Spelling suggestions: "subject:"governors"" "subject:"governor's""
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Sveriges ståthållare och bönders svar mot Danmarks invasion i södra Sverige under Kalmarkriget 1611–1613Samuelsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Abstract This BA thesis treats, question and provides information about the war of Kalmar 1611-1613. The essential focus is directed towards battles between Sweden and Denmark, the battle took place in southern Sweden. Denmark attacked Sweden to preserve domination over the trading market in the Baltic Sea, Sweden had extended its trade area and therefore challenged Denmark. There are three purposes in the thesis, which origins within warfare and permeates the circumstances of two different battles. The first purpose problematises how Denmark managed to conquer the castle of Kalmar without facing difficulties, rumours have it that the governor was a traitor. His name was Christer Somme and the first purpose involves unveiling the truth behind the rumours. My theory is that Somme was innocent to the accusations but acted more like a coward, than a governor maybe should have acted. Regarding the other purposes of the essay, the Danish armies in Småland were forced to retreat away from the low-populated farming society. Sources say that it was because of the special warfare the farmers used that was the main reason behind a Danish retreat. The second purpose of the thesis examines if that was the only reason behind it, or if there were other underlying factors. For the last purpose, a map is drawn to point out the way of choice for the Danish army in Småland as for their retreat, the army was led by Gert Rantzau. The map contains explanations why he ended up choosing that path, the purpose also tries to explain why the Danish armies split up in Sweden both to the east and west. Limitations had to be made in order not to stray away too far from the subject, and there was not enough time to examine everything I wanted to. Therefore, I limited this historic event and chose to not involve several governors. Even though there are rumours about them being agents for Denmark as well, I chose the one that is most mentioned in this war. Regarding issue number two, it had to be limited to only focus upon the reasons why Rantzau was forced to retreat and not exactly how it happened. A limitation with purpose number three was applied to only track that specific part of the army which was led by Rantzau. That was necessary since the assault often was divided into several locations. It would have been hard to make it in time if I decided to chart the entire entity of Denmark’s forays plus King Kristian IV’s.
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Administrando conflitos: o exercício do poder e os interesses mercantis na capitania/província de São Paulo (1765-1822) / Managing conflicts: the exercise of power and the mercantile interests in the captaincy/province of São Paulo (1765-1822)Ana Paula Medicci 18 October 2010 (has links)
A tese analisa os conflitos inerentes ao exercício do poder na capitania/província de São Paulo partindo do estudo de sua estrutura político-administrativa e relacionando-a às transformações sócio-econômicas e à forma como membros de grupos de poder locais buscaram influenciar a governança entre 1765, quando da reorganização da capitania como unidade administrativa autônoma, e 1822, depois da instituição do Governo Provisório reconhecido pelas Cortes Constitucionais da Nação Portuguesa e pelo então príncipe regente D. Pedro. A análise do movimento de injunção entre interesses públicos e privados na São Paulo do período baseia-se em fontes relativas ao sistema de arrematações das rendas reais e de sua relação com a concessão de altas patentes militares, demonstrando a impossibilidade de separar as relações político-administrativas estabelecidas entre os governantes nomeados para São Paulo e os interesses de grupos ligados à produção e ao comércio local. Por outro lado, ressalta-se a plena integração desta capitania às políticas de desenvolvimento do Império português implantadas pela Coroa, o que permite melhor compreender o espaço político e o poder econômico alcançado pelos paulistas durante as primeiras décadas do século XIX, quando da instalação do Império brasileiro. / The thesis analyses the conflicts inherent to the exercise of political power in the captaincy/province of São Paulo considering the study of its politic-administrative structure and relating it to the socio-economic transformations and to the way that the members of local power groups tried to influence the governance between 1765, when the captaincy was reorganized as an autonomic administrative unit, and 1822, after the Provisory Government was instituted and recognized by the Constitutional Courts of the Portuguese Nation and by the regent prince D. Pedro. The analysis of the conjoining movement between public and private interests in São Paulo at that period is based on sources related to the system in which they bid for royal income, receiving the right to collect the taxes, and its relation to the high-ranking military positions concessions, demonstrating the impossibility to separate the political-administrative relations established between the appointed governors of São Paulo and the interests of the groups related to the local production and commerce. On the other hand, the full integration of this captaincy to the developmental politics of the Portuguese Empire implanted by the Crown is pointed out, what allows a better comprehension of the public space and the economic power reached by the paulistas during the first decades of the 19th century, when the installation of the Brazilian Empire occurred.
