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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifizierung eines lokal wirkenden Proteinnetzwerks bei der c-di-GMP-vermittelten Kontrolle der Biofilmbildung in Escherichia coli

Sarenko, Olga 08 January 2018 (has links)
Переход от подвижного и планктонообразного образа жизни к формированию биоплёнок является важной и интересной особенностью различных микроорганизмов. Кишечная палочка (Escherichia coli) представляет собой удобный модельный организм для изучения подобных трансформаций. У этой грамотрицательной бактерии образование биоплёнки обусловлено внутриклеточной аккумуляцией циклического дигуанилата (цикло-диГМФ). Известно, что активность ферментов, синтезирующих (дигуанилатциклазы/ДГЦ) и разлагающих (диэстеразы/ДЭ) эти сигнальные молекулы, меняется в ответ на стрессовые и субоптимальные раздражители. Кишечная палочка имеет 12 ДГЦ, 13 ДЭ и четыре дегенерированных протеина. Цель данной работы – изучить специфический, важный при формировании биоплёнки интерактом и выяснить, способны ли другие ДГЦ/ДЭ образовывать дополнительные ДГЦ/ДЕ модули и вносить свой вклад в формирование биоплёнки. В работе были изучены молекулярные взаимодействия, ответственные за формирование биоплёнок у кишечной палочки. Так, было доказано отсутствие в интерактоме дополнительных локальных ДГЦ/ДЕ модулей, участвующих при каскадных процессах регуляции роста биоплёнки. Установлено, что процесс формирования биоплёнки в большей степени контролируется основной группой ферментов, которые имеют множественные взаимодействия между собой и с другими ДГЦ/ДЭ. Вероятнее всего, такие взаимодействия способны модулировать работу основных ферментов при определенных условиях культивирования. Динамика подобной сети взаимодействий позволяет микроорганизмам целесообразно использовать свои клеточные ресурсы при образовании биоплёнок и вносит свой вклад в её сложную архитектуру, повышая тем самым приспособляемость бактерий и созданных ими сложных биоплёночных структур к внешним условиям. В целом, в данной работе предложена новая модель локальной регуляции образования биоплёнки с помощью сигнальной молекулы цикло-диГМФ и заложен фундамент для дальнейших исследований механизмов действия отдельных ДГЦ/ДЭ. / Bei den meisten Bakterien wird die Biofilmbildung durch das Botenmolekül c-di-GMP stimuliert. Durch die enzymatische Aktivität von c-di-GMP-synthetisierenden Diguanylatzyklasen/DGC und c-di-GMP-abbauenden Phosphodiesterasen/PDE wird der c-di-GMP-Gehalt als eine Antwort auf diverse Stress- und suboptimale Umweltbedingungen reguliert. Vor allem Gram-negative Bakterien haben multiple DGC/PDE. So besitzt Escherichia coli K-12 29 solche Proteine, darunter 12 DGC, 13 PDE sowie 4 degenerierte Proteine ohne enzymatische Funktion. Dieses komplexe c-di-GMP-Kontrollsystem reguliert die Produktion der extrazellulären Biofilmmatrix, die in E. coli während des Übergangs in die stationäre Wachstumsphase stattfindet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob die 29 DGC/PDE von E. coli ein spezifisches Interaktom bilden, das DGC/PDE-Pärchen enthält. Durch umfangreiche Two-Hybrid-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es ein solches Interaktom in der Biofilmregulationskaskade tatsächlich gibt, das allerdings nicht in Pärchen organisiert ist. Vielmehr wird die Biofilmbildung von einer Kerngruppe von Enzymen, welche multiple Interaktionen untereinander und mit anderen DGC/PDE aufweisen, kontrolliert. Die Funktionsweise der Kerngruppe von Enzymen könnte jedoch möglicherweise unter bestimmten Wachstumsbedingungen durch Interaktionen mit weiteren Proteinen moduliert werden. Die Dynamik des Interaktionsnetzwerks ermöglicht vermutlich eine rationelle Ressourcenverwaltung in den verschiedenen Zonen des Biofilms, was zum Aufbau der komplexen Matrixarchitektur beitragen könnte, und eine hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit der Bakterien und der von ihnen aufgebauten Biofilmstrukturen gewährleisten könnte. Insgesamt führt diese Arbeit aus einer systemischen Perspektive zu einem neuen Modell der lokalen Biofilmbildungsregulation durch den Botenstoff c-di-GMP und legt die Basis für weitere Untersuchungen der daran beteiligten Mechanismen einzelner GGDEF/EAL-Domäne-haltiger Proteine in E. coli. / The messenger molecule c-di-GMP stimulates the formation biofilms in most bacteria species. The enzymatic activities of the diguanylate cyclases/DGC and the phosphodiesterases/PDE adjust the c-di-GMP content in response to diverse stress and suboptimal environmental conditions. Above all, Gram-negative bacteria have multiple GGDEF/EAL domain proteins. Escherichia coli K-12 possesses 29 of such proteins: 12 DGCs, 13 PDEs and 4 so called degenerate proteins without any enzymatical function. Mainly, this complex c-di-GMP control system regulates the production of the extracellular biofilm matrix, which in E. coli takes place during the switch into the stationary growth phase. The main compounds of the matrix are amyloid curli-fibers and exoplysaccaride cellulose. The goal of this work was to investigate, whether the 29 DGC/PDE from E. coli develop a specific interactome containing additional DGC/PDE pairs. In a comprehensive two-hybrid study, it could be demonstrated that there is indeed a specific interactome in the biofilm formation cascade. However, this interactome does not contain additional DGC/PDE pairs. Mainly, the core group of enzymes, which have multiple interactions among each other and with other DGC/PDE, controls biofilm formation. Under certain growth conditions the mode of action of the core enzymes might be adjusted through the interaction with other proteins. Presumably, the dynamics of the interaction network allows managing the resources in the different biofilm zones efficiently, which could conribute to the complex organisation of the matrix architecture. Therefore, the rapid adaptation of bacteria and the formed biofilm structures could be better organized. Altogether, this work provides a new model for the local regulation of the biofilm formation by the secondary messenger c-di-GMP guided from a systemical perspective. Hereby, the basis for further investigations on regulation mechanisms of individual DGC/PDE was set.

