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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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上市公司發行海外存託憑證意願與價格之研究 / The issue Volition and Price of Global Depositary Receipt

連榮華, Rong-Hwa Lian Unknown Date (has links)
經由本研究的實證結果顯示,獲得以下七大結論: 1.有意願發行海外存 託憑證之公司佔30.8% ;有意願發行海外可轉換公司債之公司佔46.2% 。 2.發行動機主要可分成五大類:ぇ增加資金籌募彈性(56.2%)。 え提 昇國際知名度(43.7%) 。ぉ國內市場胃納量有限(37.5%) 。お發行價格較 高 (31.3%) 。か資金成本低(31.3%) 。 3.有意願採用海外存託憑證及無 意願採用海外存託憑證的兩群上市公司,在產資總額、海外投資額等構面 上有顯著的差異,顯示公司規模及海外投資額較大者,有較高的發行意願 ;在產業別上則無顯著差異,原因為很多公司紛紛進行多角化,使各產業 間的差別並不那麼明顯,並且國際貿易為多項產業的重心,均對外資有相 當的需求,加上樣本數不足等原因,使發行意願在各產業間並不明顯。 4.選擇海外存託憑證與海外可轉換公司債的兩種公司,在負債比率、獲利 能力、成長率、發行額上皆無顯著差異。再根據深度訪談發現,決策者與 主要股東的心態、現行法令、資金用途的性質、國際資金市場之榮枯、其 他籌資工具特性等多項變數,皆綜合影響企業海外籌資決策。 5.在最合 宜的兌回設計上,有75% 的公司認為以退回現金最好,另有56.2 % 的公 司認為兌回部份不用再發行,總合而言,有43.7% 的公司認為現行的做法 很好。 6.發行海外存託憑證能取得較高發行價格的原因,主要有三:ぇ 國內外承銷制度的不同,使能獲得較高的發行價格。え提供國際投資者交 易的便利性。ぉ看好台灣股市發展。 7.訂價時主要的考慮因素,有75% 的公司認為現行股價最重要。

The Empirical Research of Information Content and Intra-industry Information Transfers Related to Cross-listing ¡ÐThe Initial GDR Offering of Taiwan Enterprises

Lin, Meng-hsun 13 March 2007 (has links)
The study aims to detect the influence of the initial cross-listing of Taiwanese enterprises on the variety of the stock price of the listing company and its rival firms. However, the limitations from the Taiwanese authorities on the local company¡¦s direct listing in the oversea market are not a few. Accordingly, I employ GDR instead of direct international listing to delve the phenomenon of information content and intra-industry transfer derived from a company¡¦s initial GDR offering. Recent studies focusing on the same issue rarely inspect the situation of Taiwanese industries. Thus, the research intends to excavate the effect and the aftermath of a Taiwanese firm¡¦s initial GDR offering on its local market price as well as on the one of its rival company that concurrently does not have GDR offering. To delineate the complication of the issue, the study develop three trajectories mainly based on various approaches, including reference review, event study method, and multi-regression analysis. The first aspect attends to the research result of event study method and multi-regression analysis that exposes the stock price of the GDR offering company has abnormally positive rise accompanying with the announcement of its GDR offerings, particularly in the period before the announcement. That reflects the investors regard the GDR offering as a positive news for a company while the situation turns out to be the opposite for the rival firms. The research also finds that industry differences might dominate the consequence of the GDR offering. Hence, the exemplary simples are divided into the ¡§hi-tech¡¨ industry group and the ¡§non hi-tech¡¨ industry group. Based on the reference review of Melvin and Valero-Tonone¡]2005¡^ and the outcome of the multi-regression analysis, the influence of GDR offering on both industry group will be carefully scrutinized. In addition, the study places another attention on the discussion of intra-industry transferring and the contagion effect of the GDR offering on the offering company and its rival firm. Although Taiwanese enterprises offer GDR mainly in four main trade locations from London, Luxembourg, New York, and NASDAQ, the study exposes that the trade location has less influence on a company¡¦s and its rival firm¡¦s SCAR variation. That implies that Taiwanese investors might recognize the fact of a company¡¦s GDR offering in the oversea market, whereas, they seldom be aware of the trivial differentiation of the disparate trade location. In conclusion, the GDR offering of Taiwanese enterprises indeed encompasses information content that might motivate the alteration of the stock price in Taiwan stock market. Besides, the action of GDR offering supplies intra-industry information transferring effect. Even though the strategy of offering GDR of a Taiwanese company does not rely on consulting the action of its rival firms, in reality and according to the application of game theory, the implementing efficiency of a company¡¦s strategies might probably be impinged by its opponents¡¦ behavior. In other words, while a company offers GDR, its rival firms should propose expedients to reduce the damage that might be caused by the issue information.


