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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrogen production using high temperature nuclear reactors : A feasibility study

Sivertsson, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
The use of hydrogen is predicted to increase substantially in the future, both as chemical feedstock and also as energy carrier for transportation. The annual world production of hydrogen amounts to some 50 million tonnes and the majority is produced using fossil fuels like natural gas, coal and naphtha. High temperature nuclear reactors (HTRs) represent a novel way to produce hydrogen at large scale with high efficiency and less carbon footprint. The aim of this master thesis has been to evaluate the feasibility of HTRs for hydrogen production by analyzing both the reactor concept and its potential to be used in certain hydrogen niche markets. The work covers the production, storage, distribution and use of hydrogen as a fuel for vehicles and aviation and as chemical feedstock for the oil refining and ammonia production industry. The study indicates that HTRs may be suitable for hydrogen production under certain conditions. However, the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier necessitates a widespread hydrogen infrastructure (e.g. pipe-lines, refuelling stations and large scale storage), which is associated with major energy losses. Both mentioned industries could benefit from nuclear-based hydrogen with less infrastructural changes, but the potential market is by far smaller than if hydrogen is used as an energy carrier. A maximum of about 60 HTRs of 600 MWth worldwide has been estimated for the ammonia production industry. The Swedish refineries are likely too small to utilize the HTR but in the larger refineries HTR might be applicable.

CONQUER CORROSION : Key issues of the lead-cooled fast reactor design

Hareland, Mathias January 2011 (has links)
The lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) is one of the concepts of the Generation IV reactorsystems. There are some issues that have to be solved before a research orcommercial LFR can be built. The objective of this thesis was to identify these keyissues and analyse them by studying results from previous research: choice of fuel,corrosion on structural materials and corrosion/erosion on pumps.The major fuel candidates for the LFR are MOX fuel (Mixed OXide fuel), metallic fuel,nitride fuel and carbide fuel. Nitride fuel has desirable properties but its production ismore difficult than for MOX fuel.Most of today’s commercial steels are not corrosion resistant at higher temperaturesbut they could possibly be used for an LFR test demonstrator with an operatingtemperature lower than 450 ºC. A new type of steel called oxide dispersionstrengthened (ODS) steel and a new ceramic material MAXTHAL both showpromising corrosion resistance even at higher temperatures.By controlling the oxygen concentration a protective oxide film is produced. Flowingliquid coolant causes erosion and wears down the oxide film. Pumps are exposed tocoolant velocities of 10-15 m/s causing both erosion and corrosion. There is nosolution today, but MAXTHAL shows promising results in tests with liquid lead of lowvelocity. There are also other issues unsolved, such as irradiation damage onstructural materials, thus more research is needed.Economic and political aspects were not covered in this study. This thesis work wasperformed at Vattenfall Research and Development AB.

An investigation of fuel cycles and material flows for a lead-cooled fast reactor using the Monte Carlo code Serpent

Moberg, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
The Monte Carlo code Serpent has been used to model the material flows andisotope compositions for a lead cooled fast reactor. The demonstration sized trainingreactor ELECTRA was chosen for the investigation, and different fuel cycle scenarioswere studied. The scenarios differed in operation length (3 months, 1 year or 5years) and recycling technique (single and double PUREX or GANEX). The simulations gave detailed information on the changes of the isotope composition,activity and decay heat. The analysis of the generated waste also showed that thechoice of recycling method had great impact on the final storage time of the wastefrom the reprocessing. Performing double GANEX recycling, as compared to singlePUREX, reduced the storage time by a factor of about 3500. The results can be used for future work related to even more detailed studies ofmaterial flows and for designing an appropriate safeguards system.

Developing 1-D heat transfer correlations for supercritical water and carbon dioxide in vertical tubes

