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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Promotor engineering in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for transcriptional control under different physiological conditions

Conradie, E. C. (Elizabeth Cornelia) 10 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To manipulate recombinant microorganisms for industrial processes, controllable genetic systems are needed that can coordinate expression of recombinant metabolic pathways. All components are sensitive to change and thus putative targets for modification and genetic elements and regulatory systems need to be understood and determined. Central in gene regulation is the transcription activators that mediate gene transcription mechanisms by binding to promoters in response to environmental signals. Promoter engineering entails the modification of transcription factors and their target promoters. In this study, a metabolic control system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was constructed that would allow induction in response to physiological environment, specifically hypoxia and low temperature conditions. Two approaches were undertaken to find such a system. Firstly, a bi-directional reporter gene cloning vector was designed to search for novel hypoxiainducible promoters. Secondly, a transcription regulatory circuit was built, consisting of an inducible transcription regulator and promoter with a reporter gene through which it mediates transcription. Advantage was taken of the modular nature of proteins and functional domains originating from different transcriptional proteins were combined. A search for promoter elements sensitive to hypoxia from a S. cerevisiae genomic DNA (gDNA) library, using a bi-directional cloning vector, did not yield highly inducible promoters. It was concluded that a multitude of signals overlap, rendering genetic induction difficult to control. A synthetic regulatory system would minimize the impact of these multiple interactions. Such a genetic circuit was constructed, consisting of a chimeric transcription activator and a target fusion promoter. The chimeric transcription activator consisted of the GAL4 DNA binding domain, ADR1 TADIII transactivation domain and three domains of the MGA2 regulatory protein. The functional domains of Mga2p responsible for unregulated expression (at high basal levels) under both aerobic and hypoxia conditions were located, as well as a further upregulation under low temperature, and were mapped to the Nterminal and mid-Mga2p regions. A target fusion promoter consisting of a partial GAL10/1 promoter sequence and a Trichoderma reesei core xyn2 promoter were constructed as target for this chimeric transactivator. This synthetic promoter was fused to the T. reesei xyn2 open reading frame encoding for a readily assayable β-xylanase activity. Both the chimeric transactivator and fusion promoter-reporter gene cassettes were expressed from the same episomal plasmid, named pAR. Transformed into S. cerevisiae Y294, this regulatory system induced transcription under aerobic and hypoxia conditions. Furthermore, the reporter gene expression was upregulated by the chimeric transactivator at low temperatures. The chimeric transactivator mediated a seven-fold induction of the reporter gene under aerobic conditions in S. cerevisiae Y294 when transformed with plasmid AR. A two- to three-fold induction at 23ºC was reported under anaerobic conditions, relative to a reference strain expressing a transcription activator without the Mga2p domains. At 30ºC, a two- to three-fold induction under aerobic conditions and similar induction under oxygen-limited conditions were observed. Replacing the reporter gene with your favorite gene (for example a recombinant enzyme) and incorporating such a pAR system into a recombinant yeast should induce expression of the chosen gene under low temperatures, both aerobic and anaerobically (thus creating a controllable system). The system also has wider application in identifying other transcription factors’ signal-sensitive domains. The design of this system provides the ability to add a linker to a transactivator and to either create specific signal sensitivity or relieve the regulator of its signal dependence. It creates an easy system for assessing other transactivators and their domains with unknown functions and thus provides a ”workhorse and prospector in one”. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir die manipulering van rekombinante mikroörganismes vir industriële prosesse word beheerbare genetiese stelsels benodig om gekoördineerde uitdrukking van rekombinante metaboliese weë teweeg te bring. Alle komponente van sulke stelsels is sensitief vir verandering en genetiese elemente en reguleerbare sisteme moet dus deeglik verstaan of bepaal word. Sentraal tot geenregulering is die transkripsie-aktiveerders wat geentranskripsie beheer deur aan promoters te bind in reaksie op eksterne omgewingsfaktore. Promotoringenieurswese behels wysigings van transkripsiefaktore en hul teikenpromotors. In hierdie studie is 'n genetiese beheerstelsel vir Saccaromyces cerevisiae ontwikkel wat induksie in reaksie tot spesifieke fisiologiese omgewingreaksies, naamlik hipoksie- en lae temperatuur, toelaat. Twee benaderings is gevolg: eerstens is ‘n tweerigting verklikker-geen vektor ontwikkel en gebruik om vir unieke induseerbare hipoksie-promoters te soek. Tweedens is ‘n transkripsie reguleringstelsel gebou wat uit ‘n induseerbare transkripsiereguleerder and promotor met ‘n verklikkergeen bestaan, waardeur transkripsie bemiddel kan word. Hierdie benadering benut die modulêre onderbou van proteïene en funksionele domeine afkomstig vanaf verskillende transkripsiefaktore is gekombineer. 'n Soektog na hipoksie-sensitiewe promotors vanuit 'n Saccharomyces cerevisiae-genoom- DNA (gDNA), deur van ‘n tweerigting verklikker-vektor gebruik te maak, het ongelukkig nie hoogs-induseerbare promotors opgelewer nie. Die gevolgtrekking was dat ‘n veelvoud van seine met mekaar oorvleuel en die beheer van genetiese induksie dus bemoeilik. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n sintetiese regulering-sisteem kan die impak van die veelvuldige interaksies verminder. Vir dié doel is ‘n sintetiese reguleringstelsel ontwerp, bestaande uit ‘n chimeriese transkripsie-aktiveerder met ‘n teiken fusie-promotor. Die chimeriese transaktiveerder bestaan uit die GAL4 DNA bindingsdomein, die ADR1 TAD III transaktiveringsdomein en drie domeine van die Mga2 reguleringsproteïen. In die studie is die funksionele domeins van Mga2p betrokke by lae temperatuur-respons en ongereguleerde uitdrukking (teen hoë basale vlakke) onder beide aërobiese en anaërobiese toestande aangedui en is tot die N-terminaal en middel-Mga2p areas gekarteer. ‘n Teiken-fusie-promoter, bestaande uit 'n gedeeltelike GAL1/10 DNA promotoropeenvolging en ‘n Trichoderma reesei kern xyn2-promoter, is as teiken vir hierdie chimeriese transaktiveerder saamgestel. Hierdie sintetiese promotor is aan die T. reesei xyn2 oopleesraam, wat vir ‘n maklik meetbare β-xylanase aktiwiteit kodeer, gekoppel. Beide die chimeriese transaktiveerder and fusie-promoter-verklikker-geenkaset word vanaf dieselfde episomale plasmied, bekend as pAR, uitgedruk. Hierdie reguleringsisteem induseer transkripsie onder aërobiese en hipoksie toestande in S. cerevisiae Y294. Verder word die verklikkergeen se uitdrukking deur die chimeriese transaktiveerder by lae temperature verhoog. Die chimeriese transaktiveerder induseer ‘n sewe-voudige induksie van die verklikkergeen onder aërobiese toestande by 23ºC vanaf die pAR-stelsel in S. cerevisiae Y294. ‘n Twee- tot drie-voudige induksie teen 23ºC is onder hipoksie toestande gevind, relatief tot induksievlakke van ‘n verwysingstam met ‘n transaktiveerder sonder die Mga2 domeine. By 30ºC is ‘n twee- tot drie-voudige induksie onder aërobiese en lae suurstofvlakke waargeneem. Deur die verklikker geen met ‘n jou-gunsteling-geen te vervang (bv. ‘n rekombinante ensiem) en so 'n pAR-sisteem in ‘n rekombinante gis te inkorporeer, word uitdrukking onder lae temperature onder beide aërobiese- en anaërobiese toestande geïnduseer (en sodoende word ‘n reguleerbare sisteem geskep). Die sisteem het wyer toepassing om sein-sensitiewe domeine van ander transkripsiefaktore te identifiseer. Die ontwerp van die stelsel maak dit moontlik om 'n skakel tot die transaktiveerder by te voeg wat óf sensitiwiteit tot 'n spesifieke sein skep, óf die reguleerder vanaf seinafhanklikheid verlos. So word ‘n bruikbare stelsel vir die bestudering van ander transaktivators en hul domeine met onbekende funksie geskep – ‘n “werksesel en prospekteerder in een”.

