the thesis was to indicate to a reader, in which state the convergence between these two standards is and which differences need to be eliminated to make standards equal in giving the view on the financial statements and financial decision making of each company.

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