Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hardy spaces."" "subject:"tardy spaces.""
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Algebras de Banach de funções analiticasBertoloto, Fábio José 28 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Jorge Tulio Mujica Ascui / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T04:15:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de certos espaços de Banach de funções analíticas no disco aberto unitário, conhecidos como espaços de Hardy. Um outro objetivo é o estudo das propriedades básicas de álgebras de Banach, com especial ênfase na álgebra do disco e na álgebra das funções analíticas e limitadas no disco aberto unitário / Abstract: The main objective of this work is the study of certain Banach spaces of analytic functions on the open unit disc, known as Hardy spaces. Another objective is the study of the basic properties of Banach algebras, with special emphasis in the disc algebra and the algebra of bounded analytic functions in the open unit disc / Mestrado / Matematica / Mestre em Matemática
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Parametric Dynamical Systems: Transient Analysis and Data Driven ModelingGrimm, Alexander Rudolf 02 July 2018 (has links)
Dynamical systems are a commonly used and studied tool for simulation, optimization and design. In many applications such as inverse problem, optimal control, shape optimization and uncertainty quantification, those systems typically depend on a parameter. The need for high fidelity in the modeling stage leads to large-scale parametric dynamical systems. Since these models need to be simulated for a variety of parameter values, the computational burden they incur becomes increasingly difficult. To address these issues, parametric reduced models have encountered increased popularity in recent years.
We are interested in constructing parametric reduced models that represent the full-order system accurately over a range of parameters. First, we define a global joint error mea- sure in the frequency and parameter domain to assess the accuracy of the reduced model. Then, by assuming a rational form for the reduced model with poles both in the frequency and parameter domain, we derive necessary conditions for an optimal parametric reduced model in this joint error measure. Similar to the nonparametric case, Hermite interpolation conditions at the reflected images of the poles characterize the optimal parametric approxi- mant. This result extends the well-known interpolatory H2 optimality conditions by Meier and Luenberger to the parametric case. We also develop a numerical algorithm to construct locally optimal reduced models. The theory and algorithm are data-driven, in the sense that only function evaluations of the parametric transfer function are required, not access to the internal dynamics of the full model.
While this first framework operates on the continuous function level, assuming repeated transfer function evaluations are available, in some cases merely frequency samples might be given without an option to re-evaluate the transfer function at desired points; in other words, the function samples in parameter and frequency are fixed. In this case, we construct a parametric reduced model that minimizes a discretized least-squares error in the finite set of measurements. Towards this goal, we extend Vector Fitting (VF) to the parametric case, solving a global least-squares problem in both frequency and parameter. The output of this approach might lead to a moderate size reduced model. In this case, we perform a post- processing step to reduce the output of the parametric VF approach using H2 optimal model reduction for a special parametrization. The final model inherits the parametric dependence of the intermediate model, but is of smaller order.
A special case of a parameter in a dynamical system is a delay in the model equation, e.g., arising from a feedback loop, reaction time, delayed response and various other physical phenomena. Modeling such a delay comes with several challenges for the mathematical formulation, analysis, and solution. We address the issue of transient behavior for scalar delay equations. Besides the choice of an appropriate measure, we analyze the impact of the coefficients of the delay equation on the finite time growth, which can be arbitrary large purely by the influence of the delay. / Ph. D. / Mathematical models play an increasingly important role in the sciences for experimental design, optimization and control. These high fidelity models are often computationally expensive and may require large resources, especially for repeated evaluation. Parametric model reduction offers a remedy by constructing models that are accurate over a range of parameters, and yet are much cheaper to evaluate. An appropriate choice of quality measure and form of the reduced model enable us to characterize these high quality reduced models. Our first contribution is a characterization of optimal parametric reduced models and an efficient implementation to construct them.
While this first framework assumes we have access to repeated evaluations of the full model, in some cases merely measurement data might be available. In this case, we construct a parametric model that fits the measurements in a least squares sense. The output of this approach might lead to a moderate size reduced model, which we address with a post-processing step that reduces the model size while maintaining important properties.
A special case of a parameter is a delay in the model equation, e.g., arising from a feedback loop, reaction time, delayed response and various other physical phenomena. While asymptotically stable solutions eventually vanish, they might grow large before asymptotic behavior takes over; this leads to the notion of transient behavior, which is our main focus for a simple class of delay equations. Besides the choice of an appropriate measure, we analyze the impact of the structure of the delay equation on the transient growth, which can be arbitrary large purely by the influence of the delay.
