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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Zahnfußtragfähigkeit von Planeten- und Zwischenrädern mit elastisch gestaltetem Radkranz

Tragsdorf, Martin 29 July 2022 (has links)
Planetengetriebe zeichnen sich aufgrund der Leistungsverzweigung durch eine hohe Leistungsdichte und kompakte Bauweise bei koaxialer Drehmomentweiterführung aus. Ihre Anwendung überspannt verschiedene Einsatzgebiete, so zum Beispiel hochpräzise Roboterantriebe, Leistungsindustriegetriebe, Windenergieanlagen sowie sicherheitsrelevante mechatronische Module im Antriebsstrang der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik. Eine sichere Berechnungsgrundlage ist deshalb zur Prozesssicherheit, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Ressourcenschonung von hoher Bedeutung. Planetenräder, welche direkt auf dem Planetenbolzen gelagert sind, können als Zahnkranz ausgeführt werden. In Abhängigkeit von Kranzdicke und -durchmesser ändert sich die Kranzelastizität und damit verbunden auch die Zahnfußbeanspruchung. Folglich können Zahnkränze nicht zwangsläufig mit den gleichen Vorschriften wie Vollräder berechnet werden. In einigen internationalen und nationalen Arbeiten sind schon theoretische Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur Beanspruchungscharakteristik elastischer Außenverzahnungen durchgeführt worden. Unter Umständen kann es zu einer Verlagerung des Zugspannungsmaximums in einen Bereich außerhalb des betrachteten Zahneingriffs kommen. Die Betrachtungen zur Zahnfußbeanspruchung können also nicht auf die Lastzähne beschränkt bleiben, sondern müssen analog zur Innenverzahnung mit elastischem Kranz am gesamten Umfang betrachtet werden. Der als Zahnkranz ausgeführte Planet erfährt neben den Belastungen durch die Zahnkräfte auch Zwänge durch Umgebungsgeometrie und Drehbewegung. Die Anteile der einzelnen Einflüsse aus Kraft- und Momenteneinleitungen an den Lastzähnen, der Lastreaktionen aus der Lagerung sowie Lasteinleitungen durch Fliehkräfte sind stark abhängig von der Elastizität des Kranzes und der Getriebekinematik. Ziel der theoretischen Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines detaillierten, analytischen und geschlossen lösbaren Berechnungsganges bezüglich der Zahnfußtragfähigkeit. Des Weiteren wird eine Berechnungsmethode, basierend auf numerisch ermittelten Kerbspannungen, entwickelt. Mittels ausgewählter experimenteller Untersuchungen durch Dauerfestigkeitsversuche und quasistatische Messversuche mit Dehnungsmessstreifen in der Zahnfußausrundung soll der ermittelte Berechnungsgang praxisnah überprüft werden.:Formelzeichenverzeichnis XI 1. Einleitung und Problemstellung 1 2. Stand des Wissens 3 2.1. Grundlagen zu Zahnradgetrieben 3 2.1.1. Historischer Abriss 3 2.1.2. Typische Verzahnungsschäden im Betrieb 5 2.1.3. Historische Entwicklung der Berechnung der Zahnfußtragfähigkeit 9 2.2. Normative Berechnungsverfahren zur Zahnfußtragfähigkeit von außenverzahnten Stirnradgetrieben 12 2.3. Historie des Forschungsstandes zu elastischen Verzahnungen 14 3. Analyse des Systems elastisches Planetenrad 21 3.1. Belastung und Beanspruchung im Zahnfuß 21 3.2. Planetenlagerreaktion 23 3.3. Fliehkrafteinfluss 26 4. Entwicklung eines angepassten Tragfähigkeitsnachweises 31 4.1. Beanspruchungsermittlung unter Nutzung numerischer Methoden 31 4.1.1. Beschreibung der Zahngeometrie 32 4.1.2. Lasten und Randbedingungen 43 4.1.3. Besondere Anforderungen an das FE-Modell 46 4.1.4. Sensitivitätsanalyse 47 4.1.5. Auswertung der ermittelten Beanspruchungen 49 4.1.6. Berechnung der Doppelamplituden und Mittelspannung der Zahnfußbeanspruchung 51 4.2. Beanspruchungsermittlung unter Nutzung analytischer Methoden 51 4.2.1. Bestimmung der Zahnbiegenennspannung 52 4.2.2. Bestimmung der Kranznennspannung infolge der angreifenden Zahnkräfte 52 4.2.3. Bestimmung der Kranznennspannung infolge der Fliehkräfte 57 4.2.4. Lösung der statisch unbestimmten Größen 59 4.2.5. Analytische Berechnung der Ringdeformation 62 4.2.6. Ermittlung des versteifenden Einflusses der Verzahnung 63 4.2.7. Spannungskorrekturfaktoren 64 4.2.8. Berechnung der Doppelamplitude und Mittelspannung der Zahnfußbeanspruchung 67 4.3. Beanspruchbarkeitsermittlung 71 4.3.1. Ermittlung der Dauerfestigkeit bei allgemein wechselnder Beanspruchung 71 4.3.2. Ermittlung der zulässigen Zahnfußspannung 73 4.4. Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit 74 4.4.1. Grenzen und Einschränkungen 75 4.4.2. Lokaler Nachweis 75 4.4.3. Nennspannungsnachweis 76 5. Methodenträger 79 6. Experimentelle Untersuchungen 83 6.1. Versuche zur lokalen Zahnfußbeanspruchung 83 6.1.1. Prüfstandsaufbau 83 6.1.2. Versuchsdurchführung 87 6.1.3. Auswertung der Messergebnisse 90 6.1.4. Vergleich mit FE-Resultaten 96 6.2. Versuche zur Tragfähigkeitsberechnung 99 6.2.1. Prüfstandsaufbau 99 6.2.2. Angewandte Verfahren zur Durchführung und Auswertung der Ermüdungsversuche 103 6.2.3. Ermittlung von grundlegenden Versuchsparametern 103 6.2.4. Versuchsdurchführung und Dokumentation 105 6.2.5. Auswertung der Versuchsergebnisse 108 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 117 Abbildungsverzeichnis 121 Tabellenverzeichnis 124 Literaturverzeichnis 127 A. Anhang 135 A.1. Berechnungsbeispiel erweiterte Zahnfußtragfähigkeitsberechnung 137 A.2. Alternative Berechnung der Schnittreaktionen für die Lagerreaktion als Einzellasten 149 A.3. Gleichungen zur analytischen Berechnung der Kranzdeformation 151 A.4. Unterlagen quasistatischer Planetengetriebeprüfstand 155 A.4.1. Verzahnungsdaten Prüfstand 155 A.4.2. Datenblatt DMS-Ketten Zahnfuß 156 A.4.3. Konturscans Zahnlücke 157 A.4.4. Zusammenbauzeichnung Prüfstand 161 A.4.5. Zeichnungen Planetenräder 162 A.5. Unterlagen Zwischenradprüfstand 171 A.5.1. Verzahnungsdaten Prüfstand 171 A.5.2. Konturscans Zahnlücke 172 A.5.3. Versuchsdaten 174 A.5.4. Ermittlung der Werkstoffkennwerte 181 A.5.5. Werkstoffuntersuchungen 182 A.5.6. Zusammenbauzeichnung Prüfstand 186 A.5.7. Schnittdarstellung Prüfgetriebe 187 A.5.8. Schnittdarstellung Rückgetriebe 188 A.5.9. Zeichnungen Prüfritzel 189 A.5.10. Zeichnungen Gegenräder 193 / Due to the power split, planetary gearboxes are characterised by a high power density and compact design at coaxial torque transmission. Their application ranges across various fields of use, such as high-precision robot drives, industrial gearboxes, wind turbines, and safetyrelevant mechatronic modules in the drive trains of aerospace systems. A reliable calculation method is therefore of great importance for process reliability, competitiveness and resource efficiency. Planet gears that are beared directly on the planet carrier pin can be designed as a gear rim. Depending on the rim thickness and diameter, the rim elasticity and the tooth root stress changes. Therefore, rims cannot be calculated with the same standards as solid gears. Theoretical research on the stress characteristics of elastic external gears has already been conducted in several international and national papers. Under certain circumstances, a shift of the tensile stress maximum to a region outside the considered tooth meshing is possible. The evaluation of the tooth root stress can therefore not be limited to the loaded teeth but must be expanded to the entire circumference analogous to the internal gearing with elastic rim. The planet designed as a gear rim experiences constraints due to surrounding geometry and rotational movement in addition to the tooth loads. The proportions of the individual influences from force and moment inputs at the load teeth, the load reactions from the bearing as well as load inputs through centrifugal forces are strongly dependent on the elasticity of the ring and the kinematics of the gear. The purpose of the theoretical investigations of the thesis at hand is the creation of a detailed, analytical and