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Den ensamma sjöjungfrun : Om Carina Rydbergs jagberättande ur ett genreperspektiv / The Lonely Mermaid : On Identity Narration and Genre in the Autobiographical Works of Carina RydbergAndersson, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this study is the two autobiographical novels Den högsta kasten (1997) and Djävulsformeln (2000) by Swedish author Carina Rydberg. Both novels generated lively public debate regarding how they ought to be read and understood, what genre they belonged to, and the ontological status of the narrating “I”. The aim is to investigate why the protagonist, Carina, is perceived as unintelligible by many readers and explore how she can be understood in relation to what constitutes an intelligible identity from a literary and cultural perspective. The novels, as well as their protagonist, are approached from the perspective of genre theory, the argument being that Carina’s unintelligibility is directly dependent on what genre she is read in relation to. In the first part of the thesis the ambiguities of autobiographical texts are discussed, and the narrative and protagonist are analyzed in relation to the autobiographical genre. In the second part of the thesis the consequences of reading the texts as examples of the Gothic with emphasis on monstrosity, the uncanny and sexual transgression are examined. The two readings demonstrate how interpretations of text and character are highly influenced by the reader's expectations connected to genre. Rydberg’s transgression of the norms of genre, gender, and identity leaves the reader with a contradictory set of genre-specific expectations, which in turn makes it difficult to understand and accept the protagonist. The main theme of both novels is Carina’s unsuccessful attempts to reconcile what she sees as two separate, essentially incompatible identities: woman and author. The final chapter includes a comparative study in which Rydberg’s novels are linked to works by other Swedish female writers, both past and contemporary, to demonstrate that the conflict of woman versus author is a common problem for female writers. The thesis closes with a discussion about the possibility of placing Rydberg in a specifically female literary tradition and demonstrate how a feminist analysis can make the unintelligible intelligible.
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Maktspel och död i två gotiska verk : En analys av Catherine Earnshaw och Madeleine Usher med fokus på makt och temat döden / Power and death in two gothic texts : An analysis of Catherine Earnshaw and Madeleine Usher focusing on the themes of power and deathWall, Anna-Lena January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Neogotická přestavba zámku Hluboká nad Vltavou / Neo-Gothic rebuilding of Castle Hluboká nad VltavouSieglová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Neo-Gothic rebuilding of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou" first provides a brief summary of basic literary and archival sources, followed by description of terminology in the field of 19th century architecture together with the explanation used by the author. After that there is mentioned a situation in Czech architecture at the end of 18th and in the 19th century. Next point is the Gothic Revival phenomenon - its establishment, ways of its spreading and its influence in middle Europe including Czech countries. Own topic of this thesis is introduced by a general and building history of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou. After that there are introduced prince Jan Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg and his wife, who managed the rebuilding of the chateau. There is also a description of their personal contacts with British culture and architecture. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to Neo-Gothic rebuilding of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou. This chapter is divided into several subchapters, where are described changes in the chateau interior and exterior including the effort of document the direct influence of Gothic Revival, and also the adaptation of the close surroundings of the chateau. Keywords Neo-Gothic architecture, Great Britain, Gothic Revival, chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou, prince Jan Adolf II....
