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[pt] O consumo de suplementos alimentares tem apresentado um aumento significativo nos últimos anos principalmente pelo grande apelo desse produto em relação a complementação da dieta com elementos essenciais e a melhora e manutenção da saúde. A combinação do crescente consumo e o livre acesso a esse produto, aliado a ausência de fiscalização por parte dos órgãos governamentais torna seu consumo descontrolado, um potencial risco a saúde da população. Nesse cenário o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos destinados ao controle de qualidade incluindo a determinação da concentração de selênio total e de suas espécies torna-se uma necessidade. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas metodologias para a quantificação de selênio total por ICP-MS e suas espécies inorgânicas (Se IV e Se VI) e selenometionina por HPLC-ICP-MS em amostras de suplementos alimentares enriquecidos em selênio e em amostra de levedura enriquecida isotopicamente em 78Se. A metodologia para determinação de selênio total, utilizando diferentes gases de reação, foi otimizada empregando planejamento experimental e os limites de detecção encontrados foram entre 0,01 mg kg(-1) (CH4) e 0,1 mg kg(-1) (NH3) e a concordância com o MRC Selm-1 de entre 99 por cento (NH3) e 104 por cento (CH4). Os resultados encontrados referentes à concentração de selênio nas amostras de suplementos alimentares apresentaram uma discrepância em relação ao valor informado no rótulo entre -29 por cento e +170 por cento e, de maneira complementar, o acoplamento do HPLC ao ICP-MS permitiu realizar a especiação de selênio nas amostras de suplemento alimentar. O emprego das técnicas ICP-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS e ESI-MS possibilitou a caracterização de uma amostra de levedura enriquecida isotopicamente em 78Se em termos de sua distribuição isotópica, concentração de selênio total e selenometionina bem como proteínas com peso molecular de aproximadamente 12 kDa. / [en] The consumption of dietary supplements has a significant increase in recent years mainly for a great appeal of this product in relation to a complementation of the diet with essential elements and an improvement and maintenance of health. The combination of increased consumption and free access to this product, associated to the lack in the inspection by government, makes their consumption uncontrolled and a potential risk to the citizen health. In this scenario the development of analytical methods for quality control, including a determination of the total selenium concentration and its species becomes a primordial necessity. For this, methodologies were developed for quantification of total selenium by ICP-MS and its inorganic species (Se IV and Se VI) and selenomethionine by HPLC-ICP-MS in samples of selenium-based food supplements and in isotopically enriched yeast sample in 78Se. The methodology for total selenium determination was optimized by experimental design and the limits of detection were in the range of 0.01 mg kg(-1) (CH4) and 0.1 mg kg(-1) (NH3) and the agreement with the CRM Selm-1 were between 99 percent (NH3) and 104 percent (CH4). The results found for selenium content in the food supplements samples presented a discrepancy in relation to the labeled value between -29 percent and + 170 percent and, complementarily, coupling of HPLC to ICP-MS allowed an speciation analysis in the food supplements samples. The use of the ICP-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS and ESI-MS techniques enabled a characterization of a 78Se isotopically enriched yeast sample in terms of its isotopic distribution, total selenium concentration and selenomethionine as well as proteins with molecular weight of approximately 12 kDa.