closed solvable calculation procedure regarding the tooth root loadcarrying capacity. Furthermore, a calculation method based on numerically determined tooth root stresses is developed. By means of selected experimental investigations through fatigue strength tests and quasi-static measurement tests with strain gauges in the tooth root fillet, the determined calculation procedure is to be verified in a practically oriented manner.:Formelzeichenverzeichnis XI 1. Einleitung und Problemstellung 1 2. Stand des Wissens 3 2.1. Grundlagen zu Zahnradgetrieben 3 2.1.1. Historischer Abriss 3 2.1.2. Typische Verzahnungsschäden im Betrieb 5 2.1.3. Historische Entwicklung der Berechnung der Zahnfußtragfähigkeit 9 2.2. Normative Berechnungsverfahren zur Zahnfußtragfähigkeit von außenverzahnten Stirnradgetrieben 12 2.3. Historie des Forschungsstandes zu elastischen Verzahnungen 14 3. Analyse des Systems elastisches Planetenrad 21 3.1. Belastung und Beanspruchung im Zahnfuß 21 3.2. Planetenlagerreaktion 23 3.3. Fliehkrafteinfluss 26 4. Entwicklung eines angepassten Tragfähigkeitsnachweises 31 4.1. Beanspruchungsermittlung unter Nutzung numerischer Methoden 31 4.1.1. Beschreibung der Zahngeometrie 32 4.1.2. Lasten und Randbedingungen 43 4.1.3. Besondere Anforderungen an das FE-Modell 46 4.1.4. Sensitivitätsanalyse 47 4.1.5. Auswertung der ermittelten Beanspruchungen 49 4.1.6. Berechnung der Doppelamplituden und Mittelspannung der Zahnfußbeanspruchung 51 4.2. Beanspruchungsermittlung unter Nutzung analytischer Methoden 51 4.2.1. Bestimmung der Zahnbiegenennspannung 52 4.2.2. Bestimmung der Kranznennspannung infolge der angreifenden Zahnkräfte 52 4.2.3. Bestimmung der Kranznennspannung infolge der Fliehkräfte 57 4.2.4. Lösung der statisch unbestimmten Größen 59 4.2.5. Analytische Berechnung der Ringdeformation 62 4.2.6. Ermittlung des versteifenden Einflusses der Verzahnung 63 4.2.7. Spannungskorrekturfaktoren 64 4.2.8. Berechnung der Doppelamplitude und Mittelspannung der Zahnfußbeanspruchung 67 4.3. Beanspruchbarkeitsermittlung 71 4.3.1. Ermittlung der Dauerfestigkeit bei allgemein wechselnder Beanspruchung 71 4.3.2. Ermittlung der zulässigen Zahnfußspannung 73 4.4. Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit 74 4.4.1. Grenzen und Einschränkungen 75 4.4.2. Lokaler Nachweis 75 4.4.3. Nennspannungsnachweis 76 5. Methodenträger 79 6. Experimentelle Untersuchungen 83 6.1. Versuche zur lokalen Zahnfußbeanspruchung 83 6.1.1. Prüfstandsaufbau 83 6.1.2. Versuchsdurchführung 87 6.1.3. Auswertung der Messergebnisse 90 6.1.4. Vergleich mit FE-Resultaten 96 6.2. Versuche zur Tragfähigkeitsberechnung 99 6.2.1. Prüfstandsaufbau 99 6.2.2. Angewandte Verfahren zur Durchführung und Auswertung der Ermüdungsversuche 103 6.2.3. Ermittlung von grundlegenden Versuchsparametern 103 6.2.4. Versuchsdurchführung und Dokumentation 105 6.2.5. Auswertung der Versuchsergebnisse 108 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 117 Abbildungsverzeichnis 121 Tabellenverzeichnis 124 Literaturverzeichnis 127 A. Anhang 135 A.1. Berechnungsbeispiel erweiterte Zahnfußtragfähigkeitsberechnung 137 A.2. Alternative Berechnung der Schnittreaktionen für die Lagerreaktion als Einzellasten 149 A.3. Gleichungen zur analytischen Berechnung der Kranzdeformation 151 A.4. Unterlagen quasistatischer Planetengetriebeprüfstand 155 A.4.1. Verzahnungsdaten Prüfstand 155 A.4.2. Datenblatt DMS-Ketten Zahnfuß 156 A.4.3. Konturscans Zahnlücke 157 A.4.4. Zusammenbauzeichnung Prüfstand 161 A.4.5. Zeichnungen Planetenräder 162 A.5. Unterlagen Zwischenradprüfstand 171 A.5.1. Verzahnungsdaten Prüfstand 171 A.5.2. Konturscans Zahnlücke 172 A.5.3. Versuchsdaten 174 A.5.4. Ermittlung der Werkstoffkennwerte 181 A.5.5. Werkstoffuntersuchungen 182 A.5.6. Zusammenbauzeichnung Prüfstand 186 A.5.7. Schnittdarstellung Prüfgetriebe 187 A.5.8. Schnittdarstellung Rückgetriebe 188 A.5.9. Zeichnungen Prüfritzel 189 A.5.10. Zeichnungen Gegenräder 193

