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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and fabrication of photonic devices using phase change materials

Guo, Pengfei January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

In-situ transmission electron microscopy on high-temperature phase transitions of Ge-Sb-Te alloys

Berlin, Katja 08 June 2018 (has links)
Das Hochtemperaturverhalten beeinflusst viele verschiedene Prozesse von der Materialherstellung bis hin zur technologischen Anwendung. In-situ Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) bietet die Möglichkeit, die atomaren Prozesse während struktureller Phasenübergänge direkt und in Realzeit zu beobachten. In dieser Arbeit wurde in-situ TEM angewendet, um die Reversibilität des Schmelz- und Kristallisationsprozesses, sowie das anisotropen Sublimationsverhaltens von Ge-Sb-Te (GST) Dünnschichten zu untersuchen. Die gezielte Probenpräparation für die erfolgreiche Beobachtung der Hochtemperatur-Phasenübergänge wird hervorgehoben. Die notwendige Einkapselung für die Beobachtung der Flüssigphase unter Vakuumbedingungen und die erforderliche sauberer Oberfläche für den Sublimationsprozess werden detailliert beschrieben. Außerdem wird die Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie eingesetzt um die lokale chemische Zusammensetzung vor und nach den Übergängen zu bestimmen. Die Untersuchung der Grenzflächenstruktur und Dynamik sowohl beim Phasenübergang fest-flüssig als auch flüssig-fest zeigt Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Vorgängen. Die trigonale Phase von GST weist beim Schmelzen eine teilweise geordnete Übergangszone an der fest-flüssig-Grenzfläche auf, während ein solcher Zwischenzustand bei der Erstarrung nicht entsteht. Außerdem läuft der Schmelzvorgang zeitlich linear ab, während die Kristallisation durch eine Wurzelabhängigkeit von der Zeit mit überlagerter Start-Stopp-Bewegung beschrieben werden kann. Der Einfluss der Substrat-Grenzfläche wird diskutiert und die Oberflächenenergie von GST bestimmt. Die anisotrope Dynamik führt beim Phasenübergang fest-gasförmig der kubischen Phase von GST zur Ausbildung stabiler {111} Facetten. Dies erfolgt über die Bildung von Kinken und Stufen auf stabilen Terrassen. Die Keimbildungsrate und die bevorzugten Keimbildungsorte der Kinken wurden identifiziert und stimmen mit den Voraussagen des Terrassen-Stufen-Kinken Modells überein. / High-temperature behavior influence many different processes ranging from material processing to device applications. In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides the means for direct observation of atomic processes during structural phase transitions in real time. In this thesis, in-situ TEM is applied to investigate the reversibility of the melting and solidification processes as well as the anisotropic sublimation behavior of Ge-Sb-Te (GST) thin films. The purposeful sample preparation for the successful observation of the high-temperature phase transitions is emphasized. The required encapsulation for the observation of the liquid phase inside the vacuum conditions and the necessary clean surface for sublimation process are discussed in detail. Additionally electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the TEM is used to determine the local chemical composition before and after the phase transitions. The analysis of the interface structure and dynamic during the solid-to-liquid as well as the liquid-to-solid phase transition shows differences between both processes. The trigonal phase of GST exhibits a partially ordered transition zone at the solid-liquid interface during melting while such an intermediate state does not form during solidification. Additionally the melting process proceeds with linear dependence on time, whereas crystallization can be described as having a square-root time-dependency featuring a superimposed start-stop motion. The influence of the interface is addressed and the surface energies of GST are determined. The anisotropic dynamic of the solid-to-gas phase transition of the cubic GST phase leads to the formation of stable {111} facets. This happens via kink and step nucleation on stable terraces. The nucleation rates and the preferred kink nucleation sites are identified and are in accordance with the predictions of terrace-step-kink model.

