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Arte retórica em Ordinatio, de Consecratione e de Administratione de Suger de Saint-Denis / Rhetorical art in Ordinato, De Consecratione and Administratione of Suger de Saint-DenisSelene Candian dos Santos 23 September 2014 (has links)
No segundo quartel do século XII, Suger de Saint-Denis, monge cluniacense, escreveu três textos nos quais mencionou e descreveu a reforma que conduziu na abadia de Saint-Denis durante seu abaciado. Essa reforma foi posteriormente identificada pela História da Arte como a origem da arquitetura gótica. Tais textos, conhecidos como Ordinatio, De Consecratione e De Administratione, publicados e traduzidos em diversas edições, foram analisados, assim, por alguns historiadores da arte, como Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne e Conrad Rudolph, a partir de marcos teóricos relacionados às artes, à arquitetura, à estética e à psicologia. Contudo, apesar de muitos estudiosos, como Rita Copeland e Suzanne Reynolds, advogarem a importância da retórica no século XII, as características retóricas desses textos não foram, ainda, examinadas de forma minuciosa por estudiosos. A investigação sobre os gêneros discursivos nos quais os textos foram compostos, sobre as partes do discurso e sobre as técnicas retóricas aplicadas aos textos pode revelar que algumas passagens que tradicionalmente foram tomadas à letra ou como a experiência empírica e a opinião de Suger podem ser pensadas como posicionamentos não literais e discursivos. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir para a erudição sobre os escritos de Suger por meio do reconhecimento e da análise de suas características retóricas / In the second quarter of the twelfth century, Suger of Saint-Denis, a Cluniac monk, wrote three texts in which he mentioned and described the renovation he carried out in the abbey church of Saint-Denis in his prelacy. That renovation was later identified by History of Art as the origin of Gothic architecture. Such texts, known as Ordinatio, De Consecratione, and De Administratione, published and translated in several editions, have thus been analyzed by some art historians, namely Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne, and Conrad Rudolph, based on theoretical frameworks related to the arts, architecture, aesthetics, and psychology. Nevertheless, although many scholars, such as Rita Copeland and Suzanne Reynolds, have been asserting the importance of rhetoric in the twelfth century, the rhetorical character of these texts has not yet been thoroughly examined by scholars. Investigation into the genres in which the texts were written, into the parts of discourse, and into the rhetorical techniques applied to the texts may reveal that some passages that have traditionally been taken at face value or as Suger\'s empirical experience and opinion may be thought of as non-literal-minded and discursive stances. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to contribute to the scholarship on Suger\'s writings by recognizing and scrutinizing their rhetorical features
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O Abade Suger, a igreja de Saint-Denis e os primordios da arquitetura Gotica na ile-de-France do Seculo XIIRabelo, Marcos Monteiro 29 July 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Cesar Marques Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T16:32:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A igreja abacial de Saint-Denis, situada nos arredores de Paris, figura entre os grandes monumentos da Idade Média européia. As fontes medievais abundam em referências à sua proeminência, designando-a como a ¿mãe das igrejas francesas¿. Por muitos séculos, ela foi o núcleo da prestigiosa abadia real, estatuto que a isentava de qualquer dominação feudal ou eclesiástica, estando sujeita apenas ao rei. No que respeita à história da arte, pode-se dizer que o período mais significativo na trajetória da igreja abacial é o da reforma promovida pelo abade Suger, realizada entre 1137 e 1144. Suger promoveu uma reformulação completa na parte ocidental (nártex) e na cabeceira (o coro e a cripta), transformando completamente o antigo edifício, da época carolíngia (século VIII). O nártex foi ampliado e ganhou elementos novos, como a rosácea na fachada, três portais de entrada e as estátuas-coluna, hoje desaparecidas, que flanqueavam o portal central. No coro, a mudança foi ainda mais intensa: a pequena abside carolíngia foi substituída por uma estrutura de grandes dimensões, equipada com sete capelas radiantes. A grande novidade ficava por conta dos vitrais que recobriam as janelas desses oratórios, os quais permitiam à luz do dia espalhar-se por todo o coro, desobstruído das grossas paredes. As mudanças estruturais e a nova concepção do espaço tornavam o edifício bastante distinto, quando comparado às construções românicas da época; a Saint-Denis de Suger é vista pelos estudiosos da arte medieval como um protótipo, onde a arquitetura gótica encontrou sua primeira definição, irradiando-se, nos séculos seguintes, para toda a Europa. Esta dissertação de Mestrado apresenta a tradução de um dos textos capitais para a compreensão das realizações de Suger em Saint-Denis, o De Consecratione Ecclesiae Sancti Dionysii, acompanhado de notas explicativas e dois textos críticos: um sobre o lugar de Suger na historiografia da arte medieval e outro acerca das relações entre teologia e ¿estética¿ no templo edificado pelo abade / Abstract: The abbey church of Saint-Denis, situated at the vicinity of Paris, is one of the most proeminent of the European Middle Ages. Medieval sources have a great number of references to its importance, naming it as the ¿mother of the French churches¿. For many centuries, the abbey church was the core of the prestigious royal abbey, and its status has made it free of any feudal or ecclesiastical domination and only subject to the king himself. To art historians, the most significative moment in the history of the church is the great reform promoted by abbot Suger (1122-1151) during the years 1137-1144. Suger has achieved a complete reformulation in the western sector (the