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Hungary - EU - Russia : multilaterally versus bilaterally defined interests in Hungarian natural gas policyCsoka, Zita January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis analyzes the natural gas policy of Hungary in light of the duality in its international context. Hungarian decisions regarding energy policy are directly influenced by the EU through the country's membership and subscription to the Union's multilateral framework, but are simultaneously affected by the bilateral relationship with the key supplier of natural gas, Russia. This duality is analyzed as embodied in two natural gas pipelines projects, Nabucco and South Steam, both including Hungary as a transit country, but serving different interests. The study finds that the multilaterally defined community interests - although of increasing importance - do not prevail over bilaterally articulated interests with Russia in the field of energy.
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Der Beitrag des Ungarn Georg von Hevesy zur Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaft in Deutschland im 20. JahrhundertNiese, Siegfried January 2005 (has links)
Der Artikel wird mit einer Darstellung seines Lebens und seiner Entdeckungen eingeleitet. Danach wird dargestellt, wie sich die von ihm begründeten Arbeitsrichtungen Anwendung radioaktiver Indikatoren, Radioanalytik, Aktivierungsanalyse, Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse, Chemie seltener Elemente, Radioaktive Markierungen in der Biologie und Nuklearmedizin in Deutschland entwickelten und welchen großen Einfluss seine Persönlichkeit auf seine Schüler, Kollegen und Freunde und auf die Entwicklung der Freiburger Universität hatte. / The paper is introduced by a summary of his life and discoveries. Than the development of the application of radioactive indicators, radio analytics, activation analysis, x-ray fluorescence analysis, chemistry of rare elements, radioactive tracers in biology und nuclear medicine in Germany and the influence of his personality on his pupils, colleagues and friends and on the development of the university in Freiburg im Breisgau are described.
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Reification and hegemony : the politics of culture in the writings of Georg Lukács and Antonio Gramsci, 1918-1938Robinson, James. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Det gröna gapet : En tvärkulturell flerfallsstudie om huruvida konsumenter i Sverige, Ungern och Marocko konsumerar kläder på ett hållbart sättBolakhrif, Aya, Dahlfors, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Klädindustrin är en av världens mest förorenade industrier och har en stor negativ miljöpåverkan. Medvetenheten och intresset av miljöfrågor ökar samtidigt som det finns en ovilja hos konsumenter att köpa hållbara produkter, vilket kallas ”det gröna gapet”. En ökad förståelse för det gröna gapet tillåter företag att arbeta på ett mer specifikt sätt mot sina tillväxtmål utifrån behovet av en mer hållbar konsumtion inom och mellan nationer. Däremot finns det en bristfällig kunskap kring hållbarhet avseende kulturens inflytande i miljömedvetna attityder och värderingar samt verkningsgraden i marknadsföringsstrategier som bidrar till att minska det gröna gapet. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för det gröna gapet avseende hållbar klädkonsumtion i studiens forskningsländer Sverige, Ungern och Marocko, samt undersöka skillnader och/eller likheter för huruvida konsumenter i dessa nationskulturer konsumerar hållbart avseende kläder. Studien är kvalitativ och bygger på en tvärkulturell flerfallsstudie, där primärdata grundades i 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien har visat följande slutsatser: Det saknas en konsensus kring definitionen av hållbar klädkonsumtion inom och mellan forskningsländerna, vilket leder till det gröna gapet. Forskningsländernas beteenden går i linje med Hofstedes undersökningsresultat, medan deras värderingar både bekräftar och motsäger teorin. Skillnaderna mellan forskningsländernas konsumtionsbeteende beror på ländernas förhållningssätt till Hofstedes kulturdimensioner, där den största skillnaden är att svenskar konsumerar kläder hållbart utifrån medvetna val, ungerska konsumenter konsumerar utifrån second hand och marockaner konsumerar kläder via klädbyten. Likheten mellan forskningsländernas konsumtionsbeteende är att konsumera kläder utifrån deras kvalitet och tidlöshet. Avseende hållbar klädkonsumtion värderas egoistiska värderingar samt funktionella och estetiska värden högst bland samtliga länder vare sig kläderna är hållbart producerade eller inte. Studien tillför ett teoretiskt bidrag till den företagsekonomiska forskningen samt ett praktiskt bidrag till marknadschefer i deras beslutsfattande kopplat till att utveckla företagets verksamhet och nå ut till klädkonsumenter för att minimera det gröna gapet. / The clothing industry is one of the world's most polluted industries and has a huge negative impact on the environment. Awareness and interest in environmental issues are increasing while consumers are unwilling to buy sustainable clothes. This reluctance is referred to as “the green gap”. The purpose of the study is to expand the understanding of the green gap regarding sustainable clothing consumption in Sweden, Hungary and Morocco from a consumer perspective, and to investigate differences and/or similarities for whether consumers in these national cultures consume sustainably regarding clothing. This qualitative study is based on a cross-cultural multiple-case study with an abductive approach. The study's primary data is based on 15 semi-structured interviews. The study showed that there is no consensus on the definition of sustainable clothing consumption within and between the research countries, which leads to the green gap. The differences between the consumption behavior of each research country are due to how the countries stand in relation to Hofstede's cultural dimensions; Swedes consume clothes sustainably based on conscious choices, Hungarians mainly consume clothes via second hand and Moroccans consume clothes via clothing swap. Regarding sustainable clothing consumption, egotistical, functional and aesthetic values are valued highest among all countries, whether the clothes are sustainably produced or not. The greatest similarity between the research countries is that consumption is based on the quality and timelessness of the clothes. The study adds a theoretical contribution to business economics research as well as a practical contribution to marketing managers in their decision-making linked to developing their business and reaching out to clothing consumers to minimize the green gap.
