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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Způsoby ocenění nemovitostí v Maďarsku se zaměřením na nemovitosti typu Byt. / Methods of valuation of property in selected EU countries, focusing on a selected property type flat.

Izrael, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis is to explore the ways and methods of valuation applied in Hungary. Thesis demonstrates historical evolution of property market in Hungary and describes the current market supported by data and graphs. The process of expert evidence preparation is characterized, as well. The result of the thesis is an example of a complex expert evidence for property type flat in accordance with Hungarian statutory.

Conceptions et techniques du droit de la consommation : comparaison des droits français et hongrois / Theories of consumer protection law : comparison between the hungarian and french consumer law

Dr Kenderes, Andrea 27 February 2019 (has links)
L'émergence du droit de la consommation en tant que discipline autonome, peut être analysée dans les effets qu'elle a produits dans le discours juridique dans sa globalité, de diverses manières. Lors des célébrations de l’anniversaire de la signature du Traité de Rome qui a jeté les bases de l'Union Européenne actuelle, on doit souligner que « L'UE a largement amélioré la vie quotidienne de ses citoyens». Qu'en est-il plus précisément de la protection des consommateurs? Sans l’Europe, le droit de la consommation ne se serait pas développé aussi solidement qu'il ne l’a fait aux cours des quarante dernières années. Le droit européen de la consommation trouve sa source essentielle dans le programme préliminaire d'avril 1975 pour une politique de protection et d’information des consommateurs qui a énoncé cinq droits fondamentaux : droit à la protection de la santé et de la sécurité, droit à la protection des intérêts économiques des consommateurs, droit à la réparation des dommages, droit à l’information et à l'éducation, droit à la représentation. Le E-commerce (achat et vente de services et produits via Internet) a transformé notre manière de consommer, offrant aux consommateurs plus de choix qu'auparavant. Mais il soulève également de nouveaux problèmes, qui doivent être réglés. Les conditions de protection des consommateurs différent encore beaucoup d’un pays à l'autre. Si dans certains pays, 76% des consommateurs déclarent se sentir suffisamment protégés par les mesures existantes, dans d'autres ce chiffre tombe à 28%. Or, depuis qu’ils ont rejoint l’Union européenne, les pays de l'Est de l'Europe, généralement situés assez bas sur l’échelle de satisfaction, ont vu ces pourcentages s'améliorer de façon importante. / In regulatory jurisdictions that provide for this consumer protection is a group of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers, as well as fair trade, competition, and accurate information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent the businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors. Furthermore the importance of the consumer protection is to safeguard the consumer from exploitation. In the absence of consumer protection, consumers were exploited in many ways for example sale of unsafe products, adulteration and hoarding of goods, using wrong weights and measures, charging excessive prices and sale of inferior quality goods. Through various Consumer Protection Acts, business organizations are under pressure to keep away from exploiting consumers. Consumer protection law is considered an area of law that regulates private law relationships between individual consumers and the businesses that sell those goods and services. In 2018, the European Commission is proposing a New Deal for Consumers to ensure that all European consumers fully benefit from their rights under Union law. A study on transparency in online platforms, also published, supports the New Deal’s proposals on online market places. Finally, the different theories show the sophisticated aspects of the French consumer law which has been developing since the Code Napoleon.

Historické a geopolitické limity vzájemných vztahů Slovenska a Maďarska / Historical and geopolitical limits of mutual relations between Slovakia and Hungary

Budová, Ildikó January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with bilateral relation of Slovakia and Hungary in terms of collective identities. Partial objective of the thesis is to explain Slovak-Hungarian relations from the perspective of constructivist theories and identity perspective. As a consequence both actors perceive historical development of the Central European area and common history differently. The main aim of the thesis is to research the nature of policy of Slovak government towards Hungarian minority living in Slovakia, as well as how this policy affects Slovak - Hungarian bilateral relations. Regarding the hypotheses, we believe that the Slovakia-Hungarian relations are strongly influenced by the structure of Slovak and Hungarian identity and the perception of other side as "the other" (another, foreign, enemy), resulting in a different understanding of the historical development of the Central European area and common history. Currently it expresses itself mostly in different attitudes and opinions on the issue of territory, respectively the border between Slovak republic and Hungary, and the status and rights of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia. As for the main hypothesis, the policy of the Slovak government against Hungarian minority living in Slovakia is affected by the identity of the Slovaks. This applies in...