narthex) and the chevet (the choir and the crypt), transforming the old carolingian building (erected at the 8th century). The narthex was enlarged and added of three new portals and statue-columns (disappeared) that flanked the central portal. In the choir, the changes were still more significant: the little carolingian apse was removed and, at its place, a new and great structure was constructed, equipped with seven radiant chappels. But one of the most significant innovations present in Suger¿s new building were the stained glass windows, the great vitraux that let the daylight spread over the choir. One can say that the structural changes and the new conception of the ecclesiatical space gave the church of Suger a new form, quiet different from other romanic sanctuaries of its time. This new building erected under Suger¿s administration is considered by the scholars as the beginning of Gothic architecture, which should spread thereafter all over Europe. This Ms. Dissertation offers a translation (to portuguese) of Suger¿s little book De Consecratione Ecclesiae Sancti Dionysii, with explicative notes and two analytical texts: the former is about the place of Suger at the medieval art historiography and the latter is about the relations between the theology and the ¿aesthetics¿ in the old Saint-Denis abbot¿s temple / Mestrado / Historia da Arte / Mestre em História
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THE MALE MENTOR FIGURE IN WOMEN'S FICTION, 1778-1801Evans, Jessica R. 01 January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation follows the development of the mentor figure from Frances Burney’s Evelina published in 1778 to Maria Edgeworth’s Belinda in 1801. The mentor becomes a key figure for exploring women’s revolutionary ideas on female education and women’s roles in society. My dissertation contributes to discussions on mentoring, development of the Gothic mode, and debates over sensibility and sentimental fiction. It considers how the female mentee paradoxically both desires and criticizes her male mentor and his authority. Each author under discussion employed the mentor figure in a way that addressed their contemporary society’s issues and prejudices toward the treatment of women and the power of sensibility. Much of this treatment was traced to a conversation of reforming female education from an accomplishment-based pedagogy to a moral, intellectual-based instruction that was more masculine in nature (emphasizing a balance between sensibility and reason).
Frequently, the mentor provides general comments and recommendations about love to his female pupil, who is entering into the marriage market, but his advice often turns out to be wrong or misplaced since it does not fit the actual situation. He is a good spiritual guide but a poor romantic advisor. I assert that the mentor figure’s usual lack of romantic sentiment and his pupil’s ability to surpass him in matters of the heart reveal a tendency to subvert male authority. Throughout this discussion, questions related to gender arise. Women’s desire for their own agency and control over both their minds and bodies underpin much of women’s eighteenth-century fiction. My dissertation explores these complex relationships between male mentors and their female pupils.
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The haunted bedroom: female sexual identity in Gothic literature, 1790-1820Rae, Angela Lynn January 1999 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between the Female Gothic novel of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and the social context of women at that time. In the examination of the primary works of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley, this study investigates how these female writers work within the Gothic genre to explore issues related to the role of women in their society, in particular those concerned with sexual identity. It is contended that the Gothic genre provides these authors with the ideal vehicle through which to critique the patriarchal definition of the female, a definition which confines and marginalizes women, denying the female any sexual autonomy. The Introduction defines the scope of the thesis by delineating the differences between the Female Gothic and the Male Gothic. Arguing that the Female Gothic shuns the voyeuristic victimisation of women which characterizes much of the Male Gothic, it is contended that the Female Gothic is defined by its interest in, and exploration of, issues which concern the status of women in a patriarchy. It is asserted that it is this concern with female gender roles that connects the overtly radical work of Mary Wollstonecraft with the oblique critique evident in her contemporary, Ann Radcliffe’s, novels. It is these concerns too, which haunt Mary Shelley’s texts, published two decades later. Chapter One outlines the status of women in the patriarchal society of the late eighteenth century, a period marked by political and social upheaval. This period saw the increasing division of men and women into the “separate spheres” of the public and domestic worlds, and the consequent birth of the ideal of “Angel in the House” which became entrenched in the nineteenth century. The chapter examines how women writers were influenced by this social context and what effect it had on the presentation of female characters in their work, in particular in terms of their depiction of motherhood. Working from the premise that, in order to fully understand the portrayal of female sexuality in the texts, the depiction of the male must be examined, Chapter Two analyses the male characters in terms of their relationship to the heroines and/or the concept of the “feminine”. Although the male characters differ from text to text and author to author, it is argued that in their portrayal of “heroes and villains” the authors were providing a critique of the patriarchal system. While some of the texts depict male characters that challenge traditional stereotypes concerning masculinity, others outline the disastrous and sometimes fatal consequences for both men and women of the rigid gender divisions which disallow the