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Childhood diet and mobility at medieval (1240s AD) Solt-Tetelhegy, Hungary as reconstructed from stable carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope analysisGugora, Ariana 01 January 2015 (has links)
Between 2005 and 2009, archaeologists excavated more than 100 skeletons from the medieval (1240s AD) Hungarian site of Solt-Tételhegy. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on dental enamel and dentin from 24 individuals to examine their childhood diet. Although previous stable isotopic research has described the diet of medieval European peoples, this is the first such study on a medieval Hungarian population. The enamel ?13C values range from -14.4‰ to -8.6‰, with a mean of -11.1‰, while the dentin ?13C values range from -19.4‰ to -14.9‰, with an average of -17.4‰. These data indicate that C3 plants were the main plant type consumed by the majority of this population, with the exception of a few individuals, who appear to have included C4 plants in their diet. These results are to be expected, given the dominance of C3 over C4 plants in medieval Central Europe. Thus, based on historical and isotopic evidence, the outliers may have spent their childhoods elsewhere and later migrated into the Solt-Tételhegy area. The ?15N values range from 9.5‰ to 11.6‰, with a mean of 10.6‰, indicating that animal protein was prevalent in the diets of the sample population. Despite clear signs of status differences indicated by burial location, stable nitrogen values also point to relatively egalitarian access to animal protein amongst the individuals. The enamel ?18Op values range from 23.6‰ to 27.2‰, with an average of 25.1‰, suggesting that multiple migrations occurred into the study site. The results of this study show that the dietary and mobility information gleaned from stable isotope analysis can be used to interpret the lifeways of archaeological peoples. ?
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Tur-och returbiljett till demokrati : En jämförande fallstudie utifrån politisk kultur för att undersöka den demokratiska tillbakagången i Polen och Ungern / Round-trip ticket to democracy : A comparative case study based on political culture to examine the democratic backsliding in Poland and HungaryRydén, Tove, Sjökvist, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Democratic backsliding is a growing threat against peace in Europe. In the 1990s, Europeunderwent extensive democratization, including Poland and Hungary, who were painted asexemplary in the transition. In recent years, however, the countries have shown the opposite development and are today the two countries in Europe that have the fastest declining democracy. The aim of this thesis is to understand this phenomenon and investigate the democratic developmentin Poland and Hungary through process tracing from the end of World War II to the year 2020. To do so, the theory of political culture is applied to elaborate the explanations of the development. Furthermore, there is a need to do further research concerning democratic backsliding in Poland and Hungary as they are often considered equals in the academic debate. Additionally, the purpose ofthis thesis is therefore to rebut this inaccurate presentation of the countries. The results are achieved by using process tracking and most different design as main methods. Thefindings of the thesis are based on the results of the analysis, concluding that the anti-democraticdevelopments in Poland and Hungary do indeed have differences. Through the process tracking, differences are found in the explanatory variables. The countries have similar critical events whichhave shaped the countries collective memory differently. This difference is also found in how the parties have created legitimacy among the population.