Přístupy k maďarské menšině v otázkách menšinového školství a možnostech následovného uplatnění v pracovním procesu / Approaches to the Hungarian minority in Slovakia in issues of minority education and the possibility of subsequent application in the working process

Dlábik, Ľubomír January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis clarifies the issue of Triadic nexus among Slovakia, Hungary and the Hungarian minority concerning education and economic access to areas inhabited by the Hungarian minority, which affect the graduates of minority schools in the Slovak labor market. At the same time it aspires to refer to this relationship as one of the factors that may impact on reduction in the number of members of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia. The main focus is on the trilateral approach to the issue of education in the Slovak minority schools in Hungarian language in case of teaching the state language. The consequences of the different trilateral relation approach to minority education can lead to inefficiency of minority schools teaching Slovak language, which can, in conjunction with the current economic approach of Slovakia to the areas inhabited by the Hungarian minority, lead to migratory pressures on graduates of minority schools as for the choice of university studies and their employability. The lack of language skills reduces their competitiveness and flexibility compared to linguistically better equipped individuals. The statistical data in education, employment and population movements that will be analyzed and compared, are freely available, and confirm this hypothesis.

Komparativní pohled na britskou, francouzskou a rakousko-uherskou obrazovou propagandu za 1. sv. v. v letech 1914-1915 / A comparative study of British, French, and Austro-Hungarian pictorial propaganda during World war 1 in years 1914-1915

Beer, Kamil January 2015 (has links)
English abstract The master's thesis compares aspects of British, French, and Austro-Hungarian pictorial propaganda at the beginning of the Great War and its argumentation and influence. By comparing 100 propaganda pictures (ex. various posters, newspaper illustrations, postcards, etc.) made by each of the countries, the thesis describes various image distinctions in three areas of research: concerning the dominant motives of the posters, concerning the human values and emotions, which the posters influenced, and concerning the usage of national signs in these media. Keywords: First world war, propaganda, posters, Great Britain, France, Austro-Hungary, comparative study

Připraveni na nejhorší: boj proti terorismu v zemích Visegrádu / Prepared for the Worst: Counter-terrorism in the Visegrad

Stehlík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The study investigates the development of counter-terrorism in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia between 1989 and 2017, with a focus on developments of the Criminal Code and changes in the institutional framework. A description of counter-terrorism developments is constructed for each country. Subsequently, general hypotheses about counter-terrorism development derived from existing literature are tested using causal-process tracing tools, resulting in preliminary conclusions about the causes of the identified developments. The results indicate that changes in the Criminal Code were primarily driven by external pressure from international organisations, whereas institutional changes tended to result from country-specific processes, threat perception and inspiration from abroad. Keywords: Counter-terrorism, terrorism, Visegrad, Central Eastern Europe, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia

Azylová politika a integrace uprchlíků zemí V 4 1989-2015 / Asylum Policies and Integration of Refugees in the Visegrad countries 1989-2015

Bartalová, Edina January 2019 (has links)
Following the political changes induced by the fall of the Communist regimes across Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland embarked on the road of economic liberalization and democratization. This process was formally concluded with the so-called Visegrád countries' accession to the EU in 2004. However, in relation to the refugee crisis the Visegrád countries emerged within the EU united in their opposition to comply with the so- called mandatory refugee relocation scheme. The position of the Visegrád countries evoked not only significant media attention but also academic inquiry on the securitization of asylum policies in the Visegrád region. This research analyses the Europeanisation of the asylum policies in the Visegrád countries in three periods: 1. the early years of democratic development 2. The harmonization of policies leading up to EU accession and 3. The development of related policies after EU accession. The Europeanisation of asylum policies coincide with the development of the Common European Asylum System and the deepening of EU legislative powers in the field of asylum policy. The author concluded that the field of integration policy where Member States retain significant authority has become a strict control mechanism of limiting displaced person access to...

