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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A produção textual em alemão como língua estrangeira em contexto universitário: uma intervenção didático-metodológica baseada na abordagem procedimental da escrita / Writing production in German as a foreign language in academic context: a didactic-methodological intervention based on a procedural approach to writing

Ferrari, Bianca 20 June 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo principal analisar, teórica e empiricamente, em que medida o oferecimento de um curso centrado na recepção e produção de textos em alemão como língua estrangeira colabora para o aprimoramento do conhecimento declarativo de aprendizes iniciantes, bem como de suas competências voltadas à aprendizagem de línguas no geral. A partir da elaboração de sequências didáticas ancoradas no estudo pormenorizado de três gêneros textuais distintos (biografia linguística, carta pessoal e artigo de opinião), a pesquisa se põe a investigar, empiricamente, os procedimentos adotados pelos aprendizes nas fases de planejamento, execução e revisão de sua matéria textual, próprios da abordagem de escrita voltada ao processo. Essa investigação se deu em três etapas distintas: a primeira buscou coletar dados sobre o contexto prévio em que a pesquisa seria inserida; a segunda encerra a intervenção em si, com a descrição das atividades de recepção e produção de textos e seus resultados e a terceira envolve a apreciação, por parte dos aprendizes, sobre a interface processo/produto nas atividades de escrita realizadas. Inserido nesse contexto de atuação são pormenorizadas questões relativas ao fornecimento de input linguístico dentro e fora de sala de aula, às etapas de processamento linguístico percorridas pelos aprendizes desde a recepção dos textos até sua produção, à transmissão de estratégias de aprendizagem e ao uso de estratégias de comunicação, a importância do fornecimento de modelos de texto na escrita e a promoção da autonomia através de mecanismos de autocorreção linguística. Em face dos resultados alcançados, foi possível confirmar a eficiência da adoção de uma abordagem de escrita voltada ao processo na conscientização dos aprendizes acerca das diferentes fases da produção textual e das ferramentas disponíveis para a solução de problemas na escrita, que contribuíram, por sua vez, para o aperfeiçoamento do repertório linguístico dos aprendizes, assim como de seu repertório de estratégias voltadas à produção escrita. / The major purpose of this thesis is to investigate, theoretically and empirically, the effectiveness of a writing course based on text reception and production in German as a foreign language for initial learners reffering to the development of their declarative knowledge, as well as their language learning competences. The elaboration of didactic sequences based on three different genres (linguistic biography, personal letter and article) gave support to the empirical investigation of the procedures adopted by learners in planning, executing and revising their text productions, all steps involved in Process Approach to Writing. The investigation proceeded in three stages: The first stage involved the collection of data about the previous context in which the research would take place; the second stage entailed the didactic intervention, with the description of the reception and production activities carried out and their subsequent results and the third presents the evaluation, from learners perspective, about the process-product interface that underlies the execution of the activities. Within this research context, questions regarding linguistic input suppliance inside and outside German classes will be discussed, as well as linguistic processing stages involved in the reception and production of texts. Moreover, the mediation and use of language learning and communication strategies, the role of model texts on writing accuracy and the promotion of autonomy through linguistic self-correction mechanisms were central issues for the investigation. Based on the obtained results, the efficiency of the adoption of a Process Approach to Writing could be confirmed, especially when taken into account learners awareness raising of both text production steps and available problem solving tools for writing that can contribute not only to the improvement of learners language skills but also to the increasing of their strategic repertoire for writing.

Wolfgang Herrndorf: Čik. Didaktická adaptace románu a filmové adaptace. / Wolfgang Herrndorf: Didactic adaptation of novel and film.

Lang, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This master's dissertation deals with the elaboration of a didactic adaptation of the novel ​Tschick ​by Wolfgang Herrndorf and its film adaptation. The goal of this master's dissertation is to create a complete educational project that is used in a real school curriculum. In the theoretical part, the basic principles for creating such a project are expounded: The terms literature and film in teaching German are explained. Moreover, there are reasons listed why literature and films ought to be a firm part of second language teaching. The literary work ​Tschick ​by Wolfgang Herrndorf is dealt with in the perspective of literary studies. Furthermore, the theoretical and methodological principles are introduced in the purpose of creating such a project. This is implemented in the practical part of this master's dissertation using the novel ​Tschick ​by Wolfgang Herrndorf and its film adaptation as a foundation of this project. Thus, the lesson materials and plans are created that are used at a real school, ​Gymnázium, Praha 6, Arabská 14​, where a group of 17 students, who are at level A2, is chosen for this project. The author of this thesis works at this school. As the school is technically well equipped, various information technologies are utilized within the project. The entire course of the...