Právní úprava a nakládání s geneticky modifikovanými organismy / Legal regulation of the disposal of genetically modified organisms

Medveďová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Legal Regulation of the Use of Genetically Modified Organisms ABSTRACT The use of genetically modified organisms on a global scale is on the rise which requires their efficient and consistent regulation. The main goal of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the legal regulation of genetically modified organisms and their use on several levels. After an introduction to the topic, the thesis deals with the key international documents and then moves on to examining different approaches on the topic and exploring regulation in the United States and in the European Union with a connection the legislation in Czech Republic. In addition, four annexes are included at the end of the thesis for a better illustration of the current use of genetically modified organisms in the world.

Identifikace a aktivace kryptického genového shluku pro biosyntézu látek manumycinového typu u Saccharothrix espanaensis DSM44229 / Identification and activation of a cryptic biosynthetic gene cluster for manumycin-type metabolites in Saccharothrix espanaensis DSM44229

Zelenka, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract: Secondary metabolism of Gram-positive soil bacteria from the genus Streptomyces is a inestimable source of natural products including manumycins, which belong to a polyketide group. These products possess weak antimicrobial, but important antiinflammatory, and antitumor activities. Streptomyces sp. offers broad amounts of yet undiscovered antibiotics, potentially utilizable in clinical medicine. This fact makes out of these organisms a promising solution to our present problem with rising antibiotic resistance among microorganisms. Two main ways are applied in this research: There are efforts of prepairing new derivates based on known products and creating various modifications in their structure. Next, new producers are discovered by "genome mining" methods, activation of silent gene clusters, followed by improvements of antibiotic production. One of those silent clusters was found in the Saccharothrix espanaensis DSM44229 strain. The genetic information has been transferred to a heterologous host in order to characterize its product. Cluster activation and production of novel manumycin-type metabolites occurred in the host after the transfer.

Bioproduction d'hydrogène par la cyanobactérie synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

Cano, Melissa 24 September 2013 (has links)
Les microorganismes photosynthétiques suscitent un intérêt biotechnologique important pour la production de dihydrogène. La cyanobactérie Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 est capable d'initier une photoproduction d'hydrogène catalysée par une hydrogénase [NiFe] bidirectionnelle qui se présente sous la forme d'un complexe pentamérique (HoxEFUYH). Toutefois l'inhibition de cette enzyme par l'oxygène émis par le photosystème II rend cette photoproduction transitoire et constitue un verrou majeur au développement de tels procédés. L'exploitation de ces organismes impose une meilleure compréhension des bases moléculaires associées à la sensibilité de l'hydrogénase envers l'oxygène ainsi que des composantes limitant son activité de production d'H2, ce qui implique la connaissance détaillée des jeux d'interactions avec ses partenaires physiologiques NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H.Diverses substitutions d'acides aminés potentiellement impliqués dans la sensibilité de l'enzyme à l'O2 et situés au cœur du site actif (Ileu64, Leu107, Leu112) de la sous-unité catalytique HoxH ont été réalisées. Les résultats in vitro et in vivo indiquent une sensibilité envers l'O2 moindre chez le mutant I64M, qui présente une diffusion limitée et un biais vers l'activité de production d'H2.L'étude des interactions de mutants de délétion des gènes diaphorase hoxE et hoxF avec les cofacteurs NAD(P) a montré que NAD+/NADH semblent être les partenaires privilégiés de l'hydrogénase pour le transfert d'électrons, tandis que le NADPH a un effet activateur sur l'enzyme.Ces études apportent des éléments importants pour envisager une optimisation ciblée et maîtrisée pour la bioproduction d'H2. / Oxygenic photosynthetic organisms are a matter of great biotechnological interest for the production of dihydrogen using what seem to be infinite resources, water and solar energy. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 encodes a bidirectional [NiFe] hydrogenase consisting of a pentameric complex (HoxEFUYH) that allows it to carry H2 photoproduction. However, it is a transient process, mainly due to the oxygen sensitivity of hydrogenases, O2 being produced at PSII during photosynthesis. Future exploitation of these organisms in bioprocesses requires a better understanding of the molecular bases of O2 sensitivity of the hydrogenase and of the elements limiting H2 evolution which involves detailed knowledge of the interactions of the enzyme with its physiological partners NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H.Various mutants of the Synechocystis hydrogenase were created by genetic engineering, targeting specific amino acid residues (Ileu64, Leu107, Leu112) in the catalytic subunit HoxH identified as putative critical elements for O2 sensitivity. Results obtained in vitro and in vivo indicate that the substitution I64M slightly improves O2 tolerance and alters gas diffusion kinetics with a bias towards H2 production. Studying the interaction of diaphorase gene-deletion mutants hoxF and hoxE with partners NAD(P) showed that NAD+/NADH are the preferential electron acceptor/donor of the hydrogenase, while NADPH is more efficient for enzyme activation.These studies provide first insights on the determinants of the oxygen sensitivity of the hydrogenase of Synechocystis and its activation, which are critical elements to consider in targeted optimization for bioproduction of H2.