張佳蓉, Chang, Chia-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討國內公告台灣上市(櫃)公司之盈餘資訊時,海外存託憑證投資人是否也和國內投資人一樣對此訊息有所反應,致使存託憑證的報酬受到國內盈餘資訊公告之影響,以及不同的產業其存託憑證報酬受到國內盈餘公告之影響程度是否有所不同。以國內上市(櫃)公司至1999年年底為止發行海外存託憑證且流通在外者為樣本,研究1999年盈餘資訊於國內媒體報導及交易所公告之資訊內涵,採用Bootstrapping Method進行實證分析。 實證結果發現:(1)『國內媒體公告』和『四月底前向台灣交易所申報公告』之會計盈餘資訊中,稅後盈餘資訊的公告並沒有顯著影響海外存託憑證的價格變動,但是稅前盈餘資訊的公告則顯著地影響海外存託憑證的價格變動。(2)國內媒體公告日的盈餘資訊內涵較高,而國內交易所公告日之盈餘資訊內涵較低。(3)『國內媒體公告日』之電子產業存託憑證價格對於盈餘資訊的反應程度,顯著低於非電子產業之存託憑證價格對於盈餘資訊的反應程度,而『交易所公告日』之電子產業存託憑證價格對於盈餘資訊的反應與非電子產業之存託憑證價格對於盈餘資訊的反應,兩者在程度上沒有顯著差異。

台灣發行之海外存託憑證價格行為反應之研究 / The Price Reaction of Global Depositary Receipts(GDR)--The Empi- rical Study of Taiwanese Listing Companies

蔡祖銘, Tsai, Tsu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
財政部證管會為促進國內證券市場國際化及自由化並便利國內企業至國外 籌募資金,於民國八十一年四月十五日公佈實施「上市發行公司參與發行 海外存託憑證審核要點」,以鼓勵我國證券發行人或持有人發行海外存託 憑證(GDR)。迄今已有中鋼、亞泥、統一、嘉泥、東雲與台揚等上市公司 完成發行,而大眾電腦與信益陶瓷也通過證管會的審核,正在等待時機發 行。除此之外,更有其他的上市公司,如:東鋼、燁隆、華榮電線電纜及 和成等公司,也搶搭海外存託憑證的發行列車。既然GDR已繼海外可轉換 公司債而成為國內上市公司海外籌資的重要金融工具,因此有必要對GDR 的本質做個通盤性的瞭解。除了探討GDR發行後的折溢價情形外,由於GDR 是在海外市場交易且以美元計價,故GDR對國內重大事件的價格行為反應 以及新台幣匯率的變動對GDR報酬率的影響為何,亦是本研究的重點。根 據資料蒐集的可行性,本研究以中鋼、亞泥、統一及嘉泥等四家公司為樣 本,以簡單迴歸及事件研究法來進行實證研究,得到以下的發現: 1:海 外存託憑證的價格總是處在不均衡的狀態,若可進行套利,則海外存託憑 證與其表彰股票的價值終將相等,而達到均衡。但對於台灣上市公司所發 行的海外存託憑證而言,由於法令的限制,使得海外存託憑證的溢價期間 比折價的期間還要長。 2:新台幣的匯率效果對於海外存託憑證的報酬率 有影響。 3:台灣發行之海外存託憑證其價格行為反應與表彰股票的反應 有異。之所以會有上述的發現,本研究認為除了法令的限制外,國內上市 公司所發行GDR的歷史不算長,故海外投資人對台灣之GDR還很陌生。此外 ,區隔的金融市場造成資訊傳遞上的障礙以及海外投資人對資訊重視的程 度與國內投資人有別,亦為可能的解釋。

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