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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of novel iron oxidizing bacteria of the genus “Ferrovum“

Ullrich, Sophie 30 May 2016 (has links)
Acidophilic iron oxidizing bacteria of the betaproteobacterial genus “Ferrovum” are ubiquitously distributed in acid mine drainage (AMD) habitats worldwide. Since their isolation and maintenance in the laboratory has proved to be extremely difficult, members of this genus are not accessible to a “classical” microbiological characterization with exception of the designated type strain “Ferrovum myxofaciens” P3G. The present study reports the characterization of “Ferrovum” strains at genome and transcriptome level. “Ferrovum” sp. JA12, “Ferrovum” sp. PN-J185 and “F. myxofaciens” Z-31 represent the iron oxidizers of the mixed cultures JA12, PN-J185 and Z-31. The mixed cultures were derived from the mine water treatment plant Tzschelln close to the lignite mining site in Nochten (Lusatia, Germany). The mixed cultures also contain a heterotrophic strain of the genus Acidiphilium. The genome analysis of Acidiphilium sp. JA12-A1, the heterotrophic contamination of the mixed culture JA12, indicates an interspecies carbon and phosphate transfer between Acidiphilium and “Ferrovum” in the mixed culture, and possibly also in their natural habitat. The comparison of the inferred metabolic potentials of four “Ferrovum” strains and the analysis of their phylogenetic relationships suggest the existence of two subgroups within the genus “Ferrovum” (i.e. the operational taxonomic units OTU-1 and OUT-2) harboring characteristic metabolic profiles. OTU-1 includes the “F. myxofaciens” strains P3G and Z-31, which are predicted to be motile and diazotrophic, and to have a higher acid tolerance than OTU-2. The latter includes two closely related proposed species represented by the strains JA12 and PN-J185, which appear to lack the abilities of motility, chemotaxis and molecular nitrogen fixation. Instead, both OTU-2 strains harbor the potential to use urea as alternative nitrogen source to ammonium, and even nitrate in case of the JA12-like species. The analysis of the genome architectures of the four “Ferrovum” strains suggests that horizontal gene transfer and loss of metabolic genes, accompanied by genome reduction, have contributed to the evolution of the OTUs. A trial transcriptome study of “Ferrovum” sp. JA12 supports the ferrous iron oxidation model inferred from its genome sequence, and reveals the potential relevance of several hypothetical proteins in ferrous iron oxidation. Although the inferred models in “Ferrovum” spp. share common features with the acidophilic iron oxidizers of the Acidithiobacillia, it appears to be more similar to the neutrophilic iron oxidizers Mariprofundus ferrooxydans (“Zetaproteobacteria”) and Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (Betaproteobacteria). These findings suggest a common origin of ferrous iron oxidation in the Beta- and “Zetaproteobacteria”, while the acidophilic lifestyle of “Ferrovum” spp. may have been acquired later, allowing them to also colonize acid mine drainage habitats.:EIDESSTATTLICHE ERKLÄRUNG ... 2 CONTENT ... 4 SUMMARY ... 9 CHAPTER I ... 11 ORIGIN AND MICROBIOLOGY OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE ... 11 ACIDOPHILIC IRON OXIDIZING BACTERIA OF THE GENUS “FERROVUM” ... 12 APPLICATION OF OMICS-BASED APPROACHES TO CHARACTERIZE ACIDOPHILES ... 14 AIMS OF THE PRESENT WORK ... 15 CHAPTER II ... 17 ABSTRACT ... 18 INTRODUCTION ... 18 METHODS ... 19 GENOME PROJECT HISTORY ... 19 GROWTH CONDITIONS AND GENOMIC DNA PREPARATION ... 20 GENOME SEQUENCING AND ASSEMBLY ... 20 GENOME ANNOTATION ... 21 RESULTS ... 21 CLASSIFICATION AND FEATURES ... 21 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 24 INSIGHTS FROM THE GENOME SEQUENCE ... 24 COMPARATIVE GENOMICS ... 28 CONCLUSIONS ... 30 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 32 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 32 CHAPTER III ... 33 ABSTRACT ... 34 INTRODUCTION ... 34 METHODS ... 36 ORIGIN AND CULTIVATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAIN JA12 ... 36 GENOME SEQUENCING, ASSEMBLY AND ANNOTATION ... 37 VISUALIZATION OF THE NEARLY COMPLETE GENOME ... 38 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 39 PREDICTION OF MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS ... 39 NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE ACCESSION NUMBER ... 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ... 39 PHYLOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAIN JA12 ... 39 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 40 NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION AND BIOMASS PRODUCTION ... 44 Carbon dioxide fixation ... 44 Central carbon metabolism ... 45 Nitrogen ... 47 Phosphate ... 49 Sulfate ... 50 ENERGY METABOLISM ... 50 Ferrous iron oxidation ... 50 Other redox reactions connected to the quinol pool ... 54 Predicted formate dehydrogenase ... 55 STRATEGIES TO ADAPT TO ACIDIC ENVIRONMENTS, HIGH METAL LOADS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS ... 55 Acidic environment ... 55 Strategies to cope with high metal and metalloid loads ... 