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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A psychosocial/educational intervention for decreasing gender stereotypes in technology

Bravo, Melinda Josephina 29 June 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Natural Mentors and African American Girls' Sexual Efficacy

Ogley-Oliver, Emma J. F. 17 July 2009 (has links)
Despite decreasing rates of teen pregnancy within the U.S., rates remain high for African American girls (Guttmacher Institute, 2006). Comprehensive youth development programs aim to address teen pregnancy. This study examined the role of natural mentors in relation to participation in Cool Girls, Inc. and girls’ sexual efficacy among middle school girls. Furthermore, the quality of natural mentor relationship was assessed. Results provide no support that participation in the program and the presence of a natural mentor significantly affects sexual efficacy. Furthermore, the quality of natural mentor relationship did not significantly increase girls’ sexual efficacy. However, while not explicitly hypothesized, older girls reported significantly higher sexual efficacy. Limitations and strengths of the study are discussed. Directions for future research and intervention are suggested.

The making of failure: an ethnographic study of schoolgirls in Hong Kong

Tang, Pui-yee, Doris., 鄧佩儀. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Philosophy


Williams, Deborah Nadine, 1953- January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Vad menas med att ha kul i sin idrott? : En intervjustudie om hur unga fotbollsspelande tonårstjejer upplever sin idrott. / What doesit mean to have fun in their sport? : Personalexperiences of the young soccer playing teenage girls feel about their sport.

Åhsberg, Annika January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa hur unga fotbollsspelande tjejer upplever sin idrott.  - Vad vill unga fotbollstjejer att träningarna och verksamheten ska innehålla och hur ska den organiseras för att de ska upprätthålla sitt intresse och stanna kvar? - Vad är viktigt i ledarens agerande för att tjejerna ska trivas? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och genomfördes med 17 tjejer i ett 14-års lag i fyra fokusgruppintervjuer. Resultatet visar att alla tjejer tycker att det roligaste med idrotten är att spela matcher och åka på cuper. De tycker att det är viktigt att vinna, men har de spelat bra och fått visa upp vad de lärt sig så kan de ta en förlust. Kompisarna är en viktig faktor och att ha roligt tillsammans är det som gör att de vill fortsätta att spela fotboll. De tycker att träningarna ska innehålla blandade övningar och att de även där får spela matcher i många olika varianter. Ledaren är en viktig person och hon/han ska peppa och pusha dem samt hjälpa dem så att de gör rätt. De tycker att  alla ska få vara med och spela, bli sedda och behandlas lika. Engströms prestations-, tränings- och upplevelselogiker blir här väldigt tydliga.

Bland äckliga fittor och kunskapsluckor : En kritisk analys av tonårstjejers sexuella agens och dess frigörande och diciplinerande potential, baserat på berättelser av barnmorskor och kuratorer / Among disgusting twats and lack of knowledge

Häggroth, Nathalie, Eriksson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Ett använt begrepp när det gäller tonårstjejer och sexualitet är sexuell agens, att handla efter egna beslut. Avsikten med denna studie är att nå en ökad förståelse av vad som påverkar utvecklingen av sexuell agens hos tonårstjejer, utifrån berättelser av två professioner vid ungdomsmottagningar. Syftet är också att göra en kritisk analys och en sociologisk teoretisering av upplevelsen av sexuell agens samt utifrån ett maktperspektiv utreda dess disciplinerande och frigörande potential. Tidigare forskning visar främst att det finns en avsaknad av lust och kunskap hos tonårstjejer samt att deras förmåga att ta självständiga beslut i relation till sexualitet är avhängt deras agens. I denna studie genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med barnmorskor och kuratorer vid ungdomsmottagningar. Tematisk analysmetod användes vid tolkningsförfarandet. Det empiriska materialet visade bland annat att tonårstjejers agens är influerat av yttre påverkan, gränssättning, skam, självförtroende och kunskap. För att nå en sociologisk förståelse av det empiriska materialet har sociologiska perspektiv på sexualitet, makt samt Foucaults teori om kroppens disciplinering använts. Baserat på professionerna vid ungdomsmottagningarna visade analysen att utvecklingen av sexuell agens gynnas av kunskap och självförtroende, hämmas av påverkan och skam samt både gynnas och hämmas av gränssättning. Den fördjupade analysen visade att sexuell agens kan skapa autonoma beslut, vilket minskar sårbarheten för maktens disciplin och därmed verkar frigörande inom disciplinens egendefinierade gränser. En avslutande slutsats var att upplevelsen av sexuell agens bör förstås som främst disciplinerande. / A concept that has been used in relation to teenage girls and sexuality is sexual agency, to act upon independent decision. The purpose of this study is to reach a better understanding of what influences the development of sexual agency in teenage girls, based on narratives of two professions at youth clinics. It also aims to make a critical analysis and a sociological theorization of the perception of sexual agency and from a power perspective investigate its disciplining and liberating potential. Previous research’s primary conclusion is that there is a lack of desire and knowledge among teenage girls. Their ability to take independent decisions in relation to sexuality depends on their agency. In this study qualitative interviews were conducted with midwives and counselors at youth clinics. Thematic analysis was used in the interpretation process. The empirical material showed that teenage girls’ agency is influenced by external influences, limit-setting, shame, self-confidence and knowledge. To reach a sociological understanding of the empirical material sociological perspectives on sexuality, power and Foucault's theory of disciplining the body have been used. Based on professions at youth clinics, the analysis showed that the development of sexual agency benefit from knowledge and confidence is hampered by influence and shame, and both benefits and hampers by boundaries. The enhanced analysis showed that sexual agency may create more autonomous decisions, reducing vulnerability to disciplining forces and thereby has liberating effects within the self-defined boundaries of the discipline. One final conclusion was that the perception of sexual agency should be understood as primarily disciplining.

