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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distributive justice and global public goods

Taylor, Isaac January 2014 (has links)
Public goods are goods that are non-rival and non-excludable. One person enjoying the benefits of a public good will not reduce the value of the good for others. And nobody within a particular population can be excluded from enjoying those benefits. While we often think of the relevant population being co-citizens of a state - national defence is taken to be the archetypal public good - in recent years the importance of public goods that benefit individuals across different countries has increasingly been recognised. We can refer to these as "global public goods". When global public goods are supplied, various costs and benefits are generated, and these costs and benefits can be shared among countries in different ways. This thesis explores how justice requires us to share them; I develop a theory of distributive justice for global public goods. I begin by developing two principles for assigning the costs and benefits of supplying public goods within a state, and then argue that these should, for the most part, also govern the distribution of costs and benefits arising from global public good production. Finally, I assess how certain private goods that the supply of public goods make possible should be shared among states. The fact that these goods rely for their production on the supply of global public goods, I argue, will affect the principles of distributive justice that should govern these.

Financing the Provision of Global Public Goods.

Anand, Prathivadi B. January 2002 (has links)
No / This paper examines the concept of global public goods (GPGs) and in that context explores the extent of aid (ODA) presently being diverted to GPG provision and whether such diversion skews aid-flows towards some recipients. These are examined on the basis of OECD data for the late 1990s. The main argument of this paper is that ODA should not be used for financing GPG provision by developing countries. Instead, it is suggested that other sources of financing the provision of GPGs should be developed keeping in view the various technologies by which the GPGs can be produced and design principles for supra-national institutions. Various arguments from Sandler, Barrett and Kanbur are considered. In particular, Kanbur's suggestion of two tensions involving the principles of economies of scale, subsidiarity, economies of scope and specialisation, is explored further.

A food secure world : is the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organisation in a position to provide this Global Public Good?

Longbottom, Carol Jane January 2015 (has links)
The challenges faced by the global food and agriculture system in the twenty-first century are unlikely to be resolved through the implementation of neoliberal policies, most notably promoting market liberalisation, privatisation and financialisation. Many of these policies have also supported industrial agriculture, which has led to the production of many global public bads, such as significant greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. However, industrial agriculture is not the only method of food production: sustainable agriculture is better placed to provide a wide range of global public goods (GPGs), including environmental protection and rural livelihood development, in addition to sufficient nutritious food. Therefore, there should be a move towards promoting sustainable agriculture with a focus on eradicating hunger and improving food security. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) can play a crucial role in ensuring agriculture provides the GPGs required. FAO also produces a number of GPGs through its three main roles; measurement, convening and norms and standards setting. This thesis asks if FAO is in a position to provide a food secure world. It also asks if the organisation is in a stronger position to provide the GPGs required following its extensive recent reform. Finally, it asks if a shift in emphasis towards the provision of GPGs will offer an alternative to neoliberalism.

A Food Secure World: Is the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation in a position to provide this Global Public Good?

Longbottom, Carol Jane January 2015 (has links)
The challenges faced by the global food and agriculture system in the twenty-first century are unlikely to be resolved through the implementation of neoliberal policies, most notably promoting market liberalisation, privatisation and financialisation. Many of these policies have also supported industrial agriculture, which has led to the production of many global public bads, such as significant greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. However, industrial agriculture is not the only method of food production: sustainable agriculture is better placed to provide a wide range of global public goods (GPGs), including environmental protection and rural livelihood development, in addition to sufficient nutritious food. Therefore, there should be a move towards promoting sustainable agriculture with a focus on eradicating hunger and improving food security. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) can play a crucial role in ensuring agriculture provides the GPGs required. FAO also produces a number of GPGs through its three main roles; measurement, convening and norms and standards setting. This thesis asks if FAO is in a position to provide a food secure world. It also asks if the organisation is in a stronger position to provide the GPGs required following its extensive recent reform. Finally, it asks if a shift in emphasis towards the provision of GPGs will offer an alternative to neoliberalism.

