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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soziale Integration und diskursive Sprachverwendung / Ein deutsch-ungarischer Diskursvergleich / Social Integration and Discursive Use of Language / A German-Hungarian Discours Comparison

Kojnok, Márta 13 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Die Türkenhilfe der Reichsstädte Nordhausen und Mühlhausen in der Zeit von Maximilian I. bis Rudolf II. (1493-1612) Ein Beitrag zur Steuer- und Finanzgeschichte im Spätmittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit / The tuerkenhilfe of the imperial cities Nordhausen and Muehlhausen in the time of Maximilian I. and Rudolf II. (1493-1612). A study to the tax and financial history of late medieval and early modern

Kruppe, Michael 12 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.

West, Mitte, Ost

Henschel, Frank 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit zeichnet die Entwicklung der Europadiskurse in Ungarn vom Ausgang des 18. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende des Kommunismus nach. Sie zeigt die Vielfalt und Wandelbarkeit der Vorstellungen von und Bezugnahmen auf "Europa" durch Schriftsteller, Künstler, Politiker und Intellektuelle. Geprägt war der Diskurs vor allem durch ein beinahe permanent anzutreffendes Rückständigkeitsnarrativ. "Europa", das bedeutete meist Westeuropa, England, Frankreich, aber auch Deutschland. Zwar zählte man sich seit der Krönung des ersten ungarischen Königs Istvan I. im Jahre 1000 mit einer vom Papst gesandten Krone zu einem festen Bestandteil (West-)Europas, die Zugehörigkeit wurde aber durch die fehlende beziehungsweise verzögerte wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Modernisierung häufig in Frage gestellt. Zudem sah man sich mit einer gewissen Ignoranz des Westens konfrontiert, der nur allzu oft sich selbst als eigentliches Europa darstelle und die Leistungen der Ungarn für den Schutz Europas, beispielsweise durch die Abwehr der Türken, nicht würdige. Dieses Isolationsmotiv zieht sich gleichsam wie ein roter Faden durch den Diskurs und wird vielfältig, aber ambivalent eingesetzt. Einerseits werden die niedergeschlagenen Aufstände 1848 und 1956, in denen "Europa" tatenlos zusah wie Ungarns Freiheitskampf von außen erstickt wurde, für eine Anklage des Westens und symbolische Überhöhung Ungarns als verlassener Vorkämpfer der Zivilisation instrumentalisiert, andererseits führt dieser Isolationsdiskurs häufig zu geradezu anti-europäischen Diskursbeiträgen, in denen Ungarn als ein Land des Ostens charakterisiert wird und westliche Wertvorstellungen und Errungenschaften negiert werden. Die verbreitetste diskursive Verortung Ungarns aber ist die, dass es die "Mitte" Europas" sei, ein Ort des Ausgleichs westlicher Moderne und östlicher Rückständigkeit, Bewahrer der ureigenen europäischen Werte. Diese Figur findet sich sowohl im national-liberalen Diskurs des 19. Jahrhunderts, als auch im Dissidentendiskurs der 1980er Jahre. Der ungarische Europadiskurs pendelte also, wie gezeigt wurde tatsächlich von West nach Ost, aber die Mitte war in der Perspektive der betrachteten 200 Jahre ein tradierter Rückzugs- und Bestimmungspunkt der ungarischen Identität in Europa und als Ausgleich der Extreme auch die Identität Europas selbst. / The article starts with the notion of a remarkable research deficit (within the wider field of historically oriented European studies) regarding the thinking and discourses on “Europe” in East Central Europe, especially in Hungary. This desiderate could be explained by the partition of the continent through the Iron Curtain lasting for fourty years, what seemed to exclude these countries from Europe in several respects. Nevertheless there was and is a reconstructable, various if plural discourse on the place of Hungary in Europe. It was tightly linked with the discourses on the nation-state and on modernization in the 19th century, while the country was part of the Austrian monarchy of Habsburg. Thus it received main impulses from Western Europe, whose development was taken as an ideal to follow. The East, particularly Russia, was in contrast considered as the non-european “other”, the enemy of liberty and progress. Despite this notion, there were remarkable attempts to frame Hungary in an Eastern context, espeacially through the idea of “Turan”, that claimed a tribal community between Hungarians, Turks and Iranians, which should unite in a common empire. However catching up to the West remained the dominant goal, but was complicated by the structural, economic and cultural differences that lasted on feudal and agrarian Hungary until the beginning of the 20th century. Yet “Europe” was not only a model, it was also a, rather metaphysic and symbolic, institution to which the country appealed for support during the revolutions 1848 and 1956. Both upheavels against an imperial enemy, Habsburg and the Soviet Union, failed and Hungarians felt abandoned by the West, that is Europe. As a consequence of these gaps and failures the idea of Hungary as a part of Central Europe, a special region of small states between the Great powers in the East and the West with a specific identity was conceived. This concept also included the vision of a joint federation to facilitate the negotiations of the everlasting national and ethnic conflicts of the region. It can be found within the texts of 19th century liberal politicians like István Széchenyi, who shaped the metaphor of Hungary as a “ferry-land”, and Lajos Kossuth, who presented the first plan for Danubian Federation, Interwar-politicians like Oszkár Jászi and anti-soviet dissidents like György Konrád in the 1980ies. According to these and other protagonists of the discourse, the “centre” can be classified as the ultimate place of Hungary in Europe throughout the centuries, sharing and preserving the European Heritage.