58 Oxidative stress ... 59 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER ... 60 CONCLUSIONS ... 61 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 62 AUTHORS\' CONTRIBUTIONS ... 62 CHAPTER IV ... 63 ABSTRACT ... 64 INTRODUCTION ... 64 METHODS ... 66 ORIGIN AND CULTIVATION OF “FERROVUM” STRAINS PN-J185 AND Z-31 ... 66 GENOME SEQUENCING, ASSEMBLY AND ANNOTATION ... 66 PREDICTION OF MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS ... 67 COMPARATIVE GENOMICS ... 68 Phylogenomic analysis ... 68 Assignment of protein-coding genes to the COG classification ... 68 Identification of orthologous proteins ... 68 Comparison and analysis of genome architectures ... 69 RESULTS ... 69 GENERAL GENOME FEATURES AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF THE FOUR “FERROVUM” STRAINS ... 69 COMPARISON OF INFERRED METABOLIC TRAITS ... 71 Identification of core genes and flexible genes ... 71 Comparison of the central metabolism ... 74 Central carbon metabolism ... 74 Nitrogen metabolism ... 77 Energy metabolism ... 78 Cell mobility and chemotaxis ... 78 Diversity of predicted stress tolerance mechanisms ... 78 Maintaining the intracellular pH homeostasis ... 78 Coping with high metal loads ... 79 Oxidative stress management ... 79 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL DRIVING FORCES OF GENOME EVOLUTION ... 80 Prediction of mobile genetic elements ... 81 Linking the differences in the predicted metabolic profiles to the genome architectures ... 82 Gene cluster associated with flagella formation and chemotaxis in “F. myxofaciens” ... 84 Gene clusters associated with the utilization of alternative nitrogen sources ... 86 Gene cluster associated with carboxysome formation in “F. myxofaciens” and OTU-2 strain JA12 ... 87 Putative genomic islands in the OTU-strain JA12 ... 89 CRISPR/Cas in “F. myxofaciens” Z-31: a defense mechanism against foreign DNA ... 91 DISCUSSION ... 92 THE COMPARISON OF THEIR METABOLIC PROFILES INDICATES THE EXISTENCE OF OTU- AND STRAIN-SPECIFIC FEATURES ... 92 GENOME EVOLUTION OF THE “FERROVUM” STRAINS APPEARS TO BE DRIVEN BY HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER AND GENOME REDUCTION ... 94 Horizontal gene transfer ... 94 Mechanisms of genome reduction ... 95 CONCLUDING REMARKS ... 98 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 98 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 98 CHAPTER V ... 99 ABSTRACT ... 100 INTRODUCTION ... 100 METHODS ... 102 CULTIVATION OF THE “FERROVUM”-CONTAINING MIXED CULTURE JA12 ... 102 Up-scaling of pre-cultures for the transcriptome study ... 103 Experimental setup of the transcriptome study ... 103 Cell harvest from large culture volumes ... 106 EXTRACTION OF TOTAL RNA ... 106 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND SEQUENCING ... 107 DATA ANALYSIS ... 107 Processing of raw data ... 107 Quantification of gene expression levels ... 108 Functional analysis ... 108 RESULTS ... 108 CULTIVATION OF THE MIXED CULTURE JA12 IN THE MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 108 Growth monitoring ... 108 Microbial composition ... 111 RNA SEQUENCING (RNA-SEQ) ... 112 FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIZATION OF EXPRESSED GENES ... 113 Functional assignment of highly expressed genes ... 117 Functional assignment of poorly expressed genes ... 121 COMPARISON OF EXPRESSION LEVELS OF GENES PREDICTED TO BE INVOLVED IN OXIDATIVE STRESS MANAGEMENT ... 122 DISCUSSION ... 124 METABOLIC PATHWAYS RELEVANT UNDER CULTURE CONDITIONS MIMICKING THE NATURAL CONDITIONS IN THE MINE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ... 125 Novel insights into the energy metabolism of “Ferrovum” sp. JA12 ... 125 Insights from poorly expressed genes ... 126 VARIATION OF GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS UNDER THE DIFFERENT CONDITIONS ... 128 EVALUATION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP INVOLVING THE MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 129 CONCLUDING REMARKS: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRESENT TRANSCRIPTOME STUDY ... 130 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 131 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ... 131 CHAPTER VI ... 133 ABSTRACT ... 133 EXTENDED INSIGHTS INTO THE FERROUS IRON OXIDATION IN BETAPROTEOBACTERIA ... 133 MECHANISMS OF PHYLOGENETIC AND METABOLIC DIVERSIFICATION WITHIN THE GENUS “FERROVUM” ... 136 INFERRED ROLES OF “FERROVUM” SPP. IN THE MICROBIAL NETWORK OF THE MINE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ... 138 PERSPECTIVES ... 143 REFERENCES ... 145 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ... 170 DATA DVD ... 170 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER III ... 171 NUCLEOTIDE ACCESSION NUMBERS ... 171 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 171 GENOME PROPERTIES ... 173 NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION ... 174 Carbon metabolism ... 174 FERROUS IRON OXIDATION ... 176 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER ... 179 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER IV ... 180 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS ... 180 ASSIGNMENT OF PROTEIN-CODING GENES TO THE COG CLASSIFICATION ... 