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Federalismo comparado entre Brasil e Argentina : o poder dos governadores desde a redemocratizaçãoBarrientos, Miguel January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza um estudo comparado sobre o federalismo no Brasil e na Argentina no período de redemocratização, procurando entender o poder que os Governadores dos Estados brasileiros e das Provincias argentinas detêm e o papel que cumprem dentro de ambas as Federações. Primeiramente, se analisa o desenvolvimento histórico dos federalismos do Brasil e da Argentina até a redemocratização (1983/85), buscando as pautas que atravessam a dinâmica federativa. Por sua vez, distintas teorias do federalismo ajudam na compreensão do desenvolvimento que este arranjo de dispersão do poder toma nos dois países. A seguir, se estuda as conjunturas destes países no momento de estabelecerem o redesenho de suas Cartas Constitucionais, como foram a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 no Brasil e a Reforma Constitucional de 1994 na Argentina. Analisa-se os atributos que cada um dos poderes horizontais possuem assim como os poderes constitucionais conferidos aos entes que compõem as Federações, especialmente as unidades intermediárias. Também, se estabelece uma série de fatores que servem para mensurar as atribuições que, dentro das esferas estaduais e provinciales, têm os Executivos. Assim, se torna relevante a pesquisa dos sistemas eleitorais e partidários e dos poderes políticos, administrativos e fiscais, com o objetivo de entender o poder dos Governadores e o papel que eles possuem dentro de cada Federação, enfatizando nas mudanças acontecidas após a implantação das reformas neoliberais na década de 1990. / The dissertation is a comparative study of Federalism in Brazil and Argentina during the re-democratization period, its main objective is to understand the Governors’ power and the role they have in Brazilian states and Argentine provinces. First, there´s an analysis of the federal historical developments of Brazil and Argentina up to their redemocratization (1983/85), this is done by searching for the parameters that have shaped the federalism and its dynamism. In addition, several federal theories help to understand the ways in which powers disperse in both countries. Then, the analysis concentrates in the conjuncture of these countries at the time they both modified its constitutions: in 1988 with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil and in 1994 with the Constitutional Reform in Argentina; focusing in the attributes each horizontal power has as well as on the power given to the entities that constitutes a Federation, specially their states and provinces. Furthermore, this work establishes a range of factors in order to measure those attributes that, within the Federal states and provinces, have the Executives. Therefore, it is relevant to this work to study the electoral and political party systems, administrative and fiscal, as a way to understand the power holed by Governors and their role within each Federation, emphasizing on the changes brought by the neoliberal reforms during the 1990 decade. / En la presente tesis de maestría, se realiza un estudio comparado sobre federalismo en Brasil y Argentina, durante el período de redemocratización, buscando entender el poder que los Gobernadores de los Estados brasileiros y de las Provincias argentinas detentan y el rol que cumplen dentro de ambas Federaciones. Primeramente, se analiza el desarrollo histórico de los federalismos de Brasil y Argentina hasta la redemocratización (1983/85), en la búsqueda de las pautas que atraviesan la dinámica federal. Por su parte, distintas teorías del federalismo ayudan en la comprensión del desarrollo que este mecanismo de dispersión del poder toma en los dos países. Luego, se estudian las coyunturas de estos países en el momento de establecer el rediseño de sus Cartas Constitucionales, como fueron la promulgación de la Constituição Federal de 1988 en Brasil y la Reforma Constitucional de 1994 en Argentina. Se analizan los atributos que cada uno de los poderes horizontales poseen, así como también los poderes constitucionales conferidos a los entes que componen las Federaciones, especialmente las unidades intermedias. Después, se establece una serie de factores que sirven para medir las atribuciones que, dentro de las esferas estaduais y provinciales, tienen los Ejecutivos. Así, se torna relevante la investigación de los sistemas electorales y partidarios y de los poderes políticos, administrativos y fiscales, con el objeto de entender el poder de los Gobernadores y el papel que ellos tienen al interior de cada Federación, enfatizando en los cambios ocurridos a partir de la implementación de las reformas neoliberales en la década de 1990.