Epitaxial chalcogenide Ge-Sb-Te thin films and superlattices by pulsed laser deposition

Hilmi, Isom 28 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the deposition of epitaxial chalcogenide (Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST225), GeTe and Sb2Te3) thin films and superlattice (SL) arrangement based on GeTe-Sb2Te3 using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on (111)-oriented Si substrates. The thin films are characterized using in-situ RHEED, XRD, SEM, AFM and TEM. The epitaxial trigonal GST225 films with out-of-plane c-plane orientation were grown in 2D growth mode. For the first group of the films (substrate-target distance (dts) of ~7.5 cm), the epitaxial window was observed from 200 °C to 300 °C. By varying laser frequency, deposition rate as high as 42 nm/ min can be achieved. The deposition with a slight reduction of dts to ~6 cm (second group) at moderate Ts of 220 °C results in the epitaxial films with heterogeneous vacancy structures (coexisting metastable phases. i.e. with random and ordered vacancies, and stable trigonal phase). Thermal annealing (at 220 °C) leads to a phase transformation towards a pure trigonal phase. The epitaxial Sb2Te3 films with out-of-plane (0001) oriented trigonal structure were grown at Ts from 140 to 280 °C in 2D growth mode. The optimum Ts in terms of deposition rate and film quality was determined to be 240 °C. The epitaxial growth of Sb2Te3 thin films is initiated by the self-organized formation of a Sb/Te single-atomic passivation layer on the Si surface. The growth of GeTe was initialized by the formation of an ultra-thin amorphous layer. The films were predominantly grown in the mix of 2D and 3D growth modes. The deposited films possesses trigonal structure out-of-plane (0001)-orientated on Si(111). By employing a 2D-bonded Sb2Te3 as a seeding layer on Si(111), the epitaxial window of GeTe can be extended especially towards the lower temperature regime, up to 145 °C. Additionally, the surface topography can be significantly improved, indicating that the films are grown in 2D growth mode on the buffered substrate. The epitaxial SLs can be grown starting at Ts = 140 °C. Each layer of the SLs, i.e. Sb2Te3 and GeTe layer, was grown in 2D growth mode. An intermixing of GeTe and Sb2Te3 layers occurred at a higher temperature deposition. Studies on local structure of 140 °C-deposited SL showed that the SL consists of Ge-rich Ge(x+y)Sb(2–y)Tez and Sb2Te3 units intercalated by Van der Waals gaps with the inhomogeneity of layer thickness across the SL. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of PLD for deposition of good quality epitaxial chalcogenide thin films and SL structure on Si(111).

Nanopatterned Phase-Change Materials for High-Speed, Continuous Phase Modulation

Aboujaoude, Andrea E. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Epitaxial growth and characterization of GeTe and GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices

Wang, Rui Ning 08 August 2017 (has links)
Die epitaktische Wachstum von GeTe Dünnschichten und Sb2Te3/GeTe Übergittern durch Molekularstrahlepitaxie wird auf drei verschiedenen Silizium Oberflächen gezeigt: Si(111)−(7×7), Si(111)−(√3×√3)R30°−Sb, und Si(111)−(1×1)−H. Mit Röntgenstrukturanalyse wird bewiesen, dass die epitaktische Beziehung der GeTe Schicht von der Oberflächepassievierung abhängig ist; auf einer passivierten Fläche können verdrehte Domänen unterdrückt sein. Dieses Verhalten ähnelt dem, welches bei 2D Materialien zu erwarten wäre, und wird auf die Schwäche der Resonanten ungebundenen Zustände zurückgeführt, die durch Peierls Verzerrung noch schwächer werden. / The growth by molecular beam epitaxy of GeTe and Sb2Te3/GeTe superlattices on three differently reconstructed Si(111) surfaces is demonstrated. Namely, these are the Si(111)−(7×7), Si(111)−(√3×√3)R30°−Sb, and Si(111)−(1×1)−H reconstructions. Through X-ray diffraction, the epitaxial relationship of GeTe is shown to depend on the passivation of the surface; in-plane twisted and twinned domains could be suppressed on a passivated surface. This behavior which resembles what would be expected from lamellar materials, is attributed to the relative weakness of resonant dangling bonds, that are further weakened by Peierls distortion.

