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Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Flavonoid-Based Fluorescent Sensors and other Sensors with Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer for Biological ApplicationsMcDonald, Lucas J. 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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TGFΒ/SMAD4 Signaling and Altered Epigenetics Contribute to Increased Ovarian Cancer SeverityDeatherage, Daniel E. 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Gated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Biomedical ApplicationsOtri, Ismael 06 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral titulada "Nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosas funcionalizadas con puertas moleculares para aplicaciones biomédicas" está centrada en el diseño y la síntesis de nuevos nanosistemas sensores y terapéuticos con aplicaciones en el campo clínico y medioambiental.
En la introducción de esta tesis (capítulo uno) se presenta una visión general de conceptos básicos de nanotecnología, química supramolecular, nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa y de puertas moleculares.
A continuación, se presentan los objetivos generales y específicos que se van a desarrollar en los capítulos experimentales siguientes.
En el tercer capítulo se presenta el diseño, síntesis y caracterización de un nanodispositivo para la detección de endotoxina en medios acuosos. El nanodispositivo está basado en nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa con los poros cargados con rodamina B y su superficie externa funcionalizada con grupos carboxilato. Los poros se bloquean, para evitar la liberación de la rodamina B, con polimixina B, un péptido con carga positiva. En presencia de la endotoxina, la polimixina B es desplazada de la superficie de las nanopartículas y se activa la liberación de la rodamina B del interior de los poros a la disolución. Esta liberación genera un aumento significativo de la fluorescencia en la disolución permitiendo la detección de la endotoxina. La respuesta obtenida con el nanodispositivo es muy selectiva ya que otras especies como el arabinogalactan, el ß-(1,3)-D-glucano, la pectina, el EDTA, la glucosa, el GTP y el polvo no son capaces de inducir la apertura de los poros y la liberación de la rodamina B. Además, el nanodispositivo presenta un límite de detección para la endotoxina en el rango picomolar.
En el cuarto capítulo se describe un nanodispositivo, basado en nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa cargadas con rodamina B y tapadas con curcumina, que se emplea para la detección selectiva de seroalbúmina humana (HSA) mediante medidas de fluorescencia. En este nanodispositivo, de nuevo, la presencia de HSA es capaz de desplazar la curcumina de la superficie de las nanopartículas permitiendo la liberación controlada de la rodamina B. El nanodispositivo preparado presentó una respuesta muy selectiva hacia la HSA con un límite de detección tan bajo como 0.1 mg/mL en PBS (pH 7.4)-acetonitrilo 95:5 v/v.
El capítulo cinco está centrado en la preparación de un nanodispositivo para la liberación sinérgica del antibiótico linezolida en presencia de bacterias Gram negativas. Este nanomaterial está basado en el empleo de nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa (como soporte inorgánico) con los poros cargados con linezolida y con la superficie externa funcionalizada con el antibiótico disruptor de membrana polimixina B (mediante interacciones electrostáticas). Cuando estas nanopartículas entran en contacto con bacterias Gram negativas el lipopolisacárido (LPS) de sus membrabas induce el desplazamiento de la polimixina B que actúa eficientemente como permeador y permite la liberación de la linezolida. La liberación simultánea de linezolida y la polimixina B en forma de nanoformulación inducen una reducción significativa de los valores del IC50 para bacterias cuando se compara con los valores obtenidos empleando de forma individual ambas especies.
El capítulo sexto está dedicado a la discusión de los resultados experimentales descritos en los capítulos tres, cuatro y cinco.
Finalmente, el capítulo siete de esta tesis doctoral, presenta las conclusiones generales que se derivan del trabajo experimental realizado. También se presentan las perspectivas futuras en el campo de las aplicaciones biomédicas de las nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa con puertas moleculares. Esperamos que los resultados que se presentan en esta tesis doctoral puedan abrir nuevas oportunidades de investigación en el desarrollo de nuevos nanodispositivos inteligentes que puedan actuar como agentes antimicrobianos. / [CAT] Aquesta tesi doctoral titulada "Nanopartícules de sílice mesoporoses funcionalitzades amb portes moleculars per a aplicacions biomèdiques" està centrada en el disseny i la síntesi de nous nanosistemes sensors i terapèutics amb aplicacions en el camp clínic i mediambientals.
