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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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葉清發 Unknown Date (has links)
2007年諾貝爾和平獎頒給了美國前副總統高爾和聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(IPCC),表揚他們致力於全球氣候變遷的議題。2005年2月「京都議定書」正式生效,目的在削減二氧化碳等六種溫室氣體的排放量,國際航空並未列在削減溫室氣體的範圍,但委由國際民航組織(ICAO)負責國際航空溫室氣體排放減量,這顯示在「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)」架構外,以產業合作模式來削減溫室氣體在政治上是可行的。飛機引擎將二氧化碳、氧化氮、碳氫化合物、水蒸氣、硫酸鹽、煙塵顆粒直接排放於大氣中,這些噴射物和大氣的成分產生複雜的化學變化,改變大氣的成分,所排放的高溫水氣在對流層凝結為飛行雲和卷雲,除二氧化碳確定會造成溫室效應外,其餘排放的廢氣尚缺乏科學證據和溫室效應有關。國際航空既有「京都議定書」不須限制溫室氣體排放的法律基礎,且大部分排放的廢氣尚缺乏影響溫室效應的科學證據以致航空產業對削減溫室氣體排放量的行動並不積極,但航空的旅客每年以約5%的速度成長,航空未來是廢氣排放增加最快的產業。在歐美國家積極進行大氣科學的研究以了解溫室效應的成因,台灣近日宣佈將加入全球最大的溫室效應氣體觀測平台MOZAIC,航空產業有必要採取負責的行動減緩溫室氣體排放量。 本研究主要蒐集國內外相關的學術研究資料,波音公司的環保政策及公司專業人員的意見,歸納出航空產業改善溫室效應的對策,並以英航為個案,探討其以排放交易體系及碳補償體系改善溫室氣體排放的實效來驗證其可行性,最後探討在ICAO架構下,航空產業如何循序漸進的進行溫室氣體減量的國際合作。本研究旨在回答下列問題: 1. 航空產業對溫室效應的影響? 2. 航空產業在科技面、營運操作面、經濟政策面可以減緩溫室氣體排放的對策有哪些?哪一個對策成本較低,較有效? 3. 航空產業相關的企業組織中,誰最適合做為溫室氣體排放負責的實體? 4. 以利害關係人的觀點,評估經濟政策面的解決方案在經濟面的衝擊為何? 5. 在ICAO的架構下如何進行航空產業溫室氣體減量的國際合作? 本研究得到的結論如下: 1. 經由航空科技的研發,是削減溫室氣體排放量的根本方法,因為它有利於所有利害關係人,但新一代的航空科技研發通常需要10-15年以上的時間,以及充滿不確定性,所以在短、中期不是削減溫室氣體排放的有效方法。 2. 改善航管系統及飛航操作的方法在法律、技術及經濟上所面臨的挑戰比較小,在短、中期就可以減少8-18%燃油的消耗,不過長期而言,不足以抵消航空產業每年成長所增加的廢氣排放量。 3. 排放交易體系是以市場機制運作的碳交易市場,航空產業在開放式的排放交易體系可用最低的減緩成本達到排放減量目標。排放交易體系經過英航實際運作證明它是可行的方法,既可以達到減量的目標又不會妨礙航空產業的成長。 4. ICAO是1944年依據芝加哥公約成立的,它的會員國適用”無差異原則”,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)的會員國適用”共同但有差異的責任”,所以京都議定書也只對Annex I的國家限制溫室氣體排放量。在會員國不同意單方面擴展排放交易體系下,ICAO要求在雙方同意下才能將他國的航班併到自己的排放交易體系,這使得歐盟在2012年企圖單方面擴展排放交易體系到所有進出歐盟的航班變得不大可能,這對歐盟積極推動溫室氣體減量的行動是一項挫折。 5. 飛機引擎所排放的廢氣,除二氧化碳確定會造成溫室效應外,其餘排放的廢氣尚缺乏科學證據會造成溫室效應。這種缺乏科學證據的氣候協商在國際間很難達成共識,所以在ICAO及IATA的排放交易體系都只建議限制二氧化碳的排放量,但二氧化碳只佔航空器排放廢氣的37%,這種溫室氣體的限制並不具環境的有效性。 6. 全球暖化已成為全球矚目的議題,各國紛紛採取「節能減碳」措施,台灣也不例外,京都議定書顯然不能有效解決溫室效應問題。在2012年後替代的新合約必定增加溫室氣體限制的國家及產業,也有可能包含航空產業。航空公司可以從參與碳補償體系、和政府簽署自願環保合約、參與其他產業的自願排放交易體系,先取得碳市場的交易經驗,日後可在UNFCCC或ICAO的架構下承諾溫室氣體排放減量。 / In 2007, the Nobel Peace prize was awarded to the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore and the IPCC for their great efforts in global climate change issue. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on February 16, 2005; this treaty assigns mandatory emission limitations for the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) to the signatory nations. International aviation GHG emissions are not included in Kyoto Protocol, as it will be addressed through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) according to Article 2.2 of the Kyoto Protocol. This indicates that it is politically agreed upon to use a sector-based approach to limit GHG emission beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). During flight, aircraft engines emit carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, water vapor, hydrocarbons and particles. These emissions alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere in a variety of ways. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft in flight are still under investigation for their impact on global climate change. Passenger airlines growth is anticipated to increase about 5% annually, so the aviation industry is expected to be the fastest growing emissions contributor in the future. Therefore, the aviation industry should take responsible actions to alleviate GHG emission. For exploring the root cause of global climate change, European and American scientists are leading the investigation of the atmosphere, and the government of Taiwan recently announced they will support MOZAIC in their observation of the north Pacific atmosphere. This research is performed by reviewing the articles published by researchers, the briefing material from aircraft manufacturer and the expertise from companies. The conclusions are that the methods are useful to alleviate GHG emission for aviation industry. Meanwhile, British Airways was selected to be the case study to verify their implementation of environmental policy. Finally, an approach under ICAO is being introduced for the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emission through global collaboration. This study is to answer the following questions: 1. What is the environmental impact by the emissions from the aviation industry? 2. What methods are available from technology, flight operations and economic policies to alleviate GHG emission? Which one is more economic and effective? 3. Who is the accountable entity in the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emissions? 4. What is the impact on economics by the method of implementation of economic policies to alleviate GHG emissions based on the stakeholders’ viewpoints? 5. How does the aviation industry collaborate globally to alleviate GHG emissions under ICAO? The conclusions from the research are as follows. 1. The basic method for the aviation industry to resolve GHG emissions is by the use of new fuel or engine technologies. Normally, it takes 10 to 15 years to pioneer new technologies for aviation with uncertainty, so it is not an effective method in short and mid term to alleviate GHG emissions. 2. The improvement of air traffic management and flight operation presents little difficulty in law, technologies and economics to alleviate GHG emissions. This method can reduce 8-18% of fuel comsumption in short and mid term, but it can not offset the growing emissions by air traffic annually. 3. The Aviation Industry can reach the lowest alleviation cost to meet emissions target by open emission trading scheme. Emission trading is not only environmentally effective, but also does not hinder the growth of aviation industry in the future. 4. The ICAO, the state members apply to the principle of non-discrimination, however the UNFCCC, the state members apply to the principle of common but differential responsibility. The Kyoto Protocol just restricts the GHG emissions for Annex I countries. ICAO is obliged to request the integration of foreign operators in the emission trading scheme “under a mutually agreed basis”. 5. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft are under investigation for their impact on environment. The emission of carbon dioxide is only 37% of all emissions by aviation industry. The ICAO and IATA only recommend to restrict carbon dioxide emissions, so it is not environmentally effective. 6. The following treaty after 2012 should involve more countries and industries for GHG emission restriction, and the aviation industry might be involved in the new treaty. Therefore, airlines should seek the opportunity to participate voluntarily in the carbon trading market to gain experience in this strategy. Then, airlines can commit to reduce GHG emission under UNFCCC or IACO in the future.

