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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Daily Electrical Stimulation of Periaqueductal Grey on Vocalization and Depressive-like Behavior during Separation in Guinea Pigs

Dazey, Jennifer January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Aspectos descritivos e quantitativos da anatomia macroscópica e microscópica do nervo vestíbulo-coclear de cobaias / Descriptive and Quantitative Aspects of macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the vestibulocochlear nerve of guinea pigs

Vasconcelos, Carlos Augusto Carvalho de 20 June 2005 (has links)
O nervo vestíbulo-coclear da cobaia possui peculiaridades não encontradas em outros nervos periféricos. Não foram encontradas informações detalhadas sobre os aspectos morfométricos do VIII nervo craniano em cobaias adultas na literatura. A avaliação descritiva e quantitativa no presente estudo, evidencia informações que precedem o estudo das alterações que ocorrem em modelos experimentais de neuropatias do VIII nervo craniano e as doenças ou lesões que possam afetar o homem. Foram utilizadas 8 cobaias adultas, perfundidas com glutaraldeído a 2,5% em tampão cacodilato de sódio (0,025 M). Seus nervos direito e esquerdo (n=6, 4 nervos direito e 2 esquerdos) foram dissecados na região mediana do nervo e pós fixado com tetróxido de ósmio (OsO4) a 1% e incluídos em resina epóxi Poly/Bed 812®. Os fragmentos foram cortados em secções transversais semifinas seriadas (6 nervos) com uma espessura de 0,5 μm e corados com azul de toluidina para a microscopia de luz. Foram analisados os aspectos histológicos descritivos e topográficos do nervo vestíbulo-coclear em cobaias adultas, bem como os aspectos histométricos na parte mediana do nervo, no referente a densidade de fibras mielínicas, a distribuição dos diâmetros de tal tipo de fibras mielínicas, ao cálculo da razão G e o número de vasos sangüíneos encontrados dentro da área de cada nervo. O nervo coclear é envolvido pelo vestibular na porção inicial da junção de ambos. O conjunto, nervos coclear e vestibular e nervo vestíbulo-coclear têm a aparência bifurcada da letra Y, na horizontal com os ramos lateralizados, possuindo em média 5 mm de comprimento. É ricamente vascularizado e documenta uma completa interposição das fibras dos nervos coclear e vestibular, quando o fascículo do VIII nervo está completamente constituído. As suas fibras mielínicas dispõem-se paralelamente em seu sentido longitudinal e são circundadas por escasso tecido endoneural. Não foram evidencias fibras amielínicas no VIII nervo. A distribuição das fibras mielínicas no segmento mediano do VIII nervo craniano foi unimodal, havendo predomínio de fibras com 3,5 m de diâmetro. O número de fibras foi de 5.390 ± 1.504 fibras. O diâmetro das fibras variou de 1,5 a 6 m de diâmetro. Os axônios com 2,5 m de diâmetro foram predominantes quantitativamente: 6.757 ± 1.922 axônios. O diâmetro axonal variou entre 1 a 4,5 m. A densidade média das fibras do VIII nervo em seu segmento mediano foi de 41.474 ± 4384 fibras/mm2. O diâmetro fascicular foi de 0,77 ± 0,04 mm. A razão G varia de 0,2 a 0,9. O maior número de fibras tem razão G de 0,7 e 0,6, respectivamente, predominando as fibras com 0,7. Os resultados descritos neste trabalho científico são originais, contendo alguns resultados inéditos e pouco estudados na literatura científica sobre a anatomia e morfometria do VIII nervo craniano em cobaia. O nervo vestíbulo-coclear da cobaia é um nervo sensitivo aferente especial, e bem diferente em sua anátomo-fisiologia de todos os outros nervos sensitivos e motores encontrados nos mamíferos. A cobaia adulta é um excelente modelo experimental para o estudo do nervo vestíbulo-coclear, semelhantes aos de humanos. / The vestibulocochlear (VIIIth cranial nerve) nerve of guinea pigs have special features not common for peripheral nerves in general. There are no detailed reports on the morphometric characteristics of the VIII nerve in adult guinea pigs. This is a descriptive and qualitative study that shows normal parameters that are useful in experimental models of the VIIIth nerve neuropathy. Eight adult guinea pigs were perfused with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in isotonic cacodilate buffer (0.025M). The right (N=4) and left (N=2) nerves were dissected in the median region, post-fixed in 1% osmuin tetroxide and embedded in epoxy resin. Semithin (0.5 µm) serial transverse sections were stained with 1% toluidine blue for light microscopy study. The descriptive histology and the topographical and histometric aspects of the median region of the nerve were analyzed, including myelinated fiber density, myelinated fiber diameter distribution, g ratio and number of endoneural capillary vessels. The cochlear nerve is enveloped by the vestibular nerve when they join together. Both, the cochlear and the vestibular nerves join to form the vestibulocochlear nerve with a Y shape, with approximately 5 mm in length. The nerve is widely vascularized and presents a complete mixture of the vestibular and cochlear myelinated fibers when the VIII nerve fascicle is constituted. The myelinated fibers are longitudinally oriented and present few endoneural connective tissue in between. No unmyelinated fibers were evidenced in the VIII nerve. The myelinated fiber diameter distribution was unimodal, with a peak at 3.5, and intervals between 1,5 and 6 m. The average number of fibers was 5.390 ± 1.504. The myelinated axon diameter distribution was also unimodal, with a peak at 2.5 µm of diameter were predominant quantitatively: 6.757 ± 1.922, and intervals between 1 and 4.5 µm. The average myelinated fiber density was 41.474 ± 4384 mm2, spread in a fascicular diameter of 0.77 ± 0.04 mm. The g ratio values varied from 0.2 to 0.9 and most of the myelinated fibers showed g ratio values of 0.7. Our results are original and only few parameters studied here were described in the literature. The vestibulocochlear nerve of the guinea pigs is a special afferent nerve, differing from other peripheral nerves (sensitive and motor) in its main anatomic and physiological characteristics, compared to other nerves from mammals. The adult guinea pig is an excellent model for the vestibulocochlear nerve neuropathy studies once it is similar to the human nerve.

