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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmica do carbono do solo no agrossistema cana-de-açúcar / Soil carbon dynamics under sugarcane

Marcelo Valadares Galdos 03 August 2007 (has links)
No contexto da atual busca por alternativas ao consumo de combustíveis fósseis, a cultura da cana-de-açúcar tem sido apontada como uma das mais viáveis fontes de combustível renovável a partir da biomassa. A tradicional colheita manual, feita após a queima da palhada para facilitar o corte e o transporte, vem sendo substituída pela colheita mecanizada, sem queima, por razões econômicas, legais e ambientais. Sabe-se que a manutenção da palhada sobre o solo influencia a dinâmica de água, nutrientes e matéria orgânica do solo, mas seus efeitos ainda não são suficientemente conhecidos, principalmente no longo prazo. O objetivo esta pesquisa é simular, através de modelagem matemática, a dinâmica do carbono do solo no agrossistema canade- açúcar. Medidas no campo foram efetuadas em uma das áreas a mais tempo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil, localizada nas terras da Usina São Martinho, em Pradópolis, São Paulo. Foram analisadas duas cronossequências em talhões reformados e plantados com cana há 2, 4, 6 e 8 anos, com e sem queima pré-colheita, em áreas com histórico de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar por cerca de 50 anos. Os efeitos da queima e da manutenção da palhada sobre o carbono total, carbono da matéria orgânica particulada e carbono da biomassa microbiana foram avaliados. As determinações de carbono da biomassa microbiana e da matéria orgânica particulada mostraramse mais sensíveis à mudança de manejo da palhada do que o carbono total. A área com maior tempo de adoção do sistema de manejo sem queima, oito anos, na camada superficial, apresentou maiores teores de carbono total (30% maior), carbono da biomassa microbiana (2,5 vezes maior), e carbono da matéria orgânica particulada (3,8 vezes maior). O estoque de carbono total, corrigido para diferenças de densidade entre as áreas, foi maior nas áreas sem queima, principalmente na área com oito anos. A aplicação do modelo CENTURY, requereu adaptação para a dinâmica de decomposição da palhada de cana-de-açúcar. Para tanto, o modelo foi testado em cinco áreas diferentes no Brasil e na Austrália, com dados de experimentos de decomposição de palhada. A principal adaptação feita ao modelo CENTURY foi a definição da espessura da camada de palha mais próxima do solo, mais vulnerável à decomposição. Essa camada, que anteriormente era considerada praticamente ilimitada (5.000 g C m-2) no modelo, foi fixada em 110 g C m-2. Esta modificação proporcionou melhora na correlação entre dados medidos e simulados, aumentando o R2 de 0,79 para 0,93. Uma vez adaptado para simular a decomposição da palhada, o modelo CENTURY foi aplicado na simulação da dinâmica temporal da produção de colmos e do carbono do solo. Foram usados dados de experimentos conduzidos por períodos de 12 meses a 60 anos, provenientes de Goiana e Timbaúba (PE), Brasil; Pradópolis (SP), Brasil; e Mount Edgecombe, Kwazulu-Natal, África do Sul. O modelo CENTURY foi capaz de simular de forma satisfatória a dinâmica temporal do carbono do dos colmos (R2=0,76) e do solo (R2 =0,89). Em seguida, o modelo foi usado para fazer predições em longo prazo do estoque de carbono nos dois sistemas de manejo de palhada estudados. As predições realizadas a partir dos dados dos experimentos de campo revelam que a há, em longo prazo, uma tendência de maiores estoques de carbono no manejo sem queima da palhada. Este acréscimo no estoque é condicionado por fatores como condições climáticas, textura do solo, tempo de implantação do sistema sem queima e manejo da adubação nitrogenada. / Sugarcane has been considered one of the most feasible renewable fuel crops, in the current search for alternatives to fossil fuel. The crop has been traditionally burned to make manual harvest easier, but there has been an increase in the area harvested mechanically and without burning, due to economic, legal and environmental issues. The maintenance of sugarcane litter on the soil affects water, nutrient and organic matter dynamics, but the long term effects of this practice are still not sufficiently understood, especially in the long term. The goal of this work is to simulate, through mathematical modeling, soil carbon dynamics under sugarcane. Soil samples were collected in one of the areas with a long term history of unburned sugarcane in Brazil, at the Sao Martinho farm in Pradopolis, Sao Paulo. Two chronosequences, composed by sugarcane fields that were reformed and planted 2, 4, 6 and 8 years with and without burning, in areas that had been cultivated with sugarcane for close to 50 years. Total carbon, particulate organic matter carbon and microbial biomass carbon were evaluated in the burned and unburned cane plots. The soil microbial biomass carbon and particulate organic matter carbon were more sensitive to litter management changes that total carbon. The area with the longest period of adoption of the unburned management, eight years, had higher content of total carbon (30% higher), microbial biomass carbon (by a factor of 2.5), particulate organic matter carbon (by a factor of 3.8) than the area where the residues were burned. The total carbon stocks, after correction for density differences, were also higher in the unburned treatment, markedly in the area with eight years of green cane management. In order to adapt the CENTURY model to simulate sugarcane litter decomposition, data from five experiments in Brazil and Australia were used. The main adaptation performed in the model was setting the limit for the mass of litter closer to the soil, more vulnerable to decomposition, to 110 gCm-2. This parameter was previously set at a high value, 5.000 gCm-2. This change caused an improvement in the correlation between simulated and observed data, with an R2 of 0.79 before the change, and 0.93 after the change. Once the changes were made to the model, CENTURY was used to simulate the temporal dynamics of stalk production and soil carbon. Data from experiments with different durations, from 12 months to 60 years, were used. The experiment sites were: Goiana and Timbauba, Pernambuco, Brazil; Pradopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Mount Edgecombe, Kwazulu- Natal, South Africa. The CENTURY model was able to simulate well the temporal dynamics of the stalk (R2=0.76) and of the soil carbon (R2 =0.89). Finally, the model was used to simulate long term scenarios considering the two litter management systems studied. The predictions made from the field experiments data reveal that there is, in the long term, a trend for higher carbon stocks in the unburned system. This increment in stock is conditioned by factors such as climate, soil texture, time of adoption of the unburned system, and nitrogen fertilizer management.