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Avaliação de técnicas acopladas à espectrometria de massas com plasma (ICP-MS) visando o fracionamento e a especiação química de mercúrio em sangue e plasma / Evaluation techniques coupled to mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) aimed at the fractionation and chemical speciation of mercury in blood and plasmaJairo Lisboa Rodrigues 12 August 2010 (has links)
O Mercúrio (Hg) é um dos mais tóxicos poluentes do meio ambiente. Ele existe basicamente em três formas: Mercúrio elementar (Hg0), ou Hg metálico, mercúrio inorgânico (Hg-i), principalmente o cloreto mercúrico e o mercúrio orgânico (Hg-o), representado principalmente pelo metilmercúrio (MeHg) e etilmercúrio (EtHg), sendo que as formas orgânicas do Hg são mais tóxicas. Sendo assim, é de suma importância que se tenha métodos de fracionamento (Hg t, Hg-i e Hg-o pela diferença) e de especiação de mercúrio (Hg-i, MeHg, EtHg) para diferenciação das espécies de mercúrio em matrizes biológicas. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos o desenvolvimento de três métodos analíticos rápidos, simples e sensíveis para: i) fracionamento entre Hg-t e Hg-i em sangue/plasma (Hg-o pela diferença) utilizando sistema de geração de vapor frio em linha com ICP-MS (CV ICP-MS); ii) especiação de Hg em amostras de sangue e plasma utilizando o acoplamento HPLC-ICP-MS; iii) especiação de Hg em amostras de sangue utilizando o acoplamento GC-ICP-MS. No método de fracionamento de mercúrio foi feito o preparo de amostras utilizando hidróxido de tetrametilamônio (TMAH) à temperatura ambiente. No método de especiação por HPLC-ICP-MS foi feita a extração das espécies utilizando banho ultrassônico, ao passo que no método GC-ICP-MS foi feita a extração das espécies assistida por microondas. O método CV ICP-MS foi comparado com a geração de vapor utilizando absorção atômica (CV AAS) não tendo diferença estatística entre os dois métodos. Para validação dos métodos foi utilizado Material de Referência Certificado (NIST 966) e outros Materiais de Referência. Os métodos foram aplicados para análise de amostras de sangue de populações Ribeirinhas da Amazônia brasileira expostas ao mercúrio. Os métodos demonstraram ser simples e rápidos, podendo facilmente serem implantados em rotina de laboratórios clínicos. / Mercury (Hg) is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants. It exists primarily in three forms: elemental mercury (Hg0), or metallic mercury, inorganic mercury (Hg-i), particularly mercuric chloride and organic mercury (Hg-o), mainly represented by methylmercury (MeHg) and ethylmercury (EtHg), and the organic forms of mercury are more toxic than the inorganic ones. Then, it is very important the development of simple and fast methods for mercury fractionation (T-Hg, Hg-i and Hg-o by the difference) or speciation (Hg-i, MeHg, EtHg) in biological samples. Then, the aims of this work were to evaluate three analytical methods for: i) mercury fractionation in blood/plasma samples (Hg-t, Hg-i and Hg-o by difference) by using a ICP-MS on line coupled to a cold-vapor generation system (CV ICP-MS), ii) Hg speciation in blood and plasma by using LC coupled to ICP-MS; iii) Hg speciation in blood samples with the use of GC coupled to ICP-MS. For the fractionation method, samples were previously incubated with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) at room temperature. On the other hand, for the speciation of Hg in blood/plasma by using HPLC-ICP-MS the extraction of Hg species was carried out with the use of ultrasonic energy. For the speciation methodology with GC-ICP-MS the extraction of Hg species was carried out with the use of microwave-assisted extraction. Validation of the proposed methods were evaluated based on the analysis of the SRM NIST 966 and ordinary blood samples collected from riparians living in the Brazilian Amazon exposed to mercury. In general the proposed methodologies proved to be simple, fast and easily applied in routine analysis by clinical laboratories.
