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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fabrique mémorielle et identitaire dans le théâtre contemporain taïwanais : exemple du Théâtre Golden Bough (Jin Zhi Yan She). / The factory of memory and identity in taiwanese contemporary theatre : the example of the Golden Bough Theatre (jin zhi yan she)

Huang, Shu Ping 30 June 2016 (has links)
Grotowski a influencé fortement, grâce au Théâtre U, les créations du Petit Théâtre taïwanais. Les recherches de Grotowski autour des techniques de la source, pour les artistes du Petit Théâtre taïwanais, revêt un caractère propre à leur culture populaire et les aident à s’identifier comme une communauté spécifique. Hérité du Théâtre U, le Théâtre Golden Bough ne s’exclut pas de la tendance à la recherche d’une nouvelle langue physique sur la base de techniques traditionnelles, mais progressivement, il s’est orienté vers un type de comédie musicale populaire. Le Théâtre Golden Bough met en scène de façon burlesque des stéréotypes de films et de séries télévisées du genre mélodrame. Le bricolage d’extraits de médias d’aujourd’hui avec des éléments d’hier construit une passerelle reliant les spectateurs contemporains à une « belle époque » empreinte de nostalgie des années 1960.Cette thèse décrypte la situation des Taïwanais souvent tiraillés entre des conflits identitaires. L’étude du Théâtre Golden Bough montre comment les artistes du théâtre ont représenté les différences culturelles, les tensions sociales, dans leurs mises en scène et le jeu des acteurs. Elle permet de mettre en exergue les logiques qui orientent l’évolution de la construction et l’affirmation d’une « identité taïwanaise ». / Since the abolition of the martial law in 1987, the Taïwanese have been trying to create a new cultural identity by defining Taïwan as a nation and as an ethnic group. The quest results from the long-term colonization of Taïwan by Japan and KMT. In this atmosphere, young university students created small-sized avant-garde theatres, the so-called Little Theatre, as a means to express their discontent and their resistance to the authoritarian government.Through the workshops and the project of “tracking back” of the U-Theatre of Taïwan, Grotowski, a western theater master, has greatly influenced the acting style of the Little Theatre. Grotowski’s works of “techniques of source” inspired the Taïwanese performers to find their own traditional physical techniques. Inherited from the U-Theatre and the practices of Grotowski, Golden Bough Theatre initially searches for a new sacred and abstract physical language based on traditional techniques. However, the effort gradually evolved into the creation of a type of comedy, where the stereotypes of movie and television series were performed in a burlesque way. By means of mixing the elements of modern and old days, Golden Bough Theatre has constructed a bridge bringing contemporary spectators back to a nostalgic “golden age” in 1960s. Golden Bough Theater is now considered as an authentic Taïwanese theatre. This thesis discusses the Little Theatre, whose plays often reflect taïwanese political situation and ethnic conflicts. The artists of the Little Theatre act out the cultural and social tensions. The study of Theatre Golden Bough allows us to understand the evolution of Taïwanese cultural identity from an artistic perspective.


ANA LUIZA FIRMEZA ROCHA 18 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] A partir de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar entre os estudos de literatura e os estudos teatrais, a presente dissertação investiga a última fase da trajetória artística de Jerzy Grotowski (1933-1999), a Arte como Veículo, criada com a fundação em Pontedera, na Itália, do Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski (1986), posteriormente rebatizado de Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards (1996). Neste âmbito, a pesquisa propõe um estudo da Action The Living Room (Richards: 2008-), obra da Arte como Veículo, baseada na prática com os cantos de tradição e com as ações físicas estruturadas. Ao ingressar numa escrita do corpo atravessada pela memória reconstruída - falhada - projetada - imaginada da própria autora enquanto atriz no Master Course ministrado pelo Workcenter (2014), este trabalho oferece um modelo de análise estético-crítico, que acentua a investigação e experimentação de conceitos de teatro performativo (Fischer-Lichte: 2004) e teatro pós-dramático (Lehmann: 1999), articulados com noções de performance e ritual (Schechner: 2003) em tensão com a Arte como Veículo, através de The Living Room. Neste contexto, a dissertação se configura igualmente como um experimento literário fundado no deslocamento da palavra no espaço enfatizando escritas outras, inseridas visual, plástica, tátil e auditivamente, no interior de um sistema literário- artístico contemporâneo experimental. / [fr] À partir d une perspective transdisciplinaire entre les études de littérature et les études théâtrales, ce mémoire de Master réfléchit sur la dernière phase de la trajectoire artistique de Jerzy Grotowski (1933-1999), l Art comme Véhicule, créée avec la fondation du Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski (1986) à Pontedera (Italie), rebaptisé par la suite Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards (1996). À cet égard, la recherche propose une étude de l Action The Living Room (Richards: 2008-), l oeuvre de l Art comme Véhicule, basée sur la pratique avec les chants de tradition et les actions physiques structurées. Ce travail, tout en rejoignant une écriture du corps traversée par la mémoire reconstruite – faillée – projetée – imaginée de l auteur elle-même en tant qu actrice au Master Course du Workcenter (2014), offre un modèle d analyse esthétique-critique, qui met en relief la recherche et expérimentation des concepts de théâtre performatif (Fischer-Lichte: 2004) et de théâtre postdramatique (Lehmann: 1999). Ces concepts sont articulés à leur tour à des notions de performance et rituel (Schechner: 2003) en tension avec l Art comme Véhicule, à travers The Living Room. Dans ce contexte, cette recherche se configure également comme une expérimentation littéraire fondée sur le déplacement des mots dans l espace soulignant d autres écritures, visuellement, plastiquement, tactilement, auditivement insérées à l intérieur d un système littéraire-artistique expérimental contemporain.

