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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling of multiphase behavior for gas flooding simulation

Okuno, Ryosuke, 1974- 21 March 2011 (has links)
Miscible gas flooding is a common method for enhanced oil recovery. Reliable design of miscible gas flooding requires compositional reservoir simulation that can accurately predict the fluid properties resulting from mass transfer between reservoir oil and injection gas. Drawbacks of compositional simulation are the efficiency and robustness of phase equilibrium calculations consisting of flash calculations and phase stability analysis. Simulation of multicontact miscible gas flooding involves a large number of phase equilibrium calculations in a near-critical region, where the calculations are time-consuming and difficult. Also, mixtures of reservoir oil and solvent such as CO₂ and rich gas can exhibit complex phase behavior at temperatures typically below 120°F, where three hydrocarbon-phases can coexist. However, most compositional simulators do not attempt to solve for three hydrocarbon-phases because three-phase equilibrium calculations are more complicated, difficult, and time-consuming than traditional two-phase equilibrium calculations. Due to the lack of robust algorithms for three-phase equilibrium calculations, the effect of a third hydrocarbon-phase on low-temperature oil displacement is little known. We develop robust and efficient algorithms for phase equilibrium calculations for two and three phases. The algorithms are implemented in a compositional reservoir simulator. Simulation case studies show that our algorithms can significantly decrease the computational time without loss of accuracy. Speed-up of 40% is achieved for a reservoir simulation using 20 components, compared to standard algorithms. Speed-up occurs not only because of improved computational efficiency but also because of increased robustness resulting in longer time-step sizes. We demonstrate the importance of three-phase equilibrium calculations, where simulations with two-phase equilibrium approximations proposed in the literature can result in complete failure or erroneous simulation results. Using the robust phase equilibrium algorithms developed, the mechanism is investigated for high efficiency of low-temperature oil displacements by CO₂ involving three hydrocarbon-phases. Results show that high displacement efficiency can be achieved when the composition path goes near the critical endpoint where the gaseous and CO₂-rich liquid phases merge in the presence of the oleic phase. Complete miscibility may not be developed for three-phase flow without considering the existence of a tricritical point. / text

Περιβάλλοντα ιζηματογένεσης, στρωματογραφική διάρθρωση και στατιστική ανάλυση στρωμάτων του φλύσχη στο νησί της Καρπάθου : πιθανότητα ανάπτυξης πεδίου υδρογοναθράκων στο ΝΑ Αιγαίο

