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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Melkiṣedeq memoirs: the social memory of Melkiṣedeq through the Second Temple Period

Staley, Cale Alexander 01 May 2015 (has links)
The study of Melkisedeq has been highly fragmentary among modern scholars, proving to be difficult to discuss over the long Second Temple Period. This study will focus on the social memory of Melkisedeq to understand the evolution of the tradition surrounding his character among sectarian groups in the Second Temple Period. Through an analysis of the components from the Hebrew Bible that compromise the social memory of Melkisedeq a deeper understanding of how his memory is used by later groups can be made. The redaction and expansion of his character changes greatly over time. The study of social memory allows scholars to understand how different memories form within a collective group, thus exploring the societal and ideological elements of disparate groups that form the over-arching memory of Melkisedeq. In order to properly identify these memories, redactional, historical, and textual criticisms will be employed to analyze the texts of Melkisedeq, answering such questions as: Who is Melkisedeq? What is the relationship between Melkisedeq and the king of Sodom? What is a priest-king? Did Abram tithe to Melkisedeq? This study will address the Near Eastern context of Melkisedeq in Genesis 14, in order to examine which features of his social memory are accentuated or excluded in Second Temple literature.

Contribuições das tecnologias para o karatê brasileiro : aspectos da gênese, escolarização ao Brasil contemporâneo /

Sciascio, Jorge Henrique de Magalhães Sasso. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos José Martins / Resumo: As antigas artes marciais, sobretudo aquelas de origem japonesa, não possuem um acervo escrito que permita asseverar seguramente sua gênese. Seu conteúdo histórico ainda é transmitido de forma oral, por meio da “relação mestre-discipulo”, tal como no passado. Com o Karatê não é diferente, ainda que sua origem tenha se dado no arquipélago de Ryūkyū. Nesse contexto, essa narrativa que se inicia em Okinawa, passa pelas influências oriundas da China e Japão, segue pela escolarização, pela esportivização, pela chegada ao Brasil e pelas contribuições das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no alto rendimento foi amplamente apresentada. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, do tipo “Não Probabilística” e por “Tipicidade”, utilizando a escala do tipo “Likert” e o aplicativo de acesso remoto do tipo “SaaS”, o “Google Drive”. Com relação às tecnologias, os resultados revelaram que os professores/técnicos e atletas possuem pouco conhecimento das ferramentas - aplicativos e softwares – que podem contribuir em seus treinamentos, ainda que façam uso, em larga escala, das formas básicas da tecnologia. Existe, contudo, um desejo e uma expectativa considerável por novos conhecimentos que possam auxiliar no desempenho / Abstract: The ancient martial arts, especially those of Japanese origin, do not have a written collection that can safely assert its genesis. The historical content is still transmitted orally "master-disciple relationship" as in the past and with Karate is no different, although its origin happened in the archipelago gave Ryūkyū. In this context, a narrative that begins in Okinawa, passes through influences from China and Japan, followed by schoolarization, sportivization, arrival in Brazil and contributions of TIC in high performance were widely presented. The methodology used was qualitative, of the type "No Probabilistic" and "Typicity", using the "Likert" type scale, and the "SaaS" remote access application, Google Drive. Regarding technologies, the results revealed that teachers/coachs and athletes have a low knowledge of the tools - applications and software - that can contribute to their training, even if they use, in large scale, basic forms, however, there is a desire and a considerable expectation for new knowledge that may aid in performance / Doutor

Characteristics and Genesis of Certain Soils in the Southern Foothills of Central Alborz, Iran

Rooyani, Firouz 01 May 1980 (has links)
Characteristics and genesis of five pedons representing some of the soils of the central Alborz mountain northeast of Tehran were investigated. The present climate of the area is similar to the Mediterranean climate. The parent materials for the soils under study have apparently been derived from the Ecocene Alborz Green Beds (a thinly bedded light green mudstone), the Pliocene Hezardareh Formation (a poorly-cemented conglomerate) and Recent alluvium and colluvium. Pedons 2 and 4 are located at lower elevations (plain and river terraces) on 1 to 2 percent slopes. Pedons 3 and 5 are located at higher elevations (hills that surround the valley) on steep slopes of 60 to 75 percent. According to the results obtained from the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and micromorphological analyses, the pedons have been classified as Xeric Torriorthent--loamy-skeletal, mixed, thermic (pedon 1); Vertic Xerochrept--fine, mixed, thermic (pedon 2); Xerollic Calciorthid--loamy-skeletal, mixed, thermic (pedon 3); Xerollic Calciorthid--fine, mixed, thermic (pedon 4); and Argic Calciorthid--clayey-skeletal, mixed thermic (pedon 5). The studies on the genesis of the soils were summarized as follows: 1. Wind deposition has affected the top layer of the eroded surfaces of the five pedons. The process has incorporated silt and very fine sand materials into these layers. 2. The differences in landform stability, and consequently, the various degree of the influence of the erosion-deposition processes, are believed to be responsible for the differences in the horizon differentiation of the pedons. The steepness of sloper rather than age of the landform was responsible for the present morphology of the pedons. 3. Pedons 1 to 4 are Recent in age but the control section of pedon 5 reflects an age of Pleistocene or older and, therefore, a wetter climate than at present. 4. The clay mineralogy and the texture of the control section of the pedons reflect the greater influence of the parent materials than any other factor of pedogenesis. It was suggested that for the Aridisols with moisture regimes bordering on Xeric, the required electrical conductivity of more than 2 millimhos per centimeter be eliminated from the differentiating criteria in Soil Taxonomy.