Alcohol use and abuse among female high school learners : a qualitative approach.

Hlomani, Thokozani J. January 2013 (has links)
The increasing levels and more frequent use of alcohol among females especially those in younger age groups has been noted with concern worldwide. However qualitative data on this problem is limited. This study therefore aimed to explore qualitatively factors contributing to female adolescents' alcohol use and abuse, their knowledge regarding risks associated with alcohol use and abuse and to understand the contextual and environmental factors that render female adolescents vulnerable to engage in drinking behaviours. This study was guided by the Prototype / Willingness model. The data was collected using two (2) focus groups and five (5) individual semi-structured interviews with Grade 9 female high school learners. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis. The findings of the study indicated that there are various individual, social as well as contextual factors contributing to alcohol use among female learners. These factors include age onset, low self-esteem, influence of significant others e.g. parents, peers, celebrities, media alcohol adverts especially through Television, easy availability and accessibility of alcohol as well as lack of law enforcement on selling of alcohol to minors. Protective factors emerged from the findings and these include parental monitoring, high self-esteem and good mother-daughter attachment. The study also indicated various positive perceptions why female adolescents use alcohol. These included perceiving alcohol use as fun, “cool” and glamorous, as a coping mechanism as well as a symbol of adult status and being “Western”. Although female adolescents have knowledge of most of the health and social consequences of alcohol most of them believe that they cannot be affected and they still continue to plan to use alcohol. Several recommendations are also presented. These could assist female learners, parents (and other caregivers), community members, policy makers, researchers, program developers especially those interested in adolescent health as well as other stakeholders e.g. South African Police Services (SAPS) and Department of Education etc. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

Life transitions of young women and the influence of older sisters : adolescent sexual behaviour and childbearing in South Africa

Munthree, Crystal. January 2009
High adolescent childbearing in South Africa has been sustained over several decades (Kaufman, De Wet and Stadler, 2001:149). Findings from the South African Demographic Health Survey (1998) show that 35 percent of 19-year-old girls had given birth at least once (DoH, 1999). Early childbearing can affect the economic, social and physical well-being of the mother and child. In addition young women who are sexually active are also at high risk of HIV infection and other STIs (Rutenberg, Kaufman, McIntyre, Brown and Karim, 2003). Apart from the health risks, there are also social consequences of early childbearing. Studies that have examined the factors influencing early childbearing show that there is a variation in the prevalence of early childbearing that is by place of residence (rural vs. urban), educational attainment, socio-economic status and population group (Palmuleni, Kalule-Sabiti.and Makiwane, 2007; Dickson, 2003). However, there have been few studies that explore the influence of family structure on early childbearing and sexual intercourse. In an attempt to tease out family influences on teenage sexual behaviour, recent literature explores the correlation of timing of sexual activity and childbearing among sibling pairs. Findings confirm that a sister’s sexual initiation and timing of childbearing and other forms of family formation have an independent strong effect on the timing of family formation for a younger sibling (East, 1996). Exploring a sister’s influence in the context of high early childbearing, such as one observed in South Africa, could contribute in understanding escalating teenage pregnancies and childbearing. The 1998 South African Demographic Health Survey will be used to analyse the sexual behaviour patterns of young women between 15 and 24 years of age, focusing specifically on their age at sexual debut, and age and the covariates associated with teenage pregnancy. These results show that having an older sister who has given birth to a child during adolescence could influence the age at which a younger sister has a child and her age at sexual debut. From the results sisters could be a strategic population to target for pregnancy prevention, which would help reduce early childbearing and also the spread of HIV and AIDS in Africa. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.