Molecular Regulation by the Second Messenger c-di-GMP in Escherichia coli: Local Signal Transduction and Novel c-di-GMP-Binding Effectors

Junkermeier, Eike Hendrik 13 March 2025 (has links)
Signaltransduktion über den sekundären Botenstoff zyklisches di-GMP (c di GMP) reguliert in Escherichia coli (E. coli) vornehmlich die Produktion von biofilmassoziierten extrazellulären polymeren Substanzen (EPS). Die bisher charakterisierten c di GMP bindenden Effektoren sind jedoch zahlenmäßig den 12 Diguanylatcyclasen (DGCs) und 13 Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs), die c-di-GMP synthetisieren bzw. abbauen, unterlegen. E. coli besitzt ein einzelnes Protein mit einer potenziell c di GMP bindenden MshEN-Domäne, NfrB, das zusammen mit dem Protein NfrA der äußeren Membran eine Rolle in der Adsorption des Bakteriophagen N4 spielt. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass NfrB c-di-GMP mit hoher Affinität bindet und eine c-di-GMP-regulierte Glycosyltransferase (GT) ist, die eine EPS synthetisiert, die die Motilität einschränken kann und essenziell für die Infektion des Phagen N4 ist. Darüber hinaus ergab eine systematische Analyse, dass spezifisch die DGC DgcJ essenziell ist für die Infektion und direkt mit NfrB interagiert. Die Ergebnisse entsprechen Mechanismen lokaler Signaltransduktion, bei der spezifische DGCs und/oder PDEs Proteinkomplexe mit Effektoren bilden und diese lokal regulieren. Somit konnte ein weiteres Beispiel dafür gefunden werden, wie Spezifität in der c-di-GMP Signaltransduktion ermöglicht werden kann. Darüber hinaus gaben die Ergebnisse neue Einblicke in die Wirt-Interaktion des Phagen N4, der das von NfrB produzierte Exopolysaccharid als initialen Rezeptor für die Adsorption nutzt. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass die bislang nicht charakterisierte GT, YaiP, die in einer Suche nach neuen c-di-GMP regulierten EPS-Synthasen in E. coli, identifiziert wurde, als Exopolysaccharid Synthese- und Sekretionssystem mit den drei Proteinen YaiS, YaiX und YaiO agiert. Dieses System produzierte ein mukoides EPS, das die Morphologie von E. coli Biofilmen deutlich änderte, wobei es ein Verbundmaterial mit amyloiden Curli-Fasern und/oder pEtN-Cellulose bilden konnte. / A major target of cyclic dimeric GMP (c di GMP) second messenger signalling pathways in Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the production of biofilm-associated extracellular polymeric substances. However, the characterised c di GMP binding effector systems are outnumbered by 12 diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) and 13 phosphodiesterases (PDEs), which synthesise and degrade c-di-GMP, respectively. E. coli possesses a single protein with a potentially c di GMP binding MshEN domain, NfrB, which together with the outer membrane protein NfrA is known to play a role in bacteriophage N4 adsorption. In this work, it has been shown that NfrB not only binds c-di-GMP with high affinity but is also a novel c di GMP controlled glycosyltransferase that synthesises a secreted polysaccharide, which can impede motility and is required for N4 infection. A systematic screening revealed that specifically the DGC DgcJ is required for infection by phage N4 and interacts directly with NfrB. This is in line with local c-di-GMP signalling models, where specific DGCs and/or PDEs form protein complexes with specific c-di-GMP effector/target systems. Thus, this work presented a novel example of how specificity in c di GMP signalling can be achieved. The results moreover shed new light on the host interaction of bacteriophage N4, which was found to use the exopolysaccharide secreted by NfrB as an initial receptor for adsorption. Additionally, an uncharacterized glycosyltransferase, YaiP, which was previously identified in a search for new exopolysaccharide synthases in E. coli that might be controlled by c-di-GMP, was found to function as an exopolysaccharide synthesis and secretion system with the three proteins YaiS, YaiX, and YaiO. This system was found to produce a novel mucoid EPS that significantly influenced the macrocolony morphology of E. coli biofilms by forming a composite material with amyloid curli fibres and/or pEtN cellulose.

