Spelling suggestions: "subject:"glacial"" "subject:"placial""
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A nonlinear numerical model of the Lake Michigan Lobe, Laurentide Ice SheetJenson, John W. 27 September 1993 (has links)
Graduation date: 1994
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Glacial dynamics and till genesis in hilly terrain : A study in the Tallträsk area, central-northern SwedenIvarsson, Hans January 2007 (has links)
This study deals with the influence of topography on glacial dynamics and the genesis of till in an area of moder-ate bedrock relief. An area 25 km west of Lycksele, northern Sweden, was investigated using geomorphological and sedimentological methods. The bedrock is dominated by coarse-grained granites and the topography, ranging in altitude between 310 and 490 m. a.s.l., is characterized by relatively wide, free-lying hills. The erosional and depositional features provide evidence of several glacial events, with regional ice flows from approximately the same direction (NW-NNW). The gravel fraction of the till is dominated by material transported more than 10 km. However, the total glacial erosion has been modest, as indicated by the frequent occurrence of residual pre-glacial weathering features. There is no evidence of warm-based conditions during the period when the ice divide of the Late Weichselian ice sheet was situated E-SE of the study area. The major mor-phological impact is most likely by pre-Late Weichselian ice sheets. The general stratigraphy at the valley floors is a complex sequence of heterogeneous till and beds of sorted sediments with some evidence of glacial deformation covered by an up to 2.5-m-thick, texturally homogeneous till layer with distinct fissility structure and clast fabric orientation. The lower unit is interpreted as pre-Late Weichselian marginal deposits, and the upper till as mainly formed during rigid-bed conditions, i.e. by lodgement, during the last deglaciation. The role of pervasive deformation and melt-out in the formation of the upper till are discussed. Inferred mainly from till fabrics it is evident that the ice flow was strongly topographically controlled within a relatively wide marginal zone of the retreating ice. At the summits of the hills there are only signs of very weak glacial abrasive and depositional activity, sug-gesting frozen based conditions over the summits until a very late stage of the deglaciation. The very thin till at the summits, which also lay as a drape over the thick lee-side deposits, consists of a mixture of relatively fine-grained, distantly derived debris and of local bedrock fragments entrained during a very late phase of plucking. On the stoss- and lateral slopes of the hills the till is thin and discontinuous. The irregular bedrock surface in these areas created a “mosaic” of small-scale subglacial depositional environments, which were superimposed on the changes in the conditions for deposition along the hillslope. This till is comparatively coarse-grained, which is interpreted as an effect of syn-depositional winnowing of fines, and locally also because of the incorporation of local bedrock material largely from pre-glacially weathered zones. On the lee-sides of the hills the deposits are considerably thicker than on slopes facing other directions. They are characterized by highly variable texture and structure, suggesting a depositional environment characterized by large temporal and spatial variations in meltwater activity and stress/strain conditions. The lee-side tills are inter-preted as mainly pre-Late Weichselian in age. The overall conclusion is that the local topography strongly controlled the basal ice flow and produced a com-plex pattern of thermal variations within a relatively wide marginal zone of the ice sheet during the last deglacia-tion. The study supports the view that there are complete transitions between the different genetical types of sub-glacial tills, although the role of deformation by pervasive shearing is uncertain in this type of coarse-grained till.
