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Fiskální politika Maďarska - chyby a perspektivy / Fiscal Policy in Hungary - Mistakes and PerspectivesSalmaová, Erzsébet January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of fiscal policy in Hungary. The first goal of the thesis is to describe in detail the development of basic macroeconomic indicators of Hungary from the turn of the century to the present. The analysis of macroeconomic development should provide basis for the fulfillment of the second goal, i.e. to identify the main causes of the current poor economic situation of the country. Our hypothesis is that the dominant cause of the current problems of Hungary is not the financial and economic crisis, but the irresponsible fiscal policy of the government and the long-term incorrectly set system of social security. The third goal of the thesis is to compare the basic fiscal indicators of Hungary and the Czech Republic and to identify potential similarities or differences in fiscal outcomes of both countries. Our hypothesis is that the growing general government debt in both countries is caused by persistent structural budget deficits. The detailed analysis of the fiscal measures of the Hungarian government confirmed our hypothesis, i.e. that the dominant cause of the current problems of Hungary is not the financial and economic crisis, but the irresponsible fiscal policy of the government and the long-term incorrectly set system of social security. After the comparison of the fiscal development in Hungary and the Czech Republic, we concluded that the fiscal situation in the Czech Republic basically follows the Hungarian trend and the Czech Republic did not get on the verge of bankruptcy only due to a lower initial level of debt and the fact that its budget deficits were not as high as in the case of Hungary.
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Ekonomická diplomacie České republiky - současná podoba a nové výzvy do budoucna / Economic diplomacy of the Czech Republic - a current situation and new challenges for the futurePolednik, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with economic diplomacy of the Czech Republic. The first chapter focuses on a definition, functions and tasks, players and models of management of economic diplomacy. The second chapter characterizes from a perspective of state actors approaches to economic diplomacy in selected European countries which can server as an inspiration for the Czech Republic. The third chapter is devoted to the current situation of the economic diplomacy of the Czech Republic, planned innovations and its possible development and challenges in the coming years.
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XRF-analys av atmosfäriskt stoft från en löss-sekvens i Ungern från den senaste istiden / XRF-analysis of atmospheric dust from a Hungarian loess sequence from the last glacialÅberg, Susanna January 2017 (has links)
Stoft är ett eoliskt, klastiskt silt-material som blåst från exponerade områden via atmosfären och avsätts i form av löss-sekvenser på andra ställen i världen. Dessa sekvenser utgör ett naturligt arkiv som innehåller information om tidigare förändringar i klimatet ända bak till kvartärtidens början för ungefär 2.5 miljoner år sedan. Mycket av stoftet i Europa avsattes under senaste istiden som var för cirka hundra tusen till tio tusen år sedan. En löss-sekvens är lokaliserad i Madaras i södra Ungern och är tio meter tjock, för det här projektet har stoft-prover från sekvensen analyserats med röntgenstrålning. Analysen visar vilka och vilken halt av grundämnen som stoftproverna från de olika nivåerna innehåller, vilket i sin tur hjälper till att rekonstruera klimat från den senaste istiden. Röntgenstrålningen har genererats av en apparat som heter Brukar S1 Titan och utför metoden XRF som står för X-ray Flourescence, vilken har utförts på Geocentrum på Uppsala Universitet. Tolkning av resultatet samt jämförelse med tidigare forskning ska hjälpa till att förstå klimatförändringar från senaste istiden genom att undersöka vittring och ursprungskälla. Resultatet indikerar på att information om klimat är bevarat i sekvensen, då slutsatsen är att vittring har haft en svag men tydlig effekt på stoftet som avsatts i Madaras, och att ändringar av stoftets ursprungskälla inte har påverkat den studerade sekvensen. / Dust is aeolian, clastic silt material that has been eroded from exposed land surfaces, blown via the atmosphere and deposited as loess sequences in other areas in the world. Loess contains information about changes in the climate all the way back to the beginning of the Quaternary, approximately 2.5 million years ago. Research shows that a lot of the European dust was deposited during the last glacial of the Quaternary period, which was from approximately one hundred thousand to ten thousand years ago. One loess sequence is located in Madaras in southern Hungary and is 10 meters thick, in this project, dust samples from the sequence have been analyzed with XRF (X-ray Flourescence). The analysis shows which and what percentage of elements the samples contain, which in turn will help to reconstruct climate from the last glacial. The analysis was conducted using a XRF machine called Bruker S1 Titan and was done at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden. Interpreting of the results, as well as comparing with earlier research, will help to understand climate changes from the latest glacial by examine weathering and dust source. The result indicates that information about past climate is preserved at the site, because of the conclusion that says that weathering has had a weak but distinct effect on the dust deposited at Madaras, and that the dust source changes do not have affected the studied sequence.
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Maďarské povstání roku 1956 z hlediska transitologické teorie / The Hungarian uprising 1956 in light of transitological theoriesSlezáková, Radka January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma degree thesis called The Hungarian uprising 1956 in light of transitological theories is an application of these theories on a process which took a place in a period 1953 - 1956 and ended in uprising in 1956. These events happened before the creation of the transitological theories. The application of these theories provides politological analysis of the whole process, examines the transitological theories, above all their universality. In the first part, transitology as politological analyses is outlined, including its creation and development as well as the authors and their studies which supported the development of these theories. I emphasized the best known theories from Samuel Huntington and Adam Przeworski. The second part is focused on analyses of position of opposition outside regime, reformers and hardliners in regime using these theories. I paid my attention to Soviet Union. The soviets tanks repressed the Hungarian uprising in the end. Despite this fact I studied if the year 1956 could have constituted the democracy or some hybrid form of democracy. I analyzed this idea with application the transitology theories on Hungarian example. On the basis of these theories I reached the conclusion that the situation in 1956 could constitute some form of hybrid democracy....
