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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení a vzdělávání ředitelů škol v historickém kontextu / Status and Education of Headmasters in the historical context

Přibylová, Libuše January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the areas of the position and education of head teachers in the historical context. It views the development of head teaching professions on our territory in individual periods and also presents the picture of head teachers' education. The thesis provides information which deal with the development of the society in the relationship towards education and also respecting individual participants of the education and upbringing processes. In the thesis selected monographs, expert texts, laws, legal regulations and school documents are used. The findings were compiled into thematic units arranged chronologically and according to historical development. The contribution of this thesis is to create a brief overview of the development of the head teacher's position which will be possible to be used for a more detailed study of the subject field. Key words: head teacher, teacher, upbringing, education, school, pedagogy, pedagogical staff

Educador e gestor ou educador vs gestor? Os dilemas e tensões de uma gestão escolar gerencialista

Bayer, Liane de Oliveira January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcos Vinicius Pó / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, 2015 / Diante da inevitabilidade de se relacionar Estado, Políticas Públicas e Educação para a apreensão dos pressupostos que nortearam a construção do projeto educacional brasileiro, bem como suas idiossincrasias, a perspectiva interdisciplinar mostra-se como a mais adequada ao entendimento dos princípios fundadores das políticas de formação de gestores incumbidos de implementar um modelo gerencial na administração das escolas de educação básica paulista nas duas últimas décadas, ou a transformação do diretor em gestor escolar, bem como as tensões e dilemas desencadeados neste processo: educador ou/vs gestor. A observação desses dilemas fez surgir a necessidade de investigação do descompasso entre a ordenação racional proposta pelo novo modelo e o modo de pensar e agir dos diretores de escola. A metodologia utilizada ¿ estudo de caso, mostrou-se como a mais adequada para esta análise, além de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o processo de construção da identidade do diretor de escola e as relações interpessoais marcadas pela dimensão política intrínseca ao fenômeno educativo, dadas pelo contexto histórico, político, social e econômico que nortearam as reformas administrativas de Estado e as reformas educacionais. Para isso, esta pesquisa foi dividida em quatro capítulos. As reformas de Estado e as reformas educacionais que criaram, transformaram e estabeleceram o perfil para o cargo de diretor de escola compõem o primeiro capítulo, pois o caráter histórico, político e econômico importa para a compreensão da formação da identidade do diretor escolar. No segundo capítulo, interessa problematizar a relação entre reformas educacionais, cultura escolar e o ethos do diretor de escola. O referencial teórico utilizado para o estudo desta relação está assentado, principalmente, em investigações realizadas por pesquisadores da área da História da Educação que se apropriam do conceito de cultura escolar como categoria de análise e campo de investigação. O terceiro capítulo traz um debate teórico acerca do conceito gestão escolar e seus constituintes, seguido de um levantamento sobre a qualificação oferecida aos gestores escolares pela Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo, a partir dos anos 2000 e a apresentação de ferramenta gerencial adotada pelas escolas chamadas de prioritárias ¿ Plano de Ação Participativo - PAP. Uma pesquisa empírica realizada em escolas estaduais do município de Diadema, região metropolitana de São Paulo, é apresentada no último capítulo com a finalidade de confrontamento entre o aporte teórico estudado e a prática no cotidiano escolar, o que confirmou que a atual forma de organização escolar, apesar dos pressupostos democráticos do novo modelo, ainda é fundamentada por relações verticais, impregnadas por uma cultura escolar constituída a partir de práticas sociais consagradas, em que o diretor de escola goza de grande autoridade e prestígio. O estudo de caso também confirma a existência de dilemas e tensões no ambiente educacional, pois fica claro nos depoimentos dos entrevistados, que o momento de transição entre um modelo de administração escolar estático e centralizador e o modelo dinâmico e participativo já faz parte do cotidiano escolar. / The inevitability of relating State, Public Policy and Education for the apprehension of the assumptions that guided the construction of the Brazilian educational project and its idiosyncrasies, interdisciplinary perspective proves to be the most appropriate to the understanding of the founding principles of training policies managers tasked with implementing a management model in the administration of the schools of São Paulo basic education in the last two decades, or transformation of head teacher in school management as well as the tensions and dilemmas triggered this process: educator or/vs manager. The observation of these dilemmas raised the need of the research gap between the rational ordering proposed by the new model and the way of thinking and acting of school principals. The methodology used - case study, proved to be the most appropriate for this analysis and a literature review on the process of identity construction of the school principal and interpersonal relationships marked by political dimension intrinsic to the educational phenomenon, given the historical, political, social and economic context that guided the administrative reforms of state and educational reforms .To this purpose, this research was divided into four chapters. Reforms of state and educational reforms that created and transformed the office of head teacher, with the technical support and instrumental rationality of Max Weber is the essence of the first chapter. The second chapter concerns problematize the relationship between education reform, school culture and educator ethos, especially, the school principal. The theoretical framework for the study of this relationship lies mainly on investigations conducted by researchers in the History of Education who appropriate the concept of school culture as a category of analysis and research field. The third chapter presents a theoretical debate about the school management concept, followed by a survey of the qualification offered by the São Paulo Education Department to the head teachers and presentation management tool adopted by the schools called priority. An empirical survey in schools in the city of Diadema, São Paulo metropolitan region, is presented in the last chapter the purpose of confrontation between the theoretical framework and practical study in school life, which confirmed that the current form of school organization, despite the democratic assumptions of the new model is still based on vertical relationships, impregnated by a school culture constituted from consecrated social practices, where the school principal enjoys great authority and prestige. The case study also confirms the existence of dilemmas and tensions in the educational environment, as is clear in the statements that the moment of transition between a static and centralized mode.