Epitaxial Growth and Ultrafast Dynamics of GeSbTe Alloys and GeTe/Sb2Te3 Superlattices

Bragaglia, Valeria 26 September 2017 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Wachstum von dünnen quasi-kristallinen Ge-Sb-Te (GST) Schichten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie demonstriert, die zu einer geordneten Konfiguration von intrinsischen Kristallgitterfehlstellen führen. Es wird gezeigt, wie es eine Strukturanalyse basierend auf Röntgenstrahlbeugungssimulationen, Dichtefunktionaltheorie und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie ermöglicht, eine eindeutige Beurteilung der Kristallgitterlückenanordnung in den GST-Proben vorzunehmen. Das Verständnis für die Ordnungsprozesse der Gitterfehlstellen erlaubt eine gezielte Einstellung des Ordnungsgrades selbst, der mit der Zusammensetzung und der Kristallphase des Materials in Zusammenhang steht. Auf dieser Basis wurde ein Phasendiagramm mit verschiedenen Wachstumsfenstern für GST erstellt. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, dass man eine hohe Ordnung der Gitterfehlstellen in GST auch durch Ausheizprozesse und anhand von Femtosekunden-gepulster Laserkristallisation von amorphem Material erhält, das zuvor auf einem als Kristallisationsgrundlage dienenden Substrat abgeschiedenen wurde. Diese Erkenntnis ist bemerkenswert, da sie zeigt, dass sich kristalline GST Schichten mit geordneten Kristallgitterlücken durch verschiedene Herstellungsprozesse realisieren lassen. Darüber hinaus wurde das Wachstum von GeTe/Sb2Te3 Übergittern durchgeführt, deren Struktur die von GST mit geordneten Gitterfehlstellen widerspiegelt. Die Möglichkeit den Grad der Gitterfehlstellenordung in GST gezielt zu manipulieren wurde mit einer Studie der Transporteigenschaften kombiniert. Die Anwendung von großflächigen Charakterisierungsmethoden wie XRD, Raman und IR-Spektroskopie, erlaubte die Bestimmung der Phase und des Fehlstellenordnungsgrades von GST und zeigte eindeutig, dass die Fehlstellenordnung für den Metall-Isolator-Übergang (MIT) verantwortlich ist. Insbesondere wird durch das Vergleichen von XRD-Messungen mit elektrischen Messungen gezeigt, dass der Übergang von isolierend zu leitend erfolgt, sobald eine Ordnung der Kristallgitterlücken einsetzt. Dieses Phänomen tritt in der kubischen Kristallphase auf, wenn Gitterfehlstellen in GST von einem ungeordneten in einen geordneten Zustand übergehen. Im zweiten Teil des Kapitels wird eine Kombination aus FIR- und Raman-Spektroskopie zur Untersuchung der Vibrationsmoden und des Ladungsträgerverhaltens in der amorphen und der kristallinen Phase angewendet, um Aktivierungsenergien für die Elektronenleitung, sowohl für die kubische, als auch für die trigonale Kristallphase von GST zu bestimmen. Hier ist es wichtig zu erwähnen, dass, in Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen aus anderen Untersuchungen, das Auftauchen eines MIT beim Übergang zwischen der ungeordneten und der geordneten kubischen Phase beobachtet wurde. Schlussendlich wurden verschiedene sogenannte Pump/Probe Technik, bei der man das Material mit dem Laser anregt und die Röntgenstrahlung oder Terahertz (THz)-spektroskopie als Sonde nutzt, angewandt. Dies dient um ultra-schnelle Dynamiken zu erfassen, die zum Verständnis der Umschaltmechanismen nötig sind. Die Empfindlichkeit der THz-Messungen hinsichtlich der Leitfähigkeit, sowohl in GST, als auch in GeTe/Sb2Te3 Übergittern zeigte, dass die nicht-thermische Natur der Übergitterumschaltprozesse mit Grenzflächeneffekten zusammenhängt und . Der Ablauf wird mit beeindruckender geringer Laser-Fluenz erreicht. Dieses Ergebnis stimmt mit Berichten aus der Literatur überein, in denen ein Kristall-zu Kristallwechsel von auf Übergittern basierenden Speicherzellen für effizienter gehalten wird als GST Schmelzen, was zu einen ultra-schwachen Energieverbrauch führt. / The growth by molecular beam epitaxy of Ge-Sb-Te (GST) alloys resulting in quasi-single-crystalline films with ordered configuration of intrinsic vacancies is demonstrated. It is shown how a structural characterization based on transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and density functional theory, allowed to unequivocally assess the vacancy ordering in GST samples, which was so far only predicted. The understanding of the ordering process enabled the realization of a fine tuning of the ordering degree itself, which is linked to composition and crystalline phase. A phase diagram with the different growth windows for GST is obtained. High degree of vacancy ordering in GST is also obtained through annealing and via femtosecond-pulsed laser crystallization of amorphous material deposited on a crystalline substrate, which acts as a template for the crystallization. This finding is remarkable as it demonstrates that it is possible to create a crystalline GST with ordered vacancies by using different fabrication procedures. Growth and structural characterization of GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices is also obtained. Their structure resembles that of ordered GST, with exception of the Sb and Ge layers stacking sequence. The possibility to tune the degree of vacancy ordering in GST has been combined with a study of its transport properties. Employing global characterization methods such as XRD, Raman and Far-Infrared spectroscopy, the phase and ordering degree of the GST was assessed, and unequivocally demonstrated that vacancy ordering in GST drives the metal-insulator transition (MIT). In particular, first it is shown that by comparing electrical measurements to XRD, the transition from insulating to metallic behavior is obtained as soon as vacancies start to order. This phenomenon occurs within the cubic phase, when GST evolves from disordered to ordered. In the second part of the chapter, a combination of Far-Infrared and Raman spectroscopy is employed to investigate vibrational modes and the carrier behavior in amorphous and crystalline phases, enabling to extract activation energies for the electron conduction for both cubic and trigonal GST phases. Most important, a MIT is clearly identified to occur at the onset of the transition between the disordered and the ordered cubic phase, consistently with the electrical study. Finally, pump/probe schemes based on optical-pump/X-ray absorption and Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy-probes have been employed to access ultrafast dynamics necessary for the understanding of switching mechanisms. The sensitivity of THz-probe to conductivity in both GST and GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices showed that the non-thermal nature of switching in superlattices is related to interface effects, and can be triggered by employing up to one order less laser fluences if compared to GST. Such result agrees with literature, in which a crystal to crystal switching of superlattice based memory cells is expected to be more efficient than GST melting, therefore enabling ultra-low energy consumption.

