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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A virtude política na Terra de Santa Cruz: ambição e insolência na Gênese da República Nova

Gonçalves, Leandro Ramos 09 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Ramos Goncalves.pdf: 5526962 bytes, checksum: c0a47b3eb7c3a3b87de0b0fe767dc90f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the widespread rhetoric of consolidation masks a paradox inside of the brazilian political scenario: the republican system was build in the prewritten institutions on the Constituitional Letter of 1988 as a institucional arrangement and after twenty five years of exercise didn t crumble in front of adversity, like had always happened in Brazil s politics; however, researchs about people s political imaginary doesn t show a remarkable evolution of the republican way of life that happened among this institution. In view of this problematic, this work it s intented to try to understand the experience of the past and presente things, trying to verify if the contemporaneous brazilian State built this regime facing freedom like it was supposed to do. The methodology used was inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli s categories for analysis: facing the Nova Republica s as State, that has form and matter, build and orderly from the Virtue of the great, while princes, for the establishiment of the people, starting with the moment provided by Fortune during the period / Na difundida retórica da consolidação se mascara um contrassenso do cenário político brasileiro: o sistema republicano se edificou nas instituições prescritas na Carta Constitucional de 1988 como arranjo institucional, e após vinte e cinco anos de exercício não se esfacelou frente as adversidades, como sempre foi típico da política no Brasil; todavia, pesquisas acerca do imaginário político do povo não se verifica notável evolução de um modo de vida efetivamente republicano que tenha se dado concomitante a estas instituições. Tendo em vista essa problemática, o presente trabalho tem por fim buscar compreender a experiência das coisas passadas e presentes a fim de verificar se o Estado brasileiro contemporâneo edificou regime voltado a liberdade de fato como se prescreve o direito. A metodologia vale-se aqui das categorias de Nicolau Maquiavel para análise, isto é, encarar a construção da Nova República, enquanto um Estado, que tem forma e matéria, gerado e ordenado a partir da Virtude dos grandes, enquanto príncipes, para o estabelecimento do hábito de comportamento do povo, a partir das ocasiões fornecidas por uma Fortuna dada no tempo

A virtude política na Terra de Santa Cruz: ambição e insolência na Gênese da República Nova

Gonçalves, Leandro Ramos 09 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:55:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Ramos Goncalves.pdf: 5526962 bytes, checksum: c0a47b3eb7c3a3b87de0b0fe767dc90f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the widespread rhetoric of consolidation masks a paradox inside of the brazilian political scenario: the republican system was build in the prewritten institutions on the Constituitional Letter of 1988 as a institucional arrangement and after twenty five years of exercise didn t crumble in front of adversity, like had always happened in Brazil s politics; however, researchs about people s political imaginary doesn t show a remarkable evolution of the republican way of life that happened among this institution. In view of this problematic, this work it s intented to try to understand the experience of the past and presente things, trying to verify if the contemporaneous brazilian State built this regime facing freedom like it was supposed to do. The methodology used was inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli s categories for analysis: facing the Nova Republica s as State, that has form and matter, build and orderly from the Virtue of the great, while princes, for the establishiment of the people, starting with the moment provided by Fortune during the period / Na difundida retórica da consolidação se mascara um contrassenso do cenário político brasileiro: o sistema republicano se edificou nas instituições prescritas na Carta Constitucional de 1988 como arranjo institucional, e após vinte e cinco anos de exercício não se esfacelou frente as adversidades, como sempre foi típico da política no Brasil; todavia, pesquisas acerca do imaginário político do povo não se verifica notável evolução de um modo de vida efetivamente republicano que tenha se dado concomitante a estas instituições. Tendo em vista essa problemática, o presente trabalho tem por fim buscar compreender a experiência das coisas passadas e presentes a fim de verificar se o Estado brasileiro contemporâneo edificou regime voltado a liberdade de fato como se prescreve o direito. A metodologia vale-se aqui das categorias de Nicolau Maquiavel para análise, isto é, encarar a construção da Nova República, enquanto um Estado, que tem forma e matéria, gerado e ordenado a partir da Virtude dos grandes, enquanto príncipes, para o estabelecimento do hábito de comportamento do povo, a partir das ocasiões fornecidas por uma Fortuna dada no tempo