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O governo das conquistas do norte: trajetórias administrativas no Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão (1751-1780) / The governor of the conquests of the north: administrative courses in the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão (1751-1780)Fabiano Vilaça dos Santos 24 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo delinear as trajetórias administrativas dos governadores e dos bispos que atuaram na jurisdição do Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão no período pombalino. De acordo com os pressupostos renovados da biografia, são analisados: os perfis sociais dos agentes nas conquistas do Norte; a sua formação e experiências no Real Serviço; os critérios de recrutamento dos administradores coloniais para as capitanias do Grão-Pará (governadores e capitães-generais), Maranhão, São José do Piauí e São José do Rio Negro (governadores), e dos bispos encarregados das dioceses do Maranhão e do Pará; as linhas gerais da ação administrativa nas esferas temporal e religiosa; as situações de colaboração e de conflito entre governadores e bispos no cumprimento das diretrizes metropolitanas; e, por fim, as possibilidades de remuneração e de promoção pela participação no Real Serviço. A análise desta dimensão das trajetórias leva em conta alguns fatores essenciais: O desempenho das funções na mitra e no governo das capitanias e o estabelecimento de alianças políticas e de conexões familiares no Reino. / This work intends to outline the administrative careers of governors and bishops that acted in the jurisdiction of the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão in the period of Pombal\'s government. According to the renewed assumptions of biography, were analyzed: the social profiles of the agents in the conquests of the North; their upbringing and experiences in the Royal Service; the criteria for recruiting the colonial administrators for the captaincies of Grão-Pará (governors and general captains), Maranhão, São José do Piauí and São José do Rio Negro (governors); and the bishops in charge of the dioceses of Maranhão and of Pará; the general outlines of the administrative action in the secular and religious circles; the circumstances of collaboration and conflict between governors and bishops in fulfilling the metropolitan directives; and, finally, the possibilities of remuneration and promotion for the participation in the Royal Service. The examination of this dimension of the careers considers some essential factors: the performance of the bishops in the functions of the miter and in the government of the captaincies, and the establishment of political alliances and familiar relationships in the Kingdom.
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Hans Alséns arkiv 1986 - 1992 : Att ordna och förteckna en landshövdings handlingar / The Hans Alsén archives 1986 - 1992 : Organizing and cataloguing the records of a County GovernorEngström, Tony January 2010 (has links)
<p>Hans Olof Alsén, born 16 august 1926, is a Swedish Social Democrat politician who served as the County Governor of Uppsala from 1986 to 1992. During the 1960s, -70s and -80s he had several political commissions including Member of Parliament and government Undersecretary. In addition he had numerous Board of Directors assignments in different business corporations as well as in non commercial associations both prior to, during and after the County Governor period.</p><p>This paper describes the organizing and cataloguing of Hans Alsén's personal archives. The documents at hand were deposited at the regional state archives (Landsarkivet) in Uppsala in 2008 and 2009 by Alsén himself. The documents almost exclusively cover the County Governor years 1986-1992. At a previous occasion Alsén deposited another set of personal documents at the archival institution Folkrörelsearkivet in Uppsala. The Alsén personal archives at Folkrörelsearkivet cover the years 1955-1989 which chronologically corresponds to his political career and activity prior to the County Governor post. The four years of chronological overlapping by the two archives is worth noting.</p><p>This paper addresses some of the principal problems and consequences concerning the mix up of governmental documents in personal archives, for example when it comes to searchability, accountability and secrecy. Furthermore the issue of archives, from one and the same person of origin, split up on several archival institutions is treated as well as some of the more practical problems encountered during the organizing process.</p><p>The Hans Alsén archives 1986-1992 was organized and catalogued by Tony Engström as part of the Master Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala.</p>
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Finding nexus between sport sponsorship transaction and corporate governance principles, namely (accountability and transparency)Mdekazi, Mphumzi Julius January 2012 (has links)
<p>In South Africa today those who lead sport are facing increasing scrutiny which has inevitably resulted in questioning governance practices. The transition of many sports from<br />
predominantly volunteer administered organizations anchored in an amateur ethos, to professionally managed entities catering to a more sophisticated market place has created<br />
unique challenges for the governance of sport sponsorship. This evolution gives rise to possible conceptual linkage between sport sponsorship and corporate governance or none<br />
thereof. This study focuses on the ABSA-Premier Soccer League (PSL) sponsorship transaction as a case study to explore this linkage. The research is aimed at finding the nexus<br />