En la introducció d'aquesta tesi (capítol un) es presenta una visió general de conceptes bàsics de nanotecnologia, química supramolecular, nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa i de portes moleculars.
A continuació, es presenten els objectius generals i específics que es desenvoluparan en els capítols experimentals següents.
En el tercer capítol es presenta el disseny, síntesi i caracterització d'un nanodispositiu per a la detecció d'endotoxina en mitjans aquosos. El nanodispositiu està basat en nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa amb els porus carregats amb rodamina B i la seua superfície externa funcionalitzada amb grups carboxilat. Els porus es bloquegen, per a evitar l'alliberament de la rodamina B, amb polimixina B, un pèptid amb càrrega positiva. En presència de l'endotoxina, la polimixina B és desplaçada de la superfície de les nanopartícules i s'activa l'alliberament de la rodamina B de l'interior dels porus a la dissolució. Aquest alliberament genera un augment significatiu de la fluorescència en la dissolució permetent la detecció de l'endotoxina. La resposta obtinguda amb el nanodispositiu és molt selectiva ja que altres espècies com l'arabinogalactan, el ß-(1,3)-D-glucà, la pectina, l'EDTA, la glucosa, el GTP i la pols no són capaços d'induir l'obertura dels porus i l'alliberament de la rodamina B. A més, el nanodispositiu presenta un límit de detecció per a l'endotoxina en el rang picomolar.
En el quart capítol es descriu un nanodispositiu, basat en nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa carregades amb rodamina B i tapades amb curcumina, que s'empra per a la detecció selectiva de seroalbúmina humana (HSA) mitjançant mesures de fluorescència. En aquest nanodispositiu, de nou, la presència de HSA és capaç de desplaçar la curcumina de la superfície de les nanopartícules permetent l'alliberament controlat de la rodamina B. El nanodispositiu preparat va presentar una resposta molt selectiva cap a la HSA amb un límit de detecció tan baix com 0.1 mg/ml en PBS (pH 7.4)-acetonitril 95:5 v/v.
El capítol cinc està centrat en la preparació d'un nanodispositiu per a l'alliberament sinèrgic de l'antibiòtic linezolida en presència de bacteris Gram negatives. Aquest nanomaterial està basat en l'ús de nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa (com a suport inorgànic) amb els porus carregats amb linezolida i amb la superfície externa funcionalitzada amb l'antibiòtic disruptor de membrana polimixina B (mitjançant interaccions electroestàtiques). Quan aquestes nanopartícules entren en contacte amb bacteris Gram negatives el lipopolisacàrid (*LPS) de les seues membranes indueix el desplaçament de la polimixina B que actua eficientment com permeador i permet l'alliberament de la linezolida. L'alliberament simultani de linezolida i la polimixina B en forma de nanoformulació indueixen una reducció significativa dels valors de l'IC50 per a bacteris quan es compara amb els valors obtinguts emprant de manera individual totes dues espècies.
El capítol sisé està dedicat a la discussió dels resultats experimentals descrits en els capítols tres, quatre i cinc.
Finalment, el capítol set d'aquesta tesi doctoral, presenta les conclusions generals que es deriven del treball experimental realitzat. També es presenten les perspectives futures en el camp de les aplicacions biomèdiques de les nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa amb portes moleculars. Esperem que els resultats que es presenten en aquesta tesi doctoral puguen obrir noves oportunitats d'investigació en el desenvolupament de nous nanodispositius intel·ligents que puguen actuar com a agents antimicrobians / [EN] This PhD thesis entitled "Gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for biomedical applications" is focused on the design and synthesis of novel nanodevices for sensing and therapeutic applications in clinical and environmental fields.
The first introductory chapter presented an overview of the different concepts related to nanotechnology, supramolecular chemistry, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs), and molecular gates.
Next, the general and specific objectives of this PhD thesis, that are addressed in the different experimental chapters, are presented.
The third chapter presented the design, synthesis, and characterization of a nanodevice for endotoxin detection in aqueous environments. The prepared nanodevice is based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded rhodamine B and with its external surface functionalized with carboxylates. Pores are finally capped upon addition of cationic polymyxin B peptide. In the presence of endotoxin, polymyxin B is detached from the surface of the nanoparticles with subsequent rhodamine B release from the inner of the pores to the solution. This release generated a marked emission enhancement in solution which allow endotoxin detection. The obtained response was highly selective to endotoxin because other interfering agents such as arabinogalactan, ß-(1,3)-D-glucan, pectin, EDTA, glucose, GTP and dust were unable to induce pore opening and rhodamine B release. Besides, the system detects endotoxin with a limit of detection in the picomolar range.