Dynamique de l’allumage circulaire dans les foyers annulaires multi-injecteurs / Dynamics of light-round in multi-injector annular combustors

Philip, Maxime 20 April 2016 (has links)
L’allumage constitue une phase critique dans de nombreuses applications de combustion et plus particulièrement dans celles qui sont liées à la propulsion aéronautique et spatiale. Un des défis actuels a été de développer des simulations aux grandes échelles de ce phénomène transitoire dans des configurations réalistes comme celles trouvées dans les moteurs aéronautiques. A cet égard, le travail pionnier de Boileau et al. (2008)a indiqué que des calculs complets de ce processus pouvaient être réalisés dans des géométries complètes de chambre de combustion annulaire et que ces calculs pouvaient fournir des informations de première main sur le processus d’allumage circulaire. Il était toutefois important devoir si la simulation pouvait reproduiredes données expérimentales bien contrôlées.Ceci est accompli dans le présent travail qui utilise un dispositif expérimental nouveau désigné sous le nom de MICCA.La thèse décrit l’ensemble des données recueillies au cours d’essais systématiques sur MICCA, la méthode de calcul aux grandes échelles et sa validation dans une configuration de brûleur simplifiée, les résultats de simulations aux grandes échelles du processus d’allumage circulaire, une analyse détaillée des résultats numériques et enfin une modélisation simplifiée du processus d’allumage fondée sur des équations de bilan macroscopiques. / Ignition constitutes a critical phase in many combustion applications and specifically those related to aerospace propulsion. One of the current challenges has been to develop large eddy simulations of this transient phenomenon in realistic configurations like those found in aeroengines.In this respect, the pioneering work of Boileau et a. (2008) indicated that complete calculations of this process in a full annular combustor geometry could be carried out and that they provided first hand information on the light-round process.It was however important to see if the simulation can match well controlled experimental data. This is accomplished in the present work which uses a novel experimental device named MICCA. The thesis describes the experimental set of data,the calculation methodology and its validation in a single burner configuration,results of large eddy simulation of the full light round process, a detailed analysis of the numerical results and an attempt to build a simplified model of the process based on macroscopic balance equations.

Étude du cliquetis dans un moteur industriel à allumage commandé par Simulation aux Grandes Échelles / Investigating knock in an industrial spark-ignition engine by Large-Eddy Simulation