Étude des riborégulateurs guanine et de l'impact des gènes qu'ils régulent sur la biologie de Clostridium difficile 630

Smith-Peter, Erich January 2015 (has links)
Les organismes unicellulaires sont très vulnérables aux changements rapides de leur environnement puisqu’ils sont en contact direct avec celui-ci. Les organismes unicellulaires utilisent plusieurs stratagèmes pour réguler l’expression génique et par conséquent, les diverses voies métaboliques nécessaires aux différentes conditions environnementales auxquelles ils sont confrontés. On sait maintenant que certains ARN, dont les riborégulateurs, ont également un grand rôle à jouer dans les processus de régulation de l’expression du génome. En général, les riborégulateurs sont des éléments génétiques situés dans les régions 5’ non traduites (5’ UTR) de l’ARN messager bactérien. Ces éléments possèdent une structure tertiaire bien définie qui est conservée à travers l'évolution. Les riborégulateurs subissent un changement de conformation en s’associant à un ligand spécifique et modulent l’expression des gènes qu’ils contrôlent en aval. Le rôle des riborégulateurs en relation avec le métabolisme des eubactéries peut être d’une grande importance. C’est le cas de Clostridium difficile qui voit son génome régulé par au moins une quarantaine de riborégulateurs. Étant un pathogène nosocomial, causant des infections contractées dans le milieu hospitalier, bien connu pour engendrer des complications au niveau de l’intestin, il est intéressant d’étudier la relation gène-riborégulateur-métabolisme chez C. difficile. De plus, les riborégulateurs ont montré un potentiel intéressant comme cible antibiotique pour combattre certaines infections. C. difficile possède quatre riborégulateurs guanine transcriptionnels qui contrôlent quatre gènes intervenant dans la voie de biosynthèse de la guanosine monophosphate (GMP). Deux de ces gènes interviennent directement dans la voie de synthèse du GMP soit une guanosine-monophosphate synthase (guaA) et une xanthine phosphoribosyltransférase (XPRTase) (xpt) ainsi que deux transporteurs de précurseur nommés CD630_21070 codant pour une perméase uracile/xanthine et CD630_ 27040 une perméase putative. Bien que quelques études ont démontré l’importance que pourrait avoir le gène guaA chez d’autres espèces bactériennes (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus suis et, Salmonella thyphimurium), aucune étude de C. difficile n'a élucidé la relation entre les quatre riborégulateurs guanine et les gènes qu’ils contrôlent, de même que leur rôle au sein du métabolisme du GMP dans un contexte in vivo. Le présent mémoire porte sur l’étude de ces quatre riborégulateurs guanine chez C. difficile, les gènes régulés par ces riborégulateurs et leurs effets sur la biologie de C. difficile. Une fois que les recherches bio-informatiques ont été entreprises, le projet s’est divisé en deux grandes parties soit l’efficacité de régulation des riborégulateurs guanine et l’importance des quatre gènes qui sont sous le contrôle de ces riborégulateurs chez C. difficile 630. Afin de vérifier si les riborégulateurs guanine avaient une affinité acceptable pour leur ligand (guanine), des essais de cartographies chimiques ont été faits et des Kd ont été déterminés. Ces Kd se retrouvent tous dans le bas nanomolaire (nM) de 2,61 ± 1,29 nM pour le riborégulateur guaA et des Kd de 1,78 ± 0,95 nM, de 3,06 ± 0,29 nM et de 4,44 ± 2,75 nM pour les riborégulateurs xpt, CD_21070 et CD_27040 respectivement. Pour la deuxième partie du projet, quatre mutants d’inactivation de gène par insertion ont été conçus grâce à l’utilisation du système ClosTron. Ces quatre mutants, correspondant aux gènes guaA, xpt, CD630_21070 et CD630_27040, ont ensuite été analysés lors d’essais de croissance afin de vérifier les phénotypes associés aux inactivations de gènes. À la suite des résultats d’essais de croissance des divers mutants d’inactivation, une emphase a été mise sur le gène guaA et son riborégulateur puisque ce dernier montrait un phénotype d’inhibition de croissance. L’efficacité avec laquelle le riborégulateur guaA pouvait réprimer l’expression génique a été déterminée lors des essais de gène rapporteur gusA et de PCR quantitative en temps réel. Une baisse de l’expression ligand-dépendante a été observée dans des conditions variant en concentration de guanine. Le mutant de délétion par inactivation du gène guaA a aussi démontré une baisse dans sa capacité d’infecter un modèle murin. En effet, lors d’une étude d’infection en compétition avec le type sauvage, les décomptes cellulaires du mutant guaA étaient diminués de 4 logs. Ces résultats indiquent un rôle fondamental du gène guaA sur le pouvoir infectieux de C. difficile 630 et mettent en évidence l’importance du riborégulateur qui contrôle l’expression de ce gène. Toutes les expériences faites dans le cadre du projet ont été entreprises chez C. difficile 630 afin de garder un contexte plus naturel au cours des analyses. Les résultats présentés ici mettent en évidence le potentiel des riborégulateurs comme cibles antibiotiques. Des travaux futurs devront être effectués afin de vérifier l’effet que pourraient avoir certains analogues de ligands qui ciblent les riborégulateurs guanine sur la viabilité de C. difficile.