都市植物工廠創新經營模式分析 / A strategic analysis of the business models on urban plant factory

鄭英男, Cheng, Ying Nan Unknown Date (has links)
農作物生長,極易受到氣候如豪雨、颱風、高低溫、寒害、病蟲害等威脅,農民常年使用的農藥、化學肥料等都已被證實,有造成食品安全及水源污染之疑慮,且人口增加、生質燃料的轉作,對糧食供給產生排擠效應。應用溫室設施、水耕栽培技術及 IT 科技,控制植物生長所需光源、溫濕度、養份、病蟲害等環境的「植物工廠」,配合立體及多層架栽培,使農產品能依工業化流程生產及品質管控之新營運模式, 儼然已成為各國解決糧食問題、降低 Food Miles 及碳足跡重要課題。 本研究收集及分析國外植物工廠企業化經營的現況及問題點,運用由外而內(Outside-in)的產業結構分析(亦稱為機會基礎的成長策略),找尋企業可進入、可獲利的產業機會,從利潤創造公式展開成各種價值動因 ( Value Driver ),把經營重點轉移到營運初期的規劃, 與重點項目評估, 使其能在營運期間的創造價值,進一步與植物工廠運作功能結合, 整理出經營的 9 個價值創造動因,包含單價、單位栽種密度、栽培架層數、栽培面積、年周轉數、平均良率、營運成本、投入成本及使用年限。 找出目前消費者的價值主張, 運用創新、一致、可執行的商業模式來執行及延續,並擬定出企業的策略系統圖 (Strategic Activity System ),經由關鍵的策略活動,執行策略及細部戰術。 / This research aims at the strategic analysis of the business model on the Urban Plant Factory for the future development in Taiwan. The growth of crops is highly vulnerable by climate like heavy rain, typhoon, hot and cold weather, pests etc. Furthermore, the food safety and underground water pollution concerns caused by agricultural pesticides and fertilizers spread. In addition, worldwide population growth and biomass fuels converted create a big pressure to the food supply chain. The " Plant Fatory " uses the greenhouse, hydroponics and IT technology to control light, temperature, humidity, nutrients, pests and disease of the corps growth environment, and the multi-layer cultivation shelf facilities, and the industrial production & quality control technology of new business model to solve the food problem has become an important topic, and solution to reduce foot mils and carbon footprint. In this study, collect and analyse oversea's Urban Plant Factory commerical reports and problems they faced, using the Outside-in strategy of the industrial structure analysis (also known as opportunity-based growth strategy), to find out the company's profitable cut-in opportunities. From the EBIT equation, to develope a variety of value drivers and apply the drivers to the Plant Factory''s management and dialy operation, and focus on the key success factors of the initial business planning and evaluation of the Plant Factory, enabling the value creation during the operationg period. Furthermore, combined with Plant Factory functions and identify nine value creation factors including price, the unit density of planting, cultivation shelf layers, the cultivation total area, annual turnover, annual average yields, operating costs, initial costs and life period. With current proper value proposition, using the innovative, valuable, consistent, executable business model to implement and extend, and develop the Strategic Activity System to find out the key strategic actions to implement the strategy.