Παντόπουλος, Γεώργιος 20 October 2009 (has links)
Οι αποθέσεις φλύσχη που εμφανίζονται στο νησί της Καρπάθου μελετήθηκαν από διάφορα σημεία προσέγγισης με σκοπό να εξαχθούν συμπεράσματα σχετικά με χαρακτηριστικά των συγκεκριμένων ιζημάτων τα οποία δεν ήταν γνωστά με λεπτομέρεια μέχρι σήμερα. Το συνολικό πάχος των αποθέσεων δεν ξεπερνά τα 1000 μέτρα και κυμαίνεται σε περίπου 900 για τη βόρεια και περίπου 800 για τη νότια περιοχή εμφάνισης. Όσον αφορά την ιζηματολογία, στρωματογραφία και τα περιβάλλοντα των αποθέσεων του φλύσχη μπορούν να ειπωθούν τα εξής: Τα ιζήματα της βόρειας περιοχής χωρίζονται σε 5 ενότητες, ενώ τα ιζήματα της νότιας περιοχής χωρίζονται σε 4 ενότητες από τη βάση προς την οροφή της ακολουθίας. Η χρονολόγηση των αποθέσεων του φλύσχη με βάση ασβεστιτικά νανοαπολιθώματα υπέδειξε ότι η ιζηματογένεση του φλύσχη στη περιοχή της Καρπάθου φαίνεται να ξεκινάει στο Κατώτερο Ηώκαινο και να εξελίσσεται έως τα όρια Ηωκαίνου-Ολιγοκαίνου. Η στατιστική ανάλυση των παχών στρωμάτων που εφαρμόστηκε έδειξε ότι πρεπει να υπάρχει προσοχή στην ερμηνεία περιβαλλόντων ιζηματογένεσης σε υποθαλάσσια ριπίδια που δίνεται με βάση περιγραφικές τεχνικές. Γεωχημική ανάλυση των φλυσχικών αποθέσεων για την περιεκτικότητα τους σε κύρια στοιχεία, ιχνοστοιχεία και σπάνιες γαίες σε συνδυασμό με πετρογραφική έρευνα έδωσε πολύτιμα στοιχεία για την προέλευση και το γεωτεκτονικό περιβάλλον της λεκάνης ιζηματογένεσης των φλυσχικών ιζημάτων. Η έρευνα για την πιθανή ύπαρξη πεδίου υδρογονανθράκων στις φλυσχικές αποθέσεις της Καρπάθου δεν έδωσε ενθαρρυντικά αποτελέσματα. Με βάση τις παραπάνω παρατηρήσεις και τη γεωλογία της ευρύτερης περιοχής του ΝΑ Αιγαίου και των Δωδεκανήσων, η απόθεση των ιζημάτων του φλύσχη στη Κάρπαθο φαίνεται να έχει άμεση σχέση με τις ορογενετικές κινήσεις των Ταυρίδων οροσειρών κατά το Ηώκαινο-Κατώτερο Ολιγόκαινο. / The flysch deposits that outcrop on the island of Karpathos (SE Greece) were studied, using several approaches, in order to investigate detailed sedimentological characteristics of these deposits which were unknown until now. The flysch deposits outcrop on 2 areas of the island: a northern area (Spoa-Olympos-Diafani) and a southern area (Pigadia-Aperi). The total stratigraphic thickness of the deposits is less than 1000 meters and ranges from about 900 meters for the northern area, to about 800 meters for the southern area. Northern area deposits can be subdivided into 5 sedimentary units and southern area into a sedimentary units (from the bottom to the top of the succession) based on their sedimentological characteristics. Age determination of the flysch based on calcareous nanofossils reveals that flysch sedimentation probably started in Lower Eocene and ended in Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene. Application of bed thickness statistical analysis revealed that descriptive recognition of sedimentary environments in turbidite deposits is not always reliable. Petrographic and geochemical analysis of the flysch deposits, gave valuable clues regarding the sedimentary source and the tectonic arrangement of the sedimentary basin. Hydrocarbon exploration shows negative results regarding the possible existence of a hydrocarbon field in Karpathos flysch deposits. Taking into account all the above observations and the geological arrangement of the SE Aegean and the Dodecanese Islands, it seems that flysch sedimentation in Karpathos Island has a direct relation with the Taurides orogeny in Eocene-Lower Oligocene times.

Μελέτη και εφαρμογές πλάσματος επαγόμενου από laser στην αέρια και συμπυκνωμένη ύλη

