Spelling suggestions: "subject:"greenhouse sas"" "subject:"greenhouse suas""
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Numerical simulation of CO2 adsorption behaviour of polyaspartamide adsorbent for post-combustion CO2 captureYoro, Kelvin Odafe January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.
10 February, 2017. / Climate change due to the ever-increasing emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases arising
from the use of fossil fuels for power generation and most industrial processes is now a global
challenge. It is therefore imperative to develop strategies or modern technologies that could
mitigate the effect of global warming due to the emission of CO2. Carbon capture and storage
(CCS) is a viable option that could ensure the sustainable use of cheap fossil fuels for energy
generation with less CO2 emission. Amongst existing CCS technologies, absorption technology
using monoethanolamine (MEA) is very mature and widely embraced globally. However, the
absorption technology has a lot of challenges such as, low CO2 loading, high energy requirement
for solvent regeneration, corrosive nature etc. On this note, the adsorption technology using solid
sorbents is being considered for CO2 capture due to its competitive advantages such as
flexibility, low energy requirement for sorbent regeneration, non-corrosive nature etc. On the
other hand, adsorbents have a very vital role to play in adsorption technology and there is need to
understand the behaviour of adsorbents for CO2 capture under different operating conditions in
order to adapt them for wider applications. On this note, the study contained in this dissertation
investigated the adsorption behaviour of a novel polymer-based adsorbent (polyaspartamide)
during post-combustion CO2 capture using experimental study and mathematical modelling
Polyaspartamide is an amine-rich polymer widely used in drug delivery. In addition, its rich
amine content increases its affinity for CO2. Its porosity, thermal stability and large surface area
make it a promising material for CO2 capture. In view of this, polyaspartamide was used as the
adsorbent for post-combustion CO2 capture in this study. This dissertation investigated the
kinetic behaviour, the diffusion mechanism and rate limiting steps (mass transfer limitation)
controlling the CO2 adsorption behaviour of this adsorbent. Furthermore, effect of impurities
such as moisture and other operating variables such as temperature, pressure, inlet gas flow rate
etc. on the CO2 adsorption behaviour of polyaspartamide was also investigated. Existing
mathematical models were used to understand the kinetics and diffusion limitation of this
adsorbent during CO2 capture. Popularly used gas-solid adsorption models namely; Bohart-
Adams and Thomas model were applied in describing the breakthrough curves in order to
ascertain the equilibrium concentration and breakthrough time for CO2 to be adsorbed onto
polyaspartamide. Lagergren’s pseudo 1st and 2nd order models as well as the Avrami kinetic
models were used to describe the kinetic behaviour of polyaspartamide during post-combustion
CO2 capture. Parameter estimations needed for the design and optimization of a CO2 adsorption
system using polyaspartamide were obtained and presented in this study. The Boyd’s film
diffusion model comprising of the interparticle and intra-particle diffusion models were used to
investigate the effect of mass transfer limitations during the adsorption of CO2 onto
Data obtained from continuous CO2 adsorption experiments were used to validate the models in
this study. The experiments were conducted using a laboratory-sized packed-bed adsorption
column at isothermal conditions. The packed bed was attached to an ABB CO2 analyser (model:
ABB-AO2020) where concentrations of CO2 at various operating conditions were obtained.
The results obtained in this study show that temperature, pressure and gas flow rate had an effect
on the adsorption behaviour of polyaspartamide (PAA) during CO2 capture. Polyaspartamide
exhibited a CO2 capture efficiency of 97.62 % at the lowest temperature of 303 K and pressure of
2 bar. The amount of CO2 adsorbed on polyaspartamide increased as the operating pressure
increased and a decrease in the adsorption temperature resulted in increased amount of CO2
adsorbed by polyaspartamide. The amounts of CO2 adsorbed on polyaspartamide were 5.9, 4.8
and 4.1 mol CO2/kg adsorbent for adsorption temperatures of 303, 318 and 333 K, respectively.
The maximum amount of CO2 adsorbed by polyaspartamide at different flow rates of 1.0, 1.5
and 2.5 ml/s of the feed gas were 7.84, 6.5 and 5.9 mmol CO2/g of adsorbent. This shows that
higher flow rates resulted in decreased amount of CO2 adsorbed by polyaspartamide because of
low residence time which eventually resulted in poor mass transfer between the adsorbent and
adsorbate. Under dry conditions, the adsorption capacity of polyaspartamide was 365.4 mg
CO2/g adsorbent and 354.1 mgCO2/g adsorbent under wet conditions. Therefore, the presence of
moisture had a negligible effect on the adsorption behaviour of polyaspartamide. This is very
common with most amine-rich polymer-based adsorbents. This could be attributed to the fact
that CO2 reacts with moisture to form carbonic acid, thereby enhancing the CO2 adsorption
capacity of the material.