Caractérisation du consortium microbien d'un grain de kéfir

Ninane, Véronique 03 April 2009 (has links)
: Les grains de kéfir sont des ferments lactiques constitués d'une microflore complexe et diversifiée. Celle d'un grain de kéfir (KJ) a été caractérisée par une approche méthodologique classique d'isolements microbiens sur des milieux de culture sélectifs et, pour les bactéries lactiques, par une approche indépendante d'isolements bactériens par culture. Cette dernière consistait en l'analyse de la séquence des régions V1 et V2 de l'ADNr 16S, amplifiées à partir de l'ADN extrait du grain. La sensibilité de la méthode a été augmentée à cette occasion en dissociant les amplifications géniques des populations lactiques minoritaires et majoritaires du grain. La flore identifiée dans le grain KJ comprenait Acetobacter sp., Kazachstania exigua, Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefirgranum, Lb. kefiri, Lb. parakefiri, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis et Leuconostoc mesenteroides, et était dépourvue de microcoques, de pédiocoques, de Weissella viridescens, de bactéries indicatrices de défauts d'hygiène, de Salmonella sp. et de Listeria monocytogenes. Dans le but de vérifier le caractère complet des espèces mises à jour, une reconstitution du grain à partir des micro-organismes qui en ont été isolés a été envisagée. Des conditions expérimentales favorables à la formation de grains dans un substrat lacté ont été recherchées à partir d'extraits du grain KJ renfermant un consortium microbien a priori complet. Ces essais de reconstitution n'ont pas conduit à la formation de grains de kéfir mais l'un d'eux a conduit à la formation de biofilms. Cet évènement a été reproduit dans du lait de façon répétable avec des consortiums reconstitués à partir des micro-organismes individuels isolés du grain KJ.


Ribeiro, Julia 17 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Subduction zones are places where one hydrated oceanic plate goes underneath another plate, and releases its fluids into the overlying mantle wedge. Slab-derived fluids play a key role in subduction zone processes. They serpentinize the cold forearc mantle at shallow depths; and deeper, they trigger hydrous mantle melting beneath the arc volcanoes and sometimes at backarc basin (BAB) spreading center. Examining the composition of arc and BAB magmas helps understanding genesis of subduction-related magmas, nature and composition of their mantle sources and slab-derived fluids. However, investigating such processes at shallow subduction zones is challenging, because the cold forearc mantle generally does not melt. Here, I investigate an unusual region in the southernmost Mariana convergent margin in the Western Pacific, near the Challenger Deep. The SE Mariana forearc stretched to accommodate opening of the southernmost Mariana Trough ~5Ma ago, opening the SE Mariana forearc rift (SEMFR) and causing seafloor spreading ~2.7-3.7Ma ago. The subducted slab beneath SEMFR deepens from <50km to ~100km, thus studying SEMFR lavas provides a unique opportunity to understand shallow subduction processes. By examining the major and trace element composition, the Pb-Nd-Sr isotopic ratios and the volatile contents (H2O, CO2, Cl, S, F) of SEMFR basalts, associated glassy rinds and olivine-hosted melt inclusions (Ol-MI) collected during three cruises (YK08-08, YK10-12, TN273), I show that: (i) SEMFR lavas were produced by adiabatic decompression melting of depleted asthenospheric BAB-like mantle at ~30±6.6 km depth and 1224±40oC; (ii) Ol-MI represent hydrous melts trapped by forearc mantle olivines. Xenocrysts were entrained with SEMFR basalts during ascent; (iii) SEMFR mantle flowed from the forearc towards the arc volcanoes and was metasomatized by shallow aqueous fluids; (iv) SEMFR shallow fluids are more aqueous than the fluids released beneath the Mariana arc and Mariana BAB; (v) the aqueous slab-derived fluids and the volatile fluxes are greatest at ~50-100km slab depth, suggesting that the minerals from the subducting plate mostly broke down beneath the arc to release their fluids. Such results provide new insights into shallow subduction processes, as previous studies showed that volatile fluxes and aqueous slab-derived fluids should increase toward the trench.