Μιχαλάκου, Αμαλία 21 July 2008 (has links)
Η ολοένα αυξανόμενη ανάγκη για γρήγορες, αξιόπιστες και εύκολες στην χρήση αναλυτικές τεχνικές, οι οποίες μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν εντός και εκτός εργαστηρίου, έδωσε ιδιαίτερη ώθηση για ανάπτυξη τεχνικών που να πληρούν τις παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις. Η Φασματοσκοπία Πλάσματος Επαγόμενου από laser (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy-LIBS), λόγω των σημαντικών της πλεονεκτημάτων, έχει προταθεί ως μια τεχνική για στοιχειακή ανάλυση υλικών, ανεξαρτήτως της κατάστασής τους (στερεή, υγρή ή αέρια). Κατά την τεχνική LIBS, η ατομοποίηση και η διέγερση των ατόμων του υλικού γίνεται σε ένα στάδιο, ενώ δεν απαιτείται προετοιμασία του δείγματος. Έτσι, τα τελευταία χρόνια η τεχνική LIBS είναι η πιο διαδεδομένη αναλυτική τεχνική βασισμένη στα laser. Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή η τεχνική LIBS εφαρμόζεται σε δυο διαφορετικά πεδία έρευνας: στις φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα και στην μελέτη πολυμερικών/πλαστικών δειγμάτων. Στις φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα, η φασματοσκοπία πλάσματος επαγόμενου από laser χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τον καθορισμό του λόγου ισοδυναμίας (φ), ο οποίος εκφράζει την αναλογία καύσιμου προς οξειδωτικό μέσο, σε φλόγες αέριων και υγρών υδρογονανθράκων μέσω των λόγων των εντάσεων των φασματικών γραμμών του υδρογόνου, H, οξυγόνου, O, και άνθρακα, C. Μέσω αυτής της συσχέτισης, πραγματοποιήθηκαν χωρικά αναλυμένες μετρήσεις του φ σε προ-αναμεμιγμένες φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα διαφορετικής γεωμετρίας, οι οποίες παρείχαν σημαντικές πληροφορίες για την δομή της φλόγας. Επιπλέον, η τεχνική LIBS χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την ανίχνευση υδρατμών στον αέρα και σε φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα και έγινε φανερό πως οι υδρατμοί προκαλούν σημαντικές αλλαγές στην δομή και τα χαρακτηριστικά της φλόγας, ενώ μέσω των φασματικών γραμμών του υδρογόνου, H, οξυγόνου, O, και αζώτου, Ν, οι υδρατμοί μπορούν να καθοριστούν ποιοτικά. Σε ότι αφορά τα πολυμερικά/πλαστικά δείγματα, η τεχνική LIBS μπορεί να αποτελέσει μια σημαντική μέθοδο για την ταυτοποίηση πολυμερικών δειγμάτων, οπότε στην συνέχεια, έγινε μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών του πλάσματος που δημιουργείται κατά την ακτινοβόληση πολυμερικών/πλαστικών δειγμάτων και πως αυτά επηρεάζονται από τις ιδιότητες της δέσμης laser καθώς και από το περιβάλλον. / The continuously increasing needs for fast, reliable and easy to use analytical techniques operating remotely and in situ, under laboratory and/or field conditions have boosted considerable research efforts towards the development of novel analytical techniques satisfying these requirements. In that view, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been proposed as an efficient tool for elemental analysis of various types of samples exhibiting several attractive advantages. LIBS is a laser based spectroscopic technique which permits the simultaneous atomization and excitation of the sample in one step, without requiring any sample preparation. In addition, LIBS operates successfully with all kinds of samples while the results are obtained within few seconds. Because of these advantages and its attractive simplicity, LIBS has become rapidly the most popular laser based analytical technique. In this work, LIBS is used in two different fields: the study of combustible hydrocarbon-air mixtures and the study of the created plasma in polymeric samples. In hydrocarbon –air flames, LIBS was applied for the determination of the local equivalence ratio in different hydrocarbon (gaseous and liquid) -air mixtures. In particular, it is shown that the ratio of the intensities of atomic spectral lines of H, C and O, emitted from a laser induced spark in the gaseous mixture, can be used for the rapid and accurate determination of the local equivalence ratio. There are also obtained spatially resolved equivalence ratio profiles in laminar premixed flames of different geometries (Bunsen type and impinging flames), which are used in order to reveal and quantify important flame structure features. Additionally, it is shown that LIBS can be used for the detection of humidity in air and in hydrocarbon-air flames. The results obtained showed that humidity causes significant changes in flame characteristics, and through the atomic spectral lines of H, N and O, humidity can be qualitatively be determined. In polymeric samples, LIBS technique is used for the identification of polymers and plastics for recycling purposes. Due to the importance of this application, the properties of the plasma created are extensively studied. It is shown that plasma generation and expansion is effected by the laser properties (laser energy, laser pulse) and by the environmental conditions (pressure).