Växthuseffekten - vad är det som händer? : Elevers handlingsberedskap och känslor kring förändringarna av vårt klimat / The Greenhouse effect – what is happening? : Pupils’ action readinessand feelings concerning the climate changes

Sörqvist, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Klimatfrågan är idag mer aktuell än någonsin tidigare. Detta beror på den akuta situation som vi levande på jorden faktiskt befinner oss i. Det har nästan alltid funnits hot mot vårt klimat, men det är först idag som vi tydligt börjar se följderna av vårt tidigare handlande och det jag syftar på är den förstärkta växthuseffekten och dess konsekvenser. Syftet med studien är att utifrån en lärandesituation i form av ett rollspel beskriva elevers handlingsberedskap och känslor kring växthuseffekten. Frågeställningarna är följande. Hur utvecklas elevernas kunskap och handlingsberedskap kring växthuseffekten genom ett rollspel? Hur påverkar rollspelet elevernas känslor för växthuseffekten? Studien som genomfördes i en årskurs 9 startade med en enkät där eleverna fick svara på frågor gällande växthuseffekten, deras eget handlande och deras känslor. Enkäten åtföljdes av ett rollspel där frågor kring växthuseffekten och dess konsekvenser diskuterades av de deltagande ländernas delegater. Efter rollspelet fick eleverna svara på samma enkät igen för att ta reda om rollspelet hade påverkat eleverna. Rollspelet har bidragit till att eleverna har tillägnat sig mer och djupare kunskaper kring växthuseffekten samt att de har gått från ett lokalt till ett mer globalt tänkande. Handlingsberedskapen hos eleverna var inte så stor och de känner inte någon direkt oro inför framtiden, men efter rollspelet blev de mer bekymrade över andra människors framtid. Liten oro hos eleverna kan bero på att Sverige inte direkt ligger i riskzonen och deras handlingsberedskap speglas av att de inte vill ändra på något som skulle förändra deras vardag. / Issues concerning the climate change are more urgent than ever before. During the last couple of hundred years the climate has been threatened by different causes, but it is not until today we are facing the consequences of our former action towards the environment. I allude to the greenhouse effect and its consequences. My aim with this paper is, from a teaching situation through a role play, to describe pupils’ action readiness and feelings concerning the green house effect. The questions I will find answers to are. How pupils’ knowledge and action readiness concerning the green house effect develops through a role play? How the role play affects the pupils’ feelings concerning the green house effect? The study has been carried out in a grade 9. The pupils began answering a questionnaire regarding the green house effect, their own actions and their feelings. Afterwards they carried out a role play where the green house effect and its consequences where discussed. To find out if the role play had influenced the pupils they afterwards had to fill in the same form again. The contribution of the role play is that the pupils have acquired deeper knowledge concerning the green house effect and their thoughts have become more global. The study showed that their action readiness was not particularly big and they were not worried about the future. Sweden is not in the danger zone and that can have contributed to their non worried attitude. Their action readiness is coloured by the fact that they do not want to change anything that would affect their ordinary day.