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Aus der Geschichte der Mozart-Rezeption in UngarnBónis, Ferenc January 1997 (has links)
Mit der ständigen, ununterbrochenen geistigen Anwesenheit Mozarts im ungarischen kulturellen Leben ist es zu erklären, daß an dieser Stelle das umfangreiche Thema in seiner Vollständigkeit nicht dargestellt werden kann, höchstens versuchsweise in Bruchstücken, Episoden, Konturen oder Dimensionen. Andererseits, im Sinne einer historischen Untersuchung, werden wir alle wichtigen Wirkungsstätten der Kultur auf dem Gebiet Ungarns des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts berücksichtigen, auch diejenigen, die jenseits der heutigen politischen Landesgrenzen existieren oder existierten.
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Róbert Árpád Murányi, Thematisches Verzeichnis der Kompositionen in den Franziskaner Handschriften in Ungarn, Budapest (Püski) 1997 [Rezension]Möller, Eberhard 29 March 2017 (has links)
Rezension zum 1997 erschienen Werk von Róbert Árpád Murányi zu Kompositionen in den Franziskaner Handschriften
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Atypické zobrazování Nejsvětější Trojice na území Regni Hungariae ve středověku / An atypical mediaeval imaging of the Holy Trinity in Regni Hungariae in the Middle AgesZemanová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with an atypical image type of the Holy Trinity. Mediaeval authors stood in front of the hard question, how imagine three personed God (three different persons one substantiality) in the art work so that be express doctrine of the Trinity. They put up with this challenge in a different ways. In the first part of the thesis describing development, stabilizing and final acceptance of the "Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed". At the same time is this part some of introduction to this Christian mystery. The second part is then focused on a development particular iconographic types, famous analogies, trinity symbols, etc. Fourth chapter is dedicated to concrete three locations in Upper Hungary area (Žehra, Ochtiná, Rákoš), where we can see this atypical iconographical three headed type. Special care is devoted absolutely unique picture of the Holy Trinity in Rákoš.
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Morfinisté a kokainisté v Předlitavsku v letech 1867-1918 / Morphine and cocaine users in Cisleithania between 1867-1918Nitschová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to research state and cure of morphinists and cocainists in lunatics asylums in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Styria in period from 1867 to 1918. The thesis also deal with issue of how often was cure by morphin or cocain in the individual territories, how lunatics asylums cured patient and what was the main reason to illness with morphinismus or cocainismus. For Bohemia was chosen lunetics asylum in Kosmonosy (Zemský ústav pro choromyslné v Kosmonosech), for Moravia in Brno (Zemský ústav pro choromyslné v Brně), for Silesia in Opava (Slezský zemský ústav pro choromyslné v Opavě) and for Styria in Graz (Landes-Irrenanstalt Feldhof bei Graz). Using the issued and unreleased archivel sourses and professional literature.
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A Comparative Study: Was the 2015 Refugee Crisis Securitised in Hungary and Sweden? : A comparative constructivist study on the securitisation of migrationBui, Mi January 2021 (has links)
In 2015, Europe experienced the arrival of an unprecedented number of migrants and refugees. This sparked a crisis, as the European states struggled to cope with the influx. Moreover, tensions in the European Union arose due to the disproportionate burden faced by some states, therefore arguably leading to some countries securitising the issue. This thesis seeks to investigate how and to what degrees socio-political conditions and political leadership roles impacted the securitisation of the 2015 refugee crisis in Hungary and Sweden. The assessment of these questions was approached by this paper through the employment of a comparative study analysis and a qualitative content analysis of speeches held by the Hungarian and Swedish prime ministers. Additionally, this paper utilises a theoretical framework, based upon Finnemore and Sikkink’s social constructivism and the Copenhagen School’s securitisation theory. This paper argues that socio-political conditions and leadership roles, embodied by the prime ministers of Hungary and Sweden, significantly impacted the securitisation processes of the 2015 refugee crisis. Furthermore, political leadership roles are interconnected to socio-political conditions via the securitisation of political issues in the following way: socio-cultural aspects, paired with political interests, inform the political leaders that shape how and through which articulation securitisation occurs.
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Stranické systémy zemí Visegrádské čtyřky v krizi? / The party systems of the Visegrad group in crisis?Krupka, František January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis The party systems of the Visegrad group in crisis? analyzes the conditon of party systems in Central Europe, with emphasis on recent electoral and political developments. It focuses on the study of various phenomena that slow down or even prevent the consolidation and crystallization of competitive party systems. Emphasis is placed on research using qualitative as well as quantitative methods, especially the comparative method and application of the theoretical concept of business firm party. The aim is not only to map and identify problematic processes and phenomena that party systems show, but also on the structural classification of a famous G. Sartori and J. Blondel theoretical concepts.
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