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nformi, Emmanuel Nfor January 2011 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during&nbsp / lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater&nbsp / reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were&nbsp / correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology&nbsp / f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest&nbsp / application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits,&nbsp / haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the&nbsp / seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6)&nbsp / of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log&nbsp / signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in&nbsp / Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker&lsquo / s 1978, turbidite&nbsp / facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua&nbsp / Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but&nbsp / could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic&nbsp / turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had&nbsp / biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are&nbsp / characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone&nbsp / basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these&nbsp / deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class.</p>

Evaluation of Membrane Treatment Technology to Optimize and Reduce Hypersalinity Content of Produced Brine for Reuse in Unconventional Gas Wells

Eboagwu, Uche 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Over 18 billion barrels of waste fluids are generated annually from oil and gas production in the United States. As a large amount of water is used for oilfield operations, treating and reusing produced water can cut the consumption of fresh water in well sites. This research has helped to develop a membrane process train for a mobile produced water treatment unit for treating oilfield produced brine for reuse. To design the process train, over 30 sets of combination tests at pilot laboratory scale were performed using pretreatment, microfiltration and nanofiltration processes. Membrane performance was selected based on high flux separation efficiency, high tolerance for solids and fluid treatments. Over 95 % solids rejection and greater than 80 % oil removal efficiency were obtained in all these tests. Process train (pre-treatment and membrane) performance was monitored by chemical analysis of permeate and models fitting experimental data for the process. From the results, hydrocarbon rejection was analyzed; total organic carbon rejection was 47.9 %, total carbon content averaged 37.3 % rejection and total inorganic carbon rejection was at 3.66 %. BTEX removal efficiency ranged from 0.98 % to 52.7 % with the progressive pretreatment methods of using cartridge filters. The nanofiltration membrane showed significant reduction in total dissolved solids and in both anionic and cationic species. The process train is seen to follow a sequence of treatment from cartridge and oil removal filter treatment to microfiltration treatment to ultrafiltration, followed by nanofiltration for the purpose of this research. Further research still needs to be done on to determine the kind of analytical test which will give real time feedback on effectiveness of filters. In summary, the process train developed by TAMU-GPRI possesses distinct advantages in treating oilfield produced brine using membrane technology. These advantages include high quality of permeate, reduced sludge and the possibility of total recycle water systems. The small space requirement, moderate capital costs and ease of operation associated with the use of the mobile unit membrane technology also makes it a very competitive alternative to conventional technologies.

Inhibition of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Activity Decreases ABCG2 Expression and Activity

Williams, Stanley J 21 May 2018 (has links)
The androgen receptor’s (AR) resurgence following treatment leads to castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Studies show that the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) regulates AR signaling, is constitutively active, and enhances AR signaling in CRPC. AhR has ligands with carcinogenic properties and interacts with phytochemicals with anti-tumorigenic properties. Curcumin inhibits AhR activity and multidrug transporter ABCG2 activity, which mediates substrates out of the cell. Elevated ABCG2 expression causes resistance to anticancer drugs. AhR transcriptionally activates ABCG2 and our hypothesis is that inhibition of AhR activity by curcumin will decrease ABCG2 expression and activity in CRPC cells. C4-2 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of curcumin (0, 10, 25, 50µM) and CH223191 (50µM). Results show that curcumin decreases AhR, CYP1B1 and ABCG2 gene expression. Higher concentrations of curcumin diminish AhR and ABCG2 protein expression, ABCG2 activity, and cell proliferation. These results will help reveal a role for AhR in drug resistance.