In conclusion, this study confirmed that the adsorption of CO2 onto polyaspartamide is favoured
at low temperatures and high operating pressures. The adsorption of CO2 onto polyaspartamide
was governed by film diffusion according to the outcome of the Boyd’s film diffusion model. It
was also confirmed that intra-particle diffusion was the rate-limiting step controlling the
adsorption of CO2 onto polyaspartamide. According to the results from the kinetic study, it can
be inferred that lower temperatures had an incremental effect on the kinetic behaviour of
polyaspartamide, external mass transfer governed the CO2 adsorption process and the adsorption
of CO2 onto polyaspartamide was confirmed to be a physicochemical process (both
physisorption and chemisorption). / MT2017
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Klimatkalkyl för flerbostadshus : Klimatbelastande poster i tidigt skede / Carbon footprint calculations for apartment buildingsNorman, Mathilda January 2019 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna är ett faktum. Den förstärkta växthuseffekten hotar att förinta både djur och naturliv om inte åtgärder vidtas. I Parisavtalet fastslås att det centrala målet är att hålla den globala uppvärmningen under två grader men med en strävan att inte gå över en och en halv grad. För att göra det möjligt krävs åtgärder och metoder som säkerställer en minskning av växthusgaser i atmosfären. Klimatkalkyl är ett verktyg som kan användas för att se vad ett projekt har för totalt utsläpp, samt se till materialens enskilda utsläpp. Syftet med denna studie är att upprätta en klimatkalkyl för ett flerbostadshus i Borlänge kommun. Att utifrån klimatkalkylen identifiera projektets totala utsläpp för att sedan jämföra dom två högst belastande materialen med potentiella material. Jämförelse görs i produktionsskedet (A1-A3). Resultatet visar att betongen stod för 38 % och armering för 11 % av det totala utsläppet av växthusgaser. Tillsammans utgör dessa material 49 % av det totala utsläppet. Betongen och armeringen jämfördes med Skanskas gröna betong och armering från Celsa Steel Service. Med ett byte av traditionell betong och armering till klimatsmartare material kan en sänkning på 41 % göras för utsläppen ifrån tillverkningen av betongen och armeringen tillsammans. Genom att byta ut lite av cementen till slagg, i betongen, kan en halvering för utsläpp av växthusgaser göras. Trots en markant ökning av hållfasthetsklass på betongen kunde det fastställas att den grönare betongen fortfarande haft en lägre klimatpåverkan än den ursprungliga betongen. Tillsammans med armering, som tillverkas av skrot och förnybar energi, är det möjligt att bidra till en sänkning av CO2-utsläppen för Bygg- och fastighetssektorn. Verktyget ECO2 som används för att upprätta klimatkalkylen är ett bra redskap för att i tidigt skede identifiera material med hög klimatbelastning för att möjliggöra ett byte av material. Arbetet har bidragit till att skapa en större förståelse för vad materialhantering och tillverkning av material har för avgörande faktorer för ett materials utsläpp utav växthusgaser. Slutsatsen av arbetet visar på vikten av att i tidigt skede bli medveten om vikten av materialval för att minska utsläppen. Genom byte av en eller två material är det möjligt att sänka utsläppen avsevärt vilket kan bidra till att nå målen om klimatneutralitet till år 2045. / Climate change is a fact. The amplified greenhouse effect threatens to destroy both plant- and animal life if no actions are made. One of the main matters in the Paris agreement is to keep the global warming under 2 degree Celsius but with the ambition to keep it under 1, 5 degree Celsius. To make this possible requires actions and methods to ensure a reductions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon footprint calculation is a tool that can be used to see the total emissions from a project, but also to see specific materials emissions. The intention with this thesis is to establish a carbon footprint calculation for a apartment building in Borlänge county. By using the carbon footprint calculations identify the projects total emissions and compare the top two emission materials with other materials. The comparison is made in the product stage (A1-A3). The results shows that 38 % of the total emissions comes from concreate and 11% from reinforcing bars. Together they make up 49 % of the total emissions from the project. The concreate was compared with Skanskas Green concreate and the reinforcing bars was compared with bars from Celsa Steel Service. To exchange both concreate and reinforcing bars to more climate friendly materials would mean a lowering of the emissions with 1% in the product stage. By exchange some of the cement to dross, in the concreate, the emissions of greenhouse gases from it can be cut in half. Even after a significant increase of the concreates solidity it could be established that the green concreate still had less emissions of greenhouse gases than the original concreate. Together with the reinforcing bars, which are made of junk and renewably energy, it is possible to contribute to a lowering of greenhouse gases by the constructionand real estate sector. The instrument ECO2, which was used to establish the carbon footprint calculation, is a good tool to identify materials with high emissions in the early stage. This grant a possibility to locate and change these materials with high emissions of greenhouse gases. This thesis has contributed to creating a understanding for what crucial factors the handling of materials and the manufacturing of materials to lower the emissions of greenhouse gases. The conclusion of the thesis proves the importance of being aware in the early stage of which materials have the most emissions and if they can be replaced by something better. By replacing one or two materials it is possible to lower the emissions of greenhouse gases considerably which had contributed in the quest to reach climate neutrality by 2045.
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Investeringsunderlag för värmepump : Investeringsunderlag för ett byte från pelletspanna till värmepump i fastighet på södra GotlandOwen Berghmark, Victor January 2019 (has links)
