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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behavioral and muscular deficits induced by Muscimol injection into the primate primary motor cortex during a reach-to-grasp task

Serrano, Eleonore 12 1900 (has links)
Le contrôle moteur fin et précis des doigts est une habileté importante dans la vie quotidienne pour écrire ou manger par exemple. Ce contrôle moteur est pris en charge par le cortex moteur primaire (M1) qui transmet le signal neuronal à la moelle épinière via la voie corticospinale. Le macaque rhésus est un excellent modèle pour étudier ce système moteur car, comme chez l’humain, il possède cette voie cortico-motoneuronale directe. Bien que les déficits du contrôle moteur de la main suite à des inactivations de M1 aient été étudiés sur des modèles de singes, peu d’études ont décrit les changements musculaires sous-tendant ces déficits. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les effets d’une inactivation partielle de M1 sur le comportement et l’activation du patron musculaire du membre supérieur chez le macaque rhésus. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué des injections intra-corticales de Muscimol, un agoniste du GABA, pour inactiver temporairement l’aire de représentation de la main de M1. Des singes ont été entrainés à réaliser une tâche d’atteinte et de préhension qui requière l’utilisation du pouce et de l’index pour attraper une pastille de nourriture. En parallèle, les activités électromyographiques (EMG) des muscles proximaux et distaux du membre supérieur contralatéral aux sites d’injections ont été enregistrées. L’inactivation partielle de M1 entraine différents déficits moteurs comme une diminution du taux de succès, une perte des mouvements indépendants des doigts, une première flexion de l’index plus lente, et l’apparition de nouvelles stratégies de préhension pour attraper la pastille. Dans le cas de trouble sévère, les singes ont présentés tous ces déficits comportementaux. Ces troubles moteurs étaient sous-tendus par des activités musculaires anormales. En effet, les analyses EMG ont mis en évidence des changements dans les latences et les patrons d’activations musculaires des muscles proximaux et distaux au cours de la phase d’atteinte, d’ajustement et de préhension. Dans le cas de trouble modéré, les patrons d’activations musculaires étaient préservés malgré certain déficits visibles. Cependant, les patrons d’activations musculaires étaient altérés si la tâche demandait une rotation de l’avant-bras et de la main. Ces résultats montrent que les déficits comportementaux et les changements musculaires dépendent de la sévérité des troubles moteurs et/ou de la difficulté de la tâche (i.e. une rotation de l’avant-bras). / Fine digit movements contribute to many different aspects of our daily life and require appropriate muscle coordination. The main pathway through which M1 sends motor commands to spinal motor neurons is via the corticospinal tract. The rhesus macaque, like humans, have this direct corticomotoneuronal pathway of M1, making it a useful model to study this system. Although the effect of M1 inactivation on the control of the hand in term of behavioral changes has been studied in monkeys, little is known of how muscle activation patterns of the upper limb during reaching and grasping in monkeys becomes altered. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of a partial inactivation of the primary motor cortex (M1) in rhesus macaques on both behavioral performance and muscle activations. To do so we performed intra-cortical injections of Muscimol, a GABA agonist, to inactivate the hand area of M1. Monkeys performed a reach-to-grasp task that required a precision grip to retrieve a food pellet from a well. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the proximal and distal muscles of the contralateral upper limb were recorded and quantified relative to the behavioral performance. We found that depending on the severity of the impairment, the Muscimol injection could induce several different movement abnormalities, such as decrease in the success rate, loss of independent finger movements, longer duration of the first flexion of the index finger, and use of alternate types of grasp to retrieve the food pellet. In cases of severe impairment, monkeys displayed all these movement abnormalities concurrently. In addition, we observed that behavioral deficits were associated with muscle discoordination. Indeed, EMG analysis revealed that the latencies and the muscle activation patterns were altered during the reach, hand preshaping and the grasp phases of the movement. These inappropriate EMG activities were visible on both proximal and distal muscles of the upper limb. In cases of mild impairment, monkeys had fewer behavioral deficits, but still showed some changes in the temporal muscle activation patterns. In contrast to the severe cases, the muscle activation patterns were more preserved. Interestingly, in the mild cases, the muscle activation patterns were altered if a rotation of the forearm was required by the task. Thus, we found that behavioral and muscular activation changes were dependent on the severity of the impairment and/or the difficulty of the task (i.e. required a rotation of the forearm).