A Systematic Evaluation of Fault Seal Integrity in the southern Pletmos Basin, offshore South Africa: A 3D Multidisciplinary Modelling Approach

Mhlambi, Sanelisiwe January 2017 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Earth Science) / The syn-rift succession encompasses the primary exploration target in the southern Pletmos Basin. Several fault-bounded structural traps that contain gas accumulations have been discovered within this succession. Likewise, ubiquitous residual gas shows have been encountered in most drilled wells. Yet, the impact of faults on fluid flow is poorly understood. Therefore, this study aspires to predict, and where possible, quantify fault seal integrity and sealing capacities of some of the major prospect-bounding faults. A multi-disciplinary research strategy was employed in order to fulfil the study objectives. Fault mapping and geo-cellular modelling using geostatistical algorithms were undertaken to provide the basic geometric and structural input for more advanced fault seal analysis applications. Juxtaposition analysis was carried out to identify zones with a high probability to seal (or leak) and as the first-order tool for predicting fault seal potential. Threshold pressures, hydrocarbon column heights, cross-fault permeability and transmissibility were used to estimate the sealing capacities of the faults. In addition to juxtaposition and customary fault-rock properties, the study also analysed parameters that can be deemed to be representative of cross-fault fluid flow (i.e. effective cross-fault permeability and transmissibility; ECFP and ECFT). Finally, modelling of the geo-history facilitated the validation of the properties that underpinned fault seal analysis studies. The Ga-Q and proposed Ga-K prospects along with their main bounding faults formed the foci of the fault seal analysis results. The analysed faults showed excellent initial sealing potential due to either favourable juxtaposition or shale gouge development. Nonetheless, predicted hydrocarbon column heights and threshold pressures were low suggesting that the seal integrity of the analysed faults is predisposed to failure. In addition, high predicted fault permeability and transmissibility values signify the presence of open and permeable fracture networks within the fault zones. Thus, it is proposed that the faults are very likely to have leaked during hydrocarbon migration and filling of traps resulting in empty or under-filled hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Assinaturas geoelétricas em área contaminada por hidrocarboneto no pólo industrial de Cubatão - SP

Baessa, Marcus Paulus Martins [UNESP] 13 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-09-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:54:18Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 baessa_mpm_me_rcla.pdf: 2451214 bytes, checksum: 3876fa480ca0e2bb77803a47b1630c54 (MD5) / Visando caracterizar assinaturas geoelétricas em áreas contaminadas por hidrocarbonetos de petróleo, foram realizados levantamentos geofísicos utilizando-se os métodos da eletrorresistividade e análises hidroquímicas em área localizada no Pólo Industrial de Cubatão – SP. Foram realizadas 19 sondagens elétricas verticais (SEVs), 4 imageamentos elétricos 2D e 3 imageamentos elétricos 3D, tendo sido identificadas, por meio destas técnicas, 12, 21 e 9 anomalias, respectivamente. Constatou-se que a presença de anomalias condutivas na zona não saturada coincide com a ocorrência de fase livre nos poços de monitoramento. A identificação de NH4 +, subjacente à ocorrência de fase livre, confirmou a atuação de processo de denitrificação. As baixas concentrações dos íons sulfato (SO4 2-) e ferroso (Fe2+) indicam que os mesmos foram reduzidos biologicamente para sulfeto (S2-) e precipitado como sulfeto de ferro (FeS), respectivamente. Esses resultados permitem concluir que as anomalias condutivas estão diretamente associadas à presença de fase residual de hidrocarbonetos, em processo de biodegradação, na zona não saturada. Desta forma, os métodos de investigação geofísica utilizados permitiram identificar áreas sob influência de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. / Geophysical surveys using electroresistivity methods and hydrochemical analyses were applied aiming the characterization of geoelectrical signatures in hydrocarbon contaminated sites located in the Polo Industrial de Cubatão – SP. There have been accomplished nineteen vertical electric soundings (VESs), four 2D and three 3D electrical imaging, which identified 12, 21 and 9 geophysical anomalies respectively. It was verified that the presence of conductive anomalies within the non-saturated zone coincided with the occurrence of free phase on the monitoring wells. Ammonium (NH4 +) identification, underlying the free phase occurrence, reinforced the activity of denitrifying process. Additionally, low concentration values of sulfate (SO4 2-) and ferrous (Fe2+) ions indicated that they were, respectively, biologically reduced to sulfide (S2-) and precipitated as iron sulfide (FeS). Based on those results, it was concluded that the conductive anomalies detected inside the non-saturated zone were directly associated with the presence of hydrocarbon residual phase, with was undergoing a biodegradation process. Therefore, the geophysical methods applied in this study allowed the identification of sites under petroleum hydrocarbons influence.