The fourth chapter presented a nanodevice, based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with rhodamine B and capped with anionic curcumin, which is used for the selective and sensitive fluorogenic detection of human serum albumin (HSA). Again, in the presence of HSA, curcumin was detached from nanoparticles surface allowing rhodamine B release. Prepared nanodevice showed a highly selective response toward HSA with a limit of detection for HSA as low as 0.1 mg/mL in PBS (pH 7.4)-acetonitrile 95:5 v/v.
Chapter five focus on the design and synthesis of a nanodevice for the synergic release of linezolid antibiotic in the presence of Gram-negative bacteria. This nanodevice is based on the use of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (as inorganic support) with the pores loaded with linezolid and capped with the membrane disruptor polymyxin B through electrostatic interactions. When these particles enter in contact with Gram-negative bacterium, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) present in the cell membrane induces the detachment of polymyxin B, which acts as membrane permeator, from the nanodevice allowing linezolid release. Simultaneous release of linezolid and polymyxin B as a nanoformulation induced a marked reduction in the IC50 values for bacteria when compared to the values obtained using free linezolid and polymyxin B alone.
The sixth chapter is devoted to the discussion of the experimental results described in the previous chapters.
Finally, the seventh chapter of this PhD thesis, presented the main conclusions, derived from the experimental work, and future perspectives in the field of gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for biomedical applications. We hope that the results achieved in this PhD thesis will open new research opportunities to develop advanced smart nanodevices as antimicrobial drugs / Otri, I. (2023). Gated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194710 / Compendio
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Contributions aux études quantitatives par spectroscopies électroniques (EPES et XPS) : Applications aux surfaces nanostructurées / Contributions to quantitative studies by electron spectroscopy (EPES & XPS) : Applications to nanostructured surfacesMahjoub, Mohamed Aymen 19 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes de caractérisation in-situ basées sur les spectroscopies électroniques XPS et MM-EPES associées à des calculs théoriques obtenus grâce à des simulations Monte-Carlo afin de réaliser des études quantitatives fines et précises. La première partie de ce travail, a été consacrée à l’analyse quantitative de signaux XPS et MM-EPES. Pour cela, dans un premier temps, la fonction de correction de l’analyseur hémisphérique (HSA) qui est une combinaison de l’aire d’analyse (A) et de la transmission (T) a été déterminée en utilisant une nouvelle méthode basée sur des images élastiques. Pour la première fois, la dépendance de A en énergie cinétique des électrons a été mise en évidence. Avec l’utilisation de cette nouvelle fonction, une méthode de caractérisation in situ basée sur la modélisation théorique des signaux XPS et MM-EPES a été développée. Cette méthode a permis d’étudier le dépôt d’un film d’or sur un substrat de silicium oxydé et a montré une grande précision dans le cas de très faibles quantités de matière déposée (< 2 nm) alors que les techniques microscopiques classiques se sont révélées inefficaces. La deuxième partie a porté sur le développement d’une nouvelle technique d’imagerie in-situ appelé MM-EPEM qui consiste à scanner la surface par un faisceau d’électrons et de collecter les électrons rétrodiffusés élastiquement afin de construire une image en intensité de la surface. Les étapes d’obtention des images MM-EPEM et les procédures d’exploitation de ces dernières ont été décrites et optimisées. Ensuite, cette technique a été utilisée pour l’étude de l’état de surface de dépôts d’or sur différents substrats. Cette technique s’avère être non destructive et très sensible aux éléments présents à la surface. Et elle permet de déterminer la cartographie chimique et la nano-organisation de la surface. / This thesis focuses on the development of new in-situ methods of characterization based on the electron spectroscopies (XPS and EPES) coupled with theoretical calculations obtained through Monte-Carlo simulations in order to perform very precise quantitative studies. The first part of this thesis was devoted to quantitative studies of XPS and MM-EPES measurements. Firstly, the correction function of a hemispherical analyzer (HSA) which is a combination of the analysis area (A) and the transmission (T) was determined using a new method based on the elastic images. For the first time, the dependence of A on the kinetic energy of electrons was highlighted. Using this function, an in-situ method based on the combination of XPS and MM-EPES modeling was setting up. This method was used to determine the organization of gold film deposed on oxidized silicon substrate. Measurements show that this method is able to determine surface parameters when the microscopy techniques do not give any information in the case of a small quantity of gold deposit (less than 2 nm). The second part of this work was directed towards developing a new generation of microscopy called MM-EPEM which is based on the detection of elastic electrons. The stages required to obtain these images are well described and optimized here. The MM-EPEM images processing was used to study gold growth on different substrates. This technique is a non-destructive method and allows the operator to construct chemical tomography and to determine the nano-organization of the surface.