Análise Morfoquantitativa do Plexo Intramural da Bexiga Urinária de Cobaias Jovens e Idosas / A morphoquantitative study on the intramural neurons of the urinary bladder of young and elderly guinea-pig

Mizuno, Márcia Sanae 04 December 2000 (has links)
Um estudo morfoquantitativo foi realizado no plexo intramural de bexigas urinárias de cobaias (Cavia porcelus) jovens (GI) e idosas (GII). As bexigas foram submetidas aos métodos da NADH-diaforase e da detecção da atividade da acetilcolinesterase. Os neurônios intramurais apresentaram-se isolados ou reunidos em gânglios de pequeno a grande número entre os feixes musculares lisos que constituem o músculo detrusor. O número médio de neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos por bexiga urinária foi de 1.433±187 em GI e de 1.107±120 em GII. Foram observados neurônios arredondados ou ovalados em ambos os grupos, porém o perfil citoplasmático apresentou-se com aspecto relativamente denteado em GII. Em relação a colinesterase, os neurônios de GI apresentaram-se com marcação menos intensa do que em GII. A área média do perfil celular dos neurônios intramurais NADH-diaforase positivos foi de 711,01±28,14µm2 em GI e de 873,30±60,25µm2 em GII, sendo esta a principal diferença morfológica encontrada entre os grupos. / A morphoquantitative study was carried on intramural plexus of the urinary bladder of the young (GI) and old (GII) guinea-pigs (Cavia porcelus). The specimens were stained with NADH-diaphorase and AChE methods. The intramural neurons were observed both isolated or in small and large clusters lying between the bundles of smooth muscle fibers of the detrusor muscle. The mean number of NADH-diaphorase staining neurons per urinary bladder was 1.433±187 in the GI and 1.107±120 in the GII. In both groups, round or elongated neurons were observed. The citoplasmatic contour was indented the animals of GII. The AChE method evidenced intensely reactive neurons in GII when compared with those of the GI. The mean of neuronal profiles was 711,01±28,14mm2 in the GI and 873,30±60,25mm2 in the GII. This observation was the main morphological difference between the GI and GII.