Inom EU finns mål på att sänka utsläppen med 40% till år 2030. I Sverige står bygg och fastighetssektorn för cirka 21% av Sveriges totala utsläpp. För att lyckas nå EU:s klimatmål måste en konvertering till förnybara uppvärmningskällor ske. Region Gotland ansvarar idag för över 500 000m2 fastigheter. Många använder idag pellets till uppvärmning. Pellets ses som klimatneutralt och släpper därför inte ut mer koldioxid än vad trädet plockat upp. Ett problem som uppstår då pelletspannorna kräver underhåll och leveranser. Flera av Region Gotlands fastigheter ligger flera mil iväg från både leverantör och underhållspersonal vilket ökar kostnader och miljöpåverkan än mer. En av dessa fastigheter, brandstationen i Öja, ligger till grund för denna studie. Då det finns flera fastigheter med liknande förutsättningar kan rapporten användas som underlag för dessa. Studien undersöker ifall en konvertering från pelletspannan till en värmepump kan sänka kostnaderna och bidra till lägre utsläpp. Vid en konvertering till värmepump sänks systemtemperaturerna från 80/60 till 55/45 vilket kan skapa problem för befintliga radiatorer, rör och pumpar. Radiatorernas och rörens kompatibilitet med nya temperaturerna under söks därför i studien men pumpar utelämnas för en framtida studie. Med hjälp av transmissionsberäkningar och en formel baserad på grad dagar och tidigare energiförbrukning beräknades ett värmebehov för fastigheten på 23,8 kW den kallaste dagen på året. Med detta kunde tre värmepumplösningar tas fram. Samtliga lösningar innefattar även en ny ackumulatortank då den nuvarande är över 40 år gammal och har ett flertal brister. Med optimering av uppvärmningssystemet genom att sänka temperaturen i de fläktvärmda rummen till 15 grader kan värmebehovet sänkas med 4kW. En undersökning gällande installation av solfångare har även gjorts, där det inte visade sig lönsamt med dagens tappvarmvattenbehov. Efter de dimensioneringar som gjorts framkommer även att två rörslingor behöver bytas, men att ett eventuellt radiatorbyte lämnas till efter en konvertering för att se om dessa behöver bytas. Undersökningarna visar även att de befintliga fläktvärmarna är överdimensionerade och inte behöver bytas. Utsläppsberäkningar visar att utsläppen kan minskas med 2565 kg CO2 eq per år vid en eventuell konvertering. Payoffmetoden har använts för att visa att de tre lösningarna har en mycket kort återbetalningstid mellan 3,9 år för luft/vattenvärmepumpar från CTC till 4,7 år för Thermias bergvärmelösning. Med hjälp av LCC kalkyler har lösningarna livstidskostnad tagits fram. Ställt mot den be fintliga pelletspannan uppgår besparingen till 879 000kr för Thermias lösning – 966 000kr för CTC:s lösning med en kalkylränta på 1,5%. Slutsatsen är därför att en konvertering till värmepump bör ske för att spara både ekonomiskt men även för att minska utsläppen. / One of EU’s climate goals is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by the year of 2030. In Sweden the “building and real estate sector” stands for 21% of Sweden’s total pollution of greenhouse gas emissions. To reach EU’s goals by 2030 there must be a transformation to renewable sources for use in the heating of real estates. Region Gotland manages over 500 000 m2 of estates. Many of which uses pellet as the source of heating. This heating alternative requires regular deliveries of material and maintenance. Many of the estates in the care of Region Gotland are far away from both the supplier and maintenance team which creates great transport costs and gas emissions. The fire sta- tion in “Öja” is one of them and is the one used in this study. As there are many similar buildings the results here can be used as a foundation for those estates. This study is exploring if a conversion from pellet to a heating pump can lower the expenses and greenhouse gas emissions. By changing to a heat- ing pump from a pellet boiler the temperatures are reduced from 80/60°C to 55/45 °C in the system. This may cause problem with radiators, pumps and pipes. Because of this, radiators and pipes will also be inves- tigated, but pumps will be left out for another study. The heat needed to increase the temperature in the building to 21 °C at a DVUT of -8,7 °C was calculated using transmission losses calculations and a formula based on “graddagar” and earlier energy uses by the estate, to 23,8 kW. Based on the calculated heat, three heating pump solutions were created, all of whom included a new water heater with storage tank. The old storage tank is over 40 years by age and therefore has many short- comings. Using calculations to optimize the heat usage, the heat needed can be re- duced by 4kW at DVUT by lowering the temperature to 15 °C in the fan heated area of the building while still being within the laws of the Swe- dish work environment authority. An investigation was made to see if solar collectors could be used to heat the domestic hot water in the estate. The results showed that in this case it wouldn’t be economically justifiable due to low energy cost with a new heating pump. The calculations done for pipes and radiators showed that two pipes must be replaced but that the radiators are mostly fine with the new tempera- tures. A replacement of the radiators should be left till after the conver- sion. Calculations on the fan heaters showed that there is no need to re- place these. Calculations on greenhouse gas emissions showed that the emissions can be reduce by 2565 kg CO CO2-eq each year if the pellet boiler is replaced by a heating pump. The Pay-off method and LCC calculations was used to show the profita- bility in the three heating pump solutions. The Pay-off time for the solu- tions ranged from CTC’s air to water heating pumps at 3,9 years to 4,7 years for Thermia’s geothermal heating pump. The LCC calculations showed that changing to a heat pump could generate a saving of 879 000 SEK for Thermia’s solution to 966 000 SEK for CTC’s solution. The conclusion is therefore that the pellet boiler should be changed to a heating pump to save money and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
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Efeito de fontes energéticas sobre a fermentação ruminal, produção de metano determinada pela técnica do gás traçador SF6, digestibilidade aparente total e excreção de nutrientes em bovinos / Effect of energy sources on rumen fermentation, methane production determined by the SF6 tracer technique, total apparent digestibility and excretion of nutrients in cattleSolórzano, Laura Alexandra Romero 28 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de três fontes energéticas sobre a produção de metano em bovinos utilizando-se a técnica do gás traçador hexafluoreto de enxofre (SF6), sobre os parâmetros da fermentação ruminal, a digestibilidade aparente total e a excreção de nutrientes da dieta. Seis vacas (730 ± 70 kg) canuladas no rúmen foram utilizadas e distribuídas a três dietas, que diferiram quanto à fonte energética, seguindo-se delineamento experimental em quadrado latino 3x3 replicado (n= 18 unidades experimentais): Controle (CON): Dieta de baixo extrato etéreo (3,50% de EE); Soja (SOJ): Dieta de alto extrato etéreo (5,30% de EE) com inclusão de 15% de soja grão; e Polpa Cítrica (POL): Dieta de baixo extrato etéreo (3,00% de EE) e alta participação de pectina com inclusão de 15% de polpa cítrica. Cada período experimental foi constituído de 21 dias, sendo que, entre o dia 5 e o dia 15, 2 g do marcador óxido crômico por kg de MS de alimento consumido foi administrado via cânula ruminal, para determinação da digestibilidade aparente total da MS e suas frações, bem como da excreção dos nutrientes da dieta. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi constituído por duas fases, sendo os cinco primeiros dias para adaptação ao marcador e os cinco últimos para coleta de fezes. A excreção da MS e dos nutrientes, bem como a excreção de Nitrogênio, foi calculada a partir dos dados de coeficiente de digestibilidade da MS e suas frações. Para cada período experimental, os últimos 6 dias foram destinados para coleta de dados da produção de metano (CH4) e do consumo de matéria seca (CMS). No dia 21 coletou-se líquido ruminal para determinação da concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), contagem total e diferencial de protozoários e pH ruminal, avaliados antes, 3, 6, 9 e 12 h após a alimentação matinal. As concentrações de CH4, SF4 e AGCC foram determinadas por cromatografia gasosa. O pH de cada amostra foi determinado com potenciômetro digital portátil e as contagens diferenciais dos protozoários foram avaliadas através de microscopia direta. Não houve diferenças significativas (P0,05) entre os tratamentos para o CMS expresso em quilograma por dia (kg/dia), porcentagem do peso vivo (% PV) ou por unidade de peso metabólico (g/kg de PV0, 75). Não houve efeito de fonte energética sobre o consumo de energia bruta (CEB), nem de fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN). O tratamento com grãos de soja reduziu (P<0,05) o consumo de proteína bruta (CPB), de extrativo não nitrogenado (CENN) e de matéria orgânica (CMO). O consumo de extrato etéreo (CEE) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais que consumiram o tratamento com grãos de soja. Não foi observado efeito (P<0,05) de fonte energética para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, PB, EB, FDN, EE, ENN ou MO. A digestibilidade da FDA foi mais elevada (P<0,05) para o tratamento com polpa cítrica, enquanto que o valor de NDT foi maior (P<0,05) para o tratamento com grãos de soja. Não houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos para a excreção de energia bruta (ExEB), nem de fibra em detergente neutro (ExFDN). A excreção de MS, ENN e de MO foram menores (P<0,05) para o tratamento com grãos de soja. Todas as fontes energéticas testadas influenciaram (P<0,05) a excreção de proteína bruta (ExPB), diferindo todos os tratamentos entre si. As excreções de FDA e de EE foram mais elevadas (P<0,05) para o tratamento com grãos de soja. Houve efeito (P<0,05) de fonte energética para a excreção de nitrogênio, sendo mais elevada para o tratamento com polpa cítrica em relação ao tratamento com grãos de soja. A emissão de CH4 pelos bovinos foi de 286,22 a 344,22 g/d; 103,71 a 125,64 kg/ano; 17,41 a 22,03 g/kg de matéria seca ingerida; 5,17 a 6,58% da EB perdida na forma de metano e 3,77 a 4,53 Mcal/Ani/d. Não houve diferença significativa para as emissões de metano entre os tratamentos quando avaliadas a 5% de probabilidade. As fontes energéticas testadas não influenciaram (P<0,05) os valores de pH ruminal, a concentração média do ácido propiônico, nem a relação acético/propiônico. A concentração total de AGCC, a concentração de ácido acético, de ácido butírico, bem como a contagem total de protozoários, foram maiores (P<0,05) para o tratamento com polpa cítrica. Fonte alta em pectina, como a polpa cítrica, ou em ácidos graxos insaturados, como a soja grão, não prejudicaram a digestibilidade das dietas. Neste sentido, são indicadas como fontes de elevado potencial de utilização em dietas para bovinos. Entretanto, sua inclusão resultou em mudanças no ambiente ruminal pela alteração do perfil fermentativo, porém, não foi possível demostrar alterações na produção de metano. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three energy sources on methane production in cattle using the tracer sulfur hexafluoride technique (SF6) on rumen fermentation parameters, total apparent digestibility and excretion of nutrients of diet. Six cows (730 ± 70 kg) ruminally cannulated were used and allocated to three diets that differed in energy source, followed by the replicated 3x3 Latin square design (n = 18 experimental units): Control (CON): Low ether extract diet (3.50% EE); Soybean (SOJ): High ether extract diet (5.30% EE) with inclusion of 15% of soybean seeds; Citrus pulp (POL): Low ether extract (3.00% EE) and high pectin diet with inclusion of 15% of citrus pulp. Each experimental period consisted of 21 days. From day 5 to day 15, 2 g of the marker chromic oxide per kg DM of feed consumed were administered, through rumen cannula, to determine the apparent digestibility of total MS and its fractions as well as excretion of nutrients. Digestibility trial consisted of two phases: the first five days for marker adaptation and the last five for feces collection. The excretion of DM and nutrients, as well as, nitrogen excretion was calculated from digestibility data of DM and its fractions. For each experimental period, the last 6 days were used to collect data from methane (CH4) production and dry matter intake (DMI). At day 21, rumen fluid was collected for short chain fatty acids concentration determination (SCFA), total and differential counts of protozoa and ruminal pH measured before, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after morning feeding. The concentrations of CH4, SF6 and SCFA were determined by gas chromatography. The pH of each sample was determined with a digital portable pH meter and differential counts of protozoa were evaluated by direct microscopy. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) among treatments for DMI expressed as kilograms per day (kg/day), percentage of body weight (% BW) or per unit of metabolic weight (g/kg PV0, 75). There was no effect of energy source on gross energy (GEI) or neutral detergent fiber (NDFI) intake. Soybeans treatment decreased (P<0.05) crude protein (CPI), nitrogen free extract (NFEI) and organic matter (OMI) intake. Ether extract (EEI) intake as higher lower (P <0.05) for cows fed the soy beans treatment. There was no effect (P<0.05) of energy source on digestibility coefficients of DM, CP, GE, NDF, EE, NFE or OM. The digestibility of ADF was higher (P<0.05) for citrus pulp treatment, while TDN value was higher (P<0.05) for soybeans treatment. There were no significant differences (P<0.05) among treatments for gross energy (GEEx) or neutral detergent fiber (NDFEx) excretion. The excretion of DM, NFE and OM were lower (P<0.05) for treatment with soybeans. All energy sources influenced (P<0.05) crude protein excretion (CPEx) and all treatments differed from each other. The excretions of ADF and EE were higher (P<0.05) for treatment with soybeans. A significant effect (P<0.05) of energy source was observed for nitrogen excretion, where the highest values were observed for citrus pulp compared to soybeans treatment. The emission of CH4 by cattle was 286.22 to 344.22 g/d, 103.71 to 125.64 kg/year; 17.41 to 22.03 g/kg of dry matter ingested, 5.17 to 6.58% GE lost in the form of methane and 3.77 to 4.53 Mcal/Ani/d. There was no significant difference in methane emissions between treatments when evaluated at 5% probability. Energy sources tested did not influence (P<0.05) pH values, propionic acid concentration or acetate:propionate ratio. Total concentration of SCFA, acetic acid and butyric acid concentration, as well as total count of protozoa, were higher (P<0.05) in citrus pulp treatment. Pectin high source, such as citrus pulp, or unsaturated fatty acids, such as soy beans, did not affect diets digestibility. In this sense, they are indicated as sources of high potential for use in cattle diets. However, their inclusion in diets resulted in changes in rumen environment by changes in fermentation pattern, but it was not possible to demonstrate changes in methane production.