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The Effect of hsa-miR-105 on Prostate Cancer GrowthHoneywell, David R 07 December 2012 (has links)
Micro (mi)RNAs have recently been found to play an important role in cancer biology. In order to further understand how miRNAs affect prostate tumour progression, we evaluated miRNA expression in two invasive prostate tumour lines, PC3 and DU145. We then focused our evaluation on a novel miRNA, miR-105, whose levels were significantly decreased in both tumour cell lines as compared to normal prostate epithelial cells. As miR-105 levels were reduced in prostate tumour cell lines, we restored its expression following transfection of cells with mimic constructs to over-express miR-105 in both cell lines, in order to determine its effect on various tumourigenic properties. Over-expression caused decreased tumour cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and invasion in vitro and inhibited tumour growth in vivo. We further identified CDK6 as a putative target of miR-105, which likely contributed to its inhibition of tumour cell growth. Our results suggest that miR-105 inhibits tumour cell proliferation and may be an interesting target to regulate tumour growth or potentially used as a biomarker to differentiate between less and more aggressive tumours in patients.
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The Effect of hsa-miR-105 on Prostate Cancer GrowthHoneywell, David R 07 December 2012 (has links)
Micro (mi)RNAs have recently been found to play an important role in cancer biology. In order to further understand how miRNAs affect prostate tumour progression, we evaluated miRNA expression in two invasive prostate tumour lines, PC3 and DU145. We then focused our evaluation on a novel miRNA, miR-105, whose levels were significantly decreased in both tumour cell lines as compared to normal prostate epithelial cells. As miR-105 levels were reduced in prostate tumour cell lines, we restored its expression following transfection of cells with mimic constructs to over-express miR-105 in both cell lines, in order to determine its effect on various tumourigenic properties. Over-expression caused decreased tumour cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and invasion in vitro and inhibited tumour growth in vivo. We further identified CDK6 as a putative target of miR-105, which likely contributed to its inhibition of tumour cell growth. Our results suggest that miR-105 inhibits tumour cell proliferation and may be an interesting target to regulate tumour growth or potentially used as a biomarker to differentiate between less and more aggressive tumours in patients.
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Bioanalytical Applications of Intramolecular H-Complexes of Near Infrared Bis(Heptamethine Cyanine) DyesKim, Junseok 15 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes the advantages and feasibility of newly synthesized near-infrared (NIR) bis-heptamethine cyanine (BHmC) dyes for non-covalent labeling schemes. The NIR BHmCs were synthesized for biomolecule assay. The advantages of NIR BHmCs for biomolecule labeling and the instrumental advantages of the near-infrared region are also demonstrated. Chapter 1 introduces the theory and applications of dye chemistry. For bioanalysis, this chapter presents covalent and non-covalent labeling. The covalent labeling depends on the functionality of amino acids and the non-covalent labeling relies on the binding site of a protein. Due to the complicated binding process in non-covalent labeling, this chapter also discusses the binding equilibria in spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses. Chapter 2 and 3 evaluate the novel BHmCs for non-covalent labeling with human serum albumin (HSA) and report the influence of micro-environment on BHmCs. The interesting character of BHmCs in aqueous solutions is that the dyes exhibit non- or low-fluorescence compared to their monomer counterpart, RK780. It is due to their H-type closed clam-shell form in the solutions. The addition of HSA or organic solvents opens up the clam-shell form and enhances fluorescence. The binding equilibria are also examed. Chapter 4 provides a brief introduction that summaries the use of capillary electrophoresis (CE), and offers a detailed instrumentation that discusses the importance and advantage of a detector in NIR region for CE separation. Chapter 5 focuses on the use of NIR cyanine dyes with capillary electrcophoresis with near-infrared laser induce fluorescence (CE-NIR-LIF) detection. The NIR dyes with different functional groups show that RK780 is a suitable NIR dye for HSA labeling. The use of BHmCs with CE-NIR-LIF reduces signal noises that are commonly caused by the interaction between NIR cyanine dyes and negatively charged capillary wall. In addition, bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCA II) is applied to study the influence of hydrophobicity on non-covalent labeling. Finally, chapter 6 presents the conformational dependency of BHmCs on the mobility in capillary and evaluates the further possibility of BHmCs for small molecule detection. Acridine orange (AO) is used as a sample and it breaks up the aggregate and enhances fluorescence. The inserted AO into BHmC changes the mobility in capillary, owing to the conformational changes by AO.
