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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aligning educational standards to the education of academically talented students

Crowl, Kelly January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Affective Reactions and Psychosocial Functioning in the Course of Psycho-Educational Assessment

Buenrostro, Martha 08 1900 (has links)
Every day, children throughout the United States are given psychological evaluations for many different clinical and psycho-educational purposes. Very little research has attempted to investigate children's responses to the experience of having intellectual and achievement tests administered. The goal of the current research was to explore the effect a psycho-educational evaluation has on children in areas of self-concept and anxiety. Dependent variables consisted of pre- and post-test measures of anxiety and self-concept. A total of 75 children in the 4th 5th and 6th grades were recruited after referral for evaluation and possible placement in the Talented and Gifted Program or Special Education. This study employed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-tests, multiple regression analysis, and correlational analysis. Findings included initial evidence that children endorsed decreased anxiety after psycho-educational assessments rather than increased anxiety, suggesting that fear of unknown situations may be more anxiety provoking than the actual situation itself, potentially beneficial findings for psychology and psychometric professionals who evaluate children daily. Students endorsement of academic self-concept significantly predicted anxiety after a psycho-educational evaluation, indicating that students who feel capable in academic areas may endorse less anxiety after an evaluation than students who do not feel academically capable. Finally, negative verbal interaction with parents significantly predicted lower general self-concept scores, providing evidence that the manner in which parents verbally relate to their children may have significant impact for the mental health of children.

An investigation of appropriate instructional design to match the ability of the learner

Maxwell, Elizabeth Anne, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Content analyses of research in the literature of gifted education (Coleman, 2006; Rogers, 1999, 2006) has shown a consistent absence of research investigating methodology for instructing gifted students and for the development of expertise using new technologies. In this study, utilising electronic instructional delivery, an investigation was undertaken of the differential effects and appropriateness of matching the prior knowledge of the learner to the instructional method. Underpinned with a theoretical understanding of gifted education and cognitive load theory, a series of three experiments was designed and implemented to determine whether gifted students learn more effectively under guided discovery design than with example based instruction, while not identified as gifted ability students perform significantly better under direct example based instruction than with guided discovery. Data were collected and analysed in three stages. Experiment 1 was conducted in the novel domain of Boolean switching equations. Experiments 2 and 3 used identical test instruments with novel tasks in the semi-familiar domain of geometry. A total of 155 Years 7, 8 and 9 students at three metropolitan secondary schools participated. The study explored whether the presence of schemas, that facilitated greater problem-solving ability in gifted students, would generate clear evidence of instructional efficiency and preference for either mode of instruction. As students advanced from novice state to expert in particular domains of learning, it was anticipated that gifted students would progress from benefiting from worked example instruction to more efficient learning in guided discovery mode. This hypothesis was rejected as the results from each of the experiments did not confirm the hypothesised outcomes. There was no manifested expertise-reversal effect. The absence of any clear delineation of enhanced learning proficiency mode of instruction for gifted students does, however, contribute to the advancement and understanding of cognitive load theory and the complexity of learning strategies necessary for gifted learners.

Gifted, bilingual, Mexican/Mexican-American students : using community cultural wealth as a strategy for negotiating paradoxes

Beam-Conroy, Teddi Michele 22 October 2013 (has links)
This qualitative dissertation study examined the ways that nine gifted, bilingual Mexican/Mexican-American students negotiated paradoxes in their academic, linguistic, and cultural identities in a public high school in a large, south central Texas city. One theoretical lens, Critical Race Theory/Latino Critical Race Theory (CRT/LatCrit) was combined with phenomenological research methods to privilege the students' perspectives during the data collection process. An additional theoretical lens, the concept of Figured Worlds, was used to contextualize the setting, Chase High School. Both CRT/LatCrit and Figured Worlds were used to analyze interview, classroom and field observation, participant, school, and district artifacts, federal, state and local data collected over ten months of study. The investigation revealed that the participants braided the domains of community cultural wealth -- aspirational, navigational, linguistic, social, resistance, and familial capital -- into practices that grounded them in their bilingual, bicultural Mexican/Mexican-American identities as successful students. / text

An investigation of appropriate instructional design to match the ability of the learner

