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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spherical Objects Among the Fremont

Crump, Emily 16 April 2020 (has links)
Rounded objects, such as spheroids, are frequently found throughout the Fremont region. Because little information is known about these spheroids, this comprehensive analysis of spheroids contributes to definitions of and variation among Fremont spherical objects. I analyzed over 400 Fremont spheroids recording the size, weight, stone type, and other quantifiable aspects for each spheroid. The provenience of spheroids highlights some of the patterns and variability within the Fremont world. I also compare ethnographic accounts of purposes of spheroids in hopes to develop a better understanding of the function of these objects.

Digitala verktyg i engelskundervisningen : en kunskapsöversikt

Karlsson, Johan, de Cesar Vargas, Wagner January 2022 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt kommer att redovisa hur forskningen om digitala verktyg ser ut i engelskundervisning. Som grund till kunskapsöversikten presenteras tio forskningsstudier som är relevanta till ämnet. Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att kartlägga, analysera och presentera forskning som kännetecknar digitala verktyg inom engelskundervisningen. Frågorna som ligger till grund för den här kunskapsöversikten är: Vad kännetecknar forskningen om digitala verktyg inom engelskundervisningen? Hur framställs lärares uppfattning av användandet av digitala verktyg i engelskundervisningen? Hur framställs fördelar och nackdelar i forskningen med användandet av digitala verktyg i engelskundervisningen?  Kunskapsöversiktens artiklar är inhämtad från databassökningar i Proquest, ERIC och Primo. Sökbegreppen som tillämpades var enbart på engelska. De olika sökbegreppen samt kriterierna applicerades för att smalna av urvalet mot relevanta artiklar.  Urvalet samlades in utifrån sökningarna i ovan nämnda databaser. Därefter tillämpades sökorden: ICT, language learning, english learning, digital tools, primary school och Sweden. Sökningarna genomfördes på engelska för att öka antalet artiklar samt deras relevans mot syftet. Kriterier som “peer reviewed” och “fulltext tillgänglig” applicerades. Avgränsningar av de valda artiklarna gjordes med publiceringsåren 2010-2021 samt att de skulle vara gratis att läsa.  Resultatet från kartläggningen visar att lärares attityder mot digitala verktyg i engelskundervisning är avgörande ifall de kommer använda dem samt att många negativa åsikter finns kring användandet. Detta eftersom flertalet lärare upplevde att de digitala verktygen kunde orsaka distraktioner i undervisningen om inte en tydlig struktur fanns i planeringsstadiet. De digitala verktygen visade sig även bidra till att öka elevernas språkinlärning samt deras vilja att lära sig engelska. Forskarna är överens om att mer forskning kring digitala verktyg i undervisningen bör genomföras för att undervisningen ska bli optimal. Studierna har en stor geografisk spridning och visar på att liknande forskning har bedrivits i flera delar av världen.

Fenomenet Pokémon GO: Framgångsfaktorerna bakom spelsuccén utifrån ett användarperspektiv