Transformação genética de cana-de-açúcar com genes da aquaporina SspTIP1;1 e SspPIP1;4 / Genetic Transformation of Sugarcane with SspPIP1;1 and SspPIP1;4 genes

Jesus, Frederico Almeida de 16 June 2010 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar vem assumindo um papel de destaque na atual conjuntura nacional, impulsionada principalmente pela produção de etanol, que vai de encontro com a crescente preocupação mundial na busca por fontes de energias renováveis e menos impactantes ao ambiente. Por essa razão, é preciso assegurar o contínuo desenvolvimento técnico-científico do setor sucroalcooleiro nacional, mantendo o Brasil na posição de vanguarda na produção de biocombustíveis. Ante a disponibilidade de inúmeras ferramentas biotecnológicas, tornou-se possível avançar com maior celeridade na compreensão dos campos da genética e fisiologia da cana-de-açúcar. Neste trabalho é demonstrado a transformação genética via biobalística da cultivar RB835486. No processo foram usadas duas construções para silenciamento gênico via RNA de interferência (RNAi), com genes quiméricos do tipo shRNA (short harpin RNA) para silenciamento dos genes SspTIP1;1 e SspPIP1;4, em co-tranformação com o gene marcador npt- II. Os dois genes alvo selecionados codificam aquaporinas, proteínas transmembrana responsáveis pelo transporte de água na planta. Estes genes foram identificados anteriormente por seu possível envolvimento no processo de acúmulo de sacarose. A co-integração dos cassetes de silenciamento gênico e do gene marcador ocorreu em 13 plantas, sendo obtidas três linhagens para o gene SspTIP1;1 e 10 linhagens para o gene SspPIP1;4. Dentre elas, duas linhagens SspTIP1;1 e cinco linhagens SspPIP1;4 foram analisadas via RT-PCR, quanto a possíveis modificações nos níveis de expressão dos genes alvos. Nas duas linhagens transgênicas avaliadas para silenciamento do SspTIP1;1, não houve redução em sua expressão em relação ao controle não transformado, possivelmente devido a efeitos de posição. Nas outras cinco linhagens transgênicas avaliadas para silenciamento do SspPIP1;4, houve redução significativa em seus níveis de expressão em três linhagens em relação ao controle não transformado. Nestas plantas serão realizadas as análises fisiológicas a fim de validá-las funcionalmente quanto ao transporte de água e acúmulo de sacarose. / Sugarcane has taken a leading role in the current national economy, mainly boosted by ethanol production, which meet the growing global concern on searching for renewable energy and with low impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuous technical and scientific development of the national sugar and ethanol sector, maintaining the leading position of Brazil in biofuel production. By the availability of numerous biotechnology tools, it became possible to advance more rapidly in understanding the fields of genetics and physiology of sugarcane. This work demonstrated the genetic transformation of the cultivar RB835486 via biolistic assay. In the process it was used two constructs for gene silencing via RNA interference (RNAi) with chimeric genes of the type shRNA (short harpin RNA) for silencing of the genes SspTIP1;1 and SspPIP1;4, co-transformed with the marker gene npt- II. The two selected target genes encode aquaporins, transmembrane proteins which are responsible for water transport in plants. These genes were previously identified for their possible involvement in the process of sucrose accumulation. The co-integration of both, the cassette gene silencing and gene marker was observed in 13 plants, three strains were obtained for the gene SspTIP1;1 and 10 strains for gene SspPIP1;4. Among them, two strains of SspTIP1;1 and five strains of SspPIP1;4 were analyzed by RT-PCR, searching for possible changes in the levels of target gene expression. In the two transgenic lines evaluated for silencing SspTIP1;1, no reduction in expression compared to control non-transformed was obtained, possibly due to effects of position insertion of the gene in the genome. The other five transgenic lines evaluated for silencing of SspPIP1;4, a significant reduction in their expression levels was obtained in three strains when compared to the control untransformed plants. These silenced plants will be physiologically analyzed to validate their function on water transport and sucrose accumulation.