Maxwell, Elizabeth Anne, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Content analyses of research in the literature of gifted education (Coleman, 2006; Rogers, 1999, 2006) has shown a consistent absence of research investigating methodology for instructing gifted students and for the development of expertise using new technologies. In this study, utilising electronic instructional delivery, an investigation was undertaken of the differential effects and appropriateness of matching the prior knowledge of the learner to the instructional method. Underpinned with a theoretical understanding of gifted education and cognitive load theory, a series of three experiments was designed and implemented to determine whether gifted students learn more effectively under guided discovery design than with example based instruction, while not identified as gifted ability students perform significantly better under direct example based instruction than with guided discovery. Data were collected and analysed in three stages. Experiment 1 was conducted in the novel domain of Boolean switching equations. Experiments 2 and 3 used identical test instruments with novel tasks in the semi-familiar domain of geometry. A total of 155 Years 7, 8 and 9 students at three metropolitan secondary schools participated. The study explored whether the presence of schemas, that facilitated greater problem-solving ability in gifted students, would generate clear evidence of instructional efficiency and preference for either mode of instruction. As students advanced from novice state to expert in particular domains of learning, it was anticipated that gifted students would progress from benefiting from worked example instruction to more efficient learning in guided discovery mode. This hypothesis was rejected as the results from each of the experiments did not confirm the hypothesised outcomes. There was no manifested expertise-reversal effect. The absence of any clear delineation of enhanced learning proficiency mode of instruction for gifted students does, however, contribute to the advancement and understanding of cognitive load theory and the complexity of learning strategies necessary for gifted learners.

Relação família-escola: uma parceria para a inclusão de alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação / Relation school-family: a partnership for inclusion of gifted and talented students

Rech, Andréia Jaqueline Devalle 06 December 2016 (has links)
School inclusion has been a challenge for many teachers who work on regular school classrooms. A number of factors hinder the pedagogical practice of these teachers in their teaching with students who are the target audience of special education. Besides, it is observed that, when dealing with school inclusion of gifted and talented students (G/T), there is resistance from some teachers. This fact lies on the lack of knowledge about the theme of G/T, which may occur due to the wrong conceptions socially widespread, adding to that an incipient initial education in relation to G/T students. Accordingly, it is necessary to create support networks so that school inclusion of G/T students becomes effective. In this sense, the family could be a support network and set up a partnership with the school. Thus, both can articulate and organize a collaborative work on behalf of school inclusion of the G/T child. After reflecting about the situation exposed, this study proposes the following thesis: school inclusion of the G/T child can be effective when family and school act in conjunction in this process, eliminating/diminishing the barriers that hinder this partnership, since the family can influence the school inclusion of the G/T child. This study included 12 families with children identified as G/T more than a year ago, and regularly attended the Giftedness Incentive Program (GIP) during the year of 2014, seven special educators, six teachers from early grades and five counseling teachers that, in the year of 2015, worked with G/T students. Regarding the method, the study case within the qualitative approach was chosen. The instruments of data collection selected were: narrative interview, Questionnaire of Family System Characterization Version – Parents or Guardians (DESSEN, 2011), Checklist of Shared Routine and Engagement between Family-school, Version for Teachers, and Checklist of Shared Routine and Engagement between Family-school, Version for Parents (mother, father, or guardian), both validated by Dessen and Polonia (2011). The interviews were analyzed qualitatively and from the analysis of frequency, through categories already defined by the authors of the instrument. The final considerations point to a relation between family and school that is still incipient, due to the fact that some barriers/constraints were identified, having prevailed an accusative relationship, which may be hindering the construction of a partnership relation. There were specific cases in which there was conjunction between both institutions, and that result in greater influence/participation of the family in the school life of the G/T child. Therefore, the study raises the need to offer continuous education for both the family and the school, aiming at broadening the debate regarding the importance that both have in creating a support network so that, together, they can articulate actions on behalf of school inclusion of the child who is also a G/T student. / A inclusão escolar tem sido um desafio para muitos professores que atuam nas classes regulares de ensino. Diversos fatores dificultam a prática pedagógica desses em sua atuação com os alunos que constituem o público-alvo da educação especial. Além disso, observa-se que, quando se trata da inclusão escolar dos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), há resistência por parte de alguns professores. Esse fato reside no desconhecimento da temática das AH/SD, decorrente, possivelmente, das concepções equivocadas difundidas socialmente, somado a uma formação inicial incipiente no que se refere aos alunos com AH/SD. Sendo assim, é necessário formar redes de apoio para que se efetive a inclusão escolar do aluno com AH/SD. Nesse sentido, a família pode ser uma rede de apoio e tornar-se parceira da escola. Assim, ambas podem se articular e organizar um trabalho colaborativo em prol da inclusão escolar do filho/aluno com AH/SD. Após refletir sobre as situações expostas, propõem-se a seguinte tese: a inclusão escolar do filho/aluno com AH/SD será efetivada quando a família e a escola atuarem de forma articulada nesse processo, eliminando as barreiras que dificultam essa parceria, uma vez que a família constitui-se como influente na inclusão escolar do filho com AH/SD. Para verificar a tese, o objetivo geral foi compreender a articulação entre família e escola, verificando as barreiras que dificultam essa parceria, além de visualizar possíveis influências da família no processo de inclusão escolar do filho/aluno com AH/SD. Participaram da pesquisa 12 famílias com filhos identificados com AH/SD há mais de um ano e que foram assíduos durante o ano de 2014 no Programa de Incentivo ao Talento (PIT), sete educadores especiais, seis professores dos anos iniciais e cinco professoras conselheiras que, no ano de 2015, atuaram com os alunos com AH/SD. Em relação ao método, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados selecionados foram: entrevista narrativa, Questionário de Caracterização do Sistema Familiar Versão – Pais ou Responsável (DESSEN, 2011), Checklist da Rotina Compartilhada e Envolvimento entre Família-escola, Versão para Professores e Checklist da Rotina Compartilhada e Envolvimento entre Família-escola Versão Pais (mãe, pai ou responsável), ambos validados por Dessen e Polonia (2011). As entrevistas foram analisadas de forma qualitativa/descritiva articulada com o referencial teórico que subsidiou a tese. Os Checklists foram analisados qualitativamente e a partir da análise de frequência, por meio de categorias já determinadas pelas autoras dos instrumentos. As considerações finais apontam para uma relação entre família e escola ainda incipiente, pois algumas barreiras/entraves foram identificadas, tendo prevalecido uma relação acusativa, o que pode estar dificultando a construção de uma relação de parceria. Foram pontuais os casos em que houve uma articulação entre ambas as instituições e que tenham como resultado maior influência/participação da família na vida escolar do filho com AH/SD. Portanto, sinaliza-se a necessidade de ofertar uma formação continuada tanto para a escola quanto para a família, visando ampliar o debate para a importância de ambas formarem uma rede de apoio para que juntas articulem ações em prol da inclusão escolar do filho que também é aluno com AH/SD.