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Titre : Inégalités de martingales non commutatives et Applications / noncommunicative martingale inequalities and applicationsPerrin, Mathilde 05 July 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente quelques résultats de la théorie des probabilités non commutatives, et traite en particulier des inégalités de martingales dans des algèbres de von Neumann et de leurs espaces de Hardy associés. La première partie démontre un analogue non commutatif de la décomposition de Davis faisant intervenir la fonction carrée. Les arguments classiques de temps d'arrêt ne sont plus valides dans ce cadre, et la preuve se base sur une approche duale. Le deuxième résultat important de cette partie détermine ainsi le dual de l'espace de Hardy conditionnel h_1(M). Ces résultats sont ensuite étendus au cas 1<p<2. La deuxième partie transfère une décomposition atomique pour les espaces de Hardy h_1(M) et H_1(M) aux martingales non commutatives. Des résultats d'interpolation entre les espaces h_p(M) et bmo(M) sont également établis, relativement aux méthodes complexe et réelle d'interpolation. Les deux premières parties concernent des filtrations discrètes. Dans la troisième partie, on introduit des espaces de Hardy de martingales non commutatives relativement à une filtration continue. Les analogues des inégalités de Burkholder/Gundy et de Burkholder/Rosenthal sont obtenues dans ce cadre. La dualité de Fefferman-Stein ainsi que la décomposition de Davis sont également transférées avec succès à cette situation. Les preuves se basent sur des techniques d'ultraproduit et de L_p-modules. Une discussion sur une décomposition impliquant des atomes algébriques permet d'obtenir les résultats d'interpolation attendus / This thesis presents some results of the theory of noncommutative probability. It deals in particular with martingale inequalities in von Neumann algebras, and their associated Hardy spaces. The first part proves a noncommutative analogue of the Davis decomposition, involving the square function. The usual arguments using stopping times in the commutative case are no longer valid in this setting, and the proof is based on a dual approach. The second main result of this part determines the dual of the conditioned Hardy space h_1(M). These results are then extended to the case 1<p<2. The second part proves that an atomic decomposition for the Hardy spaces h_1(M) and H_1(M) is valid for noncommutative martingales. Interpolation results between the spaces h_p(M) and bmo(M) are also established, with respect to both complex and real interpolations. The two first parts concern discrete filtrations. In the third part, we introduce Hardy spaces of noncommutative martingales with respect to a continuous filtration. The analogues of the Burkholder/Gundy and Burkholder/Rosenthal inequalities are obtained in this setting. The Fefferman-Stein duality and the Davis decomposition are also successfully transferred to this situation. The proofs are based on ultraproduct techniques and L_p-modules. A discussion about a decomposition involving algebraic atoms gives the expected interpolation results
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Problèmes aux limites pour les systèmes elliptiques / Boundary value problems for elliptic systemsStahlhut, Sebastian 30 September 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des problèmes aux limites pour les systèmes elliptiques sous forme divergence avec coefficients complexes dans L^{infty}. Nous prouvons des estimations a priori, discutons de la solvabilité et d'extrapolation de la solvabilité. Nous utilisons une transformation via des équations Cauchy-Riemann généralisées due à P. Auscher, A. Axelsson et A. McIntosh. On peut résoudre les équations Cauchy-Riemann généralisées via la semi-groupe engendré par un opérateur différentiel perturbé d'ordre un de type Dirac. A l'aide du semi-groupe, nous étudions la théorie L^{p} avec une discussion sur la bisectorialité, le calcul fonctionnel holomorphe et les estimations hors-diagonales pour des opérateurs dans le calcul fonctionnel. En particulier, nous développons une théorie L^{p}-L^{q} pour des opérateurs dans le calcul fonctionnel d'opérateur de type Dirac perturbé. Les problèmes de Neumann, Régularité et Dirichlet se formulent avec des estimations quadratiques et des estimations pour la fonction maximale nontangentielle. Cela conduit à à démontrer de telles estimations pour le semi-groupe d'opérateur de Dirac Pour cela, nous utilisons les espaces Hardy associés et les identifions dans certains cas avec des sous-espaces des espaces de Hardy et Lebesgue classiques. Nous obtenons enfin des estimations a priori pour les problème aux limites via une extension utilisant des espaces de Sobolev associés. Nous utilisons les estimations a priori pour une discussion sur la solvabilité des problèmes aux limites et montrer un théorème d'extrapolation de la solvabilité. / In this this thesis we study boundary value problems for elliptic systems in divergence form with complex coefficients in L^{\infty}. We prove a priori estimates, discuss solvability and extrapolation of solvability. We use a transformation to generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations due to P. Auscher, A. Axelsson, and A. McIntosh. The generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations can be solved by the semi-group generated by a perturbed first order Dirac/differential operator. In relation to semi-group theory we setup the L^p theory by a discussion of bisectoriality, holomorphic functional calculus and off-diagonal estimates for operators in the functional calculus. In particular, we develop an L^p-L^q theory for operators in the functional calculus of the first order perturbed Dirac/differential operators. The formulation of Neumann, Regularity and Dirichlet problems involve square function estimates and nontangential maximal function estimates. This leads us to discuss square function estimates and nontangential maximal function estimates involving operators in the functional calculus of the perturbed first order Dirac/differential operator. We discuss the related Hardy spaces associated to operators and prove identifications by subspaces of classical Hardy and Lebesgue spaces. We obtain the a priori estimates by an extension of the square function estimates and nontangential maximal function estimates to Sobolev spaces associated to operators. We use the a priori estimates for a discussion of solvability and extrapolation of solvability.