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Palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys on North Atlantic previously glaciated passive margins : reference forms for conclusions on uplift and erosionBonow, Johan M. January 2004 (has links)
Palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys are landforms under destruction in the present climate and/or tectonic regime, and thus mainly reflect processes not active today. Uplifted palaeosurfaces exist along the formerly glaciated passive continental margins around the North Atlantic. Large-scale landform development has recently become a matter of interest also for geologists and geophysicists as the result of an increasing awareness that a thorough knowledge of uplift, erosion, deposition and development of landforms along continental margins can only be accomplished by combined studies using independent data from different scientific disciplines. The present study focuses on one of these above data sets; the landform record. Two uplifted areas, southern Norway and central West Greenland, were selected for landform analysis of high resolution digital elevation models, aerial photographs, relation between landforms in basement and cover rocks, offshore seismic lines and X-ray diffraction of clay minerals in saprolites. In southern Norway, analysis of slope angles within the range of pediment slopes was combined with analysis of main valley incision. This resulted in the identification of three main planation surfaces in a stepped sequence formed along the main valleys as a consequence of tectonic uplift events, maybe in the Palaeogene, (in total >1000 m). Two phases of late uplift (~900 m), probably in the Neogene, triggered incision of deep fluvial valleys, later reshaped by glacial erosion (up to 300 m). In central West Greenland palaeosurfaces were analysed in relation to cover rock of different age. An exhumed etch surface, characterized by a typical hilly relief, occurs on Disko and south of Disko Bugt, and are by the presence of cover rocks shown to be sub-Palaeocene in origin. To the north, a post-Eocene erosion surface on Nuussuaq, cuts across basement and basalt and was probably formed close to sea level. Uplift in two phases elevated this surface up to 2000 m above present sea level and broke it in differently tilted tectonic blocks. South of Disko Bugt, a planation surface, of probably the same age as the one on Nuussuaq, cuts the tilted etch surface, and also cuts across different bedrock types. The planation surface rises towards the south and splits in two surfaces, separated in altitude up to 300 m, within two highly elevated areas. The separation into two surfaces indicate two uplift events: A first minor event of a few hundred metres in the uplift centres resulted in incision of the lower planation surface. This event was later followed by a major uplift event amounting to >1000 m. Correlation with the offshore sedimentary record suggests that both uplift events occurred in the Neogene. The erosion pattern calculated from one reconstructed palaeosurface to present topography shows large spatial variations. This is interpreted as an effect of differential bedrock resistance and local variations of glacial erosion (400–1300 m in low areas). The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the usefulness of palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys as tools for deciphering magnitude of uplift events, establishing relative event chronologies and for calculation of erosion. Moreover integrated studies of palaeolandforms, offshore geology and thermal chronologies, are shown to be invaluable when used to solve the spatial and temporal patterns of uplift, erosion and deposition.
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Visualization, integration and analysis of multi-element geochemical dataGrünfeld, Katrin January 2005 (has links)
generated large databases containing information on the concentrations of chemical elements in rocks, surface sediments and biogeochemical materials. Regional geochemical data being imprecise, multivariate, spatially auto-correlated and non-normally distributed pose specific problems to the choice of data analysis methods. Commonly several methods are combined, and the choice of techniques depends on the characteristics of data as well as the purpose of study. One critical issue is dealing with extreme data values (or outliers) in the initial stages of analysis. Another common problem is that integrated analysis of several geochemical datasets is not possible without interpolating the point data into surfaces. Finally, separation of anthropogenic influences from natural geochemical background in the surface materials is an issue of great importance for environmental studies. This study describes an approach to address the above-mentioned problems by a flexible combination and use of GIS and multivariate statistical techniques with high-dimensional visualization. Dynamically linked parallel coordinate and scatterplot matrix display techniques allow simultaneous presentation of spatial, multi-element and qualitative information components of geochemical data. The plots not only display data in multi-dimensional space, but also allow detailed inspection of the data with interactive multi-dimensional brushing tools. The results of the study indicate that these simple high-dimensional visualization techniques can successfully complement the traditional statistical and GIS analysis in all steps of data processing, from data description and outlier identification through data integration, analysis, validation, and presentation of results. The outcomes of the study include: a visual procedure towards intelligent data cleaning where potentially significant information in very high element concentrations is preserved, methods for integration and visual analysis of geochemical datasets collected in different grids, estimation of geochemical baseline concentrations of trace metals in till geochemistry of southeastern Sweden, use of multi-element spatial fingerprints to trace natural geochemical patterns in biogeochemistry, and a new graphical approach to present multi-element geochemical data summaries and results from numerical analysis. / QC 20100609
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Tephrochronology of the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition in western Småland, southwestern SwedenMorén, Björn January 2009 (has links)
Tephrochronology, or the dating and correlation of stratigraphic sediment sequences by the use of tephra, is a dating method that has been much refined in the last decade. This refinement has enabled the detection of cryptotephra, which has expanded the known distribution of different tephras. At the site Lake Mulakullegöl in the southwest of Sweden, three distinct tephra horizons have been detected, of which two have been geochemically identified. The identified tephras are the Vedde Ash (ca 12,000 cal. yrs BP) and the Hässeldalen Tephra (ca 11,500 cal. yrs BP), both of Icelandic origin. These tephras were deposited during the middle of the Younger Dryas Stadial and the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition, respectively. The Vedde Ash is one of the most widespread tephras of Icelandic provenance, while the Hässeldalen Tephra so far only has been found at two sites in southeastern Sweden, prior to the current study. A third, unidentified, tephra was also detected. Based on the stratigraphic position, this tephra might be the Borrobol Tephra, which has been dated to ca 14,400 cal. yrs BP. This might indicate that warming had not yet occurred in this part of Sweden. The extended known distribution of especially the Hässeldalen Tephra, but also the Vedde Ash, has enabled a higher potential for correlations between different records deposited during the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition.