180 COMPARISON OF THE CENTRAL METABOLISM ... 181 Predicted metabolic potential of the four “Ferrovum” strains ... 181 Genes predicted to be involved in the central metabolism, energy metabolism, cell motility and stress management in the four “Ferrovum” strains ... 183 PREDICTED MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS IN THE GENOMES OF THE FOUR “FERROVUM” STRAINS ... 184 THE FLAGELLA AND CHEMOTAXIS GENE CLUSTER ... 184 THE UREASE GENE CLUSTER ... 185 THE CARBOXYSOME GENE CLUSTER ... 186 PUTATIVE GENOMIC ISLANDS IN “FERROVUM” SP. JA12 ... 187 Gene content of the genomic islands ... 187 Flanking sites of the putative genomic islands 1 and 2 ... 188 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER V ... 189 ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE LABFORS 5 MULTIPLE BIOREACTOR SYSTEM ... 189 INVESTIGATION OF THE MICROBIAL COMPOSITION IN THE IRON OXIDIZING MIXED CULTURE JA12 ... 192 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA OF THE TRANSCRIPTOME DATA ANALYSIS ... 193 RNA-Seq statistics ... 193 Expression strength of protein-coding genes ... 194 Expression of genes involved in carboxysome formation ... 197 Expression of a ribosomal proteins-encoding gene cluster ... 199 Expression of a gene cluster presumably involved in ferrous iron oxidation ... 202 Lowest expressed genes ... 205 Expression of genes predicted to be involved in oxidative stress response ... 206 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... 208 COLLEAGUES ... 208 ERFOLGSTEAM “JUNGE FRAUEN AN DIE SPITZE” (“YOUNG WOMEN TO THE TOP“) ... 208 FAMILY AND FRIENDS ... 209 FUNDING ... 209 CURRICULUM VITAE ... 210 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ... 212 RESEARCH ARTICLES ... 212 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ... 212 ORAL PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS ... 213

Whole genome characterisation and engineering of chimaeric rotavirus-like particles using African rotavirus field strains / Khuzwayo Chidiwa Jere

Jere, Khuzwayo Chidiwa January 2012 (has links)
Despite the global licensure of two live-attenuated rotavirus vaccines, Rotarix® and RotaTeq®, rotavirus remains the major cause of severe dehydrating diarrhoea in young mammals and the need for further development of additional rotavirus vaccines, especially vaccines effective against regional strains in developing country settings, is increasing. The design and formulation of new effective multivalent rotavirus vaccines is complicated by the wide rotavirus strain diversity. Novel rotavirus strains emerge periodically due to the propensity of rotaviruses to evolve using mechanisms such as point mutation, genome segment reassortment, genome segment recombination and interspecies transmission. Mutations occurring within the primer binding regions targeted by the current commonly employed sequence-dependent genotyping techniques lead to difficulties in genotyping novel mutant rotavirus strains. Therefore, use of sequence-independent techniques coupled with online rotavirus genotyping tools will help to understand the complete epidemiology of the circulating strains which, in turn, is vital for developing intervention measures such as vaccine and anti-viral therapies. In this study, sequence-independent cDNA synthesis that uses a single set of oligonucleotides that do not require prior sequence knowledge of the rotavirus strains, 454® pyrosequencing, and an online rotavirus genotyping tool, RotaC, were used to swiftly characterise the whole genome of rotaviruses. The robustness of this approach was demonstrated in characterising the complete genetic constellations and evolutionary origin of selected human rotavirus strains that emerged in the past two decades worldwide, human rotavirus strains frequently detected in Africa, and the whole genomes of some common strains frequently detected in bovine species. Most of the characterised strains emerged either through intra- or interspecies genome segment reassortment processes. The methods used in this study also allowed determination of the whole consensus genome sequence of multiple rotavirus variants present in a single stool sample and the elucidation of the evolutionary mechanisms that explained their origin. The 454® pyrosequence-generated data revealed evidence of intergenotype rotavirus genome segment recombination between the genome segments 6 (VP6), 8 (NSP2) and 10 (NSP4) of Wa-like and DS-1-like origin. The use of next generation sequencing technology combined with sequence-independent amplification of the rotavirus genomes allowed the determination of the consensus nucleotide sequence for each of the genome segments of the selected study strains directly from stool sample. The consensus nucleotide sequences of the genome segments encoding VP2, VP4, VP6 and VP7 of some of the study strains were codon optimised for insect cell expression and used to generate recombinant baculoviruses. The Bac-to-Bac baculovirus expression system was used to generate chimaeric rotavirus virus-like particles (RV-VLPs). These chimaeric RV-VLPs contained inner capsids (VP2 and VP6) derived from a South African RVA/Humanwt/ ZAF/GR10924/1999/G9P[6] strain, on to which outer capsid layer proteins composed of