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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soft X-ray Scattering Dynamics Close to Core Ionization Thresholds in Atoms and Molecules

Söderström, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this Thesis studies of highly excited states in gas-phase atoms and molecules (He, Ne, N<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O and CO<sub>2</sub>) using a variety of synchrotron-radiation based techniques are presented. The three techniques used most frequently are X-ray-emission-threshold-electron coincidence (XETECO), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and they are all given a brief introduction. </p><p>The fluorescence yield (FY) from doubly excited states in helium near the N=2 threshold(s) has been investigated in weak static external magnetic and electric fields, but also in a field free environment. The FY spectra in weak static magnetic fields show the importance of including the diamagnetic interaction in the theoretical models. The presence of weak static electric fields shows that even weak fields (as low as 44 V/cm) has a great impact on the observed FY spectra. Resonant XES spectra from some of the first doubly excited states in helium has been recorded in a field free environment, and compared to theory.</p><p>The XETECO technique is presented and the first XETECO results from Ne, N<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O are shown, together with interpretations of possible threshold dynamics. I show that XETECO can be interpreted as threshold photoelectron spectra free from post collision interaction, and can hence be compared to above threshold XPS measurements. The observed below-threshold structures in the XETECO spectra are discussed and given a tentative explanation. The results from the analysis of the N<sub>2</sub>O XETECO spectrum lead to further investigations using XPS. Results showing the vibrational parameters and vibrationally resolved cross-sections and asymmetry parameters for N<sub>2</sub>O are presented together with theoretical predictions.</p>

Soft X-ray Scattering Dynamics Close to Core Ionization Thresholds in Atoms and Molecules

Söderström, Johan January 2007 (has links)
In this Thesis studies of highly excited states in gas-phase atoms and molecules (He, Ne, N2, O2, N2O and CO2) using a variety of synchrotron-radiation based techniques are presented. The three techniques used most frequently are X-ray-emission-threshold-electron coincidence (XETECO), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and they are all given a brief introduction. The fluorescence yield (FY) from doubly excited states in helium near the N=2 threshold(s) has been investigated in weak static external magnetic and electric fields, but also in a field free environment. The FY spectra in weak static magnetic fields show the importance of including the diamagnetic interaction in the theoretical models. The presence of weak static electric fields shows that even weak fields (as low as 44 V/cm) has a great impact on the observed FY spectra. Resonant XES spectra from some of the first doubly excited states in helium has been recorded in a field free environment, and compared to theory. The XETECO technique is presented and the first XETECO results from Ne, N2, O2, CO2 and N2O are shown, together with interpretations of possible threshold dynamics. I show that XETECO can be interpreted as threshold photoelectron spectra free from post collision interaction, and can hence be compared to above threshold XPS measurements. The observed below-threshold structures in the XETECO spectra are discussed and given a tentative explanation. The results from the analysis of the N2O XETECO spectrum lead to further investigations using XPS. Results showing the vibrational parameters and vibrationally resolved cross-sections and asymmetry parameters for N2O are presented together with theoretical predictions.

Atomistic studies of defects in bcc iron: dislocations and gas bubbles

Hayward, Erin G. 24 May 2012 (has links)
The structure and interactions of the defects in material on an atomistic scale ulti- mately determine the macroscopic behavior of that material. A fundamental understanding of how defects behave is essential for predicting materials failure; this is especially true in an irradiated environment, where defects are created at higher than average rates. In this work, we present two different atomistic scale computational studies of defects in body centered cubic (bcc) iron. First, the interaction energies between screw dislocations (line defects) and various kinds of point defects will be calculated, using anisotropic linear elastic theory and atomistic simulation, and compared. Second, the energetics and behavior of hydrogen and hydrogen-helium gas bubbles will be investigated.