Klarar sig smarta elever på egen hand? : En intervjustudie om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning / Can smart students manage on their own? : An interview study about gifted learners with Swedish as a second language

Kavalenka, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om förutsättningar i skolan för elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk utifrån några lärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med två lärare i svenska som andraspråk och tre specialpedagoger. Båda grupperna hade lång erfarenhet av andraspråkselever. Studien visade att synsättet att ”smarta” elever klarade sig på egen hand levde kvar i svensk skola. Elever som ansågs att ha hög och särskild begåvning lämnades ofta till självstudier utanför det sociala samspelet i klassrummet. Elever med svenska som andraspråk och speciellt elever utan god skolbakgrund missgynnades i hög grad av det arbetssättet. Andraspråkselever riskerade att bli felbedömda samt under- och överdiagnostiserade på grund av svårigheter med bedömning när elevens svenska hade brister. Studien synliggjorde följande framgångsfaktorer för att öka medvetenheten om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning: tydligare process för identifiering av begåvning exempelvis med hjälp av kartläggningar i litteracitet och numeracitet; olika typer av bedömning och dynamisk bedömning; samarbete med studiehandledare och modersmålslärare; mer kunskap om särskild begåvning och om andraspråksinlärning; samarbete med och vägledning från elevhälsan; mer flexibilitet inom organisationen samt öppna diskussioner om vad som gynnar den specifika eleven bäst. Utan de åtgärderna riskerade elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk att förbli ”vår mest dolda behovsgrupp”. / The purpose of the present study was to contribute with knowledge about the school conditions for gifted pupils with Swedish as a second language based on some teachers’ perceptions and experiences. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with two teachers of Swedish as a second language and three special education teachers. Both groups had long experience of teaching second language pupils. The study showed that the tradition that smart students were supposed to manage on their own still existed in the Swedish school. Pupils, who were considered to have higher intellectual abilities, were often left on their own for self-studies, outside the social interaction in the classroom. Swedish learners, especially those without good school background, were greatly disadvantaged by this working method. Besides, Swedish learners risked being incorrectly assessed as well as misdiagnosed because of the assessment difficulties when their second language was under development. The results showed the following success factors for gifted second language pupils: clearer process for identifying giftedness, for example, using tests in literacy and numeracy; different types of assessment and dynamic assessment; more cooperation with native language; more knowledge about giftedness and about second language acquisition among the school staff; cooperation with and guidance from the student health service; more flexible organisation structure; open discussions about what would benefit the specific student in the best way. Without these measures, gifted students with Swedish as a second language risk remaining “our most hidden pupil category”.