Régulation du c-di-GMP et rôle de ce messager secondaire dans la formation de pili de type IV chez Clostridium difficile.

Bordeleau, Éric January 2014 (has links)
Malgré la découverte du c-di-GMP en 1987, ce n’est que durant la dernière décennie que l’importance de ce messager secondaire dans la régulation des phénotypes bactériens a été exposée. Synthétisé par des diguanylate cyclases (DGC) et dégradé par des phosphodiestérases spécifiques (PDE), le c-di-GMP est prédit pour être un messager secondaire très répandu chez les bactéries et pratiquement exclusif à celles-ci. Le c-di-GMP est particulièrement reconnu pour son rôle dans la transition des bactéries motiles et planctoniques vers la formation de biofilm chez les bactéries à Gram négatif telles qu’Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Vibrio cholerae. De plus, le c-di-GMP est impliqué dans la régulation de l’expression de certains facteurs de virulence chez certaines bactéries. Ainsi, il est possible de révéler les mécanismes de régulation de certains phénotypes importants par l’étude de la signalisation à c-di-GMP dans une bactérie donnée. Clostridium difficile est une bactérie pathogène causant des diarrhées nosocomiales, des colites et pouvant causer des décès chez l’Homme. Les phénotypes impliqués dans la pathogenèse de C. difficile et leur régulation demeurent en grande partie méconnus. Le génome de C. difficile 630 était prédit être capable de coder pour 37 DGC et PDE putatives, un nombre en apparence élevé pour une bactérie à Gram positif. L’objectif global de mon doctorat était de déterminer si la signalisation à c-di-GMP était fonctionnelle chez C. difficile puis de déterminer le rôle du c-di-GMP chez cette bactérie. Dans un premier projet, mes travaux de doctorat ont permis de démontrer que la majorité des 37 DCG et PDE putatives chez C. difficile 630 sont fonctionnelles. Les 31 DCG et PDE les plus conservées dans les différentes souches de C. difficile ont été exprimées dans V. cholerae afin d’évaluer indirectement leur capacité de synthèse et de dégradation du c-di-GMP en mesurant leur impact sur motilité et la formation de biofilm de V. cholerae. La surexpression d’une DGC chez V. cholerae réduit la motilité par flagelle et augmente la formation de biofilm, alors que l’inverse est observé lors de la surexpression d’une PDE. De plus, l’activité d’une DCG, CD1420 (renommée DccA, CD630_14200), et une PDE, CD0757 (renommée CD630_07570) a été démontrée plus explicitement par des essais enzymatiques in vitro. Ainsi, ce projet a exposé l’important potentiel de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile, jusqu’alors étudiée presque exclusivement chez les bactéries à Gram négatif. Dans un deuxième projet, mes travaux de doctorat ont permis de démontrer le rôle des pili de type IV (T4P) dans l’agrégation de C. difficile et la régulation de leur expression par un riborégulateur à c-di-GMP. Les riborégulateurs sont des structures ARN situées dans la région 5’UTR des gènes capables de réguler l’expression des gènes en aval en fonction de la liaison d’un métabolite spécifique. Parmi les 16 riborégulateurs à c-di-GMP prédits dans le génome de C. difficile 630, le riborégulateur c-di-GMP-II Cdi2_4 est situé en amont du locus principal de synthèse de T4P. Mes travaux ont permis de montrer que l’augmentation de la concentration de c-di-GMP intracellulaire se traduit par une augmentation de l’expression des gènes de T4P, la formation de T4P à la surface des cellules et l’agrégation dépendante des T4P. De plus, le mécanisme de régulation du riborégulateur Cdi2_4 a été démontré in vitro. La liaison du c-di-GMP au riborégulateur Cdi2_4 prévient la formation d’un terminateur transcriptionnel et favorise ainsi la transcription des gènes de T4P en aval. Depuis la mise en évidence de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile dans la première partie de mon doctorat, un certain nombre de phénotypes régulés par c-di-GMP chez cette bactérie ont pu être déterminés ou prédits. Notamment, le c-di-GMP inhibe la transcription des gènes des flagelles en se liant au riborégulateur c-di-GMP-I Cd1 en amont et inhibe indirectement la production des toxines TcdA et TcdB. La démonstration de l’effet positif du c-di-GMP sur l’agrégation des cellules via les T4P, dans la deuxième partie de mon doctorat, contribue à notre compréhension de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile. Il apparait que le c-di-GMP inhibe la motilité et favorise la formation de structures pluricellulaires chez C. difficile à l’instar de plusieurs bactéries, néanmoins par des mécanismes de régulation distincts.