Ultra-low power microbridge gas sensor

Aguilar, Ricardo Jose 06 April 2012 (has links)
A miniature, ultra-low power, sensitive, microbridge gas sensor has been developed.The heat loss from the bridge is a function of the thermal conductivity of thegas ambient. Miniature thermal conductivity sensors have been developed for gaschromatography systems [1] and microhotplates have been built with MEMS technologywhich operates within the mW range of power [2]. In this work a lower power microbridgewas built which allowed for the amplification of the effect of gas thermalconductivity on heat loss from the heated microbridge due to the increase inthe surface-to-volume ratio of the sensing element. For the bridge fabrication,CMOS compatible technology, nanolithography, and polysilicon surfacemicromachining were employed. Eight microbridges were fabricated on each die,of varying lengths and widths, and with a thickness of 1 μm. A voltagewas applied to the sensor and the resistance was calculated based upon thecurrent flow. The response has been tested with air, carbon dioxide, helium,and nitrogen. The resistance and temperature change for carbon dioxide was thegreatest, while the corresponding change for helium was the least. Thus the selectivity of the sensor todifferent gases was shown, as well as the robustness of the sensor. Another aspect of the sensor is that it hasvery low power consumption. The measuredpower consumption at 4 Volts is that of 11.5 mJ for Nitrogen, and 16.1 mJ forHelium. Thesensor responds to ambient gas very rapidly. The time constant not only showsthe fast response of the sensor, but it also allows for more accuratedetection, given that each different gas produces a different correspondingtime constant from the sensor. The sensor is able to detect differentconcentrations of the same gas as well. Fromthe slopes that were calculated, the resistance change at 5 Volts operation wasfound to be 2.05mΩ/ppm, 1.14 mΩ/ppm at 4.5 Volts, and 0.7 mΩ/ppm at 4 Volts. Thehigher voltages yielded higher resistance changes for all of the gases thatwere tested. Theversatility of the microbridge has been studied as well. Experiments were donein order to research the ability of a deposited film on the microbridge, inthis case tin oxide, to act as a sensing element for specific gases. In thissetup, the microbridge no longer is the sensing element, but instead acts as aheating element, whose sole purpose is to keep a constant temperature at whichit can then activate the SnO film, making it able to sense methane. In conclusion,the microbridge was designed, fabricated, and tested for use as an electrothermalgas sensor. The sensor responds to ambient gas very rapidly with differentlevels of resistance change for different gases, purely due to the differencein thermal conductivity of each of the gases. Not only does it have a fastresponse, but it also operates at low power levels. Further research has beendone in the microbridge's ability to act as a heating element, in which the useof a SnO film as the sensing element, activated by the microbridge, was studied. REFERENCES: 1. D. Cruz,J.P. Chang, S.K. Showalter, F. Gelbard, R.P. Manginell, M.G. Blain," Microfabricated thermal conductivity detector for themicro-ChemLabTM," Sensors andActuators B, Vol. 121 pp. 414-422, (2007). 2. A. G. Shirke, R. E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, R. H. Jackson, B.G. Frederick, M. C. Wheeler. "Femtomolar isothermal desorption usingmicrohotplate sensors," J Vac Sci TechnolA, Vol. 25, pp. 514-526 (2007).

Etude optique de la transition liquide-gaz de l'hélium <br />confiné dans les aérogels de silice.

Lambert, Thierry 17 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
La présente thèse est un travail expérimental ayant pour objet l'étude de la transition liquide-gaz de l'hélium dans les aérogels de silice par des moyens optiques. De précédentes études d'isothermes d'adsorption d'hélium dans des aérogels ont mené à des résultats contradictoires. D'un côté, l'existence d'une véritable transition de phase le long d'un plateau de pression en dessous de la pression de vapeur saturante (Psat) de l'hélium libre. Cette transition implique deux phases respectivement plus et moins dense que le gaz et le liquide massifs. De l'autre, l'observation d'hystérésis entre l'adsorption et la désorption, ainsi qu'une compressibilité finie évoquant le phénomène courant connu sous le nom de condensation capillaire. La faible densité du `liquide' est alors analysée comme un remplissage partiel de l'aérogel à Psat. Le but de l'observation optique est de discréminer entre ces deux scenarii. Ce mémoire décrit la construction d'un cryostat optique ainsi que de la chaine de mesure associée. Cette plate-forme permet de mesurer simultanément les données thermodynamiques nécessaires à la réalisation d'isothermes, et la lumière diffusée par l'hélium confiné à différents angles. L'étude concerne deux échantillons de même porosité, mais de microstructure différente. Ils présentent chacun une structure fractale s'étendant de quelques nanomètres jusqu'à leur longueur de correlation (20 et 50~nm). Nos mesures indiquent l'existence d'hystérésis entre le remplissage et la vidange. Ces cycles peuvent être analysés en terme de condensation capillaire dans un matériau poreux constitué de pores cylindriques dont les diamètres sont étroitement distribués autour de la longueur de correlation des aérogels concernés. Ces résultats peuvent également être comparés à des simulations récentes où le désordre, plus que la géomètrie, est le facteur déterminant. La mesure de la densité de l'hélium confiné et l'observation optique révèlent qu'à Psat, l'aérogel est plein d'une phase homogène et plus dense que celle de l'hélium massif. En dessous de Psat, le signal optique diffusé à différents angles indique l'existence de domaines correlés sur des distances supérieures à la longueur de correlation des gels. Ces domaines apparaissent et grossissent systématiquement le long des cycles d'hystérésis, là où la compressibilité devient grande. En supposant leur géomètrie sphérique, leur taille maximale est comprise entre 100 et 400~nm.