Využití her ve výuce německého jazyka se zaměřením na rozvoj psaní / Using games in teaching German with focus on development of writing skills

Albertová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with possible progress in writing in German of students at secondary schools by the use of didactic games. The theoretical part sets writing in context of language didactics and describes its significant aspects such as development, functions, and contribution to teaching a foreign language. It also focuses on conception of writing in the school educational plan of secondary school, at which the research was done. Then, it introduces games as a possible activating teaching method aimed at development of writing and describes their evaluation, roles of teacher, purpose, and classification. The practical part is devoted to the actual research. Firstly, it depicts writing games that are divided into three parts - preparing, building, and structuring, and designed to gradually develop writing of students. From these writing games, six were chosen to be practically verified at the secondary school. For this verification, two methods were selected, an experiment and a questionnaire. The aim of the thesis was to find out whether the selected writing games contributed to the development of writing of students at the secondary school. The results show clearly that the writing games contributed to the development of writing of the students at selected school. KEY WORDS German as second...

Via mål til mening : En studie av skriving og vurderingskultur i grunnskolens tyskundervisning

Sandvik, Lise Vikan January 2011 (has links)
Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bidra til økt forståelse omkring sammenhengen mellom vurdering og skriving i fremmedspråkundervisningen. Det er særlig vurdering som læringsfremmende verktøy i forhold til elevenes utvikling av skrivekompetanse som er fokus i studien. Denne studien har både et elev- og lærerperspektiv, men særlig kommer lærerens vurderingskompetanse og betydningen av denne i elevenes læringsprosess til syne.   Skriveopplæringen i fremmedspråk i Norge foregår i all hovedsak i en skolekontekst, i et klasserom med én lærer og mange elever. Når læreren skal gi tilbakemeldinger på elevtekster, står hun overfor mange valg. Hvordan hun velger å respondere på tekstene, har betydning for hvordan eleven opplever sitt eget arbeid med å skape mening på et fremmedspråk og for hvordan forholdet mellom elev og lærer oppfattes. Denne konteksten er gjenstand for denne studien. Materialet, som består av observasjon, intervjuer, elevtekster og spørreskjemaer, har jeg hentet i en ungdomsskole, der en lærer gav meg tilgang til å observere hennes arbeid i klasserommet og med vurdering av elevtekster. Datainnsamlingen foregikk i en periode på halvannet år.   Et av hovedfunnene i studien er at formativ vurdering som medierende artefakt har betydning for elevenes skriveprosess. Så lenge elevene har forståelse for målet med skrivingen og hensikten med de tilbakemeldingene de får i skriveprosessen, vil de også arbeide grundigere med teksten på alle nivå i neste skrivefase. Samtidig bidrar en felles forståelse av målene for skrivingen til at læringsprosessen blir mer transparent og åpner opp for et bedre samarbeid mellom elevene i skriveprosessen.   Et annet viktig funn i denne studien er at det synes som lærerens vurderingskompetanse er svært sentral for elevenes utvikling av skrivekompetanse i tysk. Hele vurderingskulturen i klasserommet synes å utvikles når tolkningsfellesskap mellom lærer og elever oppstår, der prosessen, hensikten og konteksten er tydelig og forståelig for alle deltakerne i kunnskapskonstruksjonen. / The overriding aim of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of the link between assessment and writing in foreign language teaching. There is a particular focus on assessment as a learning enhancing tool in relation to the students’ development of their writing skills. This study has been conducted from both student and teacher perspectives, but the teacher’s assessment skills and the significance of this in the student’s learning process is particularly prominent. The teaching of writing in foreign languages in Norway principally occurs in the school context. When the teacher has to give feedback on students’ texts, she is faced with many choices. How she chooses to respond to the texts has implications for how the students experience their own work in order to create meaning in a foreign language