Pouvoir, Eglise et société en Hongrie communiste, 1944-1964 : histoire intérieure d’une domination / The communist regime, the Church, and society in Communist Hungary, 1944-1964 : an inside story of domination

Bauquet, Nicolas 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace l’évolution des rapports entre le pouvoir communiste, l’institution ecclésiastique et les laïcs catholiques en Hongrie, de l’arrivée de l’Armée rouge, à la fin de l’année 1944, jusqu’à la signature de l’Accord partiel entre le Saint-Siège et le gouvernement hongrois, le 15 septembre 1964. Elle retrace le processus au terme duquel la domination communiste a été profondément intériorisée, aussi bien par les membres du clergé que par les fidèles eux-mêmes. Elle cherche aussi à comprendre de quelle manière cette domination a pu influer sur l’évolution de la vie ecclésiale et religieuse. Elle vise enfin à reconstituer la dynamique politique qui a porté cette volonté de domination, et la manière dont elle s’est transformée, notamment après le choc de la révolution de 1956. La thèse s’appuie sur un large corpus de sources inédites ou publiées, issues aussi bien de l’appareil de l’Etat-Parti (police politique, Bureau des Affaires ecclésiastiques, département de l’agit-prop du Parti) que de celui de l’Eglise (archives épiscopales, des ordres religieux ou des paroisses), corpus complété par des témoignages et des archives orales, produits avant comme après la chute du régime communiste. La thèse est divisée en trois grandes parties chronologiques : les années d’après-guerre, de 1944 à 1948 ; les années staliniennes, de 1948 à 1956 ; les premières années du kadarisme, de 1956 à 1964. A ce découpage chronologique se superpose une structure qui distingue les trois points de vue étudiés dans la thèse : celui de l’appareil communiste, celui de l’institution ecclésiastique et de la société cléricale, et enfin celui des laïcs. / This thesis reconstructs the development of relations among the Communist regime, the Church, and the Catholic laity in Hungary, from the arrival of the Red Army at the end of 1944 through the signing of the Partial Agreement between the Holy See and the Hungarian government on 15 September 1964. The thesis takes as its task the reconstruction of a process under whose auspices Communist domination was deeply internalized, as much by members of the clergy as by the faithful themselves. It seeks also to understand the manner in which that domination was able to shape the development of ecclesiastical and religious life. Finally, it aims to reconstruct the political dynamics that brought about this bid for domination and the manner in which that bid was subsequently transformed, particularly following the shock of the Revolution of 1956. The thesis is based on a large body of unpublished and published sources, hailing from the Party-State apparatus (political police, Office of Ecclesiastical Affairs, the Party agit-prop department) as well as the Church (collections of the Episcopate, religious orders, and parishes), supplemented by oral history testimony gathered both before and after the fall of the Communist regime.

