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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

World of Workraft: a step towards the gamification of industrial control systems for future operators : N/A / World of Workcraft: hur gamification av industriella kontrollsystem underlättar för framtida operatörer

Rigo, Riccardo January 2016 (has links)
Industrial control systems (ICSs) are software systems that allow operators to remotely control entire industrial processes. This activity is usually performed within particular spaces located inside the facilities: control rooms. While the operators’ job is extremely important, it is often regarded as boring and dull; due to the passive nature of the job, the operators often feel unengaged. Industrial stakeholders are concerned about the next generation of operators, due to their different requirements regarding softwares and engagement. In fact, they would not be eager to work with the current ICSs. However, gamification — the design practice about using game design elements in contexts unrelated to games — has potential to contribute in addressing the problem. Implementing gamification within ICSs could make the future operators’ job more fun, appealing, and engaging, providing an overall better user- experience (UX). This research is a step towards achieving an effective gamification of ICSs; it consists of an exploratory study aimed to understand what gamification approaches are more suitable for the industrial context and the target user group. This research adopted an user-centred design approach, starting with extensive user studies on control rooms and the future operators; followed by a design and prototyping phase, and finally a user evaluation involving quantitative and qualitative investigations. This paper ultimately provides a series of design implications and insights for the design of gamified ICS.

Can we play our way to a more circular fashion world? : A quantitative study about the impact of gamification on consumer attitudes and intentions to use C2C apps

Arnesson, Amanda, Westman, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
As new styles rapidly replace the old and garments are discarded, fast fashion and clothing consumption contribute to a serious and negative environmental impact. Previous research and fast fashion’s negative sustainability consequences all imply that a change is required. Peoples’ desire “to fit in” and the resulting clothing consumption has to find its solution, and second hand consumption is suggested as a viable answer. But, to buy pre-loved garments has been considered inconvenient, time-demanding and unappealing. These attitudes towards a more sustainable consumption behavior therefore becomes a barrier to a circular fashion economy. Consequently, companies are trying to develop and offer new services that could improve the situation. One of these marketplaces are Consumer to Consumer (C2C) apps, which connect sellers and buyers of second hand items through their user accounts, meaning that the company behind the service is not involved in the transaction other than as the supplier of the software.       Previous research suggests that people's intentions towards pursuing a desired consumer behavior is positively encouraged by gamification elements. Despite this, C2C apps on the Swedish market do not use these features to promote second hand consumption. Within gamification, there are a myriad of elements and tools to choose from, where three of the most commonly used gamification elements to improve attitudes are points, badges and leaderboards, also known as the PBL triad. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) states that attitude towards the behavior, together with subjective norm and perceived behavior control are the components that affect an intention to engage in a behavior, which predicts whether individuals will actually perform the behavior. Based on these considerations, this thesis identified a research gap in how gamification can affect Swedish consumers’ attitude towards using C2C apps gamified with points, badges and leaderboards. We examine how this attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, influence their intentions to use these apps. This formulates the studies research questions “ How are Swedish consumers’ attitudes towards using a C2C app affected by the gamification elements points, badges and leaderboards? and How are Swedish consumers’ intentions to use a gamified app to make wardrobe updates affected by their attitudes towards it, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control?”  To examine this issue we developed a survey to collect information about Swedish consumers’ attitudes and potential behavioral intentions to use a gamified C2C app.  The data analysis proves that all three elements in the PBL triad are able to positively affect consumer attitudes. Also, the behavioral predictions stated by the TPB were supported by all three components; consumers' expectations regarding subjective norms and behavioral control, with attitude towards the behavior being the strongest predictor.

