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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How compatible is religious freedom with other freedoms? : The ways in which defending the religious rights of one can diminish the freedom of another and the role of conflict as a consequence

Waghorn, Alana January 2013 (has links)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states that all people are entitled to freedom and equality. Providing freedom is an important part of democracy and development yet the process is not always simple and it faces many obstacles. Freedom is identified in many forms but one of the most contentious forms is freedom of religion and conscience; it is currently the subject of heated debate as some prioritise it above all other freedoms whilst others argue that religion is too often the cause of conflict and should not exist at all. Providing freedom of religion means defending a person’s right to practise their religious beliefs, though some can hinder the freedom of others. One of the obstacles facing the provision of various freedoms might be the defence of religious freedom. In order to make more people more free, it may be necessary to limit religious freedom to a certain extent. By employing an abductive approach, this qualitative desk study infers from the observation of occurrences where religious freedom has detrimentally affected or been affected by another form of freedom that an inverse relationship might exist and furthermore that conflict could result. The cases, each one an incident taking place in a highly developed and democratic country, were collected from online newspapers, primarily the BBC, and were analysed using Mill’s Harm Principle as a framework. It was found that, rather than threatening other forms of freedom, defending the religious freedom of one group is more likely to threaten the religious freedom of another group. Small-scale, recurring conflict is a common occurrence, most often resolved judicially and in favour of the majority. It was concluded that freedom in all its forms is not possible for all people simultaneously and that limiting freedom to avoid harming others it also likely to cause harm.

Impact of health warning messages on smokeless tobacco products

Callery, William January 2009 (has links)
Tobacco remains the leading preventable cause of death in the world, and 5 million people worldwide continue to smoke. Further adding to the problem is the fact that smoking cessation rates are very low, and there are some smokers for whom quitting smoking is extremely difficult. Many smokers find nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products unappealing, and even when used as directed NRTs only achieve modest cessation rates. Smokeless tobacco (ST) may be more appealing than NRT and deliver nicotine in a more palatable way to cigarette smokers. ST is also far less harmful than smoking. It is for these reasons that many scientists and health professionals have suggested the use of ST as a substitute for smoking to reduce tobacco-related harm. Although the health risk posed by ST appears to be much less than conventional cigarettes, the extent to which ST may serve as a harm reduction product is highly contentious. Furthermore, although ST products are legal and widely available, it remains unclear whether conventional cigarette smokers in Canada will use ST products as a substitute for cigarettes or as a cessation aid, if at all. And despite the strong evidence for the effectiveness of cigarette warning labels, there is little research on ST health warning labels. The current study investigated perceptions of ST products with and without HWLs and relative health risk messages among 611 young adult Canadian smokers aged 18-30. The study sought to examine the impact of ST health warning labels (HWLs) on appeal, willingness to use, and perceived health risk and addictiveness. Participants completed a survey during which they were asked to view and provide their opinions on a series of ST packages that were digitally altered according to each of six experimental conditions: (1) "standard" packages of leading ST brands, (2) "standard" packages + a relative risk message about the harm of cigarettes compared to ST added, (3) "Standard" packages + text HWL, (4) "Standard" packages + text HWL and relative risk message, (5) "Standard" packages + picture HWL, and (6) "Standard" packages + picture HWL and relative risk message. The findings indicate that many smokers are unaware that ST is less harmful to health compared to smoking. Despite this, approximately half of young adult Canadian smokers indicated that iv they were willing to try ST as a substitute for smoking and to help quit smoking. Picture warnings increased misperceptions about the health risk of ST and decreased smokers‘ willingness to try ST, whereas text warnings did not. Similarly, adding a relative health risk message to the warning label that communicates the lower risk of ST compared to cigarettes increased willingness to try ST when added to text warnings, and decreased willingness to try ST even further when added to picture warnings. This study is among the first to examine ST warning labels, and is the first to examine the impact of picture warning labels on ST. Overall, the findings suggest picture warnings may make it more difficult to communicate the differences in risk between ST and cigarettes.