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Text and Tapestry: "The Lady and the Unicorn," Christine de Pizan and the le VistesWilliams, Shelley 21 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The luminous, famous and enigmatic The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries are timelss objects at the center of heated scholarly discussion. There are six tapestries, created circa 1480-1500 (figures 1 – 6), and were commissioned by the le Viste family of Lyon, whose heraldic arms appear in each tapestry. This paper seeks to connect the tapestries conceptually to contemporary courtly, feminine ideals, the image of woman in late fifteenth-century Paris, and most importantly to Christine de Pizan's writings, particularly City of Ladies and The Treasury of the City of Ladies, both written in 1405. Through her texts, Christine de Pizan (1363 – 1434) created a noble, dignified image of women that may have influenced the way viewers were intended to perceive The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. While recent scholarly studies have connected the tapestries to contemporary texts, there has not been a discussion regarding Christine de Pizan's influential writings, their surrounding discourse, or the image of a woman as the visual embodiment of the le Viste family in connection to the tapestries. Specific passages in Christine's texts resemble motifs, objects, and underlying messages in The Lady and the Unicorn. While Christine's works may not have been the direct inspiration for the tapestries, both are a part of the visual and textual make-up of the abstracted feminine ideals that were circulating in Paris and France at large in the fifteenth century. The Lady and the Unicorn may also have had a didactic purpose similar to Christine's Treasury of the City of Ladies, displaying for the le Viste daughters through a visual medium the attributes of the ideal maiden. Exploring the cultural context in which The Lady and the Unicorn was created, specifically as it relates to women in society, the upper class, expectations for young maidens, visual and written moral messages for women and their artistic manifestations provides a new understanding of these exceptional tapestries.
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Gothic Agents Of Revolt: The Female Rebel In Pan's Labyrinth, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland And Through The Looking GlassMarkodimitrakis, Michail-Chrysovalantis 21 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Alien Places in Late Soviet Science Fiction : The "Unexpected Encounters" of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky as Novels and FilmsCederlöf, Henriette January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how science fiction reflects the shift in cultural paradigms that occurred in the Soviet Union between the 1960s and the 1970s. Interest was displaced from the rational to the irrational, from a scientific-technologically oriented optimism about the future to art, religion, philosophy and metaphysics. Concomitant with this shift in interests was a shift from the future to an elsewhere or, reformulated in exclusively spatial terms, from utopia to heterotopia. The dissertation consists of an analysis of three novels by the Strugatsky brothers (Arkady, 1925-1991 and Boris 1933-2012): Inspector Glebsky’s Puzzle (Otel’ U pogibšego al’pinista, 1970), The Kid (Malyš, 1971) and Roadside Picnic (Piknik na obočine, 1972) and two films Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel (Hukkunud alpinisti hotell/ Otel’ U pogibšego al’pinista, Kromanov, 1979) and Stalker (Tarkovsky, 1980). The three novels, allegedly treatments of the theme of contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, were intended to be published in one volume with the title Unexpected Encounters. The films are based on two of the novels. In the novels an earlier Marxist utopia has given way to a considerably more ambiguous heterotopia, largely envisioned as versions of the West. An indication of how the authors here seem to look back towards history rather than forward towards the future is to be found in the persistent strain of literary Gothic that runs through the novels. This particular trait resurfaces in the films as well. The films reflect how tendencies only discernable in the novels have developed throughout the decade, such as the budding Soviet consumer culture and the religious sensibilities of the artistic community.
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Die gruwel en die Gotiese in drie hedendaagse tekste : Die nag het net een oog - Francois Bloemhof, Drif - Reza de Wet, Een hart van steen - Renate DorresteinBuys, Helga Minnette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis contains the results of an investigation into the elements of the horror story and
the Gothic novel in three contemporary works. The investigation was conducted within the
theoretical framework of the original historical Gothic novel of the eighteenth century, in
comparison with contemporary theorization on the Gothic, with specific reference to the study
of Eddy Bertin, and to some extent Hendrik van Gorp and Fred Botting. Four conventions of
the Gothic genre were identified, and were applied to an Afrikaans novel and drama, as well
as a Dutch novel, to establish to which extent the Gothic manifests itself in these
contemporary texts. The study focussed on The night only has one eye (1991) by Francois
Bloemhof, Crossing/ Passion (1994) by Reza de Wet and A heart of stone (1999) by Renate
From these texts, which were read within a Gothic framework, it could be deduced that there
is a deviation from the conventional Gothic texts within both the Afrikaans and the Dutch
texts. This deviation especially occurs with regard to characterization, with specific reference
to the female character. The authors use the traditional Gothic characters as a point of
departure, but bring about renewal in the texts by making them part of a wider philosophical
field. The portrayal of the themes of good versus evil, space and tension, also shows a
deviation from the Gothic conventions.