Srovnání ideového a programového vymezení stran Fidesz a PiS / Comparison of ideological and policy definition of Fidesz and PiS

Vait, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is to examine and compare the ideological and programmatic definition of Fidesz and PiS, their development in time and their current actions and policy-making since forming their single-party governments in 2010 in Hungary and 2015 in Poland, respectively. This work also focuses on the development in both countries during the transformation from communism towards democracy, and sets out to answer what preconditions have formed the demand for populist radical right ideology both in Hungary and Poland. Based on the theory of populist radical right framework, this thesis concludes that, in addition to the negative aspects of political and economic transformation, historical narratives and prejudices against minorities by a significant part of the Hungarian and Polish societies have also played a crucial role in creating a climate for demand for the populist radical right. In the third chapter, this thesis finds a high volatility in the ideological development of both parties, especially in regards to Fidesz, and attributes these considerable ideological and programmatic changes in part to reaction of Fidesz and PiS towards changes in the party system in both Hungary and Poland. However, since 2006 the ideology of both parties has become increasingly consistent with...

Proměny rakouského a uherského práva v letech první světové války (1914 - 1918) / Transformation of Austrian and Hungarian law during the First World War (1914 - 1918)

Láznička, Alois January 2020 (has links)
Transformation of Austrian and Hungarian law during the First World War (1914 - 1918) Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of changes in Austrian and Hungarian law during the First World War with a focus on the Cisleithanian part of the monarchy. At the same time, it seeks to answer the question of whether the measures taken were proportionate to the circumstances of the war. Specifically, it examines changes in constitutional, administrative, criminal and civil law. Other branches of law are also mentioned in passing. The method is a comparison of the pre-war state with important legal norms adopted in case of war or in response to war developments. All this is complemented by a contemporary context with an emphasis on the history of the Czech lands. The thesis uses both primary sources, in the form of norms of Austro-Hungarian law, and secondary literature. In general, it can be stated that the changes adopted were pervasive, in all areas examined. However, the intensity and proportionality varied according to the specific legal sector. At the level of constitutional law, there was a de facto change in the form of the state from a constitutional monarchy to a military-administrative dictatorship, and some civil rights were suspended. The change in criminal and administrative law is...

The possible development directions of ring-way links connecting the districts of Budapest

Jakab, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The immense urbanization of the twentieth century resulted in population and territory growth through the attachment of several nearby villages to the growing city of Budapest. Thus, the yet strictly organized structure of the city became increasingly uneven in terms of available infrastructure and the districts in the outskirts became hardly accessible through means of transportation. In this thesis several paths for a new ring-road connecting the districts in the outskirts of the city are analyzed, having as starting point different plans being designed but not yet developed by Centre for Budapest Transport. The potential path of the new ring-road should be close to the east railway bypass, named Körvasút (Ring-rail) lane starting from Váci road in the north to Soroksári road in the South. The best alignment is discussed in more details, offering a clear view for the reader about its effects – if realized – on the present traffic situation in Budapest. Furthermore, one of the core parts of this paper is the definition of a sustainable, modern goal and criteria system, paying attention to the tasks and aspects of Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) meanwhile focusing on environmental, social and financial sustainability as well. Thinking about the livability of the city in the future, this is of utmost importance. / Den enorma urbaniseringen under nittonhundratalet resulterade i befolknings- och territoriumstillväxt genom sammanslagning av flera närliggande byar till den växande staden av Budapest. Således blev en ännu strikt organiserad struktur i staden alltmer oorganiserad när det gäller tillgänglig infrastruktur, och distrikten i utkanten av staden var knappt tillgängliga via transportmedel. I denna uppsats analyseras flera alternativ till en ny ringväg, som skall förbinda stadsdelarna i stadens utkant, med utgångspunkt från olika planer som är utformade, men som ännu inte har utvecklats av Centrum för Budapest Transport. Det potentiella läget för den nya ringleden ska vara nära den östra järnvägsknutpunkten, som heter "Körvasút körfalt" som börjar från Váci utca i norr, till Soroksári väg i söder. Den bästa anpassningen diskuteras mer i detalj, och erbjuder läsaren en tydlig bild om dess effekter - om de förverkligas - på den nuvarande trafiksituationen i Budapest. Dessutom är en av de centrala delarna av denna uppsats definitionen av ett hållbart, modernt mål och kriterier, som uppmärksammar de uppgifter och aspekter av Centrum för Budapest Transport, samtidigt som fokus även ligger på miljömässighet, samt social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Att tänka på beboeligheten i staden i framtiden, är av yttersta vikt.

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