Gupta, Sahil 01 March 2014 (has links)
Taking into account the expected increase in global energy demands and increasing climate change issues, there is a pressing need to develop new environmentally sustainable energy systems. Nuclear energy will play a major role in being part of the energy mix since it offers a relatively clean, safe and reliable source of electrical energy. However, opportunities for building new generation nuclear systems will depend on their economic and safety attractiveness as well as their flexibility in design to adapt in different countries and situations. Keeping these objectives in mind, a framework for international cooperation was set forth in a charter of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) (GIF Charter, 2002) and six design concepts were selected for further development. To achieve high thermal efficiencies of up to 45 ??? 50%, the use of SuperCritical Fluids (SCFs) as working fluids in heat transfer cycles is proposed Generation IV designs. An important aspect towards development of SCF applications in novel Gen IV Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) designs is to understand the thermodynamic behavior and prediction of Heat Transfer Coefficients (HTCs) at supercritical (SC) conditions. In addition to the nuclear power industry applications; SCFs are also expected to play a vital role in a number of other important technologies such as refrigeration systems, and geothermal systems, to name a few. Given the potential for vast number of applications of SCFs in industry, the objective of this work was to gain an understanding on the behavior of SCFs and to develop a fundamental knowledge of the heat-transfer processes and correlations for SC Water and SC CO2 flowing in bare circular tubes. Experimental datasets for SC Water and SC CO2 were compiled and used to obtain a basic 1-D empirical correlation that can predict HTC in bare circular tubes during the transient phases. The accuracy of these correlations was also analyzed using statistical techniques. Limitations and applications for 1-D correlations are discussed as well. The new correlations showed promising results for HTC and Tw calculations for the reference dataset with uncertainty of about ??25% for HTC values and about ??10-15% for the calculated wall temperature.

Étude de l'effet modérateur de sels sur la réaction sodium-eau, pour le "lavage" d'assemblages de combustible irradiés issus de réacteurs à caloporteur sodium / Study of the moderating effect of salts on the sodium-water reaction on the cleaning of irradiated fuel assemblies from fast neutron reactors, using fluid sodium heat transfer

Lacroix, Marie 24 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre du développement des réacteurs de génération IV, une des voies de recherche concerne le développement des réacteurs à neutron rapide à caloporteur sodium. Le CEA a pour projet la construction d'un prototype de réacteur de ce type appelé " ASTRID ". En réponse aux besoins de développement de ce prototype, des recherches sont menées sur la disponibilité et, en particulier, sur la réduction des temps de lavage du sodium résiduel des assemblages de combustible, lors de leur déchargement. En effet, le lavage étant réalisé avec de l'eau, qui est très réactive avec le sodium, celle-ci est amenée de façon très progressive pour le traitement. Une solution alternative, actuellement à l'étude au CEA, et qui fait l'objet de ce mémoire de thèse, consiste en l'utilisation de solutions aqueuses salines permettant de ralentir la cinétique de la réaction du sodium avec l'eau. Ce travail de thèse présente les différents sels évalués et tente d'expliquer leur mécanisme d'action. / Within the framework of the development of generation IV reactors one of the research tracks is related to the development of fast neutron reactors using fluid sodium heat transfer...

Från Sverige till Arktis : En historik och diskursanalys om forskningen på fjärde generationens kärnkraft i Sverige: 2007 -2017 / From Sweden to the Arctic : A history and discourse analysis on the Swedish research on Gen – IV nuclear power: 2007 -­ 2017