between sport sponsorship and corporate governance principles, namely accountability and transparency in the conclusion of this transaction.</p>
<p><br />
The research consists of four phases / literature review which provides a detailed analysis of all primary and secondary material available on this topic. The second phase is a qualitative<br />
case study research methodology which comprises of in-depth interviews with targeted stakeholders. The third part presents the research findings and discussion section, and lastly<br />
the way forward through reflections and recommendations including highlighting potential future research areas.</p>
<p><br />
This work is timely when there has been generally a heightened evolution in sport sponsorship and its focus was to explore the nexus and compliance to the founding principles<br />
of the organizations (laws of governance). Factually, good corporate governance aims at ensuring a higher degree of transparency in an organization by encouraging full disclosure of<br />
transactions in the company accounts as well as accountability. Academics have been exploring the notion of sports sponsorship and corporate governance with much of the<br />
debates grounded on understanding its commercial value.</p>
<p><br />
The focus for this study is on the conceptual nexus or non-thereof, between sponsorship and corporate governance. Information was collected through in-depth and experience interviews,<br />
documented reviews and analysis (such as the review and analysis of the constitution of the South Africa football Association, PSL, financial/banking sector policy regulations, South<br />
African Sports Act, corporate governance reports, annual reports, scholarly journals, academic books, conference papers and Parliamentary Monitoring Group documents etc. to<br />
mention but a few.</p>
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Hans Alséns arkiv 1986 - 1992 : Att ordna och förteckna en landshövdings handlingar / The Hans Alsén archives 1986 - 1992 : Organizing and cataloguing the records of a County GovernorEngström, Tony January 2010 (has links)
Hans Olof Alsén, born 16 august 1926, is a Swedish Social Democrat politician who served as the County Governor of Uppsala from 1986 to 1992. During the 1960s, -70s and -80s he had several political commissions including Member of Parliament and government Undersecretary. In addition he had numerous Board of Directors assignments in different business corporations as well as in non commercial associations both prior to, during and after the County Governor period. This paper describes the organizing and cataloguing of Hans Alsén's personal archives. The documents at hand were deposited at the regional state archives (Landsarkivet) in Uppsala in 2008 and 2009 by Alsén himself. The documents almost exclusively cover the County Governor years 1986-1992. At a previous occasion Alsén deposited another set of personal documents at the archival institution Folkrörelsearkivet in Uppsala. The Alsén personal archives at Folkrörelsearkivet cover the years 1955-1989 which chronologically corresponds to his political career and activity prior to the County Governor post. The four years of chronological overlapping by the two archives is worth noting. This paper addresses some of the principal problems and consequences concerning the mix up of governmental documents in personal archives, for example when it comes to searchability, accountability and secrecy. Furthermore the issue of archives, from one and the same person of origin, split up on several archival institutions is treated as well as some of the more practical problems encountered during the organizing process. The Hans Alsén archives 1986-1992 was organized and catalogued by Tony Engström as part of the Master Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala.
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Finding nexus between sport sponsorship transaction and corporate governance principles, namely (accountability and transparency)Mdekazi, Mphumzi Julius January 2012 (has links)
<p>In South Africa today those who lead sport are facing increasing scrutiny which has inevitably resulted in questioning governance practices. The transition of many sports from<br />
predominantly volunteer administered organizations anchored in an amateur ethos, to professionally managed entities catering to a more sophisticated market place has created<br />
unique challenges for the governance of sport sponsorship. This evolution gives rise to possible conceptual linkage between sport sponsorship and corporate governance or none<br />
thereof. This study focuses on the ABSA-Premier Soccer League (PSL) sponsorship transaction as a case study to explore this linkage. The research is aimed at finding the nexus<br />
between sport sponsorship and corporate governance principles, namely accountability and transparency in the conclusion of this transaction.</p>
<p><br />
The research consists of four phases / literature review which provides a detailed analysis of all primary and secondary material available on this topic. The second phase is a qualitative<br />
case study research methodology which comprises of in-depth interviews with targeted stakeholders. The third part presents the research findings and discussion section, and lastly<br />
the way forward through reflections and recommendations including highlighting potential future research areas.</p>
<p><br />
This work is timely when there has been generally a heightened evolution in sport sponsorship and its focus was to explore the nexus and compliance to the founding principles<br />