male access to the emotional realm restricted by social prescriptions to the private, domestic world of the female. It is contended that, as such, all of the texts assert the necessity for male and female, masculine and feminine to be united on equal terms. Chapter Three interprets the heroine’s journey through sublime landscapes and mysterious buildings as a journey from childhood innocence to sexual maturity, illustrating the intrinsic link that exists between the settings of Gothic novels and female sexuality. The chapter first examines the authors’ use of the Burkean concept of the sublime and contends that the texts offer a significant revision of the concept. In contrast to Burke’s overtly masculinist definition of the sublime, the texts assert that the female can and does have access to it, and that this access can be used to overcome patriarchal oppression. Secondly, an analysis of the image of the castle and related structures reveals that they can symbolise both the patriarchy and the feminine body. Contending that the heroine’s experiences within these structures enable her to move from innocence to experience, it is asserted that the knowledge that she gains, during her journeys, of herself and of society allows her to assert her independence as a sexually adult woman.
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Proměny gotického žánru ve viktoriánských duchařských povídkách / Transformations of the Gothic in Victorian Ghost StoriesBambušková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Thesis abstract This thesis will focus on the ways in which the transformations in nineteenth-century Gothic stories mirror the gradual changes in the Victorian society's notions about perception and about the metaphysical. The nineteenth century marks a time when advances in science made it clear that not seeing something does not mean that it does not exist, and when psychologists made it clear that seeing something does not necessarily mean it does exist. Moreover, the nineteenth century was a time when religious notions that were previously accepted without question started to be doubted. When people lost their faith in the unseen and at the same time became aware that their eyes are not sufficient to see everything and that their mind may play tricks on them, the notion of reality was increasingly problematized, which is made especially clear in the genre of the Gothic. It could be argued that while the basic tropes of the Gothic remain more or less the same; however, the way they are used, the reactions of the protagonists as well as the general outlook of the story are problematized by newly introduced ideas about vision and human mind. It could be said that in many cases there is no longer a clear boundary between the protagonist and the 'other' of the story, which can often be interpreted as an...
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Figures de femmes chez Valentine Penrose : à la croisée du saphisme littéraire et du roman gothiqueKearney, Beth F. 11 1900 (has links)
Valentine Penrose est une poète, romancière et collagiste surréaliste moins connue que certaines de ses homologues telles Frida Kahlo ou Claude Cahun. Si les quelques études qui lui ont été consacrées reconnaissent l’omniprésence du féminin et le caractère inquiétant de certaines manifestations de la femme dans son œuvre, les sources de ces représentations n’ont guère été explorées. Pour combler cette lacune, notre mémoire s’applique à analyser l’œuvre de Penrose afin d’y mettre en lumière la présence textuelle et picturale du saphisme littéraire et du roman gothique, deux influences majeures de l’auteure-artiste. En plus d’étudier en détail les collages insérés dans le recueil de poèmes Dons des féminines, nous explorerons également les nombreuses images in absentia du corpus, car nous constatons que l’écriture penrosienne a très souvent recours aux effets de style « picturaux ». Par conséquent, au fil de nos analyses, nous allons osciller entre une étude littéraire et une approche intermédiale des rapports texte/image, afin de mettre en relief la réactualisation polymorphe de deux traditions ; la présence du saphisme et du gothique transparaît à travers l’emploi de certaines figures de femme, les partis pris thématiques de Penrose, le choix des décors et des trames narratives. Au terme de la présente étude, nous aurons mis en évidence trois figures de femmes propres à l’univers penrosien : la femme-nature, la fugueuse et la rebelle exemplifient, à nos yeux, la manière dont l’œuvre de Penrose se situe à la croisée du saphisme littéraire et du roman gothique. / Valentine Penrose was a surrealist poet, novelist and collagist, less well-known than many of her female counterparts such as Frida Kahlo or Claude Cahun. Albeit few, there are studies on Penrose that recognize both the omnipresence of women and their often disquieting portrayal. The origins of these representations remain, however, largely under-explored. In order to fill this considerable lacuna in existing knowledge on Penrose’s work, this thesis will analyze her œuvre, highlighting the textual and pictorial presence of two major influences: literary Saphism and the Gothic novel. In addition to analyzing the collages that accompany the poetry in Dons des féminines, we will also study the corpus’ many images in absentia, as we believe that Penrose’s style very often has recourse to “pictorial” literary devices. Consequently, throughout our analyses, we adopt both a literary and an intermedial approach, looking closely at both textual and pictorial representations of women in order to demonstrate the polymorphous borrowing of two traditions; Saphism and the Gothic appear via the representation of certain characters, Penrose’s thematic biases and the choice of particular spatial environments and narrative structures. The present study thereby sheds light on the representation of three female figures specific to Penrose’s universe: the woman of nature (la femme-nature), the fugitive (la fugueuse) and the rebel (la rebelle) each exemplify the way in which Penrose’s œuvre is located at the crossroads of literary Saphism and the Gothic novel.