The Beginning of the End: The Eschatology of Genesis

Huddleston, Jonathan Luke January 2011 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This dissertation examines the book of Genesis as a functioning literary whole, orienting</p><p>post-exilic Persian-era Judeans toward their ideal future expectations. While many have</p><p>contrasted Genesis' account of origins with the prophetic books' account of the future, this work</p><p>argues that Genesis narrates Israel's origins (and the world's) precisely in order to ground Judean</p><p>hopes for an eschatological restoration. Employing a speech-act linguistic semiotics, this study</p><p>explores the temporal orientation of Genesis and its indexical pointing to the lives and hopes of</p><p>its Persian-era users. Promises made throughout Genesis apply not only to the characters of</p><p>traditional memory, but also to those who preserved/ composed/ received the text of Genesis.</p><p>Divine promises for Israel's future help constitute Israel's ongoing identity. Poor, sparsely</p><p>populated, Persian-ruled Judea imagines its mythic destiny as a great nation exemplifying (and</p><p>spreading) blessing among the families of the earth, dominating central Palestine in a new pan-</p><p>Israelite unity with neighboring Samaria and expanding both territory and population.</p><p>Genesis' narrative of Israel's origins and destiny thus dovetails with the Persian-era</p><p>expectations attested in Israel's prophetic corpus--a coherent (though variegated) restoration</p><p>eschatology. This prophetic eschatology shares mythic traditions with Genesis, using those</p><p>traditions typologically to point to Israel's future hope. Taken together, Genesis and the prophetic</p><p>corpus identify Israel as a precious seed, carrying forward promises of a yet-to-be-realized</p><p>creation fruitfulness and blessing. Those who used this literature identify their disappointments</p><p>and tragedies in terms of the mythic destruction and cursing that threaten creation but never</p><p>extinguish the line of promise. The dynamic processes of Genesis' usage (its composition</p><p>stretching back to the pre-exilic period, and its reception stretching forward to the post-Persian</p><p>era) have made Genesis an etiology of Israel's expected future--not of its static present. Because</p><p>v</p><p>this future will be fully realized only in the coming divine visitation, Genesis cannot be attributed</p><p>to an anti-eschatological, hierocratic establishment. Rather, it belongs to the same Persian-era</p><p>Judean synthesis which produced the restoration eschatology of the prophetic corpus. This</p><p>account of Genesis contributes to a canonical understanding of Second Temple Hebrew literature;</p><p>prophetic scrolls and Pentateuchal (Torah) scrolls interact to form a textually based Israelite</p><p>identity, founded on trust in a divinely promised future.</p> / Dissertation

The Garden, the Serpent, and Eve: An Ecofeminist Narrative Analysis of Garden of Eden Imagery in Fashion Magazine Advertising

Colette, Shelly Carmen 19 June 2012 (has links)
Garden of Eden imagery is ubiquitous in contemporary print advertising in North America, especially in advertisements directed at women. Three telling characteristics emerge in characterizations of Eve in these advertising reconstructions. In the first place, Eve is consistently hypersexualized and over-eroticized. Secondly, such Garden of Eden images often conflate the Eve figure with that of the Serpent. Thirdly, the highly eroticized Eve-Serpent figures also commonly suffer further conflation with the Garden of Eden itself. Like Eve, nature becomes eroticized. In the Eve-Serpent-Eden conflation, woman becomes nature, nature becomes woman, and both perform a single narrative plot function, in tandem with the Serpent. The erotic and tempting Eve-Serpent-Eden character is both protagonist and antagonist, seducer and seduced. In this dissertation, I engage in an ecofeminist narratological analysis of the Genesis/Fall myth, as it is retold in contemporary fashion magazine advertisements. My analysis examines how reconstructions of this myth in advertisements construct the reader, the narrator, and the primary characters of the story (Eve, Adam, the Serpent, and Eden). I then further explore the ways in which these characterizations inform our perceptions of woman, nature, and environmentalism. Using a narratological methodology, and through a poststructuralist ecofeminist lens, I examine which plot and character elements have been kept, which have been discarded, and how certain erasures impact the narrative characterizations of the story. In addition to what is being told, I further analyze how and where it is told. How is the basic plot being storied in these reconstructions, and what are the effects of this version on the archetypal characterizations of Eve and the Garden of Eden? What are the cultural and literary contexts of the reconstructed narrative and the characters within it? How do these contexts inform how we read the characters within the story? Finally, I examine the cultural effects of these narrative reconstructions, exploring their influence on our gendered relationships with each other and with the natural world around us.