Schätzung von Kreuzungsparametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von epistatischen Effekten und einer Optimierung des Kreuzungszuchtverfahrens beim Meerschweinchen in Bolivien

Zumbach, Birgit 13 July 1998 (has links)
Schätzung von Kreuzungsparametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von epistatischen Effekten und Optimierung des Kreuzungszuchtverfahren beim Meerschweinchen in Bolivien Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Meerschweinchen als einheimischem Fleischlieferant in den Andenstaaten Lateinamerikas, das im Rahmen der ländlichen Entwicklung durch Züchtung und entsprechende Haltung zu einer besseren Fleischversorgung und evt. zu einer Einkommensquelle insbesondere für Kleinbauern beitragen soll. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Kreuzungsparameter, insbesondere epistatische Effekte, zwischen einer synthetischen kleinrahmigen nativen Linie, bestehend aus 29 Herkünften Boliviens, und einer importierten großrahmigen Linie aus Peru unter semi-intensiven/semi-extensiven "modernen" Haltungsbedingungen zu schätzen und daraus Schlussfolgerungen für die Optimierung von Zuchtsystemen zu ziehen. In der Einleitung werden zunächst die biologische Besonderheiten des Meerschweinchens sowie die kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Meerschweinchens und Haltungssysteme kurz beschrieben. Der Literaturteil befasst sich mit den Genwirkungen bei Kreuzungen, insbesondere den nicht-additiven Geneffekten und der Planung und Optimierung von Kreuzungssystemen. Außerdem wird die Reproduktions- und Produktionsleistung beim Meerschweinchen in Rein- und Kreuzungszucht dargestellt. Der eigenen Untersuchung liegen die Daten von 2857 ersten und zweiten Würfen bzw. von 7745 lebend geborenen Jungtieren vor, die aus der Verpaarung von ca. 391 Böcken mit 1688 Weibchen hervorgingen. Es handelt sich um die am Zuchtprojekt "Mejocuy" der Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Cochabamba, Bolivien, entwickelten nativen synthetischen bolivianischen und der importierten peruanischen Linie sowie 12 daraus abgeleiteten Kreuzungsgruppen verschiedener Generationen (reziproke F1s, reziproke Rückkreuzungen, F2, Vorstufen einer Wechselkreuzung sowie eine synthetische Linie mit je 50% Genanteil der beiden Ausgangspopulationen). Der Schätzung der Kreuzungsparameter liegen das Jakubec-Modell mit drei verschiedenen epistatischen Effekten (Additiv x Additiv-Interaktionen, Additiv x Dominanz-Interaktionen, Dominanz x Dominanz-Interaktionen) sowie das Dickerson-Modell mit dem Rekombinationsverlust als epistatischem Effekt auf individueller (Nachkommen-), maternaler (individueller), paternaler (Paarungspartner-) und großmütterlicher (maternaler) Ebene zu Grunde. Auf Grund der Interkorrelation von Parametern (Multikollinearität) sowie für eine gezielte Herausstellung von Parametern für praktische Züchtungsmethoden und -strategien wurde die Anzahl der Parameter je genetisches Modell auf fünf mit jeweils einem epistatischen Effekt pro Modell beschränkt: Dickerson-Modell: gi, hi, ri, gm, hm bzw. gnk, hnk, rnk, gi, hi; Jakubec-Modell aa: gi, di, aai, gm, dm bzw. gnk, dnk, aank, gi, di; Jakubec-Modell dd: gi, di, ddi, gm, dm bzw. gnk, dnk, ddnk, gi, di. Die synthetische bolivianische Linie stellt die Bezugsbasis dar. GLS- bzw. LS-Zuchtgruppenmittelwerte und Kreuzungsparameter wurden für Merkmale der Gewichts- und Wachstumsleistung, der Schlachtleistung, der Reproduktionsleistung sowie für Kriterien der Gesamtproduktivität geschätzt. Die vorherrschenden Kreuzungseffekte sind Linienunterschiede, die bei den Produktionsmerkmalen positiv gerichtet sind, bei der Anzahl Nachkommen pro Muttertier bzw. pro metabolisches Muttergewicht und Halbjahr negativ. Die genetischen Modelle sowie die Ergebnisse sind im Gesamtzusammenhang diskutiert, und es werden Empfehlungen für Zuchtsysteme mit den untersuchten Linien für die am Untersuchungsstandort spezifischen saisonalen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse sowie für die Selektion gegeben. / Estimation of Crossbreeding Parameters with Special Consideration of Epistatic Effects and Optimisation of Crossbreeding Procedures For Guinea Pigs in Bolivia The present study investigates the guinea pig as a native animal for meat production in the Andean countries of Latin America. In the framework of rural development the guinea pig can contribute to a better meat supply and a source of income especially for small holders by improving breeding and management. The objective of this study is to estimate crossbreeding parameters, focusing on epistatic effects, from crossings between a small framed synthetic native line consisting of 29 Bolivian strains and an imported line from Peru selected for body weight, kept under semi-intensive/semi-extensive "modern" management conditions. Conclusions for the optimisation of breeding systems should also be derivated. In the introduction first the special biological charcteristics as well as the cultural and symbolic meaning of the guinea pig, and management systems, are briefly described. The literature part treats gene effects in crossbreeding, especially non-additive gene effects, as well as the planning and optimization of crossbreeding systems. Also a literature review of the guinea pig reproduction and production performance in pure- and crossbreeding is presented. In the present study, data from 2857 first and second litters and 7745 progenies, stemming from the matings of 391 bucks with 1688 dams were analysed. The animals belong to a native synthetic Bolivian line, developed at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia, and an imported Peruvian line as well as to 12 crossbreeding groups derived from these stocks: reciprocal F1s, reciprocal backcrosses, F2, pre-rotational groups and a synthetic line with 50% gene proportion of each purebred line. The basic model for the estimation of crossbreeding parameters is the Jakubec model with three different kinds of epistatic effects (additive x additive interactions, additive x dominance interactions, dominance x dominance interactions) and the Dickerson model with the recombination loss as epistatic effect on the individual (progeny), maternal (individual), paternal (male mating partner) and grandmaternal (maternal) level. Because of the intercorrelation of parameters (multicolinearity) and with the objective to estimate the most relevant parameters for practical breeding methods and strategies the number of parameters per genetic model was restricted to five with one epistatic effect, respectively: Dickerson-Modell: gi, hi, ri, gm, hm and gpr, hpr, rpr, gi, hi; Jakubec-Modell aa: gi, di, aai, gm, dm and gpr, dpr, aapr, gi, di; Jakubec-Modell dd: gi, di, ddi, gm, dm and gpr, dpr, ddpr, gi, di (i: individual, m: maternal, pr: progeny). The synthetic native Bolivian line was considered as reference. GLS- and LS-breeding group means and crossbreeding parameters were estimated for body weight and growth traits, reproduction traits and productivity traits. The prevailing crossbreeding effects are line differences with positive signs for production traits and with negative signs for the number of progeny per dam and per metabolic dam weight in the first half year of production. The genetic models and the results are discussed in a global context and recommendations are derived for breeding systems and selection for the investigated lines under the specific seasonal and economical conditions prevailing at Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Análise Morfoquantitativa do Plexo Intramural da Bexiga Urinária de Cobaias Jovens e Idosas / A morphoquantitative study on the intramural neurons of the urinary bladder of young and elderly guinea-pig