Biodegrada??o de hidrocarbonetos arom?ticos polic?clicos: prospec??o metagen?mica e modelagem computacional 3-D de prote?nas

Sousa, Bruno Gomes de 23 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:10:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunoGS_DISSERT_partes autorizadas.pdf: 2090858 bytes, checksum: 96c920960475d5970880d27da7b95ada (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Knowledge of the native prokaryotes in hazardous locations favors the application of biotechnology for bioremediation. Independent strategies for cultivation and metagenomics contribute to further microbiological knowledge, enabling studies with non-cultivable about the "native microbiological status and its potential role in bioremediation, for example, of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA's). Considering the biome mangrove interface fragile and critical bordering the ocean, this study characterizes the native microbiota mangrove potential biodegradability of HPA's using a biomarker for molecular detection and assessment of bacterial diversity by PCR in areas under the influence of oil companies in the Basin Petroleum Geology Potiguar (BPP). We chose PcaF, a metabolic enzyme, to be the molecular biomarker in a PCR-DGGE detection of prokaryotes that degrade HPA s. The PCR-DGGE fingerprints obtained from Paracuru-CE, Fortim-CE and Areia Branca-RN samples revealed the occurrence of fluctuations of microbial communities according to the sampling periods and in response to the impact of oil. In the analysis of microbial communities interference of the oil industry, in Areia Branca-RN and Paracuru-CE was observed that oil is a determinant of microbial diversity. Fortim-CE probably has no direct influence with the oil activity. In order to obtain data for better understanding the transport and biodegradation of HPA's, there were conducted in silico studies with modeling and simulation from obtaining 3-D models of proteins involved in the degradation of phenanthrene in the transport of HPA's and also getting the 3-D model of the enzyme PcaF used as molecular marker in this study. Were realized docking studies with substrates and products to a better understanding about the transport mechanism and catalysis of HPA s / O conhecimento sobre os procariotos nativos em locais de risco favorece a aplica??o de biotecnologias para biorremedia??o. Estrat?gias independentes de cultivo, como metagen?mica, contribuem para aprofundar o conhecimento microbiol?gico, possibilitando estudos com organismos n?o cultiv?veis acerca do status microbiol?gico nativo e seu potencial papel na biodegrada??o de, por exemplo, Hidrocarbonetos Arom?ticos Polic?clicos (HAP s). Considerando o bioma de mangue uma interface fr?gil e cr?tica de fronteira com o oceano, este trabalho caracteriza a microbiota nativa de mangue com potencial biodegradador de HAP s utilizando um biomarcador molecular para detec??o e avalia??o da diversidade bacteriana em ?reas sob influ?ncia de ind?strias petrol?feras atrav?s da PCR-DGGE na Bacia Petrol?fera Potiguar (BPP). Foi escolhido um biomarcador molecular metab?lico, enzima PcaF, para detec??o de procariotos degradadores de HAP s. Com o biomarcador, fingerprints foram obtidos de amostras de Paracuru-CE, Fortim-CE e Areia Branca-RN, revelando a ocorr?ncia de flutua??es das comunidades microbianas de acordo com os per?odos de amostragem e em resposta ao impacto por petr?leo. Atrav?s da an?lise das comunidades microbianas frente ? interfer?ncia da ind?stria do petr?leo, em Areia Branca-RN e Paracuru-CE foi observado que o petr?leo ? determinante para a diversidade microbiana. Fortim-CE provavelmente n?o tem influ?ncia direta da atividade petrol?fera. No intuito de obter dados para o melhor entendimento do transporte e biodegrada??o de HAP s, foram desenvolvidos estudos in silico de modelagem e simula??o computacional a partir da obten??o de modelos 3-D de prote?nas envolvidas na degrada??o do fenantreno, no transporte de HAP s e tamb?m a obten??o do modelo 3-D da enzima PcaF. Estudos de dockings com substratos e produtos forneceram dados para o melhor entendimento sobre o mecanismo de transporte e cat?lise de HAP s