of the organizations (laws of governance). Factually, good corporate governance aims at ensuring a higher degree of transparency in an organization by encouraging full disclosure of<br />
transactions in the company accounts as well as accountability. Academics have been exploring the notion of sports sponsorship and corporate governance with much of the<br />
debates grounded on understanding its commercial value.</p>
<p><br />
The focus for this study is on the conceptual nexus or non-thereof, between sponsorship and corporate governance. Information was collected through in-depth and experience interviews,<br />
documented reviews and analysis (such as the review and analysis of the constitution of the South Africa football Association, PSL, financial/banking sector policy regulations, South<br />
African Sports Act, corporate governance reports, annual reports, scholarly journals, academic books, conference papers and Parliamentary Monitoring Group documents etc. to<br />
mention but a few.</p>
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Federalismo comparado entre Brasil e Argentina : o poder dos governadores desde a redemocratizaçãoBarrientos, Miguel January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza um estudo comparado sobre o federalismo no Brasil e na Argentina no período de redemocratização, procurando entender o poder que os Governadores dos Estados brasileiros e das Provincias argentinas detêm e o papel que cumprem dentro de ambas as Federações. Primeiramente, se analisa o desenvolvimento histórico dos federalismos do Brasil e da Argentina até a redemocratização (1983/85), buscando as pautas que atravessam a dinâmica federativa. Por sua vez, distintas teorias do federalismo ajudam na compreensão do desenvolvimento que este arranjo de dispersão do poder toma nos dois países. A seguir, se estuda as conjunturas destes países no momento de estabelecerem o redesenho de suas Cartas Constitucionais, como foram a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 no Brasil e a Reforma Constitucional de 1994 na Argentina. Analisa-se os atributos que cada um dos poderes horizontais possuem assim como os poderes constitucionais conferidos aos entes que compõem as Federações, especialmente as unidades intermediárias. Também, se estabelece uma série de fatores que servem para mensurar as atribuições que, dentro das esferas estaduais e provinciales, têm os Executivos. Assim, se torna relevante a pesquisa dos sistemas eleitorais e partidários e dos poderes políticos, administrativos e fiscais, com o objetivo de entender o poder dos Governadores e o papel que eles possuem dentro de cada Federação, enfatizando nas mudanças acontecidas após a implantação das reformas neoliberais na década de 1990. / The dissertation is a comparative study of Federalism in Brazil and Argentina during the re-democratization period, its main objective is to understand the Governors’ power and the role they have in Brazilian states and Argentine provinces. First, there´s an analysis of the federal historical developments of Brazil and Argentina up to their redemocratization (1983/85), this is done by searching for the parameters that have shaped the federalism and its dynamism. In addition, several federal theories help to understand the ways in which powers disperse in both countries. Then, the analysis concentrates in the conjuncture of these countries at the time they both modified its constitutions: in 1988 with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil and in 1994 with the Constitutional Reform in Argentina; focusing in the attributes each horizontal power has as well as on the power given to the entities that constitutes a Federation, specially their states and provinces. Furthermore, this work establishes a range of factors in order to measure those attributes that, within the Federal states and provinces, have the Executives. Therefore, it is relevant to this work to study the electoral and political party systems, administrative and fiscal, as a way to understand the power holed by Governors and their role within each Federation, emphasizing on the changes brought by the neoliberal reforms during the 1990 decade. / En la presente tesis de maestría, se realiza un estudio comparado sobre federalismo en Brasil y Argentina, durante el período de redemocratización, buscando entender el poder que los Gobernadores de los Estados brasileiros y de las Provincias argentinas detentan y el rol que cumplen dentro de ambas Federaciones. Primeramente, se analiza el desarrollo histórico de los federalismos de Brasil y Argentina hasta la redemocratización (1983/85), en la búsqueda de las pautas que atraviesan la dinámica federal. Por su parte, distintas teorías del federalismo ayudan en la comprensión del desarrollo que este mecanismo de dispersión del poder toma en los dos países. Luego, se estudian las coyunturas de estos países en el momento de establecer el rediseño de sus Cartas Constitucionales, como fueron la promulgación de la Constituição Federal de 1988 en Brasil y la Reforma Constitucional de 1994 en Argentina. Se analizan los atributos que cada uno de los poderes horizontales poseen, así como también los poderes constitucionales conferidos a los entes que componen las Federaciones, especialmente las unidades intermedias. Después, se establece una serie de factores que sirven para medir las atribuciones que, dentro de las esferas estaduais y provinciales, tienen los Ejecutivos. Así, se torna relevante la investigación de los sistemas electorales y partidarios y de los poderes políticos, administrativos y fiscales, con el objeto de entender el poder de los Gobernadores y el papel que ellos tienen al interior de cada Federación, enfatizando en los cambios ocurridos a partir de la implementación de las reformas neoliberales en la década de 1990.