Examining fluid flow perceptions while drinking from a SMART training cup in a young adult population

Schubert, Marissa Sloane 20 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Associations Between Fat Free Mass Percentage and Relative Force Production in Two Strength Tests

Gerenmark, Stefan, Eriksson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Background: Knowledge of the relationship between fat free mass (FFM) and strength capacity is not only useful in athlete coaching, but may also be important in developing clinical strategies for evaluating health in general populations. Sufficient skeletal muscle mass and strength are important factors for health and physical function. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a popular and clinically useful tool for assessing body composition. However, being able to simultaneously estimate whole body muscle strength without having to perform additional tests may prove useful in evaluating an individual’s health and physical function. Aim: The primary purpose of this study was to quantify the association between total body fat free mass percentage (TBFFM%) and relative strength in the isometric midthigh pull test (IMTP) and grip strength (GS) test in a healthy general young Swedish population. A secondary purpose was to investigate if there are any sex differences.  Methods: The design for this study was cross-sectional. The studied sample represented a general Swedish population of healthy young adults. Participants were asked to participate in testing on one occasion. Three tests were used for collecting data: BIA for data on FFM and both IMTP and hand dynamometer grip strength test for data on maximal force production. All tests were performed in the movement lab on Halmstad University campus. Statistical analyses were done using Pearson’s correlation and linear regression analysis. Results: Participants for this study consisted of healthy females (n=18) and males (n=17) aged 19-39. The primary findings of this study are that there are strong correlations between TBFFM% and relative strength (r = 0.621) in the IMTP test as well as relative GS (r = 0.705) on a whole-group level. The correlation between TBFFM% and relative GS was slightly stronger. Categorized by sex, we found strong positive correlations between TBFFM% and relative IMTP (r = 0.551) and relative GS (r = 0.596) for the female group and moderately strong correlations for the male group (relative IMTP r = 0.411; relative GS  r = 0.422).On a whole-group level, every unit increase in TBFFM% increases relative strength in the IMTP by 0.538N/kgBW (β = 0.538) and relative GS by 0.015 kg/kgBW (β = 0.015). Conclusion: TBFFM% was strongly associated with both relative IMTP strength and relative GS where the association was stronger for females than for males. TBFFM% values may be indicative of an individual's strength, which could be of value in a research setting.

Jemná motorika a lateralita u dětí předškolního věku s mozkovou obrnou / Fine motor skills and laterality of preschool children with cerebral palsy

Stibůrková, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on fine motor skills and laterality of preschool children with cerebral palsy. Based on previous researches was found out, that cerebral palsy is influencing fine motor skills. With reference to these researches, the aim of this thesis is to find out, if there is difference between intact prechool children and preschool children with cerebral pals in fine motor skills and what particular differences there is. The thesis include laterality and question of pronounction in preschool age. The theoretical part describes evolution of children, defines fine motor skills and laterality, deals with cerebral palsy and describes fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy including previous researches. The empirical part defines the aims of research, explorational questions, methods of research and testing activities. Next part is focused on selection of respondents and their characterics. Main part presents results of testing my respondents, analysis of results and discussion. The research was made by interview and qustionary for parents, and following testing of fine motor skills containing three parts - testing of laterality, grips and general fine motor skills. In results is described existing difference between intact preschool children and children with cerebral...

Differentiating between packaging material and geometry using the Syntouch Biotac / Åtskiljning av förpackningsmaterial och geometri med hjälp av Syntouch Biotac