Komunální elity v Pacově v letech 1848-1918 / Municipal elite in Pacov in the years 1848-1918

DAVID, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis with the topic ?Municipal elite in Pacov in the years 1848-1918? is focused on connecting the local political and social-cultural life. One important part of this thesis is its attempt to define the local conditions including the historical, demographical, national, linguistic and economic aspects of the town and the neighbouring region. It also defines the progress of the municipal management in the period 1850-1862. On the basis of extant written and iconographic sources, especially from the fund ?Archive of the town Pacov?, which is in the National district archive in Pelhřimov, the author tried to form a version of the individual Pacov local government and town council in the time period 1862-1918. The author also tried to form an interconnection net of the local representative of the municipal self-government using an analysis of the list of voters and other partial sources. After that the author put emphasis on the social and family relations among them, including closer biographical study of some representative families. Town address books and Roman-Catholic register offices served as the main sources. These and other sources and materials were used in forming short biographies and histories of chosen families. The aim of this thesis was also to form biograms of the individual members in the municipal elite. Another part of this thesis is the author´s exploration and creation of some Pacov family trees, whose members were representatives in the municipal politics.

Srovnání vývoje národních identit ve Finsku a Českých zemích v průběhu 19. století / A Comparison of the Processes of Creating National Identities in Finland and the Czech Lands in the 19th Century

Masař, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with mutual reflection and perception of national movements in Finland and Czech lands during the years 1789-1914. On the background of newly shaped Finnish or Czech nations, it compares, in which way the perception of Finns respectively Czechs changed and evolved from the point of view of other nation that was in analogical situation in its national emancipation. The major role was played by mutual contacts between prominent figures of both national revivals, who delivered their perception and experience to broader audience not only via articles in newspaper, but also in magazines, popular as well as scientific, and also books. This thesis is based on assumption, that the leading persons of both nations were aware of mutual similarities as well as differences between both national movements, at the same time it also sets up a hypothesis, that knowledge of the other national movement, its advantages and disadvantages could be used in a progress of own nation. The first chapter outlines bilateral contacts between Czech and Finnish ethnics from the High Middle Ages until the birth of the national revival movements. Following chapter is describing the first mutual relations between the first generations of Czech and Finnish revivalists at the end of the 18th century,...

Maďarsko 1956: od reformy socialismu k národnímu povstání / Hungary 1956: from a reform of socialism to a national uprising

Adamec, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Jan Adamec, Hungary 1956: from a reform of socialism to a national uprising Dizertační práce Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav světových dějin, Praha, 2015 Abstract The theses aims to analyze the crisis of the Hungarian Communist regime in 1956. It begins with the internal party struggle between Prime Minister Imre Nagy and First Secretary Matyás Rákosi in 1953-1955. Khrushchev's destalinisation initiative in 1956 triggered a new wave of conflicts. The crisis within the Communist Party was then deepened by the demise of Rákosi and the installation of Ernő Gerő as his successor in July 1956 and the emotionally charged reburial of László Rajk. The crisis coincided with grave economic shortages and rising dissatisfaction in the countryside. Encouraged Hungarian students organized demonstrations on 23 October 1956 that grew into mass riots against the regime. New agents that then played a key role in the events in question entered the political arena. Firstly, the Soviet army intervened on behalf of the Hungarian Communist leadership; however, it failed to restore order or suppress the mass movement. Secondly, dozens of guerrilla-like insurgent groups fought enthusiastically against the Soviets. Khrushchev contemplated postponing the use of military force for a brief period of time;...

Pedagogové ve službách trůnu. Privátní učitelé následníků trůnu Rakousko-Uherska / Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Heirs

Mádrová, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
- Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian- Hungarian Imperial Heirs Several potential successors were growing up during the lengthy reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. But two of them, the Emperor's own son Crown Prince Rudolph and his nephew Franz Ferdinand, could never ascend to the throne due to their premature deaths. His grandnephew, Archduke Charles Franz Joseph, claimed the throne in the tense times of the First World War. For a would-be successor, not only military education was essential, but also language skills and such subjects as history, law and economy that the future ruler of a vast and ethnically diverse state was expected to have a good command of. This paper focuses on the lives of teachers who attended both the Emperor's and the Archduke's courts.