To Transform the Body Online : Productions of subjectivity between the body and practices of written text in an online message board forum for self harm support

Sellerberg, Jesper January 2012 (has links)
The question of the human biological body and technology has been of major concern within posthumanist theories emphasising the co-constituting relationship between materiality and social discourse for the productions of subjectivity. Online space cannot be thought of as liberating the mind from the materiality of the body, but instead seen as effected by the body and affecting the body in return. The philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari has been used to argue that the body is implicated in online practices for the productions of subjectivity within posthumanist discourses. In this theoretical master thesis, the aim is to investigate the productions and transformations of the subjectivity of self harm between the biological body of the subject and practices of written text in an online message board forum for self harm support. Methodologically, a functional hermeneutics is constructed from Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of the assemblage in order to engage empirical material generated from observations of the message board. The empirical material is interwoven with a theoretical exposition of Deleuze’s philosophy. By the concepts of force and affect, it is concluded that texts on the forum are constituted as bodies. However, the practices leading up to such constitution of bodies would not be considered corporeal. This is further theorised in the concept of the assemblage with particular emphasis on a proposed distinction in Deleuze’s philosophy between bodies and language. These bodies of texts function to create new forms of expressions and enunciations on the forum, and may theoretically be said to transform the biological body of the subject. The concept of expression functions to form the ethical backdrop to transformations of the body in the online space of enunciation. By the relations between bodies in the assemblage of self harm support, expression envelops these bodies in a supportive world. It is through the relations with other bodies in the assemblage that words form the expressive world that envelops all bodies in that world, thereby transforming them. This is further deepened by considering Deleuze’s ontology of the actual and the virtual, where it is proposed that online space is actual in that enunciations are materialised in bodies of texts which in turn create virtual ideas and new possibilities for expression and enunciation. It is argued both with and against posthumanist readings of Deleuze in regards to information technology that bodies and materiality are constituting factors of subjectivity along with language, insofar as the body is theorised as transformed incorporeally.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser i bemötandet med personer som skadar sig själv / Nurses’ experiences in meeting with people who exhibit self-injury

Haliti, Teuta, Selimaj, Florentina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Självskadebeteende är ett samhällsproblem som ökar. Personer med självskadebeteende kan ofta uppleva att de inte bemötts på ett bra sätt av vårdpersonal. Beteendet kan vara svårt att begripa och provocerande för omgivningen. Personer som skadar sig själv gör det i syfte att lindra ångest och smärta. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser i bemötandet av personer med självskadebeteende. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie har gjorts. Sökord som tilltalade syftet identifierades. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i olika databaser. Resultat: Resultatet framkom ur vetenskapliga artiklar (n=11) som granskades. Resultatet presenterades i fyra subteman: upplevelser av förståelse i bemötandet, upplevelser av ansvar i bemötandet, upplevelser av rädsla och frustration i bemötandet och upplevelser av kunskapsbrist och stress i bemötandet. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor upplever personer med självskadebeteende som en ansträngande patientgrupp. Faktorer som utbildning, tidspress och stöd från medarbetare upplevdes som betydelsefullt i vården med personer som skadar sig själv. Diskussion: Genom utbildning och handledning skulle sjuksköterskor kunna bli mer professionella i bemötandet med personer som skadar sig själv. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor behöver mer utbildning, handledning och kunskap för att bemöta personer som skadar sig själv på ett professionellt sätt. / Background: Self-injury is a social problem that is increasing. People with self-injury can often feel that they have not been treated in a good way of nursing staff. People who harm themselves do it in order to relieve anxiety and pain. The behavior can be difficult to comprehend and provocative for the environment. Aim: The aim was to illuminate nurses’ experiences in the treatment of people with self-injury. Method: A literature review search has been made. Keywords that appealed to the purpose identified. The literature search was conducted in different databases. Results: The results emerged from scientific articles (n = 11) that were reviewed. The results were presented in four sub themes: experiences of understanding in the treatment, experiences of responsibility in the treatment, experiences of fear and frustration in the treatment and experiences of lack of understanding and stress in the treatment. Factors as education, time pressure and support from colleagues were seen as important in the care of people who self-injure. Discussion: Through training and mentoring nurses would be more professional when dealing with people who hurt themselves. Conclusion: Nurses need more education, mentoring and knowledge to deal with people who hurt themselves in a professional manner.

Sjuksköterskors beskrivning av faktorer som kan påverka vårdrelationen med patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning och självskadebeteende.