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[pt] A utilização de drogas à base de platina é o tratamento de primeira linha para diversos tipos de câncer. Pacientes tratados com estas drogas apresentam resultados melhores que os obtidos com outros regimes de quimioterapia para os mesmos tipos de malignidades. As principais limitações para a utilização destes compostos são os efeitos colaterais severos e a resistência dos tumores ao tratamento. A cisplatina foi a primeira droga dessa categoria a ser empregada. Desde o final dos anos 70 até hoje, esta droga vem sendo amplamente utilizada e com sucesso substancial. Acredita-se que o principal mecanismo de ação desta classe de medicamentos seja a ligação de dois sítios ativos da platina com o DNA
das células tumorais, impedindo sua multiplicação e finalmente induzindo a apoptose, o que provoca a redução, e em alguns casos a eliminação, dos tumores. Entretanto, devido à complexidade dos mecanismos envolvidos, uma descrição clara da atuação intracelular destas drogas ainda não foi estabelecida. A combinação de técnicas de separação como eletroforese ou cromatografia líquida de alta performance com técnicas de espectrometria atômica tem se apresentado como uma poderosa alternativa para investigação de fenômenos biológicos que envolvem, de alguma maneira, espécies metálicas. A hifenação destas técnicas permite a separação e detecção em linha de biomoléculas contendo metais, possibilitando a obtenção de informações únicas sobre os processos biológicos. O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos utilizando eletroforese em gel de agarose (GE), cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS) para a determinação de biomoléculas contendo platina em materiais biológicos. O
principal objetivo do trabalho é fornecer ferramentas analíticas para o estudo dos mecanismos de ação de drogas à base de platina em humanos. Foram utilizados diversos materiais biológicos, como sangue, urina e culturas de células. A cromatografia líquida em fase reversa foi usada na determinação das drogas intactas e de seus produtos de hidrólise; a cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho foi empregada para a avaliação de proteínas presentes nas amostras enquanto a cromatografia de par iônico para separação de fragmentos de DNA. A detecção de platina nos eluatos por ICP-MS permitiu a obtenção de cromatogramas limpos apresentando claramente as moléculas contendo platina. A evidência da aplicabilidade dos métodos desenvolvidos foi avaliada com a prospecção de biomarcadores de eficiência do tratamento com cisplatina. Diversas linhagens celulares foram expostas a diferentes tratamentos com cisplatina e tiveram seus comportamentos avaliados. A determinação de adutos de DNA contendo platina apresentou-se como uma interessante perspectiva para a obtenção de um biomarcador de resistência ao tratamento com cisplatina. / [en] The use of platinum-based drugs is the first line treatment for many cancers. Patients treated with these drugs present better outcome when compared with other chemotherapy regimens for the same types of malignancies. The major limitations to the use of these drugs are the severe side effects and resistance
tumors present to the treatment. Cisplatin was the first platinum-based drug to be approved for human use. Since the late 1970 s until today, this drug has been widely used with great success. It is believed that the major mechanism of action of these drugs is the binding of two active sites of platinum complexes with the DNA of the tumor cells, preventing their multiplication and finally inducing apoptosis, that leads to a reduction, and in some cases eliminating, tumors. However, due to the complexity of the mechanisms involved, a clear description of the intracellular action of these drugs has not been established. The
combination of separation techniques such as electrophoresis or high performance liquid chromatography with atomic spectrometric techniques has emerged as a powerful alternative for investigation metal-related biological phenomena. The so called hyphenation of these techniques allows the separation and detection of
biomolecules containing metals, making possible to obtain unique information about biological processes. This work presents the development of analytical methodologies using agarose gel electrophoresis (GE), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) for the determination of platinum-containing biomolecules in biological materials. The main objective of this work is to provide analytical tools for the study of the mechanisms of action of platinum-based drugs in humans. Various biological materials such as blood, urine and cell cultures were used. Reverse phase liquid chromatography was used for the determination of intact drugs and its hydrolysis products; size exclusion chromatography was used to assess the protein profile in samples while the ion-pair chromatography for separation of DNA fragments. The detection of platinum in the eluates by ICP-MS allowed the obtention of clean chromatograms clearly presenting the platinum-containing molecules. The evidence of the applicability of the developed methods was assessed with the search for biomarkers of efficacy of treatment with cisplatin. Several cell lines were exposed to different treatments of cisplatin and their behavior were evaluated. The determination of DNA adducts containing platinum presented an interesting approach for obtaining a marker of resistance to cisplatin treatment.