Leguille, Matthieu 28 November 2018 (has links)
Les préoccupations environnementales actuelles ont conduit les constructeurs automobiles à proposer de nouvelles technologies dans le but de réduire les émissions de CO2. Parmi ces technologies, le downsizing appliqué aux moteurs turbocompressés à allumage commandé est une des solutions privilégiées, car permettant d'atteindre des points de fonctionnement fortement chargés, avec un meilleur rendement thermique. Cependant, les fortes charges favorisent l'apparition de cliquetis, un phénomène potentiellement dommageable pour le moteur et qui l'empêche d'exploiter tout son potentiel. Du fait des variabilités cycliques de combustion dans le moteur, le cliquetis, qui dépend des conditions locales dans la chambre de combustion, peut apparaître uniquement sur quelques cycles, à différents endroits et instants. Dans cette thèse, une approche par Simulation aux Grandes Échelles (SGE) a été choisi, dans le but d'étudier et d'améliorer notre compréhension du cliquetis. L'étude se base sur la SGE d'un moteur industriel, le RENAULT 1.2 TCe 115. Un premier ensemble de 30 cycles a été simulé sur un point de fonctionnement de référence, correspondant à un point cliquetant dans la base de données banc d'essais fournie par RENAULT. Les résultats de simulation ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux, aussi bien en termes de variabilités cycliques de combustion que de cliquetis. A la suite, un balayage d'avance à l'allumage a été simulé pour étendre la base de données LES à des points plus faiblement et plus fortement cliquetants. La base de données résultante se compose de 150 cycles de combustion, utilisés pour développer des méthodologies et outils, dans le but de mieux caractériser le cliquetis et d'approfondir sa compréhension. L'accès numérique à toute grandeur dans la chambre de combustion, combiné à la description séparée dans cette simulation entre la flamme de pré-mélange initiée par la bougie et l'auto-inflammation dans les gaz frais, ont permis de caractériser le cliquetis en se focalisant sur son origine : l'auto-inflammation. A la suite, les méthodologies et outils développés ont soutenu une analyse détaillée des mécanismes qui contrôlent l'apparition du cliquetis. En particulier, le lien entre le cliquetis et les variabilités cycliques de combustion a été exploré. Les résultats mettent notamment en évidence l'impact des variabilités cycliques, aussi bien de la vitesse de propagation que de la forme de la flamme de pré-mélange, sur le cliquetis. / The rising concerns about the environment have led car manufacturers to come up with new engine technologies, in order to reduce the impact of internal combustion engines on CO2 emissions. In this context, downsizing of turbocharged spark-ignition engines has become a commonly used technology, the advantage of which is to operate the engine under thermally more efficient high loads. However, these high loads favour the appearance of potentially damaging knock phenomena, which prevent the engine to fully exploit its potential. Because of cyclic combustion variability (CCV) in the engine, knock, which depends on the local conditions inside the combustion chamber, can appear at different locations and timings and not in all engine cycles. In this thesis, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) approach was selected to investigate and further improve our understanding of the appearance of knock. The study is based on the LES of a production engine, the RENAULT 1.2 TCe 115. For this engine, a set of 30 cycles was initially simulated at a single operating point, corresponding to a knocking point in the test bench database from RENAULT. The results were compared to experimental findings, both in terms of CCV and knock. Subsequently, a spark-timing sweep was simulated in order to enlarge the LES database to also include weaker and stronger knock levels. The resulting LES, which consists of 150 combustion cycles, was used to develop methodologies and tools with the objective to better characterize and understand knock. The computational access to any quantity inside the combustion chamber, together with the separate description with the present LES approach between the spark-triggered premixed flame propagation and auto-ignition, were exploited to characterize knock focusing on its source: autoignition in the fresh gases. Then, the developed methodologies and tools supported a detailed analysis of the mechanisms that control the knock onset. In particular, its link with CCV was explored. The results point out the impact of the cyclic variability in the premixed flame propagation speed and shape on knock.

Théorie cinétique et grandes déviations en dynamique des fluides géophysiques / Kinetic theory and large deviations for the dynamics of geophysical flows

Tangarife, Tomás 16 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la dynamique des grandes échelles des écoulements géophysiques turbulents, en particulier sur leur organisation en écoulements parallèles orientés dans la direction est-ouest (jets zonaux). Ces structures ont la particularité d'évoluer sur des périodes beaucoup plus longues que la turbulence qui les entoure. D'autre part, on observe dans certains cas, sur ces échelles de temps longues, des transitions brutales entre différentes configurations des jets zonaux (multistabilité). L'approche proposée dans cette thèse consiste à moyenner l'effet des degrés de liberté turbulents rapides de manière à obtenir une description effective des grandes échelles spatiales de l'écoulement, en utilisant les outils de moyennisation stochastique et la théorie des grandes déviations. Ces outils permettent d'étudier à la fois les attracteurs, les fluctuations typiques et les fluctuations extrêmes de la dynamique des jets. Cela permet d'aller au-delà des approches antérieures, qui ne décrivent que le comportement moyen des jets.Le premier résultat est une équation effective pour la dynamique lente des jets, la validité de cette équation est étudiée d'un point de vue théorique, et les conséquences physiques sont discutées. De manière à décrire la statistique des évènements rares tels que les transitions brutales entre différentes configurations des jets, des outils issus de la théorie des grandes déviations sont employés. Des méthodes originales sont développées pour mettre en œuvre cette théorie, ces méthodes peuvent par exemple être appliquées à des situations de multistabilité. / This thesis deals with the dynamics of geophysical turbulent flows at large scales, more particularly their organization into east-west parallel flows (zonal jets). These structures have the particularity to evolve much slower than the surrounding turbulence. Besides, over long time scales, abrupt transitions between different configurations of zonal jets are observed in some cases (multistability). Our approach consists in averaging the effect of fast turbulent degrees of freedom in order to obtain an effective description of the large scales of the flow, using stochastic averaging and the theory of large deviations. These tools provide theattractors, the typical fluctuations and the large fluctuations of jet dynamics. This allows to go beyond previous studies, which only describe the average jet dynamics. Our first result is an effective equation for the slow dynamics of jets, the validityof this equation is studied from a theoretical point of view, and the physical consequences are discussed. In order to describe the statistics of rare events such as abrupt transitions between different jet configurations, tools from large deviation theory are employed. Original methods are developped in order to implement this theory, those methods can be applied for instance in situations of multistability.