Helium charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on Alcator C-Mod Tokamak

Liao, Kenneth Teh-Yong 30 June 2014 (has links)
The Wide-View Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic at Alcator C-Mod, originally designed for measurement of boron, has been modified to fit several different roles. By measuring the He¹⁺ (n = 4 [rightwards arrow] 3) emission line at 4686Å and surrounding spectra, we can measure ⁴He and ³He density, temperature, and velocity profiles and use this information to study turbulent impurity transport. The transport is characterized using a standard ansatz for the radial particle flux: [mathematical equation]. This effort is designated He CXRS. Also, direct measurement of ³He are used to test models of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH). We look for evidence of fast ion production and the effect of the minority ion profile on fast wave heating. Several modifications were made to the hardware. Light is collected via two optical arrays: poloidal and toroidal. The toroidal array has been upgraded to increase throughput and spatial resolution, increasing the number of toroidal channels from 10 to 22. A new protective shroud was installed on the poloidal array. Additional diagnostics (a 11 channel beam duct view, neutralizer view, duct pressure monitor) were added to the Diagnostic Neutral Beam to improve DNB modeling for CXRS. This work includes investigation of plasmas where helium is at low concentration (<1%), acting passively, as well as scenarios with a large fraction (>~20%). Using the STRAHL code, time-dependent helium density profiles are used to obtain anomalous transport parameters. Thermodiffusion and curvature pinch terms are also estimated from experimental scaling studies. Results are compared with neoclassical results from the NCLASS code and calculations by the GENE gyrokinetic code. Another focus is verification of power deposition models which are crucially dependent on minority ion density, for which ³He is used. At low ³He fraction, direct absorption by ³He generates fast ions with anisotropic velocity-space distribution functions. At high ³He fraction, mode conversion heating of electrons is dominant. The minority distribution function and predicted wave deposition are simulated using AORSA and CQL3D. This work provides the first measurements of helium transport on C-Mod and expands our understanding of helium transport and fast wave heating. / text

Plasma spectroscopic diagnostic tool using collisional-radiative models and its application to different plasma discharges for electron temperature and neutral density determination

Sciamma, Ella Marion, 1979- 29 August 2008 (has links)
A spectroscopic diagnostic tool has been developed to determine the electron temperature and the neutral density in helium, hydrogen and argon plasmas from absolutely calibrated spectroscopic measurements. For each gas, a method of analysis which uses models specific to each species present in the plasma (neutral atom or singly ionized atom) has been defined. The experimental electron density is used as an input parameter to the models, and the absolutely calibrated spectroscopic data are processed beforehand to obtain the populations of the upper excited levels corresponding to the observed spectral lines. For helium plasmas, the electron temperature is inferred from the experimental helium ion excited level p = 4 population using a corona model, and then the neutral density is determined from the experimental helium neutral excited level populations using a collisional-radiative model for helium neutrals. For hydrogen plasmas, combinations of the electron temperature and the neutral density are determined from the experimental hydrogen neutral excited level populations using a collisional-radiative model specific to hydrogen atoms. For argon plasmas, the electron temperature is inferred from the experimental argon ion excited level populations using a collisional-radiative model for argon ions, and then the neutral density is determined from the experimental argon neutral excited level populations using a collisional-radiative model for argon neutrals. This diagnostic tool was applied to three experiments with different geometries and plasma conditions to test the validity of each data analysis method. The helium and hydrogen data analysis methods were tested and validated on helium and hydrogen plasmas produced in the VASIMR experiment, a plasma propulsion system concept. They gave electron temperatures and neutral densities that were consistent with other diagnostics and theory. The argon diagnostic tool was tested on argon plasmas produced in the VASIMR experiment, the Helimak experiment and the Helicon experiment. The electron temperature and neutral density obtained on both the Helimak and the Helicon experiments were consistent with other diagnostics and with theory, and validated the method of analysis. An impurity problem on the VASIMR experiment made it difficult for the data analysis to be validated.

