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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varje mynt har två sidor : <em>en undersökning om hur den kommande generationsväxlingen påverkar turismföretag</em>

Svensson, Karolina, Wedin, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p><!--StartFragment--><p>A central discussion within society and businesses today, is the change of generations in the business market which occurs within the upcoming years. A change of generations is unavoidable and a natural step in business. The challenge of the forthcoming reform is the large number of people leaving the labour market and the grand entrance of new labour; Generation Y. The characteristics of Generation Y differ from the older generation which enhances the challenges for the businesses to attract a new workforce. It may also be necessary for the organisations to adapt to the younger generation. Each generation is affected by their values, how society is reformed and also by the spirit of time. The purpose of<em> </em>this thesis is to examine what kind of development the change of generations provides the tourism business in the municipality of Kalmar and the region of Öland.</p><p>A business might be inherited by family members or sold/bought by strangers. If neither happens the business must eventually close down. There will be an issue when the change of generation occurs, since the people leaving the labour market take their experiences and competences with them. The intellectual and human capital becomes more valuable to organisations when it refers to the tourism industry since service is a central part of the business. Part of the knowledge and competence of the labour is difficult to write down and transfer to the organisation when leaving the business. How to maintain the competence within the organisation when the experienced labour leaves the market is a challenge for the organisations. The thesis discusses if it is important to maintain the human capital in the change of a generation.</p><!--EndFragment--></p>

A discussion of motivation for creativity within the business context : From the perspective of the Generation Y

Pablo Pelayo, Borja, Zheng, Wei January 2009 (has links)
<p>Creativity is one of the “hottest” words in today’s business world. Especially in the trend ofglobalization and fast development of the modern technology, creativity has become the mosteffective way for companies to survive and stay competitive in global market.Due to the importance of creativity, various researches have been conducted and it has been studiedfrom many possible perspectives. The purpose of our study is to understand how to motivate thenew generation—the Generation Y, who is getting into workforce, to be creative. After weunderstand the new blood, we will move one step forward and try to find out what is happening incompanies regarding the motivation of young employees.In this Master Thesis, a variety of theories in the realms of creativity, motivation, social change andmanagement innovation will be reviewed and applied to guide our research. We will analyze theinterviews conducted to several young people and two experts to get a deeper understanding onGeneration Y. Then we will study the cases of Microsoft and Pixar to understand what companiesare doing. Finally, some possible advice and suggestions to company managers and leaders will bepresented in the conclusion.</p>

Bortglömd art på frammarsch : Om vad som utmärker manligt shoppingbeteende

Gottfredsson, Nina, Ovesson, Anette January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vi upplever att männen uppvisar ett förändrat shoppingbeteende, vilket bland annat visar sig genom ett större intresse för såväl modemagasin som modebloggar. Detta kan vara ett tecken på ökad individualisering, genom vilken mannen vill uttrycka sin identitet och självbild. Det blir därför viktigt för företagen att nå denna grupp.</p><p>Uppsatsen syftar till att ge en mångdimensionell beskrivning av vad forskningen behandlat inom mannens, respektive kvinnans shoppingbeteende och hur det växt fram. Uppsatsen syftar dessutom till att, dels genom litteraturstudie, dels empirisk studie, undersöka, diskutera och tolka vad som utmärker mäns shoppingbeteende i Generation Y. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att förutsäga vad som kommer att känneteckna det manliga shoppingbeteendet i framtiden. </p><p>Vi har arbetat utifrån en kvalitativ metod för att på så sätt uppnå ett djup i uppsatsen. Samtidigt har vi använt oss utav en deduktiv forskningsstrategi som inneburit att vi utgått från teorin. Empirin har sedan samlats in genom observationer och fokusgrupp­intervjuer.    </p><p>Referensramen behandlar manligt respektive kvinnligt shopping­­beteende. Även könsroller diskuteras och frågan om köns­skillnader eller inte tas upp. Forskningsmodellen presenteras i slutet av referensramen, vilken ligger till grund för vår empiriska studie.       </p><p>Vi kunde fastslå att de män vi studerat skiljer sig från beskrivningen av det traditionellt manliga shoppingbeteendet. Deras beteende utmärks genom en positiv inställning till shopping, ett intresse för kläder och mode och ett frekvent shoppande. De använder gärna Internet som informationskälla, dessutom pratar de ofta mode och kläder med varandra och lägger stor vikt vid shopping som en social aktivitet. Vi förutsäger att dessa utmärkande drag kommer att förstärkas i framtiden.</p>

Information Seeking Behaviour of Generation Y Students at the Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service.