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Federalismo comparado entre Brasil e Argentina : o poder dos governadores desde a redemocratizaçãoBarrientos, Miguel January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza um estudo comparado sobre o federalismo no Brasil e na Argentina no período de redemocratização, procurando entender o poder que os Governadores dos Estados brasileiros e das Provincias argentinas detêm e o papel que cumprem dentro de ambas as Federações. Primeiramente, se analisa o desenvolvimento histórico dos federalismos do Brasil e da Argentina até a redemocratização (1983/85), buscando as pautas que atravessam a dinâmica federativa. Por sua vez, distintas teorias do federalismo ajudam na compreensão do desenvolvimento que este arranjo de dispersão do poder toma nos dois países. A seguir, se estuda as conjunturas destes países no momento de estabelecerem o redesenho de suas Cartas Constitucionais, como foram a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 no Brasil e a Reforma Constitucional de 1994 na Argentina. Analisa-se os atributos que cada um dos poderes horizontais possuem assim como os poderes constitucionais conferidos aos entes que compõem as Federações, especialmente as unidades intermediárias. Também, se estabelece uma série de fatores que servem para mensurar as atribuições que, dentro das esferas estaduais e provinciales, têm os Executivos. Assim, se torna relevante a pesquisa dos sistemas eleitorais e partidários e dos poderes políticos, administrativos e fiscais, com o objetivo de entender o poder dos Governadores e o papel que eles possuem dentro de cada Federação, enfatizando nas mudanças acontecidas após a implantação das reformas neoliberais na década de 1990. / The dissertation is a comparative study of Federalism in Brazil and Argentina during the re-democratization period, its main objective is to understand the Governors’ power and the role they have in Brazilian states and Argentine provinces. First, there´s an analysis of the federal historical developments of Brazil and Argentina up to their redemocratization (1983/85), this is done by searching for the parameters that have shaped the federalism and its dynamism. In addition, several federal theories help to understand the ways in which powers disperse in both countries. Then, the analysis concentrates in the conjuncture of these countries at the time they both modified its constitutions: in 1988 with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil and in 1994 with the Constitutional Reform in Argentina; focusing in the attributes each horizontal power has as well as on the power given to the entities that constitutes a Federation, specially their states and provinces. Furthermore, this work establishes a range of factors in order to measure those attributes that, within the Federal states and provinces, have the Executives. Therefore, it is relevant to this work to study the electoral and political party systems, administrative and fiscal, as a way to understand the power holed by Governors and their role within each Federation, emphasizing on the changes brought by the neoliberal reforms during the 1990 decade. / En la presente tesis de maestría, se realiza un estudio comparado sobre federalismo en Brasil y Argentina, durante el período de redemocratización, buscando entender el poder que los Gobernadores de los Estados brasileiros y de las Provincias argentinas detentan y el rol que cumplen dentro de ambas Federaciones. Primeramente, se analiza el desarrollo histórico de los federalismos de Brasil y Argentina hasta la redemocratización (1983/85), en la búsqueda de las pautas que atraviesan la dinámica federal. Por su parte, distintas teorías del federalismo ayudan en la comprensión del desarrollo que este mecanismo de dispersión del poder toma en los dos países. Luego, se estudian las coyunturas de estos países en el momento de establecer el rediseño de sus Cartas Constitucionales, como fueron la promulgación de la Constituição Federal de 1988 en Brasil y la Reforma Constitucional de 1994 en Argentina. Se analizan los atributos que cada uno de los poderes horizontales poseen, así como también los poderes constitucionales conferidos a los entes que componen las Federaciones, especialmente las unidades intermedias. Después, se establece una serie de factores que sirven para medir las atribuciones que, dentro de las esferas estaduais y provinciales, tienen los Ejecutivos. Así, se torna relevante la investigación de los sistemas electorales y partidarios y de los poderes políticos, administrativos y fiscales, con el objeto de entender el poder de los Gobernadores y el papel que ellos tienen al interior de cada Federación, enfatizando en los cambios ocurridos a partir de la implementación de las reformas neoliberales en la década de 1990.
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