Márcia Sanae Mizuno 04 December 2000 (has links)
Um estudo morfoquantitativo foi realizado no plexo intramural de bexigas urinárias de cobaias (Cavia porcelus) jovens (GI) e idosas (GII). As bexigas foram submetidas aos métodos da NADH-diaforase e da detecção da atividade da acetilcolinesterase. Os neurônios intramurais apresentaram-se isolados ou reunidos em gânglios de pequeno a grande número entre os feixes musculares lisos que constituem o músculo detrusor. O número médio de neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos por bexiga urinária foi de 1.433±187 em GI e de 1.107±120 em GII. Foram observados neurônios arredondados ou ovalados em ambos os grupos, porém o perfil citoplasmático apresentou-se com aspecto relativamente denteado em GII. Em relação a colinesterase, os neurônios de GI apresentaram-se com marcação menos intensa do que em GII. A área média do perfil celular dos neurônios intramurais NADH-diaforase positivos foi de 711,01±28,14µm2 em GI e de 873,30±60,25µm2 em GII, sendo esta a principal diferença morfológica encontrada entre os grupos. / A morphoquantitative study was carried on intramural plexus of the urinary bladder of the young (GI) and old (GII) guinea-pigs (Cavia porcelus). The specimens were stained with NADH-diaphorase and AChE methods. The intramural neurons were observed both isolated or in small and large clusters lying between the bundles of smooth muscle fibers of the detrusor muscle. The mean number of NADH-diaphorase staining neurons per urinary bladder was 1.433±187 in the GI and 1.107±120 in the GII. In both groups, round or elongated neurons were observed. The citoplasmatic contour was indented the animals of GII. The AChE method evidenced intensely reactive neurons in GII when compared with those of the GI. The mean of neuronal profiles was 711,01±28,14mm2 in the GI and 873,30±60,25mm2 in the GII. This observation was the main morphological difference between the GI and GII.

Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Human, Guinea pig and Chicken : Cloning, <i>in vitro</i> Pharmacology and <i>in situ</i> Hybridization

Holmberg, Sara January 2001 (has links)
<p>Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is known to influence a vast number of physiological and behavioral processes such as vasoconstriction, circadian rhythms, feeding, anxiety and memory. Peptides of the NPY family bind to five different cloned G-protein coupled receptor subtypes (Y1, 2, 4-6). The studies compiled in this thesis present inter-species comparisons of sequence similarities, binding properties and expression patterns among receptors of the NPY family.</p><p>Cloning of Y1 and Y2 receptor subtypes from guinea pigs revealed strong binding profile similarity to the corresponding human receptors. Previously demonstrated atypical binding profiles in the caval vein of guinea pigs were concluded to result from other receptors than the cloned Y1 and Y2 receptors, or possibly combinations of distinct receptor subtypes.</p><p>The guinea pig Y5 receptor was found to be expressed in regions of the brain that have been indicated as important for regulation of food intake. Expression in the hypothalamus, amygdala and brain stem was noticed, similar to studies in rats and humans. In other brain regions, such as the striatum and hippocampus, some species differences were observed.</p><p>Mutagenesis studies of the human Y1 receptor indicated sites important for binding both of endogenous agonists and synthetic antagonists. Putative new sites of interaction with the Y1 antagonists BIBP3226 and/or SR120819A were recognized. The data were used to construct a three-dimensional structure model, based on a high-resolution bovine rhodopsin model.</p><p>Cloning of the chicken (<i>Gallus gallus</i>) Y1, Y2 and Y5 receptors revealed high sequence similarities with mammalian receptors. Most endogenous ligands bound with similar affinities as to mammalian receptors. The strongest exception was the discovery of high-affinity binding to chicken Y2 of [Leu<sup>31</sup>, Pro<sup>34</sup>]NPY, which was previously considered to bind non-Y2 receptors only. </p><p>The new human Y1 receptor model provides a basis for further investigations of ligand-receptor interactions which will be aided by information on NPY receptors from other taxa. Guinea pigs are concluded to be a good complement to rats and mice for studying NPY signaling. These results demonstrate the benefits of species comparisons for pharmacological studies.</p>

Mécanismes et Thérapies des Surdités Neurosensorielles

Poirrier, Anne-Lise 14 September 2010 (has links)
Au cours de ces années de Doctorat, nous avons étudié les effets ototoxiques de certains médicaments et les moyens de prévenir les surdités neuro-sensorielles quils peuvent induire. Parmi ces molécules, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les plus couramment utilisées en pratique clinique : les antibiotiques de la famille des aminoglycosides et le cisplatine, un agent anti-cancéreux. Lintroduction de notre travail replace la surdité dans son contexte de santé publique. En particulier, nous décrivons pourquoi les médicaments ototoxiques sont utilisés et dans quelles circonstances. Nous présentons la structure de loreille interne et nous tentons dexpliquer sa vulnérabilité aux molécules ototoxiques. Nous abordons ensuite les moyens de prévention et/ou de traitement de ces atteintes neuro-sensorielles pharmaco-induites. Outre les moyens classiques de prévention, que sont les facteurs trophiques et les antioxydants, nous décrivons de nouvelles voies dapproche que sont les voies de signalisation impliquant la protéine kinase C ou la cascade dactivation RhoA/ROCK. La présentation de notre travail original sarticule autour de deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous rapportons les résultats obtenus au cours de notre étude de la toxicité des aminoglycosides et du cisplatine chez la souris et le cobaye in vivo. Nous avons mis en évidence une différence de vulnérabilité significative entre ces deux espèces face à lagression ototoxique. Cette différence existe au niveau fonctionnel, mis en évidence par létude des potentiels évoqués auditifs, et au niveau anatomique, étudié en histologie et en immunohistochimie. Nous en discutons les implications en recherche et en pratique clinique. Dans la seconde partie, nous étudions les moyens de prévenir cette surdité in vivo et in vitro. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de surdité par aminoglycoside chez le cobaye. Nous avons testé et validé une technique de perfusion intra-cochléaire in vivo. Nous avons observé les effets de deux molécules expérimentales : la Bryostatine 1, un activateur de la protéine kinase C, et un inhibiteur de la voir RhoA-ROCK. Leffet protecteur de ces molécules est actuellement limité au ganglion spiral, dont la survie est essentielle à tout traitement dimplantation prothétique et de réadaptation. Nous discutons des perspectives en médecine humaine dans notre conclusion. In this work, we focused our attention on the effects of main ototoxic drugs i.e. aminoglycosides and cisplatin in mammals. We identified new avenues for the prevention of this toxicity. In the introduction, we described how and why ototoxic drugs are used. We then described potential otoprotective strategies in neurosensory deafness. Among them, trophic factors and antioxidant molecules have been widely used. New otoprotective approaches do exist, implying the protein kinase C or RhoA/ROCK signalling. Our original work was presented in two parts. In the first part, we reported the in vivo effects of aminoglycosides and cisplatin in two mammalian species: mice and guinea pigs. Contrarily to guinea pigs, evidence of mice resistance to ototoxicity was found at a functional level, assessed by auditory brainstem responses, and at an anatomical level, studied by immunohistochemistry. We discussed the implication of such differences in research and in clinical practice. In the second part, we studied the effect of two potential otoprotective molecules: Bryostatine 1, an activator of the protein kinase C, and Y-27632, a Rho kinase inhibitor. We showed that these molecules are protecting spiral ganglion neurons both in vitro and in vivo. Survival of spiral ganglion neurons is crucial in the management and rehabilitation of deafness. The potential perspectives of these results in human medicine were discussed.

Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Human, Guinea pig and Chicken : Cloning, in vitro Pharmacology and in situ Hybridization

Holmberg, Sara January 2001 (has links)
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is known to influence a vast number of physiological and behavioral processes such as vasoconstriction, circadian rhythms, feeding, anxiety and memory. Peptides of the NPY family bind to five different cloned G-protein coupled receptor subtypes (Y1, 2, 4-6). The studies compiled in this thesis present inter-species comparisons of sequence similarities, binding properties and expression patterns among receptors of the NPY family. Cloning of Y1 and Y2 receptor subtypes from guinea pigs revealed strong binding profile similarity to the corresponding human receptors. Previously demonstrated atypical binding profiles in the caval vein of guinea pigs were concluded to result from other receptors than the cloned Y1 and Y2 receptors, or possibly combinations of distinct receptor subtypes. The guinea pig Y5 receptor was found to be expressed in regions of the brain that have been indicated as important for regulation of food intake. Expression in the hypothalamus, amygdala and brain stem was noticed, similar to studies in rats and humans. In other brain regions, such as the striatum and hippocampus, some species differences were observed. Mutagenesis studies of the human Y1 receptor indicated sites important for binding both of endogenous agonists and synthetic antagonists. Putative new sites of interaction with the Y1 antagonists BIBP3226 and/or SR120819A were recognized. The data were used to construct a three-dimensional structure model, based on a high-resolution bovine rhodopsin model. Cloning of the chicken (Gallus gallus) Y1, Y2 and Y5 receptors revealed high sequence similarities with mammalian receptors. Most endogenous ligands bound with similar affinities as to mammalian receptors. The strongest exception was the discovery of high-affinity binding to chicken Y2 of [Leu31, Pro34]NPY, which was previously considered to bind non-Y2 receptors only. The new human Y1 receptor model provides a basis for further investigations of ligand-receptor interactions which will be aided by information on NPY receptors from other taxa. Guinea pigs are concluded to be a good complement to rats and mice for studying NPY signaling. These results demonstrate the benefits of species comparisons for pharmacological studies.