Reconhecimento de traços de personalidade com base em textos / Personality traits recognition through texts

Silva, Barbara Barbosa Claudino da 27 February 2018 (has links)
Apresentamos uma pesquisa na área de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, para reconhecimento de personalidade com base em textos da língua portuguesa. Neste trabalho utilizamos textos provenientes da rede social Facebook, em conjunto com o modelo de personalidade dos Cinco Grandes Fatores, para construir um córpus rotulado com as personalidades de seus autores e, após a identificação das características mais relevantes para o reconhecimento de personalidade, construir modelos computacionais utilizando essas características. Utilizando-se métodos provenientes de léxicos, como o dicionário LIWC ou atributos psicolinguísticos, e métodos provenientes do próprio texto, como bag of words, representação distribuída de palavras e de documentos foram desenvolvidos modelos para reconhecimento de personalidade sem a necessidade de outros métodos mais comumente utilizados para essa tarefa, como inventários ou entrevistas com psicólogos. Os resultados dos métodos de representação distribuída são ligeiramente superiores do que os resultados utilizando o dicionário LIWC, com a vantagem de não exigirem recursos dependentes de um idioma específico / We present a research proposal in the Natural Language Processing field, to recognize personality through texts in the portuguese language. Using texts from the social network Facebook we built a corpus labeled with authors Big-5 personality traits, and after identifying the most relevant atributes to recognize personality, we built computational models based on those attributes. The model was expected to recognize personality without the help of any other methods commonly used in this task, such as inventories or interviews with psychologists. Using lexical methods such as the LIWC dictionary or psycholinguistic attributes, and methods from the text itself, such as bag of words, distributed representation of words and documents, we obtained models for personality recognition without the need of other methods most commonly used for this task. The results of distributed representation methods are slightly better than the results using the LIWC dictionary, with the advantage of not requiring features dependent on a specific language

Grandes túneis urbanos: uma proposta de gestão ambiental. / Large urban tunnels environmental managment proposal.