La mobilisation sociale en Europe de l'Est depuis la crise financière de 2008 : une analyse comparative de l’évolution des réseaux militants en Hongrie et en Roumanie / Social Mobilization in Eastern Europe after the Financial Crisis of 2008 : a Comparative analysis on the evolution of activist networks in Hungary and Romania

Rammelt, Henry 14 December 2016 (has links)
La crise financière a démystifié le système capitaliste aux yeux de larges segments de la population d’Europe de l'Est, exacerbant le décalage entre les attentes suscitées par le processus de démocratisation et la situation, souvent difficile, d’un nombre important de citoyens. Dans ce contexte, l'indignation que certains d’entre eux expriment s'est dirigée contre la classe politique, donnant naissance à de nouvelles formes de mobilisation. Cette thèse analyse ces mobilisations dans un cadre comparatif incluant des réseaux militants en Hongrie et en Roumanie, sur la période 2008 - 2014. Quelles sont les caractéristiques des récentes vagues de protestations ? Ces protestations s’inscrivent-elles dans la continuité de répertoires d’action plus anciens ? Si la Roumanie et la Hongrie sont « en transition », quelles sont les mutations qui affectent les conditions de mobilisation ? Comment expliquer les différences de dynamiques que l’on observe dans les deux pays ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons essayé de bâtir des passerelles entre deux champs de recherche, celui de la transition démocratique et celui des mouvements sociaux. En Roumanie comme en Hongrie, la prise en compte des transformations systémiques induites par la transition semble en effet essentielle à la compréhension des phénomènes de mobilisation récents. L'analyse détaillée des processus d'accumulation de capital social relationnel et cognitif qui en résulte - à l’origine de l’émergence de nouvelles générations d’activistes – constitue l’apport principal de notre travail. La démarche diachronique que nous avons adoptée nous a par ailleurs permis d’identifier et de caractériser les influences qu’un réseau militant peut avoir sur un autre et l’impact d’une protestation sur la suivante. Soucieux de produire des informations précises et circonstanciées sur l’environnement politique, économique et culturel dans lequel naissent les mobilisations étudiées, nous avons interrogé, à partir d’un sondage en ligne, des spécialistes de la société civile, des médias et de la vie politique des deux pays. Parallèlement, nous avons réalisé 26 entretiens approfondis avec des activistes en Hongrie et en Roumanie pour parvenir à définir les processus de mobilisation des ressources, les canaux de mobilisation utilisées, les caractéristiques des réseaux et des organisations en présence, mais aussi l’identité des activistes et, subséquemment, leur perception du contexte d’action dans lequel ils s’inscrivent. En prenant en compte l’ensemble de ces éléments, nous avons pu montrer comment l'accumulation d’expériences de mobilisations nourrissait les mouvements suivants, plus nombreux et plus visibles au fil du temps. Dans cette dynamique, les réseaux sociaux en ligne jouent un rôle essentiel. La socialisation politique sur Facebook a notamment contribué au développement d’une identité commune et à la transformation de l'indignation personnelle en engagement collectif. La multiplication des interactions sociales, une certaine similitude de goûts et de visions du monde, ainsi qu’un effort de réseautage ont permis à l'activisme en ligne de se transformer en activisme de rue. La nature et l’intensité de cet engagement diffèrent selon les deux pays. En Roumanie, « un militantisme récréationnel » puisant ses racines dans la simultanéité de la consommation culturelle et de l'implication civique est observable. A l’inverse, en Hongrie l’enthousiasme civique semble s’essouffler. Confrontés à un pouvoir politique stable, soutenu par la majorité de la population et capable de s'opposer fermement aux initiatives de la société civile, les mouvements de contestation hongrois n’ont pas réussi à déstabiliser le pouvoir en place. Cet exemple montre qu’une culture de protestation relativement vivace ne débouche pas automatiquement sur un fort niveau de mobilisation citoyenne. Par contraste, le cas de la Roumanie .... / In Eastern Europe the financial crisis of 2008 highlighted the gap between expectations concerning the new configuration of liberal and capitalist states on the one hand, and the social realities on the other. Waves of contention followed, which were provoked especially by austerity measures implemented by the respective governments. These were in their majority directed against the post-communist elites, which were held responsible for the perceived slow progress regarding economic performance and the democratization process in the years before. With the purpose of analyzing new forms of collective action and protests that appeared following this crisis, this dissertation is dedicated to study, in a comparative manner, activist networks in Hungary and Romania between 2008 and 2014.The following questions are in the center of the study: Are those recent waves of mobilization different from forms of protests prior to the crisis or can we observe a continuation of repertoires of contention? If Romania and Hungary are considered to be countries still located in the transition process, without having reached the “goal” of consolidated democracies, are the conditions and forms of collective action also undergoing profound transformations? If so, how can we explain the different dynamics in those two countries?Given the fact, that the analysis of social movements is becoming a multicentric subfield of social sciences, the present study draws on a diversity of analytical angles, not only stemming from approaches to investigate social movements and regime change, but also including additional theoretical avenues, in order to answer these main questions. Taking into account the transformation background of Romania and Hungary seems the appropriate perspective to understand recent mobilizations. For this purpose, this study analyzes processes of the accumulation of cognitive and relational social capital, shaping a new generation of activists. By doing so, the emphasis could be put on observing the effects of protests on subsequent mobilizations and the spillover/ interaction between activist networks over time. In a first step, I gathered comparable data on the political, economic and social environment, in which these networks arose, by carrying out expert on-line surveys in both countries. For a better understanding of mechanisms of resource mobilization, mobilization channels, network characteristics and organizational features, I conducted 26 in-depth interviews with activists from both countries. As a result, I was able to highlight the significance of protest-specific experiences for future mobilizations. Online social networks appear to play a key role in this dynamic in contemporary social movements, mainly through their capacity of generating a collective identity and transforming personal indignation into collective action. The nature and the intensity of this dynamic vary in the two countries. While I observed a growth of, what I called “recreational activism” in Romania, resulting from the concomitance of patterns of cultural consumption and civic involvement, a certain protest fatigue can be attested for the first years after the crisis in Hungary. Confronted with stable political configurations and a government that is widely supported by the electorate, movements contesting the power of Fidesz were not able to destabilize existing power structures in Hungary. Hence, this study shows that a longstanding culture of protest and of civic engagement does not necessarily lead, in different circumstances, to high levels of political activism of challengers to political power. Furthermore, the Romanian case suggests that rather the absence of such a culture, combined with a lack of precedent and experiences for both, engaged citizens and authorities can open spaces for renegotiating rules and provoke (lasting) political and cultural changes.