various combinations of VP4 and VP7 were assembled. The outer capsid proteins were derived from the dsRNA of G2, G8, G9 or G12 strains associated with either P[4], P[6] or P[8] genotypes that were directly extracted from human stool faecal specimens. The structures of these chimaeric RV-VLPs were morphologically evaluated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Based on the size and morphology of the particles, doublelayered (dRV-VLPs) and triple-layered RV-VLPs (tRV-VLPs) were produced. Recombinant rotavirus proteins readily assembled into dRV-VLPs, whereas approximately 10 – 30% of the assembled RV-VLPs from insect expressed recombinant VP2/6/7/4 were chimaeric tRVVLPs. These RV-VLPs will be evaluated in future animal studies as potential non-live rotavirus vaccine candidates. The novel approach of producing RV-VLPs introduced in this study, namely by using the consensus nucleotide sequence derived from dsRNA extracted directly from clinical specimens, should speed up vaccine research and development by bypassing the need to adapt the viruses to tissue culture and circumventing some other problems associated with cell culture adaptation as well. Thus, it is now possible to generate RV-VLPs for evaluation as non-live vaccine candidates for any human or animal field rotavirus strain. / Thesis (PhD (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Whole genome characterisation and engineering of chimaeric rotavirus-like particles using African rotavirus field strains / Khuzwayo Chidiwa Jere

Jere, Khuzwayo Chidiwa January 2012 (has links)
Despite the global licensure of two live-attenuated rotavirus vaccines, Rotarix® and RotaTeq®, rotavirus remains the major cause of severe dehydrating diarrhoea in young mammals and the need for further development of additional rotavirus vaccines, especially vaccines effective against regional strains in developing country settings, is increasing. The design and formulation of new effective multivalent rotavirus vaccines is complicated by the wide rotavirus strain diversity. Novel rotavirus strains emerge periodically due to the propensity of rotaviruses to evolve using mechanisms such as point mutation, genome segment reassortment, genome segment recombination and interspecies transmission. Mutations occurring within the primer binding regions targeted by the current commonly employed sequence-dependent genotyping techniques lead to difficulties in genotyping novel mutant rotavirus strains. Therefore, use of sequence-independent techniques coupled with online rotavirus genotyping tools will help to understand the complete epidemiology of the circulating strains which, in turn, is vital for developing intervention measures such as vaccine and anti-viral therapies. In this study, sequence-independent cDNA synthesis that uses a single set of oligonucleotides that do not require prior sequence knowledge of the rotavirus strains, 454® pyrosequencing, and an online rotavirus genotyping tool, RotaC, were used to swiftly characterise the whole genome of rotaviruses. The robustness of this approach was demonstrated in characterising the complete genetic constellations and evolutionary origin of selected human rotavirus strains that emerged in the past two decades worldwide, human rotavirus strains frequently detected in Africa, and the whole genomes of some common strains frequently detected in bovine species. Most of the characterised strains emerged either through intra- or interspecies genome segment reassortment processes. The methods used in this study also allowed determination of the whole consensus genome sequence of multiple rotavirus variants present in a single stool sample and the elucidation of the evolutionary mechanisms that explained their origin. The 454® pyrosequence-generated data revealed evidence of intergenotype rotavirus genome segment recombination between the genome segments 6 (VP6), 8 (NSP2) and 10 (NSP4) of Wa-like and DS-1-like origin. The use of next generation sequencing technology combined with sequence-independent amplification of the rotavirus genomes allowed the determination of the consensus nucleotide sequence for each of the genome segments of the selected study strains directly from stool sample. The consensus nucleotide sequences of the genome segments encoding VP2, VP4, VP6 and VP7 of some of the study strains were codon optimised for insect cell expression and used to generate recombinant baculoviruses. The Bac-to-Bac baculovirus expression system was used to generate chimaeric rotavirus virus-like particles (RV-VLPs). These chimaeric RV-VLPs contained inner capsids (VP2 and VP6) derived from a South African RVA/Humanwt/ ZAF/GR10924/1999/G9P[6] strain, on to which outer capsid layer proteins composed of various combinations of VP4 and VP7 were assembled. The outer capsid proteins were derived from the dsRNA of G2, G8, G9 or G12 strains associated with either P[4], P[6] or P[8] genotypes that were directly extracted from human stool faecal specimens. The structures of these chimaeric RV-VLPs were morphologically evaluated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Based on the size and morphology of the particles, doublelayered (dRV-VLPs) and triple-layered RV-VLPs (tRV-VLPs) were