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Spotřební chování občanů České republiky jako účastníků lázeňského cestovního ruchu v Maďarsku / Consumer behavior of Czech citizens on the Hungarian spa tourist marketCHOVÍTKOVÁ, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on consumer behavior of Czechs on the Hungarian spa and wellness market. The aim is to analyze the decision making process and motivation in order to determine the key factors influencing the behavior. Suggestions and recommendations for the Hungarian spa service offer were made, as to better meet the desires and needs of Czech tourists.
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Vystěhovalectví z Uherska do Spojených států amerických v období 1867-1880 / Hungarian Emigration to the United States of America from 1867 to 1880Beňačková, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis will be dealing with the process of emigration from the former Hungarian Kingdom to the USA (specifically via the ports of the state of New York) in the period from 1867 to 1880. Its aim will be to capture the economic and social situation of the immigrants after their arrival to the USA, their association with each other in the early organizations and ethnic determination. Based on primary sources, it will produce statistics. It will deal with their perception by the local inhabitants as well and it will attempt to answer the question, to what extent did they manage to fulfill "the American dream". The characteristics of the observed period will be the outcome, together with the attempt to confirm the hypothesis that this period was the preparation stage for the economic migration beginning in the 1880s. Key words: emigration, Hungary, United States of America, american dream, economic migration, immigration, ethnicity
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Město, kanál a region. Dopad odvodňovacích procesů na centrální pozici města Somboru v první polovině 19. století / Town, canal, and region. The impact of drainage processes on the urban centrality of Sombor in the first half of Ninetenth centuryLjuboja, Dušan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of drainage processes that were conducted in the first half of the Nineteenth century on the urban centrality of the free royal town of Sombor. The existing approach in the literature regarding urbanization in Kingdom of Hungary mainly focused on the economic role of a settlement, which put aside the importance of its legal status within the feudal system. This theory, even though it validly changed the definition of what being urban means for a specific settlement, also passed over the importance of the administrative aspect of centrality. In the case of Sombor, there were two main central political authorities that interacted and conflicted with each other, thus impeding the overall progress of a settlement as a whole. On the one side, town's administration represented the interests that did not usually go beyond the territory under their control. On the other, Bács-Bodrog County's administration represented the interests of the feudal dominions and inhabitants living there. The main hypotheses of this thesis is that the process of land drainage, which was conducted in order to reduce the level of redundant waters and ameliorate conditions for agricultural activity, emanated contested centrality of Sombor as a settlement, and showed juxtaposed positions of the Town...
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Maďarsko - značka země, destinace a její vliv na vnímání mezi českými obyvateli / Hungary - a brand of the country, destination and its impact on the perception among Czech residentsBlahútová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the current position of perception of the Hungary among residents of the Czech Republic in relation to its brand and its means of communication and bring some recommendations to support the promotion of the country in relation to tourism. The results will be available and provided to the selected interested organizations. To meet the specified objectives, it was necessary to analyze primary and secondary data. To obtain the primary data was made a quantitative research using questionnaires and additional qualitative research in the form of individual interviews. The result was that Czech citizens perceive this country positively, but they don´t perceive all of the communicated values that promote the attractiveness of the tourist destination. Recommendations were related to the construction of more effective promotional campaigns and the promotion of marketing communication tools to support the positive development of tourism.
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Théâtre pluridisciplinaire de Josef Nadj : histoire, esthétique et institutionnalisation en France / The Multidisciplinary Theater of Josef Nadj : history, Aesthetics and Institutionalization in FranceMiljanic, Bojana 27 June 2016 (has links)
Quand nous admirons une œuvre d’art nous ne pensons pas forcément au parcours personnel de l’artiste ni à tous les moyens matériels dont il a eu besoin pour la production de son œuvre. Cependant une création artistique est toujours le résultat de l’association de ces deux éléments : de ce que l’artiste est comme personne et de tous les réseaux de production et de distribution de son travail. A travers l’exemple de Josef Nadj, cette thèse cherche à expliquer un chemin de création artistique. Comment Josef Nadj s’est construit et quel était le contexte historique qui a marqué le pays dans lequel il est né et conditionné son œuvre. Quelle est son esthétique et de quelle manière il organise son processus créatif. Finalement, quelles sont les circonstances de son arrivée en France et de son implantation dans les réseaux culturels français qui soutiennent le financement et la distribution de son œuvre. Son histoire est d’autant plus intéressante qu’elle englobe le parcours d’un artiste immigrant qui a obtenu la reconnaissance professionnelle d’abord dans son pays d’adoption, la France. / When we admire an artwork we do not necessarily consider the personal background of the artist and the material means that were required for the production of the artwork. However, every artistic creation is a result of fusion of these two conditions: who the artist is as a person and all the different networks of production and distribution of his work. This thesis is trying to explain, using the example of Josef Nadj’s career, how one’s artistic path can look. What was the historical context of the Josef Nadj’s native country during his life—and even before his birth— and how these circumstances influenced his growing up and later his artistic choices. What do his aesthetics look like and how does he create his pieces. Finally, which circumstances brought him to France and how did he join French cultural networks which later financed and distributed his work. The story of his background and professional career is even more interesting because it sheds light on an artist-immigrant who obtained his professional recognition in his adopted country—France.