Study of Light Emission from GeSbTe Phase-Change Materials Due to Doping

Hilton, Brandon J. 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Investigations of Phase Change Memory Properties of Selenium Doped GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5

Vinod, E M January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 alloys are potential candidates for non-volatile phase change random access memories (PCRAM). For electrical data storage applications the materials should have stable amorphous and crystalline phases, fast crystallization time, low power to switch, and high crystallization activation energy (to be stable at normal operating temperatures). Phase change memories can be tuned through compositional variations to achieve sufficient phase change contrast and thermal stability for data retention. Selenium is one of the attractive choices to use as an additive material owing to its flexible amorphous structure and a variety of possible applications in optoelectronics and solar cells. GeSb2Te3Se alloy, in which 25 at.% of Se substituted for Te, show a higher room temperature resistance with respect to parent GeSb2Te4 alloy, but the transition temperature is lowered which will affect the thermal stability. The RESET current observed for Sb65Se35 alloys were reduced and the crystallization speed increased 25 % faster with respect to Ge2Sb2Te5. Alloys of Ga-Sb-Se possess advantages such as higher crystallization temperatures, better data retention, higher switching speed, lower thermal conductivity and lower melting point than the GST, but the resistance ratio is limited to about two orders of magnitude. This affects the resistance contrast and data readability. It is with this background a study has been carried out in GeTe and GeSbTe system with Se doping. Studies on structural, thermal and optical properties of these materials all through the phase transition temperatures would be helpful to explore the feasibility of phase change memory uses. Thin films along with their bulk counterparts such as (GeTe)1-x Sex ( 0 < x ≤ 0.50) and (GST)1-xSex (0 < x ≤ 0.50), including GeTe and GST alloys, have been prepared. The results are presented in four chapters apart from the Introduction and Experimental techniques chapters. The final chapter summarizes the results. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to chalcogenide glasses, phase change memory materials and their applications. The fundamental properties of amorphous solids, basic phase change properties of Ge2Sb2Te5 and GeTe alloys and their applications are presented in detail. Various doping studies on GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 reported in literatures are reviewed. The limitations, challenges, future and scope of the present work are presented. In chapter 2, the experimental techniques used for thin film preparation, electrical characterizations, optical characterization and surface characterizations etc. are explained. Chapter 3 deals entirely on Ge2Sb2Te5 films studied throughout the phase transition, by annealing at different temperatures. Changes in sheet resistance, optical transmission, morphology and surface bonding characteristics are analyzed. The crystallization leads to an increase of roughness and the resistance changes to three orders of magnitude at 125 oC. Optical studies show distinct changes in transmittance during phase transitions and the optical parameters are calculated. Band gap contrast and disorder variation with annealing temperatures are explained. The surface bonding characteristics studied by XPS show Ge-Te, Sb-Te bonds are present in both amorphous and crystalline phases. The temperature dependent modifications of the band structure of amorphous GST films at low temperatures have been little explored. The band gap increment of around 0.2 eV is observed at low temperature (4.2 K) compared to room temperature 300 K. Other optical parameters like Urbach energy and B1/2 are studied at different temperatures and are evaluated. The observed changes in optical band gap (Eopt) are fitted to Fan’s one phonon approximation, from which a phonon energy (ћω) corresponding to a frequency of 3.59 THz resulted. The frequency of 3.66 THz optical phonons has