企業導入碳管理之個案研究 / The study of implementing carbon management into the enterprise

陳兆琦 Unknown Date (has links)
國際間溫室氣體管理的已從組織型盤查擴展至產品供應鏈盤查,產品碳足跡成為各界期望揭露之資訊。企業可藉由透過產品碳足跡盤查導入碳管理,除了可取得第三方單位的產品查證聲明書外,因在盤查過程中利用生命週期評估技術及溫室氣體暖化指標,更可促使供應鏈一起落實節能減碳而降低成本的要求。本研究從輔導單位的角度,輔導一家台灣的紡織企業進行產品碳足跡盤查導入碳管理,以幫助企業藉推動碳管理而落實節能減碳目標。 / Internationally, the greenhouse gases management has extended the verification from organization to product supply chain. The product carbon footprint has already become the information expected to be disclosed by people in different social communities. Enterprise could import the carbon management through implementing the verification of the product carbon footprint. Not only could the enterprise get the statement of the product, verified by third-party units, but also urge the whole supply chain to implement the requirements of energy saving and carbon reducing for cost saving, due to adopting the life cycle assessment technology and greenhouse gas warming indicators during the verification process. In this study, from the perspective of counseling units, we counsel a textile enterprise in Taiwan to import the verification of product carbon footprint into the carbon management, in order to help this enterprise implement the target of carbon reduction by promoting carbon management.


蔡昀泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討企業之環境管理活動,並選定「溫室氣體管制」為特定環境議題,分析企業在營運過程當中所面對的環保壓力來源(包括政府環保法規、壓力團體、上游供應商、同業競爭、顧客與消費市場以及企業本身)來了解溫室氣體管制對企業所造成的影響為何。本研究並分析企業在回應溫室氣體管制時所採取的環境策略態勢(分為不變態勢、因應態勢、預應態勢以及創新態勢)與綠色創新活動型態(分為產品綠色創新、製程綠色創新以及端末回收創新),從中探究環保壓力、企業環境策略態勢及綠色創新活動之間的關聯為何。 本研究將製造業分為「傳統產業」、「基礎產業」和「技術密集產業」三大產業,從中各選一家廠商為深度訪談之對象,並對曾經獲得「經濟部節能績優獎」之製造業廠商做問卷調查,後將訪談結果彙整搭配問卷調查結果分析得到研究結論如下: 1. 政府環保法規仍是目前推動國內企業因應溫室氣體管制的動力來源,政府應更積極推行溫室氣體減量。 2. 國內在環境管理的發展上真正達到永續發展的企業仍屬少數。 3. 國內企業已開始用製程綠色創新來回應溫室氣體管制。 4. 企業本身具有環保意識的時候,會產生較多元的綠色創新。 5. 越積極回應環境的企業其綠色創新活動越多,且較常先產生製程綠色創新。 6. 產業特性的不同會影響企業的環境策略與綠色創新,政府應針對不同產業個別推動適合其產業特性之輔導計畫與相關法規。

都市植物工廠創新經營模式分析 / A strategic analysis of the business models on urban plant factory