L'Espai teatral dels anys seixanta. Revolució i ritual en el Living Theatre, Peter Brook i Jerzy Grotowski

Castel-Branco, Inês 08 June 2007 (has links)
Als anys seixanta sorgeix un teatre profundament transgressor, que abandona els edificis convencionals a la recerca de llocs buits, pobres, flexibles. Rere aquesta actitud hi ha una crítica a la societat del moment, considerada elitista, alienadora i passiva. Gran part dels arguments que caracteritzaven el teatre fins aleshores perden la seva validesa. El concepte d'espectacle és substituït pel de ritual; el d'espectador, pel de participant; el d'entreteniment, pel de compromís. El teatre s'immisceix en l'agitada vida política, social i espiritual d'una dècada revolucionària. Finalment, i amb mig segle de retard en relació amb les altres arts, el teatre agafa el relleu de les avantguardes teatrals i entra en la modernitat.L'estudi del recorregut artístic de Peter Brook, Jerzy Grotowski fundador del Teatre Laboratori i la parella Julian Beck i Judith Malina fundadors del Living Theatre ens permet analitzar l'intrincat context dels seixanta en països com França, Anglaterra, Itàlia o Polònia. Es tracta de directors revolucionaris i alhora interessats pel sagrat, creadors d'un teatre ritual que sacseja els espectadors i els demana una implicació autèntica.A la introducció de la tesi ens preguntem per la permanència del sagrat en el teatre dels seixanta. Resseguint la biografia dels nostres directors, hi descobrim un profund coneixement de les tradicions religioses i una voluntat d'adaptar els seus principis i les seves tècniques psicofísiques al teatre. El teatre es mostra així com un receptacle laic de rituals que pertanyien a les religions. En el desig de regenerar-lo, la gent del teatre reclama una litúrgia col·lectiva capaç d'apropar actors i espectadors en un acte total. Volent unir l'art i la vida, directors i actors s'aïllen en petites comunitats per experimentar unes relacions humanes vertaderes i inventar nous processos de creació.La primera part de la tesi, més panoràmica, situa el teatre dins els corrents de pensament i els moviments artístics de l'època. Mentre els antropòlegs i sociòlegs constaten un retorn de la festa i la ritualitat, els estudiants es revolten pels carrers de París. El Maig del 68 marca un abans i un després també en el teatre: abandonant les obres dramàtiques, el vestuari especial, les escenografies i fins i tot els edificis, el teatre surt al carrer, es desteatralitza i es revesteix de ritualitat. Aquest rebuig de les institucions i les convencions té paral·lelismes amb el land art, l'arte povera, els happenings o el body art, sintonitzant també amb els situacionistes, el guerrilla theatre o el street theatre.La segona part de la tesi incideix sobre la ritualitat del teatre dels seixanta i l'espai que se'n deriva. Analitzant el nou paper atorgat a l'actor, el director i el públic, hi descobrim un mateix procés de despullament, de renúncia a les tècniques apreses i eliminació dels obstacles personals. El teatre respon així a una via negativa que cerca la seva purificació i un retorn a l'essencialitat. Les mediacions escèniques, massa mundanes, esdevenen obstacles a la trobada viva entre actors i espectadors. Ara importa l'element humà, el sacrifici de l'actor que regenera tota la comunitat, el ritual que aplega i connecta amb un passat compartit. El teatre es converteix en una realitat molt més corporal, cinètica, dependent de l'actor.L'espai d'aquest teatre passa a definir-se a partir dels moviments, les dinàmiques i les relacions que s'estableixen en escena. No depèn ja exclusivament de l'arquitectura ni de l'escenografia, sinó fonamentalment d'un ordre humà on compten les distàncies, les orientacions, les fronteres, la configuració i disposició de tots els participants. En certa manera, es tracta d'un espai sagrat que cal descobrir i potenciar. Un espai ritual, consagrat en cada actuació. Un espai real, que no preten simular res. Un espai simbòlic, que recupera les formes geomètriques primordials. Un espai unitari, sense barreres de cap tipus. Un espai buit, expectant, disponible. / There emerged in the nineteen sixties a deeply defiant theatre that deserted conventional buildings in search of empty, poor but flexible places. Behind this attitude there was a critique of the society of the times, that was considered to be elitist, hostile and passive. The majority of the scripts that characterised theatre up to that moment became obsolete. The concept