Spelling suggestions: "subject:"goverment"" "subject:"moverment""
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Nätverksstyrning som strategi för regional utveckling? : Kommuner och högskola i samverkanQaderi, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Det är en spännande tid vi lever i där samverkan antas vara strategin för att lösa problem med klimathot, hälsopolitik och hållbar samhällsutveckling. I samverkansplattformen Samhällskontraktet samarbetar Västerås stad, Eskilstuna kommun och Mälardalens högskola för att bidra till en regional utveckling. Den här fallstudien har fokuserat på styrgruppen för Hållbar samhällsutveckling i Samhällskontraktet utifrån teoribildning om nätverksstyrning. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att bidra till en ökad kännedom och förståelse för hur aktörer samverkar kring komplexa samhällsproblem. Resultaten från fallstudien visar på - i linje med teoribildningen kring nätverksstyrning – om politikens förändrade roll. Konkret innebär detta att det är inom ramen för samverkan som policyproblem prioriteras och avgränsas. Till följd av detta försvåras ansvarutkrävande enligt den traditionella parlamentariska styrningskedjan. Den samverkan som sker mellan aktörerna i Samhällskontraktet har inslag av förhandlingar mellan tjänstemän och forskare, vilket bidrar till ett personberoende. Studien bekräftar den forskning som tidigare gjorts gällande nätverksstyrning om att den inte gör det möjligt att kräva ansvar av politiker då beslutskedjan bryts horisontellt. Frågan om vem som ska hållas ansvariga för de beslut som i slutändan rör medborgarna står därmed fortfarande utan svar.
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Challenges facing transactional e-government systemsAl-Sebie, Madi M. January 2005 (has links)
A review of normative literature, in the field of e-government, indicates that the transactional stage of e-government is one of the most important to the implementation of an e-government system as it represents the highest level of interaction within organisations and between customers and government organisations. Due to the importance of the transactional stage of the e-government system and its positive impact, not only in making the delivery of external services quicker, but also in increasing the efficiency of internal government processes, government organisations might seek to reach this stage. In fact, in the literature, there appears to be an absence of theoretical models for the technical and organisational challenges facing transactional e-government systems. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies focusing on identification of the importance, categorisation and presentation of strategies for overcoming technical and organisational challenges. Consequently, this dissertation attempts to fill the information gap based on empirical data derived from two case studies. This work proposes a novel model for the technical and organisational challenges facing transactional e-government systems. In moving from the conceptual to the empirical, the work is based on a qualitative case study approach to examine the proposed model for the technical and organisational challenges facing transactional e-government systems. In doing so, two case studies were conducted, presented and analysed. During the empirical research, additional technical and organisational challenge(s) facing transactional e-government systems emerged, which resulted in modifications being made to the previously presented conceptual model. However, this dissertation proposes the conceptual model, identifies the importance, categorisation, and presentation of the strategies for overcoming, technical and organisational challenges facing a transactional e-government system. This results in the development of a frame of reference that will lead to a model that can be used to enhance decision-making.
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Ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση : ορισμός, διαλειτουργικότητα, τρέχουσα κατάσταση στην ΕλλάδαΜανουσέλης, Ευτύχης 04 September 2013 (has links)
Τα πρώτα χρόνια της διάδοσης της πληροφορικής αποτελούσε κοινή
πεποίθηση ότι οι ηλεκτρονικές υπηρεσίες (e-υπηρεσίες) των δημόσιων
οργανισμών αφορούσαν μόνο την απλή δημοσίευση πληροφοριών στο
Ιnternet σχετικά με τον οργανισμό, τη λειτουργία του και το σκοπό του. Τίποτα
άλλο, παρά μόνο κείμενο. Σε σύντομο όμως χρονικό διάστημα οι δυσκολίες
και τα εμπόδια που υπήρξαν στον καθορισμό και την εφαρμογή των ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών, αποκάλυψαν παραλείψεις σε πολλές ουσιαστικές πτυχές για τον επιτυχή εκσυγχρονισμό των δημόσιων οργανισμών.
Στο πλαίσιο λοιπόν αυτής της διπλωματικής μελετήθηκε η έννοια της
ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης, η εφαρμογή της στην Ελλάδα και η
αποτελεσματικότητά της μέσα από συγκεκριμένα παραδείγματα. Μελετήθηκε
ακόμη το πόσο σημαντική είναι η έννοια της επιστήμης ανθρώπου
υπολογιστή σε σχέση με τέτοιες υπηρεσίες και πόσο σημαντική είναι η
διεπιφάνεια τέτοιων συστημάτων να είναι εύχρηστη και φιλική προς το
Στην πρώτη ενότητα αναλύθηκε πλήρως η έννοια της ηλεκτρονικής
διακυβέρνησης, διάφορα τεχνολογικά ζητήματα που την αφορούν αλλά και το
πόσο σημαντικό ρολό παίζει και θα παίζει από εδώ και πέρα.