Topical anesthesia of the tympanic membrane : an experimental animal study

Schmidt, Sten-Hermann January 1987 (has links)
Myringotomy plays an important role in otological therapy. The procedure requires an efficient anesthesia, which can be obtained without general anesthesia. However, the use of local anesthetics on the tympanic membrane (TM) has been abandoned in many places, as general anesthesia has been readily available. In the present study the effects of some commonly used topical anesthetics on the TM structure and inner ear were tested in an animal model (rat and guinea pig).Four different anesthetic compounds—Xylocaine®, Bonain's liquid, phenol and Emla®—were applied to the TMs of the animals, which were sacrificed 10 minutes to 5 months after application. Morphological effects regarding time after treatment and number of applications were elucidated. At sacrifice the tissue was fixed and the TMs analysed by light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In nine animals phenol, Xylocaine® Spray or Emla® was applied to the round window niche and ABR recordings were made at 24 h to 6 months after exposure. After the final ABR evaluation the animals were sacrificed and the cochleae prepared for LM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).On the TM phenol and Bonain's liquid caused instant destruction of the keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium followed by long-lasting hyperplasia of this epithelium and the underlying connective tissue. A pronounced hyperplasia of these two layers was also noted for the Xylocaine® Spray group, but without immediate destruction of the keratinizing epithelium. The extent of structural changes differed in relation to the extent of spreading of the agent. Emla® showed little, if any, sign of epithelial reaction and had no effect on the connective tissue. Regarding the inner ear Emla®, Xylocaine® Spray and phenol induced significantly impaired ABR thresholds mainly affecting the higher frequencies. However, the impaired ABR thresholds were reversible and at the end of the experiment there was no significant impairment compared to the control data. All agents, except Xylocaine®, damaged the hair cells in the basal part of the cochlea as shown by cytocochleogram and SEM analysis.Instant destruction of the epidermis seems to be necessary for an instant anesthetic effect. All agents caused profound connective tissue reactions. The manner of application, depending on the physical properties of the agent, determined the extent of the structural changes. The changes of the connective tissue were concentrated to the submucosal layer, which seems to be the area for reconstruction of the damaged TM. All agents caused functional inner ear changes. With the exception of Xylocaine® they also caused morphological alterations of the cochlea. The functional changes were partly reversible. Topical anesthetics applied to the TM should be used with caution and when used in an appropriate manner they can be considered safe, especially in an inflamed middle ear, with a thickened round window membrane, which should prevent the agents from reaching the inner ear structures. / digitalisering@umu

Ação relaxante da fração de alcaloides totais obtida de Solanum paludosum Moric. envolve modulação positiva da via do óxido nítrico e dos canais de K+ em íleo de cobaia e aorta de rato