Clean Coal And Carbon Capture And Storage Technology Roadmap Of Turkey

Vural, Asli 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The present study presents a draft national CCT (Clean Coal Technologies) and CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology roadmap to policy makers. Various technical and non-technical (economic and social) challenges that currently prevent CCT and CCS from being a widely used commercial technology are discussed and the goals for each research pathway are defined. The process of creating the roadmap started with a review and assessment of the existing national and international technology roadmaps which represent a global picture of the state of the art and national and international plans for future on CCT and CCS research development, demonstration and deployment (R&amp / D&amp / D). Following this step, the national situation, capacities and priorities were examined. Finally, R&amp / D&amp / D actions discussed in the existing roadmaps and/or new actions were carefully selected and suggested as a draft Turkish CCT and CCS Roadmap that needs further development and discussion by the input of interdisciplinary national stakeholders. As a conclusion a number of technical and non-technical suggestions are delivered.

Subalansuotos statybos vertinimas ekologiniu aspektu / The evaluation of sustainable construction with emphasis on ecology

Eigminas, Marius 26 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Pastato reikšmė žmogaus gyvenime labai svarbi, nes jis negali išgyventi neturėdamas stogo virš galvos. Didžiąją laiko dalį žmogus praleidžia uždaroje patalpoje – namuose bei darbo vietoje. Nuo pastato kokybės priklauso žmogaus sveikata, savijauta bei darbingumas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti subalansuotos statybos pastato ekologinę vertę taikant verbalinės analizės principus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti subalansuotos statybos ekologiniu aspektu teorinę analizę. 2. Išanalizuoti subalansuotos statybos ekologiniu aspektu vertinimo metodiką. 3. Pritaikyti verbalinės sprendimų analizės pagrindinius principus vertinant subalansuotą statybą ekologiniu aspektu. 4. Sukurti subalansuotos statybos ekologiniu aspektu vertinimo kriterijų klasifikaciją ir pasinaudoti ja. Nustatyti turimų subalansuotos statybos ekologiniu aspektu lygius pagal verbalinės sprendimo analizės metodą CLARA (realių alternatyvų klasifikacija). 5. Nustatyti pastato ekologinę vertę pagal verbalinės sprendimų analizės metodą CLARA. Tyrimo metodas. Šiame darbe taikyti du metodai. Rašant teorinę dalį, buvo susisteminta mokslinė literatūra, atlikta įvairių autorių mokslo darbų, kuriuose nagrinėjama subalansuota statyba bei jos vertinimas, ir kitos susijusios literatūros, analizė. Atliekant pastato ekologinį vertinimą buvo panaudotas verbalinės sprendimo analizės metodas CLARA. Išvados. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą buvo sudaryti verbalinės sprendimo analizės kriterijai, įvesti į programą CLARĄ ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the paper. Building is very important for man life, because he could not live without roof over head. The biggest part of the life man spends in close area – in the house and office. Man health, feeling and efficiency belong on quality of the building. The objective of the paper – to evaluate building of sustainable construction with emphasis of ecology. The goals of the paper: 1. to carry out the theoretical problem analysis of the sustainable construction; 2. to analyze the methodology of sustainable construction evaluation; 3. to use verbal decision analysis main features to evaluate sustainable construction with emphasis on ecology; 4. to create features to evaluate sustainable construction with emphasis on ecology. To use verbal decision analysis methodology CLARA to evaluate sustainable construction with emphasis on ecology. 5. to evaluate building ecology value on verbal decision analysis methodology CLARA. Conclusion. Created verbal decision analysis methodology CLARA can be used in practice. Structure: introduction, 4 sections, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 67 p. text without appendixes, 15 pictures, 4 tables, 70 bibliographical entries.

Resposta político-econômica às mudanças climáticas: origens, situação atual e incertezas do mercado de créditos de carbono.