Η δεύτερη πτυχή αφορά την διαλειτουργικότητα των συστημάτων της
ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης. Από το 1991 η διαλειτουργικότητα παραμένει
ένας σημαντικός στόχος της ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης ειδικά στο πλαίσιο της
ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης. Σ’ αυτή την ενότητα λοιπόν μελετήθηκαν και
αξιολογήθηκαν οι μηχανισμοί που προτάθηκαν για επίτευξη αυτής της
διαλειτουργικότητας μεταξύ των διάφορων συστημάτων της ηλεκτρονικής
Τέλος,στην τελευταία ενότητα,παρουσιάζονται διάφορες ευρωπαικές
πρωτοβουλίες που αφορούν το E-government αλλά και η μέχρι τώρα
εφαρμογή κάποιων έργων E-government στην Ελλάδα. / Current situation in Greece as far as the offer of Information and Communication Technologies is concerned.
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Canadian Refugee Policy Paradigm Change in the 1990s: Understanding the Power of International Social InfluenceIrvine, James Alexander 31 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores the factors which contributed to a change in the paradigm that framed Canadian refugee policy over the course of the 1990s. This change is characterized in the dissertation as a shift from a refugee protection paradigm that dominated policy-makers’ thinking in the 1970s and 1980s, to a security-control paradigm by at the end of the 1990s. This change is puzzling because it occurred prior to the events of 9/11 rather than in response to them and because domestic motivations for change do not provide a complete explanation of the shift. The dissertation argues that although factors in the domestic and international environments may have enabled paradigm change, a more complete explanation of shift needs to consider the process through which Canadian policy-makers were socialized into a developing international norm. This process of international socialization occurred through bureaucrats’ international interaction in bilateral and Regional Consultative Processes akin to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s global government networks. Using data generated from primary document analysis and a series of interviews of key policy-makers this dissertation maps paradigm change over the two periods. This data is then used to provide evidence of the importance of bureaucratic socialization through a global government network for migration in explaining this change.
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Canadian Refugee Policy Paradigm Change in the 1990s: Understanding the Power of International Social InfluenceIrvine, James Alexander 31 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores the factors which contributed to a change in the paradigm that framed Canadian refugee policy over the course of the 1990s. This change is characterized in the dissertation as a shift from a refugee protection paradigm that dominated policy-makers’ thinking in the 1970s and 1980s, to a security-control paradigm by at the end of the 1990s. This change is puzzling because it occurred prior to the events of 9/11 rather than in response to them and because domestic motivations for change do not provide a complete explanation of the shift. The dissertation argues that although factors in the domestic and international environments may have enabled paradigm change, a more complete explanation of shift needs to consider the process through which Canadian policy-makers were socialized into a developing international norm. This process of international socialization occurred through bureaucrats’ international interaction in bilateral and Regional Consultative Processes akin to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s global government networks. Using data generated from primary document analysis and a series of interviews of key policy-makers this dissertation maps paradigm change over the two periods. This data is then used to provide evidence of the importance of bureaucratic socialization through a global government network for migration in explaining this change.
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Lietuvos ir Lenkijos savivaldos modelių lyginamoji analizė (teisiniai aspektai) / The comperying analysis models of the local goverment in Lithuania and Poland (law aspects)Rybak, Josifas 08 January 2007 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti vietos savivaldos modelio vystymąsi Lietuvoje
ir Lenkijoje, pateikti geros praktikos pavyzdžius, kurie galėtu būti diegiami tobulinant
Lietuvos savivaldos modelį, plėtojant jo teisinę bazę.
Darbas suskirstytas į keturias dalis: Bendra vietos savivaldos teisės
charakteristika Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje; Savivaldos modelių analizė; Savivaldos
institucijų veiklos administracinė priežiūra; Du modeliai: pasiūlymai dėl Lietuvos
modelio plėtros.
Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama dviejų šalių vietos savivaldos institucijų teisinės
bazės raida, ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas konstituciniam reguliavimui.
Analizuojamos tų aktų tobulinimo kryptys, pristatomi pagrindiniai savivaldos
reformos Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje etapai.
Antroje dalyje pristatomi Lietuvos ir Lenkijos savivaldos modeliai, vietos
savivaldos institucijų sistema, skirtingos savivaldybių institucinės struktūros taikymo
galimybės. Apžvelgiama savivaldos institucijų modelių raida, jų tobulinimo
perspektyvos. Pristatomi atliktų empirinių tyrimų rezultatai.
Trečioje dalyje nagrinėjami vietos savivaldos institucijų veiklos
administracinės priežiūros mechanizmo ypatumai, analizuojamos pagrindinės
savivaldybių administracinės priežiūros įgyvendinimo kliūtys.
Ketvirtoje dalyje teikiami pasiūlymai dėl Lietuvos savivaldos modelio plėtros,
ypatingą dėmesį skiriant regioninio savivaldos lygio atsiradimui ir teritorinių
savivaldybių reformai. Nagrinėjamas tiesioginių mero rinkimų įteisinimas, jų
poveikis savivaldybės... [to full text] / The aim of this work is to analyze the development of the model of the local public administration in Lithuania and Poland as well as to provide the examples of good practice that could be inculcated into the improvement of the model of the public administration in Lithuania, and into the development of its law basis.