Souvislost profesního rozvoje ředitelů škol s fázemi jejich kariérové dráhy (z pohledu ředitelek, ředitelů mateřských škol Plzeňského kraje) / Connection between headteachers' professional development and phases of their career (from the perspective of kindergarten headteachers in the Pilsen Region)

Adamová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with an actual topic which must be solved in connection with promotion of lifelong learning principle in educational policy and with the need of systematic support for head teachers such as education and development throughout their career. At this time the role of school leader is changing as a consequence of changing environment dependency. Therefore it seems to be necessary that school managements identify themselves with the ideas of lifelong learning. Research of this study is oriented in the same sense. Its main goal is to chart the actual state of attention which is paid by kindergarten leaders of the Plzeň Region to their professional development. The final study is elaborated in the context of human capital values increase as a tool for adaptation to changes brought by the contemporary world. The thesis flows from the studied theory, information got by a survey and the author's own experience, too. It brings an outline, how kindergarten directors in the Plzeň Region do perceive the actual development and educational support in the relation to managing all phases of their career, and it indicates that weaknesses remain in the professional head teachers' development and the development of school leaders itself is not conceived as a system.

Prevence šikany pomocí metod dramatické výchovy. / The prevention of bullying through the methods of Drama in Education.

Robovská, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
My thesis is focused on prevention of bullying using dramatic-educational methods. The theoretical part is the base for the practical part. It allows a deeper insight into this topic. Thanks to the practical part, we can deeper understand the essence of the concept of bullying. Moreover, revealing the main features and forms will can better reveal it in the future. It shows who creates it, who is the actor of bullying. Also who leads it for what reasons and causes. It also deals with the consequences of bullying. Further, the theoretical part deals with diagnostics and prevention of bullying. We should not forget to name the chapter which brings us closer to the "environment" of dramatic education because it forms a base for the practical part. Another basis of the work is the creation of the project which is aimed at implementation of structured drama that is focused on prevention of bullying using methods of dramatic education. Another part of the practical part is a questionnaire which represents teacher's points of view on used methods of dramatic education as an effective prevention of bullying. In the end, we can find out which pitfalls as well as advantages brought this project I have made and how did it went. KEYWORDS bullying, prevention, drama education, methods of drama education,...

Ska vi inte fatta några beslut idag? : En studie om beslutsprocesser i skolan med rektors roll i fokus / Aren’t we going to make any decisions today? : A Study about Decision Processes in School with Focus on the Role of the Head Teacher

Kronqvist Håård, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om rektors och skolans besluts-processer och hur dessa kan förstås ur ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv. Fallstudien har använts som forskningsmetod och en F-9 skola ingår i studien. Det empiriska materialet består av mötesobservationer, intervjuer och doku-mentanalys. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är organisationsteori med särskilt fokus på beslutsteori. Två modeller används som analysverktyg: faser i beslutsprocessen och sammanfattning av beslutsmodeller. Rektors roll i beslutsprocesserna är också en viktig faktor i analysen.En fråga i uppsatsen fokuserar på hur beslutsprocesserna går till på den stude-rade skolan och vad är rektors roll i dessa är. Resultatet visar här att det mesta av informationen som samlas in av rektor inför beslutsfattande är verbal och få val mellan direkta alternativ görs. Beslut är ofta vaga och de beslut som fattas rör i hög utsträckning praktiska frågor. Mycket lite av verkställande och upp-följning av beslut har setts i studien.Den andra fråga som ställs i uppsatsen är hur beslutsprocesserna kan beskrivas och förstås utifrån organisationsteoretiska och beslutsteoretiska begrepp och modeller. Resultatet pekar på att det är den inkrementella beslutsmodell som bäst stämmer in på den studerade skolans beslutsprocesser, med detta sagt är en modell aldrig en direkt avspegling av verkligheten utan inslag från fler mo-deller kan ses i studien. Då resultatet visar på vaga och otydliga beslutsproces-ser är slutsatsen att skolor skulle vinna på att tydliggöra processerna för alla inblandade, att börja tala om en designad beslutsprocess. / The purpose of this essay is to make a knowledge contribution regarding head teachers’ and schools’ decision processes and how these can be understood from an organizational theoretical perspective. A case study was carried out in a so called “F - 9” school (pre-school class and year 1 - 9 compulsory school). A triangulation of the methods observation, document analysis and interviews was used. The theoretical point of departure for the study is organisational the-ory with special focus on decision theory. Two models are used as analytical tools: phases in the decision process and a summary of the decision models used. The role of the head teacher is also an important factor in the analysis.One question in the essay focuses on how the decision processes are carried out and what the head teacher’s role in these are. The results show that most of the information gathered by the head teacher before the decisions is verbal and that few choices between alternatives are made. Decisions are often vague and the decisions made primarily concerns practical questions. Very little in terms of implementation and follow up of the decisions have been seen in the study.The second question asked in the essay is how the decision processes can be described and understood with organisation theoretical and decision theoretical terms and models. The result indicates that it is the incremental decision model that best describe the decision process of the participating school, however, no model is ever a direct reflection of reality and elements of more models can be seen in the study. As the results indicate vague and unclear decision processes, the conclusion is that schools would gain from clarifying the processes for all concerned, there is need to talk about a designed decision process.

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