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Grazing strategies, animal performance and environmental sustainability in intensive pasture-based milk production systems / Estratégias de pastejo, desempenho animal e sustentabilidade ambiental em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pastoBatalha, Camila Delveaux Araujo 06 November 2018 (has links)
In Brazilian livestock, and its diverse ways of production, the management of grazing animals is known as the lowest return on investment on land use opportunities. Nevertheless, among different types of milk production systems, it is noted that the use of pasture grazing is a common feature between them. Thus, to achieve profitability and maintain system sustainability, the identification of the most adequate and efficient pasture management practices, can maximize production per cow and production per unit area. The low efficiency of this method of production, also classifies the national livestock as the major source of environmental pollution due the emission of pollutants, such as greenhouse gases and nitrogen. The adoption of pasture management techniques respecting forage physiological limits and increasing digestibility of nutrients, can reduce the excretion of nutrients and the production of methane per kilo of milk produced on the environment. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate metabolic variables, greenhouse gas emissions and animal performance for dairy cows grazing elephant grass subjected to rotational stocking strategies. Chapter 1: In this study was to evaluate two strategies of grazing management: pre-grazing targets of 95% versus maximum canopy light interception (LI). In intensive pasture-based milk production systems, the management based on LI95% allows lactating cows to have access to pastures with lower proportion of stems, with higher proportions of young leaves better chemical composition and perform an efficient grazing with lower forage losses. Therefore, the LI95% pasture management strategy results in higher energy intake, higher milk production per cow, higher stocking rates of pasture and higher milk yield per area. Also, the strategy allows the decrease of methane emissions per net energy intake when comparing to management based on LIMax. However, dietary N use efficiency did not increase with this management practice. Chapter 2: The objective of the second study was to evaluate the effects of paddock allocation time (a.m. vs. p.m.) on milk production, ruminal variables and efficiency of N use of mid-lactation dairy cows. In intensive pasture-based milk production systems, allocating cows on new paddocks on p.m. time has no effect on forage intake and milk production of grazing mid-lactation cows. However, the higher content of nonstructural carbohydrate of forage from p.m. pastures increases the yield of microbial protein, decreases milk urea nitrogen and tends to increase the yields of milk protein and milk casein compared to a.m. pastures. Throughout this thesis there were an improvement on nutritive value of forage adopting LI95% as a pre- grazing target and forage grazed at p.m. Therefore, the time of allocation on paddock should be used along with LI95% as fine-tune in intensive pasture-based milk production systems. / No Brasil, a produção animal em pastagens é reconhecida por ser uma atividade pouco competitiva frente a outras oportunidades de uso da terra. Embora sejam inúmeros os tipos de sistemas de produção de leite no Brasil, nota-se que a utilização de pastagens é característica comum. Assim, a identificação de práticas adequadas e eficientes de manejo do pastejo contribuirá com aumento da produção por vaca e por unidade de área, além de contribuir para a sustentabilidade do sistema. A baixa eficiência do uso dos recursos naturais tem classificado a pecuária nacional como uma importante fonte de poluição ambiental devido à emissão de poluentes, como gases de efeito estufa e excreção de nitrogênio. A adoção de técnicas de manejo de pastagens respeitando os limites fisiológicos da forrageira e aumentando sua digestibilidade, podem reduzir a produção de metano por quilo de leite produzido no ambiente e a excreção de nutrientes. Os objetivos desta tese foram investigar variáveis metabólicas e desempenho animal de vacas leiteiras em capim-elefante cv. cameroon submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo. Capítulo 1: Neste estudo foram avaliadas duas estratégias de manejo de pastejo: meta de pré-pastejo de 95% versus máxima interceptação luminosa (IL). Em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pasto, o manejo baseado no IL95% permite que vacas tenham acesso a pastos com maior relação folha: colmo, menores perdas de forragem, resultando em uma forragem com melhor composição química. Os animais pastejando forragem com IL95% tiveram maior consumo de matéria seca e energia, com maior produção de leite por vaca e taxa de lotação resultando em maior produção de leite por área. Além disso, a estratégia permite a diminuição das emissões de metano por consumo de energia líquida quando comparado a máxima IL. No entanto, a eficiência do uso de N não aumentou com essa prática de manejo. Capítulo 2: O objetivo do segundo estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do período de início pastejo (a.m. ou. p.m.) na produção de leite, variáveis ruminais e eficiência de uso de N de vacas leiteiras no terço médio da lactação. Em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pasto, o pastejo de novos piquetes no período da tarde não teve efeito sobre o consumo de forragem e produção de leite de vacas no terço médio da lactação. No entanto, o maior teor de carboidratos não fibrosos da forragem ao final do dia possibilitou o aumento da síntese de proteína microbiana, redução do nitrogênio uréico no leite e apresentou tendência para aumento da produção de proteína e caseína do leite em comparação à vacas que iniciaram o pastejo no período da manhã. Ao longo dos estudos desta tese houve uma melhora no valor nutritivo da forragem adotando IL95% e da forragem pastejada no período da tarde. Assim, o pastejo no período da tarde deve ser adotado juntamente com IL95% como ajuste fino em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à base de pasto.