of performance was substituted by ritual, spectator by participant, entertainment by compromise. Theatre became mixed up in the restless political, social and spiritual life of a revolutionary decade. Finally, half a century later than other arts, theatre seized the prominence of the theatrical vanguards and entered modernity.The study of the artistic careers of Peter Brook, Jerzy Grotowski - founder of the Teatr Laboratorium - and the couple Julian Beck and Judith Malina - founders of the Living Theatre - provides an opportunity to analyse the intricate context of the sixties in France, England, Italy or Poland. It involved revolutionary directors who were simultaneously interested in the sacred, creators of a theatre ritual that perturbed spectators and required their authentic participation. In the introduction to the thesis, we question the permanence of the sacred in sixties theatre. Revisiting the biography of our directors, we discover their knowledge of religious traditions and their desire to adapt their psycho-physical techniques to theatre. Theatre thus presented itself as a lay performance of rituals that belonged to religions. In the desire to regenerate it, theatre people sought after a collective liturgy capable of bringing actors and spectators together. With a desire to unite art and life, directors and actors isolated themselves in small communities to test true human relations and invent new creative processes.The first part of the thesis is an overview, locating theatre in the artistic thought and movements of the time. While anthropologists and sociologists were proclaiming the return of feast and ritual, students were revolting on the streets of Paris. May 68 marked the before and after of theatre too, by forsaking dramatic composition, special costumes, stage backdrops and accessories and even the theatre buildings. Theatre took to the street, shed its conventional theatrical hallmarks and overlaid itself with rituality. This rejection of institutions and conventions has affinities to land art, arte povera, happenings or body art, and remains in tune also with the situationists, guerrilla theatre or street theatre.The second part of the thesis focuses on the rituality of the theatre of the sixties and its ensuing space. Analysing the new role given to the actor, the director and the public, we discover a same process of deprivation, of rejection of learned techniques and of elimination of personal obstacles. The theatre thus responded to a via negativa that sought its purification and a return to the essential. The scenic mediations, that were far too mundane, became converted into obstacles in the living encounter between actors and spectators. Now what mattered was the human element, the sacrifice of the actor that regenerated a whole community, the ritual that congregates and connects with a shared past. Theatre became a more corporal reality, kinetic, and dependent upon the actor.The space of this theatre came to be defined out of the movements, the dynamics and the relations that were established on stage. It no longer depended upon architecture or scenery except that of a human order where distances, orientations, borders, configurations and the dispositions of all the participants counted. To a certain extent, it was a sacred place that needed to be discovered and strengthened. A space of ritual, consecrated at each performance. A real space, that did not try to simulate anything. A symbolic space, that revived basic geometrical forms. A unitary space, without barriers of any type. An empty space, eager and available.

Dramatic space : Jerzy Grotowski and the recovery of the ritual function of theatre

Georges, Pierre Marie. January 2002 (has links)
This thesis explores temporal forms of architectural meaning through the investigation of the dramatic space of "ritual theatre." In particular, it analyzes the thought and several theatrical productions of the twentieth century Polish theatre director, Jerzy Grotowski: Grotowski is of particular interest because he designed a "total dramatic space" that incorporated both the actors and the spectators (although without necessarily integrating them) for each of his dramatic works. In each case, the spatial relationships created by the theatrical architecture were indissolubly connected to the meaning of the drama itself. In this way, space was used as a kind of third protagonist that, along with the actors and spectators, participates in the theatrical ritual.