Remote sensing and bio-geo-optical properties of turbid, productive inland waters : a case study of Lake Balaton

Riddick, Caitlin A. L. January 2016 (has links)
Algal blooms plague freshwaters across the globe, as increased nutrient loads lead to eutrophication of inland waters and the presence of potentially harmful cyanobacteria. In this context, remote sensing is a valuable approach to monitor water quality over broad temporal and spatial scales. However, there remain several challenges to the accurate retrieval of water quality parameters, and the research in this thesis investigates these in an optically complex lake (Lake Balaton, Hungary). This study found that bulk and specific inherent optical properties [(S)IOPs] showed significant spatial variability over the trophic gradient in Lake Balaton. The relationships between (S)IOPs and biogeochemical parameters differed from those reported in ocean and coastal waters due to the high proportion of particulate inorganic matter (PIM). Furthermore, wind-driven resuspension of mineral sediments attributed a high proportion of total attenuation to particulate scattering and increased the mean refractive index (n̅p) of the particle assemblage. Phytoplankton pigment concentrations [chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and phycocyanin (PC)] were also accurately retrieved from a times series of satellite data over Lake Balaton using semi-analytical algorithms. Conincident (S)IOP data allowed for investigation of the errors within these algorithms, indicating overestimation of phytoplankton absorption [aph(665)] and underestimation of the Chl-a specific absorption coefficient [a*ph(665)]. Finally, Chl-a concentrations were accurately retrieved in a multiscale remote sensing study using the Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI), indicating hyperspectral data is not necessary to retrieve accurate pigment concentrations but does capture the subtle heterogeneity of phytoplankton spatial distribution. The results of this thesis provide a positive outlook for the future of inland water remote sensing, particularly in light of contemporary satellite instruments with continued or improved radiometric, spectral, spatial and temporal coverage. Furthermore, the value of coincident (S)IOP data is highlighted and contributes towards the improvement of remote sensing pigment retrieval in optically complex waters.

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