Unbegrenzte Lösungen für Verzahnungsprobleme, von denen Sie nie dachten, dass es sie gibt

Eigner, Florian 20 June 2024 (has links)
In der Verzahnungsberechnung werden Lösung meist nur optimiert und nicht neu gedacht. In Hinblick auf neue Fertigungsverfahren, erreicht „Out of the box“-Denken häufig deutliche Verbesserungen in technischer und ökonomischer Sicht. Die Software next|gear ermöglicht derart disruptives Vorgehen. Um einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz in der Verzahnungsentwicklung zu erreichen, wurde ein hyperbolisches Grundkonzept entwickelt, das die meisten der bekannten konstant übersetzenden Getriebetypen beschreiben kann. Neben der freien Wahl von zwei Achsen und Zähnezahlen, einschließlich negativer Zahlen bei Innenverzahnungen, gibt es für die Berechnung der kinematischen Auslegung drei weitere kontinuierliche Parameter, die die äußere Form des Zahnrades beschreiben. Diese Berechnungsgrundlage entfaltet das meiste Potential im Zusammenhang mit den Freiheiten, die junge Fertigungsverfahren mit Kunststoff z.B. im Spritzgussverfahren erlaubt. Hier sind die Fertigungsrestriktionen in der Regel andere als bei spanabhebenden Verfahren. Nichtdestotrotz könne auch sämtliche konventionelle Fertigungsverfahren mit dem Berechnungskonzept, basierend auf der Konjugation von Oberflächenpunkten, abgebildet werden. Mit dem Ansatz, einen durchgängigen Berechnungsprozess für alle einbezogenen Verzahnungsarten zu beschreiben, wird aufgezeigt, welche Herausforderungen in der Geometrieberechnung gelöst werden konnten. Dies wird am Beispiel eines Planetengetriebes mit innenverzahnter Schraubradverzahnung gezeigt, das inzwischen in Serie für die Automobilindustrie hergestellt wird. / In gear calculation, solutions are usually only optimised and not rethought. With regard to new manufacturing processes, 'out of the box' thinking often achieves significant improvements from a technical and economic perspective. The next|gear software enables such a disruptive approach. In order to achieve a holistic approach to gear development, a hyperbolic basic concept was developed that can describe most of the known constant-ratio gear types. In addition to the free choice of two axes and numbers of teeth, including negative numbers for internal gears, there are three further continuous parameters for calculating the kinematic design, which describe the external shape of the gear. This calculation basis unfolds the greatest potential in connection with the freedom that young manufacturing processes with plastic, e.g. injection moulding, allow. The manufacturing restrictions here are generally different to those for machining processes. Nevertheless, all conventional manufacturing processes can also be modelled with the calculation concept based on the conjugation of surface points. The approach of describing a consistent calculation process for all types of gearing involved shows which challenges could be solved in geometry calculation. This is demonstrated using the example of a planetary gearbox with internal helical gearing, which is now produced in series for the automotive industry.

From Deterioration Modeling to Remaining Useful Life Control : a comprehensive framework for post-prognosis decision-making applied to friction drive systems / De la modélisation de la détérioration au contrôle de la durée de vie utile résiduelle : proposition d’un cadre pour la prise de décision post-pronostic appliquée aux systèmes de transmission par friction

Rodriguez obando, Diego Jair 13 November 2018 (has links)
La durée de vie utile résiduelle (RUL) peut être simplement définie comme une prédiction du temps restant pendant lequel un système est capable d'exécuter sa fonction prévue ; elle est mesurée à partir de l'instant présent jusqu'à la défaillance finale. Cette durée prévue dépend principalement de l'état de détérioration des composants du système et de leurs conditions de fonctionnement futures prévues. Ainsi, la prédiction de la RUL est un processus incertain et son contrôle n'est pas une tâche triviale. En général, le but de la prévision de la RUL est d'influencer la prise de décision pour le système. Dans cette thèse, on a présenté un cadre compréhensible pour le contrôle de la RUL. Les incertitudes du modèle ainsi que les perturbations du système ont été prises en compte dans le cadre proposé. Des questions telles que le traitement de l'incertitude et l'inclusion d'objectifs RUL dans la stratégie de contrôle sont étudiées, depuis la modélisation jusqu'à une architecture de contrôle globale finale. On a montré que l'on peut prédire la RUL à partir d'une estimation appropriée de la détérioration et d'hypothèses sur les conditions de fonctionnement futures. Les systèmes d'entraînement par friction sont utilisés pour illustrer l'utilité de l'architecture globale susmentionnée. Pour ce type de système, le frottement est à la fois source du