Gustavsson, Evelyn, Shakespeare, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Sedan de första mobila spelen släpptes har tekniken utvecklats och så kallade exergames, vilka ställer krav på fysisk förflyttning för att avancera blir allt vanligare. År 2016 släpptes mobilspelet Pokémon Go och har, mätt med avkastning och popularitet, dominerat den mobila spelmarknaden. Det har ur ett forskningsperspektiv tagits fram ett flertal modeller där framgångsfaktorer som kännetecknar ett populärt spel för att attrahera användare presenterats. Tidigare studier hävdar dessutom att AR-teknologin, som tillämpas i Pokémon GO, kan främja fysisk aktivitet, kreativitet och utbildning samt introducera nya sätt för social interaktion.Syftet med denna studie är att urskilja vilka framgångsfaktorer Pokémon GO har för att locka samt behålla sina användare. För att besvara studiens frågeställning har en enkätundersökning genomförts där 61 deltagare svarat på frågor rörande deras åsikter om spelet. Resultatet av användarens egna upplevelser och åsikter har analyserats för att sedan dras i parallell med erkända forskningsmodeller.Studiens resultat visar på ett flertal anledningar till att användare lockats till spelet och att de dynamiska egenskaper som implementerats i Pokémon Go återfinns i ett flertal av de forskningsteorier som presenterats i studien. Nyfikenheten för teknologin, nostalgin för spelkonceptet samt den sociala interaktionen med andra spelare är några av dessa för att exemplifiera. Vidare har studien visat att spelet brister i en del egenskaper som forskare, med sina modeller, menat vara väsentliga. Hinder där spelet inte lyckats motivera användaren till att fortsätta spela har exempelvis varit av den karaktär där spelare distraherats, tappat fokus och med detta intresset för att fortsätta spela. / Since the first mobile games were released, the technology has been developed and the so-called exergames that make demands on physical movement to advance are becoming more common. In 2016, the mobile game Pokémon Go was released and has, measured by yield and popularity, dominated the mobile gaming market. From a research perspective, several models have been developed in which success factors required by a popular game to attract users are presented. Previous studies also argue that the augmented reality (AR) technology applied in the Pokémon GO can promote physical activity, creativity and education, and introduce new ways of social interaction.The purpose of this study is to distinguish which success factors Pokémon GO has to attract and retain its users. To do this, a questionnaire survey was conducted in which 61 participants answered questions regarding their views on the game. The result of the user's own experiences and opinions has been analyzed and then drawn in parallel with recognized research models.The study's results show on several grounds that users were attracted to the game and that the dynamic features implemented in Pokémon Go are found in a number of the research theories presented in the study. The curiosity of the technology, the nostalgia for the game concept and the social interaction with other players are some of these to exemplify. Furthermore, the study has shown that the game lacks in some properties that researchers, with their models, mean to be essential. Obstacles where the game failed to motivate the user to continue playing have, for example, been of the character in which players are distracted, lost focus and with this the interest in continuing to play.

Exploring the Relationship Between Religiousness and Video Game Addiction

Barnet, Joseph 01 August 2019 (has links)
Religiousness has been shown to have an inverse relationship with at least some types of addiction. The present study examined whether intrinsic religiousness predicts substance addiction and video game addiction in a sample of participants that included mostly undergraduate students from the Appalachian region, as well as some participants surveyed with the use of social media advertisements. Intrinsic religiousness has been defined as internalizing the tenets of one’s faith. Participants self-reported their religiousness using the Religious Surrender and Attendance Scale – 3 (RSAS-3), which has been shown to measure intrinsic religiousness. Religiousness as measured by the RSAS-3 predicted lower levels of substance use addiction. Statistical significance was not found for the relationship between religiousness and video game addiction. The present study extends findings regarding religiousness and addiction but future research should also take into account different theological and denominational beliefs and commitments related to health outcomes.

Corporate Social Responsibility Factors in Market Share and Financial Performance Improvement

McLaughlin, Belinda 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some corporate leaders lack knowledge of CSR strategies to improve corporate financial performance. Businesses increase their profit margins when the business leaders integrate social and environmental management into core business processes. Grounded in stakeholder theory, this multicase study involved an exploration of corporate social responsibility factors that contributory to improving market share and financial performance. One-on-one interviews took place, and corporate leaders of 3 Native American owned companies that have implemented successful CSR strategies to improve market share and financial performance within the Midwestern area of the United States, including Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Data triangulation involved the use of field observations, organizational background information, and review of archival records. Modified van Kaam method was instrumental to identifying the variation of potential structural meanings embedded within textural implications as well as to expose core themes and contexts that contribute to the apparent presence of the phenomenon. Some themes that emerged from this study included corporate social responsibility strategies, core value and views, and indications. These themes developed through efforts to identify the CSR strategies and outcomes of Native-owned gaming operations. Identifying successful CSR strategies encourages more companies to participate in socially responsible initiatives. Illustrating successful CSR efforts within Native gaming operations can transform business practices, enhance social performance, and generate positive social change in communities through transforming local Native American communities into vibrant cohesive societies for families to thrive in.