Cyclic-di-GMP Signaling in the Borrelia Spirochetes

Freedman, John 01 January 2011 (has links)
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in North America, with approximately 35,000 cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control in 2008. The genome of its causative agent, Borrelia burgdorferi, encodes for a set of genes involved in the metabolism and regulatory activities of the second messenger nucleotide, cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP). Rrp1 is a response regulatory-diguanylate cyclase, and its regulatory capability is likely mediated via production of c-di-GMP, as it lacks a DNA-binding domain. One known class of c-di-GMP effector/binding proteins are those that harbor a PIlZ domain. The genome of B. burgdorferi strain 5A4 encodes for one chromosomally-carried PilZ domain, which we have designated PlzA. Additionally, certain B. burgdorferi strains encode for a second PilZ domain-containing protein (PlzB) which is plasmid-carried. Both PlzA and PlzB were found to bind specifically to c-di-GMP, and c-di-GMP binding by PlzA was found to be dependant upon arginine residues in the c-di-GMP binding region. Additionally, expression of PlzA was found to be upregulated by tick feeding and was constitutive in the mammalian host. We next constructed two deletion/allelic exchange mutants – one with the targeted deletion of PlzA, and on ethat replaced PlzA with PlzB in a strain lacking the plzB gene. Our studies demonstrated that ΔplzA was deficient in motility and was also non-infectious in the mouse model of B. burgdorferi infection. Additionally, this strain remained viable in larval Ixodes ticks. Also, B31-plzB KI was deficient in motility, as well as infectivity, demonstrating that PlzB is unable to complement for functions fo PlzA in vitro and in vivo and that it may play other roles in the biology of B. burgdorferi strains carrying the plzB gene. These studies represent the first identification of a c-di-GMP binding protein in any spirochete, but also represent the first demonstration of the importance of PilZ domain proteins in a spirochetal system. We additionally examined the effects of c-di-GMP synthesis and breakdown in the related bacterium, B. hermsii, a causative agent of tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF). Deletion mutants in Rrp1 (B. hermsii’s sole diguanylate cyclase) and PdeA (B. hermsii’s only EAL domain-containing phosphodiesterase) were created. These strains were analyzed in order to determine: 1) the effect(s) of the losse of Rrp1/PdeA on intracellular spirochete c-di-GMP levels, and 2) the effects of Rrp1/PdeA on the establishment of murine infection and on gross motility/chemotaxis. It was demonstrated that c-di-GMP accumulates intracellularly in the cells lacking PdeA. Additionally, spirochetes were shown to chemotax towards N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) and they did not form soft agar swarms. In contrast, cells lacking Rrp1 did not accumulate detectable levels of c-di-GMP, demonstrated a reduced ability to chemotax towards NAG, and swarmed on soft agar in a fashion indistinguishable from wild type. Despite these differences in phenotype, both mutant strains display an attenuated murine infectivity. These results indicate that c-di-GMP is indeed important in the TBRF spirochete, B. hermsii and this vital second messenger plays key roles in virulence, motility, and chemotaxis. These studies also pave the way for future investigation of B. hermsii through use of targeted genetic manipulation.

Characterization of cyclic-di-GMP signaling with the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi