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Extração seqüencial e especiação de metais pesados, e emissão de gases do efeito estufa em Neossolo Litólico contaminado com resíduo rico em Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn / Sequential extraction and speciation of heavy metals, and emission of the greenhouse gas in a Entisol contaminated with a residue rich in Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb, and ZnNogueirol, Roberta Corrêa 27 January 2009 (has links)
A poluição do solo por metais pesados, pela intensificação das atividades industriais, agrícolas e urbanização, é um problema crescente e responsável por sérios impactos ao ambiente. A contaminação causada por metais pesados em solos tratados com resíduos urbanos é avaliada, freqüentemente, pelos teores totais desses elementos no solo. No entanto, para avaliar seus efeitos nas plantas e na cadeia alimentar, é necessário conhecimento das concentrações biodisponíveis. A área onde foi desenvolvido o presente estudo está contaminada por metais oriundos de resíduo disposto no local, que se localiza na zona rural do município de Piracicaba, num Neossolo Litólico em associação com Cambissolo. Uma vez detectada a contaminação, foram aplicadas 10 t ha-1 de calcário dolomítico e realizada aração a 20 cm. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar: i) os teores biodisponíveis de Ba, Cu, Pb, Ni e Zn por meio de dois extratores; ii) a distribuição dos elementos nas frações por meio da extração seqüencial; iii) a especiação de cátions e ânions nas soluções, e iv) emissão de gases do efeito estufa na discriminação de áreas de cana-de-açúcar impactadas ou não pela aplicação de resíduos. As amostras foram coletadas nas camadas de 0 a 0,2 m (que continha mistura de solo + resíduo), 0,2 a 0,4 m (continha somente resíduo) e 0,4 a 0,6 m (somente solo) na área contaminada, numa área próxima, cultivada com cana-de-açúcar e numa área de mata (controle). Os teores totais de metais na área estiveram acima dos valores de intervenção agrícola estabelecidos pela Cetesb, e os teores biodisponíveis extraídos por Mehlich-III foram oito vezes maiores que os extraídos por DTPA. A variação dos valores entre as repetições foi maior quando foi usada a resina trocadora de íons do que quando foram utilizados os extratores Mehlich-I e KCl. A resina extraiu maiores teores dos elementos do que os demais extratores. Nas amostras contendo resíduo, os metais se concentraram, principalmente, nas frações pouco disponíveis (residual, óxidos e carbonatos). O Ba e o Pb predominaram na fração residual, enquanto o Ni foi o metal que se apresentou mais disponível nas amostras das áreas de cana-de-açúcar e de mata. O Cu esteve distribuído, na maior parte, entre as frações residual e ligada aos óxidos, com exceção da amostra contendo resíduo, na qual a fração ligada a carbonatos foi expressiva. Nas amostras de resíduo o Zn esteve, na maior parte, distribuído entre as frações residual e ligada a carbonatos, enquanto nas amostras controle esteve, principalmente, ligado à matéria orgânica e aos óxidos. Os metais apresentaram-se, predominantemente, nas formas hidroxiladas, com exceção do Ba, que esteve como íon Ba2+. Houve efeito da aplicação do resíduo na emissão de gases do efeito estufa, sendo o CH4 o gás que mais contribuiu para esse efeito, seguido pelo CO2. / Soil pollution by heavy metals due the intensification of industrial activities, agriculture and urbanization has promoted serious impacts in the environment. The contamination caused by heavy metals in soil amended with urban waste-residues is often evaluated taking into account the total content of the elements in the soil. However, the knowledge of their bioavailable concentration is required when evaluating their effects in plants and in food chain. This study was carried out in an agricultural area contaminated with heavy metals derived from a residue. The site is located in Piracicaba, São Paulo state, Brazil, and the prevailing soil is Entisol associated with Inceptisol. Once detected the contamination, 10 t ha-1 of a dolomitic lime were applied followed by a mouldboard ploughing (20 cm deep). The objective this study was to evaluate: i) bioavailable concentration of Ba, Cu, Pb, Ni e Zn by using two extractants; ii) the distribution of these elements in soil fractions by means of sequential extraction; iii) speciation of cations and anions in the soil solution, and iv) greenhouse gas emissions. Samples were collected in three depths: 0-0.2m (containing a mixture of soil + residue); 0.2-0.4m (containing residue only); and 0.4-0.6m (containing soil only) in the contaminated area and in two adjacent areas, one of them cultivated with sugarcane, where the residue was not applied, and the other one was a forest area (control). Total metals contents in the contaminated area were higher than the agricultural intervention values established by the Company of Environmental and Sanitation Technology of the State of São Paulo, and the bioavailable contents extracted by Mehlich III were eight-fold higher than those extracted by DTPA. The standard deviation among the replicates was higher when the ionic resin was used than Mehlich-I and KCl extractants. The resin extracted higher amounts of elements than the other extractants. In the samples containing residue, the metals were found, mainly, in the low available fractions (residual, oxides and carbonates). Ba and Pb were predominantly found in the residual fraction, while Ni was more available in the samples from the sugarcane and the forest areas. Cu was distributed between the residual and the oxides fractions, excepting in the sample containing residue, where the carbonate fraction was expressive. Zn contents were distributed in the residue samples between the residual and the carbonate fractions. On the other hand, this element was found mainly on the organic matter and in the oxide fractions of the samples from the control area (forest). All the heavy metals were, predominantly, as hydroxilated species, excepting for Ba, found as Ba2+. The application of the residue affected the emission of greenhouse gas, and CH4 was the gas that has more contributed for this effect, followed by CO2.