Streuexperimente mit Wasserstoff- und Heliumstrahlen zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von H2, N2 und C2H2 mit den (001)-Oberflächen von LiF, NaCl, KCl und MgO / Scattering experiments with molecular hydrogen and helium beams investigating the interactions of H2, N2 and C2H2 with the (001) surfaces of LiF, NaCl, KCl and MgO

Traeger, Franziska 01 February 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Measurement of Single Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Reaction n↑(e, éπ+)X at Jefferson Lab

Allada, Kalyan C. 01 January 2010 (has links)
What constitutes the spin of the nucleon? The answer to this question is still not completely understood. Although we know the longitudinal quark spin content very well, the data on the transverse quark spin content of the nucleon is still very sparse. Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) using transversely polarized targets provide crucial information on this aspect. The data that is currently available was taken with proton and deuteron targets. The E06-010 experiment was performed at Jefferson Lab in Hall-A to measure the single spin asymmetries in the SIDIS reaction n↑(e,éπ±/K±)X using transversely polarized 3He target. The experiment used the continuous electron beam provided by the CEBAF accelerator with a beam energy of 5.9 GeV. Hadrons were detected in a high-resolution spectrometer in coincidence with the scattered electrons detected by the BigBite spectrometer. The kinematic coverage focuses on the valence quark region, x = 0.19 to 0.34, at Q2 = 1.77 to 2.73 (GeV/c)2. This is the first measurement on a neutron target. The data from this experiment, when combined with the world data on the proton and the deuteron, will provide constraints on the transversity and Sivers distribution functions on both the u and d-quarks in the valence region. In this work we report on the single spin asymmetries in the SIDIS n↑(e,éπ+)X reaction.

Energy- and angle-resolved infrared-laser-assisted xuv single- and two-photon double ionization of helium

Liu, Aihua January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Uwe Thumm / Although the latest and most powerful supercomputer today, Tianhe-2 in China, can finish 33.86 quadrillion floating-point operations per second (www.top500.org), it is still a big challenge to simulate the simplest few-electron system - the helium atom - a threebody system with one nucleus and two electrons. Within the fixed-nucleus approximation and time-dependent close coupling (TDCC) approach, we developed software to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) accurately, implementing the finite-element discrete-variable representation (FE-DVR) scheme. The general idea of the method is to expand the wave functions in the eigenvectors of the angular momentum operator, which further transform the six-dimensional TDSE to a set of infinite two-dimensional coupled equations. Although there are infinitely many coupled equations, they can be truncated to a finite number of equations by applying selection rules and physical requirements, and solved with our current computational resources. By numerically solving the TDSE in full dimensionality, we investigate the double photoionization of helium atoms in external fields. In co-planar emission geometry with and without the presence of a comparatively weak infrared (IR) laser pulse, we discuss the double ionization (DI) dynamics of helium atoms irradiated by ultrashort pulses of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser light. We first investigate the degree of electronic correlation by correlated photoelectron angular distributions for two-photon double ionization (TPDI) of helium atoms in the sequential and non-sequential DI regime. We quantify sequential and non-sequential contributions to TPDI driven by an XUV pulse with central photon energy hw[subscript]xuv near the sequential DI threshold. If the spectral width of the XUV pulse is broad enough, both the sequntial (hw[subscript]xuv > 54.4 eV) and non-sequential (hw[subscript]xuv < 54.4 eV) channels are open. Therefore, the sequential and non-sequential DI mechanisms are difficult to distinguish. By tracking the DI asymmetry in joint photoelectron angular distributions, we introduce the forward-backward-emission asymmetry as a measure that allows the distinction of sequential and non-sequential contributions. Specifically, for hw[subscript]xuv = 50 eV pulses with a sine-squared temporal profile, we find that the sequential DI contribution is the largest at a pulse length of 650 as (1 as = 10[superscript]−18 s), due to competing temporal and spectral constraints. In addition, we validate a simple heuristic expression for the sequential DI contribution in comparison with ab initio calculations. We then investigate the influence of the laser field on the DI of helium by a single XUV pulse. For IR-laser-assisted single-XUV-photon DI our joint angular distributions show that the IR-laser field enhances back-to-back electron emission and induces a characteristic splitting in the angular distribution for electrons that are emitted symmetrically relative to the identical linear polarization directions of the XUV and IR pulse. These IR-pulse-induced changes in photoelectron angular distributions are (i) imposed by different symmetry constraints for XUV-pulse-only and laser-assisted XUV-photon DI, (ii) robust over a large range of energy sharing between the emitted electrons, and (iii) consistent with the transfer of discrete IR-photon momenta to both photoelectrons from the assisting IR-laser field. While selection-rule forbidden at equal energy sharing, for increasingly unequal energy sharing we find back-to-back emission to become more likely and to compete with symmetric emission. To obtain a high level of accuracy, accurate quantum-mechanical calculations of three Coulomb interacting particales exposed to an intense XUV and weak IR field are at the limit of current computational power. Any direct extension (such as strong laser-field intensity, elliptically-polarized field, and laser-induced DI) of our approach to more complicated systems appears to be currently out of reach. At the end of this thesis, we give suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of TDSE calculations for simulations of these complicated many-photon processes.

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