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Zielorientierter Gemeindebau Zur Korrelation zwischen Vision und Gemeindebau in der Praxis der ungarischen Baptisten / Purposive Church Development On the relationship between vision and church development as practiced by the Baptist churches in HungaryReimer, Attila Zsigmond 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German, German and English summaries / Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine Forschungsstudie über die Auswirkung einer schriftlich for-mulierten und in die Praxis implementierten Gemeindevision auf das Wachstum ungarischer Baptistengemeinden. Nach einer Einleitung über die Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte Un-garns zum Verständnis der ungarischen Kultur und Gesellschaft, wird der Begriff Vision aus psychologischer, religionswissenschaftlicher und –geschichtlicher Perspektive analysiert. Eine theologische und praktisch-theologische Betrachtung der Vision unter Einbeziehung des evangelikalen Visionsverständnisses und seiner Entwicklung gefolgt von einem Kapitel über Gemeindeaufbau und -wachstum leiten zu der empirisch-qualitativen Teil der For-schungsarbeit über. Der Zusammenhang zwischen einer formulierten, dokumentierten und in die Praxis umgesetzten Vision und dem Gemeindewachstum von Baptistengemeinden wird mit strukturierten Leitfadeninterviews ermittelt, der mittels computerunterstützter Qua-litativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet wird. Zentrale Elemente wie das innere, äußere, gesell-schaftliche und zahlenmäßige Wachstum werden systematisch analysiert und Antworten auf die Forschungsthese gesucht. Den Abschluss bildet ein Ausblick auf eine mögliche thema-tische und methodologische Erweiterung dieser Arbeit. / The following work is a research study about the impact of the vision given in written form, implemented into the practical realisation on the growth of Hungarian Baptist Churches. Following an introduction about Hungarian history and church history and an understanding of the Hungarian culture and society, the term “vision” will be analyzed from a psychological, theological and historical perspective. A theological and practical examination of vision, through the comprehension of an evangelical understanding and development of vision, furthermore a theological study about church development and growth will lead to an empirical qualitative part of the research. The relationship between the formulated/documented and the practice of vision and church growth from the Baptist churches will be determined with methods structured from guided interviews and predefined questions and with the methodology of the computer aided qualitative content analysis. Central elements of the internal, external, social and numerical growth will be sought after from systematic analysis and answers into a constructed research thesis. The conclusion of this work will constitute an over-view of the possible topical and methodical extension of the work. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Утврђења и фортификације на тлу Баната од 10. до 16. века / Utvrđenja i fortifikacije na tlu Banata od 10. do 16. veka / Forts and fortifications on the territory ofBanat region from 10th tо 16th centuryČemere Zoltan 06 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања ове докторске<br />тезе представља врло значајну област<br />историографије и медијавистике.<br />Наиме, утврђења и фортификације су<br />незаобилазни, базични елемент сваке<br />средњовековне политичке, социјалне,<br />војне и економске структуре те<br />детерминанта њеног постојања и<br />организације. Предмет истраживања је<br />стога усмерен на историографски<br />приказ развоја средњовековних<br />утврђења/градова (castrum regalis,<br />castri) и других фортификација<br />(кастелума, утврђених трговишта те<br />других утврђених објеката типа<br />племићких курија, верских средишта<br />итд) на заокруженом географском<br />простору Баната, између река Тисе,<br />Дунава и Мориша те планинског венца<br />Карпата. Предмет истраживања је тим<br />релевантнији у савременом<br />компаративистичком историографском<br />приступу, јер се приказана област<br />данас простире на три земље, Србију,<br />Румунију и Мађарску. У свом<br />дијахроном приступу тема прати<br />постојање утврђења и фортификација<br />од 10. до средине 16. века, односно у<br />политичким оквирима, настанка<br />Краљевине Угарске у словенском<br />јужнопанонском миљеу и свих ранијих<br />наслеђа, до епохе османлијског<br />продора у Европу и хришћанско-<br />турских сукоба. Предмет истраживања<br />су утврђења и фортификације у<br />писаним – дипломатичким и<br />наративним изворима, као и у анализи<br />резултата истраживања арехологије као<br />помоћне историографске науке.<br />њихово историјско-географско Даље, њихово историјско-географско<br />позиционирање (убикација) ,<br />топонимија и хронологија настанка,<br />класификација, односно одређивање<br />статуса и конкретне функције у<br />контексту војне и политичке историје,<br />средњовековних путних комуникација,<br />државне организације (жупанија),<br />етничких и културолошких померања<br />на реченом историјском простору.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske<br />teze predstavlja vrlo značajnu oblast<br />istoriografije i medijavistike.