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Quasi transformées de Riesz, espaces de Hardy et estimations sous-gaussiennes du noyau de la chaleur / Quasi Riesz transforms, Hardy spaces and generalized sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimatesChen, Li 24 April 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions les transformées de Riesz et les espaces de Hardy associés à un opérateur sur un espace métrique mesuré. Ces deux sujets sont en lien avec des estimations du noyau de la chaleur associé à cet opérateur. Dans les Chapitres 1, 2 et 4, on étudie les transformées quasi de Riesz sur les variétés riemannienne et sur les graphes. Dans le Chapitre 1, on prouve que les quasi transformées de Riesz sont bornées dans Lp pour 1<p<2. Dans le Chapitre 2, on montre que les quasi transformées de Riesz est aussi de type faible (1,1) si la variété satisfait la propriété de doublement du volume et l'estimation sous-gaussienne du noyau de la chaleur. On obtient des résultats analogues sur les graphes dans le Chapitre 4. Dans le Chapitre 3, on développe la théorie des espaces de Hardy sur les espaces métriques mesurés avec des estimations différentes localement et globalement du noyau de la chaleur. On définit les espaces de Hardy par les molécules et par les fonctions quadratiques. On montre tout d'abord que ces deux espaces H1 sont les mêmes. Puis, on compare l'espace Hp défini par par les fonctions quadratiques et Lp. On montre qu'ils sont équivalents. Mais on trouve des exemples tels que l'équivalence entre Lp et Hp défini par les fonctions quadratiques avec l'homogénéité t2 n'est pas vraie. Finalement, comme application, on montre que les quasi transformées de Riesz sont bornées de H1 dans L1 sur les variétés fractales. Dans le Chapitre 5, on prouve des inégalités généralisées de Poincaré et de Sobolev sur les graphes de Vicsek. On montre aussi qu'elles sont optimales. / In this thesis, we mainly study Riesz transforms and Hardy spaces associated to operators. The two subjects are closely related to volume growth and heat kernel estimates. In Chapter 1, 2 and 4, we study Riesz transforms on Riemannian manifold and on graphs. In Chapter 1, we prove that on a complete Riemannian manifold, the quasi Riesz transform is always Lp bounded on for p strictly large than 1 and no less than 2. In Chapter 2, we prove that the quasi Riesz transform is also weak L1 bounded if the manifold satisfies the doubling volume property and the sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimate. Similarly, we show in Chapter 4 the same results on graphs. In Chapter 3, we develop a Hardy space theory on metric measure spaces satisfying the doubling volume property and different local and global heat kernel estimates. Firstly we define Hardy spaces via molecules and via square functions which are adapted to the heat kernel estimates. Then we show that the two H1 spaces via molecules and via square functions are the same. Also, we compare the Hp space defined via square functions with Lp. The corresponding Hp space for p large than 1 defined via square functions is equivalent to the Lebesgue space Lp. However, it is shown that in this situation, the Hp space corresponding to Gaussian estimates does not coincide with Lp any more. Finally, as an application of this Hardy space theory, we proved that quasi Riesz transforms are bounded from H1 to L1 on fractal manifolds. In Chapter 5, we consider Vicsek graphs. We prove generalised Poincaré inequalities and Sobolev inequalities on Vicsek graphs and we show that they are optimal.
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Commutants of composition operators on the Hardy space of the diskCarter, James Michael 06 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The main part of this thesis, Chapter 4, contains results on the commutant of a semigroup of operators defined on the Hardy Space of the disk where the operators have hyperbolic non-automorphic symbols. In particular, we show in Chapter 5 that the commutant of the semigroup of operators is in one-to-one correspondence with a Banach algebra of bounded analytic functions on an open half-plane. This algebra of functions is a subalgebra of the standard Newton space. Chapter 4 extends previous work done on maps with interior fixed point to the case of the symbol of the composition operator having a boundary fixed point.