Klawitter, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Sedan 2007 har ett forskningsprojekt på s.k. ”framtidens kärnkraft”, även kallat för fjärde generationens kärnkraft pågått i Sverige. För den här studien har jag dels antagit ett historiskt perspektiv för att undersöka hur detta projekt har utvecklats och förändrats över tiden. Jag har även använt mig av Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys som metod och teori för att undersöka vilka argument som har använts (och på vilket sätt som dessa argument har förmedlats) när olika representanter bakom projektet försökte övertyga både Regeringskansliet 2012 och Energikommissionen 2015 om värdet av denna teknik. I den teknikhistoriska undersökningen uppdagades det att mellan åren 2007 - 2017 hade syftet och designen hos den föreslagna reaktorkonstruktionen förändrats avsevärt. Från början hade projektet handlat om att upprätta en forskningsanläggning i Sverige med både tillhörande reaktor, bränsletillverkningsanläggning och upparbetningsanläggning för produktion av plutonium som reaktorbränsle. Projektet fick däremot avslag från regeringen efter att både KVA och Vetenskapsrådet hade ställt sig kritiska till projektets utformning, ur både tekniska och samhällsekonomiska perspektiv. Därefter förändrades projektets utformning till att istället handla om kommersiell elproduktion för den kanadensiska gruvindustrin i Arktis. I den diskursanalytiska undersökningen visade det sig att framställningen av fjärde generationens kärnkraft i det analyserade materialet har vilat bakom en okritisk och positiv inställning till tekniken. Argumenten som har använts har för det mesta handlat om teknikens teoretiska möjligheter, men väldigt lite om realismen i dessa visioner. När åsikter eller värderingar har förekommit, har dessa nästan uteslutande formulerats som vedertagna sanningar, vilket både förstärker och upprätthåller aktörerna som auktoriteter på området. I analysen diskuterar jag även fem olika diskurser som jag identifierade i det analyserade materialet. Dessa diskurser menar jag verkar både reproducerande och omstrukturerande på den rådande diskursordningen, vars syfte har varit att försöka skapa ett förnyat intresse för fjärde generationens kärnkraft som tidigare gick under namnet ”bridreaktor”. / Since 2007 a Swedish research project have been attempting to develop “the next generation” of nuclear power plants, also called the fourth generation of nuclear power. In this study, I have partly adopted a historical perspective in order to investigate how this research project have developed and changed over time. I have also applied the methodology of Faricloughs critical discourse analysis in order to identify what kind of arguments and rhetoric’s that were used by some of the representatives of this project when they tried to convince the Swedish cabinet office in 2012 and the Swedish Energy commission in 2015 of the value of this technology. In the historical investigation, it was discovered that between the years of 2007 and 2017, the purpose and design of the proposed reactor had undergone several transformations and changes. At first, the leaders of the research project had been considering building a research facility in Sweden that would not only include a reactor, but also a fuel fabrication and reprocessing facility for production of plutonium fuel. However, the project was never approved by the Swedish government, after both KVA and Vetenskapsrådet had expressed criticism towards the project, due to both technical and socio-economic considerations. As a result, the direction of the project was transformed into commercial power production for the mining industry in the Canadian Arctic. In the discourse analysis, it became evident that the information and arguments that had been presented in the analysed material had been framed in a strictly positive and uncritical manner. The arguments that were portrayed had mostly addressed the theoretical possibilities of the technology, but very little about the realism of these visions. When opinions or values had been expressed, they had almost exclusively been phrased as inherent truths, which can contribute to both strengthening and upholding their status in society as authority figures. In the discourse analysis, I also discuss five different discourses which I have identified in the material that was analysed. These discourses were then concluded to be both reproducing and restructuring on the current order of Swedish nuclear and energy discourse.

Métodos e softwares para análise da produção científica e detecção de frentes emergentes de pesquisa / Methods and software for scientific production analysis and detection of emerging research trends

Reis Junior, José Sergio Bleckmann 30 January 2015 (has links)
O progresso de projetos anteriores salientou a necessidade de tratar o problema dos softwares para detecção, a partir de bases de dados de publicações científicas, de tendências emergentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Evidenciou-se a carência de aplicações computacionais eficientes dedicadas a este propósito, que são artigos de grande utilidade para um melhor planejamento de programas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em instituições. Foi realizada, então, uma revisão dos softwares atualmente disponíveis, para poder-se delinear claramente a oportunidade de desenvolver novas ferramentas. Como resultado, implementou-se um aplicativo chamado Citesnake, projetado especialmente para auxiliar a detecção e o estudo de tendências emergentes a partir da análise de redes de vários tipos, extraídas das bases de dados científicas. Através desta ferramenta computacional robusta e eficaz, foram conduzidas análises de frentes emergentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área de Sistemas Geradores de Energia Nuclear de Geração IV, de forma que se pudesse evidenciar, dentre os tipos de reatores selecionados como os mais promissores pelo GIF - Generation IV International Forum, aqueles que mais se desenvolveram nos últimos dez anos e que se apresentam, atualmente, como os mais capazes de cumprir as promessas realizadas sobre os seus conceitos inovadores. / The progress of previous projects pointed out the need to face some problems of software for detecting emerging research and development trends from databases of scientific publications. It became evident the lack of efficient computing applications dedicated to this purpose that are artifacts of great usefulness to better planning research and development programs in institutions. A review of the currently available software was performed, in order to clearly delineate the opportunity to develop new tools. As a result, a software called Citesnake was implemented, designed particularly to help the detection and study of emerging trends from the analysis of networks of several types extracted from the scientific databases. Using this robust and effective computational tool, analyzes of emerging research and development trends were performed in the field of Generation IV Nuclear Power Generation Systems, in such a way to point out, among the most promising reactor types selected by the GIF - Generation IV International Forum, those that have better evolved over the past ten years and seem to be currently the most capable of fulfilling the promises made on their innovative concepts.