produced. Recombinant rotavirus proteins readily assembled into dRV-VLPs, whereas approximately 10 – 30% of the assembled RV-VLPs from insect expressed recombinant VP2/6/7/4 were chimaeric tRVVLPs. These RV-VLPs will be evaluated in future animal studies as potential non-live rotavirus vaccine candidates. The novel approach of producing RV-VLPs introduced in this study, namely by using the consensus nucleotide sequence derived from dsRNA extracted directly from clinical specimens, should speed up vaccine research and development by bypassing the need to adapt the viruses to tissue culture and circumventing some other problems associated with cell culture adaptation as well. Thus, it is now possible to generate RV-VLPs for evaluation as non-live vaccine candidates for any human or animal field rotavirus strain. / Thesis (PhD (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Valutazione della sicurezza di Enterococcus faecium nella catena alimentare / SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF ENTEROCOCCUS FAECIUM IN THE FOOD CHAIN

PIETTA, ESTER 28 January 2015 (has links)
Enterococcus faecium è un componente fondamentale del microbiota di diversi alimenti fermentati quali formaggi e salumi e viene spesso isolato in alto numero in alimenti pronti al consumo. É inoltre largamente utilizzato come probiotico sia per l’uomo che per gli animali. Allo stesso tempo, però, questa specie batterica rappresenta una delle cause principali di infezioni nosocomiali quali endocarditi ed infezioni al tratto urinario. Studi recenti hanno dimostato che la specie E. faecium è costituita da due sub-popolazioni principali: la prima è denominate hospital associated (HA) clade “A” ed include la maggior parte dei ceppi responsabili di infezioni umane; la seconda è chiamata community associated (CA) clade “B”, e contiene principalmente ceppi commensali dell’uomo. Analisi più approfondite hanno rivelato un ulteriore suddivisione all’interno del clade A, nel sub-clade A1 (che raggruppa la maggioranza dei ceppi clinici) e nel sub-clade A2, associato agli animali e più sporadicamente ad infezioni umane. Nel 2012, EFSA ha redatto una linea guida per la valutazione della sicurezza di E. faecium usato come probiotico per gli animali, concludendo che i cepi appartenenti all’hospital-associated clade non devono essere utilizzati in nutrizione animale. Comunque, la distinzione tra le due sub-popolazioni è stata fatta utilizzando dati ottenuti prevalentemente da isolati umani e animali e solo un numero limitato di ceppi isolati dagli alimenti è stato considerato. Obiettivo di questa tesi di dottorato è stato quello di valutare la sicurezza di E. faecium negli alimenti fermentati, considerando ceppi isolati da formaggi artigianali e prodotti carnei e utilizzando sia tecniche di genomica che analisi fisiologiche. Nessuno dei ceppi alimentari studiati è risultato parte del clade A1, ma un ceppo isolato da un salame stagionato pronto al consumo ha rivelato diversi tratti tipici dei ceppi A1, tra cui particolari IS, transposase e geni di resistenza agli antibiotici. Questi risultati, così come altri dati, sottolineano la necessità di approfondire le conoscenze circa il ruolo dei ceppi di E. faecium isolati da alimenti come fattore di rischio per la salute umana. / Enterococcus faecium is commonly found in high numbers in ready to eat foods, being a member of the bacterial communities of a variety of fermented foods, including cheese and sausages, and is widely used as human and animal probiotic. However, this bacterial species is a leading cause of nosocomial infection, mainly endocarditis and urinary tract infections. Recent studies have demonstrated that E. faecium species consists of two very distinct clades: the hospital associated (HA) clade “A”, which includes most of the strains responsible for human infections, and the community associated (CA) clade “B”, that contains primarily human commensal isolates. Deeper analysis revealed a further split within clade A into sub-clade A1 (which groups the vast majority of clinical isolates), and sub-clade A2, associated with animals and sporadic human infections. In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority has issued a guideline for the safety assessment of E. faecium used as animal probiotics, concluding the strains belonging to the hospital-associated clade should not be used in animal nutrition. However, the differentiation of the two clades has been performed using data mainly deriving from human and animal isolates, and only a limited number of strains from the food chain were considered. Aim of this doctoral thesis was to assess the safety of E. faecium in fermented food, considering strains isolated from artisanal cheese and meat products, and using both whole genome-based techniques and physiological studies. None of the food isolates studied in this work belong to the epidemic clade A1, however a strain isolated from a ready to eat salami revealed several A1-specific traits, such as specific IS, transposases and antibiotic resistance genes. These results, as well as other data, underline the emergency of deeper understanding the role of E. faecium isolated from fermented foods as risk factor for human health.