James Shoiti Miyamoto 17 December 2010 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva a sistematização do conhecimento, através de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, de forma a conformar uma proposta inicial de protocolo de gestão ocupacional e ambiental em grandes túneis urbanos em âmbito nacional. Há na presente pesquisa uma atenção particular aos túneis urbanos dedicados ao tráfego de veículos automotores, devido às suas características físico-espaciais que os tornam especialmente perigosos e tóxicos aos seus usuários e aos funcionários envolvidos. A relativa carência de material bibliográfico de caráter sistêmico e específico no Brasil enseja à busca por referências em documentos desenvolvidos em outros países. Ainda que em nível preliminar, a compilação crítica de dados, normas e referências pesquisadas, à luz do contexto e dos instrumentos normativos brasileiros referentes ao tema, traduz-se no aspecto original desta proposta dissertativa, a ser possivelmente utilizada como ponto de partida para estudos mais extensos. São abordadas as seguintes disciplinas relativas ao objeto de pesquisa: a) Características físico-espaciais; b) Formas de uso; c) Sistema de ventilação e exaustão; d) Sistema de iluminação; e) Sistema de segurança contra sinistros e incêndio; f) Sistema de fiscalização e orientação de tráfego, comunicação e sinalização; g) Sistema de drenagem; h) Sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. O túnel Rebouças (1962-1965) e o túnel Engenheiro Raymundo de Paula Soares (Linha Amarela) (1997), distanciados por mais de três décadas, foram escolhidos como estudos de caso, não tão somente devido aos seus portes, fluxos intensos de veículos etc., mas também devido aos contextos das evoluções normativas em que se inserem. / Aiming to establish an initial proposal for an environmental and operational management protocol for large urban tunnels, one that could be applied nationwide, this study also intends to systematize, through a multidisciplinary approach, the state of the art on the subject. In this survey it will be given particular attention to vehicular urban tunnels. Due to its physical and spatial characteristics they are especially dangerous and toxic to both their users and employees involved in maintenance. Given the lack of systematic and specific bibliographic material in Brazil it was necessary to inquire about references, studies and investigations developed in other countries. A critical compilation of such data, standards and benchmarks, while in its initial level, considering the Brazilian context and the actual legal instruments, may reflect the original feature of this essay. It is hoped that the results can be used as a starting point for other extensive studies. Considering the main focus of this research, the following topics are discussed: a) physical and spatial characteristics; b) usage and operation; c) ventilation and exhaust system; d) lighting system; e) accidents prevention, security and fire protection system; f) management, traffic supervision, communication and signaling system; g) drainage system; h) solid waste management system. The two tunnels, Rebouças (1962-1965) and Engenheiro Raymundo de Paula Soares (Linha Amarela) (1997), both located in Rio de Janeiro and more than three decades apart, were selected as case studies, not only Because of their size, intensity of flows etc., but also because of the changing normative contexts in which they operate.

Simulation aux Grandes Echelles d'un statoréacteur / Large-Eddy Simulation of Ramjets

Roux, Anthony 02 July 2009 (has links)
La conception d'un statoréacteur bénificie aujourd'hui des progrès divers des outils numériques permettant par la même occasion d'alléger les différentes étapes préliminaires de tests en géométrie réelle nécessaires au développement de telle configuration. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthodologie s'appuyant sur la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) afin de contribuer à la validation de ce nouvel outil numérique pour la simulation de statoréacteur et ainsi de contribuer à la compréhension des phénomènes mis en jeu dans ces chambres de combustion. L'outil numérique est tout d'abord adapté pour la simulation des écoulements réactifs fortement turbulents avec un accent mis sur la gestion des chocs avec des schémas centrés et la discrétisation de la convection pour la simulation Eulérienne de la phase dispersée. La configuration cible est le "Statoréacteur de Recherche'' étudié expérimentalement par l'ONERA. Sa simulation est réalisée de manière graduelle. Tout d'abord, il est montré que la simulation de la totalité de la configuration, y compris les diffuseurs d'entrée où se positionne un réseau de choc, est essentielle afin de considérer une géométrie acoustiquement close pour reproduire correctement les modes d'oscillation du statoréacteur. La pertinence du schéma cinétique est aussi étudiée et il est montré l'importance de bien reproduire l'évolution de la vitesse de flamme adiabatique pour une plage de richesse grande, en raison du régime de combustion partiellement prémélangé. Finalement, trois cas à richesse différente sont simulés et un excellent accord est trouvé avec l'expérience. La phénoménologie et les mécanismes pilotant la combustion sont alors étudiés pour ces trois cas. / Design of ramjets benefits today from the progress of numerical tools which relieve the various test stages of real engines that remain necessary for the development of such a kind of configuration. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a methodology based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to contribute to the validation of this new type of advanced numerical tool for the simulation of ramjets and improve the understanding of combustion in these devices. The numerical tool is first adapted for the simulation of highly turbulent reacting flows with emphases on the management of shocks with centered schemes and the discretization of convection for the Eulerian simulation of the dispersed phase. The target configuration is the “Research ramjet” experimentally studied by ONERA. Simulation is carried out gradually. First, it is shown that the simulation of the entire configuration, including diffusers at the inlets where shocks appear is essential to consider an acoustically close geometry to properly reproduce the oscillation modes of combustion. The relevance of the kinetic scheme is also studied. It is shown that reproducing the evolution of the adiabatic flame speed for a wide range of equivalence ratio is critical because of the partially premixed combustion regime involved in this configuration. Finally, three different cases are simulated and excellent agreement is found with experimental data. The phenomenology and the different mechanisms governing combustion are studied for these three cases.