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Remote sensing of supra-glacial lakes on the west Greenland Ice SheetJohansson, A. Malin January 2012 (has links)
The Greenland Ice Sheet is the largest ice sheet in the northern hemisphere. Ongoing melting of the ice sheet, resulting in increased mass loss relative to the longer term trend, has raised concerns about the stability of the ice sheet. Melt water generated at the surface is temporarily stored in supra-glacial lakes on the ice sheet. Connections between melt water generation, storage and ice sheet dynamics highlight the importance of the surface hydrological system. In this thesis different methods are used that improve our ability to observe the supra-glacial lake system on the west Greenland Ice Sheet. This region of the Greenland Ice Sheet has the most extensive supra-glacial hydrological system with a dense network of streams connecting lakes that can exceed several square kilometres in area. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and visible-near infrared (VNIR) images are used to explore the potential of different sensor systems for regular observations of the supra-glacial lakes. SAR imagery is found to be a useful complement to VNIR data. VNIR data from moderate resolution sensors are preferred as these provide high temporal resolution data, ameliorating problems with cloud cover. The dynamic nature of the lakes makes automated classification difficult and manual mapping has been widely used. Here a new method is proposed that improves on existing methods by automating the identification and classification of lakes, and by introducing a flexible system that can capture the full range of lake forms. Applying our new method we are better able to analyse the evolution of lakes over a number of melt seasons. We find that lakes initiate after approximately 40 positive degree days. Most lakes exist for less than 20 days before draining, or later in the season, and less often, freezing over. Using the automated method developed in this thesis lakes have been mapped in imagery from 2001–2010 at approximately five day intervals. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>
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Timescale and Latitudinal dependence of Glacial Erosion Rates from Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula Tidewater Glaciers (46-65 deg S)January 2012 (has links)
I use time-constrained sediment volumes delivered by glaciers calving into Marinelli Fjord (55°S), an outlet glacier of the Cordillera Darwin Ice Cap, Southern Patagonia, to determine erosion rates across different timescales. These results indicate that modern sediment yields and erosion rates from temperate tidewater glaciers can exceed long-term values over the time of deglaciation after the LGM (centennial and millennial time scales) by up to two orders of magnitude. In northern Patagonia (Gualas glacier area, 46.5°S), an overall increase in sediment production in the late Holocene is interpreted as result of a sharp increase in centennial timescale precipitation (intensified westerly winds). Erosion rates values span two orders of magnitude from 0.03 mm/yr for Lapeyrere Bay at Anver Island (~64.5°S), up to 1.09 mm/yr for San Rafael glacier at northern Patagonia (~46.5°S). Rates from the Antarctic Peninsula glaciers are in general lower than the temperate Patagonian glaciers. A good correlation of erosion rates and modern (estimated sea level annual 1970 temperature) sea level annual temperature was found. Latitudinal decrease of millenial is interpreted as result of decreasing annual temperature although decreasing in annual precipitation is suggested. The pattern of thermochronology ages from other studies (Thompson et al., 2010; Guenthner et al., 2010), along with the values of 10 3 and 10 6 years timescales erosion rates from this study, indicate that long-term glacial erosion decreases significantly its efficiency with latitude, implying that long-term glacial cover acts as a protective blanket, hindering erosion and allowing mountain growth. We conclude that the pattern of erosion rate decrease with timescale reflects the sensitivity of glaciers to climate variability. Temperate glaciers have higher sensitivity and greater response amplitude to climatic stress than subpolar or polar glaciers. This results in a decrease in erosion rates (sediment production) with latitude, and also in a decrease of erosion rate gradients with timescale.