Costa, Paulo de Oliveira January 2004 (has links)
p. 1-131 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-21T20:06:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2222ss.pdf: 1156633 bytes, checksum: c9980506218597dc5d917b70f73e6b7d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-04-02T18:59:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2222ss.pdf: 1156633 bytes, checksum: c9980506218597dc5d917b70f73e6b7d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-02T18:59:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2222ss.pdf: 1156633 bytes, checksum: c9980506218597dc5d917b70f73e6b7d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / O objetivo deste ensaio é compreender a formação do mercado internacional de créditos de carbono, como uma resposta político-econômica às mudanças climáticas, e analisar a conveniência e oportunidade da criação de uma política pública financeira local tendente a incentivar o desenvolvimento de projetos de mitigação de emissões. O ensaio revê as razões científicas que amparam as negociações políticas; a perspectiva histórica das negociações sobre mudanças climáticas; os grupos de interesse; os problemas de uso dos bens públicos globais; o Protocolo de Kyoto - sua arquitetura e discussão sobre os custos de cumprimento; o mercado emergente de créditos de carbono e a participação brasileira nesse mercado. A decisão americana de não ratificar o Protocolo reduz a efetividade dele para controlar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa, diminui o tamanho do mercado de créditos de carbono - em quantidades e preços. Há incertezas sobre a sorte do Protocolo depois do primeiro período de comprometimento, 2008-2012. No momento, parece não ser razoável construir uma estratégia financeira para aumentar a participação local nesse mercado. / Salvador

Estimativa indireta das emissões de gases de efeito estufa em uma área de mata atlântica e de cerrado sob influências antrópicas em Minas Gerais

Santos, Aline de Oliveira 14 May 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-30T11:37:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedeoliveirasantos.pdf: 1765265 bytes, checksum: 0869aebab4457e43e2d19d29de2babba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-30T13:53:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedeoliveirasantos.pdf: 1765265 bytes, checksum: 0869aebab4457e43e2d19d29de2babba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-30T13:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedeoliveirasantos.pdf: 1765265 bytes, checksum: 0869aebab4457e43e2d19d29de2babba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-14 / O efeito estufa é essencial para a vida na Terra, no entanto, ações do Homem têm determinado o aumento nas concentrações dos gases que estão associados ao Aquecimento Global. Dentre estas ações, nas regiões em desenvolvimento, o desmatamento de florestas nativas e alterações no uso e cobertura do solo são componentes determinantes ao balanço de emissão e absorção destes gases à atmosfera. O Brasil é um exemplo típico, pois mais de 70% das emissões do país estão associadas ao desmatamento na Amazônia e Cerrado, e às atividades de uso e ocupação do solo. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho estimar, indiretamente, a quantidade de gases de efeito estufa, especialmente as formas carbonadas, emitidos por queima em áreas de Mata Atlântica e de Cerrado. O estudo foi realizado no Parque Municipal das Mangabeiras, na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, tendo início no mês de agosto de 2008 e finalizando em maio de 2009. Ambas as fisionomias ocorrem no parque e de acordo com o levantamento fitossociológico observou-se maior densidade e riqueza de espécies na área de Mata Atlântica do que na área de Cerrado. A produtividade de serapilheira, no período do estudo foi maior na área de Mata Atlântica, totalizando 9,05 t/ha, sendo que para a parcela de Cerrado este valor foi cerca de 35% menor (5,17 t/ha). No entanto, em ambas as parcelas a produtividade foi maior no período seco. A maior produtividade observada na parcela de Mata Atlântica refletiu em maior quantidade de carbono (4,17 t/ha) e nitrogênio (0,14 t/ha) também. Esses dados para o Cerrado indicam valores de 5,17 t/ha de biomassa, 2,41 t/ha de carbono e 0,05 t/ha de nitrogênio. Para as espécies arbóreas inseridas dentro dos dois domínios, a biomassa das espécies de Mata Atlântica foi de 384,6 t/ha e 192,3 t/ha representam o carbono contido nessa biomassa. Para as espécies arbóreas do Cerrado, a biomassa encontrada foi 134 t/ha, onde 67 t/ha são de carbono. Estimando as emissões do Parque Municipal das Mangabeiras relacionados a processos de queima, obteve-se uma quantidade de 182 t/ha de carbono que podem ser emitidos para atmosfera pelas espécies de Mata Atlântica. As emissões das espécies de Cerrado podem chegar em 65 t/ha de carbono, além de maiores contribuições à longo prazo devido aos processos de decomposição e decaimento do material orgânico remanescente no campo e da biomassa de raízes. / The green house effect in the Earth atmosphere is essential to life in the Planet, however, Human activities are determining increase in the concentration of important gases related to this effect. Among the anthropogenic activities, in developing regions, changes in land use and deforestation are important contribution to the budget of the green house gases (GHG) between the biosphere and atmosphere. Brazil is a typical example, once more than 70% of the country GHG emissions are associate to deforestation in the Amazon forest and Cerrado, and to land use activities. The goal of this work was to create a data base to support indirect estimation of GHG emissions (in special to carbon dioxide) from biomass burning in the Atlantic forest and Cerrado vegetation. The study was carried out at the Parque Municipal das Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais state, with bi-monthly sampling from August 2008 to May 2009. The vegetation study indicates a higher species density and richness in the Atlantic Forest phytophysiognomy in comparison to the Cerrado. The litter fall production was higher at the Atlantic Forest (total of 9,05 t/ha) with data from Cerrado indicating 35% reduction from that amount (i.e. 5,17 t/ha). In both areas the litter productivity was higher during the dry season. Carbon and nitrogen contend on litter fall was at 4,17 t/ha and 0,14 t/ha, respectively, for the Atlantic Forest and 2,41 t/ha and 0,05t/ha for the same elements in Cerrado. The above ground biomass (AGB) observed at the Atlantic forest reached a total of 384,6 t/ha (with 192,3 tC/ha) whilst in the Cerrado the observed AGB was of 134 t/ha (with carbon accounting to 67 tC/ha).