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Synthèse de nanoparticules hybrides de type coeur-coquille à visées théranostiques / Synthesis of hybrid core-shell nanoparticles for theranostic applicationsMénard, Mathilde 06 June 2017 (has links)
Le but de ce travail de thèse a été de synthétiser de nouveaux nano-objets pour le diagnostic et le traitement du cancer. Ainsi, nous avons développé des nanoparticules hybrides constituées d'un noyau inorganique recouvert d'une couche organique de sérum albumine humaine (HSA). Le noyau inorganique est un composite constitué d'un cœur d'oxyde de fer (IO) et d'une coquille de silice mésoporeuse (MS). L’IO permet, grâce à ses propriétés magnétiques, le diagnostic par imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la thérapie par hyperthermie magnétique (HM), tandis que les porosités de la MS permettent l’encapsulation de médicaments pour la chimiothérapie. La taille des pores de la coquille MS a été modulée afin d’augmenter le taux d’encapsulation en médicament et la taille du cœur d’IO a été ajustée pour améliorer les propriétés d’HM et d'IRM. L'utilisation d’un revêtement final d’HSA en tant que gatekeeper pour la délivrance de médicaments contrôlée par action enzymatique a également été étudiée. En parallèle, des nanocapsules d’HSA chargées en médicament ont été synthétisées. Enfin, les activités biologiques de ces nanoparticules ont été testées sur différentes lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. / The aim of this PhD work was to synthesize and test new nano-objects for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. For this purpose, we developed hybrid nanoparticles made of an inorganic core surrounded by a human serum albumin (HSA) organic coating. The inorganic core is a composite by itself as it is made of an iron oxide core (IO) surrounded by a mesoporous silica (MS) shell. The IO core ensures, through its magnetic properties, diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and therapy by magnetic hyperthermia, whereas the MS shell allows the loading of anticancer drugs for chemotherapy within its porosities. The pore sizes of the silica shell were modulated to enhance the drug loading content and the IO core size was also tuned to improve magnetic hyperthermia as well as T2 MRI imaging properties of the final core-shell system. The use of a thick shell of HSA as gatekeeper for controlled drug delivery triggered by its degradation with proteases was also studied. In parallel the synthesis of drug loaded HSA nanocapsules using MS as sacrificial template was performed. Finally, the biological activities of these nanoparticles were tested on various cancer cell lines.
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The Effect of hsa-miR-105 on Prostate Cancer GrowthHoneywell, David R January 2012 (has links)
Micro (mi)RNAs have recently been found to play an important role in cancer biology. In order to further understand how miRNAs affect prostate tumour progression, we evaluated miRNA expression in two invasive prostate tumour lines, PC3 and DU145. We then focused our evaluation on a novel miRNA, miR-105, whose levels were significantly decreased in both tumour cell lines as compared to normal prostate epithelial cells. As miR-105 levels were reduced in prostate tumour cell lines, we restored its expression following transfection of cells with mimic constructs to over-express miR-105 in both cell lines, in order to determine its effect on various tumourigenic properties. Over-expression caused decreased tumour cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and invasion in vitro and inhibited tumour growth in vivo. We further identified CDK6 as a putative target of miR-105, which likely contributed to its inhibition of tumour cell growth. Our results suggest that miR-105 inhibits tumour cell proliferation and may be an interesting target to regulate tumour growth or potentially used as a biomarker to differentiate between less and more aggressive tumours in patients.
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Synthesis, Biological Functionalization, and Integration ofCarbon Nanotubes for Bio-Sensing TextilesOlszewski, Amy L. 03 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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