Cyclic lipodepsipeptides as lead structures for the discovery of new antiobiotics

Unknown Date (has links)
With antimicrobial resistance to current drugs steadily rising, the development of new antibiotics with novel mechanisms of action has become an imperative. The majority of life-threatening infections worldwide are caused by "ESKAPE" pathogens which are encountered in more than 40% of hospital-acquired infections, and are resistant to the majority of commonly used antibiotics. Naturally occurring cyclic depsipeptides, microbial secondary metabolites that contain one or more ester bonds in addition to amide bonds, have emerged as an important source of pharmacologically active compounds or lead structures for the development of novel antibiotics. Some of those peptides are either already marketed (daptomycin) or in advanced stages of clinical development (ramoplanin). Structurally simple, yet potent, fusaricidin/LI-F and lysobactin families of naturally occurring antibiotics represent particularly attractive candidates for the development of new antibacterial agents capable of overco ming infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. These natural products exhibit potent antimicrobial activity against a variety of clinically relevant fungi and Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, access to these classes of natural products and their synthetic analogs, combined with elucidation of their mode of action represent important initial steps toward full exploitation of their antmicrobial potential. This dissertation describes a general approach toward the solid-phase synthesis of fusaricidin/LI-F and lysobactin analogs and an extensive structure-activity relationship (SAR) study. We have devised a simple and robust preparation strategy based on standard Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis protocols. / The SAR study revealed key structural requirements for fusaricidin/LI-F and related cyclic lipopeptides antibacterial activity, including the presence of the guanidino moietly at the end of the lipidic tail, hydrophobic amino acid residues, and peptide conformation Moreover, substitution of the ester bond with an amide bond significantly improved stability under physiologically relevant conditions and reduced toxicity. In addition, we have shown that these antibacterial peptides exert their mode of action via a novel mechanism, which invloves bacterial membrane interactions, followed by peptide internalization. Altogether, the research described in this dissertation demonstrates that new antibiotics derived from fusaricidin/LI-F natural products, have the potential to meet the challenge of antibiotic resistance in Gram-positive bacteria. / by Nina Bionda. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Nitrate Use Efficiency In Tobacco Plants Constitutively Expressing A Maize Nitrate Transporter ZmNRT2.1

Unknown Date (has links)
The NRT2 (high affinity nitrate transporter 2) family is a part of the iHATS (inducible high affinity system) that studies have shown is responsible for the influx of nitrate into the plant cell after provision of nitrate. The ZmNRT2.1 from Zea mays was constitutively expressed in Nicotiana tabacum. To assess how over-expression of this foreign NRT2.1 affects nitrate influx by plants, nitrate content in leaf and root tissue, gene expression, and vegetal growth were analyzed in media with deficient or high nitrate concentrations (0.1, 1, or 10 mM). Compared to wild type plants: the transgenic lines had a significantly larger fresh weight in all nitrate conditions; primary root length was significantly longer in the 0.1 and 1 mM nitrate conditions; both the fresh weight and the primary root length were significantly higher when 50 mM NaCl was applied as a stress factor to medias containing 0.1 and 10 mM nitrate. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Utilização das técnicas de engenharia genética e bioquímica em Chlamydomonas reinhardtii visando o aumento da produção de lipídeos para obtenção de biocombustível / Use of genetic and biochemical engineering in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii aiming the increase of the lipid level for biofuel production.