Kostick, Jessica 23 September 2011 (has links)
Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, B. garinii, and B. afzelii. These spirochetes experience environmental fluctuations as they are passed between mammalian and Ixodes tick hosts throughout their enzootic cycle. Recent studies have suggested cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP), a ubiquitous secondary messenger, is a key modulator of B. burgdorferi adaptive responses and may play a significant role in cycle progression. In this study, we examined the impact of the sole diguanylate cyclase (Rrp1), c-di-GMP binding proteins (PlzA and PlzB), and HD-GYP-containing phosphodiesterase (PdeB) in disease establishment of both murine and Ixodes tick systems. Strains harboring targeted gene deletions or plasmid-based constitutive gene expression constructs were generated. Rrp1 was required for tick colonization, yet overexpression abolished murine disease, thus implicating the requirement of finely regulated c-di-GMP levels for enzootic cycle progression. Deletion of rrp1 disrupted translational motion and swarming patterns by causing extended cell runs, eliminating stops/flexes, and reducing swarming capabilities. This was attributed to a defect in N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAG) metabolism and chemotaxis. NAG is a major source of nutrition for B. burgdorferi within the tick environment; therefore this defect would impede spirochete migration towards feeding ticks, as well as pathogen uptake and survival within the Ixodes vector. In contrast, the downstream c-di-GMP effector, PlzA, was critical for murine disease but nonessential for survival within ticks nor functionally complemented by PlzB. Deletion of plzA altered strain motility and swarming similarly to the rrp1 deletion mutant, yet had a distinct phenotype with significantly slower translational motion and no affect on NAG chemotaxis and metabolism. This indicates B. burgdorferi could possess alternate c-di-GMP effectors or Rrp1 could be directly influencing these cellular processes. Uniquely, PdeB did not abolish murine infection via needle inoculation, but wasrequired for natural transmission from ticks. This defect was linked to the decreased tick colonization efficiency upon pdeB deletion. Together, these analyses indicate that c-di-GMP signaling is an important virulence mechanism of Borrelia burgdorferi and demonstrate the complexity of this signaling pathway in an arthropod-borne pathogen. The data presented here additionally provide significant new insight into the gene regulatory mechanisms of the Lyme disease spirochetes.

Development and application of fluorescent cAMP und cGMP biosensors / Entwicklung und Anwendung fluoreszierender Biosensoren für cAMP und cGMP

Nikolaev, Viacheslav January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are two ubiquitous important second messengers, which regulate diverse physiological responses from vision and memory to blood pressure and thrombus formation. They act in cells via cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA and GK), cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and Epac. Although the concept of cyclic nucleotide signalling is well developed based on classical biochemical studies, these techniques have not allowed to analyze cAMP and cGMP in live cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to develop a technique for visualization of cAMP and cGMP in live cells and in vitro by means of fluorescent biosensors. Ligand-induced conformational change in a single nucleotide-binding domain flanked with green fluorescent protein mutants was used for dynamic, highly sensitive measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Such biosensors retained binding properties and chemical specificity of unmodified domains, allowing to image cyclic nucleotides in a physiologically relevant range of concentrations. To develop cAMP-sensors, binding domains of PKA, Epac and cAMP-gated HCN-channel were used. cGMP-sensors were based on single domains of GK and phosphodiesterases (PDEs). Sensors based on Epac were used to analyze spatio-temporal dynamics of cAMP in neurons and macrophages, demonstrating that cAMP-gradients travel with a high speed (~ 40 μm/s) throughout the entire cytosol. To understand the mechanisms of cAMP-compartmentation, kinetics properties of phosphodi-esterase (PDE2) were, next, analyzed in aldosterone producing cells. PDE2 is able to rapidly hydrolyze extensive amounts of cAMP, so that the speed of cAMP-hydrolysis is much faster than that of its synthesis, which might serve as a basis of compartmentation. cAMP-sensors were also used to develop a clinically relevant diagnostic method for reliable detection of β1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in cardiac myopathy patients, which has allowed to significantly increase the sensitivity of previously developed diagnostic approaches. Conformational change in a single binding domain of GK and PDE was, next, used to create novel fluorescent biosensors for cGMP. These sensors demonstrated high spatio-temporal resolution and were applied to analyze rapid dynamics of cGMP production by soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases as well as to image cGMP in mesangial cells. In summary, highly sensitive biosensors for cAMP and cGMP based on single cyclic nucleotide-binding domains have been developed and used in various biological and clinically relevant applications. / Die zyklischen Nukleotide cAMP and cGMP sind zwei ubiquitäre Botenstoffe, die verschiedene physiologische Prozesse regulieren, vom Sehen und Gedächtnis bis zu Blutdruck und Thrombusbildung. Sie wirken über cAMP- und cGMP-abhängige Kinasen (PKA und GK), Kanäle und Epac. Obgleich die Funktionen von zyklischen Nukleotiden in klassischen biochemischen Studien gut untersucht sind, ermöglichen diese Methoden nicht, cAMP und cGMP in lebenden Zellen mit hoher zeitlicher und räumlicher Auflösung zu analysieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde Fluoreszenzresonanzenergietransfer benutzt, um eine Technik für die Visualisierung von cAMP and cGMP in lebenden Zellen und in vitro zu entwickeln. Ligand-induzierte Konformationsänderung in einer einzelnen, mit Grünfluoreszenzproteinmutanten fusionierten Bindungsdomäne diente als Grundlage für Biosensoren, die dynamische, hochsensitive Messungen von cAMP und cGMP ermöglichen. Bei solchen Sensoren wurden die chemischen und Bindungseigenschaften von unmodifizierten Domänen aufrechterhalten, was die cAMP- und cGMP-Messungen im physiologischen Konzentrationsbereich in lebenden Zellen ermöglicht. Für die Entwicklung der cAMP-Sensoren wurden die Domänen von PKA, Epac und von einem cAMP- gesteuerten HCN-Kanal benutzt. cGMP-Sensoren beruhen sich auf den Bindungsdomänen von GK und Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs). Mit Hilfe der auf Epac-basierten Sensoren wurde die cAMP-Dynamik in Neuronen und Makrophagen zeitlich und räumlich aufgelöst. In diesen Zellen diffundiert cAMP mit hoher Geschwindigkeit (~ 40 μm/s) frei durch das ganze Zytosol. Um die Mechanismen der cAMP-Kompartimentierung besser zu verstehen, wurden die kinetischen Eigenschaften der PDE2 in aldosteronproduzierenden Zellen analysiert. PDE2 ist imstande, große Mengen von cAMP äußerst schnell zu hydrolisieren, so dass die Geschwindigkeit der cAMP-Hydrolyse viel höher ist als von cAMP-Synthese, was eine Grundlage der cAMP-Kompartimentierung sein könnte. cAMP-Sensoren wurden auch benutzt, um eine klinisch relevante diagnostische Methode zu entwickeln, die Autoantikörper gegen β1-adrenergen Rezeptoren bei Herzinsuffizienzpatienten zuverlässig nachweist. Diese Methode hat ermöglicht, die Sensitivität der früher entwickelten Techniken zu verbessern. Konformationsänderung in einzelnen Bindungsdomänen von GK und PDE wurde als nächstes benutzt, um ein Reihe neuer fluoreszierender Biosensoren für cGMP zu entwickeln. Diese Sensoren zeigten hohe räumliche und zeitliche Auslösung und wurden zur Analyse schneller Dynamik von cGMP-Synthese und für cGMP-Imaging in Mesangialzellen angewandt. Zusammenfassend wurden hochsensitive Biosensoren für cAMP und cGMP auf Grund einzelner, mit Grünfluoreszenzproteinmutanten fusionierter Bindungs-domäne entwickelt und in verschiedenen biologischen und klinisch relevanten Applikationen eingesetzt.