Adams, Lindall Elaine. January 2009 (has links)
<p>The project examines the information seeking behaviour of a small group of so-called Generation Y students at the Stellenbosch University as they undertake an academic&nbsp / assignment. There is consensus across the world that universities need to adapt to the needs of Generation Y students, brought up with high-level information technology, the internet and social networking. However, research shows that this does not mean that they are information literate. They have high-tech skills but often do not know how to analyse an information need or discriminate between information sources. Information scientist Carol Kuhlthau develop the ISP model upon which the study was based. Her model sees information seeking as a complex cognitive and affective process. Successful seekers have learned how to manage the process. University libraries need to adapt their information retrieval systems and services to meet the needs of their new kinds of students. The study, a small-scale intensive qualitative case study, hopes to provide insight into how they might do this. The researcher collected data while the participants were writing the assignment. Data gathering methods included interviews, journal writings and questionnaires.</p>

Intrapreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship - Attractive concepts for Generation Y?

Ingelstedt, Jens, Jönsson, Mikaela, Sundman, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis uses a case study approach. The purpose is to conduct a critical review of the potentiality of intrapreneurship/corporate entrepreneurship to create an attractive workplace that 1) draws Generation Y as potential employees, and 2) retains them by satisfying their demands, unlocking their full potential through motivation. Background: It is now time for Generation Y to enter the workforce and their values and expectations on the workplace is different from the generations before them. This causes difficulties for organisations to attract and retain Generation Y but it is necessary in order to become a competitive performer in the future. In order to attract and retain Generation Y companies need to motivate their employees, foster and encourage creativity, and create an exciting work environment. This can be done through corporate entrepreneurship/ intrapreneurship and it is therefore interesting to see how Generation Y responds to this concept as well as if it contributes in creating an attractive workplace. Method: The authors made use of a mixed method concurrent triangulation strategy within an explorative sequential design. Where qualitative data was gathered through an explorative pre-study and then through case studies with two companies, simultaneously quantitative data was collected through surveys and the study ended with a qualitative confirmatory study where the results of the analysis was tested against a third company. Conclusion: The result of the study indicated that the companies investigated all had a high level of corporate entrepreneurship, it was also confirmed that Generation Y are suited to become intrapreneurs and that they would feel attracted and more likely to retain in an organisation that promotes intrapreneurship. It was furthermore concluded that corporate entrepreneurship contributes in creating an attractive workplace also for non-intrapreneurs.

VAD ÄR DET SOM GER 80-TALISTER ARBETSMOTIVATION? : ˗ Med fokus på inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer

Bubère, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Det skrivs mycket i media om den nya generationen 80-talisterna som är på väg in på arbetsmarknaden. De skiljer sig från tidigare generationer genom att vilja självförverkliga sig själva samtidigt som de vill ha en hög lön och ett trivsamt arbete. Utifrån Self-Determination teorin som bygger på de tre psykologiska behoven autonomi, kompetens och relaterande är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det som skrivs i media stämmer med vad som faktiskt motiverar 80-talister till arbete. En enkät genomfördes med 72 undersökningsdeltagare. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant samband mellan yttre motivation och arbetsmotivation. Resultatet motsäger den populistiska litteraturen och även Self-Determination teorin till viss del. Samtidigt visar tidigare forskning på att pengar anses vara en bra motivator för dem som behöver eller värderar det tillräckligt högt, vilket skulle kunna gälla gruppen 80-talister.