The Nothing to be afraid of : Experiments within lyrical animation

Kristensen, Bjarke Stenbæk January 2014 (has links)
Practical Approach In this project I have been exploring how to work intuitively and exploratory with animation, lyrical animation, dynamic paintings – whatever you might call it. Traditional animation is meticulous; it has a strong emphasis on planning the storytelling. This approach derives from the fact that the production of traditional animation is extremely time-­‐consuming and thus expensive in either time or money. I started this project with an experience of how modern software and hardware can help you bypass these hurdles, and perhaps enabling a more experimental, improvising approach without necessarily compromising the output quality. I have my starting point in illustration and acrylic painting as a medium, which I, in this project have been implementing in the software After Effects Theoretical Approach I make sense of the world through metaphors. The metaphor allows me to understand something even though I haven’t experienced it myself. An experience, a sensation, can have transparent qualities. It can be superimposed onto the experiences of others; scaled up or down a bit or change the time and the setting. Perhaps it is this, which allows us to have empathy? When I tell a story, I am making a room of my feelings that others can step into and we can share an experience. In this project, I have been trying to find a way to tap into the vapors of my imagination. Through intuition-­‐driven animation excises, I try to solidify my vague inklings, hoping to make my mind somewhat permeable to yours.

Corpo fora do lugar: movimento, fluxo e desordem no percurso entre treinamento psicofísico e construção cênica pela via das ações físicas

Henckes, Leonel January 2011 (has links)
190f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-03-27T15:09:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Serrano%20dissertacao.pdf: 2449771 bytes, checksum: 8f2f031e3e7e5b7ec9a30d5dc125c4d0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ednaide Gondim Magalhães(ednaide@ufba.br) on 2013-04-10T13:46:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Serrano%20dissertacao.pdf: 2449771 bytes, checksum: 8f2f031e3e7e5b7ec9a30d5dc125c4d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-10T13:46:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Serrano%20dissertacao.pdf: 2449771 bytes, checksum: 8f2f031e3e7e5b7ec9a30d5dc125c4d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Este trabalho investiga o percurso entre treinamento psicofísico e construção cênica pela via das ações físicas. Estabelece a tríade movimento, fluxo e desordem como elementos norteadores da investigação que se focou na tentativa de desvelar e articular uma poética pessoal do atuante a partir das experiências registradas no meu corpo-memória-vida. Através de um processo criativo solo que teve como ponto de partida o corpo em movimento no espaço, foi possível reconhecer princípios e procedimentos que balizam a minha abordagem do treinamento psicofísico e encontrar o fluxo (qualidade de atenção) no movimento como principal eixo do meu trabalho. A busca por uma especificidade poética através de um processo de individuação e singularização de procedimentos e princípios na experiência solo, levou a descoberta do ‘contato’ como elemento orgânico necessário à verticalização do processo e compreensão do percurso criativo vivenciado. Em diálogo com Konstantin Stanislávski (1863 - 1938) e Jerzy Grotowski (1933 - 1999), mestres da tradição teatral européia do século XX, tornou-se possível revelar a experiência singular e tecer relações que me levaram ao princípio das ações físicas como estrutura no trabalho do ator em fluxo. / Salvador

A voz integrada: uma análise das proposições de Grotowski, Barba e Staniewski para o treinamento vocal e sua aplicação na preparação do ator