Le changement climatique de la simulation aux modes d'existence : étude de trajectoires climatiques de villes et d'entreprises en Alsace / Climate change from simulation to modes of existence : climatic trajectories of cities and companies in Alsace

Amat, Amandine 30 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’ultimatum qu’impose le phénomène de changement climatique à la société occidentale contemporaine : changer de modèle de société ou risquer l’effondrement (Diamonds,2006). L’épreuve majeure qui s’impose serait celle d’habiter autrement la Terre, autour d’un autre projet : celui de la lutte contre le changement climatique. De nombreuses publications (Aykut,2012 ; Dahan, 2015 ; Latour, 2015 ; Roques, 2013 ; Stengers, 2009) décrivent l’incapacité des institutions étatiques à construire un projet commun pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques. Dans cette affaire, les études « critiques » relèvent la place importante qu’a prise la simulation au détriment de l’action concrète et pérenne. Modélisations climatiques, simulations politiques et économiques, diagnostics sociologiques, fictions littéraires, le changement climatique est largement investi par le récit. Nos immersions de terrain ont montré que d’autres échelles de l’action s’emparaient déjà activement de l’affaire climatique. Villes et entreprises sont, en effet, de plus en plus nombreuses à prendre position dans la problématique énergie-climat. Il s’ensuit que certains énoncés, par leur position de médiateurs, avaient cédé la place à des expérimentations concrètes. Adoptant une démarche pragmatique, inspirée de l’Enquête sur les modes d’existence, proposée par Latour, et enrichie par le modèle des Économies de la Grandeur de Boltanski et Thévenot, cette thèse tente de décrire les divers modes d’existence de la problématique climatique auprès de collectifs territoriaux. Par ailleurs, nous faisons l’hypothèse de l’influence d’arrières plans culturels et d’intérêts passionnés dans la production de stratégies climatiques par des acteurs locaux. / This thesis focuses on the ultimatum imposed by the climate change phenomenon in contemporary Western society : changing the model of society or risk collapse (Diamonds, 2006). The major ordealt hat is required was that of otherwise inhabit the Earth around another project : the fight against climate change. Many publications (Aykut, 2012 ; Dahan, 2015 ; Latour, 2015 ; Roques, 2013 ;Stengers, 2009) describe the inability of state institutions to build a common project to respond to climate challenges. In this situation, the "critical" studies note the important place that has taken the simulation at the expense of concrete and sustainable action. Climate modelling, political and economic simulations, sociological diagnoses, literary fiction, climate change is largely invested by the narrative. Our field immersions have shown that other scales of action are already actively seized ofthe climate deal. Cities and businesses are in fact more likely to take a position in the energy and climate challenge. It follows that some statements, by their position mediators had given way to concrete experiments. Taking a pragmatic approach, inspired by the l’Enquête sur les modes d’existence proposed by Latour, and enriched by the model of Économies de la Grandeur of Boltanski and Thevenot, this thesis attempts to describe the various modes of existence of the climate problem from territorial collectives. We also assuming the rear of influence cultural plans and attachments in producing climate strategies by local actors.