Eriksson, Henry January 2019 (has links)
Grip stiffness is an important property of carton board packaging. The structure of the packaging needs to withstand the handling of one or many consumers. A carton board packaging that feels stiff when handled conveys a sense of luxury to the consumer, one example of this is the packages containing new flagship smart phones. If a package is more or less stiff is at this moment subjectively interpreted by test panels. An objective method of measuring grip stiffness is sought after for repeat ability and speed. This master thesis investigates the influence of geometry and material parameters on the grip stiffness of a carton board packages. The purpose is to determine how the measured point loads differ between different geometries for one particular material.  Measurements are conducted using a tensile tester and a sensory device, Syntouch Biotac. Only two of the 19 sensors are analyzed in this thesis. Ther data analyzed in this thesis comes from experiments conducted by the author and experiments conducted during a bachelors thesis at Örebro University. The same equipment was used for both experiments. The authors experiments were aimed at finding how a rotation of the packaging would affect the results whereas no rotations were made during experiments not conducted by the author. The authors own experiments were also made using an actual human finger, but only on packages that were not rotated. A finite element study was performed to validate the results from the Syntouch Biotac. X-ray computed tomography was used to investigate if the damage done to the carton board material by a human finger was similar to the damage done to the carton board material by the Syntouch Biotac.  Results from the Syntouch Biotac show that it is possible to tell where along and how close to the edge of the packaging the Syntouch Biotac is touching the packaging and that it is possible to discern between materials if the surface weights are different enough. The X-ray computed tomography show that damages done to the carton material cone by either the Syntouch Biotac or a human finger, are not possible to tell apart with the method of analysis used in this thesis. / Greppstyvhet är en viktig egenskap hos kartongförpackningar. Strukturen behöver kunna motstå hantering av en eller flera kunder. En kartongförpackning som upplevs som styv när den hanteras ger kunden ett intryck av lyx, ett exempel är förpackningar för nya smarttelefoner. Om en kartongförpackning är mer eller mindre greppstyv avgörs just nu subjektivt av en testpaneler. En objektiv och upprepningsbar metod för att mäta greppstyvhet snabbare behövs. I den här masteruppsatsen undersökts geometri- och materialparametrars påverkan på kartongförpackningars greppstyvhet. Syftet var att avgöra hur de olika punktlasterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika geometrier för ett givet material.  Mätningar gjordes med en dragprovare och en sensorisk mätenhet, Syntouch Biotac. Endast två av 19 sensorer analyseras i det här arbetet. Datan som analyseras i det här arbetet kommer från experiment utförda av författaren samt experiment gjorda i samarbete med en kandidatuppsats vid Örebro Universitet. Samma utrustning användes för båda experiment. Författarens experiment gjordes för att undersöka hur rotation av kartongförpackningarna påverkade resultaten. Ingen rotation utfördes under experimenten som gjordes i samband med kandidatuppsatsen på Örebro Universitet. Experiment utförda av författaren innehåller även kompression av förpackningar gjorda med ett mänskligt finger, detta gjordes endast på förpackningar som inte roterades. En FEM-studie utfördes för att validera resultaten från Syntouch Biotac. Datortomografi användes för att undersöka om skador som uppkommit på kartongmaterialet av mänskligt finger var lika de som uppkommit från Syntouch Biotac. Resultaten från Syntouch Biotac visar att det är möjligt att se var längs med eller hur nära kanten på förpackningen som Syntouch Biotac trycker på förpackningen, samt att det är möjligt att skilja mellan material om deras ytvikter skiljer sig tillräckligt mycket. Datortomografin visar att skador som uppkommit på kartong materialet av mänskligt finger eller Syntouch Biotac inte går att särskilja med den analysmetod som använts i det här arbetet.

P.E.G.A.S : Powered Exoskeleton Grip Amplifying System

Dyberg, Malin, Troillet Ahlbäck, Elvira January 2021 (has links)
In this bachelor’s thesis, the development and construction of a soft exoskeleton for a human hand is described.The purpose of the project includes evaluating what type of exoskeleton that is most suitable for aiding the user inactivities of daily living and how this exoskeleton can be constructed in order to increase grip strength in the human hand. In addition, the prototype should be portable and not inflict any harm on the user. The necessary theoretical research is thoroughly conducted followed by the construction of the final prototype. The purpose of the project is achieved, resulting in a flexible, portable and safe exoskeleton which with satisfaction can aid the user in its activities of daily living. However, this prototype is limited to exclusively include the thumb and index finger, and in further work the prototype can be developed to include all five fingers of the human hand. / I detta kandidatexamensarbete behandlas utvecklingen och konstruktionen av ett mjukt exoskelett för den mänskliga handen. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka vilken typ av exoskelett som passar bäst för att hjälpa användaren med aktiviteter i det dagliga livet, samt hur detta exoskelett kan konstrueras för att förstärka greppet i handen. Prototypen ska även vara bärbar och inte skada användaren. Den nödvändiga teorin presenteras, följt av konstruktionen av den slutgiltiga prototypen. Syftet med projektet uppfylls och resulterar i ett flexibelt, portabelt och säkert exoskelett som kan hjälpa användaren med aktiviteter i det dagligalivet. Dock är denna prototyp begränsad till att endast inkludera styrning av tummen och pekfingret, och prototypenkan således i framtida arbeten utvecklas till att inkludera samtliga fem fingrar på den mänskliga handen.