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A Geomorphological Assessment of Armored Deposits Along the Southern Flanks of Grand Mesa, CO, USABrunk, Timothy J. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
A series of deposits, located along the southern flanks of Grand Mesa, Colorado, and extending to the south, are problematic, and the processes related to emplacement are not understood. The overall area is dominated by two landform systems, Grand Mesa, which supported a Pleistocene ice cap, and the North Fork Gunnison River drainage. Thus, one has to ask: Are these deposits the result of the melting of the ice cap or are they fluvial terraces associated with the evolution of the ancestral Gunnison River? The goal of this research was to map the areal extent of the deposits and to interpret the formation and climatic significance in understanding the evolution of the Pleistocene landscape in the region.
An extensive exposure, parallel to State Highway 65 near Cory Grade, was used for detailed description and sampling. Three additional exposures, ~10 to 20 km (~6 to 12 mi) were used to extend the areal extent of sampling. The study area was mapped using aerial photography and traditional field mapping aided by GPS. From the field work, a detailed stratigraphic column, including lithology and erodability, was constructed. Vertical exposures of the deposits were described, mapped, and recorded in the field and using detailed photo mosaics. Samples were collected from each stratum of the deposits for grain-size, shape, and sorting analyses. Five distinct depositional facies were identified.
Sieve analysis on collected samples shows that four distinct grain-sizes occur in the outcrops; coarse sand, very-coarse sand, granule, and pebble and boulder. Mean grain-sizes range from 0.0722 to 0.9617, -0.0948 to -0.9456, -1.0566 to -1.9053, and -2.0050 to -3.4643, respectively.
Glacio-fluvial depositional environments were identified and supported with observations of sedimentary structures and clast composition. Two major environments of deposition are recorded in the deposits; fluvial deposits from glacial outburst floods, and debris flow deposits. Imbrication of clasts in the strata suggests the flow came from the direction of Grand Mesa to the north. Facies and subsequent sequences were constructed to portray evidence that supports the glacio-fluvial mode of deposition.
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Occurrence and Stability of Glaciations in Geologic TimeZhuang, Kelin 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Earth is characterized by episodes of glaciations and periods of minimal or no ice
through geologic time. Using the linear energy balance model (EBM), nonlinear EBM
with empirical ice sheet schemes, the general circulation model coupled with an ice
sheet model, this study investigates the occurrence and stability of glaciations in
geologic time.
The simulations since the last glacial maximum (LGM) suggest that the summertime
thawline of ice sheets conforms closely to the equatorward edge of the ice sheets and
implies the relative stability toward deglaciation.
CO2 levels are indispensable in controlling the initiation of ice sheet in the Cretaceous.
At low CO2 levels, ice sheets exist in all periods no matter LGM or the last interglacial
(LIG) orbital elements; however, at high CO2 levels ice sheets rarely exist.
The simulations agree well with recent geological evidence of the hysteresis of
glaciations in the Permo-Carboniferous. Gondwanaland reached its glacial maximum
when CO2 level was roughly the same or slightly higher than the preindustrial value.
With a further increase of CO2, deglaciation dominates and results in an ice free state.
Again, if CO2 decreased to the present level, Gondwanaland would be glaciated once
more and start a new cycle of glaciation and deglaciation.
Simulations from five paleogeography maps in Gondwanaland with a suite of CO2 levels
and different orbital elements reveal that paleogeography, CO2 levels and the
Milankovitch cycles all contribute to the glaciations of Gondwanaland.
This study shows that orbital elements alone are insufficient to account for the evolution
of ice sheets. Net radiative forcing caused by greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and solar
constant change are the primary drivers to glacial inception or demise. Continental
geography, CO2 levels, solar constant change, and the Milankovitch cycles complicate
the glacial history of Earth.
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Evaluation Of Glaciation And Glacial Shapes Using Geographic Information Systems And Remote Sensing (eastern Black Sea)Gecen, Resat 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the actual glaciers and the major properties of glacial landscapes (valleys, cirques and lakes) located over the Eastern Black Sea mountain chain using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies. A database is created for each glacial feature that includes fundamental properties of each landscape. Data layers used in the study include digital and analog topographic maps, satellite images, geological maps and drainage maps.
The studies carried out yielded identification of 93 glacial valleys (30 main, 63 tributary), 1222 cirques and 685 lakes. Several properties (length, size, aspect, elevation, slope, orientation, roundness, elongation) of each glacial landscape are investigated for the northern and southern parts separately. The frequency of each landscape is found to be more in the northern part of the area. Total area of the actual glacier is found as 0.43 to 0.53 km2 by two methods of remote sensing applications.
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