Globalisation, justice et éducation : le cas des politiques universitaires / Globalization, justice and education : the issue of higher education policies

Martin, Justine 12 December 2011 (has links)
Comment établir une juste répartition de l’accès aux connaissances entre les Etats et envisager ce que pourraient être des politiques universitaires équitables, à l’échelle globale ? C’est ce qu’entend montrer ce travail qui, tout en présentant l’origine historique de la situation d’inégalités qui caractérise le monde académique contemporain, engage une réflexion sur les modalités d’application des principes usuels de la justice distributive à l’échelle globale, dans un contexte où dorénavant la croissance et les échanges se fondent sur la production de biens immatériels. En s’appuyant sur la théorie des « biens publics globaux », il est ainsi possible de redéfinir les modalités de la coopération universitaire pour la faire sortir de la logique de l’aide qui a, depuis l’époque coloniale jusqu’à nos jours, caractérisé les relations académiques internationales. / How can we establish a fair distribution of access to knowledge between the states and consider what might be fair higher education policies, on a global scale ? That is what intends to demonstrate this work, presenting the historical roots of the inequalities that characterize the contemporary academic world and initiating a reflection about the application of usual principles of distributive justice on the global scale, in a context of increasing production of intangible goods. The general theory of "global public goods" makes possible the redefinition of academic cooperation, in order to depart from the logic of assistance that, since colonial times to the present day, characterized international academic relations.

Les biens publics internationaux ou mondiaux : un nouveau paradigme de l'aide ?

Barkat, Karim 21 October 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour objectif de renouveler la perception que nous avons habituellement de l’aide publique au développement (APD) à travers un nouveau concept, celui de « biens publics internationaux et mondiaux ». L’aide internationale ne doit plus être fondée exclusivement sur le caractère « charitable » ou/et « intéressé » des pays du Nord, mais sur une prise de conscience effective et collective concernant la préservation des intérêts communs à tous les Etats. En ce sens, nous entendons démontrer que le concept de BPIM peut éclairer d’un jour nouveau celui d’aide publique au développement (APD) et conduire à une conception élargie de la coopération internationale dans la mesure où la fourniture à la collectivité de ce type de biens est un enjeu fondamental pour la communauté du développement. / The objective of the present work is to present a renewed perspective for the study of Official Development Assistance (ODA) through the new concept of “International and Global Public Goods” (IGPG). International assistance should no longer be solely based on the “charitable” and/or “self-interested” behaviour of the North, but should be motivated by the collective realisation that such assistance preserves the common interests of all States. To this effect, the present work seeks to demonstrate that the IGPG concept sheds a new light on our understanding of ODA leading to a larger conceptualisation of international cooperation, where supplying such public goods becomes a fundamental stake for development.

La sécurité financière : perspective nouvelle de la lutte internationale contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme / Financial security : new perspective of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism

Yo, Anna 13 November 2018 (has links)
La lutte internationale contre le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme peut être définie comme l’ensemble des mesures qui concourent à l’éradication des flux financiers illicites.Le cadre juridique tel qu’il est défini de nos jours et intégré dans les ordres juridiques nationaux est une combinaison des conventions de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) et des Recommandations du Groupe d’Action Financière (GAFI). Il a été construit ces trente dernières années en raison de la menace que représentent certaines formes de criminalité : trafic illicite de stupéfiants, criminalité transnationale organisée, terrorisme et son financement.La présente étude se propose de matérialiser l’émergence d’un principe intrinsèque à la lutte contre les flux financiers illicites à travers le concept de sécurité financière internationale, qui apparait comme la finalité des mesures adoptées dans le cadre de la lutte internationale contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme.Nous illustrons cette hypothèse à partir d’une analyse de la politique criminelle internationale, autrement dit, l’ensemble des procédés par lesquels la communauté internationale organise les réponses au phénomène de la criminalité financière. Celle-ci permet de dessiner les contours de ce que nous qualifions de sécurité financière et démontre que la réponse de la communauté internationale au phénomène de la criminalité financière, tend inexorablement vers l’instauration d’un ordre à l’échelle internationale.Cette sécurité financière est synonyme d’ordre. Un ordre qui s’établit aussi bien en droit international que dans les droits internes, un ordre qui est caractérisé par un « droit à texture multiple avec primauté de la soft law ».Cet ordre justifie et fonde à la fois les obligations préventives et répressives, malgré les restrictions qu’il apporte à certains droits fondamentaux. Cet ordre regroupe de fait, un ensemble de prescriptions dont l’objectif est de préserver la société internationale des facteurs de désordre que sont les flux financiers illicites, le crime organisé, et le terrorisme.La sécurité financière est à la fois un objectif à atteindre et une nécessité majeure.Nous consolidons cette hypothèse par une réflexion sur les enjeux que représente l’instauration d’une sécurité financière et sur les moyens susceptibles d’en garantir l’effectivité. / The international fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism can be defined as the set of measures helping eradicate illicit financial flows.The legal framework as it is settled on and implemented into national legal orders is a combination of the United Nations (UN) conventions and the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).It was built over the past 30 years in response to the threat posed by certain forms of crime such as drug trafficking, transnational crime and the financing of terrorism.This work ambitions to highlight the emergence of an inherent principle to the fight against criminal financial flows through the concept of international financial security, which appears as the main goal of the measures adopted in the context aforementioned.We illustrate this assumption with an analysis of the international crime policy, in other words all the processes through which the international community organizes responses to the phenomenon of financial crime. This analysis permits to behold the shape of what we call “financial security” and demonstrates that the answer of the international community tends inexorably to the establishment of a sort of “international financial security”.This financial security stands for an order.An order established in both international law and domestic law, an order that is characterized by what we call "droit à texture multiple avec primauté de la soft law".This order justifies and bases both preventive and repressive obligations, despite the restrictions it imposes on fundamental rights. This order contains a whole set of prescriptions whose aim to protect the international society from the factors of disorder such us illicit financial flows, organized crime and terrorism.Financial security is as much a goal to reach as a necessity.We consolidate this premise with an afterthought on the challenge of establishing financial security and the means that can be used to guarantee its effectiveness.