The impact of computer simulations on the teaching and learning of electromagnetism in grade 11 : a case study of a school in the Mpumalanga Province

Kotoka, Jonas Kwadzo 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the impact of computer simulations on the teaching and learning of electromagnetism in grade 11. Electromagnetism is a section of the Physical Science curriculum. Two grade 11 classes in the Mgwenya circuit in Mpumalanga province of South Africa were used as a case study. Using a pre-test, post-test non-equivalent control group design, it was found that learners in the experimental group (n = 30) who were taught using the simulations achieved significantly higher scores on the post-test than learners in the control group (n = 35) who were taught using traditional teacher-centred teaching method; (t statistic = 3.582, df = 56, p<0.05). Learners were more active during the lessons, predicting, observing, discussing and explaining concepts. The use of simulations also provided support (scaffolding) that the learners need to enhance learning. The Hake’s normalized gain for the experimental group <g> = 0.32 compared to <g> = 0.18 for the control group confirmed conceptual improvement. Both teachers and learners indicated that they accept the use of computer simulations in teaching and learning of electromagnetism. / Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

Diminution de la performance motrice du membre ipsilatéral au site de l’accident vasculaire cérébral lors de tâches bilatérales

Forest, Marie-Hélène 03 1900 (has links)
Suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), des déficits au membre controlatéral et ipsilatéral à la lésion cérébrale sont observés chez les personnes avec un AVC. La performance du membre ipsilatéral est déterminée par l’importance de la sévérité clinique du membre controlatéral ainsi que par l’adéquation du traitement bihémisphérique des informations sensori-motrices. L’objectif de la présente étude est de comparer la performance motrice de la main ipsilatérale lors de diverses tâches nécessitant un niveau plus ou moins complexe de traitement de l’information chez une clientèle hémiplégique ayant une faible sévérité clinique. Les résultats démontrent que les forces de pinces entre le pouce et l’index du membre ipsilatéral sont modulées et anticipées adéquatement chez les personnes avec un AVC ayant une faible sévérité clinique tel que démontré par des scores de cinq ou plus au Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment (modules bras et main). La performance motrice du membre ipsilatéral lors de l’exécution d’une tâche de coordination bilatérale est comparable à celle du membre dominant des sujets sains lorsque la tâche est réalisée sans interaction entre les membres supérieurs (deux objets) et elle est perturbée lorsqu’elle implique une action coordonnée et réciproque des membres supérieurs sur un même objet. Ces personnes, ayant une bonne récupération motrice, ont donc une problématique centrale d’intégration et de traitement de l’information sensori-motrice lorsqu’il y a une complexification de la tâche à réaliser. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que les cliniciens devraient porter une attention plus particulière aux activités unilatérales et de coordination bilatérales lors le l’exécution de tâches complexes nécessitant un niveau d’intégration sensori-motrice élevé. / As a result of a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), deficits in the controlateral and ipsilateral limb of the brain lesion are observed in person who had had a CVA. The performance of the ipsilateral limb is determined by the clinical severity of the contralateral limb and by the adequacy of bi-hemispheral processing of information. The objective of the present study is to compare the motor performance of the ipsilateral hand during tasks implying different level of sensori-motor integration in patients with low clinical impairments. The results demonstrated that the pinch strengths between the thumb and the index finger of the ipsilateral limb are modulated and anticipated adequately in stroke persons who have a good motor recovery such as demonstrated by scores of five or more in the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment (arm and hand parts). The motor performance of the ipsilateral limb of stroke persons during the execution of a bilateral coordination task is comparable to the motor performance of the dominant limb of healthy subjects when the task is realized without interaction between upper limbs (two objects) and it is perturbed when it implies a coordinated and reciprocal action of upper limbs on the same object. Consequently, these stroke persons with a good motor recovery have a central problem of integration and processing of sensori-motor informations when a more complex task has to be realized. These results suggest that the clinicians should pay more attention during unilateral tasks and during tasks with bilateral coordination that require a higher level of sensori-motor integration.

Sarcopenia e dependência para relaização das atividades básicas da vida diária de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (2000 e 2006) / Sarcopenia and dependency to perform activities of daily living in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo: SABE Survey - Health, Well-being and Aging (2000 e 2006)