Γονιδιωματική ανάλυση της επίδρασης αντιψωριασικών φαρμάκων σε καλλιέργειες ανθρώπινων κερατινοκυττάρων με τη χρήση μικροσυστοιχιών DNA

Φακιολάς, Στέφανος 08 January 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε γονιδιωματική ανάλυση της επίδρασης αντιψωριασικών φαρμάκων σε καλλιέργειες ανθρώπινων κερατινοκυττάρων με τη χρήση μικροσυστοιχιών DNA. Σε καλλιέργειες κυττάρων HaCaT χορηγήθηκαν τα παράγωγα του ρετινοϊκού οξέος all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) και acitretin, σε διαβαθμισμένες δόσεις, προκειμένου να διαπιστωθεί η επίδραση τους στα κύτταρα. Μελετήθηκε η βιωσιμότητα των κυττάρων με τις δοκιμασίες της χρωστικής Trypan Blue και ΜΤΤ. Επιλέχθηκαν δύο συγκεντρώσεις (10^-6 και 10^-8 Μ) των φαρμάκων που αντιστοιχούσαν σε βιωσιμότητα κυττάρων περίπου 80%, οι οποίες χορηγήθηκαν εκ νέου σε καλλιέργειες κυττάρων HaCaT. Τα κύτταρα συλλέχθηκαν, έγινε εκχύλιση του RNA και έλεγχος της ποιότητας του με ηλεκτροφόρηση (Bioanalyzer). Το RNA χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την in vitro μεταγραφή cDNA που σημάνθηκε με φθοριοχρώματα και άμεσα ακολούθησε υβριδισμός σε πλακίδιο μικροσυστοιχιών (OneArray) το οποίο περιείχε ανιχνευτές για όλο το ανθρώπινο γονιδίωμα μαζί με τους κατάλληλους μάρτυρες. Σε κάθε πλακίδιο υβριδίστηκαν ταυτόχρονα cDNA από κύτταρα στα οποία είχε χορηγηθεί ρετινοειδές και κύτταρα στα οποία δεν είχε χορηγηθεί. Η επεξεργασία των δεδομένων της σαρώσεως με ειδικό λογισμικό ανέδειξε 700 περίπου γονίδια που ρυθμίζονται θετικά ή αρνητικά σε στατιστικά σημαντικό βαθμό. Για την επαλήθευση των αποτελεσμάτων που προέκυψαν από τις μικροσυστοιχίες, επιλέχθηκαν 34 γονίδια τα οποία συμμετέχουν σε βασικές βιολογικές διεργασίες όπως πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση, κυτταρική σηματοδότηση, πολλαπλασιασμός, κυτταρική διαφοροποίηση, κυτταρικός θάνατος, φλεγμονή. Επιπρόσθετα, επιλέχθηκαν 22 γονίδια τα οποία έχουν επίσης κομβικό ρόλο σε σηματοδοτικά μονοπάτια και κυτταρικές λειτουργίες. Η επιλογή αυτή έγινε για να μελετηθεί πιο σφαιρικά η επίδραση των φαρμάκων σε βασικούς κυτταρικούς μοριακούς μηχανισμούς. Στο σύνολο των επιλεγμένων γονιδίων έγινε ποσοτική Real-Time PCR και για το σκοπό αυτό έγινε σχεδιασμός ειδικών εκκινητών. Η qRT-PCR εν τέλει, επιβεβαίωσε τα αρ-χικά αποτελέσματα από τα microarrays. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι η κυτταρική απόκριση στη χορήγηση των ρετινοειδών, εξειδικευμένα για κάθε δραστική ουσία και για κάθε δόση δεν είναι μονοσήμαντη, αλλά ότι ταυτόχρονα επάγονται λειτουργικά μονοπάτια με διαφορετικούς ρόλους. Επίσης διαπιστώθηκε ότι η μεταβολή κατά δύο τάξεις μεγέθους της δόσης που προσλαμβάνουν τα κύτταρα επάγει αντίρροπες κυτταρικές αποκρίσεις. Συγκεκριμένα, η ολιστική προσέγγιση της μεταβολής της γονιδιακής έκφρασης ανέδειξε ότι η χορήγηση ATRA σε συγκέντρωση 10^-6Μ στις κυτταροκαλλιέργειες ευνοεί την πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση και την διαφοροποίηση των κυττάρων ενώ ασκεί αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση. Η χορήγηση της δραστικής ουσίας ATRA στη δόση 10^-8Μ ευνοεί τη διαφοροποίηση των κυττάρων HaCaT σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό από τον πολλαπλασιασμό τους. Επιπλέον, φαίνεται ότι σε αντίθεση με τη μεγαλύτερη δόση, ευνοείται η σύνθεση μορίων που επάγουν την φλεγμονή. Παρόμοια, η ασιτρετίνη στη δόση 10^-6Μ ευνοεί τη διαφοροποίηση των κυττάρων και την σύνθεση μορίων που επάγουν τη φλεγμονή. Η ασιτρετίνη στην μικρότερη δόση (10^-8 Μ) ευνοεί κύρια την διαφοροποίηση, λιγότερο τον πολλαπλασιασμό των κυττάρων και φαίνεται ότι προάγει σε σημαντικό βαθμό την απόπτωση. Οι μεγαλύτερες δόσεις των ρετινοειδών που μελετήθηκαν φαίνεται ότι είναι απαγορευτικές για τον πολλαπλασιασμό των κυττάρων σε αντίθεση με τις μικρότερες δόσεις. Επισημαίνεται ότι για τη θεραπεία της ψωρίασης όπου χρησιμοποιούνται, επιθυμητές δράσεις είναι η παραγωγή μορίων με αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση, ο περιορισμός του αυξημένου κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού, αύξηση της κυτταρικής απόπτωσης και τέλος πολύ ση-μαντικό είναι η επιτυχής περάτωση της διαφοροποίησης των κυττάρων. Συμπερασματικά, η χρήση τεχνικών υψηλής απόδοσης, κύρια των μικροσυστοιχιών cDNA που επιτρέπουν την εκτεταμένη μελέτη του γονιδιώματος και της qRT-PCR για πιο στοχευμένη μελέτη, μπορούν να διαδραματίσουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην εξακρίβωση μοριακών μηχανισμών. / In the current project we performed gene expression profiling, using cDNA microarrays, when specific doses of derivatives of retinoic acid were applied in HaCaT cell culture. These specific drugs are used in the treatment of psoriasis but their exact effect in molecular level remains elusive. All-trans retinoic acid and acitretin were applied in gradient doses. Cell viability was monitored using