mouvement et source de la détérioration. Ce double caractéristique de frottement est une motivation pour contrôler automatiquement la détérioration du système en maintenant un compromis entre les exigences de mouvement et les valeurs RUL souhaitées. Dans cette thèse, un nouveau modèle orienté contrôle pour les systèmes d'entraînement par friction, qui inclut un modèle dynamique de la détérioration, est proposé. Le degré de détérioration est considéré en fonction de l'énergie dissipée, à la surface de contact, pendant la transmission mécanique de puissance. Une approche est proposée pour estimer l'état actuel de la détérioration d'un système d'entraînement par friction. L'approche est basée sur un Filtre de Kalman Etendu (EKF en anglais) qui utilise un modèle augmenté incluant le système mécanique dynamique et la dynamique de détérioration. L'EKF fournit également des intervalles qui incluent sûrement la valeur de détérioration réelle avec une valeur de probabilité. Une nouvelle architecture de commande de la RUL est proposée, elle comprend : un système de surveillance de l'état de détérioration (par exemple l'EKF proposé), un estimateur de l'état de fonctionnement du système, un système de commande de la RUL et un principe actionneur de la RUL. L'estimateur des conditions de fonctionnement est basé sur l'hypothèse qu'il est possible de quantifier certaines caractéristiques des exigences de mouvement, par exemple le rapport cyclique des couples moteur. Le contrôleur RUL utilise une fonction de coût qui pondère les exigences de mouvement et les valeurs RUL souhaitées pour modifier un filtre à paramètres variables, utilisé ici comme principe actionneur RUL. Le principe actionneur RUL est basé sur une modification des couples exigés, provenant d'un éventuel système de contrôle de mouvement. Les résultats préliminaires montrent qu'il est possible de contrôler la RUL, selon le cadre théorique proposé. / Remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) can be simply defined as a prediction of the remaining time that a system is able to perform its intended function, from the current time to the final failure. This predicted time mostly depends on the state of deterioration of the system components and their expected future operating conditions. Thus, the RUL prediction is an uncertain process and its control is not trivial task.In general, the purpose for predicting the RUL is to influence decision-making for the system. In this dissertation a comprehensive framework for controlling the RUL is presented. Model uncertainties as well as system disturbances have been considered into the proposed framework. Issues as uncertainty treatment and inclusion of RUL objectives in the control strategy are studied from the modeling until a final global control architecture. It is shown that the RUL can be predicted from a suitable estimation of the deterioration, and from hypothesis on the future operation conditions. Friction drive systems are used for illustrating the usefulness of the aforementioned global architecture. For this kind of system, the friction is the source of motion and at the same time the source of deterioration. This double characteristic of friction is a motivation for controlling automatically the deterioration of the system by keeping a trade-off, between motion requirements and desired RUL values. In this thesis, a new control-oriented model for friction drive systems, which includes a dynamical model of the deterioration is proposed. The amount of deterioration has been considered as a function of the dissipated energy, at the contact surface, during the mechanical power transmission. An approach to estimate the current deterioration condition of a friction drive system is proposed. The approach is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) which uses an augmented model including the mechanical dynamical system and the deterioration dynamics. At every time instant, the EKF also provides intervals which surely includes the actual deterioration value which a given probability. A new architecture for controlling the RUL is proposed, which includes: a deterioration condition monitoring system (for instance the proposed EKF), a system operation condition estimator, a RUL controller system, and a RUL actuation principle. The operation condition estimator is based on the assumption that it is possible quantify certain characteristics of the motion requirements, for instance the duty cycle of motor torques. The RUL controller uses a cost function that weights the motion requirements and the desired RUL values to modify a varying-parameter filter, used here as the RUL-actuating-principle. The RUL-actuating-principle is based on a modification of the demanded torques, coming from a possible motion controller system. Preliminary results show that it is possible to control de RUL according to the proposed theoretical framework.