'Adam : - en litteraturstudie om vem som kom först; mannen eller människan

Nordström, Janica January 2006 (has links)
Enligt den svenska översättningen av bibeln skapades mannen först och kvinnan skapades därefter av mannens revben. Detta arbete syftar till att studera om det finns utrymme för en annan tolkning av den andra skapelseberättelsen i Genesis, än den som traditionsenligt berättas i till exempel Bibel 2000. Kan det vara så att den första människan, ’adam, var en människa av båda eller inget kön, och att kvinnan sedan separerades ifrån ’adam och det som var kvar var mannen? Genom att studera olika forskares och teologers tolkningar av människans skapelse i Genesis 2 och de hebreiska ordens betydelse och placering i verserna har jag kommit fram till att den mest troliga tolkningen av texten är att mannen skapades först och att kvinnan därefter skapades utifrån mannens revben.

From Fratricide to Forgiveness: the Ethics of Anger in Genesis

Schlimm, Matthew Richard 05 December 2008 (has links)
<p><p>In the first book of the Bible, every patriarch and many of the matriarchs have significant encounters with anger. However, scholarship has largely ignored how Genesis treats this emotion, particularly how Genesis functions as Torah by providing ethical instruction about handling this emotion's perplexities. This dissertation aims to fill this gap in scholarship, showing both how anger functions as a literary motif in Genesis and how this book offers moral guidance for engaging this emotion.</p></p><p><p>After an introductory chapter outlining the goals, methods, and limitations of this study (ch. 1), this dissertation draws on works in translation theory, anthropology, and cross-cultural psychology to lay a theoretical framework for analyzing emotion described in another language by another culture (ch. 2). Next, it appropriates the findings of cognitive linguistics to analyze the terminology, conception, and associations of anger in the Hebrew Bible (ch. 3). The following chapter evaluates the advances that have taken place in the field of Old Testament ethics in recent decades, supplementing them with insights from philosophical, literary, and critical theorists to formulate an understanding of ethics and narrative that aligns with the contours of Genesis (ch. 4). The next chapter employs a rhetorical-literary approach to examine how texts in Genesis provide a conversation with one another about anger and its moral perplexities (ch. 5). Various themes from this study are then collected and summarized in the concluding chapter (ch. 6).</p></p><p><p>This dissertation concludes that understanding Genesis' message about anger requires laying aside traditional Western assumptions about both emotion and ethics. Genesis does not, for example, provide a set of ideal principles for engaging anger. Rather, readers who experience Genesis' narratives view anger from a variety of perspectives and in different lights, gaining wisdom for diverse encounters with anger they may face. They acquire a deep sensitivity to human frailty, an acute awareness of anger's power, and a realistic range of possibilities for engaging this emotion.</p></p> / Dissertation

The multiple vortex nature of tropical cyclogenesis

Sippel, Jason Allen 17 February 2005 (has links)
This thesis contains an observational analysis of the genesis of Tropical Storm Allison (2001). Using a paradigm of tropical cyclone formation as the superposition of potential vorticity (PV) anomalies, the importance of different scales of PV merger to various aspects of Allison’s formation is discussed. While only the case of Allison is discussed in great detail, other studies have also documented PV superposition on various scales, and superposition could be important for most tropical cyclones. Preceding Allison’s genesis, PV superposition on the large scale destabilized the atmosphere and increased low-level cyclonic vorticity. This presented a more favorable environment for the formation of MCV-type PV anomalies and smaller, surface-based, meso-&#946;-scale vortices. Although these vortices eventually merged to form a more concentrated vortex with stronger surface pressure gradients, the merger happened well after landfall of Allison and no strengthening ensued. The unstable, vorticity-rich environment was also favorable for the development of even smaller, meso-&#947;-scale vortices that accompanied deep convective cells within one of Allison’s meso-&#946;-scale vortices. The observations herein suggest that the meso-&#947;- scale convective cells and vortices are the respective source of PV production and building blocks for the meso-&#946;-scale vortices. Finally, this thesis discusses issues related to the multiple vortex nature of tropical cyclone formation. For instance, the tracking of developing tropical cyclones is greatly complicated by the presence of multiple vortices. For these cases, the paradigm of a single cyclone center is inappropriate and alternative tracking methods are introduced.

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