Evaluating Usability of Text and Speech as Input Methods for Natural Language Interfaces Using Gamification / Utvärdering av användbarhet för text och tal som inmatningsmetoder för naturligt språkgränssnitt genom spelifiering

von Gegerfelt, Angelina, Klingestedt, Kashmir January 2016 (has links)
Today an increasing amount of systems make use of Natural Language Interfaces (NLIs), which make them easy and efficient to use. The purpose of this research was to gain an increased understanding of the usability of different input methods for NLIs. This was done by implementing two versions of a text-based game with an NLI, where one version used speech as input method and the other used text. Tests were then performed with users that all played both versions of the game and then evaluated them individually using the System Usability Scale. It was found that text was better as input method in all aspects. However, speech scored high when the users felt confident in their English proficiency, acknowledging the possibility of using speech as input method for NLIs. / Idag använder en ökande mängd system naturliga språkgränssnitt, vilket gör dem enkla och effektiva att använda. Syftet med denna forskning var att få en ökad förståelse för användbarheten av olika inmatningsmetoder för naturliga språkgränssnitt. Detta gjordes genom att skapa två versioner av ett text-baserat spel med ett naturligt språkgränssnitt, där en version använde tal som inmatningsmetod och andra använde text. Tester utfördes sedan med användare som alla spelade igenom båda versionerna av spelet och sedan utvärderade dem individuellt med hjälp av System Usability Scale, ett system för att mäta graden av användbarhet. Det konstaterades att text fungerade bättre som inmatningsmetod ur alla aspekter. Tal fick dock en hög poäng när användarna kände sig säkra på sin engelska kunnighet, vilket talar för möjligheten att använda tal som en inmatningsmetod för naturliga gränssnitt.

Spelifierings påverkan på motivation för fysisk aktivitet med utgångspunkt från Bartles taxonomi / Gamifications’ influence on motivation to physical activity with benchmark of Bartle’s taxonomy

Hagelin, Fredrik, Knutsson, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
To encourage and increase the motivation to physical activity by using new information and communication technology, in order to change our behaviours into a more healthy lifestyle, could be one approach to promote public health. In our study we examine how gamification, which is about implementing classical game design elements from the computer world in a non-gaming context, can be a tool to increase the motivation for physical activity. Since similar studies already have been done we chose to focus on analyzing how different player types from Bartle’s taxonomy can be affected by the usage of a gamification application. A group of students were therefore picked and during a two weeks’ period they used the application Fitocracy where they logged their daily excercise. After these weeks’ we compiled a result, asked questions about motivation and how it was affected by the usage of gamification. The results from our study indicates that gamification is a strong motivational element to an increased physical activity for those who usually don’t exercise a lot. On the other hand, those who exercise on a regular basis aren’t in the same need of implementing gamification as a tool to increase their physical activity. The player type named Achiever, the ones who do physical activity in order to accomplish their goals, is the group of people that gamification turned out to have the biggest impact on and among these the motivation increased most. / Att uppmuntra och öka motivationen till fysisk aktivitet genom att använda ny information- och kommunikationsteknik, för att på så sätt förändra våra beteenden till en mer hälsosam livsstil, kan vara ett tillvägagångssätt för att främja folkhälsan. I vår studie har vi undersökt hur spelifiering, vilket handlar om att implementera klassiska element och mekanismer från dator- och tv-spelsvärlden i ett sammanhang som icke är relaterat till spel, kan öka motivationen till en ökad fysisk aktivitet. Då liknande undersökningar redan bedrivits valde vi att fördjupa oss på att analysera hur spelartyper hämtade från Bartles taxonomi påverkades av användandet av en spelifieringsapplikation. En grupp studenter valdes därför ut och fick under en två veckor lång testperiod använda applikationen Fitocracy där de loggförde sin träning. Efter 2 veckor sammanställde vi resultatet och frågade hur motivation och dylikt hade påverkats av spelifiering. Resultaten från vår undersökning visar att spelifiering är en st ark motivationsfaktor till ökad fysisk aktivitet för de som tidigare inte utförde en hög grad av fysiska aktiviteter. De som däremot tränar regelbundet visar sig inte vara i samma behov av att implementera spelifiering som redskap i syfte att öka träningsmängden. Spelartypen Achievers, det vill säga de som tränar i syfte att uppnå utsatta mål, är den gruppen som visade sig ha störst nytta av spelifiering och det var bland dessa motivationen ökade mest.