Globaler Institutionenwandel und nachhaltige globale öffentliche Gütersicherung:Ausgewählte globale institutionelle Arrangements im Vergleich und globale Förderinstrumentempfehlung für grünen Energietechnologiewandel beispielsweise in Nigeria / Global Institutional Change and Sustainable Safeguard of Global Public Goods: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Global Institutional Arrangements and Global Instrument for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technological Change - A Case Study of Nigeria.

Onyeche, Jude Chima 14 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Technologie de l’information et de la communication et développement économique : les enjeux et les opportunités au Niger / Information and communication technology and economic development : the challenges and the opportunities in Niger

Oumarou, Mahamane Laouali 28 September 2011 (has links)
Le Niger est un pays enclavé d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Son positionnement à la périphérie des pôles essentiels de la sous région explique en partie son retard de développement. A cela, s’ajoute, un nouveau retard, qualifié de fracture numérique. Son parc d’infrastructures vétuste ne lui permet pas de profiter des flux mondiaux d’information pour bénéficier des avantages de la compétitivité de la nouvelle société de l’information. Sous l’impulsion de récents débats internationaux sur les nouvelles technologies, il apparaît que le développement économique du Niger nécessiterait une appropriation des TIC par la population. Dès lors, ces nouvelles technologies de l’information sont à l’épicentre des questions de développement qui se posent au Niger. Cette recherche s’est donnée le but d’analyser le système actuel des TIC au Niger et sa capacité à enclencher le développement économique dans un contexte de mondialisation des économies fondé sur l’information et la connaissance grâce à l’usage des TIC. Elle examine en premier lieu, le potentiel des ressources techniques, humaines et des plans et politiques gouvernementaux en matière des TIC, à l’échelle territoriale. A la suite de cette analyse et des questionnements qu’elle pose, des théories économiques ont émergé : l’économie de l’information et ses dérivées. En second lieu, cette étude explore, décrit, explique, interprète et illustre ces théories dans un contexte d’accès aux TIC. Les exemples illustratifs montrent que les TIC corrigent certaines de ces prédictions. Elles améliorent le capital humain, affinent les anticipations des agents et réduisent le risque des décisions économiques. C’est en cela que les TIC peuvent être considérées comme un facteur de développement économique au Niger. Dans cette révolution des NTIC, les économies n’ont nécessairement pas besoin de passer par l’étape de l’industrialisation comme à l’ancienne. L’exemple de la Chine et des dragons asiatiques le témoigne. / Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa. Its position on the outskirts of essential poles in the under-region partly explains its delayed development. To this is added, a further delay, called digital divide. Its fleet of obsolete infrastructure does not allow it to take full advantage of global flows of information to take advantage of the competitiveness of the new information society. Spurred on by recent international discussions on new technologies, it appears that the economic development of Niger would require an appropriation of ICTs by the population. Therefore, these new information technologies are at the epicenter of development issues facing the Niger. This research was given the objective to analyze the current system of ICT in Niger and its ability to set off economic development in a context of globalization of economies based on information, knowledge and expertise, by using ICTs. Following this analysis and the questions it poses, some economic theories have emerged, the information economy and its derivatives. In the second time, this study explores, describes, explains, interprets and illustrates these theories in the context of ICTs access. Illustrative examples show that ICT correct some of these predictions. ICT improves human capital, refine agents' anticipations and reduce the risk of economic decisions. That’s why, ICTs can be considered as an economic development factor in Niger. In this revolution of new technologies, the economies have not necessarily need to go through the stage of industrialization as the old theories. The example of China and the Asian dragons shows that.

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