Die invloed van 'n intervensieprogram by 9- tot 12-jarige plaaswerkerkinders met ontwikkelingskoördinasieversteuring, geskoei op 'n geïntegreerde benadering / J.E. Ernst

Botha, Jo-Anne Elizabeth January 2003 (has links)
Controversy still exists among researchers with regard to the most effective intervention methods and the success thereof regarding DCD children. This condition is known to have different underlying causes, which can influence the success of intervention programmes. It is indicated in the literature that intervention of motor difficulties early in the life of the child, can improve motor development and academic achievement and thus contribute to the total wellness of these children. The aims of this study was, firstly, to determine the effect of an intervention programme based on an integrated approach, on 9 to 12 year old farm labourer children with DCD. The data was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, t-testing as well as effect sizes to determine practical significance. A second aim was to determine the relation between underlying sensory-neurological problems and the measure of success reached with the intervention programme. This data was mainly analysed with descriptive statistics and in a qualitative manner. The third aim was to determine the relation between fine motor manipulation skills and behaviour characteristics as assessed by the teacher and the measure of success reached with an intervention programme. This data was also analysed by means of descriptive data and in a qualitative manner. The sample of the investigation, on a farm in the North-West Province, consists of children of farm workers between the ages of 4 and 12 years (n = 36) who were evaluated according to the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) test (Henderson & Sugden, 1992) to determine their DCD status. Eight children (5 girls and 3 boys) were classified with DCD. One girl was identified in the 9 to 10 year old group, and 5 boys and 2 girls (n = 7) were in the 1 l to 12 year old group. These children were also evaluated on the "Sensory-Neurological Screening test" (Auxter et al., 2001), the ''Qwck Neurological Screening test" (Mutti et al., 1978), and the "Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor proficiency" (Bruininks, 1978) in order to determine the possible underlying causes of their problems on which the content of the intervention programme was based. The MABC Checklist (Henderson & Sugden, 1992) was used to determine the children's fine motor manipulation skills as well as their behaviour characteristics as assessed by their teachers. The children were tested eight weeks prior to (PREI), and again just before the programme started (PRE2) in order to determine the effect of maturation. Immediately after the intervention programme of 8 weeks, twice a week for 45 minutes was completed, they were tested (POSTI) to determine the effect of the programme, and two months (RTI) and nine months (RT2) later they were re-tested to determine the long term effect of the programme. The intervention programme consists of perceptual-motor, sensory integration and task-specific components. With regard to the first aim of the study, the results indicated that the intervention programme had a positive effect on two of the children, while no effect was noticed on the problems of one, and three of them regressed. The results indicated that with a little modification the intervention programme, based on an integration approach, could have a better effect. The results indicated that each child has different needs, and that the underlying problems might be a reason why the children reacted differently to intervention. However, fine motor manipulation skills increased on the short term, while balance skills showed a long term effect. Further research to determine the reasons of a child's problems, is recommended in order to establish the best method of intervention. With reference to the second and third aim of the study, the comparison of the children who improved (n = 2) with those who regressed (n = 3), indicated that those who regressed after the intervention programme, had more complex underlying sensory-neurological conditions. They also experienced more problems regarding fine motor manipulation skills as well as behaviour. They also showed poor bilateral integration, which was not the case with the other children. Further research concerning the role that bilateral co-ordination plays in DCD is recommended. From the results of this study, it is also recommended that intervention programmes should be conducted on an individual basis in order to assure that the focus is on the child's specific problems, and to ensure that the intervention has a positive effect. Proper assessment of underlying causes must be done in conjunction with the MABC testing, because this will help to determine the method that is selected for intervention. / Thesis (M.A. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Thinking girls on-line : texts, body politics, and tamponed cyborgs

Zumsteg, Beatrix 11 1900 (has links)
In affluent western societies, digital communication and information technologies increasingly reshape our social relations and identities, the way we perceive our selves and others. Given that we are all communicative and relational bodies in complex webs of power, the media of communication are central to the ways we are socially structured and relate to one another. The purpose of my thesis is to sketch a framework which can account critically for the dangers and benefits of embodying digital technologies while rethinking the gendered body politics of the everyday world. In this thesis, I develop a set of theoretical abstractions through which to think our bodies. With these theories, I paint images of modern body politics and of the micro- and macro-politics of power over life in larger socio-historical processes. M y textual analysis of Tampax's TRoom (http://www.troom.com), a corporate website exemplifies thinking these broader historical and social issues of embodiment. I focus on this website as a discursive frame that calls girls as free and subjugated subjects into digital texts of feminine protection. Thinking girl bodies through and against the 'civilizing' and disciplinary dimension of digital and sanitary technologies provides us with both liberating and confining images of what it may be like to be or become a girl. In the conclusion, I present the image of cyborgs, as hybrids of human organism and technology, to think our selves through everyday life techniques and technologies. Tamponed cyborgs provide realities that reformulate a bodily unity, capture contemporary issues of "girls" embodiment and incorporation of technology, and contribute to an understanding of the possibilities for discursive remappings of girls' social relations and selves.

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