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Restrictions to Invariant Subspaces of Composition Operators on the Hardy Space of the DiskThompson, Derek Allen 29 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Invariant subspaces are a natural topic in linear algebra and operator theory. In some rare cases, the restrictions of operators to different invariant subspaces are unitarily equivalent, such as certain restrictions of the unilateral shift on the Hardy space of the disk. A composition operator with symbol fixing 0 has a nested sequence of invariant subspaces, and if the symbol is linear fractional and extremally noncompact, the restrictions to these subspaces all have the same norm and spectrum. Despite this evidence, we will use semigroup techniques to show many cases where the restrictions are still not unitarily equivalent.
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Second and Higher Order Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Irregular Domains in the PlaneKyeong, Jeongsu, 0000-0002-4627-3755 05 1900 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation lies at the interface between the areas of Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, and Geometric Measure Theory, with an emphasis on the study of singular integral operators associated with second and higher order elliptic boundary value problems in non-smooth domains.
The overall aim of this work is to further the development of a systematic treatment of second and higher order elliptic boundary value problems using singular integral operators. This is relevant to the theoretical and numerical treatment of boundary value problems arising in the modeling of physical phenomena such as elasticity, incompressible viscous fluid flow, electromagnetism, anisotropic plate bending, etc., in domains which may exhibit singularities at all boundary locations and all scales. Since physical domains may exhibit asperities and irregularities of a very intricate nature, we wish to develop tools and carry out such an analysis in a very general class of non-smooth domains, which is in the nature of best possible from the geometric measure theoretic point of view.
The dissertation will be focused on three main, interconnected, themes: A. A systematic study of the poly-Cauchy operator in uniformly rectifiable domains in $\mathbb{C}$;
B. Solvability results for the Neumann problem for the bi-Laplacian in infinite sectors in ${\mathbb{R}}^2$;
C. Connections between spectral properties of layer potentials associated with second-order elliptic systems and the underlying tensor of coefficients.
Theme A is based on papers [16, 17, 18] and this work is concerned with the investigation of polyanalytic functions and boundary value problems associated with (integer) powers of the Cauchy-Riemann operator in uniformly rectifiable domains in the complex plane. The goal here is to devise a higher-order analogue of the existing theory for the classical Cauchy operator in which the salient role of the Cauchy-Riemann operator $\overline{\partial}$ is now played by $\overline{\partial}^m$ for some arbitrary fixed integer $m\in{\mathbb{N}}$. This analysis includes integral representation formulas, higher-order Fatou theorems, Calderón-Zygmund theory for the poly-Cauchy operators, radiation conditions, and higher-order Hardy spaces.
Theme B is based on papers [3, 19] and this regards the Neumann problem for the bi-Laplacian with $L^p$ data in infinite sectors in the plane using Mellin transform techniques, for $p\in(1,\infty)$. We reduce the problem of finding the solvability range of the integrability exponent $p$ for the $L^{p}$ biharmonic Neumann problem to solving an equation involving quadratic polynomials and trigonometric functions employing the Mellin transform technique. Additionally, we provide the range of the integrability exponent for the existence of a solution to the $L^{p}$ biharmonic Neumann problem in two-dimensional infinite sectors. The difficulty we are overcoming has to do with the fact that the Mellin symbol involves hypergeometric functions.