Formalismo termodinâmico para shifts de Markov enumeráveis topologicamente mixing / Thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing countable Markov shifts

Jose Manuel Chauta Torres 03 February 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese são estudados alguns tópicos sobre otimização ergódica e formalismo termodinâmico que generalizam resultados, de Contreras, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi e Lopes (2008) no primeiro caso e Baraviera, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) no segundo, para contextos onde não existem medidas de Gibbs, ou, em outras palavras, não é satisfeita a propriedade BIP. É demonstrada a existência de subações calibradas para potenciais coercivos de variação finita em espaços shift transitivos de alfabeto enumerável. O método usado é a construção da barreira de Peierls nesse contexto. Provam-se algumas das propriedades da barreira de Peierls e, como consequência das construções, é mostrada uma classificação dos shifts que possuem subações calibradas e limitadas. Posteriormente é realizado um estudo do formalismo termodinâmico para potenciais somáveis de variação finita e pressão finita com medida maximizante única f em shifts topologicamente mixing. Fazendo uso dos resultados de Freire e Vargas (2015), são estudadas a famlia de estados de equilbrio correspondente com f e a famlia de funções 1/B log h_ B , onde h_B são auto vetores do operador de Ruelle para Bf . É demonstrado que os pontos de acumulação quando B vai para infinito são subações uniformemente contnuas. Finalmente é provada uma propriedade dos grandes desvios para a famlia de estados de equilbrio \\mu_B com hipóteses sobre a convergência de uma famlia de funções g_B que normaliza o operador de Ruelle para cada B> 1 (Veja seção 4.4) / In this thesis, the study of topics on ergodic optimization and thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts is presented. It provides a generalization of the previous results, in Contreras, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi and Lopes (2008) for the first subject and Baraviera, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) for the second one, to situations where there are no Gibbs measures, ie, the BIP property is not verified. The existence of calibrated subactions for coercive potentials with finite variation over transitive countable Markov shifts is proved. The method is based on the construction of the Peierls barrrier in this context. Some properties of the Peierls barrier are proved and, as consequence of the proof, a classification of the Markov shifts which support calibrated and limited subactions is shown. Subsequently, the thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing Markov shift and summable potentials with finite variation, finite pressure and unique maximizing measure f is studied. Using results in Freire and Vargas (2015), the class of equilibrium states corresponding with f and the class of functions 1/ log h_B are studied where h_B are the eigenfunctions for the Ruelle operator. It is proved that its accumulation points, as goes to infinity, are uniformly continuous subactions. Finally, it is proved a large deviation principle for the equilibrium states family \\mu_B , assuming a hypothesis about the convergence in a family of functions that normalizes the Ruelle operator (See section 4.4 for more details).