Framework for Increased Intrinsic Motivation using Gamification Strategies in E-Learning / Ramverk för Ökad Inre Motivation genom användande av Spelifieringsstrategier inom E-lärande.

Larsson, Love January 2015 (has links)
This paper explores how intrinsic motivation can be increased by making use of meaningful gamification strategies in an E-Learning environment. A framework for increased intrinsic motivation in E-Learning, based on existing gamification strategies is proposed. The proposed strategies are: Meaning & Framing, Autonomy & Freedom of Choice, Mastery & Reflection and Social Connection & Relatedness. The framework is implemented into a case design: an introductory online course for coding at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). The design was discussed in a focus group. The findings from that focus group along with the proposed design strategies formed the basis for the discussion. The results showed that this framework has promise, but a proper implementation of the case design would be required in order to truly validate or dismiss the framework. It was also found that the user situation and the context of the learning were important to keep in mind when designing for meaningful gamification. Thus, Context & User Situation was added to the framework. / Detta arbete utforskar hur inre motivation kan ökas genom att använda så kallade meningsfulla spelifieringstekniker i miljöer för E-lärande. Ett ramverk baserade på existerande spelifieringstrategier togs fram. Ramverket innehåller följande strategier: Mening & Inramning, Autonomi & Fria Val, Bemästrande & Reflektion samt Social Anknytning & Samhörighet. Ramverket implementerades i ett design-case: en introduktionskurs för programmering vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) i Stockholm. Designen diskuterades och utvärderades i en fokusgrupp. Resultaten från den fokusgruppen bidrar till vidare diskussion om hur ramverket träffar målet om ökad inre motivation. Slutsatsen för arbetet blev att ramverket är lovande, men en riktig implementation av designen skulle behövas för att fullständigt validera eller avfärda det. Resultaten visar också på att användarens situation och i vilken kontext lärandet sker är viktiga att ta hänsyn till när det handlar om att designa för inre motivation. Således lades Kontext & Användarsituation till i ramverket.

Super Market Bros. : A qualitative study on gamification of sustainable grocery purchases

Gokal, Katy, Svensson, Alexander, Johansson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Background: Gamification is the application of game design elements in non-gameenvironments and is used to optimise experiences. Existing literaturedoes not explain which game design elements are applicable tosustainable grocery purchases or why. Grocers need to understandwhat motivates customers to purchase sustainably before applyinggame design elements in practice. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding about howgamification could be used to encourage sustainable grocerypurchases. Research Question: Which game design elements are perceived by customers as motivators for purchasing sustainable groceries? Methodology: This research took a qualitative approach with an exploratorypurpose. The research approach is situated in the inductiveinterpretivist methodological research tradition. The empiricalmaterial was collected in two focus group discussions. A systematiccoding process was applied to uncover the meaning of theparticipants' perspectives. Conclusion: The findings of this study were that positive attitudes toward thegame design elements were required to encourage sustainablegrocery purchases. Game design elements could also shift the sourceof motivation to purchase sustainable groceries from external causesto internal goal-fulfilment. Endless game structures and the lure ofextrinsic rewards in the form of coupons and discounts were found tobe necessities in this context. The three important aspects of gamedesign elements found in this context are informational, progressive,and social. Contribution: This study is the first to explore the motivational, value-based, and attitudinal reasoning that explains why and how certain game design elements could motivate customers in the context of sustainable grocery shopping