<br />Naime, utvrđenja i fortifikacije su<br />nezaobilazni, bazični element svake<br />srednjovekovne političke, socijalne,<br />vojne i ekonomske strukture te<br />determinanta njenog postojanja i<br />organizacije. Predmet istraživanja je<br />stoga usmeren na istoriografski<br />prikaz razvoja srednjovekovnih<br />utvrđenja/gradova (castrum regalis,<br />castri) i drugih fortifikacija<br />(kasteluma, utvrđenih trgovišta te<br />drugih utvrđenih objekata tipa<br />plemićkih kurija, verskih središta<br />itd) na zaokruženom geografskom<br />prostoru Banata, između reka Tise,<br />Dunava i Moriša te planinskog venca<br />Karpata. Predmet istraživanja je tim<br />relevantniji u savremenom<br />komparativističkom istoriografskom<br />pristupu, jer se prikazana oblast<br />danas prostire na tri zemlje, Srbiju,<br />Rumuniju i Mađarsku. U svom<br />dijahronom pristupu tema prati<br />postojanje utvrđenja i fortifikacija<br />od 10. do sredine 16. veka, odnosno u<br />političkim okvirima, nastanka<br />Kraljevine Ugarske u slovenskom<br />južnopanonskom miljeu i svih ranijih<br />nasleđa, do epohe osmanlijskog<br />prodora u Evropu i hrišćansko-<br />turskih sukoba. Predmet istraživanja<br />su utvrđenja i fortifikacije u<br />pisanim – diplomatičkim i<br />narativnim izvorima, kao i u analizi<br />rezultata istraživanja arehologije kao<br />pomoćne istoriografske nauke.<br />njihovo istorijsko-geografsko Dalje, njihovo istorijsko-geografsko<br />pozicioniranje (ubikacija) ,<br />toponimija i hronologija nastanka,<br />klasifikacija, odnosno određivanje<br />statusa i konkretne funkcije u<br />kontekstu vojne i političke istorije,<br />srednjovekovnih putnih komunikacija,<br />državne organizacije (županija),<br />etničkih i kulturoloških pomeranja<br />na rečenom istorijskom prostoru.</p> / <p>The subject of research study of this PhD<br />thesis covers a very important field in<br />historiography and medieval studies.<br />Namely, forts and fortifications are an<br />unavoidable, basic element of each political,<br />social, military and economic medieval<br />structure, as well as a determinant of its<br />existence and organization. The concern of<br />the study is therefore aimed at<br />historiographic presentation of development<br />of medieval forts/towns (castrum regalis,<br />castri) and other fortifications (castles,<br />fortified market-towns as well as other<br />fortified structures, such as country manor<br />houses, religious centres etc.) on the whole<br />geographic territory of Banat region between<br />the Tisa, Danube and Maros rivers and the<br />Carpathian mountain range. The subject of<br />the research study is relevant even more so<br />in the contemporary comparative<br />historiographic approach because the<br />presented territory stretches today in three<br />countries: Serbia, Romania and Hungary. A<br />diachronic approach to the subject enables<br />tracking the existence of forts and<br />fortifications from 10th to mid-16th century,<br />that is, in the political contexts of emergence<br />of the Kingdom of Hungary in the south<br />Pannonian Slavic milieu and all preceding<br />legacies, all the way to the time of Ottoman<br />burst into Europe and Christian-Turkish<br />conflicts. The subject of the study are forts<br />and fortifications in written sources –<br />diplomatic and narrative, as well as those in<br />the analysis of exploration results of<br />archeology as an auxiliary historical science.<br />Furthermore, the study deals with their<br />historical and geographic positioning<br />(ubication), toponymy and chronology of<br />construction, classification i.e. determination construction, classification i.e. determination</p><p>of the status and actual function in the<br />military and political history contexts,<br />medieval road communications, organization<br />of the state (district – ”županija”), ethnic and<br />culturological moves on the previously<br />mentioned historical territory.</p>
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A study of obsidian in prehistoric central and Eastern Europe, and it's trace element characterization : an analytically-based study of archaeological obsidian in Central and Eastern Europe, an investigation of obsidian sources in this area, and the characterization of these obsidians using neutron activation analysisThorpe, Olwen Williams January 1978 (has links)
Fieldwork in the Zemplen Mountain area of north-eastern Hungary showed that there are at least eight geological sources of obsidian here, five of which have obsidian of a workable quality. There are a further three sources in the Slovak Zemplen, all of which provide workable obsidian. Sources in Central Slovakia are highly devitrified and not useable, and reported sources in Rumania had been discounted earlier (Nandris, 1975). Forty-six samples of obsidian from the Zemplen sources, and 293 pieces from 87 archaeological sites in Central and Eastern Europe, were analysed by neutron activation analysis for 15 trace and two major elements. The trace elements used included those which are geochemically likely to show the greatest variation between different obsidian sources, and which are not badly affected by devitrification and hydration of the obsidian, for example the rare earth elements. The analytical data was processed using Cluster Analysis. 242 of the archaeological samples came from Slovak sources, 22 from Hungarian sources, 9 from Lipari and 5 from Melos. In addition, 6 samples were tentatively assigned to Carpathian sources, and 9 could not be assigned to any source. Obsidian from the Zemplen Mountains was distributed up to a distance of approximately 480 km from the sources; it was used extensively in Slovakia and Hungary and reached southern Poland, Austria, Moravia, central Yugoslavia, north-east Italy and central Rumania. Obsidian use in central and eastern Europe began in the Mousterian period. The earliest pieces analysed were Aurignacian and came from Hungarian sources. Later, in the Gravettian, Slovakian sources began to be exploited and remained predominant until obsidian use declined sharply in the Later Neolithic, and Copper and Bronze Ages. The Carpathian obsidian distribution overlaps with the Liparian distribution at one site in north-east Italy. There is no evidence for an overlap with Aegean or Near Eastern sources. The rate of fall off of obsidian away from the sources suggests a down-the-line trading mechanism.