MTT and Trypan blue assays. Two specific doses (10^-6 & 10^-8 M), in which cell viability was approximately 80%, were chosen for the treatment of HaCaT cells. Subsequently, the treated cells were collected and RNA was extracted using standard methods. At a next step, RNA quality was examined by electrophoresis (Bioanalyzer) and spectrometry. High quality RNA showing no traces of degradation was used as template for in vitro transcription. Finally, synthesis of fluoro-labeled cDNA was performed from RNA derived from both treated and untreated samples and was immediately hybridized to DNA microarray slides (OneArray). Analysis of the hybridization data was performed using specific software. As a result, 700 genes (both up-regulated and down-regulated) were chosen for further analysis. Among them, 34 genes were chosen to validate the microarrays results by the use of quantitative Real-Time PCR. These genes appeared to play crucial role in basic cellular functions like protein synthesis, signal transduction, cell death, cell differentiation and proliferation. Furthermore, 22 additional essential genes that are related to the above processes were chosen in aim to examine drugs effects. The data processing revealed that the 10^-6 M dose of ATRA has a positive effect in protein synthesis, cell differentiation and anti-inflammatory action. Moreover ATRA at a concentration of 10^-8 M promotes differentiation more than proliferation and it has inflammatory effect as well as acitretin has in 10^-6 M dose. On the other, hand acitretin in 10^-8 M dose facilitates differentiation more than proliferation but mainly induces cell death. Generally, high doses (10-6 M) of the drugs inhibit cell proliferation more efficient than low doses (10-8 M). In fact, during psoriasis treatment, the anti-inflammatory action, inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of cell differentiation and cell death are considered desirable drug effects. Our study shows that cDNA microarray analysis represents a powerful tool that can be used for extended genomic studies and the results that are obtained can be validated and used for the elucidation of several molecular mechanisms.

Isolation and characterization of novel bacterial strains to alleviate abiotic stress in greenhouse ornamental crops

Nordstedt, Nathan P. 01 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the impact of estrogen signaling on gut microbiota diversity in a diet-induced obesity and a colorectal cancer model

Stepanauskaite, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and deadly cancers in the western world. The incidence of CRC shows the tendency to rise with the increase of obesity, which is caused by current increase in fat intake, suggesting the correlation between CRC and high-fat diet (HFD). HFD-induced obesity causes gut inflammation which is also noticed in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and CRC and can be seen as an important factor in CRC development. Moreover, it has been demonstrated, that while both sexes are at risk of developing CRC, men have higher incidence compared to women, showing the protective effect of estrogen. In addition, since gut microbiome is first to respond to colon inflammation, we hypothesized, that intestinal estrogen signaling could contribute to reduced initiation and progression of colon cancer by modifying the microbiota composition. For that, two experiments with two different mouse models were conducted. First part of the study concentrated on the effect of (HFD, 60%) and different estrogenic ligands (17-β estradiol, and DPN) on microbiota. Bioinformatics analysis on whole genome sequencing (WGS) data and qPCR validation were used as the methods. Here we found that estrogenic ligands achieved restoration of close-to-normal microflora after significant change initiated by HFD. We also found that microbiome in males showed stronger reaction to HFD than female microbiome, implying protective actions in females. Furthermore, the effect of ligands also proved to be stronger in males. Second part of the study concentrated on the effect of estrogen receptor β (ERβ) on microbiota for which ERβ knockout mice were used in addition to cancerogenic AOM/DSS treatment. Bioinformatics analysis on WGS data was used as the method. We found that female mice were more affected by AOM/DSS treatment compared to males, especially the mice with knockout gene. The genotype alone, however, resulted in very few differences. In summary, this project shows the effect of HFD, estrogen and ERβ expression on gut microbiota diversity. It shows that microbiome of male mice is more susceptible to dietary changes and estrogen supplementation. Likewise, it demonstrates, that the microbiome of females reacts strongly to combination of carcinogenic treatment and lack of iERβ.