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Speciation Studies Using Hplc-icp-ms And Hplc-es-msBakirdere, Sezgin 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge about selenium content of foods containing selenium species is very important in terms of both nutrition and toxicity. Bioavailability of selenium species for human body is different from each other. Hence, speciation of selenium is more important than total selenium determination. In the selenium speciation study, chicken breast samples, selenium supplement tablets and egg samples were analyzed for their selenium contents. In chicken breast study, chickens were randomly categorized into three groups including the control group (25 chickens), inorganic selenium fed group (25 chickens) and organic selenium fed group (25 chickens). After the optimization of all the analytical parameters used throughout the study, selenomethionine, selenocystine, Se(IV) and Se(VI) were determined using Cation Exchange-HPLC-ICP-MS system. In selenium supplement tablet study, anion and cation exchange chromatographies were used to determine selenium species.
Arsenic is known as toxic element, and toxicity of inorganic arsenic species, As(III) and As(V), is much higher than organic arsenic species like arsenobetaine and arsenosugars. Hence, speciation of arsenic species in any matrix related with human health is very important. In the arsenic speciation study, Cation Exchange-HPLC-ICP-MS and Cation Exchange-HPLC-ES-MS systems were used to determine arsenobetaine content of DORM-2, DORM-3 and DOLT-4 as CRMs. All of the parameters in extraction, separation and detection steps were optimized. Standard addition method was applied to samples to eliminate or minimize the matrix interference.
Thiols play an important role in metabolism and cellular homeostasis. Hence, determination of thiol compounds in biological matrices has been of interest by scientists. In the thiol study, Reverse Phase-HPLC-ICP-MS and Reverse Phase-HPLC-ES-MS systems were used for the separation and detection of thiols. For the thiol determination, thiols containing &ndash / S-S- bond were reduced using dithiothreitol (DTT). Reduction efficiencies for species of interest were found to be around 100%. Reduced and free thiols were derivatized before introduction on the column by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (PHMB) and then separated from each other by using a C8 column. In the real sample measurement, yeast samples were analyzed using HPLC-ES-MS system.
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Arsenic Speciation In Fish By Hplc-icp-msEroglu Ozcan, Sefika 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ö / ZCAN, Sefika Eroglu
M.S., Department of Chemistry
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. O. Yavuz ATAMAN
September 2010, 103 pages
Arsenic speciation in fish samples on the market was performed using isocratic elution with cation exchange column high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) detection. Total As concentrations were found by ICP-MS using samples digested by nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide solution using microwave oven digestion / the results were in the range of 1.15-12.6 µ / g/g. Separation of organic arsenicals, namely arsenobetaine (AB), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MA), have been achieved in 12 minutes. Freeze-dried samples were extracted by deionized water with a shaker system / the concentrations of AB and DMA in the extract was then determined using HPLC-ICP-MS. The accuracy of the method for determining AB concentration was confirmed using certified reference material (CRM), DOLT 4 (dog fish liver) / for this CRM only preliminary data are available for AB. The arsenic compounds in 6 fish muscle samples were investigated. The predominant arsenic compound found in extracts was AB / the concentrations were in the range of 0.86-12.0 µ / g/g. DMA concentration was 0.40± / 0.03 µ / g/g in one of the samples / in the others it was below the limit of quantation (0.21 µ / g/g).