An important finding in this study is that the Gothic genre in its pure form can not successfully
be traced in contemporary literature. The three texts under discussion show the occurrence of
allogamy between the different sub-categories of horror. A further important conclusion is that
these three texts cannot be merely categorized as Popular literature because of the renewal it
brings regarding the traditional Gothic conventions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bevat die resultate van 'n ondersoek na elemente van die gruwelverhaal en die
Gotiese roman in drie kontemporêre tekste. Die ondersoek is gedoen binne die teoretiese
raamwerk oor die genre van die oorspronklike historiese Gotiese roman van die agtiende eeu,
in vergelyking met die hedendaagse teoretisering oor die Gotiek, met spesifieke verwysing na
die navorsing van Eddy Bertin, en in 'n mindere mate Hendrik van Gorp en Fred Botting. Vier
konvensies van die Gotiese verhaaltipe is geïdentifiseer en toegepas op 'n Afrikaanse roman
en drama, asook 'n Nederlandse roman, om vas te stel in watter mate en op watter wyse die
Gotiek gemanifesteer word in dié hedendaagse tekste. Die navorsing fokus op Die nag het
net een oog (1991) van Francios Bloemhof, Drif (1994) van Reza de Wet en Een hart van
steen (1999) van Renate Dorrestein.
Dié tekste vertoon al drie duidelik Gotiese kenmerke, maar vertoon daarbyook opvallende
afwykings van die tradisionele verskyningsvorme van die Gotiek. Dit geld veral vir
karakterisering - meer spesifiek die vroulike karakter en die verhouding tussen die twee
geslagte. Die outeurs gebruik die tradisionele Gotiese tipe karakters as vertrekpunt, maar
bring vernuwing deur die tekste deel te maak van 'n wyer filosofiese veld. Die tekste se
hantering van ander konvensies op die terrein van die tematiese (die goeie versus die bose),
ruimte en spanning wyk ook af van die historiese Gotiek.
'n Belangrik aspek wat in die ondersoek na vore kom, is dat die Gotiek as verhaaltipe selde
nog in sy suiwer vorm in literatuur aangetref word. Die drie tekste onder bespreking toon in
watter aansienlike mate kruisbestuiwing plaasvind tussen die onderskeie sub-kategorieë van
die riller. Laastens word daar aangevoer dat die Gotiese en gruwel-elemente binne dié drie
tekste op so 'n vernuwende wyse geproblematiseer en uitgedaag word, dat dit nie sonder
meer as triviaalliteratuur beskou kan word nie.
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I Norrland kan ingen höra dig skrika : En postkolonial läsning av Stefan Spjuts StalloHellström, Madelaine January 2014 (has links)
The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand. That Norrland is still to this day a colony within its own country. / I Norrland kan ingen höra dig skrika. Det är så det norrländska landskapet har framställts inom både litteratur och film i Sverige. Norrland har genom åren gestaltas som något avlägset och mystiskt, nästintill främmande. Helt olikt resterande delar av landet. Det är min avsikt att visa hur den systematiska kategoriseringen av Norrland och dess litteratur avslöjar flera av de kriterier som per definition beskriver kolonism. Genom en postkolonial läsning av spänningsromanen Stallo (2012), av författaren Stefan Spjut, söker jag visa hur författaren genom svensk folklore och genom en övernaturlig närvaro kan kritisera koloniala strukturer.