Carcinogênese de pele e pulmão em linhagens de camundongos selecionados segundo a reatividade inflamatória aguda. / Skin and lung carcinogenesis in mice Selected for acute inflammatory response (AIR).

Vinicius Ricardo Cuña de Souza 06 November 2007 (has links)
Camundongos AIRmax são resistentes e AIRmin susceptíveis à carcinogênese de pele por repetidas doses de DMBA. Apenas os AIRmin desenvolvem reação de hipersensibilidade de contacto (CHS) inicial seguida de tumores de pele e pulmão. O receptor aril hidrocarboneto (AHR) é importante no metabolismo do DMBA. Após ligação ao agonista este fator de transcrição aumenta a expressão de enzimas CYP450 necessários à sua metabolização. Nos AIRmin ocorreu um aumento do mRNA de IL1<font face=\"symbol\">b, TNF<font face=\"symbol\">a, IL6, TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b1 e CYP1B1 na pele às 48h após as doses de DMBA. Nos AIRmax não houve alteração. O aumento de expressão de citocinas e de P450 em AIRmin é coerente com a indução de CHS por DMBA dependente da ativação do AHR. Todos os AIRmax são homozigotos para o alelo Ahrd que confere resistência a CHS e carcinogênese enquanto os AIRmin portam o alelo Ahrb1 que confere susceptibilidade. Esta segregação alélica sugere a participação do Ahr como marcador ou gene que regula a carcinogênese e inflamação. Esta última hipótese foi confirmada pela análise de linkage dos genótipos Ahr parentais com o grau da inflamação em população F2 (AIRmax x AIRmin). Fatores genéticos ligados ao AHR e reações imunes específicas contribuem para a diferente susceptibilidade das linhagens à carcinogênese. / AIRmax mice are resistant and AIRmin susceptible to skin carcinogenesis by repeated DMBA doses. AIRmin mice developed initial contact hypersensitivity reaction (CHS) and late skin and lung tumors. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) plays important roles in DMBA metabolism. Upon binding to agonist this transcription factor induces the expression of CYP P450 enzymes. Up regulated levels of IL1<font face=\"symbol\">b, TNF<font face=\"symbol\">a, IL6, TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b1 and CYP1B1 mRNAs were found in the skin of AIRmin at 48h after DMBA. In AIRmax the levels were similar to controls. The cytokine and P450 mRNA up regulation in AIRmin is coherent with CHS elicitation by DMBA dependent on AHR activation. All AIRmax were found homozygous for the Ahrd allele, which confers resistance to CHS and carcinogenesis, whereas all AIRmin are homozygous for the Ahrb1 allele, related to susceptibility. The allelic segregation in the lines suggests that Ahr is a marker or a gene involved in carcinogenesis and in inflammatory response control. This last hypothesis was confirmed by linkage analysis of Ahr parental genotypes with acute inflammation degree in F2 (AIRmax x AIRmin) population. The results point to genetic and molecular factors underlying the differential susceptibility of AIRmax and AIRmin mice to carcinogenesis.

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