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Metabolismus Se přijímaného savčím organismem ve formě Se-obohacené Brassica napus / Se-Metabolism inside the mammalian organism fed Se-supplemented Brassica napus forageŽíla, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to determine whether the individual Se-speciation in the mammalian organism are affected by the form of received selenium. Selenium is an essential micronutrient important for humans and animals. It plays an important role in the antioxidant protection of the organism and in the conversion of thyroid hormones. In our experiment the laboratory Wistar rats were divided into three groups. Each group had a different diet. The rats were fed with selenium in the form of soy, sodium selenite and extracted rapeseed meal. Urine samples were regularly collected during the four-week experiment and in the end of the feeding study, the blood serum was also collected. The total selenium content was measured by ICP-MS, while the individual Se-speciation in urine and serum by HPLC coupled with ICP-MS. In the urine the identified speciation were methylselenocystein (MeSeCys), trimethylselenium (TMSe) and selenosugar 1 and 3. In the blood serum the measured speciation were TMSe, selenite, selenate and selenosugar 1. For the group fed with sodium selenite the measured values in the urine were generally higher, this might be due to a higher overall intake and also an inorganic form of selenium with a lower absorbency. Groups that received selenium from plant sources took in several Se-compounds and the total measured content of Se-speciation and secretion dynamics were not significantly different. Additionally speciation of selenosugar 2 was measured for the group fed with rapeseed meals, which in the other groups did not appear. When receiving selenium from plant sources the biotransformation in the mammalian organism differs in comparison to receiving selenium from mineral salts. The initial hypothesis that Se-speciation is influenced by the form of selenium administered in the diet was confirm by our results. Since the group fed rapeseed showed similar results as the group fed a standard feed with soy, the extracted rapeseed meal could serve as a good source in livestock nutrition.
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Especiação química de As e Cd por HPLC-ICP-MS em forrageira Brachiaria brizantha Stapf. cv. Marandu cultivada em solo previamente contaminado / Chemical speciation of As and Cd by HPLC-ICP-MS in Brachiaria Brizantha Stapf. cv. Marandu forage grown in a previously contaminated soilAmaral, Clarice Dias Britto do 21 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Recent research and advances in analytical chemistry show that the total content determination of an element, although it is essential, is limited since it is not sufficient to provide information about the bioavailability and toxicity of the species. Furthermore, plants are usually the main route of chemical elements (essential or toxic) entry in the food chain. Arsenic speciation in plants is important since it can be found in inorganic forms, more toxic, or methylated forms, less toxic. Moreover, both As and Cd can bind to phytochelatins (tri peptides) that are formed in plant tissue as a defense mechanism to the stress caused by potentially toxic elements. This research project aimed the determination and speciation of As and Cd in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu forage grown in previously contaminated soil. In the first part of the work, these contaminants were added to the soil and after a certain period of time the forages were harvested, frozen-dried and ground in freezer mill containing liquid N2. As well as it was determined the total content of As and Cd by ICP-QMS. The mean concentrations found were 2.3 ± 0.27 mg kg-1 of As and 2.9 ± 0.07 mg kg-1 of Cd. In the second part of the work, the separation and identification of As(III), As(V), MMA (monomethylarsonic acid), and DMA (dimethylarsinic acid) species were performed using an anion exchange column and HPLC-ICPMS. Different sample preparation involving water, diluted nitric acid solution and a water methanol mixtures were evaluated in order to extract As species in plant samples. The interference standard (IFS) method using 83Kr+, was employed to minimize spectral interferences on 75As+ determination caused by polyatomic species such as 40Ar35Cl+. The procedure that presented the best xiv performance was the one using nitric acid solution with extractions carried out at 90 ºC, an efficiency of 90 % and quantitative extraction of all four As species were achieved. Improvement in accuracy from 77 % to 94 % was obtained using the IFS method. The third part of the work evaluated the As species stability in samples stored under different temperatures along 12 months, with periodical determination