Keep it real and Quick : En undersökning om hur företag bör kommunicera mot 80-talister

Bennström, Charles, Cartaya, Jhonattan January 2009 (has links)
Today we live in a more or less globalized society where borders do not pose the same obstacle as before. This is why it is interesting to examine whether different countries have similar views on how to communicate with a specific audience Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to use the data gathered to inform businesses with information. The information can then be used to assist companies when it comes to advertising, the design of messages and the choice of media channels when communicating with people born during the 80’s. Furthermore, the investigation intends to find out if there really is a global market for people born during the 80’s. Method: The authors believe that a purely quantitative or qualitative approach is not appropriate. For this reason a combination of these two approaches is used in order solve the problem. Conclusions: When communicating to people born during the 80’s the messages should be simple and quick and the arguments used should be more of the holistic kind. When it comes to the choice of media channels the Internet and its tools are the obvious choices of today. The key is to capture the target group directly and also to engage the audience in question. There is a suggestion that it is a global market for people born during the 80’s and that communication can be standardized. The authors cannot confirm with certainty that it is indeed a global market since the spread of respondents cannot be considered to be exhaustive. However, the authors argue that Europe and North America have similar ideas when it comes to message and choice of channels when communication is intended for consumers born during the'80s.

The regeneration of vinyl records

Prud'hon, Luc, Donker, Tom January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the factors influencing the purchase of vinyl records by the members of generation Y in Sweden. Two interviews with local stores owners as well as a survey were perfomed in this regard.

Product Placement : A study about Swedes attitude towards product placements in Movies and TV-shows

Abrahamsson, Jens, Lindblom, Niclas January 2012 (has links)
Marketers have always been looking for alternative ways to reach the target population with their messages. One approach that has grown the last decades is product placement that has become a large arena for companies to involve in their marketing communication. It has been shown that people tend to dislike traditional advertisement such as commercial brakes in TV and tries to avoid it by switching channel. Since product placement is a type of advertisement that is embedded in a movie or TV-show and cannot be zapped away without missing the story of the movie or TV-show, it is a good opportunity to reach out with a company’s message. Several studies have been done in the field of mapping the attitudes towards product placement but no research has been done with the Swedish audience in focus. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is: “…to investigate what attitudes the Swedish audience has towards product placements in Movies and TV-shows”, which will lead to a greater knowledge for Swedish marketing managers about the attitudes towards product placement in Sweden. This thesis is a quantitative study with a descriptive single cross-sectional design. The data was retrieved through a questionnaire online. The sample frame was generation Y which is people that are between the ages 18-35. The study showed that the general attitude towards product placement is positive for the Swedish audience. When it comes to the different dimensions of product placement; visual-only, audio-only and a combination audio-visual it is shown that the visual placements is seen as the most positive way to place a product in a movie or a TV-show. It could also be seen several similarities with previous studies that prominent placement has a lower attitude while a subtle placements has a more positive attitude.

Gamification: mot en definition : En kvalitativ studie och kartläggning av begreppet gamification och dess framtida implementering

Tolgén, Philip, Gustafsson, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att utforska och kartlägga begreppet gamification. Syftet operationaliseras i tre frågeställningar. Vad finns det för likheter respektive skillnader i synen på Gamification mellan ett antal yrkesverksamma inom Gamification? Hur ser yrkesverksamma med olika bakgrunder inom psykologi, pedagogik och marknadsföring på framtiden för Gamification och dess användningsområde? Vilka för- och nackdelar kan finnas med Gamification? Uppsatsen teoretiska utgångspunkter omfattar de psykologiska krafterna bakom spel som flow och motivation, teorier om det praktiska användandet av gamification och teorier om Generation Y. För att samla empiri har kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade explorativa intervjuer där yrkesverksamma inom gamification har intervjuats. Resultatet tyder på att även om de yrkesverksamma har olika användningsområden för gamification är ledord som feedback, motivation och engagemang återkommande hos samtliga informanter. Även om framtidsutsikterna aningen skiljer sig hos informanterna råder en konsensus över att appliceringen av spelmekanik i andra sammanhang än spel även har en plats i framtiden.

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