already been reported by coherent phonon spectroscopy experiment in amorphous GST. This opens up an indirect method of calculating the phonon frequency of the amorphous phase change materials. Chapter 4 constitutes comparison of optical, electrical and structural investigation of GST and (GST)1-xSex films. It is well known that GST alloys have vacancy in their structure, which leads to the possibility of switching between the amorphous and crystalline states with minimum damage. Added Se may occupy the vacancy or change the bonding characteristics which intern may manifest in the possibility of change in optical and electrical parameters. The structural studies show a direct amorphous to hexagonal transition in (GST)1-xSex, where x ≥ 0.10 at.%. Raman spectra of the as deposited and annealed (GST)1-xSex films show structural modifications. The infrared transmission spectra indicate a shift in absorption edges from low to high photon energy when Se concentration increases in GST. Band gap values calculated from Tauc plot show the band gap increment with Se doping. It is noted that a small amount of Se doping increases the resistance of the amorphous and crystalline phases and maintains the same orders of resistance contrast. This will be beneficial as it improves the thermal stability and reduces the write current in a device. Switching studies show an increasing threshold voltage as the Se doping concentration increases. Chapter 5 comprises compositional dependent investigations of the bulk GeTe chalcogenides alloys added with different selenium concentrations. The XRD investigations on bulk (GeTe)1-xSex (x = 0.0, 0.02, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.50 at.%) alloys show that the crystalline structure of GeTe alloys does not affect ≤ 0.20 at.% of Se concentration. With increasing amount of Se concentration the alloys gets modified in to a homogeneous amorphous structure. This result has been verified from the XRD, Raman, XPS, SEM and DSC measurements. The possibility that Se occupying the Ge vacancy sites in GeTe structure is explained. Since Se is an easy glass former, the amorphousness increases in the alloys due to new amorphous phases formed by the Se with other elements. It is shown from Raman and XPS analysis that the Ge-Te bonds exists up to Se 0.20 at.% alloys. Ge-Se and GeTe2 bonds are increasing with increasing Se at.%. Melting temperature has found decreases and the reduction in melting point may reduces the RESET current. Further studies on switching behavior may bring out its usefulness. Chapter 6 deals with studies on (GeTe)1-xSex films for phase change memory applications based on the insight received from their bulk study. Even at low at.% addition of Se makes the as prepared (GeTe)1-xSex film amorphous. At 200 oC, GeTe crystalline structure is evolved and the intensity of the peaks reduces in the alloys with increase of Se content. At 300 oC, more evolved GeTe crystalline structure is seen compared to 200 oC annealed films whereas 0.20 at.% Se alloy remain amorphous. Resistance and thermal studies shows increase in crystallization temperature. It is expected that Se sits in the vacancies of the GeTe crystalline structural formation. This may also account for the increased threshold voltages with increasing Se doping. The band gap increase with increase of Se at.% signifying the possibility of band gap tuning in the material. Possible explanation for the increased order in GeTe due to Se doping is presented. The modifications in the alloy with Se addition can be explained with the help of chemical bond energy approach. Those bonds having higher energy leads to increased average bond energy of the system and hence the band gap. The XPS core level spectra and Raman spectra investigation clearly shows the GeTe bonds are replaced by Ge-Se bonds and GeTe2 bonds. The 0.10 at.% Se alloy is found to have a higher thermal stability in the amorphous state and maintains a gigantic resistance contrast compared to other Se concentration alloys. This alloy can be considered as an ideal candidate for multilevel PCM applications. Chapter 7 summarizes the major findings from this work and the scope for future work.

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