鄭英男, Cheng, Ying Nan Unknown Date (has links)
農作物生長,極易受到氣候如豪雨、颱風、高低溫、寒害、病蟲害等威脅,農民常年使用的農藥、化學肥料等都已被證實,有造成食品安全及水源污染之疑慮,且人口增加、生質燃料的轉作,對糧食供給產生排擠效應。應用溫室設施、水耕栽培技術及 IT 科技,控制植物生長所需光源、溫濕度、養份、病蟲害等環境的「植物工廠」,配合立體及多層架栽培,使農產品能依工業化流程生產及品質管控之新營運模式, 儼然已成為各國解決糧食問題、降低 Food Miles 及碳足跡重要課題。 本研究收集及分析國外植物工廠企業化經營的現況及問題點,運用由外而內(Outside-in)的產業結構分析(亦稱為機會基礎的成長策略),找尋企業可進入、可獲利的產業機會,從利潤創造公式展開成各種價值動因 ( Value Driver ),把經營重點轉移到營運初期的規劃, 與重點項目評估, 使其能在營運期間的創造價值,進一步與植物工廠運作功能結合, 整理出經營的 9 個價值創造動因,包含單價、單位栽種密度、栽培架層數、栽培面積、年周轉數、平均良率、營運成本、投入成本及使用年限。 找出目前消費者的價值主張, 運用創新、一致、可執行的商業模式來執行及延續,並擬定出企業的策略系統圖 (Strategic Activity System ),經由關鍵的策略活動,執行策略及細部戰術。 / This research aims at the strategic analysis of the business model on the Urban Plant Factory for the future development in Taiwan. The growth of crops is highly vulnerable by climate like heavy rain, typhoon, hot and cold weather, pests etc. Furthermore, the food safety and underground water pollution concerns caused by agricultural pesticides and fertilizers spread. In addition, worldwide population growth and biomass fuels converted create a big pressure to the food supply chain. The " Plant Fatory " uses the greenhouse, hydroponics and IT technology to control light, temperature, humidity, nutrients, pests and disease of the corps growth environment, and the multi-layer cultivation shelf facilities, and the industrial production & quality control technology of new business model to solve the food problem has become an important topic, and solution to reduce foot mils and carbon footprint. In this study, collect and analyse oversea's Urban Plant Factory commerical reports and problems they faced, using the Outside-in strategy of the industrial structure analysis (also known as opportunity-based growth strategy), to find out the company's profitable cut-in opportunities. From the EBIT equation, to develope a variety of value drivers and apply the drivers to the Plant Factory''s management and dialy operation, and focus on the key success factors of the initial business planning and evaluation of the Plant Factory, enabling the value creation during the operationg period. Furthermore, combined with Plant Factory functions and identify nine value creation factors including price, the unit density of planting, cultivation shelf layers, the cultivation total area, annual turnover, annual average yields, operating costs, initial costs and life period. With current proper value proposition, using the innovative, valuable, consistent, executable business model to implement and extend, and develop the Strategic Activity System to find out the key strategic actions to implement the strategy.

溫室氣體排放管制趨勢下-台灣石化產業之發展策略 / The development strategies of petrochemical industry in Taiwan-under the trend of severe GHG emission control

