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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a implementace nástroje pro formální verifikaci systémů specifikovaných jazykem RT logiky / Design and Implementation of a Tool for Formal Verification of Systems Specified in RT-Logic Language

Fiedor, Jan January 2009 (has links)
As systems complexity grows, so grows the risk of errors, that's why it's necessary to effectively and reliably repair those errors. With most of real-time systems this statement pays twice, because a single error can cause complete system crash which may result in catastrophe. Formal verification, contrary to other methods, allows reliable system requirements verification.

Transformace Windows PE do grafu toku řízení / Windows PE Transformation into Control Flow Graph

Jirák, Ota Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is interested in format of executable files EXE. It is focused on parts relevant for reverse engineering. It is interested in assembler, binary representation of instruction and disassembling. Follow I introduce converting from executables to control flow graph, basic structures (branches, cycles) detection.

Využití 3D počítačové grafiky pro aplikace v medicíně / Using 3D Computer Graphics for Medical Applications

Javůrek, Jan January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes problems 3D computer graphic modeling and design graphic system for use in medicine. Design graphic system was successfully implement for concrete application in stomatology.

Monolith to microservices using deep learning-based community detection / Monolit till mikrotjänster med hjälp av djupinlärningsbaserad klusterdetektion

Bothin, Anton January 2023 (has links)
The microservice architecture is widely considered to be best practice. Yet, there still exist many companies currently working in monolith systems. This can largely be attributed to the difficult process of updating a systems architecture. The first step in this process is to identify microservices within a monolith. Here, artificial intelligence could be a useful tool for automating the process of microservice identification. The aim of this thesis was to propose a deep learning-based model for the task of microservice identification, and to compare this model to previously proposed approaches. With the goal of helping companies in their endeavour to move towards a microservice-based architecture. In particular, the thesis has evaluated whether the more complex nature of newer deep learning-based techniques can be utilized in order to identify better microservices. The model proposed by this thesis is based on overlapping community detection, where each identified community is considered a microservice candidate. The model was evaluated by looking at cohesion, modularity, and size. Results indicate that the proposed deep learning-based model performs similarly to other state-of-the-art approaches for the task of microservice identification. The results suggest that deep learning indeed helps in finding nontrivial relations within communities, which overall increases the quality of identified microservices, From this it can be concluded that deep learning is a promising technique for the task of microservice identification, and that further research is warranted. / Allmänt anses mikrotjänstarkitekturen vara bästa praxis. Trots det finns det många företag som fortfarande arbetar i monolitiska system. Detta då det finns många svårigheter runt processesen av att byta systemaritekture. Första steget i denna process är att identifiera mikrotjänster inom en monolit. Här kan artificiell intelligens vara ett användbart verktyg för att automatisera processen runt att identifiera mikrotjänster. Denna avhandling syftar till att föreslå en djupinlärningsbaserad modell för att identifiera mikrotjänster och att jämföra denna modell med tidigare föreslagna modeller. Målet är att hjälpa företag att övergå till en mikrotjänstbaserad arkitektur. Avhandlingen kommer att utvärdera nyare djupinlärningsbaserade tekniker för att se ifall deras mer komplexa struktur kan användas för att identifiera bättre mikrotjänster. Modellen som föreslås är baserad på överlappande klusterdetektion, där varje identifierad kluster betraktas som en mikrotjänstkandidat. Modellen utvärderades genom att titta på sammanhållning, modularitet och storlek. Resultaten indikerar att den föreslagna djupinlärningsbaserade modellen identifierar mikrotjänster av liknande kvalitet som andra state-of-the-art-metoder. Resultaten tyder på att djupinlärning bidrar till att hitta icke triviala relationer inom kluster, vilket ökar kvaliteten av de identifierade mikrotjänsterna. På grund av detta dras slutsatsen att djupinlärning är en lovande teknik för identifiering av mikrotjänster och att ytterligare forskning bör utföras.

Impact of the autoencoder-based FINTA tractogram filtering method on brain networks in subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment / Effekten av autoencoderbaserad FINTA-traktogramfiltrering på hjärnans konnektom hos personer med mild kognitiv nedsättning