Villela, Helena Dias Müller 07 July 2014 (has links)
Os impactos ambientais causados pela queima dos combustíveis fósseis e pela sua manipulação, aliados ao crescente preço dos combustíveis, têm fomentado a procura de novos recursos renováveis e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias que suportem as necessidades desse mercado. Os biocombustíveis são recursos biodegradáveis e renováveis, que vêm se revelando uma alternativa economicamente viável. No entanto, a atual geração de biocombustíveis possui alguns pontos negativos, tais como: utilização de solos férteis e competição com a indústria de alimentos, uma vez que utiliza culturas como soja, milho e cana-de-açúcar, produtos de extrema importância econômica para seus países produtores. Por estes motivos, há um crescente interesse em explorar outras matérias-primas possíveis, em especial as voltadas exclusivamente para a geração de energia. Neste contexto, as microalgas vêm se mostrando uma opção bastante interessante. Estes organismos apresentam um alto potencial para tal, pois possuem alta taxa de crescimento e capacidade de produzir grande quantidade de óleo. Além disso, a produção do biocombustível por estes organismos pode ser otimizada tanto pela modificação das condições de cultivo (engenharia bioquímica), como através da manipulação genética das linhagens (engenharia genética). Neste trabalho, ambas as estratégias foram utilizadas com o intuito de se aumentar a quantidade de lipídeo produzido pela linhagem CC424 da microalga modelo Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A via metabólica escolhida para a manipulação genética foi o ciclo do glioxilato, sendo as duas enzimas-chave desse ciclo, isocitrato liase (icl) e malato sintase (ms), os alvos. O plasmídeo pSL18 foi utilizado como vetor da transformação nas microalgas. Seis tipos de linhagens transformantes foram obtidas: duas delas subexpressando os genes icl e ms separadamente, duas subexpressando esses genes e duas contendo duplas transformações, ou seja, uma delas subexpressando ambos os genes ao mesmo tempo e a outra superexpressando os mesmos. Quando se subexpressou ambas as enzimas ao mesmo tempo, houve um aumento significativo na quantidade de lipídeos neutros da célula. Além disso, essa linhagem transgênica foi submetida à escassez de nitrogênio, o que acentuou ainda mais esse resultado. Enquanto em meio normal a diferença entre a quantidade de lipídeos foi de 1,5 vezes, em escassez de nitrogênio essa diferença foi de aproximadamente 3 vezes, corroborada pela diferença nos níveis de expressão gênica, que também foi em torno de 3 vezes. Além disso, a linhagem transgênica também mostrou um aumento em cada um dos ácidos graxos analisados individualmente, revelando uma grande quantidade de todos os tipos de C16 e C18, ácidos graxos importantes para que o biodiesel se adeque ao regulamento da Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Apesar de maior quantidade de lipídeos em relação à linhagem selvagem, a nova linhagem transgênica Dupla-ICL-MS-anti não mostrou nenhum efeito deletério crítico. Tanto a produção de biomassa, quanto a quantidade de clorofila a, proteínas totais e carboidratos totais se mantiveram estáveis após a introdução da mutação. Esses resultados sugerem que as enzimas do ciclo do glioxilato, sabidamente ligadas ao catabolismo de ácidos graxos, podem ser utilizadas como alvos promissores para a otimização de linhagens já utilizadas comercialmente na produção de biodiesel. / The environmental impacts caused by gases emitted from burning fossil fuels and their manipulation, combined with rising fuel prices, has stimulated demand for new renewable resources and developing new green technologies that support the industry and market needs. Biofuels are biodegradable and renewable resources, which come out to be an economically viable alternative. However, the current generation of biofuels has some disadvantages, such as: use of fertile soils and competition with the food industry, once it uses crops such as soybeans, corn and sugar cane, products of extreme economic importance to the producing countries. For these reasons, there is a growing interest in exploring other possible raw materials, especially those that are geared exclusively for power generation. In this context, microalgae have shown to be a very interesting option. These organisms have a high potential because they have fast growth rate and the ability to produce large amounts of oil. In addition, biofuel production by these organisms can be optimized for both the modification of culture conditions (biochemical engineering), and through the genetic manipulation of microalgae strains (genetic engineering). In this work, the two strategies have been used in order to increase the amount of lipid produced by the strain CC424 from the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The metabolic route chosen for genetic manipulation is the glyoxylate cycle, and the two key enzymes of this cycle, isocitrate lyase (icl) and malate synthase (ms), the targets. The plasmid pSL18 was used as a vector of transformation in the microalgae. Six types of transformant strains were obtained, two of them overexpressing the ms and icl genes separately, two underexpressing these genes and two double transformations, one of them overexpressing both genes at the same time the other one underexpressing them. The strain underexpressing both enzymes at the same time, showed a significant increase in the amount of neutral lipids. In this mutant, the shortage of nitrogen led to an even greater increase in these lipids. While in normal media the difference between the amount of lipids was 1.5 times, under nitrogen starvation the difference was approximately 3 times, corroborated by the difference in gene expression levels, which was also about 3 times. Moreover, the mutant strain also showed an increase in each of the individual fatty acids analyzed, revealing a large amount in all kinds of C16 and C18 fatty acids, important for biodiesel that suits the regulation of Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Although the mutant Dupla-ICL-MS-anti produces higher amounts of lipids compared to the wild type, the strain showed no critical negative effects. Both the production of biomass and the amount of chlorophylla, total protein and total carbohydrates remained stable after the introduction of the mutation. These results suggest that the enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, which are linked to the catabolism of fatty acids, can be used as promising targets for the optimization of strains already used commercially in the production of biodiesel.