The work includes four parts: general characteristics of law of the local public administration in Lithuania and Poland; analysis of models of the public administration; administrative supervision of the proceeding of the public administration institutions; two models: suggestions concerning the development of the Lithuanian model.
In the first part the evolution of law basis of the two sides of the local public administration institutions is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the constitutional regulation. The directions to develop those acts are analyzed and basic stages of the reforms of the public administration in Lithuania and Poland are presented.
The second part presents the models of the public administration of Lithuania and Poland, the system of institutions of the local public administration and different possibilities of application of the institutional structure to the local public administration.
The third part deals with the peculiarities of the administrative supervision of the proceeding of the local public administration institutions. Basic holdbacks in implementation of the administrative supervision of the local public administration are... [to full text]
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The Separation of Powers in Australia: Issues For the StatesAlvey, John Ralph January 2005 (has links)
A study of the separation of powers (legislative, executive, and judicial) in Australia at the Commonwealth and the State level including three Australian States, Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. The separation of powers (SOP) theory from Locke and Blackstone is used for the SOP theory in Australia. In practice, the English rather than the American system of government and SOP is the model used for the Australian Commonwealth Government and SOP. The Commonwealth SOP is used as a guide for the States SOP. Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales are case studies used to compare and contrast with the Commonwealth. The concept of the SOP in Australia is articulated by the High Court and is derived from the Blackstonian SOP theory rather than the Federalist SOP theory. The implementation of the SOP theory into practice is problematic. The SOP theory is used as a conceptual framework to understand current events. The advantages and disadvantages or problems of the Commonwealth model are presented as a guide for the States. The same structure is used for the study of the three States in the form of the advantages and disadvantages or problems of the SOP at the State level. The entrenchment of the SOP at the State level will help to partly overcome the problems highlighted in the case study chapters. The federal SOP situation is better than at the State level but the entrenchment of Bills of Rights at the Commonwealth and State levels would help to counter the trend in reduction of civil rights. The SOP is important in protecting citizens from the abuse of government power. The lack of separation of powers, especially separation of judicial power at State level, has meant the increasing abuse of powers by the executive and the executive dominating the other two branches of government.
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e-Government ve Velké Británii na počátku 21.století / e-Government in the United Kingdom at the beginning of 21st centuryBalounová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation deals with digitalization of government in the United Kingdom. It focuses the reasons for the the development and origin of e-Government. It describes selected electronic public services in the UK and examines the extent of their use.
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論地方自治法規 / Local goverment law陳樹村, Chen, Shu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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Belöningssystemets användning och effektivitet : En fallstudie av ettkommunalt bostadsbolag / The utilization and efficiency of reward systems - A case study of a municipalhousing companyHulkkonen, Marika, Lindqvist, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Genom att i praktiken se hur ett kommunalt bostadsbolag använder sig av belöningssystemsyftar denna studie till att få en bättre inblick i belöningssystemets användning ocheffektivitet. Vidare syftar studien till att bidra med en ökad förståelse och kartlägga hur ettkommunalt bostadsbolag kan begränsas och förhålla sig till de lagkrav som återges ikommunallagen (1991:900) och lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunalabostadsaktiebolag vid användningen av belöningssystem. Tre forskningsfrågor är formuleradeför att besvara studiens syfte. Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes med en abduktiv ansats.Det har tillämpats ett hermeneutiskt synsätt för att tolka och förstå det material som samlats inoch datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt en kvalitativinnehållsanalys. Vid analysen av intervjuerna tillämpades en tematisk analys med ettdeduktivt förhållningssätt. Temana fastställde vi med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramenoch studiens syfte. Resultatet av innehållsanalysen har lyfts fram i en tabell där kopplingarmellan de undersökta lagarna och belöningssystemets begränsningar redogörs.Det framkommer i studien att det undersökta bolagets belöningssystem inte verkar effektivt iden utsträckning som är möjlig. Det finns delar av belöningssystemet som är bristfälligt dåledningen beskriver en avsaknad av vissa belöningar som de motiveras av. Vidare finnerstudien att kommunallagen (1991:900) och lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunalabostadsaktiebolag i ett flertal punkter kan begränsa användningen av ett kommunaltbostadsbolags belöningssystem. / The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better insight into the reward systems utilization andefficiency, this through practice see how a municipal housing company uses reward systems.Furthermore this thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding and mapping how amunicipal property may be limited by the Swedish local government act (1991:900) in thedesign of its reward system. This thesis is qualitative and was conducted by using anabductive approach. It has applied a hermeneutical perspective to interpret and understand thedata that have been collected during the thesis. The data has been collected through semistructuredinterviews and a qualitative content analysis. For the analysis of the semi-structuredinterviews we have applied a thematic analysis with a deductive approach. The themes wereestablished with the help of the theoretical framework and the purpose of the thesis. The resultfrom the content analysis is presented in a table where links between the studied laws and thereward systems limitations.The thesis shows that the studied company's reward system does not seem to be as effective aspossible. The management is lacking in some certain rewards that they are motivated bywhich results that parts of the reward system is flawed. Furthermore the thesis finds that theSwedish local government act (1991:900) in more than one way can limit the use of amunicipal housing company reward system.This thesis is hereinafter written in Swedish.
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