Pstrusiński, Teodor January 2023 (has links)
Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is a method for measuring molecular diffusion in biological tissue microstructure. This information can be used to predict the location and orientation of white matter fibers in the brain, a process known as tractography. Analysis of the map of neural connections can provide meaningful information about the severity or progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, and allow for early intervention to prevent progression. However, tractography has its pitfalls; current fiber-tracking algorithms suffer from generating false-positive connections and affect the reliability of structural connectivity maps. To counter this downside, tractogram filtering methods have been created to remove inaccurately predicted connections. This study aims at evaluating the impact of the novel semi-supervised filtering method FINTA on the brain networks of people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), which precedes diseases like Alzheimer's. The proposed experiments use the Nipype Neuroimaging Python library for the automation of the entire process. Registration, parcellation, and tracking were performed using MRtrix and FSL. Furthermore, DIPY and NiBabel were used for tractogram processing. Finally, filtering was performed based on code provided by the authors of FINTA, and graph measures were computed using the NetworkX Python library. Experiments were performed on both raw and weighted structural connectivity matrices. Results suggest that filtering has an effect on graph measures such as the clustering coefficient and betweenness centrality for different nodes corresponding to brain regions. / Diffusion magnetisk resonanstomografi (diffusions MRT) är en metod för att mäta den molekylära diffusionen i mikrostrukturen i biologisk vävnad. Denna information kan användas för att förutsäga var fibrerna i den vita substansen i hjärnan befinner sig och hur de är orienterade i den process som kallas traktografi. Analys av kartan över nervförbindelser kan ge meningsfull information om svårighetsgraden eller utvecklingen av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar som Alzheimers och möjliggöra tidiga insatser för att förhindra utvecklingen. Traktografi har dock sina fallgropar och nuvarande algoritmer för fiberspårning lider av att generera falska positiva anslutningar och påverkar de strukturella konnektivitetskartorna som förhindrar tillförlitliga förutsägelser. För att motverka denna nackdel har filtreringsmetoder för traktogram skapats för att ta bort de felaktigt förutsagda anslutningarna.  Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera effekterna av den nya semi-övervakade filtreringsmetoden FINTA på hjärnnätverk hos personer med lindrig kognitiv störning (eng. mild cognitive impairment, MCI) som föregår sjukdomar som Alzheimers. I de föreslagna experimenten används Python-biblioteket Nipype Neuroimaging för automatisering av hela processen. Registrering, parcellering och spårning gjordes med hjälp av MRtrix och FSL, dessutom användes DIPY och NiBabel för traktogrambehandling. Slutligen utfördes filtrering baserat på kod från författarna till FINTA och grafmått beräknades med hjälp av NetworkX Python-bibliotek. Experimenten utfördes på råa och viktade strukturella konnektivitetsmatriser. Resultaten tyder på att filtrering har en effekt på grafmått som klustringskoefficient och betweenness centrality för olika noder som motsvarar hjärnregioner.

Imitation Learning on Branching Strategies for Branch and Bound Problems / Imitationsinlärning av Grenstrategier för Branch and Bound-Problem

Axén, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
A new branch of machine and deep learning models has evolved in constrained optimization, specifically in mixed integer programming problems (MIP). These models draw inspiration from earlier solver methods, primarily the heuristic, branch and bound. While utilizing the branch and bound framework, machine and deep learning models enhance either the computational efficiency or performance of the model. This thesis examines how imitating different variable selection strategies of classical MIP solvers behave on a state-of-the-art deep learning model. A recently developed deep learning algorithm is used in this thesis, which represents the branch and bound state as a bipartite graph. This graph serves as the input to a graph network model, which determines the variable in the MIP on which branching occurs. This thesis compares how imitating different classical branching strategies behaves on different algorithm outputs and, most importantly, time span. More specifically, this thesis conducts an empirical study on a MIP known as the facility location problem (FLP) and compares the different methods for imitation. This thesis shows that the deep learning algorithm can outperform the classical methods in terms of time span. More specifically, imitating the branching strategies resulting in small branch and bound trees give rise to a more rapid performance in finding the global optimum. Lastly, it is shown that a smaller embedding size in the network model is preferred for these instances when looking at the trade-off between variable selection and time cost. / En ny typ av maskin och djupinlärningsmodeller har utvecklats inom villkors optimering, specifikt för så kallade blandade heltalsproblem (MIP). Dessa modeller hämtar inspiration från tidigare lösningsmetoder, främst en heuristisk som kallas “branch and bound”. Genom att använda “branch and bound” ramverket förbättrar maskin och djupinlärningsmodeller antingen beräkningshastigheten eller prestandan hos modellen. Denna uppsats undersöker hur imitation av olika strategier för val av variabler från klassiska MIP-algoritmer beter sig på en modern djupinlärningsmodell. I denna uppsats används en nyligen utvecklad djupinlärningsalgoritm som representerar “branch and bound” tillståndet som en bipartit graf. Denna graf används som indata till en “graph network” modell som avgör vilken variabel i MIP-problemet som tas hänsyn till. Uppsatsen jämför hur imitation av olika klassiska “branching” strategier påverkar olika algoritmutgångar, framför allt, tidslängd. Mer specifikt utför denna uppsats en empirisk studie på ett MIP-problem som kallas för “facility location problem” (FLP) och jämför imitationen av de olika metoderna. I denna uppsats visas det att denna djupinlärningsalgoritm kan överträffa de klassiska metoderna när det gäller tidslängd. Mer specifikt ger imitation av “branching” strategier som resulterar i små “branch and bound” träd upphov till en snabbare prestation vid sökning av den globala optimala lösningen. Slutligen visas det att en mindre inbäddningsstorlek i nätverksmodellen föredras i dessa fall när man ser på avvägningen mellan val av variabler och tidskostnad.