Capacitação técnica em boas práticas de ordenha e ocorrência de patógenos causadores de mastites contagiosas em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo / Training of good milking practices and occurrence of pathogens causing contagious mastitis in dairy farms from the State of Sao Paulo

Callay, Rocio Elizabeth Contero 10 October 2017 (has links)
A doença da inflamação da glândula mamária, também conhecida como mastite, tem como uma das características o aumento de células somáticas no leite de quartos afetados. Entre as bactérias predominantes causadoras de mastites, destacam-se Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. Vários estudos sugerem que estes agentes são tipicamente transmitidos de uma vaca para outra durante o momento da ordenha. A aplicação de programas de boas práticas de ordenha (BPO) permitem o controle da mastite pela eliminação de infecções detectadas no rebanho, prevenção de riscos e adequadas condições produtivas e sanitárias. A interação contínua entre produtores e técnicos tem se confirmado como ferramenta importante nos programas de treinamento, favorecendo o compartilhamento de experiências. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da capacitação técnica em BPO na qualidade higiênica do leite, mediante o monitoramento das práticas de ordenha implementadas, análises de componentes químicos e microbiológicos, incluindo a identificação de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp., em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo. Na fase final do estudo foi observado que 84% dos itens de BPO avaliados estavam sendo usados com capacitação técnica, incluindo modificações de infraestrutura e controle da qualidade da fonte de água. O sucesso da aplicação de programas de controle da qualidade requerem o comprometimento dos produtores de leite. Entre as BPO que não foram adotadas, destacam-se o uso de luvas durante a ordenha e sanitizante na limpeza dos equipamentos, práticas que poderiam diminuir a transmissão dos patógenos contagiosos entre os animais. Embora as análises microbiológicas e identificação dos patógenos dos diferentes pontos de coleta tenham apresentado resultados variáveis ao longo do estudo, elas constituíram uma ferramenta importante durante o processo de capacitação técnica. / The mammary gland disease, also known as mastitis, has as characteristic the increase of somatic cells in milk from affected udder. Among the predominant bacteria causing mastitis, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp are highlighted. Several studies suggest that these agents are typically transmitted from one cow to another during the milking. The application of programs on good milking practices (GMP) allows the control of mastitis through the elimination of infections detected in the herd, prevention of risks and proper productive and sanitary conditions. The continuous interaction between farmers and trainers has been confirmed as an important tool on training programs, supporting sharing experiences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of GMP training on hygienic quality of milk, by monitoring milking practices implemented, chemical and microbiological analyzes, including the identification of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. in dairy farms from Sao Paulo state. In the final phase of this study it was demonstrated that 84% of the BPO evaluated items were being used with training including infrastructure modifications and quality control of the water source. The success of the implementation of quality control programs requires the commitment of dairy farmers. The GMP not adopted included the use of gloves during milking and sanitizers on equipment cleaning, practices that could reduce the transmission of contagious pathogens among animals. Although the microbiological analyses of the pathogens in different points on the milking management were inconstant during the study, they constitute an important tool during the training process.