Rosander, Camilla, Glingfors, Åza, Nordén, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Att skapa en god vårdrelation mellan sjuksköterska och patient är en förutsättning för att patienten ska kunna delta och vara motiverad till att förbättra sin psykiska hälsa. Patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning (BPD) och självskadebeteende är patientgrupper som omnämns med en negativ attityd inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad. Vårt syfte med studien är sjuksköterskors beskrivning av faktorer som kan påverka vårdrelationen med patienter med BPD och självskadebeteende. Metoden är systematik litteraturstudie där sökning av vetenskapliga studier har gjort i databaserna OneSearch beta, Medline , Cinahl och PSYC-info. Studierna granskades utifrån modifierade kvalitetbedömningsprotokoll. Data analyserades, granskades och bygger på ramen för innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att patienter med BPD och patienter med självskadebeteende skapade känslor av bl.a. frustration och hopplöshet hos sjuksköterskor. Känslorna skapades av att inte kunna ge adekvat vård pga. resursbrist, kompetensbrist och brist på tillit från patienterna. Att inte vara överens i arbetsgruppen skapade känslor som påverkade patienternas vård negativt. Vår förhoppning är att fler studier kan göras, och resultaten tydliggöras för att få ökad kvalité på arbetet inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad för främst dessa patientgrupper.

Development and Validation of the Perceived Victimization Measure

Sasso, Thomas 27 August 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a measure to understand victimization in the workplace, defined as the degree to which individuals perceive themselves as being hurt by an aggressive act that was deemed to be intentional. The definition is based on a review of the workplace aggression literature. The study followed a multi-phase procedure to develop this measure. Items were developed using a deductive process based on the construct definition. Subject matter experts reviewed the developed 30 items to assess content validity. Two independent samples were used to reduce the measure to the most appropriate and representative items to reflect the construct of perceived victimization. The construct validity of the final eight-item perceived victimization measure was examined against a theoretical nomological network. Findings suggest reliability and preliminary validity evidence for the perceived victimization measure, which may be used in research and applied settings. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Self-Injury as Experiential Avoidance

Hall, Sandra J. Unknown Date
No description available.

Vård och bemötande av personer med emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning och liknande ohälsa

Sjöblom, Alva, Christovski, Minja January 2014 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING BAKGRUND: Suicidalt beteende och självskadebeteende kan förekomma hos personer med emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning (EIPS). Det kan finnas en negativ attityd till patienter med EIPS och liknande ohälsa hos personal som vårdar denna patientgrupp. Tidigare studier beskrev att sjuksköterskor upplevde att de hade för lite kunskap och utbildning i hur självskadebeteende ska bemötas i vården. SYFTE: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att analysera och sammanställa relevant vetenskaplig litteratur som utifrån vårdpersonalens och patientens perspektiv belyser bemötande och vård av patienter med emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning och liknande ohälsa. METOD: Systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningarna utfördes i databaserna, CHINAL, PubMed och SCOPUS. RESULTAT: Resultatet består av 21 inkluderade studier. Data genererade fyra teman vilka var vårdpersonalens attityder, vårdrelationens betydelse, behov av kunskap i vårdandet och vårdlidande. Personer med EIPS och liknande ohälsa kunde uppleva att de fick ett icke respektfullt bemötande och en negativ attityd från personalen. Vad som även kunde påverka vårdandet var ifall vårdpersonalen hade bristande kunskap, förståelse och verktyg för att behandla och vårda denna patientgrupp. Personer med EIPS och liknande ohälsa ansåg att viktiga aspekter för att lindra lidande kunde vara respekt, stöd, tillit, förståelse och omsorg. Att känna sig hörd av vårdpersonalen och delaktig i såväl sin behandling som beslutsfattande kring medicinering ansågs vara av stor betydelse. SLUTSATS: Negativa attityder och bristande kunskap hos vårdpersonal bekräftades av både vårdpersonal och patienter. Dessa aspekter kunde leda till stort vårdlidande hos patienten. Att minska lidandet hos patienten kunde göras genom att få patienten att känna sig delaktig i sin vård, känna sig hörd samt att ha ett respektfullt sätt gentemot patienten. Nyckelord: Emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning, självskadebeteende, vård / BACKGROUND: Suicidal and self-harming behaviour can present itself in people with borderline personality disorder. There can be a negative attitude towards patients with borderline and similar disorders among staff caring for these patients. Previous studies highlights that nurses feel they have too little knowledge and training in how to adress self-harming behaviour. AIM: The aim with this literature review was to analyse and compile relevant literature highlighting treatment and care of patients with borderline personality disorder and other similar disorders from the viewpoint of healthcare professionals and the patient’s perspective. METHOD: Systematic literature review. Literature search was made in the databases CHINAL, PubMed and SCOPUS. RESULTS: The result consists of 21 included studies. Data generated four themes which were attitudes of health care professionals, the importance of the nursing relationship, the need for knowledge for caring and care suffering. Patients with borderline and other similar disorders may experience that they are treated with non-respectful behaviour and a negative attitude. Another aspect that may influence the care is whether or not the nursing staff had the adequate knowledge, understanding and tools to care for these patients. Patients with borderline and other similar disorders considered respect, support, trust, understanding and care important aspects of alleviating suffering. To feel heard and to feel involved in their treatment as well as decisions regarding medication was considered of great importance. CONCLUSION: Negative attitudes and lack of adequate knowledge among health care professionals could be confirmed from both the health care professionals themselves and the patients. These aspects can result in suffering for the patient. This suffering can be alleviated by getting the patient to feel involved in their care, to feel heard as well as approaching the patient with a respectful manner.