Study on linking a SuperCritical water-cooled nuclear reactor to a hydrogen production facility

Lukomski, Andrew John 01 July 2011 (has links)
The SuperCritical Water-cooled nuclear Reactor (SCWR) is one of six Generation-IV nuclear-reactor concepts currently being designed. It will operate at pressures of 25 MPa and temperatures up to 625°C. These operating conditions make a SuperCritical Water (SCW) Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) suitable to support thermochemical-based hydrogen production via co-generation. The Copper-Chlorine (Cu‒Cl) cycle is a prospective thermochemical cycle with a maximum temperature requirement of ~530°C and could be linked to an SCW NPP through a piping network. An intermediate Heat eXchanger (HX) is considered as a medium for heat transfer with operating fluids selected to be SCW and SuperHeated Steam (SHS). Thermalhydraulic calculations based on an iterative energy balance procedure are performed for counter-flow double-pipe design concept HXs integrated at several locations on an SCW NPP coolant loop. Using various test cases, design and operating parameters are recommended for detailed future research. In addition, predicted effects of heat transfer enhancement on HX parameters are evaluated considering theoretical improvements from helically-corrugated HX piping. The effects of operating fluid pressure drop are briefly discussed for applicability in future studies. / UOIT

Métodos e softwares para análise da produção científica e detecção de frentes emergentes de pesquisa / Methods and software for scientific production analysis and detection of emerging research trends

José Sergio Bleckmann Reis Junior 30 January 2015 (has links)
O progresso de projetos anteriores salientou a necessidade de tratar o problema dos softwares para detecção, a partir de bases de dados de publicações científicas, de tendências emergentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Evidenciou-se a carência de aplicações computacionais eficientes dedicadas a este propósito, que são artigos de grande utilidade para um melhor planejamento de programas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em instituições. Foi realizada, então, uma revisão dos softwares atualmente disponíveis, para poder-se delinear claramente a oportunidade de desenvolver novas ferramentas. Como resultado, implementou-se um aplicativo chamado Citesnake, projetado especialmente para auxiliar a detecção e o estudo de tendências emergentes a partir da análise de redes de vários tipos, extraídas das bases de dados científicas. Através desta ferramenta computacional robusta e eficaz, foram conduzidas análises de frentes emergentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área de Sistemas Geradores de Energia Nuclear de Geração IV, de forma que se pudesse evidenciar, dentre os tipos de reatores selecionados como os mais promissores pelo GIF - Generation IV International Forum, aqueles que mais se desenvolveram nos últimos dez anos e que se apresentam, atualmente, como os mais capazes de cumprir as promessas realizadas sobre os seus conceitos inovadores. / The progress of previous projects pointed out the need to face some problems of software for detecting emerging research and development trends from databases of scientific publications. It became evident the lack of efficient computing applications dedicated to this purpose that are artifacts of great usefulness to better planning research and development programs in institutions. A review of the currently available software was performed, in order to clearly delineate the opportunity to develop new tools. As a result, a software called Citesnake was implemented, designed particularly to help the detection and study of emerging trends from the analysis of networks of several types extracted from the scientific databases. Using this robust and effective computational tool, analyzes of emerging research and development trends were performed in the field of Generation IV Nuclear Power Generation Systems, in such a way to point out, among the most promising reactor types selected by the GIF - Generation IV International Forum, those that have better evolved over the past ten years and seem to be currently the most capable of fulfilling the promises made on their innovative concepts.

Cycle thorium et réacteurs à sel fondu. Exploration du champ des paramètres et des contraintes définissant le "Thorium Molten Salt Reactor"

Mathieu, Ludovic 26 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le recours à l'énergie électronucléaire pour diminuer les émissions anthropiques de CO2 nécessite des avancées technologiques majeures. Les réacteurs nucléaires de IVe génération doivent répondre à plusieurs contraintes, telles qu'une sûreté améliorée, la régénération du combustible et la minimisation de la production de déchets radioactifs. De ce point de vue, l'utilisation du Cycle Thorium en Réacteurs à Sel Fondu semble prometteuse. Cet axe de recherche, étudié dans le passé, avait cependant débouché sur un concept dont les défauts ont empêché la réalisation. Une nouvelle réflexion est menée afin de trouver des solutions et d'aboutir au concept de Thorium Molten Salt Reactor. Le couplage d'un code de transport de neutrons avec un code d'évolution des matériaux permet de simuler le comportement d'un coeur nucléaire, et de suivre son évolution tout au long de sa vie. Par cette méthode, nous avons étudié un large éventail de configurations de réacteurs. Les performances de ces systèmes ont été évaluées, grâce à un jeu de contraintes qu'ils doivent satisfaire au mieux. Ce travail a permis de comprendre bon nombre de phénomènes physiques régissant le comportement de ces réacteurs. Grâce à cette nouvelle compréhension, la recherche de configurations acceptables a pu aboutir à des solutions satisfaisantes, apportant un souffle nouveau dans le domaine des Réacteurs à Sel Fondu.

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