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La psychosphère dans True DetectiveBoisclair, Daniel 08 1900 (has links)
S'inspirant de l'inconscient collectif jungien, « détaché des sphères personnelles, exist[e] en marge de celles-ci, [...] possède un caractère tout à fait général et [...] ses contenus peuvent se rencontrer chez tous les êtres1 », le concept de la psychosphère, tel que présenté dans la télésérie américaine True Detective (HBO, 2014), en est la trame de fond narrative. Décrire l'invisible et l'intangible n'est possible que par l'étude de ses manifestations. Ce mémoire s'intéresse donc aux phénomènes et aux concepts qui rendent possible la représentation de ce que Ralph Noyes décrit comme un « vast and complex cauldron of ideas, memories, volitions, desires and all the other furniture of conscious experience and unconscious mental functioning2 ». Outre les questions plus larges de la généalogie du récit, la poétique narrative de la psychosphère relève essentiellement de l'archive: True Detective fait maintes allusions à la fiction gothique américaine. Celles-ci désignent à leur tour une explication transhistorique d'un retour à la violence ritualisée. Toutefois, cette explication, s'il en est une, demeure fragmentée, incohérente et ultimement différée. / Inspired by Jung's collective unconscious, the concept of a psychosphere, as seen in HBO's hit series True Detective (2014), underlines the narrative structure of the show. Describing the invisible and the intangible is only made possible by the study of its manifestations. This thesis analyses the phenomena and concept which enable the representation of what Ralph Noyes describes as a « vast and complex cauldron of ideas, memories, volitions, desires and all the other furniture of conscious experience and unconscious mental functioning3 ». Apart from broader questions of genealogy, the narrative poetics of the psychosphere are essentially archival: True Detective contains many allusions to previous Gothic fictions, which point toward an trans-historical explanation for the return of ritualized violence. However, any such explanation is fragmented, incoherent, and ultimately deferred.
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Les jeux de tarot Visconti-Sforza : une analyse iconographiqueNunes de Souza, Joana 10 1900 (has links)
Le duché de Milan durant le Quattrocento est marqué par le règne des deux familles dominantes de la Lombardie, les Visconti et les Sforza. Pendant une période marquée par les conflits territoriaux et les disputes pour le titre ducal, l’art du gothique international se fait essentiel dans la propagande politique. Parmi les diverses œuvres de cette période qui soulignent le pouvoir et la position hiérarchique de la noblesse, les paquets de tarot le plus anciens qui nous sont parvenus sont les jeux Visconti-Sforza, datés de la première moitié du 15e siècle. Nommés ainsi selon leurs commanditaires présumés, la nomenclature est utilisée pour désigner quinze jeux, dont trois sont analysés dans ce mémoire : le jeu Pierpont Morgan-Bergame (réparti entre l’Accademia Carrara, à Bergame; le Pierpont Morgan Library, à New York; et la collection privée Casa Colleoni, à Bergame), le Brera-Brambilla (Pinacoteca di Brera, à Milan) et le Cary-Yale (Beinecke Library, à New Haven). L’étude de ce corpus nous permet de comprendre l’histoire de pouvoir des Visconti et des Sforza, ainsi que les traditions de la littérature poétique et des processions triomphales de l’époque. Par une analyse iconographique de ces jeux, notre objectif a été de cerner et de comprendre le contexte socioculturel dans lequel ils ont été créés. Cette analyse met également en lumière les importantes questions concernant les attributions aux artistes, les dates de réalisation et l’identification du mécénat de ces jeux de luxe. / The Duchy of Milan in the Quattrocento is marked by the reign of two powerful families in Lombardy, the Visconti and the Sforza. During a time full of territorial conflicts and disputes for the ducal title, art in the International Gothic style became essential to political propaganda. Among the various works of this period that emphasize the power and the hierarchical position of the nobility are the oldest sets of tarot that have survived to the present day: the Visconti-Sforza tarot decks, dating from the first half of the 15th century. Named according to their supposed patrons, the nomenclature is actually used to designate fifteen separate decks, three of which are analyzed in this master’s thesis: the Pierpont Morgan-Bergamo deck (divided between the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo, the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, and the private collection Casa Colleoni, in Bergamo), the Brera-Brambilla (Pinacoteca di Brera, in Milan) and the Cary-Yale (Beinecke Library, in New Haven). The study of this corpus enables us to unravel the struggle for power between the Visconti and the Sforza, as well as the traditions of the literature and the triumphal processions of the time. Using an iconographic analysis, our goal is to identify the sociocultural context in which these decks were produced. This work's analysis also highlights questions about the attributions, the dating and the patronage of these luxury playing cards.
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