Scheduling Problems With Discrete And Batch Processor Machines In Automobile Gear Manufacturing

Gokhale, Ravindra 08 1900 (has links)
The economy of a developing nation like India depends on various sectors such as: Agriculture, Commerce and Industries, Finance, Communication and Information Technology, etc. The manufacturing industries play a key role in contributing to the economy of a nation. They mainly consist of industries like steel casting, automobiles and other heavy manufacturing. This research study is related to automobile industry and particularly the gear manufacturers. The automobile industry is an important industry from the manufacturing point of view. This is due to the fact that it has deep forward and backward linkages with several key segments of the economy and it has a strong multiplier effect. Hence, it is capable of being the driver of economic growth. The recent trend among the automobile manufacturing organizations is to outsource individual components to sub-contractors and conduct the sub-assemblies and assemblies in-house. Some components like gears are important in terms of quality. So in case of these components the automobile manufacturing organizations normally partially outsource the components. They carry out the important finishing operations in-house. Due to this practice, many micro to medium scale gear manufacturers have emerged as sub-contractors to different automobile manufacturing organizations. There is a high amount of competition among different gear manufacturers. To survive the competition any gear manufacturer must focus on the three major aspects: cost, quality and delivery. The focus in this study is on the delivery aspect. Precisely, this thesis attempts to address the scheduling problems in automobile gear manufacturing by proposing efficient solution methodologies in order to aid the gear manufacturers in the delivery of orders in the form of semi-finished gears, to the customers (i.e. automobile manufacturing organizations). The automobile gear manufacturing process can be broadly divided into three distinct stages, starting from the machining of the gear blanks. These three stages in automobile gear manufacturing are: pre heat treatment (pre-HT), heat treatment (HT) and post heat treatment (post-HT). Out of these three stages, the gear manufacturers carry out the first two stages namely pre-HT and HT, and deliver the semi-finished gears to the automobile manufacturing organizations. As most of the operations are carried out by the gear manufacturers, the real research problem lies in identifying bottleneck operations in both pre-HT and HT stages. By addressing the bottleneck operations, one can expect to have a competitive advantage among the gear manufacturers and in turn among the automobile manufacturing organizations. Since every gear manufacturer is involved in both: the pre-HT stage and the HT stage of gear manufacturing, they will always try to achieve both: throughput (from their own company’s perspective) and due date compliance (from the customer’s i.e. automobile manufacturing organizations’ perspective). In order to meet these two objectives for the gear manufacturer, there are two research problems identified in this thesis based on the bottleneck operations: one at the pre-HT stage and the other at the HT stage. The Research Problem 1, identified in the pre HT stage consists of a variety of machining operations. In all the pre-HT operations, one single gear is processed on a machine at a time. The machines used in these operations are essentially the discrete processors as known in the scheduling literature. Among the different operations carried out in the pre-HT stage, the gear shaving operation is the final operation which takes a relatively longer processing time compared to other operations in this stage. Hence this operation becomes the bottleneck operation and the Research Problem 1 is related to this operation. Normally, there are more than one machines available for carrying out the gear shaving operations. The processing time of a job is independent of the type of machine used (identical parallel machines). However, since automobile gears vary widely in terms of size, all the available machines may not be able to process a given job (machine eligibility restrictions). The jobs are made available for processing as and when the job orders are received from the automobile manufacturing organizations. Thus all the jobs may not be available for processing at the same time (unequal release times or dynamic job arrivals). After a job is completed on a machine, a setup is incurred before processing the next job. The setup operations involve cleaning of the machine, changing of cutting tools and toolings, setting of the machining parameters and fine tuning of the machining parameters. The amount of time required for the setup depends on both, the job that has been completed and the job that is to be processed (sequence dependent setup time). Different jobs will have different priorities depending on the nature of the job order, monetary value of the job and urgency for the next stage (job weights). Since the pre-HT stage is an upstream stage in gear manufacturing, particularly to the heat treatment (HT) stage, the aim of this stage will be to feed the downstream stage as quickly as possible. Hence, a completion time based scheduling objective is considered. Since the release times of jobs are unequal, the flowtime of a job is of interest in determining the throughput. Also, since the jobs have different weights, the weighted flowtime is of significance. Therefore, the scheduling objective for Research Problem 1 is taken as minimizing the total weighted flowtime of the jobs in a scheduling window. A vast amount of literature is available on scheduling of parallel machines. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has simultaneously addressed the job characteristics: unequal release times, sequence dependent setup times and machine eligibility restrictions for identical parallel machines to minimize the total weighted flowtime. The Research Problem 2 was identified at the HT stage of gear manufacturing. The aim of the HT stage in the metallurgical terms is to achieve case hardening of gears. The types of machines used in the HT stage are essentially the batch processing machines (BPM) or simply batch processors (BP). A BP unlike the discrete processor, can process several different jobs at a time. The constituent jobs that are processed together form a batch in the BP. The different operations of this stage are: hardening and soaking, quenching, tempering and shot blasting. The hardening and soaking operation typically takes a longer processing time (6-18 hours) as compared to the other operations (15 minutes to 90 minutes). Also, being the first operation of the HT stage, once the hardening and soaking operation is completed, the other operations can be streamlined. Hence the scheduling of this bottleneck operation is of managerial importance. The jobs arrive at the hardening and soaking operation as and when they are completed at the pre-HT stage (unequal release times). Different jobs may have different processing requirements corresponding to time and temperature setting. Therefore, although a BP can process multiple jobs at a time, jobs with different processing requirements cannot be processed together. Jobs that can be processed together are grouped in job families. Since jobs of different families cannot be processed together we get the situation of incompatible job families. The BP has a fixed and finite capacity (expressed in terms of mass). Jobs will have different masses – which represents the size of jobs (non-identical job sizes). While constructing a batch, a job can be split in case there is a capacity violation for the BP (job splitting). The same priorities of the jobs (job weights) as in the pre-HT stage, will continue in this stage as well. As the Research Problem 2 deals with downstream stage of the gear manufacturing the objective of scheduling will be efficient delivery of the job to the automobile manufacturing organizations. The non-conformance to the due date will result in tardiness of the job. Also, since the jobs have different weights, the weighted tardiness of a job is of significance. Therefore, the scheduling objective for Research Problem 2 is taken as minimizing the total weighted tardiness (TWT) of the jobs in a scheduling window. Compared to the discrete processors, the scheduling of batch processors is a relatively new field (about two decades old). However, a review of literature reveals that no study has simultaneously addressed in any problem domain, the characteristics: unequal release times, incompatible job families, non-identical job sizes and job splitting for scheduling batch processors to minimize the total weighted tardiness. For Research Problem 1, an integer linear programming (ILP) model is developed. A suitable numerical example is developed and the workability of the