”Jag kände mig hjälplös” : Föräldrars upplevelse att leva med ett barn med självskadebeteende. / “I felt helpless” : Parents’ experiences of living with a child with self-harm

Gratz, Alexandra, Olsson, Gabriella January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med att psykisk ohälsa ökar, ökar även antal personer med självskadebeteende. Självskadebeteendet ses som ett negativt fenomen i samhället och därför upplever personer med självskadebeteende att de blir illa behandlade inom vården. Sjukvården upplever patienter med självskadebeteende som den besvärligaste patientgruppen. Sjuksköterskor önskar att föräldrar är delaktiga i barnets vård. Det kan bli en tvist när barnet själv inte vill att föräldrarna är delaktiga, vilket sjuksköterskorna upplever som svårt. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelse att leva med ett barn med självskadandebeteende. Metod: Uppsatsen är en litteraturöversikt som involverar tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Nio kvalitativa och en av kvantitativ studie. Artiklarna är inhämtade från databaserna CINAHL, SOCINDEX och PsycInfo Resultat: Analysen av artiklarna skapade fyra huvudteman och fem underteman; Familjesituation innefattar underrubrikerna En utmaning för familjen, Känslan av utanförskap samt Föräldraskap. Delaktighet innefattar Att bli förd bakom ljuset och Att bli tagen på allvar. Behov av stöd och sedan Kunskap. Föräldrarna upplevde känslor av hjälplöshet, maktlöshet, sorg och frustration över att inte få vara delaktig samt att inte få information för att kunna hantera den svåra situationen. Föräldrarna kände att de inte fick tillräckligt med stöd från vården. Diskussion: Begriplighet innefattar brist på information. Vården måste bli bättre på att ge relevant information till föräldrar som har ett barn med självskadebeteende. Vårdpersonalen har verktyg som kan hjälpa föräldrarna att handskas med situationen. De bör bjuda in föräldrarna och samarbeta för att uppnå välbefinnande hos föräldrarna. Med hjälp av begriplighet och hanterbarhet kan föräldrarna finna hopp i den svåra situationen.

Why Immoral Art Cannot Morally Harm Us

Caruso, Maria 12 August 2014 (has links)
Both philosophers and literary critics have championed artworks as necessary to moral education. As a result many of these critics believe that art that is bad or immoral can causally affect our character, resulting in moral harm. Moral harm is the idea that artworks possess a strong disposition to affect our moral beliefs such that we are less able to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. I examine this concept of moral harm and argue that immoral artworks do not have this kind of causal power over our moral beliefs. Proponents of the moral harm thesis are in error to attribute such a power to artworks. Additionally, I propose a definition of immoral artworks consistent with moral harm, as well as discuss the distinction between immoral artworks and artworks that are merely elicit disgust or offense.

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