and for how the relationship between the students and the teacher is perceived. This context is the subject of this study. I obtained the data material, which consists of observations, interviews, students’ texts and questionnaires, in a junior secondary school observing one teacher and her students. The data was collected over a period of 18 months. One of the principal findings of the study is that formative assessment as a mediating artefact is significant to the students’ writing process. Provided that the students have an understanding of the purpose of the writing and the aim of the feedback they receive during the writing process, they will also work on the text more thoroughly on all levels in the next phase of writing. A shared understanding of the aims of the writing also contributes to the learning process becoming more transparent, opening up for a better collaboration on the writing process among the students. Another important finding of this study is that it appears that the teacher’s assessment ability plays a central role in the students’ development of writing skills in German. The whole assessment culture in the classroom appears to develop when teacher and students have a common reference of assessment and when the process, purpose and context is clear and understandable to all the participants while building knowledge. / Der übergeordnete Zweck der Studie besteht darin, zu einem besseren Verständnis für den Zusammenhang zwischen der Beurteilung und dem Erbringen von schriftlichen Leistungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht beizutragen. Im Mittelpunkt steht vor allem die Beurteilung als lernförderndes Mittel für die Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz der Schüler. Die Studie besitzt sowohl eine Schüler- als auch eine Lehrerperspektive, zeigt aber vor allem die Wichtigkeit der Beurteilungskompetenz der Lehrkraft und deren Bedeutung für den Lernprozess der Schüler auf. Fremdsprachlicher Schreibunterricht findet in Norwegen hauptsächlich in einem schulischen Kontext statt, wobei eine Lehrkraft viele Schüler im fremdsprachlichen Klassenzimmer betreut. Wenn die Lehrkraft Rückmeldungen zu Schülertexten gibt, hat sie zahlreiche Wahlmöglichkeiten. Die gewählte Art der Rückmeldung zu schriftlichen Leistungen hat zweierlei Auswirkungen, zum einen darauf, wie die Schüler ihre eigenes Arbeiten und somit ihr Bemühen etwas Sinnvolles in der Fremdsprache auszudrücken erleben, und zum anderen wie das Verhältnis zwischen den Schülern und der Lehrkraft aufgefasst wird. Dieser Kontext ist Gegenstand der Studie. Das Material, bestehend aus Beobachtungen, Interviews, Schülertexten und Fragebögen, stammt aus einer norwegischen "ungdomssskole" (entspricht in etwa der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland), wo mir eine Lehrkraft Gelegenheit gab, ihre Vorgehensweise während des Unterrichtens und bei der Beurteilung von schriftlichen Leistungen der Schüler zu beobachten. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte in einem Zeitraum von eineinhalb Jahren. Eines der Hauptergebnisse der Studie besteht darin, dass eine formative Beurteilung als mediierendes Artefakt für die Schreibprozesse der Schüler von Bedeutung ist. Solange die Schüler Verständnis für das Ziel des Schreibens und den Zweck der Rückmeldungen haben, die sie während des Schreibprozesses erhalten, arbeiten sie auch in der nächsten Schreibphase auf allen Ebenen gründlicher mit dem Text. Gleichzeitig trägt ein gemeinsames Verständnis für die Ziele des Schreibens dazu bei, den Lernprozess transparenter zu machen und eine bessere Zusammenarbeit der Schüler untereinander während des Schreibprozesses zu fördern. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ergebnis dieser Studie ist, dass die Beurteilungskompetenz der Lehrkraft sehr wichtig für die Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz der Schüler im Fach Deutsch zu sein scheint. Die gesamte Beurteilungskultur im Unterricht wird weiterentwickelt, wenn eine Deutungsgemeinschaft zwischen Lehrkraft und Schüler entsteht, in der der Prozess, der Zweck und der Kontext für alle an der Wissenskonstruktion Beteiligten deutlich und verständlich werden.

A produção textual em alemão como língua estrangeira em contexto universitário: uma intervenção didático-metodológica baseada na abordagem procedimental da escrita / Writing production in German as a foreign language in academic context: a didactic-methodological intervention based on a procedural approach to writing