The Mediating Effects of Problematic Internet and Video Gaming Behaviors on Family, Cultural, and Individual Constructs among Latinx and non-Latinx Black Youth

Diez, Stephanie L 27 March 2019 (has links)
Problematic Internet use (PIU) and problematic video gaming (PVG) are associated with various negative health outcomes and are increasingly concerning behavioral health issues among youth. While market research indicates that US Latinx use the Internet and video games more frequently than non-Latinx US youth, research on PIU and PVG among this historically understudied population is lacking. Accordingly, data on PIU, PVG, parental monitoring, sleep quality, substance use, anxiety, depression, parental attachment, acculturation, and positive future orientation were collected using validated standardized measures from three separate samples of US Latinx and non-Latinx youth. The aims of this research were to explore the associations between PIU, PVG, and family, cultural, and individual wellbeing outcomes in a community sample of US Latinx and non-Latinx black adolescents. The first study (N = 159) examined the incidence of PVG among youth and found that younger elementary school aged males (ages 6-11) had the highest PVG scores, followed by middle school aged males (ages 12-14), and high school aged males (ages 15-18). Building off previous research, the second study collected data (N = 247) examined PIU as a mediator of the association between parental monitoring and academic achievement, sleep quality, substance use, anxiety, and depression. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to estimate the relationships between the variables, controlling for adolescent’s age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Results revealed that PIU is a significant mediator between parental monitoring and low academic achievement, sleep quality, substance use, anxiety, and depression. A third study was conducted to examine if PIU and PVG mediate the relation between family, cultural, individual constructs and academic achievement. Two separate simple mediation models were tested using PROCESS© macro v3.0 for SPSS 25. Results from the hypothesized mediation models were not significant. Suggestions for future research to examine critical Latinx cultural values and their influence on behavioral health is discussed.

I feel different when I play : A study of self esteem and well-being in MMO-playing young adults

Lesslie, Linnea, Kuba, Michelle January 2019 (has links)
The current study aimed to investigate if there was a difference in self esteem of Swedish young adults when they were playing MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) compared to when they were not playing. Moreover, the purpose was to explore whether any discrepancy in self esteem was associated with well-being and/or the amount of time spent gaming. The sample (N=75) was 19-30 year olds who regularly played MMO. The study consisted of an online survey including the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, two versions of the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (one directed towards when playing and one towards when not playing) as well as questions concerning gaming habits. The results showed a significant difference in self esteem with a generally lower self esteem when playing compared to when not playing. The results indicated that MMO-playing functions as a separate context, where self esteem manifests differently from otherwise. The group reporting the lowest well-being showed a significant correlation between well-being and the discrepancy. This indicated that people with low well-being may have an increased sensitivity towards a discrepancy in self esteem where it tends to affect well-being negatively. The group that played the most showed a generally larger discrepancy compared to those who played the least. The patterns observed in the study motivate further research regarding why self esteem manifests differently in the MMO-playing context. / Studien ämnade att undersöka om det fanns en skillnad i självkänsla hos svenska unga vuxna då de spelande MMO(Massively Multiplayer Online Games) i relation till när de inte spelade. Vidare var syftet med studien att undersöka om någon diskrepans i självkänsla var associerat med välmående och/eller antal timmar de spelade. Urvalet (N=75) bestod av 19-30 åringar som regelbundet spelade MMO. Studien bestod av en online enkät med en Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale och två versioner av Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (en riktad mot då de spelande och en riktad mot då de inte spelade). Vidare bestod enkäten av frågor gällande spelvanor. Resultatet visade på en signifikant skillnad i självkänsla med en lägre självkänsla då de spelade än då de inte spelade. Resultatet tyder på att MMO-spelande fungerar som ett kontext där självkänsla manifesteras annorlunda. Gruppen som rapporterade lägst välmående visade på en signifikant korrelation mellan välmående och diskrepans. Detta indikerar att människor med lågt välmående kan ha en ökad känslighet för diskrepans i självkänsla, där diskrepansen verkar påverka välmående negativt. Gruppen som spelade mest tenderade vidare att  generellt ha en större diskrepans i jämförelse med dom som spelade minst. De mönster som observerats i den aktuella studien motiverar framtida forskning gällande varför självkänsla manifesteras annorlunda i MMO-spelande kontext.

Gadnet For Virtual Reality Interaction

Trivedi, Yagnik Vinodkumar January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Feasibility of Dementia Caregiver Task Performance Measurement Using Smart Gaming Technology

Goodman, Garrett G. 17 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Pac-Man and the Pack Mentality: A study of the powers of nostalgia and socialization in gaming choice

Kerns, Avery Elaine January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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