Krajina 3.0 / Countryside 3.0

Přikrylová, Monika Unknown Date (has links)
The proposal follows up on the undergraduate semester work which dealt with a topic of data centers - a lifestyle based on data circulation. Growing needs of city dwellers, coupled with the demand of constant connectivity, are reflected in the transformation of the landscape which is being occupied by gigantic data centers. Those data centres in the loopback reconfigure the environment of cities that use their instant and "unlimited" computing power. The landscape is becoming the engine room of digital urban life. The thesis develops social and environmental issues of "continuity between a city and a country” and outlines a problem of self-sufficiency and awareness of the energy intensity of current urban lifestyle. In my work I focus on one of the by-products of data centers. That is waste heat, which has a negative effect on the quality and lifespan of electronic components - it is undesirable. Data center entrepreneurs have found a way to divert unfavourable attention from the debate about the energy demand of big data. They transform waste into a desired commodity by replacing conventional forms of heating with a system newly based on the supply of waste heat. Therefore, they are becoming significant suppliers of thermal energy. The phenomenon of heat recycling neutralizes external criticism of big data by making urban life literally dependent on it. The sustainable future of data center operations takes place largely without critical debate. On the contrary, it confirms data production as a process that literally drives everyday life. This new wave of green techno-optimism and related implementations is shrouded in a discourse of innovation, environmental friendliness and smart data processing. The diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of commodification of waste heat of a specific data center, and its potential for symbolic and material transformation of the urban environment. The critical dimension of this transformation allows visitors to literally experience first-hand the manipulation of the climate of a specific location - the new city market in Brno. Other issues arise in connection with the recycling of waste heat. What will happen when big data streams become a raw material to replace older forms of energy supply in an urbanized world? What will be the impact on the city´s heating, the economic and symbolic importance of data center entrepreneurs?

Establishment of an Experimental System in India to Measure the Mixing Ratio and Stable Isotopic Composition of Air CO2 & Observations from Urban and Marine Environments