proposed ILP model is validated for a small sized problem. The computational intractability of the proposed ILP model is verified empirically. Due to the computational intractability, real life large-size problems cannot be solved using the proposed ILP model. This has motivated us to propose simple heuristic algorithms. Accordingly, ten heuristic algorithms are proposed. Out of these ten proposed heuristic algorithms, five heuristic algorithms allow the use of unforced idleness and the remaining five heuristic algorithms do not allow the use of unforced idleness. In scheduling, unforced idleness is a situation when a machine is kept idle even if there are jobs available for processing. In order to understand the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms, various factors that can affect the performance of the heuristic algorithms are identified based on the literature as well as based on the knowledge gained from the industry. An experimental design is developed based on the identified factors with different levels. A series of computational experiments has been conducted for absolute evaluation of the heuristic algorithms: (a) in comparison with optimal solution for small size problem instances (there are 96 problem instances) and (b) in comparison with the estimated optimal solution for large size problem instances (there are 2880 problem instances). The evaluation is based on computational time and the quality of the solution. With respect to the computational time, it is observed that the time required for obtaining results from the heuristic algorithms is meager. For evaluating the quality of the solution, the two standard performance measures – Average Relative Percentage Deviation (ARPD) which indicates the average performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms and Maximum Relative Percentage Deviation (MRPD) which indicates the worst case performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms have been used. From the results of the experimental evaluation it is observed that the heuristic algorithms incorporating the information on machine eligibility restrictions along with other job characteristics worked relatively better compared to other proposed heuristic algorithms. It is also observed that system congestion plays an important role in determining the performance of the heuristic algorithms. Hence, a further study based on the effect of system congestion on different heuristic algorithms is carried out. The system congestion effect was controlled using the two problem factors: number of jobs and release time of jobs. The computational experiments were based on a total of 48 problem instances. Based on the results it was inferred that for congested systems, the proposed heuristic algorithms allowing unforced idleness perform better than the corresponding heuristic algorithms not allowing unforced idleness. For Research Problem 2, two situations are examined. The first situation pertains to the micro and small scale gear manufacturers. In this case, the gear manufacturers can have a single batch processor (BP) for the operation: hardening and soaking. The other situation pertains to small and medium scale gear manufacturers, and in this case, there are more than one batch processors with possibly different capacities (multiple non-identical batch processors). For the Research Problem 2 with single BP, an ILP model is developed. A suitable numerical example is developed and the workability of the proposed ILP model is validated for a small sized problem. The computational intractability of the proposed ILP model is verified empirically. Due to the computational intractability it is proposed to develop simple heuristic algorithms. Based on the pilot experimental analysis and based on the fact that allowing unforced idleness gave superior results in case of Research Problem 1, it is decided to incorporate unforced idleness while developing heuristic algorithms for the Research Problem 2 with single BP. Accordingly, three groups of heuristic algorithms are proposed for Research Problem 2 with single BP by allowing unforced idleness – (i) Seven variants of the heuristic algorithms are based on the computation of the weighted tardiness, (ii) Three variants of the heuristic algorithms based on computation of the composite job scores and (iii) Three variants of the heuristic algorithms based on the computation of composite family scores followed by the composite job scores. For evaluating the performance of the thirteen proposed heuristic algorithms various factors that can affect the workability of the heuristic algorithms are identified based on the literature as well as based on the knowledge gained from the industry. An experimental design is developed based on these factors with levels. A series of computational experiments has been conducted for absolute evaluation of the heuristic algorithms: (a) in comparison with optimal solution for small size problem instances (192 problem instances) and (b) in comparison with the estimated optimal solution for large size problem instances (7680 problem instances). The evaluation is based on computational time and the quality of the solution. With respect to the computational time, it is observed that the time required for obtaining results from the heuristic algorithms is meager. For evaluating the quality of the solution, the two standard performance measures – ARPD and MRPD, used in Research Problem 1, could not be used here due to the nature of the scheduling objective: minimizing the TWT (as the TWT tends to zero). Therefore, a suitable performance measure was identified in the literature and suitably modified for the Research Problem 2 with single BP under study. This performance measure gives stable results even when the TWT value approaches zero. From the results of the experimental evaluation it is observed that variants of heuristic algorithms based on accommodation of non-consecutive jobs while batch construction, perform better than the other variants of the heuristic algorithms. Following the research study on single BP sitaution, the multiple non-identical BPs situation of Research Problem 2 is studied. The ILP model proposed for the Research Problem 2 with single BP problem is suitably extended to account for multiple non-identical BPs and the workability of the model is demonstrated. Additionally, the proposed heuristic algorithms for the Research Problem 2 with single BP problem have been suitably modified for the multiple non-identical BP situation. After developing a suitable experimental design for Research Problem 2 with multiple non-identical BPs, a series of computational experiments has been conducted for absolute evaluation of the heuristic algorithms in comparison with the estimated optimal solution for large size problem instances, based on the 7680 problem instances. Similar performance measure as that used in the Research Problem 2 with single BP problem is used. The observations made from the experimental evaluation for the Research Problem 2 with multiple non-identical BPs are similar to and therefore consistent with those made for the Research Problem 2 with single BP problem. Finally, a sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of capacity of batch processor sets (BP sets) in terms of: number of batch processors and capacities of each batch processor, for Research Problem 2, is carried out. That is, considering different combinations of the two factors: number of batch processors and capacities of each batch processor, seven different BP sets are considered for the proposed sensitivity analysis. The effect on the scheduling objective: Total Weighted Tardiness for different problem configurations is studied by conducting computational experiments. It is observed that higher net capacities of the BP sets give a proportionately better advantage as compared to lower net capacities of the BP sets. Proportionately better advantage means that the percentage of improvement observed in the scheduling objective is higher than the percentage increase in the net capacity of the BP set. Another observation made is that for a given net capacity, it is better to have multiple BPs with smaller capacities than a single BP with high capacity. Although the problems pertaining to the gear manufacturing process simultaneously considering many real life situations have been addressed in this study, there are some limitations to it such as addressing of identical parallel machines instead of a general case of unrelated parallel machines (for Research Problem 1) and consideration of only deterministic situations for both the research problems. There are many immediate future research directions for the problem studied in this thesis such as overcoming the limitations mentioned in this study, proposing good lower bounds and additional heuristic algorithms, and coming up with integrating both, Research Problem 1 and Research Problem 2 and proposing solution methodologies for the integrated problem.

Įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo tyrimai / Research of capital structure formation in the companies

Karpavičiūtė-Majauskienė, Daiva 25 May 2005 (has links)
Object of the research – formation of capital structure. Objective of the research is to investigate the behaviour of Lithuanian companies from the pecking order theory and harmonization of business and financial risk point of views. The main tasks are solved: 1) to investigate the traditional and modern theories of capital structure and to make comparison analysis; 2) to find out the factors that influence the formation of capital structure; 3) to verify the hypothesis of making capital structure decisions under pecking order theory; 4) to verify the hypothesis of harmonization of business and financial risk making the decisions of capital structure formation. The applied area of the research - the companies that shares are quoted in the Vilnius Security Exchange and are listed in the Official and Current Trade List. In order to analyse the main theories of capital structure formation and to make its comparison, to find out the factors that effect capital structure the scientific woks were studied. Verifying of the hypothesis of making capital structure decisions under pecking order theory and harmonization of business and financial risk the correlation analysis was done and graphical methods were applied.

The signalling effect of dividends on future financial performance: a case of South African listed companies in the post-apartheid era

Masocha, Faustina 11 1900 (has links)
Many theorists have linked dividends with the ability to carry signals regarding a firm’s expected financial performance. Despite being grounded on a sound theoretical framework, empirical evidence has failed to unanimously corroborate the dividend signalling hypothesis, with some authors resignedly concluding that dividends are the puzzle of finance literature. Recent empirical evidence has shown that limiting the dividend signalling hypothesis to earnings has contributed to that puzzle. To try and decipher the puzzle, this study extends the dividend signalling hypothesis to measures of financial performance seldom linked with dividend signalling such as liquidity and gearing. Using panel data regression models and data for 39 firms listed on the JSE from 1995 to 2016, the study reveal that when one controls for the mean reversion and autocorrelation of profitability, dividends lose the power to signal earnings. The results further show that managers in South Africa use dividends to signal expected changes in liquidity and gearing. / Business Management / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Analýza vybrané firmy / Analysis of the Selected Firm

Šmída, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to do the analysis of the specific enterprise with the help of the theoretical knowledge and to formulate the recommendations based on the acquired knowledge from the external and internal company’s environment to encourage further development of this enterprise. The integral part of this dissertation is the application of sub instruments of the strategic analysis, concretely the SWOT analysis, SLEPTE analysis, and financial analysis. After findnig main problems, solutions will be recommended.

Návrh souosého vysokootáčkového reduktoru / Design of coaxial high-speed gear reducer

Neklapil, Libor January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deal with design of coaxial high-speed gear box for small-scale turboshaft engines. At the beginning a study of problems was performed and for design concept was elected version of single-shaft turbo-engine with electric generator. Kinematic diagram, type of gear design, material and lubrication method was designed. Further was solved proposal of basic gearing parameters, choice of the number of tooth and basic proposal calculations were performed. Was performed check calculation of gearing, calculation of bearings durability and was processed design documentation in required range. Designed gear reducer has two stage with three coutershafts, that are deployed evenly about main axis of reducer. First stage is gear with external gearing, second stage with internal gearing. The thesis may be used as a template for next similar gear reducers design.

Beitrag zur Entwicklung nicht-koaxial gekoppelter, offener Umlaufrädergetriebe am Beispiel des Antriebsstranges einer Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine

Freigang, Tino 03 February 2023 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Gleichungen und Methoden zur Berechnung nicht-koaxial gekoppelte, insbesondere offener Umlaufrädergetriebe erweitert. Eine Formelsammlungen fasst bekannte und neue Gleichungen für offene und rückkehrende Umlaufrädergetriebe zusammen. Ein methodischer Ansatz der Getriebesynthese (Ermittlung von Übersetzungen und Zähnezahlen) für derartige, im Dreiwellenbetrieb genutzte Getriebe, wird unter Beachtung definierter Mindestanforderungen entwickelt. Die neuen Berechnungstheorien und Methoden der Getriebesynthese werden am Beispiel der Herleitung optimaler Getriebekonfigurationen für die Antriebsstränge von Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschinen gezeigt und mittels Systemsimulation verifiziert. Einsatzgrenzen sowie Konstruktionsrichtlinien werden für diese Maschinengattung abgeleitet.:1 Einleitung der Arbeit 2 Grundlagen der Umlaufrädergetriebe 3 Berechnung der Umlaufrädergetriebe 4 Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine 5 Getriebesynthese 6 Systemsimulation einer Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine 7 Schlussbetrachtungen der Arbeit Anlagen / In this paper, equations and methods for the calculation of non-coaxially coupled, in particular open planetary gearboxes are extended. A collection of formulas summarizes known and new equations for open and standard planetary gearboxes. A methodical approach of gear synthesis (determination of ratios and numbers of teeth) for such gearboxes driven in three-shaft operation is developed under consideration of defined minimum requirements. The new calculation theories and methods of gear synthesis are demonstrated using the example of deriving optimal gear configurations for the drive trains of orbital machining centres and verified by means of system simulation. Application limits and design guidelines are derived for this type of machine tool.:1 Einleitung der Arbeit 2 Grundlagen der Umlaufrädergetriebe 3 Berechnung der Umlaufrädergetriebe 4 Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine 5 Getriebesynthese 6 Systemsimulation einer Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine 7 Schlussbetrachtungen der Arbeit Anlagen

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