of them (each two months). It can be concluded that for As species evaluated, lyophilization and frozen-dried were the best sample preparation strategies. Sample storage at low temperatures resulted in poor extraction efficiency, furthermore, the sample particle size was the critical factor for choosing the best processing and storage procedure of sample. The fourth part addressed the evaluation of As-phytochelatin and Cd-phytochelatins species using HPLC-ICP-MS for the isotopes determination and HPLC-ESI-MS in order to do the phytochelatins analysis. Phytochelatins were not found in the samples stored for long periods, even at low temperatures, which demonstrates the species instability. Freshly-harvested and extracted samples were analyzed by ESI-MS and mainly glutathione (m/z 308); the phytochelatins PC2 (m/z 540) and PC3 (m/z 772), their respective oxidized forms and the compound As-PC3 (m/z 844) were found among roots, leaves and stems. The new legal requirements and trade restrictions require the development of analytical procedures to measure metalloid species in a variety of animal and plant tissues. With the combination of techniques such as ICP-MS and ESI-MS coupled to HPLC has become feasible the determination of uncommon species. / As recentes pesquisas e progressos em química analítica evidenciam que a determinação do teor total de um elemento, embora essencial, é limitada uma vez que não é suficiente para fornecer informações a respeito de biodisponibilidade e toxicidade das espécies. Geralmente, as plantas são a principal via de entrada de elementos químicos (essenciais ou tóxicos) na cadeia alimentar. A especiação de arsênio em plantas é importante uma vez que o mesmo pode ser encontrado nas formas inorgânicas, mais tóxicas ou formas metiladas, menos tóxicas. Além disso, tanto o As como o Cd podem se ligar a fitoquelatinas (tri peptídeos) que são formados no tecido vegetal como um mecanismo de defesa ao estresse causado por elementos potencialmente tóxicos. Este projeto de pesquisa visou a determinação e a especiação dos elementos As e Cd em forrageira do gênero Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu cultivada em solo previamente contaminado com esses elementos. Na primeira parte do trabalho os contaminantes foram adicionados ao solo e após determinado período as forragens foram cortadas, liofilizadas e moídas em moinho criogênico, bem como determinados os teores totais de As e Cd por ICP-QMS, sendo obtidos 2,3 ± 0,27 mg kg-1 de As e 2,9 ± 0,07 mg kg-1 de Cd. Na segunda parte do trabalho, a separação e a identificação das espécies As(III), As(V), MMA (ácido monometilarsênico) e DMA (ácido dimetilarsônico) foram realizadas utilizando coluna de troca aniônica e o acoplamento HPLC-ICP-MS. Diferentes preparos de amostra envolvendo os extratores água, metanol e ácido nítrico diluído foram avaliados para a especiação de As. O método do padrão de interferência (IFS), utilizando 83Kr+, foi empregado para corrigir interferências xii espectrais sobre 75As+ causadas por espécies poliatômicas, como 40Ar35Cl+. O procedimento de extração que utilizou solução de ácido nítrico diluído a 90 ºC foi o mais eficiente, com recuperação quantitativa (~90 %) das quatro espécies de As avaliadas. Melhoria na exatidão de 77 % para 94 % foi obtida utilizando o método IFS. A terceira parte do trabalho envolveu o estudo da estabilidade de espécies de As ao longo de 12 meses em amostras armazenadas sob diferentes condições e temperaturas, com determinações realizadas bimestralmente. Para as espécies de arsênio avaliadas, a liofilização seguida por moagem criogênica foi o procedimento de preparo que forneceu os melhores resultados. Baixas temperaturas isoladamente não se mostraram adequadas para o armazenamento das amostras, pois resultaram em recuperações pouco eficientes, sendo o tamanho de partícula da amostra determinante na escolha do melhor procedimento de armazenamento. A quarta parte do trabalho abordou a avaliação de espécies de As-fitoquelatinas e Cd-fitoquelatinas empregando HPLC-ICP-MS na determinação dos isótopos e HPLC-ESI-MS na determinação das fitoquelatinas. Não foram encontradas fitoquelatinas nas amostras armazenadas por longo período, mesmo que em baixas temperaturas, o que evidencia a instabilidade das espécies. Amostras recém-cortadas e extraídas foram analisadas por ESI-MS, sendo encontradas entre raízes, folhas e caule, principalmente glutationa (m/z 308); as fitoquelatinas PC2 (m/z 540) e PC3(m/z 772), as respectivas formas oxidadas dessas e o composto As-PC3 (m/z 844). As novas exigências legais e restrições ao comércio exigem o desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos para medir espécies metalóides em grande variedade de tecidos animais e vegetais. Com o uso complementar de técnicas como ICPMS e ESI-MS acopladas à HPLC tem se tornado viável a determinação de espécies pouco exploradas.