Gobbo, Luís Alberto 19 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A sarcopenia é caracterizada pela redução da força e massa muscular (MM), e acompanhada pelo declínio da capacidade funcional, em idosos, e sua associação com dependência para realização das atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD) tem sido relatada na literatura internacional, entretanto, há escassez de informações sobre o tema no Brasil. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre sarcopenia e dependência para a realização das ABVD, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo, segundo sexo. Casuística e métodos: Foram analisados idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, do Estudo SABE, longitudinal, epidemiológico e de base domiciliar, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2000 e 2006, e que, em 2000, não apresentaram dependência. A variável sarcopenia foi definida por meio de três componentes: desempenho no teste de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira (SeL), categorizado em baixo (tempo percentil 75, segundo sexo), e normal (< percentil 75); pela força de preensão manual (FPM), categorizada em baixa (força percentil 25, segundo índice de massa corporal e sexo) e normal (> percentil 25); e massa muscular (MM), categorizada em baixa ( percentil 20, segundo sexo) e normal (> percentil 20), sendo diagnosticados sarcopênicos, idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou, então, desempenho normal, mas, baixas FPM e MM. A dependência para a realização das ABVD foi referidas pelos idosos, em 2006, sendo considerando dependentes, aqueles que responderam positivamente, para, pelo menos uma questão referente à dependência. As variáveis de controle foram sexo, grupos etários (60-74 e 75 anos), etnia (caucasianos, asiáticos, outros), número de doenças referidas (1 ou > 1). Resultados: Dos idosos sobreviventes, 799 apresentaram todos os dados necessários ao estudo (60,3 por cento mulheres, 85,6 por cento < 75 anos). Foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000, 8,9 por cento dos idosos (homens = 8,3 por cento ; mulheres = 9,3 por cento ), e dependentes para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, 7 por cento (homens = 6,5 por cento ; mulheres = 7,3 por cento ). Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 3,13 vezes maior, para dependência (IC 95 por cento 1,67-5,87), em 2006, ajustado pelas demais variáveis, em relação aos não sarcopênicos. Quanto ao sexo, os homens sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 4,12 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,28-13,30), para dependência, em 2006, enquanto as mulheres sarcopênicas apresentaram chance 2,77 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,23-6,24). Conclusão: Aproximadamente 9 por cento dos idosos do município de São Paulo foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000. Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance maior de dependência para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, em particular, os homens / Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by reduced muscle mass (MM) and strength, and it is accompanied by a decline in functional capacity in elderly. Its association with dependence to perform activities of daily living (ADL) has been reported in international literature, however,there is limited information about the theme, in Brazil. Purpose: To estimate the association between sarcopenia and dependence to perform ADL, in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo, according to gender. Methodology: Elderly ( 60 anos) of both genders, who were not dependent in 2000, from the SABE Survey, a home-based, longitudinal and epidemiologic study, performed in the city of São Paulo, in 2000 and 2006, were analyzed. Sarcopenia was defined by three components: performance in the sit and rise from a chair test (S&R), categorized as low (time 75th percentile according to sex) and normal (<75th percentile); by handgrip strength (HS), categorized as low (strength 25 percentile, according to body mass index and gender) and normal (> 25th percentile); and muscle mass (MM), categorized as low ( 20th percentile, by sex) and normal (> 20th percentile); where diagnosed sarcopenic elderly who had both poor performance and low MM , or normal performance, but low HS and MM. Dependence to perform ADL, referred by the elderly, in 2006, being considered dependents those who answered, positively, for at least, one question related to dependence. Control variables were: sex, age groups (60-74 e 75 anos), ethnicity (caucasian, asian, others), number of referred diseases (1 ou > 1). Results: Of the survivors, 799 presented all data for the study (60.3 per cent women, 85.6 per cent < 75 years old). It was identified as sarcopenic, in 2000, 8.9 per cent of the elderly (men = 8.3 per cent ; women = 9.3 per cent ), and dependents to perform ADL, in 2006, 7 per cent (men = 6.5 per cent ; women = 7.3 per cent ). Those diagnosed with sarcopenia, in 2000, presented an odds ratio 3.13 times higher, for dependence (CI 95 per cent 1.67-5.87), in 2006, adjusted for other variables. According to gender, sarcopenic men presented an odds ratio 4.12 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.28-13.30), for dependence, in 2006, while sarcopenic women present odds ratio 2.77 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.23-6.24). Conclusion: Approximately 9 per cent of the elderly in São Paulo were identified as sarcopenic, in 2000. Sarcopenic elderly presented higher chance of dependency to perform ADL in 2006, particularly men

Sarcopenia e dependência para relaização das atividades básicas da vida diária de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (2000 e 2006) / Sarcopenia and dependency to perform activities of daily living in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo: SABE Survey - Health, Well-being and Aging (2000 e 2006)