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Grazing strategies, animal performance and environmental sustainability in intensive pasture-based milk production systems / Estratégias de pastejo, desempenho animal e sustentabilidade ambiental em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pastoCamila Delveaux Araujo Batalha 06 November 2018 (has links)
In Brazilian livestock, and its diverse ways of production, the management of grazing animals is known as the lowest return on investment on land use opportunities. Nevertheless, among different types of milk production systems, it is noted that the use of pasture grazing is a common feature between them. Thus, to achieve profitability and maintain system sustainability, the identification of the most adequate and efficient pasture management practices, can maximize production per cow and production per unit area. The low efficiency of this method of production, also classifies the national livestock as the major source of environmental pollution due the emission of pollutants, such as greenhouse gases and nitrogen. The adoption of pasture management techniques respecting forage physiological limits and increasing digestibility of nutrients, can reduce the excretion of nutrients and the production of methane per kilo of milk produced on the environment. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate metabolic variables, greenhouse gas emissions and animal performance for dairy cows grazing elephant grass subjected to rotational stocking strategies. Chapter 1: In this study was to evaluate two strategies of grazing management: pre-grazing targets of 95% versus maximum canopy light interception (LI). In intensive pasture-based milk production systems, the management based on LI95% allows lactating cows to have access to pastures with lower proportion of stems, with higher proportions of young leaves better chemical composition and perform an efficient grazing with lower forage losses. Therefore, the LI95% pasture management strategy results in higher energy intake, higher milk production per cow, higher stocking rates of pasture and higher milk yield per area. Also, the strategy allows the decrease of methane emissions per net energy intake when comparing to management based on LIMax. However, dietary N use efficiency did not increase with this management practice. Chapter 2: The objective of the second study was to evaluate the effects of paddock allocation time (a.m. vs. p.m.) on milk production, ruminal variables and efficiency of N use of mid-lactation dairy cows. In intensive pasture-based milk production systems, allocating cows on new paddocks on p.m. time has no effect on forage intake and milk production of grazing mid-lactation cows. However, the higher content of nonstructural carbohydrate of forage from p.m. pastures increases the yield of microbial protein, decreases milk urea nitrogen and tends to increase the yields of milk protein and milk casein compared to a.m. pastures. Throughout this thesis there were an improvement on nutritive value of forage adopting LI95% as a pre- grazing target and forage grazed at p.m. Therefore, the time of allocation on paddock should be used along with LI95% as fine-tune in intensive pasture-based milk production systems. / No Brasil, a produção animal em pastagens é reconhecida por ser uma atividade pouco competitiva frente a outras oportunidades de uso da terra. Embora sejam inúmeros os tipos de sistemas de produção de leite no Brasil, nota-se que a utilização de pastagens é característica comum. Assim, a identificação de práticas adequadas e eficientes de manejo do pastejo contribuirá com aumento da produção por vaca e por unidade de área, além de contribuir para a sustentabilidade do sistema. A baixa eficiência do uso dos recursos naturais tem classificado a pecuária nacional como uma importante fonte de poluição ambiental devido à emissão de poluentes, como gases de efeito estufa e excreção de nitrogênio. A adoção de técnicas de manejo de pastagens respeitando os limites fisiológicos da forrageira e aumentando sua digestibilidade, podem reduzir a produção de metano por quilo de leite produzido no ambiente e a excreção de nutrientes. Os objetivos desta tese foram investigar variáveis metabólicas e desempenho animal de vacas leiteiras em capim-elefante cv. cameroon submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo. Capítulo 1: Neste estudo foram avaliadas duas estratégias de manejo de pastejo: meta de pré-pastejo de 95% versus máxima interceptação luminosa (IL). Em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pasto, o manejo baseado no IL95% permite que vacas tenham acesso a pastos com maior relação folha: colmo, menores perdas de forragem, resultando em uma forragem com melhor composição química. Os animais pastejando forragem com IL95% tiveram maior consumo de matéria seca e energia, com maior produção de leite por vaca e taxa de lotação resultando em maior produção de leite por área. Além disso, a estratégia permite a diminuição das emissões de metano por consumo de energia líquida quando comparado a máxima IL. No entanto, a eficiência do uso de N não aumentou com essa prática de manejo. Capítulo 2: O objetivo do segundo estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do período de início pastejo (a.m. ou. p.m.) na produção de leite, variáveis ruminais e eficiência de uso de N de vacas leiteiras no terço médio da lactação. Em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à pasto, o pastejo de novos piquetes no período da tarde não teve efeito sobre o consumo de forragem e produção de leite de vacas no terço médio da lactação. No entanto, o maior teor de carboidratos não fibrosos da forragem ao final do dia possibilitou o aumento da síntese de proteína microbiana, redução do nitrogênio uréico no leite e apresentou tendência para aumento da produção de proteína e caseína do leite em comparação à vacas que iniciaram o pastejo no período da manhã. Ao longo dos estudos desta tese houve uma melhora no valor nutritivo da forragem adotando IL95% e da forragem pastejada no período da tarde. Assim, o pastejo no período da tarde deve ser adotado juntamente com IL95% como ajuste fino em sistemas intensivos de produção de leite à base de pasto.
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A techno-economic and environmental analysis of a novel technology utilizing an internal combustion engine as a compact, inexpensive micro-reformer for a distributed gas-to-liquids systemBrowne, Joshua Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) contribute to global warming, and must be mitigated. With GHG mitigation as an overarching goal, this research aims to study the potential for newfound and abundant sources of natural gas to play a role as part of a GHG mitigation strategy. However, recent work suggests that methane leakage in the current natural gas system may inhibit end-use natural gas as a robust mitigation strategy, but that natural gas as a feedstock for other forms of energy, such as electricity generation or liquid fuels, may support natural-gas based mitigation efforts.
Flaring of uneconomic natural gas, or outright loss of natural gas to the atmosphere results in greenhouse gas emissions that could be avoided and which today are very large in aggregate. A central part of this study is to look at a new technology for converting natural gas into methanol at a unit scale that is matched to the size of individual natural gas wells. The goal is to convert stranded or otherwise flared natural gas into a commercially valuable product and thereby avoid any unnecessary emission to the atmosphere.
A major part of this study is to contribute to the development of a novel approach for converting natural gas into methanol and to assess the environmental impact (for better or for worse) of this new technology. This Ph.D. research contributes to the development of such a system and provides a comprehensive techno-economic and environmental assessment of this technology.
Recognizing the distributed nature of methane leakage associated with the natural gas system, this work is also intended to advance previous research at the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy that aims to show that small, modular energy systems can be made economic. This thesis contributes to and analyzes the development of a small-scale gas-to-liquids (GTL) system aimed at addressing flared natural gas from gas and oil wells. This thesis includes system engineering around a design that converts natural gas to synthesis gas (syngas) in a reciprocating internal combustion engine and then converts the syngas into methanol in a small-scale reactor.