Bianca Ferrari 20 June 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo principal analisar, teórica e empiricamente, em que medida o oferecimento de um curso centrado na recepção e produção de textos em alemão como língua estrangeira colabora para o aprimoramento do conhecimento declarativo de aprendizes iniciantes, bem como de suas competências voltadas à aprendizagem de línguas no geral. A partir da elaboração de sequências didáticas ancoradas no estudo pormenorizado de três gêneros textuais distintos (biografia linguística, carta pessoal e artigo de opinião), a pesquisa se põe a investigar, empiricamente, os procedimentos adotados pelos aprendizes nas fases de planejamento, execução e revisão de sua matéria textual, próprios da abordagem de escrita voltada ao processo. Essa investigação se deu em três etapas distintas: a primeira buscou coletar dados sobre o contexto prévio em que a pesquisa seria inserida; a segunda encerra a intervenção em si, com a descrição das atividades de recepção e produção de textos e seus resultados e a terceira envolve a apreciação, por parte dos aprendizes, sobre a interface processo/produto nas atividades de escrita realizadas. Inserido nesse contexto de atuação são pormenorizadas questões relativas ao fornecimento de input linguístico dentro e fora de sala de aula, às etapas de processamento linguístico percorridas pelos aprendizes desde a recepção dos textos até sua produção, à transmissão de estratégias de aprendizagem e ao uso de estratégias de comunicação, a importância do fornecimento de modelos de texto na escrita e a promoção da autonomia através de mecanismos de autocorreção linguística. Em face dos resultados alcançados, foi possível confirmar a eficiência da adoção de uma abordagem de escrita voltada ao processo na conscientização dos aprendizes acerca das diferentes fases da produção textual e das ferramentas disponíveis para a solução de problemas na escrita, que contribuíram, por sua vez, para o aperfeiçoamento do repertório linguístico dos aprendizes, assim como de seu repertório de estratégias voltadas à produção escrita. / The major purpose of this thesis is to investigate, theoretically and empirically, the effectiveness of a writing course based on text reception and production in German as a foreign language for initial learners reffering to the development of their declarative knowledge, as well as their language learning competences. The elaboration of didactic sequences based on three different genres (linguistic biography, personal letter and article) gave support to the empirical investigation of the procedures adopted by learners in planning, executing and revising their text productions, all steps involved in Process Approach to Writing. The investigation proceeded in three stages: The first stage involved the collection of data about the previous context in which the research would take place; the second stage entailed the didactic intervention, with the description of the reception and production activities carried out and their subsequent results and the third presents the evaluation, from learners perspective, about the process-product interface that underlies the execution of the activities. Within this research context, questions regarding linguistic input suppliance inside and outside German classes will be discussed, as well as linguistic processing stages involved in the reception and production of texts. Moreover, the mediation and use of language learning and communication strategies, the role of model texts on writing accuracy and the promotion of autonomy through linguistic self-correction mechanisms were central issues for the investigation. Based on the obtained results, the efficiency of the adoption of a Process Approach to Writing could be confirmed, especially when taken into account learners awareness raising of both text production steps and available problem solving tools for writing that can contribute not only to the improvement of learners language skills but also to the increasing of their strategic repertoire for writing.

Interkulturelle Kompetenz als integrierter Bestandteil der germanistischen Ausbildung in Moldau / Eine empirische Analyse von Einflussfaktoren / Intercultural competence as an integral part of German Studies in Moldova / An empirical analysis of the influencing factors

Papiniu, Svetlana 25 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Problematika výuky výslovnosti německého jazyka na prvním stupni základní školy v Čechách / Issue of teaching the pronunciation of the German language at Czech primary schools

Habánová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the teaching of pronunciation in primary schools in the Czech Republic. The theoretical thesis explains the importance of pronunciation, of phonetics and of phonology, because of achieving communication skills. It explains terms, that are related with pronunciation, describes phenomena in the German phonetic system, that are difficult for Czechs, and discusses methods of teaching German pronunciation in the context of primary school. It also points out that the inclusion of teaching German pronunciation is insufficient in RVP and very diverse in the school educational plans. The practical part of the thesis introduces three textbook files and analyses the degree of the inclusion of pronunciation in their concepts. Afterwards, it shows research that took place in five classes in primary school. It conducts observations and interviews with teachers in this research. The mastery of the very difficult German sounds by the pupils was found out. Finally, the results of the research in all classes are compared. The results of the research show that there is some connection between the teacher's teaching skills and the pupil's pronunciation skills. However, pupils don't manage the pronunciation of German sounds after two years of learning German. KEYWORDS German as a foreign...

Specifika výuky němčiny jako druhého jazyka v jazykově heterogenních třídách v Německu / Specific Features of Teaching German as the Second Language in Language Heterogeneous Classes in Germany

Švédová, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Přínos dramapedagogiky pro výuku němčiny u žáků se speciálními poruchami učení. Projekt akčního výzkumu. / Drama-based Pedagogy Asset to German Education of Children with Learning Disabilities. Pedagogical Action Research Project.