Luís Alberto Gobbo 19 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A sarcopenia é caracterizada pela redução da força e massa muscular (MM), e acompanhada pelo declínio da capacidade funcional, em idosos, e sua associação com dependência para realização das atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD) tem sido relatada na literatura internacional, entretanto, há escassez de informações sobre o tema no Brasil. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre sarcopenia e dependência para a realização das ABVD, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo, segundo sexo. Casuística e métodos: Foram analisados idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, do Estudo SABE, longitudinal, epidemiológico e de base domiciliar, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2000 e 2006, e que, em 2000, não apresentaram dependência. A variável sarcopenia foi definida por meio de três componentes: desempenho no teste de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira (SeL), categorizado em baixo (tempo percentil 75, segundo sexo), e normal (< percentil 75); pela força de preensão manual (FPM), categorizada em baixa (força percentil 25, segundo índice de massa corporal e sexo) e normal (> percentil 25); e massa muscular (MM), categorizada em baixa ( percentil 20, segundo sexo) e normal (> percentil 20), sendo diagnosticados sarcopênicos, idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou, então, desempenho normal, mas, baixas FPM e MM. A dependência para a realização das ABVD foi referidas pelos idosos, em 2006, sendo considerando dependentes, aqueles que responderam positivamente, para, pelo menos uma questão referente à dependência. As variáveis de controle foram sexo, grupos etários (60-74 e 75 anos), etnia (caucasianos, asiáticos, outros), número de doenças referidas (1 ou > 1). Resultados: Dos idosos sobreviventes, 799 apresentaram todos os dados necessários ao estudo (60,3 por cento mulheres, 85,6 por cento < 75 anos). Foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000, 8,9 por cento dos idosos (homens = 8,3 por cento ; mulheres = 9,3 por cento ), e dependentes para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, 7 por cento (homens = 6,5 por cento ; mulheres = 7,3 por cento ). Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 3,13 vezes maior, para dependência (IC 95 por cento 1,67-5,87), em 2006, ajustado pelas demais variáveis, em relação aos não sarcopênicos. Quanto ao sexo, os homens sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 4,12 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,28-13,30), para dependência, em 2006, enquanto as mulheres sarcopênicas apresentaram chance 2,77 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,23-6,24). Conclusão: Aproximadamente 9 por cento dos idosos do município de São Paulo foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000. Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance maior de dependência para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, em particular, os homens / Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by reduced muscle mass (MM) and strength, and it is accompanied by a decline in functional capacity in elderly. Its association with dependence to perform activities of daily living (ADL) has been reported in international literature, however,there is limited information about the theme, in Brazil. Purpose: To estimate the association between sarcopenia and dependence to perform ADL, in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo, according to gender. Methodology: Elderly ( 60 anos) of both genders, who were not dependent in 2000, from the SABE Survey, a home-based, longitudinal and epidemiologic study, performed in the city of São Paulo, in 2000 and 2006, were analyzed. Sarcopenia was defined by three components: performance in the sit and rise from a chair test (S&R), categorized as low (time 75th percentile according to sex) and normal (<75th percentile); by handgrip strength (HS), categorized as low (strength 25 percentile, according to body mass index and gender) and normal (> 25th percentile); and muscle mass (MM), categorized as low ( 20th percentile, by sex) and normal (> 20th percentile); where diagnosed sarcopenic elderly who had both poor performance and low MM , or normal performance, but low HS and MM. Dependence to perform ADL, referred by the elderly, in 2006, being considered dependents those who answered, positively, for at least, one question related to dependence. Control variables were: sex, age groups (60-74 e 75 anos), ethnicity (caucasian, asian, others), number of referred diseases (1 ou > 1). Results: Of the survivors, 799 presented all data for the study (60.3 per cent women, 85.6 per cent < 75 years old). It was identified as sarcopenic, in 2000, 8.9 per cent of the elderly (men = 8.3 per cent ; women = 9.3 per cent ), and dependents to perform ADL, in 2006, 7 per cent (men = 6.5 per cent ; women = 7.3 per cent ). Those diagnosed with sarcopenia, in 2000, presented an odds ratio 3.13 times higher, for dependence (CI 95 per cent 1.67-5.87), in 2006, adjusted for other variables. According to gender, sarcopenic men presented an odds ratio 4.12 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.28-13.30), for dependence, in 2006, while sarcopenic women present odds ratio 2.77 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.23-6.24). Conclusion: Approximately 9 per cent of the elderly in São Paulo were identified as sarcopenic, in 2000. Sarcopenic elderly presented higher chance of dependency to perform ADL in 2006, particularly men

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