Znalosti a názory žáků na geneticky modifikované organismy / Knowledge and Opinions of Students on Genetically Modified Organisms

Semencová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on topic of genetically modified organisms and their use in the practical sectors of human life. Theoretical part of the thesis defines general terms GMO, plasmid, genetic engineering, biotechnology. It also records historical milestones relating to the problematic, deals with individual techniques of genetic engineering and briefly states legislative procedures in context of dealing with GMO. It gives examples of transgenic organisms and summarizes advantages and disadvantages of their use.Practical part of the thesis contains educational program called "Genetically modified organisms", which was conceived by the author and includes a draft of a lesson inclusive of teaching materials - powerpoint presentations, worksheets, interactive worksheets, auxiliary text for teacher and written preparation. Research part deals with high school students change of view about using GMOs after completing the educational program. Due to analysis was proven that most of the attitudes and knowledge about GMO was changed after completing the educational program (for example in issues of willingness to consume GM food and animal products, perception of advantages and disadvantages etc.) Data was still unchanged in questions which cannot be affected by the program (control of food packaging or...

StarLink(TM) Corn: A Case Study

Sheumack, Michele Denise, n/a January 2004 (has links)
The 18 September 2000 disclosure that StarLink corn, a genetically engineered variety not approved for human consumption, had been detected in food was a seminal event in agricultural biotechnology. This thesis presents a comprehensive case study of the StarLink incident (part one), reviews the StarLink situation in terms of crisis management theory (part two) and develops crisis management theory using the StarLink incident as an example of a crisis (part three). Part one provides background information, then a meticulous day-by-day account of StarLink-related events. Part two presents a detailed overview of crisis management theory, then examines the StarLink situation in terms of pre-crisis (warning signals, preconditions for a crisis, crisis trigger), crisis (how Aventis, the biotechnology provider, managed the crisis and opinions concerning crisis handling) and post-crisis (lessons learned). Part three develops crisis management theory using the StarLink situation as an example of a crisis. It evaluates whether the StarLink incident possessed characteristics predicted for modern crises and suggests other factors which may become more prevalent and significant in future crises. The StarLink incident delivers certain practical lessons for managers, regulators and others and demonstrates a number of characteristics of modern crises.

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