Maecenas in Sachsen

Koch, Ute Christina 15 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Während der sächsisch-polnischen Personalunion erlangte Heinrich Graf von Brühl eine herausragende Position am Dresdener Hof. Als "Zweiter Mann" bestimmte Brühl die sächsisch-polnische Innen- und Außenpolitik sowie die Kulturpolitik maßgeblich mit. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die unterschiedlichen Aspekte des Mäzenatentums des Grafen dar. Kunstliebendes Engagement und Repräsentation waren Voraussetzung für den Erfolg in der höfischen Gesellschaft. Somit begnügte sich Brühl im Laufe seiner politischen Karriere nicht nur mit der Ausstattung prächtiger Schlösser, sondern widmete sich zudem dem Anlegen zahlreicher Sammlungen. Neben den Auftragsarbeiten des Grafen werden anhand zahlreicher Quellen unter dem oben genannten Aspekt u.a. die Gemäldesammlung, die Skulpturensammlung, die mathematischen und physikalische Instrumente und das Naturalienkabinett untersucht.

Návrh analogových kmitočtových filtrů s využitím grafů signálových toků / Analog frequency filter design using signal flow graphs

Petlák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
In my graduation thesis I first of all shortly mentioned frequency–selection filters and their utilisations. However, the base point of this project was to acquaint with different types of signal flow diagrams with whom I should design and analyse frequency-selection filtres with conventional and also innovative active components. As the first I created signal flow diagrams for both voltage and current conveyors. These modern active components are well known today and enable the construction of circuits with better properties than circuits with traditional differentiating amplifiers with voltage feedback. Thereinafter I made signal flow diagrams for OTA component. Transconductancal amplifiers are well known active components used in various areas of analog signal processing. OTA amplifier is in fact the current source controlled by voltage difference, which is characterised by gm transconductance. Ulterior components were IOZ and IZN models of voltage amplifier with voltage gain A. The last component was COA amplifier. It is a current operational amplifier. COA model is fully dual component to VOA, which is classical voltage amplifier. In my project I used filters with two OTA components. This filter offers functions like low-pass filter, band-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-stop filter and two-phase network. Following this I used circuits with two GCC conveyors. These offer band-pass filter, low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-stop filter and two-phase network. Ultimately I designed filters with COA components, which offer three transmission functions simultaneously (DP, PP and HP). Analysis of these filters was made with a help of PSpice computer programme.

Transformační návrhová metoda filtrů vycházející z pasivních struktur / Transform-based filter design technique based on passive structures

Venclovský, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with transformation of passive elements in filter structures onto substitutes with new active element CFTA. A basic characteristic, types of filters, their frequency characteristics and a form of transfer functions are listed in an introduction. After it is introduced a development of signal flow graphs, single type of graphs and their modifications. There is specified the method Mason-Coates graphs which proves as optimal for analysis circuits. There are listed rules for a correct evaluation and make-up the graphs. Further are described active elements CFTA, CDTA and a current conveyor. There are defined active substitutes to a floating and grounded inductance, a floating capacitor and also a floating and grounded resistor in this thesis. Here, there are also designed substitutes to parallel combinations of floating passive elements. All substitutes use CFTA as an active element and the grounded capacitor as a passive element of substitute. There are presented forms of M-C graphs, transfer functions and equations for calculation passive elements of substitute at created equivalents. Functionality of designed substitutes is always verified on second order passive filters by the help of a PC simulation. There are tabular listed defined equivalents with corresponding signal graphs, transfer functions and equations for calculation capacitor of substitute are here tabular listed too. In this work there are defined two ways of connecting defined substitutes within the scope of one circuit that can be used as a simple connection or integration bounded elements. In the case of usage of the integration bounded elements it is possible to reduce total number used active elements. The usage defined substitutions are verified by way of both methods on known higher order passive frequency filter structures. Third order low pass filter is here realized and scaled in frequency scope from 100 Hz to 100 MHz.

Simulace provozu na silnicích a dálnicích / Simulation of Traffic on Roads and Highways

Zajdák, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a simulation of traffic on roads and highways. The thesis analyzes important concepts of road traffic law and their relation to simulation system. Further are here described problems of design and creation of traffic network which simulator uses. Work explains principles of models of behaviour of traffic participants which are extensible by force of plug-ins. The thesis also valorizes how many details is advisable to model the reality in particular parts of simulating system.

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