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Politika Pruska a velmocí v závěrečné fázi sjednocení Německa 1865-1870 / Policy of Prussia and Great Powers in final phase of German Unification 1865-1870Ďásek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The period of 1864/1865-1870 represents the final stage of the unification of Germany, during which Prussia adopted a resolute approach and in two quick wars succeeded in eliminating its enemies - Austria and France. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present and critically analyse the Prussian foreign policy based on the study of sources and relevant literature. The author assesses factors which influenced the Prussian prime minister and the representatives of the European powers in their decisions. He also asks the question whether Bismarck merely adapted to the circumstances which inevitably led to the war with Austria or whether he himself contributed to their creation and speeded up the whole process. The most attention is then paid to France which was the greatest opponent of the unification of Germany of all powers. The study looks into the methods and steps which enabled Prussia to prevent the great European powers from getting involved into its conflict with Vienna and Paris. Moreover, it points out the challenges of the research on circumstances which led to the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War. Key words Prussia, Great Powers, German Confederation, Unification of Germany, Austrian Empire, Austria-Hungary, foreign policy, Austro-Prussian War, Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III
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Regulace lobbingu v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky / Regulation of lobbying in the Visegrad FourKohoutková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is regulation of lobbying in the countries of the Visegrad Group (V4) -- specifically statutory regulation of lobbying. The work gives a comprehensive overview of the development of regulation of lobbying in V4 member states from the very beginning until now. Main aim is to answer questions related to lobbying such as: "is there a lobbying regulation in V4 members", "what is the quality of that regulation" and "is there any common signs shared across the national regulation of lobbying". To achieve the desired objective thesis uses descriptive, comparative and analytical methods. Thesis consists of two main logical units, which are divided into five chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. The first unit contains three introductory chapters. This section is devoted to the history of lobbying, the definition of lobbying and theoretical concepts of regulation of lobbying. The second unit is completely dedicated to the legal regulation of lobbying in the V4 countries. Part of this unit is also the final comparison and analysis of the legal regulation of lobbying in these countries and answers to questions mentioned in the introduction.
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Perception of the beauty and body image in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary with application on beauty industry / Perception of the beauty and body image in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary with application on beauty industryChotváč, Richard January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT CHOTVÁČ, Richard: Perception of beauty and body image in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and its application in beauty industry. [Master thesis] -- University of Economics in Prague, VŠE. Faculty of Business Administration; Tutor: doc. Ing. Jan Koudelka, CSc. Prague: VŠE, 2013, 82pages. The Master thesis deals with the perception of the beauty in 3 countries, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. This thesis is showing differences between the perception of body image and beauty of women in 3 different countries by looking at the consumer's behavior. The first part of the thesis is theoretical and it is devoted to the definitions of beauty and body image of women. The Author shows consumers' differences between studied countries and the consequences of these differences. The objective of the second part is to analyze the survey of multiple respondents from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Results of this survey are used in order to demonstrate differences in women's perception of the beauty shown in the theoretical part. Last part shows the practical approach to the thesis. Based on results from the survey, the author proposes the recommendations to the beauty industry marketers working for these countries. Key words: , , , , , , ,
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Analýza připravenosti ČR, Polska a Maďarska na přijetí eura / Analysis of readiness of the Czech republic, Hungary and Poland to adopt the euroTesař, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess, whether the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland are ready to adopt the euro. The thesis consists of three main parts. The first part describes the history of the European Monetary Union. The second part focuses on the development of Czech, Hungarian and Polish economy in the years after transformation to a market economy. The last part deals with the Maastricht Convergence Criteria and Real Convergence Criteria, whereas also attempts to assess their actual fulfillment in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
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A failure of Europeanisation? : A comparative case study of parental leave policy mobility in the European UnionGrahn, Sally January 2020 (has links)
Parental leave policies have been shown to play a significant role in enhancing gender equality. The European Union has recognised this and has issued a Directive to its Member States, in order to instigate parental leave policy reform. However, not all Member States have sought to implement this. This thesis addresses this problem and seeks to answer the following research question: Why have progressive parental leave policies failed to transfer across the European Union? In doing so, this study also aims to explore the limits of Europeanisation. The research question has been addressed through a qualitative comparative case study of four European Union Member States: Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and Greece. These states have been chosen on the basis of Most Different System Design. The thesis deploys a theoretical framework based upon concepts of Europeanisation and policy mobility and draws particularly on the work of Stone’s four core concepts of policy mobility: Diffusion, Transfer, Convergence, Translation (Stone, 2012). The key factors that have been identified in this study as restricting the potential of a policy to transfer are: institutional surroundings, shared beliefs and norms, internal political dynamics and a lack of force/action from the European Union. These differences have acted to constrain the transferability of progressive parental leave policy across the European Union and therefore the process of Europeanisation in this area.
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