蔡錫津 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著能源價格不斷飆漲以及溫室氣體大量排放造成的氣候異常變化,引起世界各國對於提高能源使用效率與加強溫室氣體排放管制的重視。溫室氣體大多由化石燃料燃燒所產生。因此,一般被視為能耗較高的發電、鋼鐵、水泥以及石化等產業,遂成為眾所矚目而被要求加強溫室氣體排放管制的主要產業。未來的產業發展規劃,必需兼顧經濟與環保,否則必將被世界潮流所淹沒。 因應全球溫室氣體排放管制趨勢,就台灣經濟發展面、財政建設面、環境永續經營面等層面考量分析,現階段石化產業之發展應對產業競爭力及環境保護做更多且更審慎的考量。於產業競爭力部分,建議中油開放民營,並運用部份釋股取得的資金,一方面引進先進的製程技術及進行設備更新,提升企業競爭力;另一方面整合國內仰賴台灣中油公司供料且在各產品領域擁有數十年營運經驗的中下游業者,建構泛中油體系的石化經營團隊。如此泛中油體系與國內另一石化產品鏈已相當完整的台塑體系,形成兩大石化體系,互為良性競爭。於環境保護方面,則建議我國應終止國光石化投資案,降低溫室氣體排放量,並藉提升廠商製程效率減少能耗,如此將使經濟發展及環境保護得以兼顧,亦達成原興建國光計畫之目的。 而未來台灣石化產業發展策略,技術發展需長期向下扎根,產品則朝高值化、精緻化發展,開發低能耗、低污染之替代能源,提升產品的附加價值,並將大宗石化耗能的產品移往海外能源低廉的地區,持續提升產業競爭力,並達成溫室氣體減少排放為目標。如是,台灣在環境保護日益重視之趨勢下,石化產業也得以永續發展。 / The high energy cost and the unusual climate change due to increasing green house gases(GHG)emission in recent years have attracted the global attentions and called for improvement of energy utilization efficiency and enhancement of GHG emission control. GHG are mostly produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. And the higher energy consumption industries such as power generation, steel, cement and petrochemical industries are thus strongly requested to reduce GHG emission. Economic development and environmental protection both are needed to be equally evaluated in the planning of future industry development. Taking petrochemical industry as an example, many of its mid-stream and down-stream products have become an unseparable part and of our daily life. In Taiwan, it has been over half century since the establishment of petrochemical industry, and now become top 10 petrochemical production countries in the world. The production value of petrochemical-related industries are very close to 4 trillion NT dollars, about 30% of total production value of domestic manufacturing sectors. Petrochemical industry and electronic industry are the two strong arms in supporting national economic growth. As a very important industry in Taiwan, however, the intensity of its GHG emission is only next to steel industry. The significant technology improvement in petrochemical industry has been achieved since the installation of the existing refinery, naphtha crackers and many petrochemical mid-stream production plants in Taiwan. It is well recognized that the GHG emission will be greatly reduced if the advanced technologies are introduced and the old facilities are revamped. Therefore, the writer would like to address a different approach toward KuoKuang Petrochemical Project which the government is giving an impetus to its execution. Here the writer would propose Taiwan CPC company, the state-owned petroleum company and the leader of Kuokuang Petrochemical Project, to become privatized after asset re-evaluation and collect some government capital from privatization through issuance of part of its shares to the open market. The capital thus collected can be used for enterprise reform. The important items of the enterprise reform include but not limited to introduction of the advanced technologies, revamping of existing facilities and establishment of a new well-integrated petrochemical conglomerate through mutual investment between Taiwan CPC and the mid-stream companies that rely raw material supplies from Taiwan CPC. From viewpoints of both economy and environment, government policy of implementation of KuoKuang Petrochemical Project is worthy for reconsideration. Formation of a CPC-lead petrochemical conglomerate would also benefit the current petrochemical companies that rely on raw material supplies from Taiwan CPC as their operation efficiencies would improved from business intergration. The newly formed conglomerate would be more powerful in further business development and more competitive in world market. They would have more resources to explore their potential in advanced technology development, in new business fields such as biomass energy, solar energy and so on. The CPC-lead petrochemical conglomerate would be able to enchance its competitiveness to another domestic petrochemical giant, Taiwan Formosa Group, and other petrochemical giants in the global market.

全球主要碳市場發展之經驗及對臺灣碳交易之啟示 / Experiences from the Evolution of Major Carbon Markets and Their Implications for Carbon Transactions in Taiwan

林家賢, Lin, Chia Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球溫室氣體排放量的增長,氣候變遷帶來的衝擊益加嚴重,京都議定書的三種彈性減量機制為人類對抗氣候變遷帶來了新的契機,「碳交易」及「碳市場」於焉而生。為與國際的潮流接軌,立法院於2015年6月15日三讀通過了《溫室氣體減量及管理法》,嗣經總統於同年7月1日公布施行,我國將可藉由「總量管制與排放交易」(Cap and Trade)的實施,建立一個強制性的碳市場。本論文以市場規模最大的歐盟及中、美兩大排碳國為例,探討它們碳市場發展的經驗,並將重點聚焦在其歷史背景、制度面的設計、碳交易的情形及執行減量的成效上,希望從中找出我國碳交易可以學習與借鑑的地方。 歐、美及中國的碳市場各在不同的背景之下產生,歐盟及中國以強制性市場為主,美國則以自願性市場為主。本論文發現,歐盟排放交易體系(EU ETS)及中國的7個碳試點,其發展有賴明確的溫室氣體減量目標與碳交易的強制規定作為基礎,此正是美國碳市場所缺乏的。芝加哥氣候交易所(CCX)本質上其實類似歐盟及中國的碳市場,它們最大的差別在於:前者可由企業自行決定加入與否,後兩者則強制達一定排放量的企業加入。CCX失敗的例子,恰恰說明了缺乏國家明確方向的指引,單靠企業憑良心加入的自願性市場,發展仍然有限。 最後,本論文提出對我國碳交易後續規劃方向的7項建議,以及後續論文研究方向的3項建議。 / With the rapid growth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, impacts of climate change become more serious. To reduce GHG emissions, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. Various carbon markets have been structured at the domestic or international level, especially since the introduction of three flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. To demonstrate Taiwan’s commitment to combating climate change in line with the global trend, the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act was promulgated by the president on 1 July 2015. It provides a legal basis for establishing a cap and trade system, and a compliance carbon market will be structured in Taiwan. In this paper, we consider the world’s three major carbon markets, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the Chinese seven official ETS pilots. This study seeks to provide some suggestions for future carbon transactions in Taiwan from their evolution experiences. The discussions developed in this study will focus on their historical backgrounds, system designs, allowance transactions, and emission reductions achievement. By comparing their evolution experiences, we find critical success factors behind carbon markets. Finally, suggestions for Taiwan’s government and future researches are presented.