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Living Stones: Sculpted Foliage in Gothic Architecture, c.1140-1300Cataldo, Emogene January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines key examples of foliate carving from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, re-evaluating its historiographic context while refracting foliate decoration through the lens of climate in the medieval West. Looking to medieval ideas about plant life, weather, and religious devotion in France and England, this study posits that ecological change, rather than the influx of ideas in medieval universities, was a key factor in changing attitudes towards nature in the Middle Ages.
The foliate program on the west façade of Notre-Dame of Amiens illustrates connections to environmental miracles, authenticity of local relics, and the Church’s attempts to intervene in natural disasters. Taking one of the most significant examples of medieval foliate sculpture, the interior foliate frieze of Amiens, a new analysis argues that sculptors knowingly made this monumental frieze look as if it were organic and alive, rather than reproducing each segment identically. Crockets, on the other hand, a site of repetition and modular adaptation, are considered an important aspect of Gothic design, especially in the quire and west front of Wells Cathedral, where innovative crocket designs appear to complement the visual identity crafted by the diocese.
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Katedrála v současnosti / Cathedral todayRampáčková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with famous Notre-Dame de Paris, which was destroyed by fire in 2019. The work focuses specifically on the design of completion of the construction. The cathedral is situated in the historical centre of Paris on the Île de la Cité. A lot of damage was caused to the building after the devastating fire on 15 April 2019. The aim of the thesis was to create a spiritual place that would maintain its past, but at the same time manage to follow ecological solutions in the present. The new design of the attic creates a sacred place, in which we realize the importance of faith and the peace of God. The cathedral is open to the general public ? religious people from all over the world come here to experience the love, joy and happiness that the cathedral invokes. The whole attic can be described as an open space, which symbolizes infinity or immortality from the religious point of view. It represents the connection of the past, present and future. The space is designed to hold priestly celebrations and to be open for the public. It can also be used for various events, such as exhibitions of sculptures that survived the fire.
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Bloody Penny Picture Pose : A comparative study on the representation of sexuality and violence within the aesthetics of Victorian Gothic horrorBornlöf, Julia January 2019 (has links)
There is an ongoing fascination with the Victorian era as well as the genre of horror, and the characters originating from the first 18th century Gothic tales still appear in our Western popular culture today. The Victorian Gothic novels contain elements of romanticism and violence which often results in strong undertones of heated sexuality. I argue that it is one of the reasons for the genre’s wide popularity. This thesis examines the representation of femininity and female sexuality within a Victorian horror context by a comparative analyse of illustrations from British 19th century Penny Blood publications with contemporary fashion photographs. The images are analysed by applying Erwin Panofsky’s method of Iconography and with the theoretical framework of feminist visual culture, and historical theories on sexuality, biology and violence. The thesis shows how Gothic visualisations are interpreted and appropriated photographically today, where the latter is darker and more exaggerated than the former. Symbols of sexuality, female agency, dominance and submission are equally found in the Victorian and the contemporary material. However, the Victorian aesthetic has become a platform where a nude, sexual female body in a S&M situation can offer a spectrum of meanings and even symbols of feminism. It is a visual culture where women can fight back, taking revenge on their oppressor and looking fierce when doing so.
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Kvinnlig vänskap i Gotisk Litteratur : En komperativ studie av Gillian Flynns Gone Girl och Daphne du Mauriers Rebecca / Female Friendship in Gothic Literature : A Comparative Study of Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl and Daphne du Maurier's RebeccaHolmestrand, Wilma January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate the meaning and importance of the female friendship within Ellen Moers tradition and theory regarding the female gothic. In this essay, I argue that the female friendship has played an important role in the portrayal of the Gothic fiction as socially critical of women’s position in the society, mainly by examining the two works Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. The essay is also interested in how the female gothic has developed over time and whether the notion can be applied while analysing more contemporary gothic, and thus, considers the works’ different time periods.
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