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Att vara i minoritet : Flickors läsutveckling på mansdominerade yrkesprogram / To be in minority : Girls’ reading development in male dominated professional programsIvarsson, Solveig January 2011 (has links)
This essay studied how six girls experienced their reading development during their college education in male-dominated profession programs. The issues assumed were how they experience their literature reading and literature education and what happened with their interest in reading. The theoretical frame included researchers Säljö, Rosenblatt, Gun Malmgren, Olin-Scheller, Ulfgaard and Molloy. The study showed that most of the girls felt their reading had worsened but not because of their male classmates but because of school. They had a lot of homework and participated in so many different school projects which would be completed that there was no time to reading for pleasure. The girls did not like the teachers’ literate sample and did not like the methods used in learning literature. They would rather have discussions of literature instead of writing about the content of the book and its author. The study also showed that girls did not react against any male dominance among the books they read in school. / Uppsatsen studerade sex flickors upplevelse av sin läsutveckling under deras gymnasietid på mansdominerade yrkesprogram. Frågeställningarna utgick ifrån hur bokslukande tjejer uppfattade litteraturläsning och litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och vad som hände med deras läsintresse under deras gymnasieutbildning. Till den teoretiska ramen hör forskare som Säljö, Rosenblatt, Gun Malmgren, Olin-Scheller, Ulfgaard och Molloy. Undersökningen visade att de flesta flickorna uppfattade att deras läsning hade försämrats men inte på grund av deras manliga klasskamrater utan på grund av skolan. De fick så många läxor och deltog i så många olika skolprojekt som skulle slutföras att det inte fanns någon tid över till lustläsning. Flickorna vände sig emot lärarnas litteraturval och tyckte heller inte om de metoder som användes inom litteraturundervisningen. De ville hellre ha boksamtal istället för att skriva om bokens innehåll och dess författare. Undersökningen visade också att flickorna inte reagerade mot någon manlig dominans bland de böcker de läste i skolan.
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Learning to Listen, Learning to Be: African-American Girls and Hip-Hop at a Durham, NC Boys and Girls ClubWoodruff, Jennifer Ann January 2009 (has links)
<p>This dissertation documents African-American girls' musical practices at a Boys and Girls Club in Durham, NC. Hip-hop is the cornerstone of social exchanges at John Avery, and is integrated into virtually all club activities. Detractors point to the misogyny, sexual exploitation and violence predominant in hip-hop's most popular incarnations, suggesting that the music is a corrupting influence on America's youth. Girls are familiar with these arguments, and they appreciate that hip-hop is a contested and sometimes illicit terrain. Yet they also recognize that knowledge about and participation in hip-hop-related activities is crucial to their interactions at the club, at school, and at home. As girls hone their listening skills, they reconcile the contradictions between behavior glorified by hip-hop and the model presented to them by their mentors. This project examines how African-American girls ages 5-13 use their listening practices to claim a space within hip-hop's landscape while still operating within the unambiguous moral framework they have learned from their parents, mentors and peers. Through ethnography and close analysis of vocal utterances, dance moves and social interaction, I consider how individual interactions with mass-mediated music teach girls a black musical aesthetic that allows them to relate to their peers and mentors, and how these interactions highlight the creativity with which they begin to negotiate sexual and racial politics on the margins of society.</p> / Dissertation
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Faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkars självkänsla i skolan. : en kvantitativ studie i form av enkätundersökning / Factors that affect girls´ and boys´ self-esteem in school. : a quantitative study in the form of surveyOttosson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkarssjälvkänsla i skolan, samt att finna eventuella genusskillnader. En kvantitativ metod i form aven enkätundersökning användes, där eleverna i årskurs 8 på en högstadieskola i VästraGötalands län deltog. Studien visar att flickorna har lägre självkänsla än pojkarna i skolan.Flickorna skattar sin egen kunskapsnivå lägre än pojkarna, trots att de har högre betyg änpojkarna. Flickor har svårare än pojkar att få fram sina åsikter i skolan. Flickor tycker det ärsvårare än pojkar att prata i helklass. Elever med aktiv fritid hade bättre självkänsla än eleverutan aktiv fritid. Detta resultat framkom bland bägge könen, men speciellt känsliga för dettaverkar flickor vara. Flickor utan fritidsaktivitet var de som hade lägst självkänsla och de somtrivdes sämst i skolan. Samband mellan aktiv fritid och självkänsla behöver tittas mer på.Personer med stark självkänsla upplever ökad livskvalitet och bättre hälsa. Låg självkänsla gersämre livskvalitet och sämre hälsa. Skillnaden mellan flickors och pojkars självkänsla kanantas vara så stor att särskild hänsyn behöver tas till detta i skolan. Skolan behöver ta merhänsyn till de olika behoven mellan könen, så att alla får lika förutsättningar och möjligheteratt kunna utvecklas på bästa sätt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting girls' and boys' self-esteem inschool, and to find any gender differences. A quantitative method in form of a questionnairesurvey was used, where students in grade 8 in a secondary school in the region of VästraGötaland participated. The study shows that girls have lower self-esteem than boys in school.The girls estimate their own knowledge lower than boys despite having higher grades thanboys. Girls are more difficult than boys to obtain their views in school. Girls find it harderthan boys to talk when the whole class has lessons together. Students with active leisure timehad better self-esteem than students without active leisure. This result emerged among bothsexes but especially susceptible to this seems to be girls. Girls without leisure had the lowestself-esteem and enjoyed school the least. The links between active leisure and self-esteemneeds to be further looked into.People with strong self-esteem are experiencing improving quality of life and health. Lowself-esteem gives worse quality of life and poorer health. The difference between girls' andboys' self-esteem can be so great that special attention needs to be taken of this in school.Schools need to take more into account the different needs between the sexes, so that all haveequal conditions and opportunities to develop the best.</p>
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Backyards and borderlands transforming girls' learning through drama /Hatton, Christine. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)-- University of Sydney, 2005. / Title from title screen (viewed 30 October 2009). Includes tables and questionnaires. Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Faculty of Education and Social Work. Degree awarded 2005; thesis submitted 2004. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print form.
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Being a tomboy an ethnographic research of young schoolgirls in Hong Kong /Tong, Ka-man. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-209).
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"You don't look like one, so how are you African?" how West African immigrant girls in the U.S. learn to (re)negotiate ethnic identities in home and school contexts /Okpalaoka, Chinwe L., January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 404-434).
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A comparison of females in levels I, II, and III as per the influence of mentorship on their attitudes towards science and their career aspirations /Kelly Jill E., January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2001. / Bibliography: leaves 98-102.
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Multiple pathways from ADHD to substance use disorders in adolescents /Abrantes, Ana Maria. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University, 2002. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-104).
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Fathers, family and physical activity a study on African American girls /Blackshear, Tara B. January 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (Ed.D.)--The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2008. / Directed by Tom Martinek; submitted to the Dept. of Exercise and Sport Science. Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Jan. 28, 2010). Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-82).
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Inte samma lika : identifikationer hos tonårsflickor i en multietnisk stadsdel /Andersson, Åsa. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Göteborgs universitet, 2003. / Extra t.p. with thesis statement and English abstract inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-[284]).
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