Melicharová, Vanda January 2017 (has links)
Keywords action research, drama-based pedagogy, holistic pedagogy, activity based teaching, learning disabilities Abstract The thesis deals with the process of pedagogical qualitative action research and its results. The action research has a form of a case study, it examines influence of drama-based pedagogy on speech skills of children with learning disabilities at German lessons at hotel high school. Its objective is to improve the teacher's quality of teaching. As a part of the action research, the opinion survey data on drama-based pedagogy and experience with it was collected from other teachers of German language.

Figurative Verben in der allgemeinen Wissenschaftssprache des Deutschen: eine Korpusstudie

Meißner, Cordula 28 November 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der für die allgemeine Wissenschaftssprache des Deutschen charakteristische Bereich der figurativen Verben im Rahmen eines gebrauchsbasierten Ansatzes unter Verwendung korpuslinguistischer Methoden empirisch erfasst und beschrieben. Auf der Grundlage dieser Untersuchung wird ein integrativer Ansatz zur Erfassung und Beschreibung zentraler Wortschatzbereiche der allgemeinen Wissenschaftssprache entwickelt. Das so gewonnene integrative Beschreibungsmodell verbindet die Perspektiven bisheriger quantitativ-bestandsbezogener und bedeutungsorientiert-einheitenbezogener Ansätze und bezieht darüber hinaus sowohl formale als auch inhaltlich-funktionale Aspekte als Gliederungsprinzipien für die zu beschreibenden Wortschatzbereiche mit ein. Methodisch zeichnet es sich durch das Ineinandergreifen von korpusgesteuertem und korpusbasiertem Vorgehen aus. Die Ausarbeitung der Komponenten des Beschreibungsmodells wird auf mehreren Ebenen vorgelegt: Diese werden im ersten Kapitel zunächst ausgehend von einer Bestandsaufnahme vorliegender Arbeiten zur Beschreibung allgemein-wissenschaftlichen Wortschatzes formuliert. Im zweiten Kapitel werden sie im Rahmen eines gebrauchsbasierten Modells der Sprachbeschreibung, der Kognitiven Grammatik Langackers, sprachtheoretisch fundiert. Methodisch eingelöst findet sich diese theoretische Fundierung in den korpuslinguistischen Untersuchungen zu figurativen Verben, die Gegenstand der Kapitel drei und vier sind. Im fünften Kapitel werden die dabei gewonnenen Ergebnisse zu einer formbasiert-funktionalen Typologie figurativer Verben zusammengeführt. Kapitel sechs zeigt die mit dem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz verbundenen Transfermöglichkeiten zur Erfassung und Beschreibung anderer Bereiche des allgemein-wissenschaftlichen Wortschatzes auf. Kapitel sieben ordnet den Untersuchungsgegenstand der figurativen Verben und das entwickelte Beschreibungsmodell aus fremdsprachendidaktischer Perspektive ein und skizziert einen Vorschlag zur Vermittlung allgemein-wissenschaftlichen Wortschatzes. / Verbs like ‘ausgehen von’, ‘beziehen auf’ or ‘darstellen’ that contain semantically concrete basic verbs (gehen, ziehen, stellen) form an essential part of German general academic vocabulary, i.e. vocabulary that is used across disciplines. Adopting a corpus linguistic approach, the study develops a comprehensive description of these ‚figurative verbs‘. Based on a data-driven methodology it investigates the properties of this lexis and shows that figurative verbs containing typical recurring forms like -stellen, -führen, -gehen and others are highly relevant from a quantitative point of view. On the basis of the most prominently recurring formal parts, a core inventory of verbs is collected and described with respect to the areas of meaning expressed as well as regarding aspects of polysemy. Based on the empirical study, a model for the identification and description of vocabulary is developed, that integrates the hitherto separated quantitative - inventory based and meaning oriented - unit based perspectives. Moreover, it brings together aspects regarding form and function as means of structuring the vocabulary under description. Methodically, the model builds on a combination of the corpus-driven and the corpus-based approach. The model is elaborated as follows: In Chapter 1, important aspects of description that the model should meet are identified based on a survey of existing work on general academic language. Chapter 2 provides a linguistic foundation within the framework of usage-based language description. In particular, it draws on Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar, from which the concepts of linguistic unit and construal are adopted. Chapters 3 and 4 present the corpus linguistic investigations on figurative verbs. In Chapter 5, the empirical results are brought together in a form- as well as function-based typology of figurative verbs. Chapter 6 synthesizes the findings into a model and shows possibilities of application of the proposed approach to other areas of general academic vocabulary. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the results from the perspective of language pedagogy and outlines a proposal for the teaching of general academic vocabulary.

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