With methanol as the product, this research aims to show that such a system can not only address current and future natural gas flaring regulation, but eventually can compete economically with historically large-scale, centralized methanol production infrastructure. If successful, such systems could contribute to a shift away from large, multi-billion dollar capital cost chemical plants towards smaller systems with shorter lifetimes that may decrease the time to transition to more sustainable forms of energy and chemical conversion technologies.
This research also quantifies the potential for such a system to contribute to mitigating GHG emissions, not only by addressing flared gas in the near-term, but also supporting future natural gas infrastructure ideas that may help to redefine the way the current natural gas pipeline system is used. The introduction of new, small-scale, distributed energy and chemical conversion systems located closer to the point of extraction may contribute to reducing methane leakage throughout the natural gas distribution system by reducing the reliance and risks associated with the aging natural gas pipeline infrastructure.
The outcome of this thesis will result in several areas for future work. From an economic perspective, factors that contribute to overall system cost, such as operation and maintenance (O&M) and capital cost multiplier (referred to as the Lang Factor for large-scale petro-chemical plants), are not yet known for novel systems such as the technology presented here. From a technical perspective, commercialization of small-scale, distributed chemical conversion systems may create a demand for economical compression and air-separation technologies at this scale that do not currently exist. Further, new business cases may arise aimed at utilizing small, remote sources of methane, such as biogas from agricultural and municipal waste. Finally, while methanol was selected as the end-product for this thesis, future applications of this technology may consider methane conversion to hydrogen, ammonia, and ethylene for example, challenging the orthodoxy in the chemical industry that “bigger is better.”
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Proposta de diretrizes para capacitação de “verificadores de relatórios de inventário de emissões de GEE”Andrade, Edson Carlos Santos de 01 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-10T19:16:46Z
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Dissert Edson Carlos S Andrade.pdf: 2831184 bytes, checksum: 54b1eca5925e999bc11f2567ed41e013 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-07-01 / O Tratado de Kyoto concluiu que as mudanças climáticas têm, nas ações do homem, uma das causas do descontrole do efeito estufa, através das emissões em excesso “Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE)”. O objetivo é reduzir essas emissões, cuja meta foi estabelecida para 2030, e realizar inventários é monitorar o quanto cada país está emitindo. As empresas fazem os Inventários, providenciam que os mesmos sejam verificados por profissionais de órgãos de terceira parte. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor diretrizes para a capacitação desses verificadores. Como metodologia, foi realizada revisão da literatura, que fez abordagem sobre cada etapa do processo. As obras de autores e normas suportam a sistemática necessária para elaboração do inventário e sua verificação. Competências necessárias são enfatizadas, segundo abordagem moderna onde Conhecimento, Habilidade e Atitude (CHA) conceituam o modelo de Competência a ser seguido pelos profissionais envolvidos. A metodologia aplicada na pesquisa também contempla característica descritiva e são utilizadas ferramentas, tais como questionários que fazem uso de métodos qualitativo e quantitativo. Através da pesquisa verificou-se a necessidade de melhoria da capacitação dos Verificadores, pois na visão dos Avaliadores do INMETRO, as não conformidades abertas no processo de avaliação dos organismos, grande parte destas, relacionam-se aos verificadores. Quanto à Habilidade observou-se gaps relacionados à liderança e visão sistêmica e à dimensão Atitude, que é a necessidade do verificador ser aberto a feedbacks. Quanto à diversidade dos segmentos a elaborarem inventários, todos colocaram que interatividade dos verificadores e treinamentos podem minimizar tal dificuldade. Os objetivos foram atingidos e aspectos foram colocados para a melhoria do processo e, consequentemente, com vistas a aumentar a credibilidade dos Inventários de Emissões de GEE / The Kyoto Treaty concluded that climate change have on the actions of man, one of the causes of the lack of control of the greenhouse effect, through excessive emissions "of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The objective is to reduce these emissions, whose goal was set for 2030 and perform inventories is how to monitor how much each country is sending. Companies make inventories ensure that they are checked by professional third-party organ. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose guidelines for the training of these testers. How methodology literature review was carried out which did approach on each step of the process. The works of authors and systematic support standards required for your verification and inventory. Skills are emphasized, according to modern approach where Knowledge, skill and attitude, conceptualize the competency model to be followed by the professionals involved. The methodology applied in research also includes descriptive feature and are used tools such as questionnaires that make use of qualitative and quantitative methods. Through research it was found the need to improve the training of checkers, because in the view of the evaluators from INMETRO, the non-conformities opened in the evaluation process, a large part of these, relating to checkers. As for the observed Skill gaps related to: leadership and systemic view and the size is the need of the Verifier be open to feedback. As the diversity of segments to draw up inventories, all put to interactivity of the testers and training can minimize such difficulty. The objectives were achieved and aspects were put to improve the process, consequently increasing the credibility of GHG Emission Inventories.
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Podmínky implementace ekologicky šetrných technologií na trhu automobilů v ČR / Conditions for implementation of alternative fuel technologies in passenger cars on the Czech marketHoleček, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The thesis topic is creating conditions for successful implementation of alternative fuel technologies in passenger cars on the Czech market. Its goal is to develop a comprehensive concept of proposed measures that would create demand for alternative powertrain. It analyzes current situation of the environmental-friendly vehicles market and examines reasons why consumers have not been purposefully searching for these cars so far. The thesis consists of several coherent blocks. The first one deals with general aspects of innovations and development, energy resources, climate protection and car fleet in the Czech Republic. The second part focuses on new alternative technologies from the viewpoint of energy resources and examines the offer on the local market. The third section includes a consumer research focused on information related to potential customers' preferences and compares economic efficiency and costs of selected technologies. The final part presents proposed ways of accomplishing the main goal, while special attention is given to specific recommendations, which would help to create demand and facilitate promotion among consumers.
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