全球暖化與台灣的氣候政治-以《溫室氣體減量法》為例 / Global warming and the politics of climate change in Taiwan

施奕任, Shih, Yijen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著氣候變遷及其不利影響的科學證據日益明確,國際社會與主權國家從1980年代以來關懷思考如何因應氣候議題。台灣受限於特殊的國際地位,難以參與《氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》為主的國際氣候談判,但是台灣如何因應氣候議題,對於國內與國際都具有重要性。對於國內而言,氣候變遷產生議題連結的效果,加劇環境退化現象,觸發極端氣候事件的頻率與程度,衝擊處於生態脆弱的台灣。對於國際而言,台灣屬於主要的排放溫室氣體國家,意謂台灣是否願意承諾積極的減排責任,對於全球氣候行動舉足輕重。然而,當台灣從2005年推動《溫室氣體減量法》的立法過程,卻採取消極的政治立場,不僅不願意建立積極的減量目標與期程,同時立法院也不願意通過該法以因應全球氣候倡議。本研究討論不同國家面對國際氣候行動採取各自的政治立場,台灣為何選擇消極的政治立場。 在研究理論與方法上,本研究提出修正的利益解釋模型,該模型認為有兩個因素得以解釋國家因應國際環境倡議的立場。第一個因素是風險認知,其認為國家面對國際環境倡議的政治立場,考量國內民眾對於生態脆弱性的風險認知。第二個因素是考量污染減量經濟成本,國內決策者基於各自的成本與利益考量,在決策過程中彼此協商,形塑國家減量成本與利益盤算,當減量成本越低,則國家越傾向於支持國際環境行動,反之亦然。基於修正模型的假定,本研究利用不同的研究方法與資料,分析上述兩項因素。在風險認知面向,本研究利用中央研究院社會學研究所進行台灣社會變遷基本調查2010年六期一次問卷Ⅱ環境題組的實證資料進行統計分析。在減量成本面向,本研究就《溫室氣體減量法》立法過程涉及相關行為者進行深度訪談,透過質化分析理解不同行為者在決策過程的互動。 在研究結果上,本研究發現在風險認知上,台灣民眾儘管認知氣候風險的嚴重性,但是考量氣候變遷的不利影響與後續因應都具有長期特性,降低民眾支持台灣採取積極的政治立場以因應氣候議題的意願。在減量成本上,因應氣候議題的決策形成一種姿態政治(gestural politics),儘管積極倡議台灣必須因應國際氣候議題,但是卻不願意制訂涵蓋積極減量目標與總量管制的《溫室氣體減量法》,其原因在於氣候決策嵌入能源與產業結構的挑戰。在能源結構上,台灣面對核能使用的政治爭議,加以再生能源短期難以巨幅成長,使得台灣仍然呈現以化石燃料為主的能源結構。在產業結構上,既有發展型國家的思維使得政治菁英傾向於強調發展的重要性,依賴高污染、高耗能與高排碳產業推動國家經濟發展,而難以透過調整能源價格等政治策略,改變依賴高排碳產業的產業結構。

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