Svammel : Spelifierad talpedagogik

Arell, Isac January 2022 (has links)
Projektet hade som syfte att hjälpa personer med diagnosen dyspraxi, mer specifikt oral dyspraxi. Oral dyspraxi yttrar sig som problematik medatt koordinera munrörelser vilket kan leda till svårigheter att prata tydligt och därmed även saker som svårigheter att kommunicera med andra och talgenans. Dyspraxi yttrar sig som tydligast hos unga barn då dessa ännu inte hunnit utveckla metoder för att dölja sin funktionsnedsättning. I projektet uppstod idén att denna problematik kunde hjälpas genom att skapa motivation och glädje i talpedagogiksessioner som annars kan kännas som utdragna för det barn som genomgår dem. Denna tanke ledde till efterforskning kring gamification och resulterade i ett brädspel som används av barnet med dyspraxi ihop med en talpedagog baserat på talpedagogikmetoden Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment. Brädspelet ficknamnet svammel utifrån de nonsensord som förekommer inom RapidSyllable Transition Treatment.

A Review of Fitness Tracker Game Elements and a Novel Game Approach for the Design Space

Neupane, Aatish 02 April 2021 (has links)
Physical activities like walking have proven health benefits. People are adopting fitness trackers to track physical activity, but they often stop using them after a relatively short time. Many apps and games exist in the app markets that use gamification to tackle this problem of motivation. In this thesis, we examined these existing gamified fitness tracker apps from app markets and looked at the usage of different game elements within these apps. We conducted a systematic review of existing fitness Tracker Apps from Google Play Store and Apple App Store and used a mixed-method approach to identify apps, categorize them by different game elements used and found gaps in the design space using basic statistics, group clustering algorithms, and network analysis using NodeXL. We also developed a mobile game that combines step tracker data, a compelling narrative, and a strategic resource management mechanic with social cooperative-collaborative gameplay to encourage users to keep using fitness trackers and exercise more. It utilizes game elements and mechanics that haven't been explored by previous research or games as validated by our results from the systematic review of gamified fitness tracker apps.

Upp och rör på dig : Hur påverkar spelelement olika individers motivation till fysisk aktivitet?

Ekenberg, Johanna, Lång, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
In the modern and digitized Swedish society of today, many people live comfortably, not having to do a lot of physical activity. This has led to a decline in public health. In this thesis,we look at how digitization can help change this trend for the better by using gamification and game elements as a way to motivate people to become more physically active. We have used a qualitative research method to collect data regarding this in connection to an experiment where we let seven different people try three different mobile applications that use game elements as a motivator for people to exercise more. Our results show that game elements, especially those that create meaning, can be an extrinsic motivator that sometimes even awakens an intrinsic motivation. Although, the results also showed that the intended target group must be considered when choosing the game elements, as the motivation of these varies depending on factors such as the user’s attitude towards physical activity beforehand.

Gamification i undervisningen : en kvalitativ studie om gamification inom matematikundervisning

Carlén, Filip, Sellén, Roger January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien har som syfte att undersöka hur matematiklärare resonerar kring användningen av gamification utifrån ett undervisningsperspektiv. Studien genomfördes genom self reports där sex stycken lärare på tre olika skolor svarade på hur deras arbete påverkas av gamification. Svaren analyserades sedan med hjälp av att bryta ner svaren till kategoriserade nyckelmeningar och nyckelord. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien en positiv inställning till gamification i matematikundervisningen, men med vissa implikationer. Vi synliggör att lärarna ibland har en felaktig bild av gamification, och använder därmed inte metoden till sin fulla potential. Flertalet av lärarna svarar att de använder gamification som komplement till den övriga undervisningen, trots att de ser en positiv inverkan på både elevernas motivation och deras egen arbetssituation. Vi kan även konstatera att lärarna ofta tolkar gamification som digitala verktyg. Några av de negativa sidor som lyfts av lärarna är att eleverna får svårare för icke gamifierad undervisning om de är vana vid konstant feedback. Lärarna vittnar även om felaktigt användande av verktygen bland eleverna, där lättare uppgifter görs för att få enkla poäng.

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