Guha, Tania January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis presents observations on the CO2 mixing ratio and the carbon isotopic ratio (13C/12C i.e. δ13) of atmospheric CO2 from the Indian region, for the period 2008 - 2011. An experimental system was established at the Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The experimental protocol involves collection of air samples, extraction of CO2 from the air samples collected, and finally the measurement of the CO2 mixing ratio and isotopic ratios of the extracted CO2 using pressure gauge readings and the dual inlet peripheral of the isotope ratio mass spectrometer, IRMS MAT 253. The isotopic ratios measured are scaled to VPDB and corrected for their N2O contribution. The experimental set up is calibrated with primary carbonate standards (NBS19) and an air CO2 reference mixture. The analytical precision (reproducibility of paired samples) obtained for the atmospheric CO2 measurement is ±7 µ mol.mol-1, ±0.05‰ and ±0.17‰ for the mixing ratio, δ 13C and δ 18Oof atmospheric CO2 respectively. The present study lays emphasis on the CO2 mixing ratio and the δ 13C of atmospheric CO2. There are very few atmospheric CO2 monitoring stations in India. There exists only one long-term monitoring station, Cabo de Rama, on the west coast of India. Of late, a few new stations for measuring atmospheric trace gases have been in operation, with the major focus being on remote locations. Urban stations in India have never been monitored before for both the mixing ratio and the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 together. Monitoring urban stations in India is crucial today as they have become prime emitters of CO2 due to industrial activity. The emission from the sources varies seasonally and is influenced by factors like the Indian monsoon. The Indian subcontinent is surrounded by the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal which act differentially in terms of CO2 uptake or release. There is also a differential transport of CO2 to and from the open ocean. Thus, understanding the spatial pattern of CO2 in the marine region close to the Indian subcontinent is essential to understand the oceanic uptake/release of CO2. As part of this thesis, an urban area was monitored during 2008 - 2011 and the marine region was observed during the southwest monsoon of 2009. The temporal variation of the CO2 mixing ratio and δ13C of atmospheric CO2 was observed over an urban station, Bangalore (12° 58′ N, 77° 38′ E, masl= 920 m), India. Since Bangalore is one of the developing urban cities in India, it is interesting to monitor Bangalore air to understand the impact of anthropogenic emissions on atmospheric CO2 variability. The region has four distinct seasons, dry summer (March – May), southwest monsoon (June – September), post monsoon (October – November) and winter (December – February). Thus, it is also an ideal location to identify the effect of different seasons on the contribution of CO2 from various sources. Air samples were collected from the Indian Institute of Science campus, Bangalore, during 2008 - 2011. Both the diurnal and seasonal variations of the mixing ratio and δ13C of CO2 were observed in Bangalore. On the diurnal scale, a higher mixing ratio with lighter carbon isotopes (negative value) of δ13C of CO2 was recorded in the air-CO2 analyzed during the early morning compared to the late afternoon samples. The observations suggest that coal combustion, biomass burning and car exhausts are possible sources for CO2 identified based on the Keeling plot method. The nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) is found to influence the buildup of CO2 concentration in the early morning. The presence of the NBL in the early morning prevents the mixing of locally produced air with the CO2 from the free atmosphere above. Thus, the free air contribution of CO2 is reduced during the early morning rather than in the afternoon. The effect of seasonal variability in the height of the NBL on the air CO2 mixing ratio and the 13C of atmospheric CO2 were documented in the present study. On a seasonal scale, the free air contribution of CO2 was found to be higher during the southwest monsoon and winter compared to the dry hot summer and post monsoon period. On a seasonal time scale, a sinusoidal pattern in both the mixing ratio and δ13C has been recorded in the observations. While compared with nearby CO2 monitoring stations like the coastal station, Cabo de Rama, and the Open Ocean station, Seychelles, maintained by CSIRO Australia and NOAA-CMDL respectively, Bangalore recorded higher amplitudes of seasonal variation. Seasonal scale variations have revealed an additional source i.e. emission from the cement industry along with other sources identified from diurnal variations. The emission of CO2 from these different sources is not constant; rather it was found to vary with different seasons. The enhanced biomass burning during the dry season drives the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 towards more negative values, while during the southwest monsoon; the increased biosphere cover pushes the δ13C value of atmospheric CO2 towards positive values. The effect of La Nina in 2011 is also prominent in the observation. The study also intends to identify the spatial variability of both the mixing ratio and δ 13C air-CO2 close to the urban station, Bangalore based on the simultaneous sampling of air from three locations, Bangalore and two coastal stations, Mangalore and Chennai, which are equidistant from Bangalore. Samples were collected during the southwest monsoon and winter of 2010 - 2011. The observations documented a similar source of CO2 for all the three stations irrespective of the season. The factor responsible for the variability in the mixing ratio and the δ 13C of air CO2 among these stations is the differential transport of air from the marine region and its mixing with locally produced air. To identify the variability of atmospheric CO2 over the marine region, the atmosphere over the Bay of Bengal was monitored during the southwest monsoon of 2009 as part of the Continental Tropical Convergence Zone (CTCZ) Cruise expedition. The ocean surface water was also monitored simultaneously for the δ18O of water and the δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon measurement. The combined observations of both air and water have shown the transport of continental air to the marine region and its uptake by the ocean during the period. The variability of atmospheric-CO2 is also observed during special events like the solar eclipse. During the annular solar eclipse of 15th January, 2010 an unusually depleted source value was identified for Bangalore air. The role of the boundary layer and a change in photosynthesis were identified as possible factors affecting air CO2 composition. In conclusion, the thesis has provided the first observations on air CO2 variability from an urban station in India. The observations have identified the possible sources of CO2 and have demonstrated the role of climatic phenomena like the Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Indian Monsoon, and La Nina in controlling the behaviour of sources and sinks and thus affecting the air CO2 variability over land and ocean. The seasonal scale variation based on day-to-day variability in the afternoon samples has revealed the important contribution of emissions from the cement industry whose contribution was absent in the diurnal variability. Thus, it is evident from this study that the timing of air sampling is crucial while identifying the sources. The per capita emission of individual urban stations in India is different; thus, it is essential to monitor more urban stations to identify sources and their different contributions. In future, the simultaneous monitoring of both continental and marine air over both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal will enable us to understand the long range transport of atmospheric CO2. The long term monitoring of CO2 from the Indian region can give us a better perspective on the effect of the Indian monsoon on air CO2 variability and vice versa.

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