Endophytes of commercial Cranberry cultivars that control fungal pathogens

Elazreg, Karima 04 1900 (has links)
Les endophytes sont des microorganismes (généralement des bactéries et des champignons) qui vivent dans les tissus végétaux mais n'activent pas le système immunitaire/défense des plantes, contrairement aux pathogènes végétaux qui activent généralement les réponses immunitaires des plantes. Des recherches récentes ont montré que pratiquement toutes les plantes cultivées en plein champ contiennent un certain nombre d'endophytes, et que certains endophytes stimulent la croissance des plantes et renforcent la résistance contre les agents pathogènes. Les endophytes sécrètent des composés chimiques (métabolites secondaires) qui suppriment la croissance des agents pathogènes, un processus connu sous le nom de biocontrôle. En raison de ces propriétés de biocontrôle, les endophytes sont une alternative potentielle aux pesticides chimiques pour lutter contre les maladies des plantes. En conséquence, le biocontrôle est devenu un domaine de recherche important. Mon projet de recherche comportait les objectifs spécifiques suivants : (i) isoler les endophytes des plants de canneberges acquis auprès de deux producteurs commerciaux de canneberges de la variété Stevens situés au Québec, Canada (Bieler Cranberries Inc, et Gillivert Inc.) ; (ii) tester l'activité de biocontrôle des endophytes contre une collection de champignons pathogènes et ensuite inoculer les endophytes les plus actifs dans des plants de canneberges obtenus par germination de la variété Stevens (Bieler Cranberries Inc. ) et Scarlet Knight (Daniele Landreville) ; et (iii) identifier des groupes de gènes de métabolites secondaires en séquençant, assemblant et annotant le génome d'un endophyte qui présentait de fortes caractéristiques de biocontrôle. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche, des tests antagonistes in vitro ont été réalisés avec des endophytes de la canneberge et un champignon pathogène, qui ont montré que Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3, Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 et la souche fongique Lachnum sp. EFK28 étaient les plus actifs et ces souches ont donc été sélectionnées pour des études plus approfondies. Des expériences de germination de semis in vitro et d'inoculation d'endophytes ont montré que les souches bactériennes Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 et Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 amélioraient la croissance des semis de canneberges de la variété Stevens. Comme les Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 et Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 ont tous deux un effet antagoniste élevé sur les champignons pathogènes, un seul (Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3) a été soumis à une analyse du génome. Le séquençage, l'assemblage, l'annotation et l'analyse du génome de Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 a révélé que cette souche possède cinq groupes de gènes biosynthétiques de métabolites secondaires qui codent pour les protéines responsables de la biosynthèse des composés antifongiques/antimicrobiens : pyrrolnitrine, pyoluteorine, putisolvine, 2,4-diacétylephloroglucinol, bicornutine A1 et bicornutine A2. Sur la base des résultats de ces travaux, nous concluons que certains endophytes de la canneberge qui possèdent des groupes de gènes codant pour des métabolites secondaires antifongiques peuvent supprimer les pathogènes fongiques et améliorer la croissance des plantes. / Endophytes are microorganisms (typically bacteria and fungi) that live within plant tissue but do not activate the plant defense/immune system, unlike plant pathogens that typically do activate plant immune responses. Recent research has shown that virtually all plants grown under field conditions contain a number of endophytes, and that certain endophytes stimulate plant growth and enhance resistance against pathogens. Endophytes secrete chemical compounds (secondary metabolites) that suppress pathogen growth, a process known as biocontrol. Because of these biocontrol properties, endophytes are a potential alternative to chemical pesticides for combatting plant disease. Accordingly, biocontrol has become an important field of research. My research project was comprised of the following specific aims: (i) isolate endophytes from cranberry plants that were acquired from two commercial producers of cranberries of the Stevens variety located in Quebec, Canada (Bieler Cranberries Inc, and Gillivert Inc.); (ii) test the biocontrol activity of endophytes against a collection of fungal pathogens and then inoculate the most active endophytes into cranberry seedlings that were obtained by germinating Stevens (Bieler Cranberries Inc.) and Scarlet Knight (Daniele Landreville) seeds; and (iii) identify secondary metabolite gene clusters by sequencing, assembling, and annotating the genome of one endophyte that exhibited strong biocontrol characteristics. As part of this research project, in vitro antagonistic tests were conducted with cranberry endophytes and fungal pathogen, which showed that Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3, Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12, and the fungal strain Lachnum sp. EFK28 were the most active and therefore these strains were selected for further studies. In vitro seedling germination and endophyte inoculation experiments showed that the bacterial strains Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 and Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 enhanced the growth of cranberry seedlings of the Stevens variety. Since Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 and Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 both had a high antagonistic effect on fungal pathogens, only one (Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3) was subjected to genome analysis. Sequencing, assembly, annotation, and analysis of the Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 genome revealed that this strain possesses five secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters that encode proteins responsible for the biosynthesis of the antifungal/antimicrobial compounds pyrrolnitrin, pyoluteorin, putisolvin, 2,4-diacetylephloroglucinol, bicornutin A1, and bicornutin A2. Based on the results of this work, we conclude that certain cranberry endophytes that possess gene clusters encoding antifungal secondary metabolites can suppress fungal pathogens and enhance plant growth.

Die vollständige Entschlüsselung der Genomsequenz des Tetanus-Erregers <i>Clostridium tetani</i> und die Analyse seines genetischen Potentials / The complete genome sequence of the causative agent of tetanus disease, <i>Clostridium tetani</i>, and the analysis of its genes

Brüggemann, Holger 30 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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