Monteiro, Fábio de Souza 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:59:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2456836 bytes, checksum: 09d3f72dc7985812ae8e5dab865bed8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Solanum paludosum Moric. (Solanaceae), popularly known as "jurubeba roxa" in Brazil Northeast, is used as a substitute for Solanum paniculatum ( jurubeba-verdadeira ) in folk medicine to treat hypertension and gastrointestinal disorder. In previous studies performed by Monteiro (2009) with total alkaloid fraction obtained from the root bark of this species (FAT-SP) was shown that its presented spasmolytic activity on smooth muscle, being more potent on guinea pig ileum and rat aorta. On guinea pig ileum, the relaxing effect involved antimuscarinic activity, and on rat aorta the NO/GC pathways. As the fraction has constituted by glycoalkaloids and many are known to exhibit cytotoxic activity, this activity was assessed in longitudinal layer myocytes from guinea pig ileum. In this work, we found that FAT-SP has no cytotoxic activity in these cells even the highest concentration tested (750 μg/mL), then we proceeded with the investigation of the relaxant action mechanism of FAT-SP on guinea pig ileum and rat aorta until that concentration. FAT-SP showed a relaxant effect on guinea pig ileum resistant simultaneous blockade of cholinergic and adrenergic pathways with guanethidine and atropine, respectively, suggesting there is involvement of NANC pathway; L-NAME (NOS competitive inhibitor) reduced FAT-SP relaxing potency, which was reversed in the presence of L-arginine, the substrate for NOS, suggesting that NO may be via NANC neurotransmitter. However, no reduction of the relaxing potency in the presence of ODQ, selective inhibitor of GC soluble, suggesting no participation of the GC in the FAT-SP relaxant action mechanism on guinea pig ileum. In the other hand, K+ channels participation (BKCa and SKCa) was evidenced by FAT-SP relaxing potency reduction on CsCl 5 mM presence (K+ channels nonselective blocker), TEA+ 1 mM (BKCa selective blocker) or apamin 100 nM (SKCa selective blocker). On rat aorta, it was observed participation pathway NO/cGMP/PKG, as can be evidenced by FAT-SP relaxing potency reduction in L-NAME 3 x 10-4 or 10-4 M presence and by inhibitory effect reversibility in L-arginine presence, as well as relaxing potency reduction in Rp-8-Br-cGMP 3 x 10-5 M presence, PKG selective inhibitor. Also, it was shown endothelial calmodulin participation because FAT-SP relaxing potency was reduced in presence calmidazolium 10-5 M, endothelial calmodulin selective inhibitor. The channel K+ participation (KV, SKCa and KATP) was evidenced by experiments with TEA+ 10 mM (K+ channels nonselective blocker), 4-AP 1 mM (KV selective blocker), apamin 5 x 10-8 M, glibenclamide 10-5 M (KATP selective blocker). Further, was showed partial inhibition of Ca2+ mobilization induced by IP3 of RS, but not by caffeine (20 mM). Thus, FAT-SP relaxing effect involves NO, BKCa and SKCa participation, on guinea pig ileum and endothelial calmodulin, NO/cGMP/PKG pathway and K+ channels (KV, SKCa and KATP) on rat aorta. / Solanum paludosum Moric. (Solanaceae), conhecida popularmente como jurubeba-roxa no Nordeste do Brasil, é utilizada como sucedânea de Solanum paniculatum ( jurubeba-verdadeira ) na medicina popular para tratamento de hipertensão e desordem gastrintestinal. Estudos anteriores, realizados por Monteiro (2009) com a fração de alcaloides totais obtida da casca da raiz desta espécie (FAT-SP) demonstraram que a mesma apresentou atividade espasmolítica em músculos lisos, sendo mais potente em íleo de cobaia e aorta de rato. Em íleo de cobaia, o efeito relaxante envolve atividade antimuscarínica e, em aorta de rato, a participação da via NO/GC. Como a fração possui na sua composição glicoalcaloides e muitos destes são conhecidos por apresentar atividade citotóxica, avaliou-se esta atividade em miócitos da camada longitudinal do íleo de cobaia. Neste trabalho, observou-se que a FAT-SP não apresenta atividade citotóxica nessas células na concentração máxima testada (750 μg/mL), portanto prosseguiu-se com a investigação do mecanismo de ação relaxante da FAT-SP em íleo de cobaia e aorta de rato até essa concentração. A FAT-SP apresentou um efeito relaxante em íleo de cobaia resistente ao bloqueio simultâneo das vias adrenérgica e colinérgica com guanetidina e atropina, respectivamente, sugerindo-se que há a participação da via NANC; o L-NAME (inibidor competitivo da NOS), reduziu a potência relaxante da FAT-SP, que foi revertida na presença da L-arginina, substrato para a NOS, sugerindo que o neurotransmissor da via NANC pode ser o NO. Porém, não houve redução da potência relaxante na presença de ODQ, inibidor seletivo da GC solúvel, o que sugere a não participação da GC no mecanismo de ação relaxante da FAT-SP em íleo de cobaia. Por outro lado, a participação dos canais de K+ (BKCa e SKCa) foi evidenciada pela redução da potência relaxante da FAT-SP na presença de 5 mM de CsCl (bloqueador não seletivo dos canais de K+), de 1 mM de TEA+ (bloqueador seletivo dos BKCa) ou 100 nM de apamina (bloqueador seletivo dos SKCa). Em aorta de rato, observou-se que há a participação da via NO/GMPc/PKG, como evidenciado pela redução da potência relaxante da FAT-SP na presença de 10-4 ou 3 x 10-4 M de L-NAME, e da reversibilidade do efeito inibidor na presença da L-arginina, bem como, da redução da potência relaxante na presença de 3 x 10-5 M de Rp-8-Br-cGMPS, inibidor seletivo da PKG. Ademais, foi demonstrado que há a participação da calmodulina endotelial, pois houve redução da potência relaxante da FAT-SP na presença de 10-5 M de calmidazolium, inibidor seletivo da calmodulina endotelial; participação dos canais de K+ (KV, SKCa e KATP) evidenciado pelos experimentos com 10 mM de TEA+ (bloqueador não seletivo dos canais de K+), 1 mM de 4-AP (bloqueador seletivo dos KV), 5 x 10-8 M de apamina e 10-5 M de glibenclamida (bloqueador seletivo dos KATP). Observou-se ainda a inibição parcial da mobilização do Ca2+ do RS induzida pelo IP3, mas não por cafeína (20 mM). Assim, o efeito relaxante da FAT-SP envolve a participação do NO e dos BKCa e SKCa em íleo de cobaia, e da calmodulina endotelial, bem como da via NO/GMPc/PKG e canais de K+ (KV, SKCa e KATP) em aorta de rato.

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