Neuroprotection during acute hyperthermic stress: Role of the PKG pathway in neurons and glia in the protection of neural function in Drosophila melanogaster

Unknown Date (has links)
The human brain functions within a narrow range of temperatures and variations outside of this range incur cellular damage and death and, ultimately, death of the organism. Other organisms, like the poikilotherm Drosophila melanogaster, have adapted mechanisms to maintain brain function over wide ranges in temperature and, if exposed to high temperatures where brain function is no longer supported, these animals enter a protective coma to promote survival of the organism once the acute temperature stress is alleviated. This research characterized the role of different neuronal cell types, including glia, in the protection of brain function during acute hyperthermia, specifically looking at two protective pathways: the heat shock protein (HSP) pathway and the cGMP-dependent protein kinase G (PKG) pathway. Whole animal behavioral assays were used in combination with tissue-specific genetic manipulation of protective pathways to determine the specific cell types sufficient to confer protection of neuronal function during acute hyperthermia. Using the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) preparation, calcium imaging techniques were combined with pharmacological and genetic manipulations to test the hypothesis that alterations in ion channel conductance via endogenous mechanisms regulating the cellular response to high temperature stress alter neuronal function. Expression of foraging RNAi to inhibit PKG expression in neurons or glia demonstrated protection of function during acute hyperthermia measured behaviorally through the extension of locomotor function. This extension of function with the tissue-specific inhibition of PKG was also confirmed at the cellular level using the genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI), GCaMP3, to image calcium dynamics at the NMJ, where preparations expressing foraging RNAi could continue to elicit changes in calcium dynamics in response to stimulation. Over the course of this study, the mechanism underlying a novel glial calcium wave in the peripheral nervous system was characterized in order to elucidate glia’s role in the protection of neuronal function during acute hyperthermia. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Capacitação técnica em boas práticas de ordenha e ocorrência de patógenos causadores de mastites contagiosas em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo / Training of good milking practices and occurrence of pathogens causing contagious mastitis in dairy farms from the State of Sao Paulo

Rocio Elizabeth Contero Callay 10 October 2017 (has links)
A doença da inflamação da glândula mamária, também conhecida como mastite, tem como uma das características o aumento de células somáticas no leite de quartos afetados. Entre as bactérias predominantes causadoras de mastites, destacam-se Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. Vários estudos sugerem que estes agentes são tipicamente transmitidos de uma vaca para outra durante o momento da ordenha. A aplicação de programas de boas práticas de ordenha (BPO) permitem o controle da mastite pela eliminação de infecções detectadas no rebanho, prevenção de riscos e adequadas condições produtivas e sanitárias. A interação contínua entre produtores e técnicos tem se confirmado como ferramenta importante nos programas de treinamento, favorecendo o compartilhamento de experiências. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da capacitação técnica em BPO na qualidade higiênica do leite, mediante o monitoramento das práticas de ordenha implementadas, análises de componentes químicos e microbiológicos, incluindo a identificação de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp., em propriedades leiteiras do estado de São Paulo. Na fase final do estudo foi observado que 84% dos itens de BPO avaliados estavam sendo usados com capacitação técnica, incluindo modificações de infraestrutura e controle da qualidade da fonte de água. O sucesso da aplicação de programas de controle da qualidade requerem o comprometimento dos produtores de leite. Entre as BPO que não foram adotadas, destacam-se o uso de luvas durante a ordenha e sanitizante na limpeza dos equipamentos, práticas que poderiam diminuir a transmissão dos patógenos contagiosos entre os animais. Embora as análises microbiológicas e identificação dos patógenos dos diferentes pontos de coleta tenham apresentado resultados variáveis ao longo do estudo, elas constituíram uma ferramenta importante durante o processo de capacitação técnica. / The mammary gland disease, also known as mastitis, has as characteristic the increase of somatic cells in milk from affected udder. Among the predominant bacteria causing mastitis, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp are highlighted. Several studies suggest that these agents are typically transmitted from one cow to another during the milking. The application of programs on good milking practices (GMP) allows the control of mastitis through the elimination of infections detected in the herd, prevention of risks and proper productive and sanitary conditions. The continuous interaction between farmers and trainers has been confirmed as an important tool on training programs, supporting sharing experiences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of GMP training on hygienic quality of milk, by monitoring milking practices implemented, chemical and microbiological analyzes, including the identification of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. in dairy farms from Sao Paulo state. In the final phase of this study it was demonstrated that 84% of the BPO evaluated items were being used with training including infrastructure modifications and quality control of the water source. The success of the implementation of quality control programs requires the commitment of dairy farmers. The GMP not adopted included the use of gloves during milking and sanitizers on equipment cleaning, practices that could reduce the transmission of contagious pathogens among animals. Although the microbiological analyses of the pathogens in different points on the milking management were inconstant during the study, they constitute an important tool during the training process.

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