Finally regarding theme C, based on the ongoing work in [2], the emphasis is the investigation of coefficient tensors associated with second-order elliptic operators in two dimensional infinite sectors and properties of the corresponding singular integral operators, employing Mellin transform. Concretely, we explore the relationship between distinguished coefficient tensors and $L^{p}$ spectral and Hardy kernel properties of the associated singular integral operators. / Mathematics
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Propriétés spectrales et universalité d’opérateurs de composition pondérés / Spectral properties and universality of weighted composition operatorsPozzi, Élodie 14 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude d'opérateurs de composition pondérés sur plusieurs espaces fonctionnels sous fond du problème du sous-espace invariant. Cet important problème ouvert pose la question de l'existence pour tout opérateur sur un espace de Hilbert, complexe, séparable de dimension infinie, d'un sous-espace fermé, non-trivial et invariant par cet opérateur. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude spectrale et à la caractérisation des vecteurs cycliques d'un opérateur de composition à poids particulier sur L^2([0,1]^d) : l'opérateur de type Bishop, introduit comme possible contre-exemple au problème du sous-espace invariant. Les seconde, troisième et quatrième parties abordent ce problème sous un autre aspect : celui de l'universalité d'un opérateur. Ces opérateurs universels possèdent la propriété d'universalité : la description complète des sous-espaces invariants d'un opérateur universel permettrait de répondre au problème du sous-espace invariant. Déterminer l'universalité d'un opérateur repose sur l'établissement de propriétés spectrales fines de l’opérateur considéré (théorème de Caradus). Dans ce but, nous établissons des propriétés spectrales ad-hoc de classes d’opérateurs de composition à poids sur L^2([0,1]), les espaces de Sobolev d’ordre n, sur les espaces de Hardy du disque unité et du demi-plan supérieur, permettant de déduire des résultats d’universalité. Nous obtenons aussi une généralisation du critère d’universalité. Dans la dernière partie, nous donnons une caractérisation des opérateurs de composition rsid16415432 inversibles et une caractérisation partielle des opérateurs de composition isométriques sur les espaces de Hardy de l’anneau / In this thesis, we study classes of weighted composition operators on several functional spaces in the background of the invariant subspace problem. This important open problem asks the question of the existence for every operator, defined on a complex and separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space, of a non trivial closed subspace invariant under the operator. The first part is dedicated to the establishment of the spectrum and the characterization of cyclic vectors of a special weighted composition operator defined on L^2([0,1]^d) : the Bishop type operator, introduced as possible counter-example of the invariant subspace problem. The second, third and fourth part approach the problem from the point of view of universal operators. More precisely, universal operators have the universal property in the sense of the complete description of all the invariant subspaces of a universal operator could solve the invariant subspace problem. A sufficient condition for an operator to be universal (Caradus’theorem) is given in terms of spectral properties. To this aim, we establish ad-hoc spectral properties of a class of weighted composition operators on L^2([0,1]) and Sobolev spaces of order n, of composition operator in the Hardy space of the unit disc and of the upper half-plane, which lead us to deduce universality results. We also obtain a generalization of the universality criteria mentioned above. In the last part, we give a characterization of invertible composition operators and a partial characterization of composition operators on the Hardy space of the annulus
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Espaços de Hardy e compacidade compensadaSouza, Osmar do Nascimento 13 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This work is divided into two parts. In the first part, our goal is to present the theory of Hardy Spaces Hp(Rn), which coincides with the Lebesgue space Lp(Rn) for p > 1, is strictly contained in Lp(Rn) if p = 1, and is a space of distributions when 0 < p < 1. When 0 < p ^ 1, the Hardy spaces offers a better treatment involving harmonic analysis than the Lp spaces. Among other results, we prove the maximal characterization theorem of Hp, which gives equivalent definitions of Hp, based on different maximal functions. We will proof the atomic decom¬position theorem for Hp, which allow decompose any distribution in Hp to be written as a sum of Hp-atoms (measurable functions that satisfy certain properties). In this step, we use the strongly the of Whitney decomposition and generalized Calderon-Zygmund decomposition. In the second part, as a application, we will prove that nonlinear quantities (such as the Jacobian, divergent and rotational defined in Rn) identied by the compensated compactness theory belong, under natural conditions, the Hardy spaces. To this end, in addition to the results seen in the first part, will use the results as Sobolev immersions theorems ans the inequality Sobolev-Poincare. Furthermore, we will use the tings and results related to the context of differential forms. / Esse trabalho está dividido em duas partes.Na primeira, nosso objetivo e apresentar os espaços de Hardy Hp(Rn), o qual coincide com os espaços Lp(Rn), quando p > 1, esta estritamente contido em Lp(Rn) se p = 1, e e um espaço de distribuições quando 0 < p < 1. Quando 0 < p < 1, os espaços de Hardy oferecem um melhor tratamento envolvendo analise harmônica do que os espaços Lp(Rn). Entre outros resultados, provamos o teorema da caracterização maximal de Hp, o qual fornece varias, porem equivalentes, formas de caracterizar Hp, com base em diferentes funcões maximais. Demonstramos o teorema da decomposição atômica para Hp, 0 < p < 1, que permite decompor qualquer distribuição em Hp como soma de Hp-atomos (funções mensuráveis que satisfazem certas propriedades). Nessa etapa, usamos fortemente a de- composição de Whitney e a decomposto de Calderon-Zygmund generalizada. Na segunda parte, como uma aplicação, provamos que quantidades não-lineares (como o jacobiano, divergente e o rotacional definidos em Rn), identificadas pela teoria compacidade compensada pertencem, em condições naturais, aos espaços de Hardy. Para tanto, além dos resultados visto na primeira parte, usamos outros como os Teoremas de Imersões de Sobolev, a desigualdade de Sobolev-Poincaré. Usamos ainda, definições e resultados referentes ao contexto de formas diferenciais.
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