Einstein or Columbine: Impact of School Environment on the Socioaffective Development of Gifted and Talented Adolescents

Granger-Ellis, Rebekah 18 May 2018 (has links)
Why do some gifted minds thrive in life while others fail to fulfill their potential? The spotlight on violence perpetrated by bright individuals questions what went wrong, could it have been prevented, and whether schools are meeting the needs of gifted individuals. Thus, it is important to examine the impact of participation in various gifted and talented programs on the socioaffective development of gifted adolescents. The purpose of this study was to understand (1) if gifted individuals’ social and emotional development were similarly developed as their academic and creative abilities, and (2) if a particular school environment led to differences in psychological developmental profiles. Using six psychometric scales, this quasi-experimental study examined the socioaffective development of 343 gifted and talented students (ages 16-18) enrolled in arts-integrated charter, creative arts charter, and public school programs in an ethnically diverse moderate-size city in the southeastern United States. Students’ performances on psychometric scales were compared over time and by type of program. Participants took pre- and post-tests over the first semester of an academic school year with BarOn EQ-I: YVassessing social and emotional development. Based on these assessments, quantitative differences in growth on psychological scales were examined. Change scores between schools were also compared. School artifacts provided insight as to environmental qualities of each school environment. Major findings include gifted and talented adolescents showed significant weakness in intrapersonal abilities and general mood compared to normative age-mates. Gifted females also showed significant weakness in interpersonal abilities and overall socioaffective development. Gifted and talented students displayed strengths only in adaptability (problem solving and flexibility). Study findings support the theory that giftedness heightens vulnerability to adjustment problems. Results also indicated that gifted and talented students in inclusive public school environments demonstrated greater overall socioaffective development across most psychometric scales than charter schools. Results of analysis found gifted and talented students in all five environments showed no significantchange in scores on BarOn EQ-i:YV psychometric scales from Time 1 to Time 2, indicating that no particular school environment impacted social development and emotional intelligence. Future research is needed to confirm the finding that gifted and talented females in this study showed weaknesses in every psychometric scale except for adaptability. Additional research is needed to further understand social and emotional development among minority, low income, and female gifted and talented students, particularly those enrolled in selective and exclusive environments.

The Representation of Hispanic Females in Gifted and Talented and Advanced Placement Programs in a Selected North-Central Texas Public High School

Brown, Monty 05 1900 (has links)
Analysis of a particular north-central Texas public high school revealed a strong representation of Hispanic females in advanced academic programs, i.e., AP and GT in proportion to their representation in the overall student population. Research seems to indicate that a progressive approach to academic-potential identification; culturally effective mentoring, traditional Hispanic values, and newly emerging personal and social characteristics all seem to be contributing factors. This study seems to indicate that a new type of Hispanic female is emerging who is more assertive academically, more visible in the classroom, and less marriage-and-family oriented as might be believed by teachers, society, their peers, and perhaps even their parents.

Characterization of Perfectionism in Gifted Students: an exploratory Case Study / Caracterización del Perfeccionismo en Estudiantes con Alta Capacidad: Un Estudio de casos exploratorio / Caracterização de Perfeccionismo em Estudantes com Alta Capacidade: um Estudo de Caso Exploratório

González Urbina, Andrea, Gómez-Arízaga, María Paz, Conejeros-Solar, María Leonor 18 July 2017 (has links)
Perfectionism has been investigated related to the consequences to mental health it might entail for gifted students and their socioemotional development. However, findings have been inconclusive. This exploratory study aims to discover the main characteristics of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism in gifted Chilean secondary students. For this purpose,  extreme cases were found using Frost´s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale to subsequently conduct semi-structured interviews with a sample of four students. Results pointed to parental and societal expectations as the main aspects involved in the development of perfectionism, which sheds light on how to support the manifestation of perfectionism both in educational and clinical realms. / El perfeccionismo ha sido investigado en torno a las consecuencias que este podría significar para la salud mental de alumnos talentosos y su desarrollo socioemocional. Sin embargo, los hallazgos han sido poco concluyentes. Este estudio exploratorio apunta a descubrir las principales características del perfeccionismo adaptativo y desadaptativo en estudiantes chilenos académicamente talentosos de educación media. Para ello se detectaron casos extremos con la aplicación de la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo de Frost, para luego realizar entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas en una muestra de cuatro casos. Los resultados apuntan a las expectativas parentales y sociales como los principales aspectos involucrados en el desarrollo del perfeccionismo, entregando así luces de cómo apoyar la manifestación del perfeccionismo en el ámbito educativo y clínico. / Apesar dos estudos sobre a cognição dos alunos com Altas Habilidades ser abrangente, investigar as questões sócioemocionais desse grupo se faz necessário. Uma das vertentes que vem sendo estudada é o perfeccionismo, pois apresenta significado para saúde mental e desenvolvimento desse grupo de pessoas. Contudo, as descobertas ainda são pouco conclusivas. Este estudo exploratório visa descobrir as principais características do perfeccionismo adaptativo e mal adaptativo em estudantes chilenos academicamente talentosos do Ensino Médio – 1º a 3º / Ensino Fundamental – 5º-9º através da Escala Multidimensional de Frost. Para isso, detectou-se casos extremos com a aplicação desse modelo e na sequência do trabalho foram realizadas entrevistas com profundidade em uma amostra de quatro casos. Os resultados apontam para as expectativas sociais e familiares como os principais aspectos envolvidos no desenvolvimento do perfeccionismo, tanto no âmbito educativo quanto no clínico.

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