Uso da vancomicina nas infecções por \'Staphylococcus aureus\' e epidermides em pacientes queimados: monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas após infusão intermitente / Use of vancomycin in staphylococcus aureus and epidermides infection on burns patients: therapeutic drug monitoring in plasma after intermitent infusion

Daniele Ferreira de Faria Bertoluci 07 August 2007 (has links)
O paciente grande queimado está entre os de maior risco de contrair infecção hospitalar, sendo que, aproximadamente 80% dos óbitos nestes pacientes são decorrentes de infecção. Devido à prevalência de S. aureus meticilina resistente (MRSA) nas unidades de queimados prescreve-se a vancomicina como fármaco de 1ª linha. Entretanto como a farmacocinética se encontra profundamente alterada geralmente ocorre a falência terapêutica e surgimento de resistência antimicrobiana. O objetivo do presente estudo foi monitorar as concentrações plasmáticas através da análise em CLAE-UV e realizar a modelagem farmacocinética da vancomicina, administrada nestes pacientes. Para tanto, validou-se método analítico que se mostrou linear, preciso, exato e suficientemente sensível para o monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas da vancomicina nos pacientes. Investigaram-se 9 pacientes adultos grandes queimados após cirurgia de debridamento; os pacientes foram informados em detalhes sobre o estudo e assinaram o TCLE, e incluídos no protocolo. Coletaram amostras sangüíneas seriadas para a farmacocinética (PK solutions 2.0). A estatística descritiva (Microsoft Excell, Office for Windows, versão 2000) forneceu os resultados expressos através da média +/- DP: 16 mg/L±11, para o pico (referência 20-40mg/L) e 2,6 mg/L±1,5 para o vale (referência,5-10mg/L), abaixo da CME nestes pacientes. Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram o volume aparente de distribuição que se mostrou aumentado em cerca de 3,5 vezes, (1,4 L/Kg ± 0,8 versus 0,33-0,45L/kg, referência, a depuração plasmática mostrou-se aumentada em cerca de 2,5 vezes (3,2±1,65 mL/min.kg versus 1,3 - 1,5mL/min.kg, referência, enquanto a constate de eliminação e a meia-vida biológica se mantiveram inalteradas. Este estudo indica que o regime posológico e tipo de infusão endovosa devam ser revistos, utilizando a farmacocinética como ferramenta importante. Recomenda-se ainda que a terapia dose ajustada seja baseada no controle terapêutico destes pacientes em todas as fases da internação, principalmente após cada cirurgia de debridamento. / Nosocomial infections shows high incidence in burn patient, and approximately 80% of mortality of them is due to severe infections and sepse. High prevalence of methycilin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) occurs in the intensive care units for burn patients and vancomycin is largely prescribed as first choice drug for severe infections and sepse. In general occurs therapeutic fail, since the pharmacokinetics is altered in these patients and arise the antimicrobial resistance. The main of the present study was to perform therapeutic plasma vancomycin monitoring by HPLC-UV and also PK- modelling after 1g every 12 hours, 1 hour infusion. Bioanalitical method was validated showing good linearity, precision, accuracy, good stability and robustness. Additionally method required 200µL of plasma and showed sensitivity enough for vancomycin plasma monitoring. Nine large burn patients were included in the study after they signed the informed written consent term to participate of the protocol. The follow up was done after debridment surgery. Blood samples were collected from venous catheter at time dose interval to investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK solutions 2.0) and also to determine the peak and trough. Descriptive statistics was performed applying Microsoft Excell, Office for Windows, versão 2000. Data obtained were 16 mg/L±11 peak (reference 20-40mg/L) and 2.6 mg/L±1.5 trough that was lower than MEC since the reference ranges from 5 to 10mg/L). Pharmacokinetic parameters were volume apparent of distribution, that was increased by 3.5 times (1.4 L/Kg ± 0,8 against the reference values 0.33-0.45L/kg), plasma clearance was also increased by 2.5 times (3.2±1.7mL/min.kg versus 1.3 - 1.5mL/min.kg, reference values), while elimination rate constant and biological half-life remained unchanged in those patients. Based on data obtained in the study, author recommends a revision on dose schedule and also concerning intravenous drug infusion using the pharmacokinetics as a powerful tool and the therapeutic plasma vancomycin monitoring for dose adjustments in all phases of the follow up of burn patient, mainly after each surgery debridement.

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