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Le Cercle de Zugló. Un groupe informel d’artistes abstraits en Hongrie entre 1958 et 1968 : antécédents, activité et résonance (1945-1990) / The Zugló Circle. An informal group of abstract artists in Hungary between 1958 and 1968 Antecedents, activity and resonance (1945-1990)Kopeczky, Rhona 02 February 2013 (has links)
Cette étude aborde l’activité d’un cercle artistique hongrois d’avant-garde nommé Cercle de Zugló, composé de jeunes peintres et sculpteurs abstraits. Cette formation informelle et autodidacte regroupait les artistes Imre Bak, Tibor Csiky, Sándor Csutoros, Pál Deim, János Fajó, Tamás Hencze, Endre Hortobágyi, Sándor Molnár et István Nádler, et exista de 1958 à 1968, durant la période communiste en Hongrie. Par l’examen de ses antécédents théoriques et stylistiques remontant à l’Ecole Européenne et au Groupe des artistes abstraits (1945-1948), jusqu’à sa résonance dans le retour à peinture des années quatre-vingt nommé Nouvelle Sensibilité (1978-1990), l’auteur tente de déterminer l’importance et la valeur éthique de la production abstraite du Cercle de Zugló dans le paysage artistique hongrois, isolé des actualités internationales et dominé par l’idéologie politique culturelle du réalisme socialiste.La mise en perspective théorique et stylistique permet d’une part de définir à quel point la démarche des jeunes artistes se veut être l’héritière intellectuelle et artistique de la génération plus âgée de l’avant-garde hongroise, d’orientation constructiviste. D’autre part, elle s’efforce de mettre en lumière à quel point le Cercle de Zugló se différencie de ses pères spirituels, par l’introduction et l’adoption de l’abstraction lyrique française, puis de la nouvelle abstraction géométrique américaine. Elle traduit également la volonté de redéfinir une identité artistique hongroise et de la réinsérer dans le contexte et le flux internationaux. / This study examines the activity of a Hungarian avant-garde artistic circle named Zugló Circle, formed by young abstract painters and sculptors. Working in a self-taught way, this informal group gathered the artists Imre Bak, Tibor Csiky, Sándor Csutoros, Pál Deim, János Fajó, Tamás Hencze, Endre Hortobágyi, Sándor Molnár and István Nádler, and existed from 1958 to 1968, during the communist period in Hungary. Through the analysis of its theoretical and stylistic antecedents going back the European School and the Group of abstract artists (1945-1948) until its resonance in the new painterly wave of the eighties named New Sensitivity, the author determines the importance, the ethical value of the abstract production of the Zugló Circle in the Hungarian artistic landscape, which at the time was isolated and dominated by the cultural politics ideology of socialist realism.Putting the young artists’ approach in a theoretical and stylistic perspective, the author defines on one hand to which extent it wished to be the intellectual and artistic heir of the older generation of the Hungarian avant-garde, of constructivist orientation. On the other hand, this perspective also sheds light on how the Zugló Circle differentiates from its spiritual fathers, through the introduction and adoption of the French lyrical abstraction and later the American geometrical abstraction. It also reveals the will to redefine a Hungarian artistic identity and to reinsert it in an international context and stream.
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