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Speciation, Metabolism, Toxicity, and Protein-binding of Different Arsenic Species in Human CellsStice, Szabina A 24 March 2014 (has links)
Despite of its known toxicity and potential to cause cancer, arsenic has been proven to be a very important tool for the treatment of various refractory neoplasms. One of the promising arsenic-containing chemotherapeutic agents in clinical trials is Darinaparsin (dimethylarsinous glutathione, DMAIII(GS)). In order to understand its toxicity and therapeutic efficacy, the metabolism of Darinaparsin in human cancer cells was evaluated. With the aim of detecting all potential intermediates and final products of the biotransformation of Darinaparsin and other arsenicals, an analytical method employing high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) was developed. This method was shown to be capable of separating and detecting fourteen human arsenic metabolites in one chromatographic run. The developed analytical technique was used to evaluate the metabolism of Darinaparsin in human cancer cells. The major metabolites of Darinaparsin were identified as dimethylarsinic acid (DMAV), DMAIII(GS), and dimethylarsinothioyl glutathione (DMMTAV(GS)). Moreover, the method was employed to study the conditions and mechanisms of formation of thiol-containing arsenic metabolites from DMAIII(GS) and DMAV as the mechanisms of formation of these important As species were unknown. The arsenic sulfur compounds studied included but were not limited to the newly discovered human arsenic metabolite DMMTAV(GS) and the unusually highly toxic dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV). It was found that these species may form from hydrogen sulfide produced in enzymatic reactions or by utilizing the sulfur present in protein persulfides. Possible pathways of thiolated arsenical formation were proposed and supporting data for their existence provided. In addition to known mechanism of arsenic toxicity such as protein-binding and reactive oxygen formation, it was proposed that the utilization of thiols from protein persulfides during the formation of thiolated arsenicals may be an additional mechanism of toxicity. The toxicities of DMAV(GS), DMMTAV, and DMMTAV(GS) were evaluated in cancer cells, and the ability of these cells to take the compounds up were compared. When assessing the toxicity by exposing multiple myeloma cells to arsenicals externally, DMMTAV(GS) was much less toxic than DMAIII(GS) and DMMTAV, probably as a result of its very limited uptake (less than 10% and 16% of DMAIII(GS) and DMMTAV respectively).
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Determination and Speciation of Arsenic in Environmental and Biological SamplesBerg, Tiffany 01 September 2012 (has links)
A method was developed for the determination of total arsenic in rice grain by microwave-assisted digestion inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Standard calibration solutions were matrix-matched with respect to acid concentration and carbon content post-digest. The importance of eliminating the drying step during sample preparation procedures was investigated. The method was validated with spikes containing standard arsenate solutions into the rice matrix, and with certified reference material SRM1568a (rice flour) from NIST. The method was successfully applied to a commercially available rice sample. Four arsenic species [arsenate (As(V)), arsenite (As(III)), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA)] were extracted from rice grains by microwave-assisted extraction and separated with high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The method includes a novel sample clean-up step involving a dialysis procedure to decrease the amount of large starch molecules in the injection solution, in order to minimize poor resolution of chromatographic peaks and maximize column life. The method was validated with spikes of standard arsenic solutions, added to the rice matrix before the extraction procedure. Literature reference values for arsenic species quantification in SRM1568a (rice flour) were also compared. This method was successfully applied to a commercially available rice sample. A study into improvements in reverse phase-HPLC separations of arsenic species was conducted. For the first time, a Sunfire C8 column from Waters (Milford, CT) was employed for the separation of arsenic species in rice extracts. This column was compared to a Symmetry C8 column with respect to total elution time, detection limits, interference effects, and column life, and evaluated with respect to peak resolution, shifts in retention times, and peak symmetry.
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The Toxicity Assessment of Heavy Metals and Their Species in RiceZhang, Julie Zhiling January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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