Campbell, Patrick George Warburton January 2005 (has links)
108f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-01T15:52:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Patrick.pdf: 765034 bytes, checksum: 2acff7609f8ba9a9370319c5cb9ee7d4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ednaide Gondim Magalhães(ednaide@ufba.br) on 2013-04-05T14:51:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Patrick.pdf: 765034 bytes, checksum: 2acff7609f8ba9a9370319c5cb9ee7d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-05T14:51:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patrick.pdf: 765034 bytes, checksum: 2acff7609f8ba9a9370319c5cb9ee7d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Nesta dissertação foram analisadas as proposições de Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba e Wlodzimierz Stanieswski acerca do treinamento vocal, no sentido de compor uma base para uma proposta metodológica de preparação vocal do ator. Depois de um breve histórico da carreira artística do autor e um panorama das carreiras de Grotowski, Barba e Staniewski, foram identificados elementos convergentes no treinamento vocal promovido pelos três diretores. Foi estabelecido que, como princípio orientador, os três promovem métodos integrados de trabalhar o eixo voz,corpo,consciência que fogem de padrões cartesianos. Este princípio dá origem a uma série de procedimentos técnicos que ampliam métodos tradicionais de preparação e controle respiratório, numa promoção da respiração orgânica e espontânea, e o uso dos chamados ressonadores vocais para explorar e desenvolver a extensão da voz e qualidades vocais diferentes. Propõe-se, com base no treinamento sistematizado, uma prática vocal consistindo no uso de canções tradicionais e técnicas de cantos milenares como eixo central da pesquisa vocal. Estas tendências foram avaliadas utilizando-se como referência metodológica os campos da anatomia vocal, os estudos culturais e as neurociências. O resultado desta análise serviu como base para a sistematização e estruturação da própria abordagem vocal do autor, que foi influenciado por seu contato prático-teórico com o trabalho destes três diretores e por suas próprias experiências teatrais. Este sistema foi documentado em DVD, e devidamente anexado a esta dissertação, para mostrar na prática sua eficácia e validade, e para servir como referência para outros atores e profissionais de voz. / Salvador

Tělové vnímání v herecké pedagogice a v dramatické výchově / Body perception in acting and in drama in education

Skuhrovcová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes what the body perception is, how it works, and how it is used in acting. Further the thesis deals with possibilities of development of body perception through drama in education. How is possible to develop the body perception through drama in education. The inspiration is taken from the work of Michail Chekhov and Jerzy Grotowski. .

Verticalidade e Awareness : qualidades de consciência no trabalho do ator/performer / Verticality and Awareness : qualities of consciousness in the work of actor/performer

Carrer, Janaina, 1984- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Cassiano Sydow Quilici / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T10:47:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carrer_Janaina_M.pdf: 14621857 bytes, checksum: 3bc6cba3d246e8a6a4a1d2c9e8c9f52d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa investiga a construção de uma qualidade de consciência enquanto atenção e presença no trabalho do ator/performer. Para tanto, num primeiro capítulo, tratamos sobre a noção de consciência no âmbito teatral, bem como os apontamentos necessários a respeito da dicotomia corpo/mente, e, em seguida, encontramos no pensamento de Francisco Varela, Yasuo Yuasa e Philip B. Zarrilli caminhos para se (re)pensar uma outra qualidade possível à consciência. Tendo como eixo norteador a análise do trabalho de Jerzy Grotowski ao final de sua vida (no período denominado Arte como Veículo), o segundo capítulo foca sobre as noções de Verticalidade, Awareness, Performer e o binômio I-I apresentados pelo diretor polonês. Além de uma análise sobre este momento da pesquisa de Grotowski, se apresenta ainda um diálogo com Varela, Yuasa e Zarrilli, a fim de privilegiar a ideia do trabalho do artista sobre si mesmo (sobre a noção de cultivo), relacionando arte e vida, entendendo neste processo a construção de uma qualidade de consciência sutil e refinada. Num terceiro momento direcionamos o foco da pesquisa para processos criativos da autora, relacionando discurso teórico e experiência vivida, a fim de encontrar os próprios caminhos na construção desta qualidade diferenciada de consciência / Abstract: This research investigates the construction of a quality of consciousness as attention and presence in the actor/performer¿s work. For this, in the first chapter, we deal on the notion of awareness in the theatrical context, as well the necessary notes about the dicothomy mind/body, and then, find the thought of Francisco Varela, Yasuo Yuasa and Philip B. Zarrilli, ways to (re)consider an another possible quality for the consciousness. Guided by the analysis the work of Jerzy Grotowski in the end of his life (the period know as Art as Vehicle), the second chapter focuses on the notions of Verticality, Awareness, Performer and the binomial I-I presented by the polish director. Besides an analysis on this momento of Grotowski¿s research, we present a dialogue with Varela, Yuasa and Zarrilli, in order to favor the Idea of the artist¿s work on himself (on the notion of "self-cultivation"), linking art and life, understanding in this process the construction of an subtle and refined quality of consciousness. In a third moment, we direct the focus of the research for creative processes of the author, relating theoretical discourse and lived experience in order to find their own ways in the construction of this particular quality of consciousness / Mestrado / Artes da Cena / Mestre em Artes da Cena

Dramatic space : Jerzy Grotowski and the recovery of the ritual function of theatre

Georges, Pierre Marie. January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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